Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Nov 28, 2000


I know I know, it's been a while since I've last posted a chapter and I'm sorry. My excuse: Thanksgiving! Been busy all week. But I am sorry, but here it is! This is the big 20th Chapter! Whoopdeedoo! LoL. Ok, enough from me! On with the story and I hope I'm keeping everybody's attention nicely. Remember, I love the emails, so write me to tell me you like/don't like the story, have suggestions or comments, anything! I like to think people are reading! Makes me feel good. Now, I'm really going to shut up! Lata, People!

Leo and Jase Chapter 20

Jase plopped down in his bed, exhausted. Thanksgiving weekend had just passed, it was Sunday afternoon and he was not ready to go back to school. He sighed and rolled over on his side. A picture on his nightstand caught his eye. He lifted himself up and leaned on his elbow. He reached over and picked up the picture and smiled lovingly at it. A picture he had taken of Leo a couple of weeks ago at a trip to the park with LeAnn and her best friend. Leo was laid back on the blanket with his hands behind his head in a tight wife-beater that showed off his body perfectly. He smiled slyly up at the camera and his blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

Jase sighed sadly. He hadn't gotten to see Leo at all that weekend because he and his Mom left to go spend Thanksgiving with all his relatives down in North Carolina. Leo called Jase every day that he had been away just to check and see how he was doing and tell him that he loved him. 'What an awesome guy. How lucky can I get,' Jase thought to himself contently. Leo was suppose to be coming back later on that evening and said he'd call when he got home.

Jase set the picture back down and laid back down on the pillow. He stared up at the ceiling, feeling his eyes become heavy and just a few moments later, he had drifted off to sleep.

It was foggy outside and freezing. It must have been at most, 35 or 40 degrees. Jase pulled his coat tighter around him and crossed his arms over his chest. He squinted through the thick fog, trying to figure out where he had walked to. There was no telling since he couldn't see worth a flip. Finally, the fog began to clear and he looked around at his surroundings. He looked confused. How had he ended up in the woods? Why had he even left the house? He shivered and breathed deeply before turning and heading back into the woods.

Footsteps and rustling of leaves sounded behind him before he got too far. He stopped dead in his tracks and his heart lept. He slowly turned, not really wanting to know what it was that had made the noise, but not being able to leave without knowing. He saw nothing. He looked all around him. Silence. He turned again and began walking. More footsteps, closer. A twig cracked a few feet away from him. He slowed, but then decided he just wanted to get away and quickened his pace. "Going somewhere?" A familiar and unwelcome voice came from behind. He stopped abrubtly and whirled around. His eyes widened. He stared into the dark, cold eyes he never wanted to see again. He was unable to move or speak. He just stood there staring. "Miss me, baby?" Ethan Williams stepped closer. Jase stepped backward a few steps. Ethan stepped another step closer. Jase couldn't breath. He felt his heart pound in his chest like a million drums at once. He shook in fear and continued to back away as Ethan inched forward. Jase tripped over a fallen tree and fell straight backward, hitting his head on a low-hanging branch. He gripped his head in pain as it throbbed. He opened his eyes to see Ethan towering over him menacingly. His vision became blurry and then went black.

Almost immediately, Jase awoke in a dark room. A basement. He rubbed his head and looked up, seeing a shadow step in front of him. Jase opened his mouth, but for some reason, he could not say a word. He stared at the shadow. Suddenly the hand of the figure grabbed his arm and pulled him up, slamming him against the wall. Jase flinched. "You're gonna be the best fuck I ever had, baby." The voice said harshly.

Jase sat straight up in his bed, taking a deep breath as if he hadn't breathed for hours. Sweat poured down his face. He looked around his dark room, catching his breath and he wiped the sweat from his forehead. He sighed and reached over, turning on his light. He stood up and removed his shirt which was soaked in sweat. He threw it with the dirty clothes and went to his drawer to grab a tshirt to throw on.

A soft knock on the door startled him and it opened slowly. Leo poked his head in with a smile spread across his face. Jase's eyes widened in surprise and excitement when he saw Leo's face. His face lit up and he ran over to Leo and threw his arms around his neck, hugging him tight. Leo laughed and returned the hug, loving the feeling of Jase's bare skin against him. Jase pulled away and cupped Leo's face in his hands, staring into his sparkly blue eyes. He pressed his lips against Leo's longingly and wrapped his arms back around Leo's neck. Leo returned the kiss whole-heartedly and took in the taste of Jase's kiss that he had missed so much over the past few days. A soft moan escaped from his throat as he was loving the feeling of Jase's kiss.

Finally, Jase pulled away and smiled. "God, I've missed you." He said, pressing his forehead against Leo's. Leo smiled back sweetly. "Being away for even a few days almost killed me, J." Leo replied sweetly. Jase smiled sweetly. "Never leave me again." "I don't think I ever could." Jase blushed and smiled, placing a soft kiss on Leo's lips once more and then pulling away. He led Leo over to the bed and they sat down. "So how was your vacation?" Jase asked. Leo shrugged. "Besides the fact I was sick from missing you so much, it was awesome!" Leo exclaimed. "Really? What made it so 'awesome'?" Jase asked, mocking Leo's enthusiasm. Leo laughed. "Well, I told a couple of my close relatives." Leo said happily. "Told them what?" Jase asked, having a "blonde" moment. "I told them I'm gay...and about you." Leo waited for Jase's reaction. Jase smiled and hugged Leo. "Who did you tell? What did they say?" Jase urged. "I told my 19 year old halfsister and her husband and they were really cool with it and supportive. Then, their 13 yearold daughter walked in on us talking about it, so she knows. But we swore her to secrecy...at least for now. But I am so glad to get it off my chest!" Leo explained excitedly. Jase smiled lovingly, happy for Leo.

Leo breathed out after explaining what happened over his vacation and then he turned his attention to Jase. "So how did the Burke Turkey Day go?" Leo asked, taking Jase's hand and interlocking their fingers. Jase nodded and shrugged, "It went pretty good. Lotsa people, tho." Leo smiled. "Yea, while you were asleep, your Mom was telling me about your little cousin who is so attached to you that she wouldn't let you out of her sight." Leo laughed. Jase rolled his eyes and smiled, "Jordan, yea. She's a mess and that girl is obsessed with *NSync, I swear. Britney Spears, too. She's been to both concerts and knows the dances and everything. I couldn't get her to shut up about Justin Timberlake! Although he is kinda cute." Jase rambled. Leo made a hurt expression jokingly. Jase smiled and stuck out his lower lip. "Aww, but there's no one on this earth who is hotter than you, baby!" Jase tried to make up for his comment. Leo didn't say a word. "Aww, come on now." Jase sat back. A sly smile then spread across his face and he leaned in towards Leo. He brought his lips close to Leo's ears and spoke slowly and softly, his warm breath sending tingles down Leo's spine. "I'll make it up to you." Leo tapped his foot on the ground, trying his best not to crack. He looked up at the ceiling, knowing if he looked at Jase, he'd melt. Jase moved closer to Leo, sliding his hand down Leo's arm and running the other across his chest seductively. Leo bit his lower lip, hanging on for dear life to his self control. Jase slid his hand down slowly from Leo's chest to his abs and then slid his hand under Leo's shirt, feeling the heat of Leo's skin against his hand. Jase's touch made Leo lose it. He turned his head and stared into Jase's piercing green eyes passionately. His eyes moved from Jase's eyes to his lips and lingered there. He had perfect lips, the top just the right size, not thick, but not thin, and the bottom lip full and perfectly shaped. Leo's mouth longed to kiss those lips.

Jase brought his leg over Leo's body and hovered over him. Leo scooted up so that he was all the way on the bed and he propped himself up on his elbows. Jase straddled Leo's stomach and leaned down. He brought his lips millimeters away from Leo's and then moved closer, just barely touching their lips together. Leo could feel Jase's lips so close to his, but not quite touching. He was going insane, but he didn't move. Jase brushed his lips over Leo's ever-so-lightly and then slid his tongue slowly over Leo's lower lip, wetting it. He then pulled up a little and looked down at Leo. Leo bit his lip and his breath quickened as Jase hand reached behind him and contacted with his bulge through the material of his khakis. Leo closed his eyes and cocked his head back in pleasure as Jase massaged his hard-on. A soft moan escaped from Leo's throat. The phone rang through the room, snapping the two back to reality. "Agh!" Jase groaned as he climbed off of Leo and reached for the phone. He picked it up and sat back against the headboard of the bed. "Hello?" He asked somewhat coldly, frustrated that he and Leo had been interrupted. "Well, hello to you too, Grumpy-butt!" Jase's face turned to gladness. "Chrissie!" He exclaimed excitedly. Leo looked up and shot Jase a questioning look. Jase smiled and shook his head. "Hey, cuz, how's it goin?" Christina asked. "Great actually!" Jase exclaimed, looking at Leo lovingly. "I heard you got kidnapped by some obsessed homosexual who has been stalking you since grade school and some friend came after you! What a friend! Have I met him?" Christina urged. "Well, I'm ok don't worry about me!" Jase said saracastically. "You just said you were great. That answered that question. Now tell me about this friend of yours. Is he cute? You think he'd go for me?" Christina joked. Jase's face drooped a little when he remembered he hadn't told Christina about him yet. "Hello?" she broke his thought. "Yea, sorry." "Well?" "I don't know." Jase answered, keeping it as vague as possible. "Ugh! Anyway, guess who's coming up there this weekend?! Guess!" Christina said excitedly. "The president?!" Jase cracked. "No, silly, ME!" "Oh." Jase faked a disappointed tone. "Hey!" Christina exclaimed offensively. "I'm just kiddin cuz. That's awesome! When?" "Well, I'm taking Friday off to catch an early flight and I'll be there when you get home from school." She explained. "Great! I can't wait. Haven't seen you in almost a year now!" "I know! Well, I have to go. Using up the minutes on my cell. Later, Jasey!" She hung up the phone. Jase reached over and put the phone back on the base. He looked at Leo with a face that showed both happy and distraught expressions. "Who's Chrissie?" Leo asked after Jase had hung the phone up. Jase looked up at him. "She's my cousin. We've been like best friends all our lives and she had to move to Florida about 4 years ago and so we never get to see each other anymore." Jase explained. Leo took Jase's hand as he spoke and toyed with it unconsciously. "You don't seem too enthused about it." Leo noted. Jase looked at Leo and half-smiled. "I want to see her, I do.." Jase began. "But." "But, I haven't told her about me...about us yet." "So this will be the perfect time to tell her." Leo moved so that he was sitting next to Jase and he interlocked his fingers with Jase's. Jase looked down at their hands and sighed. "Its more complicated than that. You see, Chrissie is really strong in her faith and religion, which teaches her that homosexuality is wrong." Leo looked over at Jase sadly. "Oh, I see." Jase nodded and then looked into Leo's eyes. "You're scared." Leo said as he stared into Jase's eyes. "You know, you're the only person who can read me like that." Jase said, a soft smile forming. Leo smiled and placed a kiss on Jase's cheek. "It'll be alright, J. Maybe she's changed the way she thinks. And even if not, she'll learn to accept it." Leo tried to comfort Jase. He rested his chin on Jase's shoulder. "I'm just so afraid she's going to be disgusted by me and never want to have anything to do with me again. I mean, I was scared when I told my Mom, Dad, and Josh, but Chrissie knows me better than anyone." Jase corrected himself when he thought about Leo. "Well, until recently." Leo smiled at the comment and continued to listen. "She's my best friend, Leo and my family. It would kill me if she hated me for this." Jase felt his eyes form tears, but he fought them back. "I'm always here, J. You know that. Even if she doesn't like it at first, she'll get over it. I promise. If she loves you that much, she's going to accept you no matter what." Leo rubbed Jase's arm comfortingly. "I guess." Jase replied, still worried.

To be continued... I know that was kind of a short chapter and all, but I have been super busy with school work and all this other stuff, so please bare with me. Thanks...be looking for the next chapter really soon though!

Next: Chapter 20

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