Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 8, 2000


Wassup people! I have nothing to say really except thanks for all the emails!! Oh yea....the next few chapters sees my story slowing to an end. I'm so sorry for all you dedicated readers out there, but there's so much going on in my life that I need to deal with..but have no fear..i will be writing other stories! I have ideas for others at the moment actually..ALl you need to do is to email me if you want to be updated when I start another story and I'll put you're address in my address book and send u an email when i get another one done!! Thanks to all who have been so great and i'm soo glad my story has been so well-liked...Wow, I guess I actually had a good bit to say after all..LoL THanks everyeon!!

Leo and Jase Chapter 23

The holiday season was nearing and the weather was getting colder and colder by the day it seemed. Cars rode around with Christmas trees tied to the roofs, houses all stood clad in Christmas lights and the city was gearing up. The only mall they had that wasn't an hour away was constantly packed with shoppers trying to get their Christmas shopping done before the "real"

last minute shoppers got into it.

Jase and Leo sat on the couch in Leo's apartment watching the news. Leo had his arm around Jase's shoulders and Jase snuggled up close to Leo, enjoying the feeling of Leo's closeness. He smiled in contentment as he watched the television, or rather, as the television watched him. He was in his own little world.

"And now for the weather with Jim Cornell! Jim, how's the next week shaping up?" the familiar news anchor cut into Jase's thoughts as he began to listen.

"Well, Bob, folks out there better bundle up and get out their shovels cuz it looks like we're going to be seeing some snow before the end of the week..."

he went on to talk about the highs and lows and some other stuff, but Jase sat up with a big smile! "Oh my gosh, snow!" Jase announced excitedly.

"Yea, so?" Leo asked, not understanding the significance.

"I love snow! I love winter! Having snow ball fights and building snowmen and making snow angels....." then Jase let a sly grin spread across his face, "Making body heat to keep warm." He brought his face close to Leo's and raised an eyebrow.

"Now you're speakin my language!" Leo exclaimed, wrapping his arms around Jase's waist and pulling him down. He pressed his lips against Jase's softly, but soon the kis escalated into a more passionate, hard kiss. They pulled away eventually, breathing heavily. Jase had his arms around Leo's neck and he smiled into Leo's eyes sweetly.

"I think I'm beginning to like winter," Leo stated coyly. Jase pulled him in for another, brief kiss and then reclaimed his seat next to Leo, pulling Leo's arm back around him. Jase sighed and closed his eyes, smiling. Leo smiled down at Jase lovingly and kissed the top of his head. He rested his cheek on Jase's head and closed his eyes as well. Within minutes, Jase was fast asleep, holding onto Leo tightly.

Jase awoke to find himself lying on the couch, alone. He blinked to adjust to the dim light that lit the room. He shivered as he felt a slight draft whisp around him. He pushed himself up and looked around. The front door stood wide open, being moved around by the cold wind coming from outside.

"Leo?" Jase called out softly as he stood up and walked towards the door.

He hesitated, as if something was holding him back.

"Leo? Are you outside? Mrs. Chase? Ben?" Jase called once again before stepping up to the door. He peered out into the darkness. 'How long have I been asleep?' he thought to himself. He reached over and turned the porch light on. He stepped out into the cold air and crossed his arms for warmth.

He looked around and then leaned over the railing. Leo's car was still there.

'Why would he leave without telling me. And why would he leave the door wide open?' A sudden feeling of worry coarsed through Jase's body causing him to shudder. He took a deep breath and shook the awful thoughts that were running through his head away. Maybe he'd just not pulled the dor good enough on his way out to get a couple things with his mom. He'd be right back..right?       Jase turned and went back inside closing the door. He shivered from the cold and walked back over to the couch, putting his shoes on. As he finished doing so, the phone rang, startling him and making him jump. He laughed at himself for being so jumpy and paranoid and he reached across the couch to the table and grabbed the phone off the hook. He brought it to his hear, rubbing his eyes sleepily and answered.


"Rise and shine!" A familiar voice said menacingly into the phone. Jase's eyes widened and he thought his heart would fly right out of his chest and out the window. He swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat.


"Wow, Jasey, I'm flattered that you recognized my voice. See I knew you loved me!" Ethan exclaimed happily.

"How could I forget a voice I hate so much."

The line went silent for a few seconds. "We'll see, Jase. By the way, you missing someone?"

Jase's heart raced a million miles an hour.

"Leo!" Jase choked out, his face became red with both anger and worry.

"You are so quick, Jase, baby! One of the many reasons I adore you!"

"In your dreams, asshole," Jase snapped coldly, his mind wandering to Leo...tears welled up in his eyes.

"You're damn right its in my dreams.." he laughed. Jase cringed in disgust.

"Yea, I paid you a little visit and, bad boy that I am, I borrowed a little something. I guess I could have just borrowed you, but what fun would that be?"

Jase clenched his teeth and quaked in fear.

"Don't you touch him, Ethan!" Jase managed to choke out through clenched teeth. He was pacing around the room by now. Just then, the door swung open.

Jase nearly jumped to the ceiling. Mrs. Chase came in, followed by Ben.

Jase breathed out in one big whoosh.

Mrs. Chase looked at him and saw his tearstreaked face and the look of worry writtin across is as well. She put down the grocery bags she was carrying and was at his side immediately.

"What's wrong, Jase?"

"Oh, Mommy's home Leo.." Ethan said with his hand over the phone. Jase could hear Leo trying to yell, but something was obviously covering his mouth because his screams came out muffled. Jase felt his stomach lurch.

"Leo!" Jase shrieked into the phone. Ben then appeared at his side as well.

They were both eyeing Jase worriedly.

"Jase, what's going on? Where's Leo?" Ben demanded. Jase could not speak.

His mind was racing and he felt himself getting dizzy and weak.

"Get them off your case. I need to talk to you about something."

"What do you want?" Jase managed to ask.

"You know what I want, Jase." Jase swallowed. He shuddered to think.

Ethan continued, "Come to your house. I'll call Leo's carphone in 15 minutes.

You should be driving up right about that time. I'll give further instructions by then. Come alone or dear old Leo won't be so dear anymore. In fact, he won't be so alive anymore either." The line went dead. Jase couldn't breath. He was fighting to keep himself from passing out.

"Jase? What's going on?" Mrs. Chase snapped him out of his trance. Jase looked at them as if he hadn't realized they'd come in and he took a deep breath.

"Can I borrow Leo's spare keys?" Jase asked.

"Not until you tell us what's going on?" Mrs. Chase bargained.

"I can't tell you."

"What do you mean you can't tell us?" Ben asked, throwing his arms up frustradedly.

"If I tell you you'll call the police and he told me to come alone or he'll..." Jase stopped himself.

"He'll ...and who's he exactly?" Mrs. CHase urged impatiently.

"I can't tell you, but if I don't get Leo's car then he's going to be in very serious danger. That's all I can tell you! I'm sorry!" Jase raised his voice in exasperation. Mrs. Chase finally relented and went into the kitchen, returning with a spare key to Leo's car. Jase took it and sighed.

"Be careful, Jase. We love you." Mrs. Chase said softly as Jase started towards the door. He stopped, but didn't turn around. He smiled slightly.

"I love you too." He then was out the door and in the car in seconds. He peeled out of the parking lot and sped dangerously to his house. His mind raced and he could barely concentrate on the road. He hoped that there were no cops out. As he drove, he thought about Leo. His eyes once again welled up with tears.

'I hope he's alright. If that piece of shit touches him I'll kill him.' Jase vowed to himself. As he neared his house, the phone rang. He nearly swirved off the road. He hesitated, but then picked the phone up and slowly brought it to his ear.

"Time's tickin away, Jase." The voice menaced. "Tick tock tick tock. I'm getting impatient."

Jase turned into his driveway at this point.

"I'm here. Now what?"

"That's good. Very determined aren't we? I like that in a man."

"What do you want me to do?!" Jase demanded impatiently.

"Get out of the car and go to the front door." The voice instructed. Jase eyed the front door. The porch light wasn't on and the house was eerily dark.

"The hourglass is running out of sand, Jaseypoo." Jase gathered all his courage and made his way up to his front door and stood there for the rest of the instructions.

"That's good. Now go inside, close the door and lock it." Jase turned the knob slowly and pushed the door open, standing outside as it swung open, making sure that no one would jump out and attack him. He put one foot inside and peeked in, then stepped all the way in. He stepped a few steps forward and then turned and closed the door, locking it.

He brought the phone back up to his ear and turned, leaning his back against the door and looking around as he spoke.

"Now what?"

"That's a good boy. Now go to the basement door and come on down and join us!" Ethan changed his voice to mock a game show host. Then it changed to a low, sly sound, "I'll be waiting for you." The line went dead. Jase took a deep breath and then slowly made his way to the basement door. Before he stepped up to it to open it, he looked over towards the kitchen.

He disappeared into the kitchen and came back a few seconds later, stepping back up to the door. He took another deep breath, gathering his strength and courage, then he turned the knob slowly. He pushed the door open and a dim light greeted him. He looked down the stairs but saw nothing, so he took a few steps down and the looked again. He bent down and saw Leo tied to a pipe coming out of the wall, bound and gagged. Jase felt his heart sink and he hastily shot down the stairs and was at Leo's side. He began trying his luck with untying Leo's restraints, but knots were tied too tightly. He looked at Leo in the face. He had been hit over the head and blood dripped down the side of his head.

Leo stirred, opening his eyes. He saw a blur sitting in front of him and he jumped, trying to get away. When his vision cleared, he saw that it was Jase and he felt a sense of relief wash over him. He looked up at Jase, a tear trickling down his cheek.

Jase shook his head.

"No, Leo. Don't cry." He brought his hand up to Leo's cheek and he caressed it. He hugged Leo tightly.

"Aw, well isn't that cute?" A voice came from behind them. Leo jumped backward and Jase whirled around, standing up.

"How'd you get out of jail?" Jase immediately demanded.

"Oh, just skip the pleasantries. Straight-forward, I like it." Ethan smiled slyly. He took a step towards Jase who took a step back. "I got out on good behavior. Can you believe it? See, Jasey, I can be good too." Ethan took another step closer, but Jase was backed up against the wall. Ethan stepped up close to Jase and brought his hand up to Jase face and touched it.

Jase cringed and shot Ethan a dirty look. Ethan moved even closer. Jase could feel his breath on his face. Ethan looked him up and down hungrily, his hand sliding downward, sliding over Jase's chest and stomach. Jase pushed him away harshly.

"Get the hell away from me." Jase said in a coldly calm voice. Leo was slipping in and out of consciousness.

"Jase, you're making this harder than it has to be."

Jase shot him a questioning look, not knowing what he meant by that.

"I tried to give you another chance, but I have to face it. As long as Leo's around, I'll never win your heart." Ethan shook his head sadly.

"So you'll let us go?" Jase said with almost too much desperation in his voice. Ethan looked up.

"Now you know it's not that easy, Jasey. Leo's got to go." Ethan said softly.

Jase choked on Ethan's words.

"Ethan, let him go. I'll give anything!" Jase pleaded. Ethan looked up.


"Please let him go."

Ethan approached Jase, but he grabbed JAse's wrists so he couldn't push him away. He pinned Jase against the wall and moved closer, pressing his lips forcefully against Jase's. Jase groaned in disgust, moving his head to get away, but Ethan's lips wrestled with his. Ethan then pulled away and started placing kisses down Jase's neck. He pinned both of Jase's hands up over his head with one hand and then used his free hand to begin unbuttoning Jase's shirt. Jase squirmed around but Ethan had gotten stronger since the last time and he couldn't budge himself. Ethan rubbed his hand all over JAse's body. He brought his hand to Jase's crotch and rubbed it forcefully.

"Stop it, please." Jase choked. Ethan looked into Jase's eyes, his eyes full of hunger. Almost animal-like. Jase felt himself suddenly become more afriad than he'd ever been before. He knew what Ethan wanted. Ethan smiled menacingly and forced Jase around so that his face was being pushed against the wall. Jase squirmed with all his strength to get out of Ethan's grasp, but it was no use. He felt himself becoming weaker and he felt himself become dizzy.

Ethan reached around and undid Jase's belt buckle and undid his jeans.

He yanked them down and then Jase's boxers. Ethan squeezed Jase's butt forcefully, making Jase flinch. He then pressed his boner hard against Jase's buttocks then pulled away and began unbuckling his belt. Jase felt himself begin to pass out. Suddenly, then grip around his wrists was released and he felt himself fall to the ground. Familiar arms wrapped around him in a tight embrace. He felt the warmth and clung to the body for dear life. He felt himself sobbing now.

"Leo.." Jase whispered.

"Yea, its me, J." The familiar voice said. Jase felt himself just melt when he heard the voice. It soothed him to no end. He felt safe as long as these arms were around him and that voice was being whispered into his ear.

"Come on, J, we have to get out of here." Leo pulled Jase up and slid his arm under Jase's to support him. He pulled himself and Jase up the stairs, struggling from hauling both their weights in his weakened state. But he gathered all his strength and made it to the hallway where they collapsed. He breathed heavily and then turned to Jase.

"Jase? You with me, baby?" Leo cupped Jase's cheeks in his hands. Jase nodded slightly.

"Ok, I need you to be strong for me, ok? I need you to try to walk for me. I don't think I can carry us both again like that." Jase nodded and tried to sit up. He pulled himself up with the help of Leo and they began making their way to the door. When they reached it, a sudden shot rang through Jase's ears. 'Was that a gun? No, I'm hallucinating, right Leo? Leo?' Jase looked around and then down. Leo was lying on the floor, not moving. Jase felt himself get weak again and he collapsed on the floor next to Leo. He hovered over Leo.

"Leo? Leo, please don't leave me. Oh God, no!" Jase pleaded, holding Leo's head in his lap.

"I told you I had to have you, and I couldn't do that as long as Leo was around. Jase looked up and stared coldly.

Ethan approached them slowly. He bent over and started to reach out to Jase, the gun in his other hand. Jase eyed the gun and then looked up at Ethan.

Gathering all his strength he kicked as hard as he could, sending Ethan flying back and the gun slidng across the floor. Jase lunged towards the gun, sliding on his stomach a few inches. He grabbed it and turned just as Ethan was getting back up.

"Go to hell." Jase said coldly. He pulled the trigor, then again, and again, and again. He pulled it until he realized that the gun was out of bullets. He stared at the dead body lying on the ground before him. He dropped the gun, realizing waht he had just done. He had just killed someone and he didn't care. He deserved to die. He suddenly realized..

"Leo!" He exclaimed, suddenly back at Leo's side. Leo stirred, coughing.

"Leo! You're alive."

Leo managed to smile, "Told you I'd never leave you." Jase smiled, choking on his tears as he pulled Leo into a tight hug.

"I love you, J." Leo said in a low, soft voice.

"I've loved you all my life." Jase whispered back, kissing Leo on the forehead softly.

Next: Chapter 23

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