Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 11, 2000


Hey People! I've gotten a lot of awesome emails from people and I had no idea that my story meant that much to so many of you! However, I am still winding the story to a temporary end. Yes, temporary. I do plan to pick up the story a little later on as Leo and Jase go to college. It may not run as long as this one, but it will be a follow-up just so I don't leave everyone wondering what happened after high school. As I said before, if you would like to be updated as to when the follow up to Leo and Jase will be out or updates on other stories that I may post in the future, email me so I can add your address to my book and email you as things progress! Thanks again to EVERYONE who has emailed me and talked to me online! It means so much! On with the story..

Leo and Jase Chapter 25

The week after Jeremy's arrival dragged by. Again, Jase was busy for virtually the entire week studying for exams and whatnot. Leo had locked himself in his room with his books, forcing him to get crackin' on the studying. But exams were over and a huge sense of relief settled over everyone for once.

Leo and Jase rushed inside Jase's house to get out of the freezing atmosphere outside. It hadn't snowed as was predicted, but the clouds still loomed overhead, threatening to cover the town with a fresh blanket any day.

"Dammit, it's freezing out there!" Jase exclaimed, closing the door as quickly as possible. Leo laughed and then approached Jase slyly.

"I'll warm you up." Leo wrapped his arms around Jase's waist and looked into Jase's eyes, smiling. Jase smiled and placed a kiss on Leo's lips briefly. He pulled away and looked once again into the crystal blue pool of Leo's eyes.

He sighed with a smile.

"I feel like I haven't seen you all week." Jase finally spoke. Leo nodded in agreement, pulling away and beginning to remove his coat.

"That's cuz you haven't except in between classes. I've never seen someone study as much as you!" Leo noted, hanging his coat up on the rack.

"Speaking of, how'd you do?" Jase asked, referring to Leo's exams, also hanging his outerwear on the coat rack.

"I think I did really well actually, knock on wood. How bout you?" Leo replied.

"I nailed it!" Jase exclaimed. "I should have anyway. My brain is exhausted from cramming so much, so I better have aced those things!" They walked into the kitchen and Jase began fixing them some hot chocolate. Leo took a seat at the counter on a stool and watched as Jase scurried around the kitchen.

He bit his lower lip as his eyes roamed over Jase's body. He smiled to himself appreciatively.

Jase wore a formfitting turtle-neck sweater that fit him in all the right places and some dark blue jeans that he rolled up at the bottom a little to show the lighter blue underneath. Jase turned and gave Leo a questioning look. Leo smiled.

"Just thinking about how awesome you look today. And every day while we're at it." Leo said sweetly. Jase blushed and then leaned over the counter, pressing his lips softly against Leo's. When they pulled away, Jase licked his lips.

"Gosh you taste good. I think I'll have some more." Jase hopping over the counter and wrapped his arms around Leo's neck, pressing his lips against Leo's hungrily.

Leo responded by wrapping his arms around Jase's waist and returning the kiss, licking Jase's lips so that he would part them. Leo slid his tongue in Jase's mouth and explored all around, wrestling with Jase's tongue. Leo loved kissing Jase more than anything in the world. To hold him, kiss him, and be warm in his arms was absolute heaven to Leo.

Jase couldn't help but smile as he continued to kiss Leo. He moaned softly, savoring the moment as best he could. He held Leo tightly and never wanted to let go. Finally, though, they broke away. They smiled into each others eyes and sighed.

"Kissing you has to be the most thrilling thing I'll ever do in my entire life." Leo licked his lips. Jase smiled and pressed his forehead against Leo's.

"You're too good to me." Jase replied, then placing a kiss on Leo's nose.

With that, he then went back to making the hot chocolate. Leo rested his elbows on the counter and his head in his hands.

"You wanna rent a movie tonight and watch it by the fire?" Leo suggested, smiling at the thought of cuddling up on the couch with Jase in his arms.

Jase looked over at him and could barely contain a smile that was fighting it's way out.

"No." Jase said simply. Leo shot him a hurt expression.

"What? No?" Leo asked, genuinely hurt. Jase walked over to the counter and stood across from Leo, leaning over it.

"We're going to do something tonight, but it's a surprise." Jase said with a sly smile on his face. Leo raised an eyebrow.

"A surprise?" Leo asked curiously. Jase nodded and then poured the hot chocolate into two coffee mugs.

"What kind of surprise?" Leo asked, pressing the issue.

"If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise." Jase smiled. Leo stuck out his tongue and pouted. Jase chuckled at him and slid the mug over to him.

Leo took a hearty sip of the warm liquid and felt it warm his insides.

"Come on," Leo began again, "You know I hate surprises!"

"I know, that's why this is so much fun!" Jase laughed. Leo groaned in defeat and huffed.


"Aw come on, baby. You'll love it." Jase assured him. Leo rolled his eyes and nodded submissively.

"Alright alright."

"I love you, baby." Jase smiled. Leo was trying his best to keep his pouting face on, but those words melted him completely.

"You know I love you too." Leo finally said with the smile that Jase loved so much.

Leo stood in front of the mirror of his bathroom and gave himself a once-over. He had to admit he looked pretty good. He had put a little bit of gel in his hair, but just enough to keep it out of his face. His hair hung down, a few gelled strands loose in his face. He wore an almost metallic gray button down shirt that accentuated his tanned skin. He rolled up the sleeves and unbuttoned the first few buttons, revealing his Leo pendant necklace that Jase had given him. He stared at the necklace in the mirror and smiled to himself. He toyed with it and sighed.

He brushed out a stray wrinkle in his khakis and then nodded at himself in the mirror. With that, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light. He walked into the living room where LeAnn sat reading a magazine. She looked up as he walked in the room and her eyes widened.

"Leo! You look awesome! Why don't you swing back over to my side and be my boy toy?!" LeAnn joked. Leo laughed and blushed at the comment.

She didn't look so bad herself. She wore her hair up except for a few loose strands that hung down, a tight fitting, pink turtleneck sweater and a little black skirt, and shoes that made her a few inches taller.

"You look pretty damn good yourself!" Leo exclaimed whole-heartedly. She smiled and posed for him. They both laughed.

"You ready?" She asked, picking up her purse and going over to get her coat.

"Yea. So..where are you taking me exactly?" Leo asked softly.

"Oh no you don't!" LeAnn put her hand up.

"Aw come on!" Leo pleaded.

"Don't worry, you'll love it!" She assured him. Leo whined and then helped her put her coat on before putting his own coat on as well.

They went out to the car and LeAnn put her hand out. Leo stared at it as if it would try to strangle him.


"I'm driving." LeAnn replied.

"Like hell you are." Leo retorted, "Not my car you aren't."

"Oh come on Leo. You know I'm a good driver. Besides, you don't even know where we're going!" LeAnn came back. Leo thought and then relented, reaching into his pocket and pulling out his keys, handing them to her. She patted his shoulder.

"That's a good boy." He shot her a dirty look and she giggled. They got into the car and were off.

They arrived 30 minutes later outside a small building at the edge of town. The building was decorated with ice sickle lights lining the roof and white lights around the windows and bushes. They sparkled in the darkness of night. Christmas wreaths hung from every window and the front door as well as a single candle shining from the windows. It was beautiful.

Leo and LeAnn climbed out of the car into the cold night air. LeAnn circled the car and took Leo's arm, leading him to the front door. They entered the building which turned out to be a party hall. Leo looked around to see familiar faces. His mom, Ben, Jase's parents and Josh, Jeremy, Jordan who sat playing with a Britney Spears Barbie doll, and a few more people that Jase and Leo had told about their relationship. Basically, all of Leo and Jase's supporters were there. They all came over to Leo and greeted him enthusiastically. Leo looked around for a second, but then turned his attention back to the guests, a look of disappointment on his face.

"What's the matter, Leo?" LeAnn asked, noticing Leo's look of disappointment.

"Where's Jase?" Leo asked, looking around once again.

"Oh, he'll be here soon." LeAnn replied, a smile spreading across her face.

Leo shot the others a look of question as to LeAnn response, but they all shrugged. The door opened and Leo looked to it in anticipation. When Kenny walked in, Leo breathed out a sigh.

"Hey Kenny!" Leo greeted him. Kenny smiled in greeting and slapped Leo on the back.

"Hey, man, what's goin on?" Kenny asked, taking a look around. He waved at LeAnn from across the room and then turned back to Leo.

"What's this all about? I was told to come here tonight by LeAnn, but she wouldn't tell me what it was all about.

"Don't ask me. Apparently, this is a surprise thing for me, but Jase isn't anywhere to be found." Leo replied, walking with Kenny over to the rest of the guests. Jeremy looked up from the table where he was trying to entertain Jordan and Kenny caught his eye.

"Hey Jeremy!" Leo called Jeremy over to where he was. Jeremy got up from the table and walked over to where Leo and this new face were standing.

"I want you to meet Kenny! He's a friend of ours from school. Kenny, this is my cousin, Jeremy." Leo introduced the two. Kenny held out his hand to Jeremy, taking a good long look at Jeremy. Jeremy took his hand and shook it, glancing at Kenny. Kenny realized how long he'd been staring and quickly looked away. Jeremy continued to shake his hand, mesmerized by Kenny. Leo looked from Kenny to Jeremy a few times, wondering what was going on.

Eventually, he just shrugged and walked over to sit at the table with Jordan.

"Hi," was all Jeremy could say. Kenny smiled and pulled his hand away reluctantly.

"Hey, Jeremy." Kenny replied. They stood there, glancing at each other, not knowing what to say.

The lights went out. Leo looked up from the table and looked around curiously. A spotlight turned on and shone down right on him. He squinted from the sudden burst of bright light and looked around again nervously.

"What's going on?" Leo asked. Everyone shrugged. Then the spotlight slowly moved away from him and towards the small stage that they were sitting in front of. The curtain began to move slightly and out stepped Jase. Leo's eyes widened in surprise. He looked around once again to receive a bunch of shrugs and other wide-eyed stares. Jase looked down at Leo and winked. Leo blushed and familiar music started up. Leo was so taken back by the fact that Jase was onstage he didn't even hear the music until Jase began to sing.

"When the visions around you, Bring tears to your eyes.

And all that surrounds you, Are secrets and lies.

I'll be your strength, I'll give you hope, Keepin your faith when it's gone.

The one you should call, was standing here all alone..."

Leo felt his heart leap and the tears begin to form in the corner of his eyes. A chorus of gasps errupted and everyone watched as they listened to the voice of an angel. Leo was almost floored by the power and beauty of Jase's voice.

"And I will take, you in my arms, and hold you right where you..belong Til the day my life is thru' This I promise you..

This I promise you

I've loved you forever, In lifetimes before And I promise you NEVER, Will you hurt anymore

I give you my word, I give you my heart. This is a battle we've won. And with this vow, forever has now begun

Just close your eyes each lovin day and know this feeling won't go away.

Til the day my life is thru' this I promise you."

The music began to fade out and Jase stepped off the stage and walked over to Leo.

"Every word I say is true, this I promise you. Ooooh, I promise you."

Jase leaned down and placed a soft kiss on Leo's forehead and hugged him.

"I love you, Leo." Jase whispered. He pulled back and stared into Leo's tearfilled eyes. Leo was completely speechless. He just stared up at Jase for what seemed like forever and then suddenly jumped up and wrapped his arms around Jase, holding him as tight as he could. The whole world faded to nothing around them as they held each other. The music seemed to echo in their world and Jase's voice was that from heaven. Leo pulled back, tears streaming down his face.

"Jase, I love you more than life itself! I love you more than I could ever love anyone and I promise you, Jase that I'll never let you forget it!"

Leo stared into Jase's eyes and then pressed his lips against Jase's. Jase returned the kiss and then pulled away, realizing that everyone was staring at them. They looked around at their audience who had tears in their eyes as well. They all suddenly began clapping. Leo and Jase then looked back at each other and sighed.

"Merry Christmas, baby." Leo smiled. Jase's smile broadened.

"Thanks for reminding me." Jase replied, pulling back. Leo looked confused.

Jase looked up somewhere and gave a signal. Music started up again. Jase smiled and pushed Leo back down in his chair.

"Merry Christmas Baby, you sure did treat me nice, Oh ooo yea yea.." Jase smiled slyly and licked his lips.

"Say it, uh! Merry Christmas Baby, oh..you sure did treat me nice..ooohh You gave me a diamond ring for Christmas..now I'm livin, in paradise..oh oh Well I'm, feeling mighty fine..got good music on my radio! Well I'm..I'm feeling mighty fiiine ohh, got good music on, music ooon my radio oh no!! Well, I wanna kiss ya baby!! While we're standing underneath the miiiiiiistletoe!"

Leo was bright red as Jase continued to sing with a sly grin on his face and licking his lips every now and then. Everyone laughed and giggled as Jase sang. When the song was coming to an end, Jase sat down on Leo's lap and continued..

"Merry Christmas Babbyyyy, Sure been good, to, too, tooooo me, yea! YeaaeeYeaaaaaah!" Jase finished and the music stopped and Jase raised an eyebrow coyly. Leo was biting his lip in and had turned 15 different shades of red during the song. Jase gave him a quick kiss on the nose and stood up. Everyone applauded and Jase bowed before disappearing back behind the curtain. A few minutes later, he returned and threw his arms around Leo immediately, pulling him into a kiss.

"Get a room." Everyone booed jokingly, then roaring with laughter. Leo and Jase ignored them and continued to kiss.

"Someone, quick, get a hose!" LeAnn teased. With that, they finally parted and then the party continued on. They ate and joked around, danced and played little games. At around 11 o'clock, everyone had left except for Leo and Jase. LeAnn got a ride home with Kenny, leaving Leo's car with them.

Leo and Jase sat at the table close to each other, exchanging smiles occasionally.

"This is the best Christmas gift I could ever ask for." Leo finally spoke.

Jase smiled and brought his hand up to Leo's cheek and caressed it softly.

"Merry Christmas, Leo." Jase whispered. Leo smiled and kissed Jase gently.

"Merry Christmas, Angel."

"But it ain't over yet!" Jase stood. "Come on, let's get going. I rented movies and bought all kinds of junk food. I convinced Ben to let us have his apartment for the night, so he's staying in your room!" Jase pulled Leo up excitedly. Leo smiled and they both rushed to get their coats on and were out in the car in a flash.

A couple of hours later, Jase sat curled up in Leo's arms on the couch in Ben's apartment living room. They were both sleeping, curled up under a blanket in front of the fireplace. Jase's eyes fluttered open and he looked at the TV to see the credits rolling. He sat up and looked around. He grabbed the remote and turned the TV off. He laid back down and looked up at Leo as he slept peacefully with a slight smile on his face. Jase brought his hand up to Leo's face and ran his finger over Leo's soft lips. He smiled to himself and sighed. Leo stirred and his eyes opened. He saw Jase looking up at him and smiled as well, pulling Jase closer, holding him tight. Jase cuddled up to him and looked out the window. His eyes widened and he sat up slightly.

"Leo." Jase whispered excitedly.

"Yea, Angel?" Leo asked sleepily.

"Leo, its snowing.' Jase whispered in reply. Leo looked out the window with Jase and smiled. They cuddled close together and watched as the snowflakes floated to the ground slowly. Soon the city would be covered in white, but as the stars from heaven fell outside, Leo and Jase reveled in their own little heaven.

"I Love you Leo." Jase whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

"I love you, too Angel."

Next: Chapter 25

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