Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 15, 2000


Hey PPL!! How'd everyone like that last chapter? That was a personal favorite of mine!! :) Thanks for all you're emails! I've met some cool people since I've written this story through responses I get back!! I love getting emails, so keep 'em comin! Anywhoo, here goes Chapter 26!

Leo and Jase Chapter 26

Jase stepped inside Leo's apartment, noticing that the door was unlocked. He rushed in out of the snow into the warmth. He removed his coat and hung it up in the closet and shook the snow off of him. He shivered and looked down when he noticed a candle at his feet and a note slipped under it. He bent down and picked it up, reading it carefully.

Come and fine me...

Jase smiled slyly and walked over to the kitchen door, pushing it open and peering inside. A note sat on the counter under another candle. He walked over to it and picked it up, keeping it under the dim light of the candle as he read.

Not here, J. Keep looking.

Jase was beginning to get excited. He dropped the note and rushed out of the kitchen towards the hall that led to Leo's room. He ran to the door and stopped when he saw another note. Light from a window in the room behind him shone only on the note as he pulled it off of the door.

Getting hotter...

Jase smiled and slowly turned the doorknob and pushed it open. His heart skipped a beat when he looked into Leo's room. The room was lit only by the hundreds of candles that were lining the room and on the tables. Jase looked around and saw no sign of Leo. Suddenly, he felt two arms slide around his waist. He put his hands on them and then slid them so that his fingers interlocked with the fingers of the arms around him. He knew who it was and he smiled, leaning his head back against Leo's shoulder. Leo placed small kisses on the back of Jase's neck and then kissed up to his ear, nibbling on the lobe. Jase moaned softly and bit his lower lip.

It seemed as if it were a dream, but it felt so real. It felt so right and warm. Jase's heart thudded with excitement as Leo continued to nibble and suck on his earlobe. He loved that and Leo knew it. It was driving him insane. Then Leo stopped and whispered softly, "I've been waiting for you." A sharp tingle went all through Jase's body as he felt the warm breath on his ear. He turned and looked into Leo's eyes, staring into them, telling Leo through his own eyes exactly what he wanted to say. Leo just smiled and nodded. Jase returned the smile, knowing that Leo understood and he leaned in, pressing his lips softly against Leo's, leading into a soft, sensual kiss that soon led to a hard, passionate one. Their tongues wrestled and explored the other's mouth. Their lips intertwined and their bodies pressed against each other.

Jase began to back away, not pulling away from the kiss, until he was at the edge of the bed. Then, he broke away and smiled into Leo's eyes. He slowly descended onto the bed, pushing himself so that he was all the way on and Leo soon followed, crawling over him slowly. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion as if time was slowing just for them, so that they could savor each and every moment. Jase slowly laid back and Leo brought his lips back to Jase's and pressing them against his. Jase had never felt anything like the touch of Leo's lips on his own. They seemed to surge with electricity, leaving a tingle in Jase's lips that he wanted more of. Leo pulled away and stared deeply into Jase's eyes and with a smile, he removed his shirt and threw it on the floor.

Soon thereafter, Jase sat up just long enough for Leo to pull his shirt up over his head and throw it with his own. Jase laid back down, smiling up at Leo. Within in moments, they had discarded all of their clothes and their hot, naked forms were pressed against each other as they were lost in another passionate kiss. The kiss was so smooth, like warm milk, lulling Jase into a state of unawareness of anything else around him except this beauty that was holding him, and kissing him. Leo soon began placing soft kisses all over Jase's neck and then his chest, lingering at the nipples and teasing them with his tongue. Jase writhed with pleasure as he felt Leo's lips on his body. He'd never felt so warm.

Jase brought his hands down and pulled Leo's face so that their eyes were locked. Leo smiled and slid slowly upward and placed a soft kiss on Jase's forehead. He then looked to Jase for reassurance. Jase nodded and smiled lovingly up at his beautiful Angel. Leo nodded slowly and then slowly spread Jase's legs, moving in between them and lifting him up slightly. Jase laid back in anticipation. He thought he'd be scared, but he wasn't at all. Leo slowly brought his member to Jase's tight entrance and he began slowly pressing in. Jase closed his eyes and bit his lower lip. As he adjusted to the feeling, Leo continued, slowly and gently. A few moments later, Leo filled Jase with his being and stopped for a moment. He looked down at Jase and Jase just smiled up at him.

"I knew we fit together." Leo simply whispered. Jase smiled and Leo took Jase's hand in his. He slowly began making love to Jase, gently and smoothly.

Jase felt a wave of electricity and pleasure flow through him with every movement inside him. The whole world melted around him and all he could do was feel this amazing feeling that completed his soul. Never had he felt so alive and yet everything seemed so surreal. He felt Leo tense up inside of him and he opened his eyes.

"I Love you, Jase." Leo whispered.

"I wonder what he's dreaming about," Jeremy whispered to Leo. Leo shrugged and looked back down at his sleeping beauty. Jase had the sweetest smile on his face and the expression was unexplainable. It was an expression of pure and utter bliss. Jeremy shrugged and stood up, walking out of the room. Leo watched him go and then looked back down at Jase. He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips onto Jase's forehead.

"I Love you, Jase." Leo whispered softly. Jase sighed and tighted his grip around Leo's waist. Leo pulled the blanket up further around them and looked out the window at the lightly falling snow.

Leo and Jeremy sat in the kitchen of Ben's apartment, Leo drinking coffee and staring out the window contently while Jeremy ate a bowl of soup and flipped through a magazine. The kitchen door swung open and in popped Jase with a huge grin on his face. He walked over to Leo, actually it was almost a skip, and placed a soft kiss on Leo's lips.

"Good Morning." Jase cooed cheerfully. He smiled at Jeremy and then went into the refridgerator, pulling out a carton of orange juice.

"What are you so chipper about?" Jeremy asked with an amused expression on his face. Jase shrugged as got a glass out of the cabinet and poured his orange juice.

"Just in a good mood, i guess." Jase replied.

"So what did you dream about, J?" Leo asked, knowing that it must have something to do with the sudden gleefullness of Jase's mood. Jase looked up at him, trying to conceal the grin on his face, but failing.

"Oh, nothing..just good dreams." He covered it up and a small smile began to creep its way across his face. Leo shot him a confused look and just watched as he sat next to him and took a sip of his orange juice. Jase scooted closer to Leo and slid his hand under Leo's arm and laid his head down on Leo's shoulder, closing his eyes and breathing in the faint smell of Leo's cologne.

He sighed and then took another sip of his juice.

Christmas was rapidly approaching. The spirit of it floated through the air all over town. The snow fell, soft carols played downtown from the packed shops, and colorful lights lined every tree, bush, and rooftop.

Leo, Jase, Jeremy, and Josh sat around the fire at Jase's house.

Jeremy and Josh played a video racing game, Jase read a book and Leo flipped through a magazine. Leo found little ways to look at Jase occasionally. He would pretend to scratch his nose and glance over at him. Jase sat there reading, unaware, zoned into the world that the book created. He pushed his glasses up on his nose. 'He looks so cute in his glasses,' Leo thought to himself as he began to stare. He caught himself and set down the magazine. He stood up and made his way out of the room. Jase noticed and watched as Leo walked away. He smiled to himself and bit his lower lip.

Leo stepped into the bathroom and stepped up to the mirror. He sighed and gave himself a onceover in the mirror. He bent over and splashed some cold water on his face. He stood back up and wiped his face with a towel.

Two arms slowly slid around his waist and he was pulled into a gentle hug. He smiled and then turned to face Jase who looked at him slyly. Leo smiled and leaned in, pressing his lips against Jase's. THe kiss escalated into a heat of passion. Leo's hands roamed Jase's body as did Jase's hands on Leo's body.

The mirror even started to fog up a bit. Leo whirled them around and with Jase's help, picked him up and set him on the counter, standing in between his legs. He leaned up and began kissing Jase again passionately. Jase wrapped his arms around Leo's neck and returned the kiss hungrily. He couldn't keep away from Leo.

Jeremy slammed the game controller down on the ground in a fit of frustration. Josh laughed at him mockingly.

"Ha ha, you got beat by a 12 year old you big dork," Josh teased. Jeremy rolled his eyes. The phone began to ring. Once, then twice, then three times.

"Is someone going to get that?" Jeremy called out, just then realizing Jase and Leo's absense. He groaned and jogged over to the phone, picking it up.

"Hello, Burke residence," Jeremy answered, annoyed.

"Jeremy?" a voice asked, surprised.

"Yea? Who's this?" Jeremy asked, not recognizing the voice right away.

"It's Kenny! We met at Jase's little performance, remember?" Kenny replied enthusiastically.

"Of course I remember..how could I forget?" Jeremy asked. He realized what he had just said and then tried to make it not sound so pathetic. "I mean, it wasn't all that long ago." His face was bright red.

Kenny chuckled, "Yea, I gotcha man."

"I'll get Jase..." Jeremy said, trying to hold back his embarrassment.

"Jase! Where are you? Pick up the phone!" Jeremy yelled through the house.

"No, actually I was calling about you anyway." Kenny stopped him. Jeremy took a step back.

"What?" He swallowed.

"Yea, I was calling to ask about you. You seem cool and I was wondering if maybe you, uh, wanted to hang out sometime while you're still in town?" Kenny asked. His voice shook a little bit, but Jeremy didn't seem to notice.

"Um...yea, I'd love that! I mean, that'd be cool." Jeremy tried to hold back his excitement. Why was he so excited to see Kenny? Anyway, he was and he could barely contain it.

"Great! How bout tomorrow we go get a bite to eat and maybe head to the mall outside of town and get some Christmas shopping done. I have loads of gifts to buy still." Kenny suggested.

"Sound's great! Yea, I'm sure you're having trouble with what to buy your girlfriend." Jeremy slipped that one in cleverly. Kenny seemed to chuckle, or was it a cough? "I don't have a girlfriend." Kenny replied nervously.

"Oh. My mistake."

"It happens," Kenny replied. "So I'll come by Leo's apartment and pick you up, ok?"

"Sounds good!" Jeremy exclaimed.

"Alright, see ya!"

"Later!" Jeremy hung up the phone and smiled to himself. Maybe he had a chance.

"Leo, we shouldn't. Jeremy and Josh are going to wonder where we went." Jase whispered as Leo placed kisses all over his neck and chest that was now revealed since Leo unbuttoned the first few buttons in Jase's shirt.

"They're playing that stupid game. They'll never even notice we're gone." Leo mumbled as he continued to kiss Jase. Jase licked his lips and caught his breath.

"I thought I heard the phone ring."

"Jeremy will get it."

"But..." Leo stopped Jase by placing another kiss on his lips and lingering there. Jase moaned softly and returned the kiss. Leo then pulled away and went back to planting sweet kisses on his neck.

"Leo...we should go back out there." Jase persisted.

"Do you really want to?" Leo challenged, not stopping. Jase bit his lip and ran his fingers through Leo's hair.

"No..but we shouldn't.." Jase whimpered. Leo stopped finally and smiled up at Jase. He leaned up and placed one last kiss on Jase's lips before helping him down and opening the bathroom door. He peered down the hallway to see if anyone was around and then motioned for Jase to come out as well. Leo ran his hand through his hair to smooth is out and Jase quickly buttoned up his shirt. They walked out, giddy. Jeremy looked up and rolled his eyes at them.

"So I heard you two were making out in the bathroom. Real classy." Jeremy teased. They both flushed red.

"Josh heard you when he went by and he came in and told me." Jeremy explained. They turned even redder and then suddenly burst out into a fit of laughter. Jeremy rolled his eyes and picked up the magazine Leo was reading.

"Did I hear the phone ring earlier?" Jase asked, regaining his composure.

"Oh..yea." Jeremy replied vaguely.

"Who was it?" Jase urged.


Jase looked surprised.

"And..." Jase continued.

"We're gonna hang out tomorrow." Jeremy mumbled.

"Oh well that's cool. You've made a new friend!" Leo encouraged. Jase shot Jeremy a strange look.

"So you're going out with Kenny tomorrow, huh?" Jeremy shot him a 'don't u dare' look.

"Gosh, Jase, you make it sound like a date." Leo joked. Jeremy turned back to his magazine awkwardly and Jase looked away as well. Leo stopped laughing.

"Wait a minute.. is it a date?" Leo asked, shooting a stare at Jeremy for answers.

"No! We're just going to hang out." Jeremy's face was bright red.

"Yea, I mean, you're not even gay." Leo breathed out and brushed it off.

Jeremy smiled slightly and then went back to reading. Jase still looked away from Leo. Jeremy then took a deep breath.


"Yea, Jerms?"

"I have to tell you something."

"What's that?" Leo took a seat across from Jeremy and leaned in to show that Jeremy had his undevided attention. Jase leaned against the counter next to Leo and listened intently. Jeremy glanced at Jase who gave him a look of encouragement.

"Leo...I'm...gay." Jeremy finally spit out. Leo's eyes widened in surprise.

"You're what?" Leo choked.

"I'm...gay." Jeremy said it again, this time it was easier. It felt good to get out of his system. Leo thought for a second and then spoke again.

"Since when? I mean, you dated that girl for 2 years."

Jase looked at Jeremy funny and Jeremy shook his head as if saying, 'don't ask'.

"I know..I mean..i still like girls..i guess..," Jeremy stuttered, "But I like guys more." Leo sat there dumbfounded.

"Well, this is news to me. But more power to ya, Jerms!" Leo laughed, still a little surprised by it all. "So is this thing with Kenny a date? U know, he's gay too."

Jeremy looked at Jase, surprised. He hadn't really thought much about it.

He knew he liked Kenny a lot, but he figured he was straight automatically.

"He is?" Jeremy asked softly.

"Yea, he's in love with Leo!" Jase rolled his eyes. Leo shook his head when Jeremy's face dimmed.

"Was..and i wouldn't call it love. He had a thing for me, but its over now."

Leo assured him, shooting a look at Jase. Jase shied away.

"Whatever, it's not a date anyhow. We're just gonna hang out." Jeremy went back to the magazine. Leo shrugged and Jase was skeptical, but they let the subject drop.

The next day, Jeremy scrambled around Leo's apartment in a rush. He had woken up late and Kenny would be there any moment. He rushed around clad in only a pair of boxerbriefs and tank top. He had his toothbrush in his mouth as he searched through his suitcase for something to wear. A knock on the door.

"Comin!" He yelled as he made his way to the door. The door swung open and there stood Kenny with a friendly smile on his face.

"Hey..sorry. I woke up so late this morning, so I'm kind of a mad man right now." Jeremy apologized, motioning for Kenny to come it. Kenny stepped inside and watched as Jeremy walked back to his suitcase that sat on the couch in the living room. He couldn't help but notice Jeremy's toned butt through the tight boxerbriefs.

"Oh...that's..really ok." Kenny quickly looked away and began removing his coat. Jeremy turned and gave him a quick smile.

"I'll be right back. Make yourself at home." Jeremy scooted his stuff off of the couch and Kenny smiled in thanks. He waited until Jeremy had left the room til he sat down. He watched intently as Jeremy walked away, taking in the sight. He bit his lip.

'Damn,' Kenny thought to himself, smiling. Soon thereafter, Leo walked in.

"Hey Kenny," he greeted, yawning. He sat down, only wearing his boxers and a robe that hung open lazily. Kenny looked up at Leo and all the feelings rushed back to him. He quickly looked away.

"Hi," he said sharply. He stared straight ahead. He couldn't do this. Leo was in love with Jase. But you always want what you can't have. Leo turned on the TV and began watching.

"So what are your plans for today?" Leo asked, making conversation after the silence became to much. Kenny still didn't look at him.

"We're gonna catch a bite to eat and then go get some Christmas shopping out of the way." Kenny explained simply. Leo nodded and looked back at the TV.

"Sounds cool." Kenny nodded. Jeremy finally walked in.

"Ok, I'm ready now. Sorry bout that!" He apologized once again. Kenny looked up at him and smiled, standing up.

"It's no problem," Kenny smiled. 'Gosh he's beautiful. I can see the family resemblence,' Kenny thought. He quickly shook the thoughts out of his brain and then headed towards the door, putting his coat back on.

"I'll see ya later on tonight, Leo." Jeremy explained, "You sure you don't mind watching Jordan until Aunt Julia gets home?" Jeremy asked. Leo smiled and shrugged.

"It's cool. Me and Jordan need some quality time. You know how I just love playing Barbies!" Leo said with fake enthusiasm. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"Naw, I'm just kiddin' cuz. We'll go play in the snow, maybe go get some hot cocoa out somewhere." Leo assured him. "Have a good time you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't do." Leo joked.

"And exactly what is it that you won't do, cuz?" Jeremy smiled, crossing his arms over his chest. Leo shot him a dirty look and shooed him away.

Jeremy nodded and laughed.

"I'll see ya round, Leo." Kenny waved. Leo smiled at him with that famous smile.

"Yea, later Kenny!"

Leo heard tiny footsteps padding down the hall towards him. Within seconds Jordan flung her arms around Leo from behind.

"Good morning, LEO!" She squealed.

"What is with you and morning, girl?" Leo teased, pulling her over the back of the couch and tickling her mercilessly. She giggled uncontrollably.

"Stop it stop it," She screamed between laughs. He ceased and she collapsed on his lap.

"So where's Bubba?" She asked, looking around.

"Oh, he went out with a friend." Leo replied, "That means its just you and me!" Leo smiled.

"Yay! We can play all day!" Jordan squealed.

"Yea!" Leo agreed.

"Leo?" Jordan asked softly.

"Yea?" Leo answered, looking back up at the TV.

"Are you and Jase married?" She asked in a too-sweet, soft voice. He looked down at her, at a loss for words. He sighed and began chewing on his lower lip nervously.

"No, we're not married."

"But you're boyfriends..." she continued.


"But I thought boys were suppose to be boyfriend-girlfriend." Jordan sounded confused.

Leo took a deep breath, "Well...I don't know how to answer that really.

The way I see it, when you really care about someone, it doesn't matter if they're a boy or a girl." Leo explained. She still had a confused look on her face.

"But I care bout Madison, that's my best friend, but that's icky to think of kissing her!" She shuddered. Leo laughed at her.

"Well, most people feel that way. You just do whatever your heart tells you."

Jordan nodded.

"Are you and Jase in love?" She asked teasingly.

"Yep!" Leo joked back.

"Can Jase come over today? He has really pretty eyes." Jordan asked meekly.

Leo smiled and nodded.

"Sure, Jordan. And yes he does have very pretty eyes."

"So, what's your story?" Kenny asked from across the table, taking another bite of his burger.

"Well, not much to tell. Jordan's my little sister, you met her at the party thing. My Mom's divorced and remarried, my Dad ran away when I was really little, and that's about it."

Kenny nodded.

"So, what do you do for fun? Play any sports?"

"Not really. I played baseball for a while, but I'm really clumsy. I'm mostly into art." Kenny nodded his head and smiled.

"I'd like to see some of your drawings or painting or whatever it is u do."

Kenny smiled. Jeremy blushed.

"Sure." He smiled and poked at his food.

"Something wrong? You've barely touched your food." Kenny noted.

"Huh? Oh...I can't eat when I'm nervous." Jeremy slipped.

"Nervous? Are you nervous? Why are you nervous?" Kenny asked curiously.

"Oh..uh..well I don't know. I guess since we've only met once I'm kinda nervous of what you think of me." Jeremy covered. It wasn't a complete lie, just withholding. He avoided eye contact with Kenny. A strand of hair fell in his face and he ran his hand through his hair to remove it. He glanced up and Kenny was staring at him, studying him. When he realized Jeremy was looking, he quickly looked away. Jeremy blushed and went back to poking at his food.

Kenny glanced back up at him and smiled sheepishly.

The day went by all too fast. Jeremy was thoroughly enjoying himself as was Kenny and they hated to see their fun cut short, but Kenny had to get up early to help his Dad go cut down their Christmas tree and then he was going to a family celebration that afternoon, so he needed to get going. They drove up in front of Leo's apartment and parked. Kenny looked at Jeremy and smiled.

"I had an awesome time today," Kenny grinned. Jeremy smiled shyly.

"Me too." Jeremy bit his lip nervously. Kenny nodded awkwardly and then looked over at Jeremy. Jeremy slowly shifted his eyes so that they were locked on Kenny's and in one, dreamlike instant, their lips locked. And as quickly as it came, it went. Kenny pulled back, his eyes widened and his lips still puckered. He sat there perfectly still. Jeremy was equally as shocked and looked away.

"I should go." Jeremy started to get out of the car.

"Wait." Kenny stopped him.


Next: Chapter 26

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