Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Nov 16, 2000


Hey People! I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get this chapter out! I've had to get my inspiration up and find the free time to sit and write. But here it is finally. Thanks being so patient with me. Sorry bout the cliffhanger :) On with the story...

Leo and Jase Chapter 18

Leo looked at his watch and then looked around the room. More and more people started to leave. He started to bite his lip. LeAnn walked by and he stopped her. "LeAnn, have you seen Jase? We need to get going and I don't see him anywhere." Leo asked, looking around worriedly. "No, I haven't seen him for an hour or so." "Me neither." "I'm sure he's just talking with someone and lost track of time." LeAnn put a comforting hand on Leo's arm. Leo smiled and then continued biting his lip. He was really beginning to get worried. He looked down at the floor and something shiny caught his eye. He approached it slowly and bent down. He picked it up and held it in front of his face. His eyes widened. "Jase's necklace." Leo whispered to himself. He clenched his fist and his heart began to pound. He could feel it, something had happened to Jase. His mind started to race. He raced up to LeAnn. She looked at him curiously and worriedly. "Leo, what is it?" She asked, putting her hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" Leo could barely speak he was so afraid. "LeAnn, something's happened to Jase." He finally managed to utter. She looked at him in question. "What do you mean something's happened to him?" She asked, beginning to get worried as well. Leo held up the necklace. She took it from him and looked at it and then back up at him, not following. "I gave Jase that necklace. He never takes it off, never. I found it on the floor over there." Leo gestured frantically. "Something's happened. He's in trouble, LeAnn!" His voice began to raise and people were beginning to stare. He noticed and blushed. LeAnn looked around and led Leo into the kitchen. "Leo, I'm sure you're just paranoid. The necklace probably just fell off and Jase is probably around here somewhere. I'll go look with you." LeAnn tried to calm Leo down. Leo nodded in agreement and followed LeAnn, looking into each room. They went upstairs and LeAnn opened the door to her bedroom. She flipped on the light and Leo followed her in. She watched as Leo rushed out to the balcony and looked around over the grounds. She smiled as Leo walked back in, shutting the door. He looked at her. "What?" he asked. "You love him don't you?" LeAnn's question caught him off-guard. He smiled and nodded. "He's everything to me." He said softly, biting his lip in worry. She approached him and put her hand on his face. "Everything's going to be fine." She assured him. He sighed. "I don't know, something's not right. He wouldn't leave without telling me. Where could he have gone?" Leo thought aloud. LeAnn shrugged. "Call the police, I'm going to go look for him. There's woods around here right?" LeAnn nodded. "Ok, he might've gone there to be alone or something. I don't know, but it's worth a shot." LeAnn followed Leo as he rushed downstairs. He grabbed his jacket off the couch and said waved to LeAnn as he shut the door behind him. He looked around outside and saw the woods off about 100 yards from the house. He jogged to his car and opened his trunk, pulling out a flashlight.

He then started towards the woods, the full moon shining above in the sky, lighting the darkness. Leo shivered as he walked. The night had brought a frigid chill to it. He zipped up his jacket and shoved a hand in his pocket.

Leo reached the edge of the woods and peered into the pitch darkness. He shone the flashlight into the woods. "Jase? Jase, are you here?" Leo called into the woods. He took one last glance back at the house and then entered into the dark, creepy forrest of trees. He ducked and moved branches out of his way as he struggled to get through the denseness of the trees. "Jase?! Are you there?" Leo called out into the darkness. He couldn't see a thing but where his flashlight lit, which was not much. He squinted, trying to make out figures, but couldn't. There was no way he could see anything until daylight. He sighed. "Jase?" he yelled one last time before giving up for the night. He turned and started walking back, glancing over his shoulder with the flashlight. He bumbed into something hard, sending him staggering back. The flashlight flew out of his hand. He squinted to see what it was. He stepped forward and felt around and felt an arm. "LeAnn, is that you?" Leo asked, feeling upward. He felt a bulging bicep muscle and knew it couldn't be LeAnn, or a girl for that matter. "Who's there?" Leo demanded. Silence. Leo looked around for his flashlight, but couldn't find it. He turned back to where the figure was standing. He stood there waiting for it to move. He looked around the darkness and then stopped breathing to try to hear any noise. Finally, he heard something behind him and he turned just before something hard came down on his head, knocking him out cold.

The figure picked up Leo's flashlight and turned it back on. He shone it on Leo's face and sighed. "You are a looker. I can see what Jase sees in you. But he will love me, Leo. He'll love me if I have to kill you." The figure then cast an angry stare down at Leo's unmoving body before picking him up by his ankles and dragging him away.

LeAnn chewed on his fingernails as she stood on the porch. Her party guests had all left and Leo hadn't come back yet. She had called the police, but they told her to call back if Jase hadn't turned up in 24 hours. Anything could have happened to him in 24 hours. "Leo's been gone way too long." She whispered. She took one last look towards the woods and then went inside, not able to stand out in the cold any longer. She closed the door behind her and removed her coat. She took a seat on the couch and grabbed the remote. She turned on the television and laid her head down. She sighed worriedly. A few minutes later, LeAnn lay asleep on the couch.

Jase awoke from his unconscious state, his head throbbing in pain. He rubbed his cheek where he had been hit and opened his eyes. He had to squint at first from the light coming in from the window. He looked around and saw that he was in a small bedroom in a comfortable bed and warm covers. He then realized what had happened to him and sat straight up. He got out from under the covers and was immediately greeted with cold air. He looked down and saw that he was stripped down to his boxers. He looked around and saw his clothes hanging over a chair on the other side of the room.

Jase quickly put on his clothes and shoes. He walked over to the window and saw that he was in the woods somewhere. He could see nothing but dense forrest all around. He turned and looked around. He walked over to the door cautiously and put his hand on the knob. He slowly turned it. It wasn't locked. He pushed open the door and poked his head out into a hallway. He stepped out of the room and closed his door as quietly as he could. He looked around before walking down the hall. The walls were empty, no pictures or anything. Everything was so empty and sterile looking. He tried not to breathe loudly, just in case his attacker was around. He reached the end of the hallway to find another hallway. No windows or anything. It was dark except for the lights that barely lit the narrow hall.

He once again looked around before advancing still more. He saw a door off to his left and he opened it. He stepped inside and felt around the wall for a lightswitch. He turned it on and his eyes widened as he looked around the small office-type room. Pictures were tacked up all over the wall.

Pictures..of him.

He walked around the room. Pictures of him undressing in his bedroom, pictures of him at school, at the diner, out in the yard. He came to one picture that had been ripped in half. He studied it closely and saw him holding someone's hand. That was a picture of him and Leo. Jase stepped back and bumped into the desk. He turned and looked at the scattered pictures on the desk. All of him and Leo, except Leo was cut out of every one of them. He felt his head spin and he felt like he was going to throw up. He clutched his stomach and leaned on the desk for support. His vision became blurry. His legs weakened to the point he couldn't stand on them anymore. He sank to the ground, holding onto the desk for support. He heard someone enter the room. He looked around, not able to see anything, but blurry shapes. He saw one move. It looked like the shirt Leo was wearing that night. "Leo?" Jase asked softly. The blur nodded.

Jase sighed and gathered his strength. He rushed up to Leo and threw his arms around his neck. Immediately, arms were wrapped around his waist, embracing him gently. Jase brought his head back and blinked his eyes, trying to see Leo's face. To see the face he was so afraid he'd never see again. He couldn't, but he leaned his head in. Lips connected with his automatically. Jase started to return the kiss, but then pulled away. "You're not Leo." Jase tried to pull away from the person. "No, but I can love more than Leo ever did. I can take you places you've never been before." The familiar, creepy voice finally spoke. Jase's eyes widened and his heart began beating. He tried to pull away but the man wouldn't let him go. "Get the hell away from me." Jase struggled. "You can't fight it forever, J." Jase stopped and anger surged through him. "Don't ever call me that." "You're right, that was inappropriate. We'll come up with our own little pet names later." The man said, a smile spreading across his face. Jase tried to retort, but his head began throbbing again. He grabbed it in pain until it subsided. He gained his vision back and looked up at the man. The man looked at him with a sly grin on his face. Jase just looked at him coldly. "You'll love me. You will." Jase shuddered in disgust. He felt around for something on the desk behind him without the man noticing. He kept his eyes on Jase smiling. Jase couldn't shake the feeling he'd seen this guy somewhere. He shook his head. He felt something...a paperweight. The guy started to approach Jase slowly. "Come on, Jase, come get something to eat." Jase clenched his teeth and said nothing. He stood there tensed. "Come on, Jase, relax. I'll make you forget about Leo." Jase brought his eyes up at those words and glared at the man. He got a good grip on the paper weight and leaned forward. "Fuck you, you psychotic piece of shit!" Jase then threw his hand forward, the paperweight crashing into the man's face. He staggered back into the wall and sunk down, cluthing his face, which began bleeding. Jase stood in shock and dropped the paperweight. "Jase, you're fighting this. It's just going to make it harder!" The man yelled as Jase darted out of the room. He looked to his left and then right, and ran down the hall to his left. He came to another hall and saw a door. He ran through it into a large empty room. He looked around, no windows, but there was a door on the other side of the room. He looked back and could hear footsteps coming closer. He ran through the door and into another hallway. There was a door at the end. He looked back and saw the man's shadow. He ran down the hall and reached the door. He looked down a flight of stairs and then back. He then flew down the stairs as fast as he could. When he reached the bottom, he was stopped dead in his tracks. "LEO!" He screamed when he saw Leo, bound and gagged, handcuffed to a pipe, unconscious. Jase ran to Leo's side and took his face in his hands. He could feel tears well up in his eyes. "Leo." He whispered. He lightly slapped Leo's face, trying to wake him up. That didn't work, so he slapped him harder. Leo stirred. He moaned and opened his eyes, looking around. When he saw Jase looking up at him, his eyes showed some relief. When he realized his restraints he began squirming, trying to pull out of them. Jase took off Leo's gag. "Oh Jase! Are you ok? I was so scared!" Leo looked up at Jase worriedly. "I'm fine, Leo. I'll explain later, but we've got to get out of here!" Jase shifted his attention to the handcuffs and yanked on them. "Dammit!" Jase cried out in frustration. He stood up and looked around the basement. He saw a shelf with a bunch of tools and he darted over to it. He rummaged through everything and found a paperclip. He took it over to the handcuffs and adjusted it so that it had only one curved end and stuck the two pointed ends into the keyhole of the handcuffs. He heard heavy footsteps coming down the hallway at the top of the stairs. He struggled, his hands shaking frantically. The cuffs clicked and opened. "You got it, Jase!" Leo pulled out of the handcuffs and rubbed his wrists. Jase could barely catch his breath and was shaking all over. Leo put his hands on Jase's shoulders and looked into his eyes. "We're gonna get out of here. I promise." Leo's voice automatically soothed Jase's soul. Jase took in a deep breath and mustered a smile. Just then, the door to the basement slammed shut. Both Leo and Jase looked at the door, standing up. "You!" Leo gasped in astonishment. Jase shot Leo a confused look. "You know this guy?" "Logan," Leo whispered, still in shock. Jase looked at the man and back at Leo, still confused. "What?....Logan?" The man then interrupted, "Hello Leo. Have a nice nap?" "Go to hell." Leo mumbled. "Oh..such harsh words. You know, our Jase here is quite feisty." The man approached Jase and slid his hand over Jase's cheek. "It's nice...I like it." A sly grin spread across the man's face and he brought his hand up to Jase's face. Leo felt his blood begin to boil. "Logan, so help me God, if you touch one hair on his head I will fucking kill you!" Leo threatened through clenched teeth. The man shifted his attention to Leo and smiled. "You keep calling me Logan! The name's Ethan...Ethan Williams." Something clicked in Jase's head and he started to remember where he'd known him from. "Ethan Williams?!" Jase exclaimed in surprise. Ethan turned his head back to Jase. "Yes, Jase. I knew you'd remember me." Ethan's expression turned from cold to almost excited. He stepped forward, closer to Jase. Jase backed away, shooting a glance at Leo. Leo couldn't take it anymore. He lunged at Ethan, pushing him to the ground. He got on top of him and started to hit him when Ethan reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small pocket knife. He punched Leo across the face, swiping the blade, cutting into Leo's skin. Leo fell back to the ground, clutching his face, bleeding. Jase knelt to Leo's side and held Leo's head in his lap. He looked up at Ethan who stared down at him happily. "I knew you would remember me." "How could I not, you practically stalked me. Always there, following me. You're a fucking psycho." Ethan cringed as the words stung him, but he shook them off. "I love you Jase." Ethan said softly, his eyes welling up with tears. "And you'll grow to love me..in time." Jase felt his face get read with anger and disgust. "Love you? I hate you! You think by kidnapping me, kidnapping Leo, and hurting us both in the process is going to make me love you? No fuckin way!" Jase looked back down at Leo and stroked his hair gently. Ethan watched this in disgust. "I knew you wouldn't love me as long as he was around." Jase looked up at Ethan, afraid of what he meant by that comment.

Ethan then walked over to a small filing cabinet in the corner of the room and pulled a key out of his pocket. He slid the key in the lock and turned it. He opened the drawer and pulled out a gun and some bullets. He loaded the gun and cocked it. He then turned around. "You'll love me as soon as I...." He trailed off. "SHIT!" He yelled when he saw that Jase and Leo had escaped. He walked briskly up the stairs and stepped into the hallway. He saw a shadow round the corner. He walked towards it, holding the gun up, his face intent and angry. "Jase, you're only delaying the inevitable! Just making it hard on yourself!" Ethan called out throughout the house. Ethan rounded the corner and saw another shadow at the end of that hall. He sighed in exasperation and started towards it. He came closer and closer the edge of that hall and just as he was about to turn where he saw the shadow go, something flew at him, connecting with his head, and knocking him out. He fell to the ground with a thud.

Jase stood over Ethan's body with a fire extinguisher in his hand. He stared down at Ethan with a cold stare. He dropped the extinguisher and bent down. He pried the gun out of Ethan's fingers and held it with a shaky hand. He turned and saw Leo laying against the wall, looking up at Jase. Jase smiled down at him and walked over to him, kneeling down next to him. Jase cupped Leo's face in his hands and smiled into Leo's eyes. Jase sighed and placed a soft kiss on Leo's lips. He pulled away and smiled once again. "I love you." He whispered. Leo smiled up at Jase sweetly and sighed, his eyes telling Jase how much he loved him as well. Jase then put Leo's arm over his own shoulder and pulled him to his feet. "Come on, let's get outta here." He took one last glance back at Ethan's unmoving body and then turned away, pulling Leo along...

To be continued..... How's ya'll like that? Email me with comments and feedback! Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 18

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