Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 1, 2000


Hey people, wassup. I know that last chapter was a little shorter than the rest, but as I said, I've been really busy lately with a bunch of stuff, so thanks for sticking with me through my slackness at times! Lol. I've got a lot of good ideas though, so I'm hoping everyone will like what's to come as much as they've liked what I've written already! Well, here's Chapter 21. Hope you all enjoy it!

Leo and Jase Chapter 21: Why me?

Jase reluctantly awoke from his uneasy sleep and groaned, not wanting the day to even begin. "Jase, get up sweetie. You slept in this morning. Leo's going to be here in half an hour!" Jase's Mom said through the door. "I'm up, Mom." Jase called out, pushing the covers off of him. The cold air hit him and sent a shiver through his body. He rubbed his eyes, stretched, and stood up. Within minutes he was in the shower, the hot water cascading over his body, warming him and waking him up.

Jase had been stressing about the coming weekend all week long. He couldn't get it off of his mind. How was he going to tell his best friend that he was gay? Was he going to tell her? What's she going to do when he does? All these questions he had been asking himself all week, coming up with differend answers every time. Sweet Leo, trying so hard to get his mind off of it and assure him that it would be alright and everything would work out for the best. Dear sweet Leo. Jase turned the water off and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel and drying himself off. He wrapped the towel around his waist and stepped in front of the mirror, clearing the steam off of it. He ran his fingers through his wet hair and stared at himself shamefully. 'Why do I have to be like this? Why couldn't I just be a normal guy who falls all over hot girls and not have to worry about all this shit?' Jase thought to himself sadly.

Jase brushed his teeth and went back to his room and got dressed and finished up his morning ritual. About half an hour later, Jase sat on his bed, waiting for Leo to arrive. He looked through a photo album filled with just pictures of him and Chrissie.

'There's that picture of the time we went to Disney Land together. There's that fishing trip we took. She was such a priss that weekend.' Jase laughed to himself, reminising. "Eh hemm." Jase looked up to see Leo standing in the doorway. "Hey." Jase greeted, closing the album.

Leo looked at Jase sadly as he pretended to be fine with everything. 'I wish he'd stop worrying. I hate seeing him like this,' Leo thought to himself. Jase walked up to him and hugged him and then pulled back and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. Leo looked into Jase's eyes. "Jase, please relax. It's not going to go as bad as you think," Leo tried comforting him as best he could. "You know that's starting to get creepy. I can't keep anything secret anymore!" Jase joked, breaking a small laugh. Leo was relieved to see Jase smile finally. He'd been so distant and melancholy the past few days. Leo caressed Jase's cheek lovingly. Jase sighed and gained his motivation to get going. "So you ready to go?" "I was born ready," Leo replied, stepping aside to let Jase out first. "Such a gentlemen," Jase said as he walked by Leo, pinching his cheek. Leo rubbed his cheek and rolled his eyes.

"Oh God, where did the day go?" Jase thought aloud as he climbed into the passenger side of Leo's car. Leo looked at Jase and smiled sweetly. "Relax, J." Jase sighed and smirked. He loved it when Leo called him J. He didn't know why, but the way he said it. His tone of voice and the way his eyes turn all puppy-like when he says it. Leo started up the car and they were on the road.

They pulled up in Jase's driveway about 10 minutes later. Jase closed his eyes and tightened his grip on Leo's hand. His heart pounded in his chest like it was about to burst out. Leo felt Jase grip his hand and he put his other hand on Jase's comfortingly and rubbed it gently. Jase took in a deep breath and glanced at Leo for encouragement. Leo nodded and smiled sweetly. Jase wanted to melt. 'That smile. Nothing calms me down like that smile.'

Jase got out of the car and began making his way up to his front door. Leo followed closely behind him.

When they reached the door, Jase reached for the doorknob, but the door swung open, revealing a peppy blonde girl, about 5'6 or so, blue eyes, and a smile from ear to ear. "Jasey!" She squealed, throwing her arms around Jase's neck and hugging him tight. "It's good to see you, Chrissie!" Jase exclaimed, feeling a little more at ease, but his stomach turning knots. Christina noticed Leo standing there and pulled away from the embrace. "And this is the famous friend who went to save my Jasey?" Leo put his hand out to shake, but she pulled him into a hug. "Thank you....I didn't catch your name." Chrissie pulled back and looked at Leo. "Leo." "Well, Leo, thank you for watchin over my cuz." The smile never left her face. "And he wouldn't tell me, but you are very easy on the eyes. Guess he figured I'd be wanting your number before I even got here." She laughed. Leo blushed slightly and glanced at Jase who smiled brightly and nodded in agreement. "Chrissie, down girl!" Jase pulled her back. "He's taken." She put on her best pouty face and crossed her arms over her chest. "You know, all the cute ones are taken!" She chuckled and sighed. "Or gay." Jase's heart caught in his throat. She turned and took Jase's arm, leading him inside. Jase threw a look back to Leo who bit his lip nervously. Leo closed the door behind him as they entered the house and followed them into the living room. He took a seat in the arm chair as Jase and Christina sat on the couch together. "So, Jasey, tell me how your life's going. Anything new besides getting kidnapped? Got anyone special in your life? Do I know her?" Chrissie asked cheerfully. Jase smiled sheepishly. "My life's going awesome at the moment for the most part. I...uh..do have someone special actually.." Jase could barely think he was so nervous. "Ooh, do tell. Who is she? Is she pretty?" Chrissie pressed for details. Jase glanced up at Leo and then immediately turned his attention back to Chrissie. "Well...um...they are very goodlooking actually. I've never seen anyone more so." Jase said, keeping his answer somewhat vague. Leo blushed and smiled as Jase spoke. "But enough about me, tell me what's going on with you Chrissie?" Jase changed the subject. "Well, I'm still single and minglin. School's going great. College is awesome, you're gonna love it! I've been in 2 major plays this year so far and I'm going to be in another one later on where agents are coming to look for new talent!" She said excitedly. "Chris, that's awesome! Wow, I'm gonna have a famous cousin! You can take me to big movie premiers to meet famous people!" "Jumpin the gun a little there, Jasey." "Aw, Chrissie, you're an amazing actress. You're going to be major one day, you'll see." Jase smiled. "We'll see. But what about you? You could take over the music industry with that voice of yours!" She exclaimed. Leo's attention was caught immediately. "Excuse me?" He stepped into the conversation. "You mean to tell me that you've never heard this boy sing?" She asked in shock. Leo shook his head, looking at Jase curiously. Jase blushed and looked at the floor. "It'll give you chills, I swear!" "Oh come on, Chrissie, you're exaggerating big time." Jase said modestly. "Oh please! Jase, why haven't you pursued singing? You'd go so far!" Chrissie exclaimed, halfway scolding Jase. Jase shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I don't really want to be famous or anything. Besides, I'm not THAT good, Chrissie!" Christina rolled her eyes. "Anyway, new subject before we start arguing!" Christina turned back to Leo. "So, Leo, what's your story?" She crossed her legs and leaned in interestedly. "Well, um...don't have much of one really. I've moved around a lot cuz of my father's business.." "Oh, what does he do?" Christina asked. "Um...he owns Chase Sporting Goods." Leo replied. Her eyes widened and she glanced at Jase. "Oh, wow!" She exclaimed in surprise. "Anyway, continue." "We moved here at the beginning of the school year. My parents just recently separated and I'm living with my Mom and that's about it." Leo finished. "Oh, so where'd you and Jase meet? School?" "Yea, actually, on the first day. He was the first person to introduce himself and I was not minding that at all." Leo slipped, his voice showed his reference Jase's looks way too obviously. Christina arched an eyebrow curiously. Jase's heart jumped as did Leo's. "You know, cuz I was really nervous about the new place and everything. I'd never been to a public school before and I wasn't sure how people were going to act there." Leo tried to cover. Christina nodded. Phew. Jase relaxed a bit and Leo took a deep breath. That was close. Too close. "Well, you seem to be good for my Jasey, here. Glad to have you watchin over him for me." Christina flashed a bright smile. Leo smiled and nodded, glancing at Jase who was blushing. Leo then stood. "Well, I'm going to get outta here. Let you guys catch up and what not. It was really nice meeting you Christina." "Call me Chrissie!" She said cheerfully. "We'll see each other again before I leave on Sunday, I'm sure!" Christina gave Leo a hug and smiled. Leo turned to Jase and started to leaned in for a hug, but stopped himself and outstretched his hand. "I'll see ya, J." Leo smiled. Jase smiled as well, really wanting to kiss Leo goodbye, but he put his hand out and shook Leo's. "Yea..see ya, Leo." Jase looked into Leo's eyes breifly. Leo smiled and nodded, mouthing the words, 'I love you too'. Jase smiled and nodded before following him towards the door. "Bye!" Leo called as he headed out the door. "Later!" Jase replied, closing the door behind Leo. He lingered at the door, wanting to rush out and run into Leo's arms, but he slowly turned around and went back into the living room where Christina sat on the couch with her legs curled up under her. She looked up at him and smiled. "Leo's great, Jasey! I love him already!" Chrissie exclaimed cheerfully. Jase smiled and took a seat next to her. "Yea, he's awesome. Never met anyone like him before." Jase looked over at Christina and smirked. His heart began to pound once again and he took a deep breath, gathering his courage. 'Just do it, Jase. Get it over with. Worry about consequences later. She needs to know. Just do it.' "Chrissie?" "Yea?" "I have to tell you something." Jase tried to catch his breath. 'Calm down!' "What is it? Something wrong?" "No, nothing's wrong. Just, there's something you should know...about me." "Are you alright? Are you sick or something?" "No, Chrissie! I'm fine! Really!" "Well, then what is it." "Chrissie.....I..I." Jase searched for the words, "I'm....." Just then, Jase's parents, and Josh walked in the front door. Chrissie looked up and her face lit up. "Aunt D, Uncle Charles!" Chrissie squealed happily, rushing up and hugging them both. She looked down at Josh. "Sup Squirt." She cracked. Josh cringed at the nickname. "Chrissie!" He whined. She laughed and ruffled his hair. "Christina Rene, you have grown up so much since we last saw you! I bet you're fighting off the guys with a club!" Mrs. Burke commented, looking Christina over. Mr. Burke smiled and nodded in agreement. "Yea, and I'll help out!" He joked. Chrissie flashed him a cheesy smile and took his arm, leading them all into the living room. "Hello, Jase, how was your day sweetie?" Mrs. Burke asked, taking a seat next to him. "It was good, Mom." Jase replied, a bit distant. In a way, he was relieved that they had come in just then, but that meant he would have to go through getting up the courage once again, which he wasn't sure he was prepared to do. "So how's Leo?" Mr. Burke asked, sitting on the arm of the couch. Jase shot him a look, shaking his head. Mr. Burke had a curious look on his face at Jase's reaction. Jase bit his lip nervously. "He's such a nice guy!" Chrissie raved happily. "And if I do say so myself he's quite a cutie. I might have to get his number." She laughed. Mr. and Mrs. Burke caught on to what Jase was shaking his head for. "But Leo's g.." Josh began. "Josh, go in the kitchen and get Chrissie something to drink." Mrs. Burke interrupted him. Josh rolled his eyes and went into the kitchen. "It's ok, Aunt D, he told me he had a girlfriend. Darn the luck." Chrissie snapped her fingers teasingly. Mrs. Burke arched an eyebrow and shot a look in Jase's direction. Jase buried his face in his hands tiredly. His brain hurt. "Jasey? You still with us?" Chrissie shook him softly. Jase looked up and gathered up the best fake smile he could muster. "Yea, sorry. I'm a little tired." "Aw." Chrissie teased. Jase rolled his eyes. "So what say we all go get a bite to eat and catch up on things?" Chrissie suggested. Mr. and Mrs. Burke and Josh all nodded their heads. "Actually, I'm gonna hang back here. Maybe take a nap. I'm not feeling to good." Jase made up an excuse. A disappointed look spread across Chrissie's face. "Aw, come on Jasey! We haven't seen each other in so long!" She whined. "We have all weekend. I promise we'll spend the whole weekend practically connected at the hip." Jase promised, wanting to be alone if even only for a little while. She thought and then relented. "Well, alright. Feel better tho!" She encouraged, standing up. "You guys ready?" "Yea, I'm going to get my heavy coat, the air's getting even chillier." Jase's Dad hung back as the rest piled into their car. He grabbed his coat and then went back into the living room. "Jase?" He asked. Jase looked up, not realizing his Dad was still in the house. His face was wet with tears. He wiped them as best he could, trying not to make it seem like he was too upset. "Yea?" He cleared his throat and mustered up another fake smile. "You haven't told Christina yet?" His father asked softly. Jase looked down and shook his head slowly. "I don't think I can do it. I know she's not going to take it too well, Dad. She's really against all of it." Jase sighed. His father took a seat next to him and put a comforting hand on his back. "She needs to know, Jase. You two have been so close since you were born and she deserves to know." "I know it. I'll tell her, I will." Jase stared down at his feet. His Dad sighed, sad for his son. The car horn sounded. "We'll be back in a while, Jase. Don't worry yourself over it so much." "Bye Dad." Jase buried his face in his hands and sighed. He had to see Leo. He wiped his face once more and stood up, going into the kitchen and opening a drawer. He rummaged through it and pulled out a keyring with a few keys on it. He closed the drawer and grabbed his coat on the way out of the house.

Leo lounged on the couch in his living room, watching TV and munching on chips. He sighed, not able to get interested in the program. A knock on the front door. He turned off the TV and set the chips down on the coffee table. He walked over to the door and opened it. "Kenny, hey." Leo greeted Kenny, surprised to see him. "Hey Leo, can I talk to you?" Kenny seemed a little stressed about something. "Yea, sure." Leo stood aside and ushered Kenny in. He closed the door and gestured for Kenny to sit. Kenny denied the offer and took a deep breath. "Something bothering you?" Leo asked, leaning against a table. Kenny figeted nervously, avoiding eye contact with Leo. Leo was baffled at Kenny's clumsy nervousness and he crossed his arms over his chest. "It's ok, Kenny. You can tell me." Kenny looked up at Leo. "I'm sorry, Leo. For ya know, being such a jerk to Jase. It's not my place to tell you who you should be friends with and I don't even know him all that well, but he seems nice enough and I just..I'm sorry." Kenny rambled, stuttering. "You already apologized for that, Kenny, which was awesome of you." Leo tried to reassure Kenny, smiling. Kenny saw Leo smile and he twisted his face strangely. "Anything else?" Leo persisted. Kenny breathed short, gaspy breaths. "yea, there is actually." Kenny took in a long, deep breath as if working to get something out. Before Leo could realize what had happened, Kenny had his lips pressed against Leo's. Leo threw his arms up in surprise and he yanked away. "What the hell?" Leo's eyes were wide with shock. "I think I'm in love with you Leo." Kenny confessed. He looked at Leo as if searching for a reaction. Leo just stared wide-eyed, the event of a few seconds ago not quite sinking in. "W....wh..what?" Leo stuttered, still in shock. "I'm in love with you. I..uh...I'm gay and I love you." Kenny breathed out as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. He smiled at Leo and then moved in and kissed Leo once more. Leo mumbled through the kiss and tried to pull away.

The sound of the front door opening and key's dropping on the floor rang through Leo's ears. Kenny pulled away and looked towards the door. Leo caught his breath, furious with Kenny. He looked at Kenny who was staring at the door. Leo followed Kenny's gaze.

Jase stood in the doorway, his eyes wide and glazed over, a single tear falling down his cheek. His mind whirled and he felt like he would throw up. His world crashed down around him as he stood there, shaking. "Jase, no. It's not what you think." Leo stepped towards him. Jase just shook his head, not looking at Leo. "Jase, please. You know me." Leo pleaded. Jase looked up at Leo, more tears running down his face. Leo was taken back by the look in Jase's eyes. A look of utter hurt, pain, disappointment, and sadness. Leo choked as he saw the look in Jase's eyes and he felt overwhelmed. Jase just shook his head and then bent down, picking up his keys. He shot one more look at Leo and then darted out of the apartment. "Jase! Wait, please! It's not what it looks like! JASE!" Leo screamed after him as Jase flew down the stairs and into his parents' car. He peeled out of the parking lot and disappeard around the corner. Leo held onto the railing for support, unable to catch his breath. "Leo?" a voice from behind him. Leo slowly turned and saw Kenny looking at him. Leo glared at him coldly. "Get out." Leo commanded softly and forcefully. "But." "Get the hell out!" Leo yelped, choking on his tears. Kenny nodded and bent his head over, making his way down the stairs. Leo gathered his strength and ran into the apartment and grabbed his keys. He darted out the front door, slamming it behind him and down the stairs he went. He got into his car and was out within seconds.

Jase sped down the roads of the town, tears running down his face. He wiped his face, trying to gain his composure before he arrived home. He took deep breaths and pulled into his driveway. To his surprise, his family had already gotten back. He sat in his car, waiting so that he could go in without it seeming like he had been crying. A few moments later he got out and went inside. "Jase, where have you been?" Chrissie ran to the door, greeting Jase. "Um...I remembered I had to talk to Leo about something." Jase lied. "It's called a phone, hun." Chrissie pulled Jase into the kitchen. Jase faked a chuckle and followed her. "We decided to just bring food back here. That way we could be together." Chrissie explained. Immediately, Mrs. Burke sensed something was wrong. She stood and pulled Jase's arm. "I need to talk with Jase for a moment." She excused them. She pulled him out into the hall. "Jase, honey, what's the matter?" She asked worriedly. Jase said nothing. If he spoke, the waterworks would go off again. He held it back with all his strength. "Jase!?" She demanded. Still he said nothing. The front door swung up. "Jase?" Leo called through the house. Jase cringed as he heard Leo's voice. Leo spotted him and began to approach Leo. "Jase, please let me explain." Jase's mother stood there dumbfounded. Jase stood there trying to block out Leo and the rest of the world. "Jase, please." Leo pleaded softly, stepping close to Jase. He started to put his hand on Jase's face but Jase yanked away. He still did not look at Leo. Chrissie and Mr. Burke stepped out into the hall. "J.." Leo felt the tears roll down his face. Jase choked as Leo spoke. Finally he looked up at Leo, his eyes filled with tears and his body shaking wearily. 'No, don't call me that. Please, dont do that. You've hurt me, Leo. Don't call me that.' Jase thought, his mind whirling.

Chrissie watched intently, wondering what this was all about. "J, he came by without any warning. I had no idea and before I knew it, he..." Leo trailed off, his eye catching Chrissie standing in the corner. He sighed, not wanting to give it away. "Can we please talk in private?" Leo pleaded. Jase bit his lip contemplatively. He then slowly looked up at Leo and nodded. They went into Jase's room and Leo closed the door. "Jase, I had no idea he was coming. He just...kissed me. I had no time to react and then you showed up at the wrong time. It wasn't what it looked like, J. I swear to you!" Leo put his hands on Jase's arms, his eyes connecting with Jases pleadingly. Jase sighed and one last tear fell down his cheek. Leo wiped it away. "You believe me don't you?" Leo asked. Jase nodded and a small smile spread across his face. Leo caressed Jase's cheek, relieved. He hugged Jase tightly, not wanting to let go. Jase gripped onto Jase tightly, enjoying the feeling. They parted eventually. "How could you think I would.." Leo began. "I didn't." "Huh?" "I knew you wouldn't. I just didn't know what to think, so I did what came to me first. I'm just so scared, Leo." Leo brought Jase into another hug comfortingly. "I know, J. You didn't get to tell her, did you?" Jase shook his head. "Tell me what?" Chrissie appeared in the doorway. Jase pulled away from the hug immediately, looking at Chrissie nervously. She stared at him with her arms crossed over her chest. She shook her head and then disappeared. Jase looked at Leo and sighed. "I'm sorry." Leo said softly. Jase smiled and brought his hand up to Leo's cheek. He then ran after Chrissie..

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 21

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