Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Aug 6, 2000


Leo and Jase Chapter Three:

Leo turned down the road that led to his house and glanced over at his friend who stared out the window as the trees rushed by in a blur. Leo shifted his gaze back to the road and slowed to a stop when he reached the front gate. Jase looked around when the car stopped and noticed the gate. "Fancy neighborhood," Jase commented. Leo looked at his friend and smiled. "This is my house," Leo corrected him with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. Jase's eyes widened with surprise. "You mean to tell me you have your own gate?" Jase stared at Leo with a wide-eyed expression. 'He looks so adorable with that expression on his face,' Leo thought to himself as Jase stared at him with surprise. Leo didn't scold himself for thinking about Jase this time. He just smiled and pressed the button to open the gate. Leo drove around the circular driveway and into the garage of their house. He parked and pushed the button to close the garage door. Jase looked around. "Your garage is as big as my entire house." Leo blushed. Jase watched Leo's face turn red and he smiled. "You act like you hate this life!" Jase noted. "I do," Leo started. "How can you hate having your own gate, a huge house, and a hot car?" Jase asked with obvious confusion. "Its really not all its made out to be, trust me," Leo replied quietly. Jase nodded and let the subject drop. He watched Leo as he went to the door to the inside and unlocked it. He followed Leo inside to a large hallway. "Ben, I'm home!" Leo called out throught the house. His voice echoed. "Ben?" Jase looked up. "Oh, he's my nanny, I guess you could say," Leo looked over his shoulder at Jase who nodded. "I prefer to be called a guardian of sorts," Ben stepped behind them from a door. They turned to greet him. Ben stepped forward and brought his hand out. Jase shook it and smiled. "I'm Jase, Leo's friend." Jase introduced himself. "Well, Jase, I'm Ben. Its good to meet you. I'm glad to see he's making friends so quickly." "Alright Daddy," Leo said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. Ben chuckled. "Jase is gonna stay with us tonight. His house was robbed and his family's out of town. He's gonna call the police and try to get a hold of his parents. Is that cool?" Leo explained to Ben the situation. "Oh, definately! I'm so sorry about that, Jase." Ben gave Jase a comforting pat on the shoulder. Jase smiled and nodded. He looked at Leo who grabbed his arm. "I'll show you around," Leo pulled Jase away. Jase was awestruck at the enormity of everything about Leo's home. 'How could this be a home? More like a palace.' Jase thought as he looked all around. "Come on, I'll show you my room and where you'll be sleeping tonight." Leo started upstairs. Jase followed him up, watching Leo's every move. Everything about him amazed Jase. The way his movements just flowed together so casually. He was a smooth character of sorts when he wanted to be. Jase was brought out of his thought when an imposing man stepped out of a room. 'New surprises behind every door.' Jase thought to himself, smiling slightly. "Leo! Glad you're home," Mr. Chase greeted his son before noticing the new face. "Who's your friend?" he asked, shaking hands with Jase firmly. Jase's hand ached when he took it away. 'Damn, what a grip.' Jase tried to conceal the slight pain. He smiled in greeting. "I'm Jase." "Good to meet ya, Jase." Leo's father replied. Jase nodded in agreement. Leo rolled his eyes at his Dad, and grabbed Jase's arm once again. "Night Dad," Leo waved. "Good night. And I won't be seeing you for another couple of weeks, so have a good game next Saturday." Mr. Chase called after them. Leo nodded. "Alright, thanks," Leo mumbled before leading Jase into his room.

Leo's room was half as big as Jase's entire house and the bed was huge. Jase looked around in awe. "By the expression on your face, I'd saw you were a little surprised." Leo smiled slyly. "Awestruck is more like it," Jase corrected. "You need to work on your psychic powers, man!" Leo laughed at the joke and watched as Jase explored every inch of his room. "I've never seen anything like this before in my life!" Jase looked over at Leo who had taken off his jacket and plopped down on his bed. Leo flipped through a magazine that was on his nightstand. Jase stared at Leo for a moment. His eyes explored every inch of Leo. Jase studied him. Leo ran a hand through his hair and bit his bottom lip. It seemed as if it were in slow motion. Jase recognized the unconcious action and walked over the bed. "Something wrong?" Jase asked as he set his bag on the floor and sat on the bed at Leo's feet. Leo looked up from his magazine and smirked. "Why do you always think something's the matter?" Leo put his magazine aside. Jase smiled. "You bite your bottom lip when you're thinking hard." Jase replied. "How do you know so much?" Leo leaned forward. "I'm psychic remember?" Jase joked. Leo chuckled. "No seriously. Am I that easy to read?" Leo asked a bit offended. "Everyone is easy to read." Jase said matter of factly. "You're not," Leo corrected. "What do you mean?" Jase asked, surprised by the reply. "I can't read your eyes like I can other people. They're too....deep or something..Mysterious I guess. You're a mystery to me, Jase," Leo's eyes became serious, studying Jase's eyes once more. Jase stared into Leo's eyes as well. "That's strange," Leo broke the silence. "What?" Jase asked, confused as the statement. "I can see myself in your eyes. Like a mirror." Leo chuckled softly. "Wierd." He shrugged and picked his magazine back up. Jase shifted nervously in his place. He looked down at his feet, then back up at Leo. He smiled as he watched Leo bite his lip. "You know, one day that lip's going to be gone from biting it if you don't let some of those thoughts out of your head," Jase noted. Leo looked up from his magazine and smirked. "I'll show you your room," Leo stood up. Jase followed Leo as he opened a door to the bathroom. "You mean of all the rooms in this house, I have to sleep in the bathroom?!" Jase exclaimed jokingly. Leo laughed and walked across the large bathroom to the door on the other side. He opened it and motioned for Jase to go in. A room nearly as big as Leo's with a bed as big and a fireplace greeted Jase as he walked in. Leo watched as Jase looked around the room, wide-eyed. He smiled and leaned against the door frame. "Make yourself at home," Leo said as he turned to go back into his room. "Wait, Leo," Jase stopped him, "Thank you for this. I'm sorry for all the trouble." "Trouble? Its nice to have company in this big ol' place," Leo smiled warmly, walking back into his room. Jase smiled at the comment and went to close the door, but something stopped him. He could see right into Leo's room. He watched Leo sit on his bed and rub his eyes. He looked around and stood up, removing his shirt, revealing his sculpted chest and abs. Jase looked down and began closing the door, but moved his eyes back to Leo. Leo unbuttoned his jeans and slid down the zipper. They dropped to the floor and Leo stepped out of them. Leo walked over to the light switch and flicked it off. Jase closed the door and adjusted his hardening member.

Leo slowly opened his eyes and sat up in bed. He stared at the door to the bathroom that connected his room and the one Jase was sleeping in. He looked down and then back at the door. He pushed the covers off of him and sat on the edge of the bed. He sat there for a moment as if contemplating something in his mind. He looked at the door again before standing up. He slowly made his way towards the door, the moonlight softly shining through the window of his bedroom. He walked across the bathroom to the other door and placed his hand on the knob. Slowly, he turned the doorknob and pushed the door open as quietly as he could. He peered into the room and saw Jase asleep in bed. He watched Jase sleep peacefully and he smiled to himself. He walked into the room and over to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stared down at the sleeping boy. Again he smiled and brought his hand up to Jase's cheek and carassed it softly so as not to wake him. Jase stirred and his eyes opened slowly. He smiled up at Leo who was looking down at him. He licked his lips and stared into Leo's eyes, waiting for a movement. Leo brought his hand back up to Jase's face and pressed his fingers over Jase's lips. He ran his fingers across them, feeling the softness and then he began leaning down to replace the fingers with his own lips. He inched down, closing his eyes....

Jase awoke to a noise. It was coming from Leo's room. A muffled moaning. Jase got out of bed and walked over to his door, opening it slowly. He peered into the bathroom and then stepped into it, walking across it and peeking into Leo's room. He looked around and then noticed that Leo was the one moaning, in his sleep. Jase made his way over to the side of the bed and stared down at the dreaming Leo. Jase smiled down at him and touched his own lips softly. "Jase," Leo moaned clearly this time. Jase's eyes widened and he stood up abrubtly. He couldn't have just heard Leo moan his name. No, it couldn't be, right? He was dreaming. Yea, he would go back to bed and wake up and it would all be a dream. He walked out of the room and closed the door.

Leo awoke when he felt a presense in the room other than himself. He looked around the room and no one was there. He looked at his door and noticed that it was closed. He shrugged and fell back asleep.

Next: Chapter 4

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