Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Nov 10, 2000


Wassup Everyone! How'd you all like that last chapter? From the emails I'm getting I'm assuming most everyone enjoyed it. Anyhoo, here's Chapter 17. Sorry it's taken a while. I went out of town for a few days and things have been sort of crazy lately. Well, enough talkin! On with the story.

Leo and Jase Chapter 17

Leo smiled down at Jase and kissed the top of his head. Jase lay still, sleeping peacefully, holding on tight to Leo. Leo looked up at the clock on the nightstand. '10:30 already. Jase must have not gotten much sleep last night,' Leo thought to himself worriedly. Leo thought back to the middle of the night when Jase had woken up screaming and sweating. He had shrugged it off as just a simple nightmare, but Jase had clutched to Leo all night as if he was scared or something. Leo bit his lower lip and stared down at Jase. He stroked Jase's hair gently and lovingly and hugged him tight.

Jase stirred. He sighed and hugged Leo tighter. Leo smiled as Jase opened his eyes. "Think you could give me some air?" Leo cracked as Jase pulled him closer. Jase smiled and looked up at Leo. "Sorry. Just making sure you're still with me." Jase said softly, bringing his hand up and resting it on Leo's chest. Leo gave him a confused look. Jase smiled when he saw the look and shook his head reassuringly. Leo shrugged and held Jase. "I'm always with you." Leo said sweetly. Jase smiled up at Leo and then leaned up and kissed him gently. He pulled away with a sad look on his face. "What's wrong?" Leo asked worriedly. "Last night was our last night together before you move in with you Mom into your new place." Jase said pouting. Leo laughed at Jase and then brought his hand up to caress Jase's cheek. "Don't worry, Angel, I've got my car back. I'll be over here every day. You can count on that." Leo smiled lovingly, placing a kiss on Jase's forhead. "Promise?" Jase asked, trying to make his saddest puppy dog face. "How could I spend a day without seeing that face?" Leo cupped Jase's cheeks in his hand. Jase laughed and laid his head down on Leo's chest. "Good answer." Jase cracked. Leo smiled and ran his fingers through Jase's hair. "Hey Jase?" Leo asked. "Yea?" "What was that nightmare all about last night? You woke up really upset." Jase closed his eyes, not wanting to relive the hellish nightmare he had had that night. "It was nothing. I don't even really remember it." Jase lied, feeling a twinge of guilt form in the pit of his stomach. "Liar." Leo called him on his fib. Jase looked up at him and sighed. "I know." Jase looked down. Leo brought his face up so that their eyes met. "I don't really want to talk about it right now, ok?" Jase said, laying his head back down on Leo's chest. "Ok, baby. No problem." Leo assured him, still worried about it. "I love you, Leo." Jase said softly, hugging Leo tight around the waist. Leo smiled down at Jase, running his fingers through Jase's hair. "I love you too, Angel." Leo replied. Jase smiled and sighed contently.

Jase stepped out of the shower and grabbed the towel from the rack. He dried himself off and then wrapped the towel around his waist. He stepped up to the counter and wiped the fog off the mirror. He looked at himself and rubbed his eyes. Dark circles had formed from lack of sleep. He had dreamed all night and his appearance showed that he hadn't gotten enough sleep. He sighed and then picked up his toothbrush and began brushing his teeth. He heard the phone ring in the house. He spit, wiped his mouth, and then opened the door to the hallway. He made his way to his room and stepped inside just as Leo was hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" Jase asked as he walked over to his dresser and opened a drawer. "LeAnn. She wanted to make sure you were still coming to her party. She was really surprised to hear me and made me promise to come too." Leo chuckled. "Yea, she has a way of making you promise to do things, no matter how awful it is." Jase said, rummaging through his drawer for a pair of jeans. He pulled them out and then opened another drawer, pulling out a pair of boxers. Leo watched as Jase bent over to look through his dresser. His eyes moved over Jase's body. His sculpted shoulder, his muscled back and tapered waist. The towel showed off Jase's rounded buttocks nicely and Leo's eyes lingered there for a moment.

Jase grabbed some socks and a wife-beater before closing the drawer and standing up. He turned around and looked at Leo who quickly shifted his gaze from Jase's butt to his face when he turned and gave a goofy "I'm not doing a thing" grin. Jase smiled coyly and folded his arms across his chest. "What are you lookin at?" Jase asked slyly. Leo tried to conceal his amusement as well as the growing bulge in his pants. He looked away from Jase and up at the ceiling, then back at Jase who was smiling at him. Jase raised an eyebrow and started walking slowly over to Leo who sat on the edge of the bed. As he approached Leo, he continued to smile slyly. He bent over, putting his hands on the bed on either side of Leo for support. "I would love to solve your problem," Jase smiled, shooting a glance down at Leo's obvious boner, "But my parents might walk in." Jase said disappointedly. A smile spread across Leo's face. "What are you smilin at?" Jase asked curiously. "Your parents and Josh went to the grocery store." Leo stated softly and seductively. Jase's face changed from disappointment to excitement. He licked his lips as his eyes scanned over Leo's neck, shoulder, developed chest and abs, down..down. His eyes then moved back up and he smiled. "They could be gone for hours." Jase stated. "Uh huh." Leo cocked his head to the side and leaned back on his elbows. "What shall we do in their absence?" Jase asked jokingly. A sly grin spread across Leo's face and his eyebrow raised. Jase smiled and threw the clothes he had in his hand on the floor. He smiled down at Leo slyly and gestured with his finger for Leo to come forward. Leo sat up and put his hands on Jase hips and then leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Jase's abs. Jase placed his hands on Leo's head and licked his lips.

Leo placed several kisses on Jase's belly and then looked up at Jase lovingly. "You're incredible, you know that?" Leo said sweetly. Jase blushed slightly and smiled. He cupped Leo's face in his hands and looked down into Leo's eyes. Jase then leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on Leo's forehead.

Leo closed his eyes at the soft touch of Jase's lips against his skin and he felt a warmth surge through his body. Leo then opened his eyes and gazed up at Jase. He moved his one hand over to the part of the towel that was holding it up. He looked up at Jase once more and then tugged on it. The towel fell to the floor. Jase then put his hands on Leo's shoulders and pushed his back down on the bed, crawling on top of him. Leo shifted backward on the bed so that he was completely on as Jase slowly crawled over him, his deep green eyes staring at him in passion. Leo propped himself up on his elbows to meet Jase's lips as they moved down toward his own.

Their lips met. Softly and slowly, they kissed. Jase then slid his tongue into Leo's mouth as Leo laid his head back on the pillow. Their tongues wrestled as the kiss became more passionate. Leo wrapped his arms around Jase neck and he pulled Jase closer. Jase's body pressed down against Leo's as Leo pulled him down and his hand roamed over Leo's chest and abs.

Leo felt a heat from Jase's fingers as they touched his skin. As Jase's fingers glided over his body, Leo's body warmed throughout. Jase's hands moved downward towards Leo's crotch. He felt the outline of the hard-on and massaged it softly with his hand. Leo let a soft moan escape his throat as he continued to kiss Jase hungrily.

Leo's hand moved from around Jase's next to his chest. He rubbed Jase's hot skin which turned him on still more. Leo's whole body tingled as Jase's body pressed against his. He felt a small drop of sweat form on his brow.

Jase sucked and nibbled on Leo's lower lip and then pulled away from Leo. He looked deeply into Leo's eyes and smiled lovingly. "I've never tasted anything as sweet as your kiss," Jase whispered, bringing his fingers up and brushing them against Leo's lips. Leo kissed Jase's fingers and then leaned up and kissed his lips ever-so-gently. He wrapped his hands around Jase's waist and rolled them over so that he was on top of Jase, straddling his stomach. They continued to kiss passionately, wanting so badly to never stop. Jase started planting kisses on Leo's neck, nibbling and sucking on it. Leo moaned softly, biting his lower lip in pleasure. Jase moved downward, planting kisses along the way. He made his way down Leo's chest, to his abs and finally he reached the waistband of Leo's pajama bottoms. He glanced up at Leo who was smiling down at him sweetly and then slipped his fingers underneath the elastic of the waistband. He pulled down slowly. Soon, Leo's manhood was released and standing at full attention. Jase shifted his body back up and came face to face with Leo's erect member. He kissed it gently; his warm breath sent a wave of pleasure surging through Leo. He bit his lip once more.

Jase then slowly let his tongue slide over the throbbing tool before taking the head in his mouth.

Leo felt Jase's lips around his manhood and cocked his head back. Jase then moved downward until he got all that he could in, then he moved back up, then down again, getting a rhythm going. He savored the taste of Leo's meat and closed his eyes as he pleasured Leo intensely. Soon thereafter, Leo felt himself nearing the edge. Jase sensed this and began going slower and slower, trying to make it last as long as possible. Slowly and sensually, he moved up and down the long shaft. Leo clutched to the bedcovers, trying to keep himself from exploding. Jase then tightened his lips around Leo's member and sped up a little bit. That was it, Leo exploded down Jase's throat. Jase swallowed every bit of it, loving the taste of Leo. The last bit shot out and Jase pulled up. He then crawled back up and hovered over Leo, looking down into his eyes. Leo smiled and then lifted his head to press his lips against Jase's. He could taste himself in Jase's mouth. Jase returned the kiss gladly and pressed his body down against Leo's. They parted and looked deeply into each other's eyes. They both smiled at each other lovingly. "I didn't know it was possible to be this much in love with someone." Leo smiled up at Jase. Jase smiled and shifted so that he was laying next to Leo. "But it is." Jase smiled, propping his head up with his hand, looking down at Leo. "Jase?" "Yea?" Jase toyed with Leo's necklace unconsciously. "Never leave?" Leo looked up at Jase with a look in his eyes that melted Jase. Jase's eyes shifted to Leo's and he looked at Leo in adoration. He brought his hand up and caressed Leo's cheek. "Never." "Promise?" "Promise." Leo smiled and turned to his side, snuggling up against Jase. "I love you Jase." Leo said, placing a kiss on Jase's chin. Jase looked down at him and smiled. "I love you too." Jase placed a kiss on Leo's forehead and hugged him tightly.

Under the shadow of the trees outside Jase's house, a person leaned against the trunk of an old oak. He stared in through the window at the two lovers wrapped in each other's arms. He smiled menacingly, focusing in on Jase. He licked his lips and raised an eyebrow as he studied Jase's naked form. He looked at his watch and then back at the window. "You'll forget all about Leo when you've tasted what I have to offer," the man whispered in his raspy voice, "and if he's still on your mind afterward, I'll just have to take care of that. One less obstacle." He reached into his pocket and pulled out something, a picture. He looked at it and smiled. He studied the picture of Jase intently. He brought it to his lips and kissed it. He took one more quick glance at Jase before disappearing into the woods.

Jase felt as if he was being watched and he looked over his shoulder out the window. He looked around outside and saw nothing. He shrugged and then turned his attention back to Leo. He smiled contently and kissed his forehead once more. Leo sighed and hugged him tighter.

Later that night...

Jase closed the door to Leo and his mother's new apartment. He rubbed his arms. 'Getting kind of chilly,' he thought to himself. He saw Leo walk into the room and pick up another box. He stood up with the box and looked at Jase, giving him a little wink. Jase smiled and looked around the living room of the apartment. They'd arranged everything and more or less unpacked everything. He nodded and walked over to the couch and sat down. He looked around and then out the window. The leaves on the trees were bright reds, yellows, and oranges and they were beginning to fall. It was a clear day, not a cloud in the sky. He smiled and leaned back in the couch. He felt a couple of arms wrap around his shoulder from behind, hugging him sweetly. Leo kissed the back of Jase's neck and then hopping over the back of the couch, taking a seat next to Jase. "We should probably get ready for the party," Leo spoke up. Jase's gaze shifted downward. Leo moved his head so that he was in Jase's line of sight. "What's up, J?" Leo asked, concerned. Jase looked at him, fidgeting with his necklace that Leo had given him before he went away. "I don't think I wanna go," Jase said nervously. "Why not?" Leo asked, wondering why the sudden nervousness and almost fear that arose in Jase's tone. "I just don't feel much like being around a lot of people. I just wanna stay in with you. Just the two of us. I could stay over tonight and we could watch scary movies." Jase tried to make up other things to do beside going to the party. His dream flashed into his mind. He closed his eyes and shook his head. Leo gave him a worried look. "I'd love for you to stay over! But, Jase, we should go out. Be around people. Socialize. That's what normal teenagers do." Leo took Jase's hand and their fingers intertwined. Jase looked down at their hands and then back up at Leo. "For me?" Leo pleaded like a child, sticking out his lower lip. Jase sighed and smiled. "That's not fair." Jase said, pushing in Leo's lip with his finger. "You know I'm a sucker for that face. Or any face you make for that matter." Leo blushed and smiled. "So you'll go with me? Be my date?" Leo smiled coyly. Jase rolled his eyes and nodded. "Sure." He relented. Leo kissed his cheek and hugged him. "We're gonna have a lot of fun. You'll see!" Leo reassured Jase. "Yea," Jase replied, thinking back to his dream once again. He looked at Leo and smiled.

Leo and Jase pulled up into LeAnn's driveway at around 8:30 that night. Leo took the key out of the ignition and looked at the house, then at Jase who was fidgeting with his necklace nervously. "Would you relax, baby! We'll have fun, I promise!" Leo tried to convince Jase. Jase looked at him and smiled. Leo nodded. "That's my boy." He said, giving Jase a quick kiss on the lips. The two got out of the car and headed towards the front door. They reached it and looked at each other. "Ready to play it straight?" Jase asked, sighing. Leo smiled at him and gave his hand a quick squeeze before letting it go. Leo then rang the doorbell.

They waited for a minute or two before LeAnn finally came to the door. Her eyes lit up when she saw them. "Jase you came! Leo!" She squealed. "I'm so glad you're back!" "Long story, but I'm back!" Leo smiled. "Miss me?" Leo's look went from happy to see LeAnn to freaked out. Leo noticed this and put a hand on his arm. "You ok, J?" Jase looked up at Leo and smiled. "Yea, just a little dejavue." Jase covered. LeAnn took both of their arms and led them into the house.

Jase sat on the couch listening to the music with a cup of soda in his hand. He looked around the room for Leo and saw him standing over by the refreshment table talking to one of his old teammates. Leo smiled over at Jase and winked at him. Jase smiled and then shifted his gaze to look for LeAnn, making sure she was alright. He looked around the room and saw her heading into the kitchen with some dishtowels in her hand. He set his coke down on the coffee table and headed towards the kitchen. Leo watched him and gave him a questioning look. Jase put his hand on Leo's shoulder as he passed to tell him not to worry. Leo watched as Jase disappeared into the kitchen and then turned his attention back to his teammate.

Jase stepped into the kitchen and saw that LeAnn was in the laundry room throwing the towels in the washing machine. He went to where she was and knocked on the door. She jumped and looked at him. "Oh, Jase. You startled me. Can you believe it? Someone spilled punch on my Mom's carpet. She's gonna flip!" She explained, closing the lid to the washing machine. Jase smiled, looking around. "Something wrong, Jase? You haven't really been acting like yourself tonight. Everything ok?" LeAnn asked, leaning against the machine. Jase looked at her. "Hmm? Oh, no I'm fine. Just a little tired I guess." He lied. She shrugged. "I was just going to get a breath of fresh air. Care to join me?" She asked, reaching for the doorknob to the outside. "No!" Jase reached his hand out to stop her. She shot him a questioning look. "I mean, it's getting chilly out. You might catch a cold." LeAnn nodded. "Yea, I noticed it getting colder earlier. You're right." She smiled sweetly and took his arm. They walked back into the party. Leo saw them and smiled, walking over to them. "Leo! Are you having a good time?" LeAnn asked cheerfully. "Yea, I am!" Leo exclaimed over the music, looking around, "You throw a hell of a party, LeAnn!" LeAnn smiled at the compliment. She noticed Leo stealing glances at Jase occasionally when he thought she wasn't looking. She smiled and patted Jase's arm. "I'm gonna go find Drew." She said, wanting to leave them alone. Something snapped in Jase's brain when he heard Drew's name and he grabbed her wrist. She looked at him questioningly, as did Leo. "Stay with us. I'm..uh.." "Jase, I'll be ok. I'm a big girl." LeAnn reassured Jase, bringing her hand up to his cheek. Jase tried to think of another excuse, but she walked away. "What's up with you tonight, J? You seem really on edge." Leo asked worriedly. "What? Oh, I'm fine." Jase said, looking around for LeAnn again. Leo put his hand on Jase's face and moved it so that they were looking at each other. "Liar." Leo smiled. Jase smiled back and rolled his eyes. "You starting to know me a little too well, you know that?" Jase joked. Leo smiled. "So what's the matter?" "I had a nightmare last night about this party." Jase sighed. "And?" Leo urged. "And Drew killed LeAnn, Kenny, and ... and ..." "What is it?" "He killed you, too." Jase said, looking down at the ground, not wanting to think about losing Leo again. "Jase, it was just a dream." Leo tried to reassure him. He wanted so badly to hug Jase and tell him it would be ok, but he couldn't. "I know, but with those weird calls and that note and everything, it's just all too weird." Jase started to ramble. Leo put down his drink. "You wanna go?" he asked. Jase looked at him adoringly. "No, we can stay. It was just a stupid dream." Jase tried to convince himself. He couldn't shake the weird feeling he had in the pit of his stomach. "I have to go to the bathroom." Jase said, wanting to get away from the loud music and try to convince himself it's all just paranoia. Leo nodded and smiled. "You sure you're ok? We can leave if you want." "No, no..it's alright. We can stay." Jase smiled. "Alright, if you're sure." Leo searched Jase for what he was really thinking. "I'm sure." Jase smiled and mouthed the word 'I love you.' Leo smiled and did the same. Jase headed towards the bathroom. On his way, he was pushed into a crowded area of the room by a dancing couple. He regained his balance and tried to push through the thick crowd of people. He felt something poke him in the back and a body press up against him. He started to turn his head, but a familiar voice stopped him. "Don't turn around. Keep walking." The voice instructed. Jase's eyes widened and his heart began pounding. He tried to look for Leo to get eye contact and show that he was in trouble, but he couldn't turn around enough. "Don't look at him." The voice demanded in a low tone. Jase began breathing heavily as the mystery man led him towards the back door. "Open the door." Jase hesitated and the man poked this object into his back harder. "Do it!" He commanded. Jase did as he was told and the man pushed him outside. "What do you want?" Jase spoke, his voice quivering in fear. The man turned him around, but Jase couldn't see his face through the darkness. The figure took the object and brought it to Jase's neck. It was a gun. Jase could feel the cold metal against his skin. The figure moved the gun slowly down Jase chest and then spoke. "I want you." The figure whispered into Jase's ear. Jase shuddered at the feeling of his hot breath on his ear. Jase's head swirled. "Now turn around, and head for the woods." The voice instructed menacingly. Jase turned around and looked straight ahead, trying to think of something to do. He clutched his necklace in his hand and then clenched his fist by his side. In one swift movement, he whirled around and slapped his fist across the figure's face. He grunted in pain and staggered backwards against the railing of the porch. He clutched his head in pain. "Dammit!" the figure exclaimed. Jase stood motionless, waiting for the figures next move. Suddenly, it lunged at him. He pushed Jase down and landed on top of him, pinning him on the ground. The figure pressed his body up against Jase's. Jase could feel the attacker's breath on his neck. "Feel good, Jase?" The man whispered. Jase struggled to get out of the man's grasp, but he wasn't strong enough. The man then brought his fist up and then connected it with Jase's head. Jase barely got out a scream before he was knocked unconscious by his attacker.

The figure stood above Jase, looking down at him. "I didn't want to have to do that, sweet Jase. But you left me no choice." The figure shrugged and picked Jase up by the shoulders and began dragging him towards his car.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 17

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