Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Nov 1, 2000


Hey everyone. This is a special Halloween Chapter for Leo and Jase. We're going to pretend Halloween is on a Saturday, ok? Bear with me, alright! Thanks! Thanks for all your emails and feedback. I love getting emails from you, so keep 'em coming. You can give me suggestions, or whatever, or you could just write to say you like it. I love those! Anyway, thanks! On with the story.

Leo and Jase Chapter 16: Halloween

Leo and Jase sat in Jase's room later that night. Jase finished up his remaining homework and Leo watched him intently. Leo smiled as he watched Jase concentrate on his work with his glasses on. Jase readjusted the glasses on his nose and highlighted something on the paper. "You know, you look really cute in your glasses." Leo commented. Jase looked up and blushed slightly. "Yea right, I hate these things." Jase said sheepishly. Leo laughed and continued to watch Jase. Jase went back to his work and adjusted the glasses on his nose again. A few minutes later, Jase closed his book and looked up, removing his glasses. "Done, finally!" Jase exclaimed with a sigh of relief. He looked over at Leo who was gazing at him lovingly. Jase smiled and took the books off his lap. He then began to crawl slowly and seductively over to Leo. Leo smiled slyly and parted his legs welcoming Jase. Jase leaned in and placed a kiss on Leo's lips. He then pulled away and turned, leaning back against Leo. He rested his head on Leo's chest, their legs intertwined. "So, what now?" Jase asked, taking Leo's hand into his. "Well, mom and me are going to stay in a hotel until we can find a place we can afford right now." Leo explained, placing a gently kiss on the back on Jase's neck. "So what are you going to do to support yourselves. Your Mom doesn't work, right?" Jase asked, fiddling with Leo's fingers. "Well, the lawyer says we can get a good sum of money from the divorce. My mom went to design school back in the day, so she's going to pursue that as a career. But we're both going to have to work until we get back on our feet. They're having a hearing in a week." Jase brought Leo's index finger up to his lips and placed a gently kiss on it, then kissed each finger the same way. Leo smiled at this and placed little kisses all over the back of Jase's neck. Jase closed his eyes and leaned his head back as Leo began kissing his shoulder and the side of his neck. "Well, I'm glad everything's more or less working out, Leo." Jase said sincerely. "Yea, finally I don't have to feel uncomfortable all the time in my own home just because of my shithead father. I'm just glad my Mom finally decided to speak up." Jase nodded in agreement and sighed contently, laying his head back against Leo's chest comfortably.

The phone rang. Jase didn't move. "Are you going to get that?" Leo asked. "Naw, it's probably not for me anyway. I'll let someone else get it. I'm too comfortable." Jase smiled. Leo wrapped his arms around Jase's waist and hugged him tight. The phone stopped ringing. A couple seconds later, Jase's dad called out. "Jase, the phone's for you!" Jase rolled his eyes, not wanting to get up from his comfortable position, but pulled himself up anyway. He stood up and walked over to the phone, picking it up. "Hello?" Jase answered. Silence. "Hello?" He could now hear steady breathing on the other side of the line. "I can hear you breathing, who's there?" Jase demanded. "Ok, I'm hanging up now!" "Wait," the voice spoke up. It was raspy and deep. "Yes?" Jase asked curiously. "Who is this?" the voice asked with obvious fake kindness. "You tell me, you called." "I forgot." "You forgot, huh? Well, when you remember, don't call me back!" Jase hung up the phone. Leo looked at his in concern. Jase smiled. "Some jerk makin a crank call." Jase kneeled down and took his seat back in front of Leo. The phone rang again. "Ugh!" Jase grunted frustratedly. He walked back over to the phone and picked it up. "Hello?" "It's rude to hang up on people you know." The same voice said. "Well, it's not really good manners to make crank calls like a jackass. Grow up and bug someone else." Jase started to hang up the phone. "Don't hang up on me again." The voice threatened. "How are you going to stop me?" Jase challenged. "I'll kill you." The voice whispered menacingly. Jase's eyes widened. Leo saw this and stood up. He walked over to Jase and gave him a questioning stare. "Who the hell is this?" Jase asked into the phone. Leo put his arm around Jase's shoulders comfortingly. "Aw, isn't that cute." "Excuse me?" "Say hello to Leo for me." The line went dead. Jase dropped the phone and rushed over to the window. "What Jase? Who was it? What's wrong?" Leo asked worriedly. Jase searched through the dimly lit yard from the window, but so nothing. "Jase?" Leo approached Jase and put a comforting hand on his arm. "He said he'd kill me," Jase whispered, scared. "What? Who?" "I don't know," Jase whispered again. He turned and looked at Leo. Leo stared at him worriedly. "Jase, it was just someone fucking around. It's Halloween tomorrow, it was just someone playing a prank on you." Leo tried to reassure him. "No, he was there," Jase gestured toward the window, "he saw us. He knew you were here." Leo looked at Jase oddly. "Jase.." "No, he knew you're name, Leo. He knew you were here and he knew your name. Everyone thinks you're in some boarding school up north. It couldn't be Drew or Kenny or anyone from school because they think you're in Maine." Jase tried to convince Leo. "Jase, I bet you it was one of them. They probably used a cell phone, came to where they could see you and I just happened to be here." Leo suggested. Jase looked at Leo, thinking. "Point taken. But this will just give them one more reason to make my life a living hell, not to mention yours." Jase looked down. Leo pulled Jase's chin up so that he was looking him in the eye. "I'm not worried about what Kenny, Drew, or anyone else thinks about me. I love you, Jase and I really don't care who knows it. If I'm with you, I can get through it. We can get through it…together." Leo said softly, wrapping his arms around Jase's waist. Jase smiled sweetly. "How come you know so much?" Jase asked, putting his arms around Leo's neck. "I'm psychic." Leo joked. Jase laughed and then leaned in and kissed Leo softly. "Speaking of together…LeAnn's having a Halloween party tomorrow night and she made me promise to show up. Will you do me the honor of escorting me?" Jase smiled. "Jase Burke, are you asking me to go out with you?" Leo teased. "Oh, here we go." Jase said sarcastically. Leo laughed and embraced Jase tighter, then pressed his lips against Jase's softly. "Mmm." Jase moaned slightly, returning the kiss. A knock on the door interrupted them. They separated hesitantly. "Yea?" Jase asked, annoyed. The door opened and in came Jase's mother. "Just wanted to come check on you. Who was on the phone?" she asked curiously. "Oh just a crank caller." Leo said, plopping down on the bed. "Oh?" "Yea." Jase chimed, dismissing the call, but still not feeling right about the whole situation. "Alright, well, Dad and I are going to bed. Goodnight you two." Darla hugged Jase, kissed him on the cheek, and hugged Leo as well. "Jase, why don't you take the floor and let Leo have the bed tonight." Jase looked at her, baffled. "Mom!" Jase said through gritted teeth. "Sorry, honey, but I think it's a little inappropriate to sleep in the same bed. Just like it would be if you were.." "Not gay." Jase finished for her. Darla blushed and smiled. "Jase, work with me, ok?" she pleaded. "Alright, Mom, I'll sleep on the floor." He submitted. "Good night." "Night guys." Darla walked out the room and closed the door behind her. Jase rolled his eyes, irritated. Leo smiled, and pulled up closer to the bed, placing his hands on Jase's waist and looking up at him. "Aw, Jase, don't be sad. We'll make up for it." Leo raised an eyebrow. Jase smiled slyly and pushed Leo back so that he was lying on his back on the bed. Jase then crawled on top of him and straddled his waist. Jase looked down at Leo and then leaned down and placed a kiss on his nose, then his lips. He then pulled back up and smiled down at Leo and crawled off of him. "I'm wide awake, you wanna watch a movie or something?" Jase suggested. "Sure." Leo agreed. "Let's watch a scary movie in honor of Halloween," Jase got up and went over to the drawer where he kept his movies. He opened it and rummaged through it. "How about Halloween?" Jase said, laughing. "A little cliché, I know, but it's a classic." Leo smiled at Jase and nodded his head. Jase smiled and put the movie in. Leo put a bunch of pillows and a couple of the blankets from the bed on the floor and propped himself up against the side of the bed. He sat there and waited for Jase to come back with a bowl of popcorn and some drinks. He returned in a few minutes just as the movie was about to start. Jase set the food and drinks down and sat in between Leo's legs, leaning back against his chest comfortably. Leo wrapped his arms around Jase's waist and hugged him before reaching over and putting a blanket around them.

They finished off the bowl of popcorn and were well into the movie about half an hour later. Jase's eyes began to get heavy and start to droop. He wanted to stay awake to watch the rest of the movie, but his exhaustion got the better of him. His eyes drifted shut. Leo watched the movie, but looked down when he felt Jase suddenly feel a little heavier. He smiled when he saw that Jase had fallen asleep. "Not sleepy, huh?" Leo said sarcastically to himself, chuckling softly. He began to move to turn off the movie and go to bed, but Jase grabbed him. "No, stay down here with me." Jase said in a groggy voice. "But your mom." Leo whispered. "Please." Jase begged and gave Leo a look that melted him. Leo rolled his eyes. "That's not fair, you know I'm a sucker for that face." Leo smiled down at Jase and gave him a kiss on the forehead. "Alright, but just until the movie's over." Leo reasoned. Jase smiled and snuggled up close to Leo. Leo smiled and hugged him tightly. "Goodnight," Leo whispered, but Jase had already drifted back off to sleep. Soon after, Leo fell asleep as well, still holding Jase.

The next morning, Leo awoke to feel the warmth of the sun shining on him from the window. He opened his eyes slowly to see Jase gazing at him. "What a face to wake up to. I could get use to this." Leo stretched and yawned. "Happy Halloween." Jase said cheerfully, turning and resting against Leo. "You're in a good mood. You're usually the crankiest person in the world in the morning." Leo noted. "Yea well, I'd be in a good mood everyday if I could fall asleep in your arms every night!" Jase said, smiling. "Cheeseball." Leo cracked. "Hey," Jase exclaimed with fake offense. He poked Leo in the ribs. "Ouch!" Leo laughed, rubbing his stomach. LATER THAT NIGHT…

Leo stared out the window into the day that slowly turned to night. He rested his head against the glass and smiled contently. He had talked to his mom earlier, and she said that his father agreed to give them $100,000 and pay them monthly until he turned 18. Also, he's letting Leo and his mother keep their cars and buying them an apartment. Leo didn't take is as any sign his father was changing. He just didn't want his name dragged through the press and his reputation ruined, thereby, taking away business from his company.

Jase walked in the room, interrupting Leo's thoughts. Jase grabbed some socks out his drawer and sat on the bed. He began putting his socks and shoes on, getting ready for the party. "Full moon, tonight," Leo said, looking up at the darkening sky. Jase looked up as he finished putting on his shoes. "Spooky." Jase said sarcastically. Leo smirked and shrugged. "Are we suppose to be dressing up in costume?" Leo asked, taking a seat next to Jase. "She didn't say anything about it, but it's a little late anyway. I wouldn't know what to dress up as anyhow." Jase shrugged. "You could just not dress at all." Leo said slyly, raising an eyebrow. Jase laughed at him. "Cold shower, man." Leo shoved him in the arm. Leo laughed. "Ready?" Jase asked, standing up. Leo shrugged and stood up as well. "I guess so. Ready to play it straight. There's the ultimate disguising job." Leo cracked. Jase rolled his eyes and grabbed Leo's arm, pulling him out of the room. They said goodbye to Jase's parents and Leo's mother who was over visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Burke and they got into Leo's car and headed off to the party.

They arrived about half an hour later because LeAnn's house was out in the country and pulled into the crowded driveway, full of cars. Leo put the car in park and turned it off. "You know who's going to be here." Leo said dryly. "Yea, I know, but like you said, I we can deal with anything as long as we're together. We just can't act like we're "together"." Jase smiled and gave Leo's hand a comforting squeeze. Leo smiled back and then sighed. "Ready?" Leo asked. "Ready." Jase leaned over, gave Leo a quick kiss on the cheek, and then got out of the car. Leo walked around the car and began walking with Jase up to the large farmhouse. They reached the porch and rang the doorbell. A moment later, LeAnn opened the door and her face lit up in surprise. "Jase! You came! Leo?" LeAnn chimed, then got confused as she saw Leo standing there. "Long story. But I'm back!" Leo smiled. "Miss me?" He joked. "Of course!!" LeAnn hugged him tight and took both of their arms, leading them into the house.

From across the room, Drew and Kenny saw who rang the doorbell. "Aw, shit. Why the hell did she invite that fag. And since when did Leo get back. I thought he was sent of to some boarding school cuz his dad caught him in bed with some chick." Kenny watched as LeAnn led Leo and Jase to a couch and sat down with them. Drew rolled his eyes and took a sip of his drink. "Probably got caught in bed with Burke." Drew mumbled. Kenny snapped his head around. "Leo ain't like that, man." Kenny defended Leo. "Why are you always defending him, Kenny?! You got a thing for him? You a fag too?" Drew taunted him, laughing and poking him. "Aw isn't that sweet." "Shut the hell up man! I'm just saying Leo isn't a freaking fag." Kenny took another sip of his drink and set it down on the table. "I'm gonna go talk to 'em." Kenny said with malice in his voice.

"Oh shit, here comes trouble." Jase mumbled as he saw Kenny coming their way. Leo looked up as Jase said this and rolled his eyes. LeAnn giggled and then smiled as Kenny reached them. "Leo! When did you get back man?" Kenny said cheerfully, giving Leo a handshake. "A couple days ago." Leo said, trying to be polite. "That's cool, we've missed you on the soccer team! Are you coming back to BayView?" "Probably. Where's your sidekick?" Leo said sarcastically. LeAnn nudged him in the side, giggling. "Yea whatever." Kenny looked around. "I don't know, he was over there just a second ago." Kenny shrugged and squeezed himself in between Leo and Jase, practically sitting on Jase in the process. "Excuse you," Leo said as Kenny sat down. "What?" "Jase was sitting there." Kenny turned and looked at Jase with a turned up nose. "Sorry," he apologized dryly, not moving. "So, where've you been?" Kenny tried to start up a conversation. "Kenny, Jase was sitting there!" Leo persisted, annoyed by Kenny's rudeness. "Well, I'm sitting here now." "No you're not. That was rude." "It's ok, Leo. I have to go to the bathroom anyway." Jase said, standing up, his face red with anger. He walked off. Kenny shrugged and then turned back to Leo. "So anyway." "Dammit, Kenny. What the hell is your problem. Get over yourself. Jase is my friend, deal with it! You don't like him, fine, but don't treat people like shit just because you can. He doesn't deserve that and you know it!" Leo began raising his voice. "Sorry, Leo, but Jase is a queer. You don't need to be hanging out with queers. Might rub off on you." Leo was becoming furious as Kenny's lack of tact. "Kenny, I don't care if he's a fucking alien, he's a better person, friend, a better anything than you'll ever be!" Leo sighed in exasperation and stood up. Kenny sat in shock as Leo walked off to look for Jase.

Jase went into the bathroom and shut the door. He looked around and went to the sink. It was a large bathroom with a door into a bedroom. Jase stared at the mirror and sighed angrily. 'What the hell is Kenny's problem. I've never done shit to him!' Jase though to himself.

He heard a noise and looked around the bathroom. He shrugged and then turned on the water. He bent down and splashed some water on his face. He stood up and wiped it with a towel. He looked into the mirror and saw a shadow in the reflection. He whirled around and looked at the wall he had seen the shadow on. Nothing there. He noticed the bedroom door was open and he walked over to it, peering into the bedroom. He opened the door further and stepped into the dark bedroom. He felt around for a switch with no luck finding one. He saw a lamp on the other side of the room next to the bed and started to walk over to it. He turned it on and looked around the room. He saw nothing. He sighed. "Chill, Jase." He said to himself aloud. "Jase." He heard a soft whisper. His eyes darted all around the room. He heard it a second time. "Someone there?" Jase said, looking around the room again. He heard nothing. "Great, now I'm hearing things. You're nuts Jase." He said to himself. He turned off the light and started to walk out of the room. "Jase." He heard the whisper again. He turned and squinted into the darkness. "Who's there?" Jase demanded. The phone rang next to the bed. He stared at it as if it was going to bite him. He started to walk out of the room, but then turned and walked to the phone. "I'm going to regret this." Jase said before picking up the phone. "Hello?" He answered. "Remember me?" a familiar, raspy voice replied. "Listen, I don't know what you're problem is, but you need to get something better to do with your time, ok?!" Jase raised his voice. 'Oh, that was really smooth, Jase,' he scolded himself. He started to hang up the phone. "Don't hang up on me again, Jase. Remember what I said?" the voice became menacing. Jase pressed the phone back up to his ear and listened, starting to get a little scared. "What do you want?" Jase asked defiantly, trying not to let his voice crack. "Ever felt a knife cut through your skin, Jase? Or a bullet rip through your flesh?" Jase's rolled his eyes. "Alright, whoever this is, it's Halloween. This prank is tired. Scream is gone and done with. Give it a rest ok?" Jase hung the phone up. He shook his head and laughed slightly. Suddenly the door to the bedroom swung open. He jumped. "Whoa! There you are!" Leo said, walking over to Jase. "Sorry if I startled you." Jase smiled as Leo approached him. "Have we had enough of this party yet?" Leo asked, putting a hand on Jase's arm. Jase looked at Leo and smiled. "We'll leave in a little while. I came here for LeAnn. I won't let those two drive me away anymore." Jase said defiantly. Leo smiled and put a hand on Jase's face. "You're too sweet." Jase blushed and smiled shyly. "Let's go back out to the party." Jase said, pulling Leo by the arm. He let Leo out first and began closing the door behind him, taking another quick glance at the phone before closing the door.

A figure watched from the window as Leo and Jase talked in the bedroom and watched as they exited the room. He watched as Jase looked at the phone, scared. A small smile spread across his face.

The music blared through the house and Jase and Leo walked over to the refreshment table. They talked to a group of people as they got a couple of drinks and stood around, enjoying the music and the party. Leo glanced over at Jase and smiled. Jase noticed this and smiled back, trying not to look suspicious in doing so. Leo let his hand brush against Jase's slightly. Jase smiled, looking straight ahead, trying not to look at Jase for fear he would have to kiss him right there. Leo halfway laughed at Jase's difficulty with his self-control.

LeAnn walked into the kitchen carrying a handful of dishtowels that she had used to wipe up some spilled punch. "My mom's going to kill me for getting that shit on her carpet." LeAnn said to herself, walking into the laundry room and throwing the towels into the washing machine. She closed the lid and then opened the door to the outside. A drop of sweat ran down her cheek. 'Damn, it's hot in there,' she thought to herself, stepping out into the cool night air. She stepped out onto the porch and looked out over the horizon. A large full moon shined brightly in the sky, lighting up the skyline. She smiled to herself. She heard a rustling in the bushes. She slowly walked towards the railing of the porch and leaned over it, looking down and around. Nothing. She heard footsteps, but couldn't tell where they were coming from. They were really soft footsteps, but felt very close. She leaned a little more to try to look around the porch, but still saw nothing. She shrugged and turned around to go back inside. She gasped when she saw a dark figure standing in her path. It was too dark to tell who it was. "Kenny?" she asked, squinting to try to see who it was. They shook their head. "Well, whoever, let's go back to the party, it's kinda chilly out here." LeAnn suggested cheerfully. She started to walk by him, but he grabbed her arm to stop her. She looked up at the figure. "You can let go." She said, becoming annoyed. He shook his head. His hand moved and pulled out something. She couldn't tell what it was until the moonlight shone on it. A flash of metal. LeAnn's eyes widened and her heart began to race. "What the hell?" she gasped. "What are you doing?" The figure brought the knife above his head. He started to plunge it down, but she plowed her knee into his stomach. He staggered back and she darted for the door. It was locked. "Shit." She began pounding on the door, glancing at the figure as it started to regain it's balance. "Somebody open the damn door!" She cried out. The figure stood and began walking towards her. She looked around for an escape and ran for the railing. She looked back once more and then hopped over it. She landed and fell to her knees. She looked up as the figure started to climb over the railing as well. She scrambled to her feet and took off running, circling the house towards the front door. She reached the porch and ran up the steps and to the front door. She turned the knob but that door was locked too. She grunted in frustration and fear and pounded on the door. "Open the damn door!" she cried out. She looked behind her as the figure reached the bottom of the steps and started up them. She looked around and ran over to the left where there was a table and chairs. She pushed them over, blocking the path and went for a window. First one was locked. She ran to the next one as the figure pushed through the table and chairs. That one was locked too. She ran to the third and last one and tried it. It was open. She pushed it up and flung one leg over the windowsill, then pushed herself inside. He slammed the window down and locked it just as the figure reached it. She backed away, watching the figure. She put her hand to her heart and sighed, catching her breath. She then turned to go to the door to go call the police, but ran into someone. "Sorry, didn't know anyone was in here." She apologized, looking up to see who she had bumped into. She gasped as the figure grabbed her and held the knife up high once more. She closed her eyes and screamed as the knife plunged downward.

Kenny walked into LeAnn's room upstairs and turned on the light. He walked over to the door that led out to the balcony and stepped out into the chill of the night air. He walked over to the railing and leaned on it, looking out over the land that LeAnn's parents owned. He sighed. "Why me?" he asked himself sadly. "Why do I have to be a freaking queer?" He rubbed his head in frustration and exhaustion from trying so hard to force himself to be "normal." He heard the door to the balcony close. He turned around. "Drew." Kenny said surprised. "How long you been standing there." Kenny's face was red with embarrassment, hoping Drew hadn't heard what he had jut said. "Long enough to hear about your little problem. So it's true then." Drew slowly walked over to Kenny. "What?" "You're a fag and you have a thing for our man Leo." Drew shook his head. "Tisk tisk tisk. Am I the only hetero in this entire school?" He yelled out into the night. He looked back down at Kenny who was flushed with humiliation. Drew's eyes were wide and looked insane. "What are you talking about?" Kenny asked curiously. "You're right about Burke, Kenny. He's a homo. But Leo is too. In fact, Kenny, Jase and Leo are somewhat of an item." Drew continued to walk towards Kenny slowly. Kenny's face turned from surprise to hurt. He did have a thing for Leo. "Aw, don't worry Kenny. You don't have to worry about it anymore." Drew said, his eyes meeting Kenny's. "Pardon?" Kenny searched for what Drew meant by that comment. "You don't have to worry about it." "Why's that?" Kenny asked in wonder. Drew leaned in and came centimeters away from Kenny's ear. "Because I'm going to kill you." Drew whispered menacingly. Kenny looked at Drew and then his face lightened. "Good one, Drew. You're a shithead, you know that!" Kenny nudged Drew and then started towards the door. "Oh no you don't." Drew said, pulling Kenny's arm back and pushing him back against the railing. "What the fuck is your problem?" Kenny, said, trying to push Drew off of him. Drew said nothing, but gathered his strength and hoisted Kenny over the side of the balcony. "Drew, stop it!" Kenny pleaded, holding onto the railing, his feet slipping from the slope of the roof. He looked at Drew who's eyes were glazed with madness. Drew smiled menacingly and removed Kenny's hands from the railing and pushed him. Kenny screamed as his feet gave way and he fell to the ground two stories down.

Jase looked around from his spot on the couch next to Leo. "Where's LeAnn? I haven't seen her in a while. I want to say goodbye before we leave." Jase said. Leo shrugged. "I haven't seen her either. He took another sip from his drink and sat it down on the coffee table. "Let's go look for her to say goodbye, ok?" Jase suggested, standing up. "Sure." Leo agreed, following Jase as he looked around the house, calling out LeAnn's name and checking with people to see if they'd seen her. They went upstairs and opened the door to LeAnn's room. Jase felt for the lightswitch and flipped the light on. He walked towards the balcony and opened the door. He stepped outside and looked around. He walked over to the railing and looked out at the full moon. He smiled and then his eyes moved downward. "Oh my God!" Jase covered his mouth. Leo heard this and rushed outside and peered over the railing as well. "Shit. That's Kenny." Leo closed his eyes in disbelief. "Well, if it isn't the two lovebirds." Leo and Jase whirled around to see Drew stepping out onto the balcony with them. "Drew! Kenny.." Leo started. "I know." "You know?" Jase asked in surprise. Drew looked at him and smiled slyly. Jase's eyes widened as he realized what Drew meant. "You." Jase gasped. Drew nodded and approached him. "Yep! Ain't it grand!" Drew threw his arms up, revealing the knife in his hands. Leo's eyes caught the shiny object and his eyes followed it. "Got another surprise for ya too!" Drew said, turning towards the bedroom. Leo and Jase followed his gaze towards the bed where LeAnn lay, bloody and dead. "LeAnn," Jase whispered in shock. "Yep! She gave up more of a fight than my man Kenny! She was fun! Always did like 'em feisty." "You're a sick fuck!" Jase defied him. Drew looked at him. "Now Jase, you wouldn't want to suffer the same fate as poor LeAnn..or Kenny? Would you?" Drew challenged, taking another step forward. Jase stepped back, but his the railing. Leo stepped in front of Jase. "Drew, come on. Give me the knife, man. You don't want to do this." "Aw, Leo. Trying to fight for your man?! How sweet. My hero!" Drew menaced. "So, I'm going to have to go through you to get to Jase, am I? That's ok with me!" Drew shouted, shoving the knife into Leo's stomach. Leo moaned in pain as the knife pierced his flesh. "Leo!" Jase screamed, catching Leo as he fell to the ground. His eyes began to well up with tears as he watched the life drain from Leo's body. Drew stood and watched, amused. Jase looked up at Drew and lunged at him. He landed on Drew and made him fall to the ground, Jase landing on top of him. Jase held Drew pinned by the wrists. "Help!" Jase shouted, using all his strength to keep Drew down. Drew suddenly pushed with his arms, sending Jase backwards. Jase flew back, hitting his head on the failing of the balcony. He rubbed his head in pain and opened his eyes. Drew stood and walked over to Jase. Jase looked up at Drew just as he drew the knife above his head. "Happy Halloween, Jase." Drew plunged the knife down. Jase's scream echoed through the night.

"AAHHHHHHHHH!" Jase sat straight up from where he lay on the floor. Leo awoke and sat up as well. "What's wrong?" Leo looked around bewildered. "What happened?" Jase looked around and saw that he was in his room, laying next to Leo. Sweat poured down his face and he couldn't catch his breath. He sighed in relief. "It was just a dream." Jase said to himself. "You have a nightmare?" Leo asked, putting his hand on Jase's back comfortingly. "Yea." Jase smiled over at Leo. "But I'm ok now." Leo smiled and they layed back down. Jase removed his shirt and then snuggled up close to Leo. "I love you, Leo." "I love you too, baby."

Next: Chapter 16

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