Leo and Jase

By moc.loa@91CJJrD

Published on Sep 26, 2000


Well, here's Chapter 8. I told you I get it out soon! First of all, thanks for all the emails. Secondly, thanks to Peter for making me feel better about everything and stuff. Just thought I'd mention that. Um..Thanks for the input and support from everyone. I guess..on with the story. Note: If you are a fan of Justin and JC from *NSync, I have a story featuring them on EroticStories.com under the gay celebrities section. Also, I'd like to recommend a story also about Justin and JC called Josh and Just. Its on Nifty under Boy Bands and its an awesome story. I'm hooked. Also a good one is a story called WHY? Check them out.


Chapter 8

Jase awoke the next morning to the sun just barely coming over the horizon. He glanced over at the clock. Only 5:00 am. He had at least 2 more hours to sleep. He placed a pillow over his head and tried to get back to sleep with no success. Too much on his mind.

He got up and went into the bathroom. He walked over to the other door into Leo's room and peered into the room, dimly lit by the sunrise. He smiled to himself as he watched Leo sleep peacefully. He closed the door and stepped up to the mirror. He stared at himself and shook his head. He had bags under his eyes from the lack of sleep he had had that night. He kept waking up during the night, but couldn't remember the dreams that had prevented him from wanting to fall back to sleep.

He picked up his toothbrush and toothpaste and forced out some on the toothbrush. He turned on the water and brushed his teeth, wiping his mouth and gargeling when he was done. He splashed his face with cold water, but didn't get rid of the tired feeling. His mind was exhausted from thinking so hard about everything. He had always tended to overthink things and weigh out every single consequence of every decision he made. He was tired of that, he was tired of worrying about, he was just plain tired.

He made his way back into the room he occupied for the time being and turned off the bathroom light. He sat down on the edge of the bed and stared out the window. He watched the sun slowly come up and light the sky more and more. He began to think about Leo and smiled to himself. He had never felt this way before about anything or anyone in his life. He felt his heart race every time he even thought about Leo, his mind cleared when he was with him, all his problems were chased away when Leo would look into his eyes. He continued to smile to himself and laid back down. He closed his eyes and saw Leo standing there, looking at him lovingly. Jase drifted off to sleep slowly...

Jase felt something that woke him up. He fought awaking for a few seconds, but then gave in. He kept his eyes closed, wondering what what touching him. A soft touch, gentle and smooth, caressing his cheek. It was a hand. The hand slowly and gently slid down over Jase's chest and stroked him lovingly. He smiled and opened his eyes. "What a face to wake up to," Jase smiled as Leo came into view. "Are you sure I'm not still sleeping?" Leo smiled and shook his head. "What time is it?" Jase asked. "6:30." Leo replied softly, placing a soft kiss on Jase's chest. Jase smiled. "What are you doing up. We don't have to be up for another 30 minutes and you look like you've been up for a while." Jase said, watching Leo place kissed all over his chest and then his neck. "I couldn't help it. I had to see you, to touch you, to be with you." Leo stated softly, almost at a whisper between kisses. Jase put his hands on Leo's cheeks and brought his head up so that they were looking into each other's eyes. "What did I do to deserve you?" Jase smiled. Leo returned the smile and then leaned up, placing his lips over Jase's and gently pressing them together. Jase gladly returned the kiss, placing his arms around Leo's neck. Leo slid his tongue into Jase's mouth and tasted him. He pulled back. "Sweetest thing I've ever tasted." Leo smiled adorably and then pressed his lips back against Jase's. He slid under the covers with Jase, pressing his body close against Jase's. Their bodies intertwined and they kissed deeply and passionately for what seemed like forever, but yet was never long enough. They pulled apart and Jase looked up into Leo's eyes and smiled. They lay for a moment, gazing at each other in complete silence. "Leo?" "hmm?" "Are you scared about all this?" Jase looked up at Leo who smiled back at him comfortingly and stroked his cheek. "J, I'm terrified. But I know I'll be ok as long I'm with you. That's all that matters to me." Leo brushed his fingers across Jase's lips and smiled. He leaned in and kissed him softly. Jase just smiled happily and gazed up at this incredible person who has completely changed his life. He knew somehow that whatever problems would arise from all this, that it would all be ok as long as they went through it together. He smiled at the thought contently and closed his eyes.

Leo began planting little kissed on Jase's neck, and then making a trail down to his chest. Leo stopped and nibbled on Jase's nipple, making it come to attention. Leo continued to tease and nibble on Jase's nipple, sending chills up his spine. He moaned softly and cocked his head back. Leo then trailed small kissed down to Jase's stomach, where he stopped as he got to the waistband of his boxers. He looked up at Jase who stared down at him sweetly. Leo smiled and slid his fingers under the waistband. He took the other hand and did the same, pulling the boxers down slowly. He removed them and stared at the beautiful body lying in front of him. Jase smiled up at him, waiting for the next move when Leo slid back down.

His face come level with Jase's manhood and he rubbed it gently, bringing it from semi-hard to full attention. He couldn't believe how big Jase was and he stared at it hungrily. He brought his mouth down and slid his tongue over the thick shaft. He slid up to the head and then teased it with his tongue. Then he took it in his mouth, sucking on it gently at first, then began taking more and more of Jase's tool in his mouth. He stopped and adjusted before taking all that he could in with still about an inch or two left. He then slid it out and then back in. He began a rhythm, sucking on Jase's cock slowly at first, but gaining a little bit more speed, his head bobbing up and down.

Loud moans escaped from Jase's throat and he arched his back in pleasure. He couldn't beleive how good this felt. He threw his head back and bit his lower lip.

Leo took even more of Jase into his mouth, Jase's manhood scraping the back of his throat. He sucked a little harder, pucking her lips slightly sending a wave of heat through Jase. He moaned loudly again as he felt himself nearing the edge. "Leo, I'm getting close." Jase moaned. Leo felt Jase grow to full size and he felt Jase's load shoot into his mouth. The warm creamy liquid filled his mouth and he tried to swallow as much as he could. So much of it he almost gagged. It dribbled out of his mouth and down Jase's softening cock. Leo pulled away and licked his mouth clean. He smiled down at Jase who looked as if he was high. He slid up and embraced Jase tightly. They hugged for a moment before pulling away. "Wanna take a shower? Get cleaned up?" Leo suggested. Jase nodded and smiled, sitting up in bed. He stood up and followed Leo into the bathroom. He leaned against the counter as Leo turned on the water. He bent down to adjust the water to make it warm and turned it to shower. Jase's eyes fixed on Leo's butt. It was so tight and just...'I could just bite it,' Jase thought to himself. Leo stood up and turned around. "Ok, its ready." Leo announced. Jase stepped inside the shower after Leo and felt the warm water rush down over their bodies. Steam arose from the hot water and Jase loved the feeling of the water warming him. He felt Leo lathering him up and and then he rinsed off. Jase grabbed the soap from Leo's hand and lathered Leo up. Leo, too, rinsed off and then they just stood under the water, pressing their bodies against each other, not realizing what hell the day was going to bring. But for that moment, they were the only two people in the world.

Leo walked into the kitchen grinning from ear to ear. He opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of orange juice and a glass before sitting down at the table. Ben looked up from reading the newspaper and shot Leo and confused glance. Leo didn't notice..He poured a glass of juice and took a big gulp of it. He set it down and stared off into space. "Good morning," Ben interrupted Leo's thoughts. Leo snapped back to earth and looked at Ben. "Hmm?" "What's with you?" Leo's face turned red and he looked away from Ben's pressing stare. "Nothing, I just had a really good night's sleep and I'm in a good mood. I'm actually not dredding school so much." Leo answered. Ben nodded his head suspiciously and went back to reading his newspaper. Leo took another sip of his orange juice as Jase walked in. Ben and Leo both looked up and greeted him with a smile. Jase nodded in greeting and smiled at Leo guiltily. He took a seat next to him and rested his elbows on the table. "Morning, Jase," Ben smiled at Jase, trying to hold back that he knew something. Jase smiled in return. "Mornin!" Jase replied cheerfully. Ben then closed up his newspaper and stood up. "Well, I'm off you guys. Leo, I'll be back on Thursday. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone. BEHAVE YOURSELF!" Ben announced, glaring at Leo jokingly. Leo rolled his eys. "Yea yea, Benji! I know I know. Have a good time." "Yea, later Ben. Have fun." Jase chimed in. Ben disappeared out of the kitchen. Leo and Jase glanced at each other occasionally, grinning like little kids. Leo glanced at the clock. "We better get going pretty soon." Jase nodded and stood up.

They went back upstairs and gathered their bookbags and Jase got his other stuff. He walked out with everything in his hands. Leo walked out and shot Jase a surprised look. "What are you doing?" "What do you mean?" Jase asked. "You're not planning on sleeping at your house tonight are you?" "Why not?" Jase stared at Leo. "Ben's gone, my parents are gone, no one around, but us two...." Leo hinted. Jase smiled and nudged Leo in the stomach. "And just what would we do here all by ourselves?" Jase teased. Leo smiled and slid his arms around Jase's neck and placed a peck on his lips. "mmm." "I don't know, we could study and then take a break to..um.." "Yes?" Jase asked slyly. Leo smiled up at Jase and placed a kiss on his chin. "Well, if you go home, you'll never know now will you?" Leo smiled and turned around. He turned back and glanced at Jase who looked somewhat annoyed. Leo laughed and threw his backpack around his shoulder. Jase followed Leo downstairs and into the garage. They climbed into the car and headed to school. "I've got to go by my house to see if my parents have called and get some more clothes for tomorrow after school. Is that cool?" Jase asked. Leo started to say yes, but then remembered something. "Oh, I have soccer practice after school. And I can't miss it cuz I did yesterday. Dammit!" Leo hit the steering wheel in frustration. "I could watch you practice. Seeing you running around in those shorts might not be such a waste of time." Jase grinned and looked over at Leo. Leo blushed. "Wouldn't it look kind of suspicious you watching me practice though? I mean, Kenny and Drew might see you watching me or something." "Well, my friend Julie always goes to watch those shit heads anyways. I could just sit with her and if they say anything to you, you could say I'm catching a ride with you after practice or something." "How do you know so much?" Leo asked smiling over at his lover. Jase laughed. "Psychic remember?" Leo nodded, chuckling softly.

As they entered the school building, Jase sighed and walked along side Leo. He hated coming to this God-awful place. He felt good with Leo though. He smiled over at him and kept walking.

Leo yawned and stretched as he walked with Jase down the hall towards his locker. They reached it and stopped. Jase leaned his back against the lockers as Leo opened his and got the necessary books and things for his classes. Jase leaned his head back as well and closed his eyes, tiredly. When he opened them, he saw Kenny and Drew come in to view. He rolled his eyes, "Here it comes." Leo looked up to see what Jase was talking about and smirked at the comment. Kenny took a look at Jase and turned his nose up, before pushing him out of the way and stepping beside Leo. "Leo, man, we missed ya yesterday at practice." Kenny began. "Excuse you, Kenny. He was standing there." Leo scolded. Kenny looked back at Jase and stepped aside. He turned his nose up once again and turned his attention back to Leo. Leo shook his head in dismay. "Anyway, you're coming today right?" "Yea, I'll be there." Leo replied, closing his locker. Drew glared at Jase. Jase tried to avoid the stare. "Alright, brotha, we'll see ya 'round." Kenny began walking away. "Fag," Drew mumbled to Jase under his breath, making sure he heard it. Jase began to lunge at Drew, but Leo caught him. "J, man, chill. Ignore it." Leo tried to calm Jase down. "You try to ignore when you're being called names all the time by people you've never done shit to!" Jase raised his voice. A few heads turned. Leo looked around and rolled his eyes at the nosy people wanting to eavesdrop. Jase shook his head and rubbed it. "God, I've got a fuckin headache now." "I'll talk to them." Leo suggested. "No, Leo. Its fine. I've only got one more year to deal with it and then I'm free." "We're free..together." Leo corrected. Jase smiled and blushed before starting to walk with Leo down the hall. "Well, I gotta get to class." Jase waved to Leo, wanting so badly to kiss him goodbye. Leo waved back and headed off to his class as well. Kenny came up beside him as well as Drew. Leo noticed them and rolled his eyes. "Are you two attached at the hip or somethng?" Leo joked. "Very funny," Drew snapped. "I'm just playing, man," Leo defended. Drew rolled his eyes. "What was that all about? Are you becoming a Judas?" "What are you talkin about?" "Back there, with the fag.." "Shut the hell up, Kenny. What the hell did he ever do to you?" Leo stopped in the middle of the hallway. "He's a fucking queer, Leo. I don't know why you're hanging out with him..." Kenny began again. "I'm sick of this shit, man. What did he ever do to make you think that? Nothing! So grow up, get a fucking clue and stop making other people feel like shit so you can feel good about yourself when you're nothing but a fucking shiteater!" Leo began yelling. He felt his face getting hot and he had to get away. "Whatever, I'm sick of this shit.." Leo walked away, leaving Kenny dumbfounded and a crowd gathering. "I tell you, man, they're homos together." Drew said, watching Leo storm off. "Leo's not a fag, man. He just doesn't know about the way things are." Kenny's face turned sullen. "I'll show that little shit, Jason Burke," Kenny stomped off.

Leo ducked into the bathroom to avoid the administrators coming down the hall. He stepped up in front of the mirror and looked at himself. 'Stupid! Why did you cause a scene like that?' Leo thought to himself. He breathed out and then headed to class.

Jase sat in his desk waiting for the bell to ring and the tardy students to come running into the classroom. He stared out the window at the crystal sky. His mind drifted. "Jase, oh my God, there was almost a fight out in the hall just now," LeAnn interrupted Jase's thoughts. "What, who?" "Leo and Kenny." LeAnn replied, sitting down in front of Jase. Jase immediately sat up in his seat. "What?" "Yea, they were arguing." "About what?" "Funny thing...you." LeAnn gave Jase a questioning look. Jase looked confused. "Me? Why?" "He was defending you, Jase. I've never seen anyone stand up against Kenny before. Especially cuz of someone else." LeAnn rambled. Jase thought and felt his heart flutter. He smiled slightly to himself. LeAnn noticed this. "What's going on?" "What do you mean?" "Well, now that I think about it, you two weren't here yesterday. And he's getting all defensive over you. Were you together yesterday?" Jase's faced turned bright red. "You were! So you guys are hittin it off!" LeAnn squealed. "What do you mean?" "You're becoming friends! That's great. Leo's really great. You deserve a friend like him!" "Oh..yea..." "You're acting strange. What did you and Leo do yesterday?" LeAnn asked. Jase's face reddened and he searched for an excuse. "Well....I spend the night at his house because my house was robbed. And we just decided not to go to school." Jase avoided eye contact with LeAnn. "Oh how awful. But that was nice of him to offer to let you stay with him! He's such a sweetie!" Jase smiled and nodded. LeAnn noticed Jase's googly-eyed expression. "Jase? What did you guys do yesterday?" "uh....um..nothing!" Jase got defensive. "Ok..." LeAnn put her hands up. Jase thought about Kenny and Drew and his face saddened. "What's wrong, Jase?" LeAnn asked worriedly. "Nothing..just.stuff on my mind." "Boy, you think to damn much!" "I know.." Jase laughed fakely. "Well, if you ever wanna talk, I'm around. And you have my number, right?" "Yea..yea, I just might do that some time. Thanks Annie!" LeAnn smiled at the familiar name. "Haven't heard you call me that in forever it seems like." "Yea, well we've kind of drifted apart." "Jase I'm sorry." "No its ok. I understand." "Well, I'm still your friend." "Definately!" LeAnn smiled and turned around in her seat as the bell rang. Jase spent the entire class period in another world. He thought about what was going to go down with Kenny and Drew and he thought about Leo and that whole situation. "Mr. Burke, pay attention!" The teacher snapped him out of his trance. "Sorry." Jase looekd around and slouched in his seat.

To be continued.....

Next: Chapter 9

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