Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 9, 2000


Hey people..I've gotten a lot of emails about the fact that I'm winding the story down. Don't worry, I've still got a good few chapters left, but time is going to seem to speed up for Leo and Jase because I have my ending in mind. Please continue to send me emails, i love gettin 'em. Thanks! Enjoy..

Leo and Jase Chapter 24

"I got it, J! I'm ok!" Leo insisted as Jase tried to help him get into the car.

"Leo, I got you shot! It's the least I could do!" Leo shot Jase a look of warning.

"Jase, we've talked about this. It was NOT your fault and I'm going to go crazy if you keep saying that!" Leo exclaimed. Jase sighed and nodded, smiling. He gave Leo a quick kiss on the cheek and then closed the door for him. He put Leo's bag in the trunk and climbed into the driver's side of Leo's car. He started up the car and took a last look up at the hospital where Leo had spent the past week. Between the blows to the head and the gunshot mixed with emotional stress, Leo had been kept there for every kind of test imaginable. Jase had never left his side except to shower and use the bathroom.

They arrived at Jase's house a few minutes later. Leo was to spend the night since his Mom was out of town for another family problem. She had told them she wasn't going to make it, but Jase insisted. After much debate and arguement, she agreed and thanked Jase. Jase's motives were almost completely selfish, however. Having Leo to himself for at least one night. He smiled at himself slyly. He turned the car off and then got out, rounding the car and opening the door for Leo. He helped Leo out and shut the door.

"I'm not an invalid, J." Leo said dryly. Jase grabbed Leo's bag from the trunk and then slid his arm around Leo, helping him up to the front door.

They entered the house being greeted by Jase's family. Mrs. Burke was immediately at Leo's side offering him a drink or something to eat. Leo gladly took the offer. Eating hospital food had increased his appetite considerably. Jase led him into the living room and laid him down on the couch comfortably.

"You spoil me, Jase." Leo said sweetly, looking up at Jase from his place on the couch. Jase leaned down and placed a sweet kiss on Leo's lips.

"Its my job!" Jase exclaimed cheerily. Leo smiled and sighed. His shoulder was throbbing and he winced in pain. Jase disappeared and soon returned with Leo's pain pills and a glass of water. Leo took it and then laid back, closing his eyes tiredly. Within minutes he was sleeping with Jase watching over him protectively.

Leo awoke at around 3 in the afternoon. He opened his eyes and looked around, yawning. He sat up, his shoulder beginning to throb again. He winced and then looked around the room. The front door opened and the closed. In walked Jase with bags of groceries in his hands. When he saw that Leo was awake, he dropped them and rushed into the living room.

"You're awake. Sleepyhead, you've been sleeping for like 5 or 6 hours."

Jase took a seat next to Leo and patted his thigh lovingly. Leo smiled and kissed Jase on the cheek quickly.

Jase blushed and smiled as well, "So how are ya feelin?"

Leo nodded and yawned.

"I'm feeling better now that I've gotten a restful sleep." Leo smiled, his eyes still holding a tired look about them. Jase caressed Leo's cheek lovingly and then leaned in and kissed his forhead.

"Well, get some more rest, ok?" Jase suggested. Leo yawned once more and shook his head.

"No, I'm not tired." He held his eyes open.

Jase smiled, "Liar." Leo rolled his eyes and then relented.

"Alright, so I'm exhausted!" Leo admitted.

"That a boy. Now go into my room and get in bed. You'll be more comfortable there. Sleep some more and I'll have dinner ready by the time you wake up."

Jase began helping Leo up off the couch and to his bedroom. Leo leaned on Jase, not because he needed to, but because he enjoyed the close feeling of Jase and he wanted him so badly. He glanced at Jase for a moment. Jase felt eyes looking at him and he looked at Leo, who quickly looked away. Jase chuckled at Leo's nervousness and they reached Jase's room. Jase led Leo to the bed and he sat down.

A lightbulb popped into Leo's head and he grinned slightly, but quickly put the grin away before Jase noticed it. Jase started to leave the room.

"J?" Leo called after him in a phony weak tone of voice. Jase turned.

"Yea?" Leo relaxed his body completely and made his movements seem almost as if he was in slow motion. Jase was at his side in a second.

"Something wrong?"

"I don't think I can get outta these clothes. I feel like I've been run over by a Mac Truck." Leo gave his best pitiful face and looked up at Jase who was looking at him sympathetically.

"Aw, poor baby." With that, that grabbed the hem of Leo's shirt and pulled up, being careful not to graze the wound on his back. Leo winced in pain fakely. Jase reached around, his body barely touching Leo's. Jase slid his hand around and looked at the wound, feeling bad for grazing it as he removed Leo's shirt. Leo licked his lips as he could feel the warmth of Jase's body radiating, warming him. Jase then pulled away and looked at Leo who's eyes were closed and he was biting his lip in such a way. Jase smiled and snapped his fingers in front of Leo's face.

"Cool down, stud!" Jase teased. Leo turned a bright shake of red and looked away. Jase brought his eyes to meet Leo's and then leaned in, pressing his lips against Leo's gently. Leo immediately returned the kiss, wrapping his arms around Jase's neck and pulling him down on top of himself. Jase felt Leo's tongue wetting his lips and he parted them. Their tongues wrestled each other. Leo let his hand tug at the hem of Jase's shirt slighty. Jase pulled away and smiled.

"Oh no you don't. You need to rest, bud."

Leo groaned.

"But, baby.." Leo whined seductively. Jase smiled.

"That's not fair." Jase scolded. Leo smiled slyly and pulled Jase back down into another deep kiss. Jase felt himself begin to give in, but he mustered up what little reserves of self control he had stored in the back of his mind and he pulled away.

"Down boy!" Jase laughed, standing up. "You're getting too good at that.

You faker!" Jase smiled. Leo laid back in frustration. Jase slapped his thigh lovingly and gave it a little squeeze. Leo looked up at him and smiled.

"I love you." Leo said sweetly.

Jase smiled.."I love you too baby. Now get some rest!" Leo smiled and rolled his eyes.

"Alright alright." Jase smiled and then leaned back down, placing a small kiss on Leo's cheek. With that, he left the room, leaving the door cracked slightly.

When Leo awoke once again a couple of hours later, a wonderful smell waking him out of his slumber. He pushed the covers off of him and pulled his jeans back on. He got up and grabbed one of Jase's sweaters and put it on. He walked out of the room and headed into the kitchen. He opened the door and saw LeAnn sitting at the counter talking to Jase. She looked up when she saw Leo and she and Jase quit talking. Leo eyed them suspiciously.

"What were you talking about?" Leo asked, knowing he wouldn't get a real answer.

"Nothing. We were just talkin." Jase lied. Leo still eyed them, but he nodded and took a seat next to LeAnn.

"So to what do we owe this pleasure of your coming to visit?" Leo asked.

"I'm eating dinner with you guys! Jase called and invited me. He's cooked up some killer pasta!" LeAnn exclaimed cheerfully.

"So you can cook, sing, a little bit of everything." Leo smiled up at Jase.

Jase blushed. "And he's mine!" Leo stated proudly. Jase turned another shade of red.

"So you can sing?" LeAnn asked surprised. Jase avoided the question.

"Chrissie, his cousin, says he has an amazing voice but he won't demonstrate!" Leo rolled his eyes.

"Aw, come on Jase. You don't have to be shy around us!" LeAnn whined.

Jase rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Please!" Leo and LeAnn pleaded simultaneously. Jase laughed, still shaking his head.

"It's hopeless." Leo gave in. LeAnn rolled her eyes and changed the subject.

They ate dinner and complained about the upcoming exam week and chatted about different things. After dinner, Leo got up and went to the bathroom. Jase took this oppurtunity to share an idea he had for a Christmas present to Leo.

After he explained everything to her and told her the part she had in the deal, she bounced around excitedly.

"Jase, he'll love it!" LeAnn squealed.

"You think?" Jase asked, still not sure if it was stupid or not.

"Jase, that's the best idea in the world! He is going to go crazy over it!"

She assured him.

"Crazy over what?" Leo entered the conversation. Jase jumped and turned to look at him with a guilty expression on his face, avoiding eye contact.

"Nothing, we were just talkin..." Jase bit his cheek.

"Liar." Leo caught him. "You are the worst Liar, Jase." Leo smiled and shook his head, dropping it. Jase breathed a sigh of relief. Leo took his seat next to LeAnn and took a sip of his drink. Jase shot LeAnn a look as if saying, 'that was close.' She laughed at him and then stood up.

"Well, I gotta go, you guys! I'll see you in school on Monday!"

They said goodbye to LeAnn and then Leo went into the living room while Jase cleaned up the kitchen. Then he joined Leo in the living room and took a seat next to him.

"So where's your parents and Josh?" Leo asked.

"They went out Christmas shopping, probably thought it'd be a good time to get my presents since I'm so preoccupied." Jase chuckled. Leo smiled and nodded, yawning once again.

"You still tired?" Jase asked, surprised that as much as Leo had slept, he stll hadn't gotten enough rest.

"I don't know why, but I can't seem to get enough sleep." Leo sighed.

Jase smiled and positioned himself in the corner of the couch. He gestured for Leo to lay back against him. Leo smiled and did so. He brought his feet onto the couch and laid back against Jase's chest and snuggled up against him gladly.

Jase wrapped his arms around Leo and hugged him tightly. Feeling the warmth of their bodies pressed close together warmed them from the chilly air that the night had brought with it.

"Leo?" Jase whispered.

"Hmm?" Leo said with a smile on his face and his eyes closed.

"I was just thinkin. We have been through hell and back in just a few months.

I can't believe how much has gone on. I've figured out I was gay, I've fallen head over heels in love for the first time, I've been stalked, kidnapped, and rescued." Jase let a small smile spread across his face for a second and he placed a kiss on the top of Leo's head. Leo hugged him tighter.

"Promise you'll never leave me?" Leo lifted his head slightly and looked up at Jase. Jase smiled down at him. "Never." He whispered simply. Leo smiled and laid his head back down, clutching Jase tightly.

"I Promise...my Angel." Jase sighed as he felt Leo's heavy, steady breathing.

He slept peacefully in Jase's arms, sheltered from everything wrong in the world. As long as he was in Jase's arms, he would be ok and he knew that and would never let go.

Leo sat in his kitchen reading a magazine, well, looking at the pictures. He took a sip of his coffee and turned the page, looking at picture of Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. He shook his head.

"Too bad he's not gay." He said to himself jokingly. "And too bad I'm not straight," he commented, referring to Britney Spears. He chuckled and turned the page once again. He sighed and closed the magazine.

'Where is Jase?' he thought to himself. Jase had been kind of busy the past week and a half and they had only really talked on the phone. He hadn't seen him except at school a few times, but at lunch he would be studying for exams with people in his classes. Leo himself hadn't cracked a book and time was running short to exams. He pushed the magazine away and then left the kitchen and into his room. He sat at his desk and pulled out his books from his bookbag and opened one of them. He took a deep breath and began studying.

Alot of good that did, his mind kept wandering back to Jase. He sat staring at the page, reading the same sentence over and over again. The front door opened, taking Leo away from his thoughts. He stood, but before he could make it to his door, it swung open and in ran a little girl of about 6 years old, blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a smile from ear to ear. She jumped into Leo's arms and hugged his neck tightly.

"LEO!" She shrieked gleefully. Leo smiled and hugged her back.

"Heyya, Squirt!" Leo greeted the little girl.

"Jordan! You little terror!" A boy walked in looking for his little sister.

He was about 6' tall, dirty blonde hair just like Leo's, warm brown eyes.

He was taller than Leo by about an inch and a little more built from playing football for his high school team. He had a dark tan as well.

"Hey Jeremy, what's up?!" Leo greeted him, pulling him into a hug.

"Hey cuz! Nothin much..what's goin on with you?! I heard you got in a bit of trouble a week back." Jeremy brought up the incident. Leo nodded, rolling his eyes, not wanting to relive that experience.

"Yea, but its all good now." Leo replied, wanting to change the subject.

Jeremy nodded.

"What are you doing here?" Leo asked, curious as to the visit.

"Well, Aunt Julia brought us back with her since we got out of school on Friday. We're staying for a week or two." Jeremy stated with a grin that matched Leo's grin perfectly. Leo's eyes lit up.


"YAY!" Jordan squealed. Leo smiled and kissed her on the cheek, putting her down. She ran out the room and Leo and Jeremy followed her.

"So, cuz, how's it been going on besides being nearly killed." Jeremy teased, putting his hand on Leo's shoulder. He seemed different to Leo. He didn't seem his same friendly, cheerful self. Leo pretended not to notice.

"It's been going really good actually!" Leo exclaimed, his mind drifting to Jase.

"I know that tone of voice," Jeremy seemed to read Leo's thoughts, "You've got something goin on with someone don'tcha!?" They entered the living room and greeted Ben and Mrs. Chase.

"Yea, actually, I do."

"Well, that's great, man. What's she like?" Jeremy urged, getting comfortable on the couch.

"Well, they're really amazing!" Leo tried to keep it gender-neutral. He wasn't ashamed, but he wasn't sure how Jeremy would react if he found out.

"Yea, I'm really head over heels for....them."

Jeremy laughed, "Geez, Leo, how many people you datin?!" Jeremy picked up on the frequent use of the word 'them', but he brushed it off, not realizing what it could mean.

"What about you?" Leo interjected, trying to change the subject, "You got someone special?"

Jeremy laughed, "I wish. Nope, I'm single and minglin at the moment!"

A knock on the front door interrupted their catching up. Ben went to answer the door and opened it.

"Jase! HAven't seen you in ages it seems like!" Ben exclaimed, stepping aside to let Jase in.

"I know, Ben. I've been so busy lately." Jase replied.

Leo's face lit up like a lamp when he saw Jase at the door, but he contained his enthusiasm since Jeremy was there.

Jeremy looked at Leo curiously when he saw Leo's reaction to Jase's entrance. He shook his head. 'Naw.' Jase cast a glance at Leo and flashed him a smile. Leo smiled back and stood up. Jase saw Jeremy and Jordan sitting there, so he didn't hug Leo as he usually did. Leo was at his side in a second and smiling at him, flashing him a look that Jase understood immediately. Jase approached Jeremy and held out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Jase, Leo's..friend." Jase introduced himself. Jeremy smiled up at him and shook his hand in greeting.

"I'm Jeremy, I'm Leo's cousin. And this little devil is Jordan, my little sister." He introduced them. Jase smiled down at Jordan and waved.

"Hey Jordan, how's it goin?" Jase greeted her. She smiled at him shyly and waved. She stared up into his eyes and seemed mesmerized. Jase looked at Leo, wondering what she was doing. Leo shrugged. Then, Jordan smiled.

"You have really pretty eyes." She stated softly, her eyes not leaving his.

Leo smiled, fully agreeing with her. Jase blushed and smiled.

'He really does have nice eyes,' Jeremy thought to himself, trying not to look at Jase too long at a time. 'He's really cute too. No, Jeremy, stop that.' "Jeremy, you ok?" Mrs. Chase interrupted his thoughts. Jeremy snapped out of it and smiled.

"Yea, fine." Jeremy said cheerfully. "How bout we all get some pizza or something delivered?" He suggested. They all agreed and Leo went to get the phone.

"Have a seat, Jase." Jeremy patted the seat next to him and Jase took him up on the offer.

"So tell me about yourself." Jeremy smiled. Jase was taken back by the smile.

That was Leo's smile. He could definately see the family resemblance.

"Well, I've lived here my whole life. Not much to tell really. How bout you?"

Jase turned the question around.

Jeremy chuckled, "You can't stand talking about yourself, can you?" Jase blushed and shook his head.

"No big. Well, my Dad died when I was 8." Jeremy began.

"I'm sorry," Jase interrupted sympathetically.

"It's ok. It was a long time ago. Anyway, my Mom eventually remarried and then this one came along." He ruffled Jordan's hair playfully. She stuck her tongue out at him childishly. She looked at Jase once more, smiling. He smiled back and she looked away bashfully. He then returned his attention back to Jeremy who continued.

"I play on my school football team and that's about it."

"Where do you live?"

"Oh, my bad, we live in Boston." Jase nodded and then Leo, Ben, and Mrs.

Chase entered the room again.

"It's on its way!" Leo announced. Jase stood up.

"I gotta go to the bathroom. Be right back." He shot a look to Leo who got the hint. Jase left the room. Leo waited a few seconds before making up an excuse to go to his room. When he got there, Jase was sitting on his bed.

Leo closed the door behind him. Immediately, Jase rushed up to him and pressed his lips hard against Leo's. The kiss was a passionate one. Eventually, Jase pulled away and smiled.

"I've wanted to do that all week. I've missed you." Jase sighed, pressing his forehead against Leo's.

Leo returned the smile. "I know, Mr. too busy to see me!" Leo teased.

Jase shot him a hurt look.

"I know, I'm sorry. Exams are a big deal to you."

"And they should be to you too, if you wanna keep your grades up. You're already behind from being out so much!" Jase scolded. "Have you even cracked a book yet?" Leo started to lie, but he just looked away. He couldn't lie to Jase. Jase rolled his eyes.


"I know I know. I'll study my ass of til exams from now on, ok?"

"You better!" Jase smiled and pressed his lips once again against Leo's.

This kiss was a softer, more gentle one.

"Whoa, sorry." A voice came from the door. Leo's head whirled around to the door where Jeremy stood there with a wide-eyed expression his face.

"Jeremy.." Leo didn't know what to say. What he had just walked in on sort explained itself. Jeremy stepped inside.

"So this is why the vagueness when I asked you about your 'special someone'."

Jeremy figured. Leo nodded and then stared at Jeremy for a reaction.

"Hey, I'm cool." Jeremy smiled reassuringly. A breath of relief came from both Leo and Jase. "Good luck explaining to Jordan why her new crush has a crush on her cousin..who's a boy!" Jeremy laughed.

"Crush?" Jase asked, obviously he was a little slow on the uptake.

"Yes, our little girl has her first crush. And its on a gay guy.

How....sweet?" Jeremy joked once again. Leo chuckled and Jase turned red.

"Come on, pizza's here." Jeremy motioned for them to follow. Leo went ahead and Jase was about to when Jeremy stopped him.

"Hey, Jase?" Jeremy whispered. Jase turned.


"Can I tell you something? I mean, I know I have only known you for like 20 minutes, but I can already tell you can be trusted." Jeremy rambled.

"Sure, you can tell me anything." Jeremy seemed a little nervous. He fidgeted.

"It's ok, Jeremy. You can tell me. What is it?"

"Well...I.....I'm gay." Jeremy blurted out. He turned red and chewed on his lower lip. Obviously the habit ran in the family. Jase put a comforting hand on his arm.

"It's ok, Jeremy." Jase assured him.

Jeremy looked at him and relaxed. "But don't tell Leo. I wanna tell him myself. I just had to tell someone and I'm not ready to tell family yet."

"Sure thing!" Jase smiled. They then walked into the join the other..


remember, feel free to email me anytime DrJJC19@aol.com

Next: Chapter 24

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