Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Sep 24, 2000


Wassup everyone. I know this chapter is WAAAAAAYYYYY late, but my life has gotten pretty hectic with school and other things. I've finally got it out, so I hope I haven't lost any regular readers.

Thanks for all your emails and support. It makes me feel good to hear from people who like my writing. Thanks again... Here it is....

Leo and Jase Chapter 7

Leo drove the golf cart up to the front door and looked around for a car pulling in. He saw Ben's car parked in front of the garage and he stepped out of the golf cart. "Ben? What's he doing back?" Leo asked softly to himself. Jase followed Leo inside and closed the door behind them. A voice greeted them. "Hey you two!" Ben said from across the foyer. "Ben, what are you doing home so early?" Leo asked in surprise. "Well, hey to you too!" Ben said laughing. "Well..I just didn't expect you home for a couple more days." Leo explained, trying to cover up his disappointment that Ben had come home so soon. "Well, turns out that my family's gone to the Bahamas and they said I could stay at the house in a note they wrote me, but I figured I'd come back here and check up on you." "Check up on me? Benji, how old am I now?" Leo asked, laughing, punching Ben in the shoulder. "Hey Jase," Ben greeted Jase, putting a hand on his shoulder. "How's things? Did the police figure out who robbed your house?" "No not yet, but they've got a few good leads. Finger prints and hair I think." Jase explained. He really liked Ben. He was a good guy. "Well, I'm sure they'll turn up with something." Ben gave Jase a warm smile and then turned back to Leo. "Heard from your parents?" he asked. "Yea right. Sometimes I think they get away just so they can take a break from me or something." Leo said, glancing in Jase's direction. "Leo," Ben scolded. Leo gave an apologetic look and then smiled. "Why don't you take advantage of the time off and get outta here, Benji?" Leo suggested, "Go to the beach or something. Get some new scenery. I know you get sick of taking care of me all the time." Ben looked up at him suspicously, "Are you trying to get rid of me? You two got something going on?" Jase and Leo looked at each other with wide-eyed expressions. Leo's heart jumped into his throat and Jase's face turned bright red. "You two planning on having a party or something?" Ben finished. Leo and Jase breathed a sigh of relief that was painfully obvious. Ben shot them confused stares and searched them for an answer. "No, Ben, we're not having a party." Leo smiled, rolling his eyes. Ben laughed heartily and then began walking into the kitchen. Leo and Jase followed, taking a seat at the table. "So what have you two been up to?" Ben asked, glancing at the clock. "Wait a minute, aren't you two suppose to be in school?" Leo and Jase looked at each other again guiltily. Leo tried to come up with an excuse, but couldn't. Finally he just came up with, "I needed a break and I figured I could show Jase around the grounds. We aren't doing anything today in school, no tests or anything." Leo looked down at the floor. Ben shrugged. "Alright." Jase looked up at Ben surprised and then looked at Leo who was breathing out. Jase smiled at Leo lovingly, laughing at his adorable way of showing embarassment. "You know what? Maybe I will take a little trip. It'll do me good to get away by myself for a while." Ben suddenly decided. Leo perked up. "Really?" "Yea, I think I'll go up north to the mountains or to a beach somewhere. Get some "me" time." Ben thought aloud. Jase noticed a little perk in Leo's posture as he thought Ben might leave them alone again. 'He's so adorable,' Jase thought to himself. He smiled and Leo looked at him questioningly. Jase shook his head and Leo shrugged.

Ben noticed their little looks towards each other and began to get a little suspicious. 'What's up with the looks they keep stealing? Are they planning something? No, Ben, stop it. There they go again..something's going on,' Ben thought to himself while looking at the two boys. "Anyway, I'll leave tomorrow morning, after you two go to school because you ARE going!" Ben glared at Leo sternly. Leo nodded his head and his face reddened a little. Jase smiled once again, but turned his head away. "Yea yea," Leo rolled his eyes and stood up. "Well, we're gonna go up to my room and chill, then we might go out for a bite. You can come if you want," Leo offered. "I might just take you up on that," Ben nodded, waving as Jase and Leo left the kitchen.

As they entered Leo's room, Leo shut the door behind him. He snuck up behind Jase and wrapped his arms around Jase's waist. Jase smiled and placed his hands on Leo's as he embraced him from behind. Leo softly laid kisses on the back of Jase's neck causing Jase to giggle slightly. "That tickles, man," Jase laughed, pulling away. Leo pulled him back, facing him and held him tight. Jase put his arms around Leo and kissed his forehead. Leo smiled up into Jase's eyes and then pulled back slightly. Jase smiled back at him warmly. Jase frowned. "What's the matter, J?" Leo asked worriedly. Jase pulled away and plopped down on the bed. He fiddled with his fingers nervously and stared down at his feet. "What's up, Jase? What's wrong?" Leo persisted. He pulled Jase's chin up so he was looking up at Leo in the face. A small tear ran down Jase's cheek. "I'm scared as hell, Leo. I know I've been such a baby about this shit and I'm always crying about it all, but I'm scared shitless." Jase explained, choking on his tears. Leo smiled at Jase comfortingly. "It's okay, J, whatever you want to do is fine with me," Leo assured him. "That's just the thing, I don't have a clue what I want! I don't want to be....gay...everything I've ever known tells me its wrong and everyone I've ever known has treated it as a horrible thing and I don't even feel like I'm gay because gay people are all prissy and stuff and they're just not normal. But then I'm slapped in the face with the fact that I'm falling for a GUY and that means I am gay which scares the hell outta me. Which brings up another question, am I going to hell because of it?" Jase rambled on and on, tears streaming down his face. Leo rubbed Jase's back and embraced him comfortingly. "What makes you think you're going to hell, Jase?" "Everything I've been taught in my religion and my beliefs have told me that being gay is wrong and stuff. I don't want to be shunned for this, ya know? I just don't know!" Jase continued sobbing. "You can't help how you feel, Jase. Being gay isn't something you choose to be, we were born this way. You're not going to hell and its not wrong to be this way. I'm scared too, believe me, but you should accept it." Leo tried to comfort Jase, but he kept crying. "I just....its hard Leo." Jase looked into Leo's eyes and saw the concern in them. 'He really cares about me, doesn't he?' Jase thought to himself. He pulled Leo into a hug and then pulled away. "I'm sorry. Let's go get something to eat, I'm starved." He had to change the subject so he'd stop thinking about it. What good does thinking about your problems all the time get anybody? None. He had to stop thinking about it. Leo nodded and stood up and helped Jase up. "It'll all work out, J, I promise." Leo reassured him. Jase smiled at him and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Leo." Jase walked out of the room with Leo following him.

At dinner

"So what did you guys do today while you played hookie?" Ben asked, taking a sip of his beer. Leo and Jase looked at each other guiltily and then back at Ben. "Oh, nothin much, just went around the grounds and explored. I showed Jase around the place." Leo replied. 'Yea, you showed me around alright,' Jase thought, smiling to himself. Leo smiled over at Jase who seemed to be in his own world. Jase noticed Leo looking at him and smiled back lovingly. Ben watched the two steal glances from across the table and his brain began ticking.

After dinner They pulled up into the garage and hopped out of the car. Ben closed the garage door and followed the boys inside. "You know, I'm pretty beat. I think I'll go ahead and get to bed." Jase rubbed his eyes sleepily. Leo and Ben nodded and said goodnight, Leo and Jase sharing a special glance as Jase began heading upstairs. Leo and Ben then proceeded to go into the den where they sprawled out on the big couches and turned on the TV. Ben looked over at Leo who was staring at the TV intently. "Hey Leo," Ben asked. "Yea?" Leo replied, keeping his eyes on the television. "What's up with you and Jase?" Leo's attention immediately shifted to his guardien who was eyeing him suspiciously. "What do you mean?" Leo asked, not looking into Ben's eyes. He knew exactly what Ben was talking about. "I saw you two glancing at each other all googly eyed, Leo. Don't play stupid with me." "I don't know what you're talkin about," Leo tried to cover. "Aw come on, Leo, I've raised you. I know when you're lying and you're lying right now. Are you gay?" Leo stared at Ben. Was he that easy to read? Ben had always been able to see right through him. "No.." Leo trailed off.." I don't know." "Look, its ok Leo. There's nothing wrong with it. SO are you?" Ben persisted. "I mean, I still like girls, but...its hard to explain." Leo searched Ben for a reaction. He seemed to be completely cool with it. Ben nodded in understanding. "So, you and Jase are a thing now or something?" Ben asked, nudging Leo slyly. He laughed. Leo smiled and shrugged. "I guess you could say that. Its wierd to think about, ya know...two guys a couple. It seems strange, but there's something there." Leo explained, smiling to himself at the thought of Jase. Ben smiled. He was happy for Leo. "Look, Ben, please don't tell anyone. Dont even tell Jase that you know!" Leo demanded. "I won't say a word." Ben assured. Leo relaxed and smiled at Ben. "I love you Benji. You're the father I never had." Leo smiled wide. Ben smiled back. "Hey, I'm not that old." "You know what I mean, man!" Ben nodded, "I love you too, Leo." The two sat and watched tv, and fell asleep on the couch.

Jase lay awake in his bed thinking about what he was going to do about this whole thing. He stared up at the cieling contemplating. A single tear trickled down his face. 'God, Jase, you always cry about everything. Suck it up.' Jase turned over on his side and stared out the window. He closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

To be continued... There ya go. Hope you all liked it. I know it wasn't one of the more interesting ones, but it'll do until I have enough time to write something really good. Feel free to email me with comments and stuff at 'DrJJC19@aol.com' ....thanks

Next: Chapter 8

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