Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 19, 2000


Wassup Peeps! I'm back! Did ya miss me?! It hasn't been too much time, right? Thanks first off for all the emails and feedback! I don't have anything to say really! Um....when I told everyone that I was planning on ending the story, I didn't realize that it would take as long as it has to get to the ending I want, so there are still a good few chapters left before the end comes, so have no worries! I'm not sure how many, but I'll keep ya updated! Thanks again!!

Leo and Jase Chapter 27

"I should go." Jeremy started to get out of the car. "Wait." Kenny stopped him. Jeremy stared at Kenny, confused and hurt. Kenny looked at Jeremy as if about to say something, but then looked away. "What is it?" Jeremy asked softly, trying to hold back the hurt and embarrassment in his voice. Kenny managed to look up at Jeremy once again, a single tear fell down his cheek. "I'm...I just.." Kenny tried to form the words, but they just stumbled out of his mouth clumsily. "Kenny, what's wrong?" Jeremy asked concernedly. Kenny smiled at the way Jeremy seemed to care so much. Jeremy closed the car door and turned to Kenny, giving him his full attention. "You can tell me, I promise!" Jeremy urged him. Kenny took a deep breath. "I'm still kind of hung up on someone else. I do really like you. When I saw you at the party last week I was floored because I'd never liked someone right on the spot like that, but I've kind of been hurt in a way by this other person, but I still haven't gotten completely over them yet. I just don't want to start something if I can't be completely there, ya know?" Jeremy's heart seemed to drop. He nodded, but didn't look at Leo anymore. "Leo." Jeremy whispered softly. Kenny looked at him with a shocked expression on his face. "You knew?" Kenny asked. Jeremy nodded and then mustered up a small smile. "Yea, but its alright. I understand. I'm still kind of unsure about things too, so maybe its better this way. I'm gonna go now." Jeremy grabbed his bags and glanced got out of the car. "Jeremy.." Kenny tried to stop him, but he'd already closed the door and was heading towards the apartment.

Kenny sighed and rested his head down on the steering wheel in frustration. He then watched as Jeremy walked up the stairs and opened the front door before starting the car back up and heading out.

Jeremy walked in and set his bags down, heading into the kitchen. Leo looked up as he came in and was concerned by the expression on Jeremy's face. Leo got up and followed him into the kitchen, leaving Jordan sleeping on the couch. "What's up cuz? How'd it go?" Leo asked, bursting into the kitchen and taking a seat at the counter. Jeremy nodded and poured himself a glass of soda. "Fine." Jeremy said with a small smile that was obviously forced. "Oh come on, man. What happened. You look like you just lost your best friend." Leo leaned in. Jeremy at him and shook his head. "It's nothing, I swear. I'm just tired." Jeremy took his soda and headed to the room he occupied while he stayed with them. He walked down the hall just as Jase was coming from the bathroom. He noticed Jeremy's sadness as well. "Jeremy..something wrong?" Jase asked, following Jeremy into the guest room. Jeremy sighed and plopped down on the bed. Jase closed the door and took a seat at the foot of the bed, giving Jeremy a pressing look. "Something happen with Kenny today?" Jase asked. "No, MOTHER," Jeremy lied. "Liar." Jase read his mind. Jeremy looked at him and rolled his eyes. "How do you do that?" Jeremy demanded frustratedly. "Its the family thing I guess. I can read Leo so well, I guess you just think alike or something," Jase smiled. "So are you gonna tell me what went down or what?" Jeremy sighed and set his drink down on the nightstand. "We kissed." Jeremy said, closing his eyes, not wanting to see Jase's reaction. "Scuse me?" Jase almost swallowed his tongue. "We kissed," Jeremy restated, sighing once more. "And.." "And nothing..he's still in love with Leo." "He said that?" Jase said, getting a little angry. "Relax lover boy, he said he really likes me and has never immediately clicked with someone like he has with me, but he's still kind of hung up on "this other person" and he doesn't want to start something unless he's completely into it." Jeremy babbled, not really wanting to think about it. "Oh." Jase said, surprised. "Well, he's gonna have to get over Leo pretty soon cuz he ain't gettin him! And he said he really liked you, so just give it time." Jase reassured him. Jeremy nodded.

A couple of days later, on Christmas Eve, Jeremy, Leo, Mrs. Chase, and Jordan sat around the living room doing various things. Leo colored in a coloring book with Jordan, Jeremy watched the TV half-heartedly, and Mrs. Chase took small sips of her coffee while flipping through a magazine. They all looked up when the ringing of the phone rang through the peaceful quiet. Jeremy stood up. "I'll get it." He walked over to the phone and picked it up and spoke solemly into the phone. "Hello?" "Jeremy? It's Kenny." "Hey, Kenny." This caused Leo to look up curiously. "Listen, I wanna talk to you. Can I come get you and let's go somewhere?" Kenny asked. Jeremy thought, looking over to Leo. "Alright, but Leo's coming with me,ok?" A pause. "Ok, I'll meet you at the diner, Say in half an hour?" "Ok." "See ya then." "Bye." Jeremy hung up the phone. "So where was I volunteered to go?" Leo asked as Jeremy took his seat on the couch and began putting on his shoes. "Kenny wants to talk to me at the diner near the school and you're coming with me." Jeremy stated. Leo nodded submissively and got up. "Sorry, Jordan, we'll finish later." "Ok, bring Jase with you!" Leo laughed, "I'll see what I can do. I bet if you called him and begged, he'd spend the night." Jordan smiled and ran to the phone, bringing it back to Leo. "Call him." She commanded. Leo laughed once again, took the phone and began dialing Jase's number. He handed the phone back to Jordan and she took it shyly. "Hello?" Jase answered. "Jase!" Jordan shrieked excitedly. "Hey Jordan, what's goin on? To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" "Can you come spend the night tonight?? PPPPLLLLLEAASEE!" She begged sweetly. Jase laughed. Jordan handed the phone to Leo. "Hey there," Leo greeted him. "So you recruited the poor little girl to beg me with that pitiful little voice of hers," Jase said sarcastically. "Actually, it was the little girl's idea!" Leo corrected matter-of-factly. Jase laughed. "I see, so you don't want me to come over!" Jase teased. "I would love it if you did. I'm glad she thought of it." Leo smiled. "Yea yea yea. Ok, I'll come over." Jase gave in. "Great!" Leo nodded to Jordan. "YES!" Jordan squealed. Leo and Jase both laughed. "Ok, good, I'm coming to get you right now. Be there in 15 minutes." "Ok, later baby." "See ya."

Half an hour later, Leo and Jase sat in a corner booth at the diner spying on Kenny and Jeremy. "So why are we here exactly?" Jase asked. "Jeremy wants us here for moral support, but I'm not sure for what. Something going on between them?" Leo asked. Jase turned away when Leo looked at him. "Jase?" "Huh?" "Something going on between them?" Jase still looked away, knowing he couldn't lie. "Look at me, Jase." Leo demanded quietly. Jase slowly moved his face, so that he was looking at Leo. He sighed, relenting to the piercing stare of Leo's eyes. "Ok, ok. They kissed.." "They what?" Leo said surprised, a little too loud. A few people looked at them. He lowered his head, listening to Jase. "They kissed, but Kenny is still in love with you!" Jase slapped Leo's arm. "Hey! It's not my fault!" Leo rubbed his arm. They both looked back over towards Kenny and Jeremy.

"I'm really sorry, Jeremy." Kenny said softly. Jeremy sighed and looked down at his drink. He stared at his reflection. He was tired. Hadn't gotten much sleep the past couple of days. "Jeremy?" Kenny asked through the silence. Jeremy looked up. "Huh? Oh, sorry. No, it's ok, I understand." "I do really like you, Jeremy." Kenny lowered his voice and leaned in towards Jeremy intently. Jeremy looked at Kenny skeptically. "But you're still in love with L...someone else." Jeremy almost let it drop that he knew. Kenny eyed him suspiciously, but he shrugged it off. "But I've been thinking alot since we...you know." Jeremy nodded. "Kissed," Jeremy finished. Kenny looked around and then turned back to Jeremy. "I've gotten over that person and the more I think about you the more I like you." Kenny took a deep breath. Jeremy still seemed skeptical. "Jeremy, I'm serious. What I had before was a stupid little crush. The only reason I thought I was in love with them is because I couldn't have them. It was the 'always want what you can't have' syndrome." "Kenny, you can't even say 'him', you keep saying them. If it were a girl you were hung up on, you'd say she, but you keep saying them, so DUH, it's a guy. And I understand, you don't want other people to know and neither do I, but its just you and me, Kenny and you can't even say its a him. I know its Leo." Kenny stared at him wide-eyed, his face turning red. He looked down. "Kenny.." Kenny looked up at Jeremy. "You know." "Yea." "I'm sorry." "Don't apologize. You can't help how you feel." "But I don't love him anymore. I don't know if I ever did. It was a silly crush. I think I'm......I'm falling for you, Jeremy." Kenny looked down again, shyly. Jeremy felt his heart flutter with excitement. "You..." Jeremy cleared his throat. "You do?" Kenny looked up and nodded, his face red. Jeremy smiled, wanting to pull him into a kiss right then and there, but he contained himself. "Me too." "You too what?" Kenny asked. "I'm falling for you too." Jeremy elaborated. It was then Kenny's turn for his heart to jump. He smiled meekly. "Really?" Jeremy nodded, still smiling. They sat there, saying nothing. They just smiled at each other goofily. Kenny looked around and spotted someone walking in the door. He immediately turned towards the window, covering his face with a menu. "What's wrong?" Jeremy asked, looking around for what had caught Kenny's attention. Nothing out of the ordinary. "Nothing. Let's go." Kenny said, gathering his coat and putting it on, still not looking away from the window. Jeremy stared at him suspiciously and curiously. "Come on." Kenny urged. "Um..ok." Jeremy put on his coat and stood up. As they rushed by the booth Jase and Leo were sitting at, Jeremy stopped just long enough to tell them to come on. Leo and Jase shot each other strange looks and climbed out of the booth. As they exited the diner, Jase dropped his coat. He turned to pick it up and looked up. "Leo! Isn't that?,,,,," Leo looked up and his eyes widened in disgust.

TBC..... WHO IS IT? WHO IS IT??????

Next: Chapter 27

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