Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Aug 8, 2000


Here's chapter four. I hope you've liked the story so far. I hope you like this chapter as well. Still feel free to email me with comments and stuff at DrJJC 19@aol.com Thanks for the comments I've already gotten, too. On with the story....

Leo and Jase Chapter Four:

Leo awoke as the sun poured through the uncovered window of his bedroom. He felt the warmth of its rays on his face and bare chest. He slowly opened his eyes and stared out the window at the clear blue sky outside. He smiled to himself and sat up in his bed. He rubbed his eyes and stretched. He kicked his feet over the side of the bed and stood up, stretching again. He walked over to his drawer and pulled out a pair of nylon pants and a tank top. He threw them on his bed and walked into the bathroom. He stepped up to the mirror and stared at himself in it. He rubbed his eyes again and reached for his tooth brush.

He began brushing his teeth and then spit and gargled with mouth wash. He splashed some cold water on his face to wake him up and heard the door to the guest room open. He turned to see Jase standing in the doorway in his boxers. Jase noticed Leo at the sink and jumped. "Oh...sorry," Jase turned to go back into the room. "No, its ok, I was just brushing my teeth. Morning breath's a killer," Leo joked, flashing Jase a smile. Jase smiled back at Leo warmly, sending a tingle down his spine. Leo's mind flashed to the dream he had had that night and he turned his head away. "Well, breakfast is ready downstairs in the kitchen. Come down whenever you're ready." Leo explained, stepping into his room and pushing the door closed. The door snapped back open a little without Leo noticing and Jase stepped up to the mirror. He stared at himself, remembering what happened that night. He shook his head. "It was just a dream....right?" Jase turned his head towards Leo's door and noticed it was cracked open. Jase slowly walked over to the crack and peered through it.

Leo bent over and stepped into his nylon wind pants and pulled them up. Jase let his eyes roam Leo's body. His back was incredibly sexy as well as his shoulders. Leo reached for his tank top and put it on. Then he stepped out of Jase's view. Jase moved his eyes around, trying to see where he went. The door swung open and Jase was face to face with Leo. Leo shot Jase a puzzling look. Jase jumped. "uhh...I.. was just coming to close the door. I noticed it opened after you closed it," Jase explained shakily. "Yea, it does that," Leo smiled stepping into the bathroom. He caught himself glancing over at Jase, letting his eyes roam over Jase's body. Leo looked back down at his feet and went over to the sink. He combed his hair and rain a hand through it. He turned to see Jase with a big grin on his face. "What?" Leo asked, confused. "You and your hair," Jase chuckled softly. "What do you mean?" Leo asked defensively. "Oh come on..I see the way you always run your hands through it and comb it and make sure its not sticking up. I've never seen a guy worry so much about his hair." Jase leaned against the door frame. Leo looked hurt. "I do not!" Jase smiled and walked over to Leo. "Its not like its a bad thing. Its kinda cu...funny." Jase caught himself. "CuFunny?" Leo laughed. "Yea, its my own little word I guess." Jase tried to cover up. 'Dumb-ass' he thought to himself. "Ok, well.. are you hungry?" Leo asked, walking back over to his room door, stepping by Jase. His arm brushed up against Jase's. They both stopped, and then Leo kept walking, both feeling the electricity, but not realizing the other did as well. "Yea, man!" Jase said enthusiastically, grabbing his stomach as it growled loudly. "Damn, I'll take that as a yea!" They both laughed. "I'll be down in a sec." Jase called to Leo from the bathroom. "Alright," Leo replied. Jase walked back into the guest room and rummaged through his bag. He pulled out his jeans and a t-shirt and put them on quickly. He then headed downstairs. As he walked down the hall towards the stairs, he took time to look at everything around him. He looked at all the pictures on the wall of family, Leo's Dad with big time executives, and pictures of Leo as a child. 'He was a cute kid,' Jase thought to himself, smiling. He reached the stairs and headed down them. He looked down at the large entry room to the house. It was like something out of a movie, marble floors, big windows, everything you'd expect from a celebrity home or something. 'He lives in this every day?' Jase thought in disbelief. "Good morning, Jase," a voice came in from a room off to the right. Jase turned his head to see Ben walking over to the closet and getting his coat out. Jase smiled in greeting. "Morning. Going somewhere?" Jase asked as Ben headed for the door. "If you don't mind me asking." "Oh not at all. I'm going out to get a few things from the store so Leo will be well stocked for this week. I'm going to visit my brother and his wife for a couple of days, so Leo's gonna be here and he needs to have plenty of munchies so he doesn't call me whining." Ben explained, laughing. Jase laughed with him and waved goodbye. He walked around the room, looking into doors to see which one was to the kitchen and then found it. He saw Leo sitting at the kitchen table eating eggs, french toast, and drinking a big glass of orange juice. He stepped inside and walked over to where Leo was sitting. Leo looked up from the paper he was reading and smiled. "Hey. There's french toast, eggs, and bacon. And orange juice in the fridge." Leo pointed over to the counter. Or there's donuts and bagels if you'd rather have that. Jase laughed. Leo shot him a puzzled stare. "Ben just said he was going out to get food so you wouldn't starve, but it looks to me like you've got enough food to last for a freakin year!" Jase laughed and walked over to the counter. He picked up a plate and put some french toast and bacon on his plate. He poured himself a glass of orange juice and then went to sit down at the table. Leo shrugged and looked back down at the paper he was reading. "I wanted to thank you again for letting me stay over tonight." Jase said before taking a bite of his toast." "Its really no problem. This house gets kinda lonely sometimes," Leo smiled over at Jase. 'Gosh he's got a great smile,' Jase thought to himself. He shook his head. "I called the police last night after you went to sleep and they said they'd go and check it out. I haven't gotten a hold of my parents yet, but they'll call tonight I'm sure." Jase thanked Leo and took a sip of his orange juice. "You're not planning on staying at your house after that are you?" Leo asked. Jase looked up at Leo and swallowed. "Well, its not like I have anywhere else to go. All my relatives live at least an hour away from here and I gotta go to school..." Jase rambled. "Look, you are welcome here as long as you want." Leo suggested, interrupting Jase. "I don't want to intrude, man," Jase put his hands up. "Intrude? What are you talking about? Besides, it'd be nice to have some company while Benji's gone." Leo insisted. Jase thought about it and complied. "Well, if you're sure its cool." Jase searched Leo for reassurance. "Its more than cool, man. I'm insisting." Leo flashed his pearly whites at Leo and stared back down at the paper in his hand. Jase watched Leo as he read and smiled to himself.

After breakfast, Jase followed Leo back upstairs to Leo's room. "So, where are your parents?" Jase asked, taking a look around Leo's room and sitting in a big arm chair. Leo plopped down on his bed and put his hands behind his head. "He's gone to Boston on business for two week and my Mom is visiting her sisters in L.A." Leo explained, closing his eyes. Jase licked his lips as his eyes scanned Leo's body once again. 'Ya gotta stop this shit, man,' Jase scolded himself. But he found his eyes wander back to Leo. "Oh really?" Jase replied. Leo nodded and opened his eyes. He got off the bed and went to his dresser, opening a drawer. He pulled out a pair of boxers and a pair of shorts as well. He threw the jeans on the bed and removed his pants. Jase looked away, but felt his gaze shift back to Leo. He rolled his eyes at himself and looked away again. 'Dammit, Jase, stop it. You're not gay!' Jase thought, as he stared around the room. Leo removed his tank top and picked up the boxers. He stepped inside his closet and then came out a second later with the boxers on and the other pair in his hand. He threw them in the laundry basket and grabbed his jeans. He put them on and then sat down on his bed, staring out the window. He tried to avoid looking in Jase's direction, but turned around regardless. His eyes met Jase's breifly before Jase turned them away suddenly. Jase stood up quickly and started towards the bathroom. Leo watched him in confusion as to what made his mood change so quickly and stood up. He walked over to step into Jase's path to stop him and tripped on the pile of clothes he had made on the floor, sending him flying straight into Jase. Leo knocked Jase to the floor and fell flat on top of him. Leo groaned slightly at the pain of the fall and twisted his face. "What are you groanin about? I'm the one who broke that fall of yours, Prince Grace," Jase said sarcastically. Leo chuckled and lifted his upper body up with his arms. He bit his lip and began pushing the rest of his body up, but lost his balance and fell back down. Jase felt Leo's hard, bare chest press against him. Leo's face came millimeters away from Jase's and he found himself staring into Jase's eyes. Jase stared up at Leo, his heart pounding in his chest. Leo's breath began to quicken and he started to lean down further. Jase's mind suddenly began swirling and he moved his head. "Well, its been nice and all, man, but...uh... I gotta go home and get some things done," Jase said nervously, pushing Leo off of him. He stood up and started towards the guest room. Leo sat back against his bed and rubbed his head. 'Dumb-ass,' Leo thought to himself as he watched Jase rush out of his room.

As Jase made his way out of Leo's room, he adjusted the growing bulge between his legs. He reached the guest room and closed the door behind him. He leaned up against it and closed his eyes. He felt a tear begin to form his his eye and trickle out and run down his cheek. 'I can't be gay. Its just not possible. Did Leo just try to kiss me? No, Leo's not a fag and neither am I. Just a stupid accident, that's all.' Jase tried to justify to himself. A knock came from the door he was leaning against. He quickly moved away from it and wiped his eyes. He rushed over to his bag and zipped it up. "Yea?" Jase called to the door, his voice slightly cracking. Leo opened the door slowly and peered inside. "Look, man. I'm sorry about that." Leo apologized, staring down at his feet. "About what? Its not your fault you're clumsy," Jase cracked, smiling fakely. Leo looked up at Jase confusedly. 'You mean, he doesn't realize.....' Leo thought to himself in a sort of relief. Jase stood up and looked at Leo. "Well, I guess I'll see you later today." Jase started towards the door to the hallway. "I can drive you," Leo suggested as Jase rushed towards the door. "No, that's ok. I can walk." "Walk? I don't think so. I'm driving." Leo insisted. Jase stopped and turned to look at Leo. He forced a smile in thanks. "Alright. Thank you, but you really don...." "No more about it." Leo interrupted. Jase breathed out in frustration. "Do you always have to win?" Jase asked, exasperated. "Always," Leo smiled. "I'll get my keys and meet you downstairs." Jase nodded and headed downstairs.

Leo went back into his room and threw on his tank top and a buttondown shirt along with his sandals. He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. He breathed another sigh of relief and headed downstairs. He licked his lips and saw Jase waiting at the bottom of the stairs. He slowed down and tried not to make any noise as he watched Jase stand there nervously. 'He's just so....I don't know. There's something about him.' Leo thought to himself. 'You're not gay, Leo. But there's just something about this guy.' Leo reached the bottom of the stairs, shaking the thoughts from his mind. He put a hand on Jase's shoulder. Jase jumped. "Whoa, sorry." Leo laughed. Jase breathed out. "You scared the shit outta me! Where did you come from!" Jase adjusted the strap of the bag on his shoulder and headed towards the garage. Leo followed him into the garage and pushed the button on his key to unlock the doors. He climbed into the driver's side as Jase rounded the car and got in passenger's side. He threw his bag in the back and stared straight ahead awkwardly. Leo put the key in the ignition and started up the car. He glanced over at Jase and sighed. He began biting his lip as he backed out of the garage and drove towards the gate. Jase looked over at him. "What's the problem?" Jase asked, noticing Leo biting his lip. Leo looked at him and smirked. "Don't worry about it." Jase stared at him, searching his eyes. He tilted his head and began taking in Leo's face completely. 'He has a perfect mouth, and his eyes are so beautiful.' Jase smiled slightly, staring at Leo. Leo noticed this and looked over at Jase who immediately turned his head. Leo shrugged it off and continued driving.

When they reached Jase's house, they went inside to find the place in pretty much the same condition as before. There was a note on the door from a police officer saying that they had inspected the house and asked to check if anything was missing and call the station. Jase walked into the hallway, picking up a few things and setting them back in their rightful places. "I gotta clean this shit up," Jase walked into the living room and set his bag down on the couch. He turned and looked at Leo who was leaning against the doorframe. "You can probably get going if you want. I have to clean all this mess up which will take me a couple hours, so I can find some way over to your house later." Jase bent over to pick up a couch cushion and place it back on the couch. Leo watched him bend over and he caught himself staring. Jase turned around, waiting for a goodbye. "Two people cleaning is better than one person cleaning. Quicker too." Leo smiled. "I couldn't ask you to do that," Jase shook his head. "You're not asking, I'm insisting." Leo insisted. Jase smiled at him and crossed his arms over his chest. "What are you?" Jase joked. Leo laughed and walked over to Jase. "So, let's get started, huh?" Leo rubbed his hands together. Jase sighed and looked around.

"That's the last of it I think," Jase set the trash bag by the back door. Leo plopped down in a chair at the kitchen table. "Thanks for helping me, Leo." Jase smiled at Leo and took a seat next to him. Leo smiled over at Jase warmly. "No problem. What are friends for?" Leo ran his hand through his hair. Jase smiled at this statement and fiddled with his fingers. "I'll just get some more stuff together and I'll be ready to go." Jase stood up and headed toward the living room to get his bag. He went into his room and set it down on his bed. Leo appeared in the doorway and came in, looking around the room. He walked over to Jase's desk and turned on the lamp. He looked at the pictures on the desk. He saw one of Jase as a little boy with an older boy of about 15 at the time. He picked it up. "Who's this you're with in this picture?" Leo asked, holding the picture up to show Jase. "Oh, that's my brother, Seth." Jase said as he put some clothes in his bag. "I thought your brother's name was Josh." Leo said, putting the picture back down. "Well, Seth died a few years back in a boating accident." Jase explained. Leo looked at Jase and bit his lip. Jase smiled when he saw this. "Don't worry about it, Leo. I got over it a long time ago." Jase smiled in reassurance. "So, did you call the police and tell them what all is missing?" Leo asked, changing the subject. "Yea, I called them about an hour ago. They said they got some finger prints and are looking for the jerk as we speak." Jase explained, zipping up his bag and grabbing his backpack. "I changed the announcement on the answering machine, so my parents would know where they could reach me. Is that ok?" Jase asked. "Of course!" Leo assured. "Ready to go then?" Jase threw the bags over his shoulders and looked at Leo. Leo nodded and motioned for Jase to go ahead before him. "Aww, such a gentleman," Jase joked, punching Leo in the arm as he walked by. Leo grinned and shoved Jase out the door. They both laughed and headed out to Leo's car. Jase let Leo out first this time and locked the door tight behind him. He followed Leo out to the car and got in the passengers side. Leo climbed into the driver's side and started up the car.

"We're here," Leo announced as he pulled into the garage and turned the car off. He looked over at Jase who was zoned out. "Hello?" Leo waved his hand in front of Jase's face. Jase snapped out of it and shook his head. "Huh? Oh, sorry. Zoned out there for a second," Jase replied with a smile. They got out of the car and headed inside. They went upstairs to Leo's room where Leo plopped down on his bed. Jase went and put his bags down in the guest room and came back into Leo's room, taking a seat in the arm chair next to the window. He stared out the window onto the landscaped lawn of the backyard and noticed the pool. "You have a pool? Of course you do! What am I talkin about!" Jase exclaimed, jokingly smacking himself on the head. Leo laughed at Jase and nodded. "Yea, you wanna take a dip?" Leo asked, sitting up. Jase looked at him, "I don't have a swimsuit with me." "I have a million swim suits and we look about the same size," Leo got up and went into his drawers. He pulled out two pairs of swim trunks and raised an eyebrow. "How bout it?" Leo asked again. Jase smiled and stood up. "Why not." Jase complied, taking the bathing suit out of Leo's hand. He went into the guest room and removed his shirt. He threw it on the bed and undid his jeans and let them fall to the ground. He stepped out of them and kicked them aside. He then removed his boxers and grabbed the swim trunks.

Leo finished putting on his swim trunks and walked into the bathroom and crossed it, stepping into the doorway of the guest room to see if Jase was ready. Clearly he wasn't ready yet when Leo caught Jase removing his boxers. He started turned and hid behind the wall. Curiosity got the best of him and he moved his head and peeked into the room just as Jase turned to face in his direction. Leo's eyes widened at what he saw. He wanted to turn away, but he couldn't take his eyes off of Jase. He couldn't believe the size of Jase's package. 'That thing's gotta be like 5 or 6 inches and its not even hard,' Leo thought to himself, staring at it. Jase pulled the swim trunks up and tied the strings on the waist back together. Leo quickly started walking back to his room. "Leo, you ready?" Jase asked as he saw Leo in the bathroom. Leo slowly turned around and avoided making eye contact with Jase. He nodded and started walking to his room, heading towards the hallway. Jase followed him, giving him strange looks as to why he was acting to strangely. He shrugged and continued following Leo out to the pool.

Leo led Jase into the huge family room and opened the sliding door out to the back yard. He reached over and turned on the outside and pool lights and before stepping out into the warm night air. Jase stepped outside as well and the warm air greeted him. He took in a deep breath and then looked around. "Go ahead, I'm gonna go get some towels," Leo said as he disappeared back inside. Jase nodded and walked over to the edge of the pool. He sat down on the edge and dangled his feet in the water, leaning back on his hands. He looked up at the clear night sky.

Leo returned shortly with towels in his hands and Jase turned to look at him. Leo smiled warmly at Jase and slowly walked over to him. He held out a hand to help Jase up and Jase took it gladly. They stood close together and stared into each others' eyes. Jase saw the sparkle in Leo's eyes and smiled slyly. Leo smiled as well. "Its hot out here tonight. What say we lose these bathing suits," A grin spread across Leo's face. Jase raised an eyebrow. He nodded in agreement and Leo stepped back. He slowly untied the strings on his trunks and then slid his fingers inside the waistband of them. He slowly began pushing them down, all the time, gazing at Jase seductively. Jase watched the suit slide further and further down.....

"Jase? You ok there?" Leo's voice interrupted Jase's "thought". Jase jumped slightly and his eyes widened. Leo walked over to him and took a seat next to him. Jase stared down into the pool and moved his hands to his lap to conceal the throbbing hardness in his swimsuit. Leo looked at him, puzzled. "Sorry, zoned out again," Jase covered. "I can see that," Leo said sarcastically. Jase smiled slightly and suddenly slid down into the pool. He had to get a cold wake up call, or rather, go back to sleep, if you will. Leo watched him get in the pool and followed him. He adjusted the the cold temperature of the water quickly and went under water to wet his hair. He came back up and saw Jase at the other end of the pool. He swam over to him and shook his head. Water went flying everywhere from his hair. Jase laughed, recovered from his situation. Leo stopped shaking his head and smiled at Jase. "Thanks for that, Rover," Jase joked and pushed Leo. Leo grabbed Jase's hand as he pushed him and pulled Jase under water. Jase came back quickly and the two began to wrestle under water. They came up after a minute and broke into laughter. "No fair, I can't stay under that long," Jase whined. Leo grinned wide and nudged Jase. He chuckled and was soon dunked under by Jase. They began wrestling again and came up, still holding on to each other. They laughed, but still seemed to hold on tightly to the each other. Jase's eyes moved to look at Leo's and Leo stared at Jase. Leo bit his lip and Jase smiled lovingly. He brought his hand up to Leo's mouth and brushed his fingers over Leo's lips, makig him stop biting them. Leo inched forward slowly....

To be continued.... Sorry bout leaving you hanging, but I have to make sure you'll come back for more!

Next: Chapter 5

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