Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Dec 24, 2000


Ok, I know its been a while since I've written another chapter, but blame Christmas! LoL! Things have been soooo busy! Anyway, here's Chapter 28! Merry Christmas Everybody!

Story Recommendation: Bleeding Heat (under high school) and its continuation Reap the Whirlwind (under college) Those stories are so incredibly awesome! Check 'em out! You'll get addicted, I promise! J Later!

Leo and Jase Chapter 28

"What was that all about?" Jeremy demanded as Kenny started up the car and practically peeled out of the small parking lot. Kenny avoided eye contact with Jeremy and stayed silent. Jeremy glared at him angrily and confused. Kenny glanced over at him and sighed. "It's a long story." Kenny mumbled. "Well, I've got all the time in the world, so start talking!" Jeremy crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows, waiting. Kenny sighed submissively. They rode in silence until they got to Kenny's house. When they pulled up, Jeremy stared out the window and then house caught his eye. It was a two story house that reminded him of a plantation house from History class. They rode down the long driveway, trees looming over it like a tunnel. Kenny stopped the car and turned it off. "Let's go for a walk." Kenny said simply, getting out of the car. Jeremy sighed and started to open the car door but before he got the chance, Kenny was at the door and he opened it and motioned for Jeremy to get out. Jeremy stared at hi, dumbfounded. He then smiled slightly, but concealed it because of his anger. Kenny closed the door behind Jeremy and then began walking with Jeremy following closely. They walked around the house and through the large white wooden gate where an enormous landscaped backyard stood before them. Jeremy couldn't help but stare, awestruck. Kenny tapped his shoulder to get his attention. "Oh..sorry." Jeremy apologized. He turned and gave Kenny his full attention, walking with him. Kenny took a breath and began talking. "Well, that guy, Drew, was my best friend. He had been since we were like 2 years old." "So what happened?" Jeremy asked, putting his hand on Kenny's arm. Kenny felt a shot of electricity shoot through his body and he bit his lip, smiling a bit. "Well, I figured out some stuff. I realized how much influence he had on me and how much he was manipulating me." "Like how?" "Like, I have treated Jase like shit ever since grade school because Drew didn't like him. I think he was jealous in a way. First, Jase always made good grades and had all the friends. Drew's first girlfriend dumped him because she liked Jase. And then Jase beat him out one year for a lead part in the 5th grade play. Things like that would happen, making Drew's hatred and envy almost scary, ya know? Then once high school hit, things all changed. Drew became the popular one because he shot up in height and bulked up because of soccer. I followed after that, so we'd become the school goons, so to speak." Jeremy nodded in understanding and continued to listen. "Anyway, Jase didn't hit his growth spurt until this year apparently." Kenny chuckled slightly. "He was short and skinny with glasses. You know, one of those guys you just look at and can tell he gets picked on in some way. Well, Drew just made his life hell and manipulated me into joining in. I don't know why and I regret it now. "Well, at least you've changed and said you're sorry and everything." "Yea." Kenny looked down. They reached a bench that sat in the middle of trees and flowers. A small fountain sat in front of the bench and water shot every which way. "Leo came this year and I saw him and we introduced ourselves. Drew didn't like him, I could tell but he went along with it. After a while, I developed more feelings towards Leo and I couldn't tell anyone, so I wrote it all down in my journal. Well, Drew was spending the night one night and he stumbled across it and read it. He freaked out on me and ran out of the house. Next thing I knew, he had moved away without a trace. Now he's back. I just hope it's not to make MY life a living hell." Kenny finished and looked at the fountain. Jeremy looked down and then back up at Kenny. He brought his hand up to Kenny's shoulder and placed it there comfortingly. Kenny turned and looked at him. A small smile spread across his face and their eyes locked tight on each other. Slowly, Kenny leaned in and placed his lips over Jeremy's. Jeremy returned the kiss, pressing his lips against Kenny's gently. They were lost in the gentle kiss. When they pulled away, they gazed into each other's eyes, lost. Kenny's heart stopped at the feeling of his first kiss with another guy. He smiled as did Jeremy. "I see you've gotten over Leo." A dreaded voice spoke, interrupting the silence. Kenny fell from the cloud his was floating on. His head whirled towards the voice and he nearly passed out when he saw Drew standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and a patronizing, disgusted look written all over his face. Jeremy looked up at Drew, then at Kenny who's face had gone almost completely pale. Kenny stood up. "Drew." He stuttered nervously. "Yea. I thought maybe you'd gotten over this phase. I guess I was wrong. Fag." Drew rolled his eyes and began to walk away. Kenny felt his heart drop. He grabbed Drew's arms. "Wait." Drew turned around with a stunned expression on his face. He glared down at Kenny's hand, which held his arm. "I just…I." "Whatever, Kenny. You're a freakin' queer." Drew shot. Kenny felt the shot and his head hurt. "What the hell is your problem?" Jeremy spoke up, fed up with Drew's snubbing. Drew glared at him as if he would attack him, but he stood there. "I wasn't talking to you fag!" Drew's voice was sharp. Jeremy's face flushed red with anger. He lunged forward and pounced on Drew. "People like you deserve a few broken limbs." Jeremy threw his fist down, but Drew caught it and threw Jeremy back on the ground. Jeremy was surprised at Drew's strength and before he could think Drew was on top of him, holding him down with more force than he could stand. Drew stared down at him with a look of pure, cold hatred. Jeremy struggled to get out of Drew's grasp, but as strong as he was, Drew was too much for him. "Drew, stop it!" Kenny pleaded. "This'll teach you fags not to try anything!" Drew shot back, looking back at Kenny coldly. He then brought his fist back and threw it down, connecting with Jeremy face. Jeremy groaned in pain. Drew brought his fist back once again and began to throw it down, but Kenny caught it and yanked Drew back. Drew was caught offguard and had no time to react before Kenny knocked him out cold. Jeremy lay on the ground moaning in pain, clutching his face in agony. Kenny knelt down beside him and brought his hand gently to Jeremy's face. "I'm so sorry." Kenny whispered, a pang of guilt forming in his stomach. He stared down at Jeremy sadly and noticed Jeremy's eyes widen. Kenny heard a clicking sound from behind him and his head slowly turned. His heart stopped when he turned to see a gun pointed in his face. "Fags deserve to die." Drew said coldly. Blood dripped down his face. His finger lingered over the trigger menacingly. Kenny swallowed in fear. "Drew, you don't want to do that." "Don't test me, Kenny." Drew threatened. His finger closed in on the trigger slowly. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. Kenny closed his eyes. He heard a gunshot go off, but when it didn't hit him, he opened his eyes. He looked around and Kenny was staggering back. He looked at Jeremy who was holding the gun tightly, standing up, careful not to take his eyes off of Drew. Kenny breathed a sigh of relief. "Call the police, Kenny," Jeremy commanded coldly. Drew glared at Jeremy intently.

That night, Jeremy came through the front door of Leo's apartment. Leo, Jase, Jordan, and Mrs. Chase all looked up from their seats. Leo and Jase looked at him curiously when they saw the black eye as Jeremy stepped into the light of the living room. Mrs. Chase jumped up and rushed over to Jeremy worriedly. "Jeremy! What happened!" She shrieked. "Just a little fight." Jeremy lied, not wanting to explain the situation. "You're mother's never gonna let you come visit anymore!" She rushed into the kitchen to get some ice. Jeremy plopped down on the couch. Jordan climbed into his lap and touched the black eye. Jeremy flinched and threw his head backward. "Ouch." "Sorry," Jordan apologized shyly. "Want me to kiss it better?" She asked sweetly. "Please do." Jordan leaned up and kissed Jeremy's eyes. He smiled. "There! All better!" She smiled. He smiled back and placed a little kiss on her cheek. She then went back to the floor with Jase to color. Jase and Leo looked up at Jeremy curiously, but he shook his head. They shrugged and went back to whatever they were doing. Mrs. Chase came in with an icepack and handed it to Jeremy who put it over his eye thankfully. "So what are you guys going to do for Christmas?" Jase asked, changing the subject. "Oh, we'll just probably sit around..do the regular thing. Jordan, how bout go get me a glass of water, ok?" Mrs. Chase said. Jordan jumped up and ran into the kitchen. Mrs. Chase lowered her voice and leaned in towards Jase. "We don't have much for the little one and she misses her parents alot. I mean, we've got a little for her from "Santa", but ya know." She stopped talking when Jordan came back in the room. Jase had an idea. "How bout you guys all come spend Christmas with us! And Ben too! It'll be really cool! Mom and Dad would love that!" Jase suggested excitedly. Leo laughed at Jase lovingly. Jase nudged his thigh from the floor and looked to Mrs. Chase for an answer. She shook her head. "No, we couldn't impose on your family like that, Jase, sweetie!" She smiled thankfully. "Impose, please! We'd love it, Mrs. C! Please!" Jase pleaded. He looked at Jordan and motioned for her to help him out. She went to Mrs. Chase and gave her best pitiful little girl face. "Please Aunt Juli!! Can we go to Jase's???" Mrs. Chase smiled and glared at Jase playfully. "Are you sure it's no trouble, Jase?" Mrs. Chase relented. "Not at all! You guys are practically family anyway!" "Well call your mother to make sure!" She insisted. "Its a deal!" Jase smiled and looked up at Leo with a wink. Leo smiled back down at him.

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Burke house. Only two creatures were stirring, can you guess who? The snow fell outside like bits of heaven floating gently by the window. The fire warmed the living room where Leo and Jase were cuddled on the couch together. The Christmas tree shone with it's lights and the ornaments hung in their special places on the branches. Jordan and Jeremy slept in Jase's bedroom peacefully as well as everybody else in their separate rooms.

"This has been some wild ride." Jase said softly as he cuddled up to Leo. Leo smiled and tightened his arms around Jase. "You're tellin' me." They both laughed softly. "A new year's about to start and soon we'll be graduating. Does that scare you?" Jase asked seriously. "A little bit. I mean, I want to get out on my own. I don't want to leave Mom, though. I don't know. But whatever happens, it'll happen for the best." Leo said positively. "And whatever happens, it'll happen to us together." Jase added. Leo smiled and nodded. He placed a kiss on top of Jase's head. "You bet your pretty little ass." Leo cracked. Jase giggled and sighed. "Merry Christmas, Leo." Jase yawned. "Merry Christmas, Angel." Leo replied. "I Love You." "Love You Too, J."

The next day, after all the gifts had been exchanged and given, Leo and Jase went for a walk. The snow still fell lightly to the ground. When they got to a frozen pond out in the woods, Leo stopped and reached into his coat. He pulled out a small present and handed it to Jase with a shy smile. "What's this?" Jase asked curiously. "You've already given me my present." "I know, but I wanted to save this for later." Leo said softly, timidly. Jase smiled and took the present. He unwrapped it slowly to reveal a small box. He opened it up and inside was a ring. Jase picked it up to look at it. It was a silver ring and on the front it read 'I Promise'. Jase bit his lips, wanting to cry right there. Leo motioned for him to look in the inside of the ring. Jase read it slowly and carefully.

I'll Always Love You Jase couldn't hold it back any longer. A single tear fell down his cheek. Leo caught it with his finger and Jase looked up at him. He threw his arms around Leo and hugged him tightly. "I Love You, Leo! It doesn't seem to reflect exactly how much I love you, but I love you more than anything!" Jase whispered softly. Leo smiled and pulled back, placing a gentle kiss on Jase's lips. "I Love You too, Jase." Leo said in the sweetest, softest voice Jase had ever heard. "Here...I know you'll lose it if your wear it on your finger." Leo went around and unclasped the necklace he had given Jase so long ago and he slipped the ring onto the chain. He clasped it back and Jase turned around, gazing up into Leo's eyes. "Keep it close to your heart. It's a promise ring, J. A promise to never stop loving you and to always be here for you whenever you need me. You've been my Angel and I want to return the favor. I Love You more than any word could ever say and I want to spend eternity with you in my arms." Jase began to tear up once more and he held Leo's hand tightly. "Leo," Jase sighed. Leo smiled, knowing exactly what Jase felt. They continued walking hand in hand.

"Oh, I have something else for you too actually." Jase stopped him. "What's that?" Leo asked. "It'll be waiting for you at home." Jase smiled coyly and then continued walking. Leo stood there, thinking curiously. "What is it, J?" He ran after Jase. "I'm not tellin'." Jase teased. "Tease." Leo cracked. "Not for long." Jase replied slyly. Leo stopped dead in his tracks. 'He couldn't mean..no'. He shrugged it and then caught up with Jase, slipping his hand into Jase's.

TBC..... Ok..remember to email me with feedback people!! Thanks everyone!

Next: Chapter 28

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