Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Aug 5, 2000


Well, this is the second chapter of my story. I hope you liked the first part. I'm going to try to keep this going. I'm kinda proud of it. Feel free to email me with comments and stuff. (DrJJC 19@aol.com)

And if you have a thing for Justin and JC of *NSync, I have a story involving those two on EroticStories.com. Check it out. Later!

Leo and Jase Chapter Two: Dreams

Leo made his way through the thick woods in the darkness of night. He squinted into the darkness, trying to see his way. He wasn't sure what made his get out of bed to go into the woods, but he could feel it with every sense. He began walking faster and faster through the woods, trying to find what lured him. Trying to find what it was that was driving him wild. It started to rain; Big drops of rain that seemed to fall in slow motion. Leo kept walking. Then he came to a clearing. A dim light from somewhere lit the clearing softly. He looked all around the clearing and then began walking again back into the woods. "Looking for someone?" A voice stepped behind him. Leo stopped in his tracks and smiled to himself. He slowly turned to see the familiar face that he was hoping to see. The face smiled at him slyly, yet lovingly and Leo stepped forward. He looked up at the face that was only an inch higher than his. He stared into the eyes that he wanted so badly to show him what he was looking for. He stared into them as they stared into his. Leo studied those eyes closely, getting lost in them. Suddenly, he could see into those eyes. He could see his own reflection in those eyes and he could see the face that was looking down at him in those eyes. He smiled down at Leo and then brought his hand up to Leo's face, stroking it softly. Leo's head was spinning and suddenly everything was clear. "Jase?" Leo asked, suddenly realizing those eyes. The boy nodded and smiled down at Leo. Leo smiled back at him. Leo brought his hands up to Jase's neck and wrapped his arms around it. He looked up into the face of the one who had called him here and smiled warmly. Jase wrapped his arms around Leo's waist, and stared down into Leo's eyes. They both looked up, letting the raindrops fall onto them. Then they looked back at each other and smiled again. Their faces pressed in closer and closer until they were millimeters apart. Closer and closer, knowing what the other wanted and knowing what was so right.

Leo opened his eyes. Jase was gone, he was back in his bed, in his room. He sat straight up in bed and looked around the room. He rubbed his head wearily and buried his face in his hands. He felt the tears well up in his eyes and run out. 'I didn't ask for this. I don't want this. Why do I have to feel this way? Dammit, I am not gay.' Leo asserted to himself silently. A knock on the door made him jump. Leo wiped the tears away and rubbed his face, trying to get rid of the puffiness. "Come in." Leo laid back down and pulled the covers over his shoulders, facing the window and staring out of it. "Son?" a deep voice peered its way into Leo's room. "What do you want?" Leo asked sullenly. "Son, I'm sorry about having to cancel the trip. Really, I am. Its just that our Boston store is having problems and unless I get out there right away..." "We'll be out one store and closer to not being able to have what we have." Leo finished his father's sentence. "So you understand?" his father asked, needing a little reassurance. Leo shrugged and continued staring out the window. His father patted Leo and began walking out the door. "I'll see you tonight, right?" his father asked before he closed the door. Leo shrugged again. His father nodded and closed the door behind him. Leo sat back up and wiped another tear from his face.

Leo rode with the top down to school, blaring the music from the radio as he did so. He let the cool morning wind blow through his hair and cool his face. He rode with a sullen expression on his face. He couldn't get his mind off of the dream he had had that morning. What did it mean? Did it mean anything? Leo shook his head. No, its just something pertaining to nerves or something like that. He just wanted to be normal and not have to worry about it. He pushed it aside and pulled into the parking lot of the school. He parked next to where Kenny, Drew, LeAnn, and a few others were all sitting around Kenny's Cherokee. He turned off his car and climbed out. "Wassup Leo?" Drew called out as Leo made his way over to the group. Everybody greeted him and started towards the door to the school. As they entered, Leo noticed Jase at his locker a little ways from where they were. Jase looked up at Leo and then back at his locker. Leo looked at Jase for a second and felt his heart start beating faster. He looked away and then back at him, but he was gone. Leo looked around and then kept walking with the group. "So, you're gonna play in the game this Saturday, right?" Kenny broke Leo's thoughts. "Um..Yea, I guess." Leo answered, looking around again for any sign of Jase. LeAnn noticed Leo's mind was elsewhere and had seen him looking at Jase a second ago. She grabbed his arm and began walking faster, dragging him with her. "I'm gonna borrow Leo for a sec," LeAnn smiled back at the group and sat Leo down on a bench. "Look, Leo, I saw you lookin' at Jase a second ago. Don't believe what the guys say, he's a nice guy and cool to be around. They just won't give him a chance. They're jerks!" LeAnn explained herself. Leo blushed and looked down at his feet. LeAnn waited for a reply. Leo nodded, continuing to stare at his feet. "I know." "So what's wrong then?" LeAnn asked worriedly. "There's some stuff that's been going on that's been buggin me lately." Leo beat around the bush with his answer and LeAnn didn't want to pressure him. "Well, if you ever need to bitch or complain or whatever, I got two ears," LeAnn put her hand on his shoulder. Leo nodded and smiled down at her. "Thanks," he stood up and reached his hand out to help her up. She smiled thankfully and took it.

Saturday, 4 days later

Leo peeled off his shirt and shoved it in his gym locker. He sat down on the bench to take off his shin guards and shoes. Kenny and Drew came bursting in the door and opened their lockers. They removed their shirts and sat down with Leo. "Good game, Leo," Kenny encouraged, wiping the sweat from his face. Leo smiled in thanks. "Thanks, man." "LeAnn sure thought so," Drew said with a scowl. "I have noticed that you and LeAnn are getting pretty close this past week," Kenny nudged Leo slyly. Leo looked up. "We're just friends, Kenny," Leo defended. Kenny nodded and stood up after he got his gear off. "Sure, buddy, whatever you say," Kenny stripped down and wrapped a towel around his waist. He walked towards the showers. Drew glared at Leo angrily and followed Kenny into the showers. Leo shrugged and put his gear in his gym bag. He removed his shorts and jock and wrapped a towel around his waist as well. He headed off to the showers.

Leo threw his gym bag in the passenger side of his car and started the car up. He closed his eyes and rubbed them. He sat back in his seat, relaxing for a second. He opened his eyes and jumped when he saw someone standing beside his car, staring at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you," Jase apologized, crossing his arms across his chest for warmth. The night had brought a chill in the air. "Oh, Jase. Its fine." Leo smiled up at Jase awkwardly. "Get in, I'll drive you home." "I was hoping you'd offer. Mike had to leave early and he left me here, the jerk." Jase said as he circled the car and got in the passenger side. "If you're sure its no problem." Leo shook his head and smiled, "No problem at all." "Good game today." Jase commented. "Thanks. You were there?" Leo asked, surprised that Jase would come to the game. "Well, I came a little later in the game. My friend, Mike dragged me here. He has a thing for LeAnn and he wanted to come and introduce them." Jase chuckled. Leo laughed as well and bit his lip. "What's the matter?" Jase asked. "Why would you think something's the matter?" Leo asked nervously. "Well, I've noticed when you bite your lip, you're usually thinking about something that's buggin you or your worried about something." Jase explained. Leo shifted in his seat uncomfortably and avoided looking at Jase. "You can tell me if you want. I won't say word. Besides, its not like I'm going to tell Kenny and Drew," Jase assured him, rolling his eyes at the mention of those two mooks. "What's the deal between you three?" Leo asked curiously, changing the subject. They pulled out of the parking space and drove out of the parking lot and onto the road. "Well, I don't actually know. For some stupid reason, they just don't like me. I never did anything to them. I just never talked to them or paid any attention to them so they assumed I thought I was better than they were." Jase explained, sighing. "Well, you do don't know?" Leo nudged him. Jase smiled guiltily. "Well, I didn't until they started making fun of me for no reason at all. Then, what else could I think." Leo shrugged and nodded in agreement. He felt a twinge of pity for Jase. "I'm sorry," Leo said, looking at JC comfortingly. "Look, don't need to pity me. I'm a big boy now." Jase held his head up matter of factly. "Yes you are," Leo thought aloud. Jase shot him a confused look. Leo immediately shut his mouth when he realized what he had let slip. "What?" Jase asked, trying to keep from smiling. "Nothing," Leo replied, staring straight ahead. Jase smiled and nodded sarcastically. "Uh huh, whatever," Jase saw Leo tap his forehead angrily at himself. Jase smiled to himself. Leo looked at Jase out of the corner of his eye and relaxed when he didn't say anything further about the comment. Leo found himself gazing at Jase again. He let his eyes roam Jase's body for a second, glancing at the road every couple of seconds. God, he was hot. Leo snapped his head back and bit his lip. Jase noticed him biting his lip again, but didn't ask. He didn't want to push it with Leo. He was growing fond of his new friend.

Jase directed Leo to his house and he pulled into the driveway. It was a small house, but nice, with a white fence around the nicely kept yard. Jase got out of the car. "Thanks again for the ride, Leo." Jase said before walking to the door. Leo watched as Jase climbed the steps to his front door and noticed a hesitation. He shifted in his seat to get a better look and see what was going on.

Jase climed the steps to his front door and noticed it was cracked open. He slowly pushed it open and peered inside. "Dad? Mom? Josh?" He called into the house. When he heard silence, he stepped inside and looked around. "Oh my God!" he yelled.

Leo heard Jase's exasperated yell from outside and he hopped out of the car. He made his way to the door and stepped inside. He looked around and his face dropped. "Oh Jase, I'm sorry." Leo consoled, putting a hand on Jase's shoulder. The entire house was ransacked. "They took everything. The TV, the stereo, everything. SHIT!" Jase leaned back against the wall. "Where are your parents?" Leo asked. "My parents took my brother to a baseball thing up in Maine." Jase explained. Leo thought for a minute. "Well, why don't you get some clothes for tomorrow and you can crash at my place tonight. We can call the police and get a hold of your parents when we get there." Leo suggested. Jase looked at him, thinking about the offer. "No, I..I couldn't." Jase said, turning head away. "Why not? I know you don't want to stay here tonight, and I sure as hell don't want you to, so come on. Just come to my house for tonight and we can come back tomorrow and I'll help you clean everything up." Leo insisted, putting his arm around Jase's shoulders. Jase looked at Leo questioningly. "I insist. No buts about it." Leo assured. Jase nodded in acceptance and went to his room to get some things together. Leo followed him and sat down on Jase's bed. Jase went into his drawers and looked for something. "What's the matter?" Leo asked, noticing Jase's anger. "They took my fucking money. Everything. I was saving to get my Mom and Dad an anniversary present. Dammit!" Jase stomped his foot down. Leo had a small smirk on his face. "You think this is funny," Jase demanded. "No, no. You stomp your feet when you're mad. Its cu..funny," Leo caught himself. "CuFunny? Is that some kind of New York word?" Jase asked defensively. Leo kept his mouth closed hoping it would go away and avoided the question. Jase groaned and packed some clothes into a bag. Jase bent over to get a pair of boxers out of his dresser and Leo couldn't help but stare at Jase's perfect butt. Leo smiled slyly, but hit himself when he caught what he was doing. Jase whirled around, grabbing his bag off the floor. "I guess I'm ready." he stated. "Ok, let's go." Leo nervously stood and began walking out the room. Suddenly, Leo whirled around. Jase bumbed into him not expecting the sudden stop. Jase backed up and stared at Leo, confused. Leo stared up at Jase with a strange expression on his face and a wild look in his eyes. Jase raised an eyebrow and waited for Leo to do something. Out of nowhere, Leo rushed up to Jase and pressed his lips against the other's. Jase was got off guard, but soon relaxed, dropping his bag and wrapped his arms around Leo's waist as Leo parted their lips with his tongue.

"Come on, Jase. What are you waiting on?" Leo urged Jase to hurry. Jase shook his head, snapping out of his thoughts. Leo stood in the doorway, waiting for Jase to follow. "Sorry," Jase apologized. As he followed Leo out, he stared at his feet. 'What is going on with me?' Jase thought to himself.

To Be Continued....

Next: Chapter 3

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