Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Nov 21, 2000


Sup People! I'm gonna try not to keep you guys waiting so long between chapters! We'll see how long that sticks, but I'm gonna try! Thanks for all the emails and on with the story...

Leo and Jase Chapter 19:

A fire blazed in the fireplace, warming the Burke home. It was a cold night and suppose to get down below freezing. Jase lay curled up on the couch with his head in Leo's lap. He lay sleeping peacefully as Leo watched over him, running his hands through Jase's hair protectively. He gazed down at Jase's angelic face and smiled to himself. He sighed and continued to stroke Jase's hair softly. He reflected over that day and shook his head in exhaustion. With all the cops questioning him and Jase, he felt like he could sleep for days, but for tonight he couldn't sleep. Everything had made him too wary. He looked back down at Jase concernedly and closed his eyes for a second.

Mrs. Burke walked in the living room with two cups of coffee in her hands. Leo opened his eyes and smiled in greeting. She handed one to Leo and took a seat in the arm chair. Leo thanked her and took a generous sip of the warm liquid. He swallowed and enjoyed the feeling of the coffee warming his insides.

"How's he doing?" Mrs. Burke asked, trying to keep her voice low so as not wake the sleeping Jase.

"I guess as well as can be expected. He's been through alot." Leo looked back down at Jase and caressed his cheek. Jase's mother smiled at the sweet gesture.

"Same to you, Mr. You could have been seriously hurt!" Mrs. Burke, half scolded. Leo smiled at her.

"It's been a long day..for the both of us." Leo corrected.

"Leo, I want to thank you."

"For what?"

"For going after him. For risking your life. For loving him that much. He deserves that and I'm glad it's you, Leo. Really." Mrs. Burke put a loving hand on Leo's arm and smiled warmly. Leo smiled back and then looked back down at Jase and sighed.

"I don't know what I'd do without him." Leo said softly. Jase stirred and turned so that his head was facing Leo's stomach.

"Leo?" Jase said softly.

"Yea, Jase, I'm here."

Jase sighed and snuggled up close to Leo. Leo smiled down at Jase and put his arm around Jase comfortingly. He took another sip of his coffee and then set it down on the table next to the couch. He looked into the fire, watching the sparks crackle and fly. His trance was interrupted when Mrs. Burke spoke up.

"Well," she said standing up, "I'm gonna head off to bed. I'm exhausted.

Goodnight Leo."

"Night." Leo smiled. She kissed him on the forehead and left the room.

Leo smiled to himself. He was so happy Jase's family had excepted him into their family. He sighed once again in contentment and looked down at Jase. He pulled the blanket up so that it was around Jase's neck and leaned down and kissed Jase's forehead gently.

"I love you, Angel." Leo whispered into Jase's ear softly. Jase sighed contently and relaxed more. Leo smiled and then looked back into the fire.

A couple days later...

"Jase, calm down, everything's going to go fine! We don't have to do anything you're not ready to do, ok! We'll just go to school and act like just friends, it's really no problem! Truthfully, I'm a little scared about it myself!" Leo said, holding the phone to his ear by his shoulder. He glanced at the clock, an hour and a half 'til he had to leave for his first day back at school.

"Are you sure? I just don't know if I can take more people giving me crap, ya know?"

"Jase, like I said a million times before, it's whatever YOU want to do! I don't give a damn either way!" Leo reassured.

"Ok." Jase said softly, still not convinced.

"I love you Jase! Nothing can stop that! We can keep us a secret or tell the whole world for all I care! As long as I'm with you, I'm in heaven!"

Jase blushed and smiled at the comment.

"You there?" Leo asked after a moment of silence.

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"You always know how to make me melt into a puddle of goo. It's not fair, you know!" Jase said, taking a seat on the edge of his bed and putting his socks on. He switched the phone to the other ear and put on his other sock.

Leo laughed on the other line.

"Yea well, it's a gift." Leo replied. He sat down on the edge of his bed and ran his fingers through his hair. His door opened and his Mom poked her head in.

"Are you decent?" She asked.

"Well, it would be too late even if I wasn't, now wouldn't it." Leo joked.

She stepped in and saw that he was on the phone.

"Jase?" She asked. Leo nodded. She rolled her eyes and smiled.

"You two are pathetic." She cracked. Leo laughed and threw a pillow at her.

She shot him a fake angry look and then laughed as well.

"Tell him I said hello." She said, walking out of the room and closing the door behind her. Leo shook his head.

"Mom says hi." Leo said to Jase.

"Oh, Hi!" Jase said cheerfully.

"So, you're ok now, right?" Leo asked, referring to everything that had happened a couple of days ago.

"Leo, I'm fine!" Jase assured.

"Did you have the dream again last night?" Leo asked worriedly.

"Yea, but I only woke up once, and then went back and didn't dream at all.

Slept like a baby for the rest of the night. It'll get better!"

"Ok, well, if you need me to come over anytime.."

"I know, Leo." Jase smiled.

"Well, baby, I gotta go finish getting ready."


"So, I'll be by to pick you up at around 8 ok?"

"Leo, you really don't have to. I can walk and catch a ride with someone who rides by here anyway every other day."

"No, Jase! I want to take you to school!" Leo insisted.

"But it's so out of the way." Jase contradicted.

"Only by like 3 minutes. I insist! I WANT TO!" Leo reassured Jase. Jase sighed.

"Ok, Leo, if you're sure."

"No more about it."

"Ok, well, I'll let you go. See you when you get here."

"Ok, bye."


Leo pulled into Jase's driveway at 8 o'clock sharp. Jase was sitting on the porch waiting for him and hopped up with an excited smile on his face when he saw Leo drive up. Leo parked the car and climed out of the driver's seat.

Jase ran up to him and threw his arms around Leo's neck. Leo smiled and hugged Jase back warmly, taking in the awesome smell of his cologne. He took in a deep breath of it and then pulled away.

"You ready?" Leo asked. Jase rolled his eyes.

"I guess as ready as I'll ever be," Jase said, opening the passenger door and plopping down into the seat. Leo smiled and closed the door, then rounded the car and got in the car as well. He started it up and they were off.

They pulled up in the school parking lot and parked in a space close to the door. Leo turned off the car and glanced over at Jase who looked upset about something.

"You ok, J?" Leo asked worriedly. Jase smiled and looked over at Leo sweetly.

"I'm fine...as long as you're around." Jase took a deep breath and then got out of the car. Leo followed and locked the car, then walking with Jase into the school.

They walked in and glanced at each other. Leo smiled and looked around.

LeAnn immediately rushed up to them.

"Jase! I'm so glad you're ok! I was so worried!" LeAnn threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. Jase was startled by this and almost lost his balance, but hugged her back.

"I'm alright, LeAnn." Jase assured her.

"Good!" She said cheerfully, turning her attention to Leo.

"And you! Don't ever do that to me again!" She scolded jokingly, pulling him into a hug as well.

"Well, gosh maybe I should get kidnapped more often. Gettin hugs all over the place!" Jase cracked. LeAnn shot him a 'don't even go there' look and Jase shut up.


She smiled and lightly hit him on the arm. She then took his arm and they began walking down the hall towards their lockers.

Jase opened his locker and pulled out the books he needed for his classes and shut it. He leaned his back against the lockers and sighed.

"I feel like I could sleep for days." Jase said tiredly.

"You're not kiddin," Leo agreed, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder.

"Well, I gotta go to the office and talk to the principal since I'm reenrolled here. I'll see ya," Leo flashed Jase a smile, wanting to kiss him goodbye.

"Ok, I'll see you later." Jase smiled back lovingly and waved. LeAnn leaned against the lockers, stepping into Jase's line of sight as he watched Leo walk away.

"You two are so good together." LeAnn commented in a hushed whisper. Jase smiled at her and blushed slightly.

"We are, aren't we." He took one last glance at Leo as he turned the corner and then he and LeAnn started walking to their 1st period.

"I am so hungry! I wish this period would end!" Jase whispered to his friend, David. David nodded in agreement and looked up at the clock. They both sat through the last few minutes of the class, which of course, are the longest minutes to suffer through. Finally, the bell rang and Jase was off. He met LeAnn and started walking with her down the hall toward the cafeteria.

They entered the crowded, noisy cafeteria and looked around. Leo waved to them from across the room and motioned for them to come over. They weaved in and out of the tables and people standing around and finally sat down at the table with Leo. Jase took a seat across from Leo and shot him a look that only they could read. You know that look, 'Hi there.' "Hey, Leo!" LeAnn said cheerfully.

"Wassup, LeAnn! How's it goin?"

"Oh gosh, this has been the longest day!" She exclaimed, taking out her lunch.

Jase grabbed Leo's drink and took a sip of it through the straw. He looked up at Leo who was smiling back at him.

"Who said you could have some?" Leo cracked. Jase chewed on the straw coyly, not taking his eyes off of Leo. Leo rolled his eyes.

"That's not fair." He laughed. Jase gave him his drink back and sat rested his elbows on the table.

"Leo! Man, how's it goin?" A familiar, yet not welcome voice sounded.

They all looked up to see Kenny standing at the table with a couple of friends behind him.

"You know Clark and Will, right? From soccer?" Kenny gestured to his two friends. Leo smiled and nodded, waving to the two.

"How's it goin, guys?" Leo asked.

"Where's your right arm?" Jase asked sarcastically. Leo tried to hold back a laugh. Kenny looked down at Jase, surprisingly not with anger or annoyance, but sincerity. "Look, Jase. I'm sorry about being such a shithead to you, man. Drew, well...anyway, I'm sorry." Kenny fumbled with his words as he spoke. Jase looked at Leo dumbfounded, his eyes wide with shock.

"Ok, did I just step into the twilight zone here or something?" Jase looked from Leo, to LeAnn, and back up to Kenny who's facial expression hadn't changed.

"Are you serious?" Jase asked, still in shock. Kenny nodded and put out his hand to shake. Jase eyed it suspiciously, but finally took it and shook.

Kenny smiled warmly.

"Well, I guess I'll see you all later. Later, LeAnn!" Kenny called back over his shoulder. The other guys said goodbye and followed him. Jase looked back at Leo and LeAnn with a look of utter surprise and confusion on his face.

"Well, that was wierd." Leo spoke up.

"Wierd? That was freaky as hell!" Jase exclaimed. LeAnn laughed at him and patted his arm.

"Kenny's a good guy. Drew's the jackass. He has a way of getting into Kenny's brain and thinking for him sometimes." LeAnn reasoned.

"Speaking of, Drew's no where to be found." Leo noticed, looking around.

"Yea, he's moving down to Florida to live with his aunt and uncle and finishing the school year down there."

"Really? Wow, that was sudden. Why?" Leo asked curiously.

"I don't know. Kenny wouldn't tell me why, he just said he was sick of the cold weather. Who knows."

"Who cares? He's gone!" Jase exclaimed happily. LeAnn and Leo laughed.

Jase walked into Leo and his Mom's apartment, followed by Leo who shut the door behind him. Jase immediately turned and threw his arms around Leo and pressed his lips against Leo's. Leo was caught off-guard, but soon returned the kiss. Jase pulled away and smiled.

"I've been waiting to do that all day." He said sweetly. Leo smiled and leaned in for another kiss. He pressed his lips softly against Jase's, parting them with his tongue. Jase smiled and then returned the gentle kiss.

"Eh hemm." A voice came from the kitchen door. Jase and Leo pulled away hesitantly and looked to see Leo's mother standing there with her arms crossed over her chest, smiling.

"You're home." She said, holding back a laugh. Jase and Leo pulled away, blushing.

"Sorry, Mom." Leo said, still blushing. She just laughed and walked up to him and gave him a hug as well as Jase.

"How was your day?" She asked. They both shrugged.

"Ok, well, I have a surprise for you Leo!" His mother said excitedly. Leo threw his backpack on the couch and took Jase's and did the same.

"Come into the kitchen." His mother instructed. They followed her curiously into the kitchen.

"Benji!" Leo exclaimed as he rushed up and hugged his former guardian.

"Hey, kid! How ya doin?" Ben asked. He saw Jase and gave him a big hug as well.

"Jase! Good to see you! I heard about all the crap you've been through.

How ya holdin up?" Ben asked, concerned. Jase laughed.

"As well as can be expected, I guess." Jase replied. "Naw, I'm doin' great!"

Ben nodded and smiled.

"That's great! So Leo, how was the first day back?" Ben asked as they all went into the living room and sat down.


Ben laughed, "Why's that?"

Leo smiled and looked over at Jase. "No classes with Jase makes for a very boring day." Jase blushed and smiled. Ben and Leo's mother both rolled their eyes and laughed.

"You two are pathetic!" Leo's mother exclaimed.

"Naw, they're good together! Just please keep the mush to a minimum, I just ate lunch not too long ago." Ben cracked. Leo slapped his arm playfully.

"So where you staying, Benji?" Leo asked, sitting back on the couch.

Ben cringed, "I hate it when you call me that!" Leo just smiled.

"Well, I was staying with a friend, but he's kickin me out so his girlfriend can move in. And, well there's a vacancy in this apartment complex, so I'm movin in a few doors down." Ben said, smiling. Leo's eyes lit up! "That's great, Ben! I'll have three homes now!" He joked.

The four of them talked for about half an hour before Ben went to his friend's house to start packing and Leo's mother went to help. So Leo and Jase sat alone in the living room of the apartment on the couch. Leo flipped through the channels on the TV as Jase leaned against him, doing some homework.

Leo set the remote down and sighed. Nothing on TV. He looked over Jase's shoulder as he did his homework. He rested his chin on Jase's shoulder and watched Jase intently. Jase adjusted the glasses on his nose and highlighted something, then wrote something else down in a notebook. Leo lifted his head and placed a soft kiss on the back of Jase's neck, then another. Jase smiled at the feeling of Leo's soft lips on his skin. He tilted his head back, enjoying it immensely. He bit his bottom lip in pleasure as Leo let his tongue slide over the skin ever so slightly, sending shivers down Jase's spine. Jase could feel Leo's hot breath on his neck which made his whole body tingle.

Leo smiled as he noticed Jase was enjoying this. He reached around with one hand and picked up the books sitting in Jase's lap. He threw them to the side and move to Jase's ear, where he kissed and nibbled on the lobe. His tongue brushed behind Jase's earlobe and lingered there. Jase's breath quickened.

Jase felt Leo's growing tent press against his back and he smiled slyly. He sat up and then turned around, so that he was facing Leo. He slid over closer to Leo until his face was inches away and he pressed his lips softly against Leo's. Leo pulled away and smiled, removing the glasses from Jase's face. He set them down gently on the table and then looked back at Jase. Jase smiled back and then leaned back in. The kiss continued on, their tongues wrestling around inside their mouths hungrily. Leo scooted down so that he was laying almost flat except for his head which was supported by a cushion. Jase lowered his body down on top of Leo's and pressed his groin down on Leo's, their now hard tools grinding together.

Leo pulled away and smiled up at Jase.

"Want to go into my room?" He asked in a low, sexy tone. Jase smiled and licked his lips in lust. He nodded and lifted himself up. He took Leo's hands and helped him up as well and then they walked to Leo's room. When inside Leo's room, Leo closed the door and locked it. Jase pinned him against the door and pressed his lips over Leo's in desire. Leo nibbled on Jase's bottom lip until Jase pulled away and began planting kisses on Leo's neck.

Jase's hands moved downward to the hem of Leo's shirt and he pulled it up and over Leo's head. He threw the shirt on the floor and then brought his hands up to Leo's chest, running them over the developed pecs and six-pack.

Leo then brought his hands up to Jase's face and lifted it up to his, kissing him once again. As they continued kissing, Leo began backing Jase up towards the bed. Once the back of Jase's knees hit the edge of the bed, Leo pulled away and removed Jase's shirt as well, revealing a wife-beater underneath that showed off Jase's muscled arms, chest and abs. Leo smiled and took a deep breath, wanting Jase so badly. He then backed Jase up, laying him down on the bed gently. Jase scooted up so that he was on the bed and looked up at Leo who stared down into his eyes.

Jase removed his wife-beater and threw it to the side and then lay back. Leo placed kisses all over Jase's neck and chest, nibbling and sucking on each nipple. Jase let a moan escape his throat and yet another. Leo moved downward, letting his tongue outline the muscles that defined Jase's sculpted abs. He brought his hands up and unbuttoned Jase's jeans and slowly brought the zipper down, teasing himself. He began pulling the jeans down slowly until he finally got them completely off. Then he returned and rubbed his hands over Jase's chest. Jase watched as Leo slid his fingers under the waistband of his boxers. Leo slowly began sliding them off, revealing Jase's large, throbbing member. Leo stood and stared down at the beauty before him.

He bit his lower lip and a grin spread across his face.

"A picture of perfection." Leo said softly as he gazed down at Jase's tanned body. Jase smiled up at him and then sat upright. He brought his hands to the button to Leo's pants and unbuttoned them, then unzipped them. But he didn't hesitate to remove the pants. He let them fall and Leo stepped out of them. Leo stood, clad in a pair of boxerbriefs that showed off his round, muscled butt and outlined his hard-on.

Leo then layed Jase back down and crawled on top of him. He kissed him once more, and then began sliding back downward, coming face to face with Jase's manhood. He placed a soft kiss on the long, thick shaft and then slid his tongue out and let it glide over the length of Jase's tool. Jase moaned once more and Leo began stroking it slowly. Jase's dick throbbed and ached as Leo slowly jacked him. Leo brought his head down and let his tongue run over the base and then too Jase's balls, taking one in his mouth and tasting it.

He then took the other one and did the same. Jase grabbed the sheets in pleasure. Leo stroked his cock faster, his hand sliding up and down the long shaft. He continued to work on Jase's balls until they welled up, ready to shoot his load. Leo stroked faster still and then Jase let out a loud moan as he shot his load all over his chest and stomach. Leo continued to jack it until Jase had finished shooting. Cum dripped down over then softening tool.

Leo took into his mouth and cleaned it off, tasting the salty liquid and savoring it. He then took Jase's half-erect tool out of his mouth and moved up, licking up all the cum that had landed on Jase's stomach. He then looked up at Jase who was breathing heavily. Small beads of sweat formed on his brow and he bit his lip in pleasure.

Jase looked up at Leo as he brought his head above Jase's. Jase looekd up into Leo's eyes and smiled.

"I want to feel you in me, Leo. Completely." Jase whispered nervously. He was a bit afraid, but he knew he wanted to have Leo all the way. Leo just smiled down at him and placed a kiss on his forehead.

"You're not ready, yet, Angel."

"I am, though.." Jase replied softly. Leo shook his head. Jase relented, his hand moving up to Leo's cheek. He caressed it softly.

"I will be soon."

Leo smiled once again. "It'll be the most special feeling I will ever feel. I love you Jase." Leo gazed down at Jase lovingly. Jase smiled.

"I love you, too baby. Now, let's go get a shower before your Mom gets home."

Jase said, a smile spreading across his face.

"She won't be home for another hour or so." Leo said, then he read Jase's eyes and smiled.

"I need to return the favor," Jase said, looking down at Leo's throbbing boner. Leo blushed slightly and then leaned down and kissed Jase softly.

They got up and went into the bathroom that was connected to Leo's room and closed the door.

To be continued.....

This was a happy chapter. I think they both deserve a little happiness after everything they've been through lately!! Hope you all liked it!

Next: Chapter 19

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