Lesbian Diaries

By Alisha

Published on Sep 3, 2002



It was a Sunday. Pinky was washing her clothes; her sister and brother had gone to the paddy fields. They were assigned with the duty to throw stones at the birds so as to prevent the paddy seeds just sown. The children would get some money in that way. Pinky's mother had gone to a relatives' house to attend a wedding. She was happily humming a song when she saw a guy dressed in jeans and a flower shirt walking towards her house from the other end of the paddy fields. He had put a sunglass and was walking with causal steps, as the way was muddy. She looked at the guy and she got a feeling that she had seen him somewhere. She was surprised when he came directly at her house. She suddenly put a towel on her chest so as to hide her breasts troubling to break out her blouse.

He took his glasses away and then she remembered him. He was the studio man, why did he come to her house. "I came to show you your photos", he said. " Alisha had told you to give it to her, I don't have money to pay to you", Pinky said. "Who said anything about money, please see them for a while", he said. He offered her an envelope and she opened it curiously. The snaps came out and they surprised her, the first one was the photo with Alisha and she was blushed to see the pose. There was an obvious appearance of more than a causal friendship in the photo. The second photo surprised her. It was a picture capturing her image, only her image, how did he take that she wondered. "Who told you to take my snap alone?", she asked him. "Sorry I could not help it, you are so beautiful, such a cute face its very rare, I could not help taking a photo of you", he said. "I came here to ask your permission, I want to send it to a cover page for a magazine, they will love it, they have never seen such a beautiful face before", he said. "No, don't do that, I don't want you to publish it", Pinky said. She was glad at seeing her face so beautifully captured by the man. "In that case will you permit me to keep at my studio, it would serve as an advertisement to me", he cajoled again. "No, people will think ill of that, no never do that", Pinky said. She was wondering how she would look like in a hoarding like a film star advertising for products. "Am I such beautiful?", she could not help asking him. "Well to tell you frankly was in a hurry to capture your face, your friend did not allow me to take a snap, I thought won't be able to capture your beautiful face, I was lucky in fact I jumped with joy when I saw I got you in the lab", he said. "Why don't you come to my studio, I will capture you nicely, you did not put any makeup that day, don't you, if you had permitted me I could make you look like a princess", he said. Pinky was overjoyed at his compliments. But she wanted to ignore him. She had no money. Even if he would take her photos she could not pay him. "My mother don't like taking pictures", she said. "Well I will tell her, I will take your family photo, your mother will like it", he was not going to be discouraged. "No, we will come during festival", she said. "Okay, I don't charge you for that, but please permit me to keep one photo of you in my personal collections", he said. "Why do you need my photo?", Pinky asked. "Oh, well I like your face, you are more than like a film star, just to look at your face when I am lonely", he said. "Don't you have a family?", Pinky asked again. "No, I am an orphan, now I have not much money, the studio has to flourish, then only I can think about a family", he said. His words made Pinky happy, so he is also not rich, an orphan, poor him, she felt compassion and she felt he belong to her own class. That was helpful to shrink her inferiority. "My mother will be coming soon", she said. " Okay then keep the photos with you, I have to meet a friend", he said. Pinky did not expect that, she was not meaning to end the conversation. But since he offered to leave she had nothing more to do. She saw her brothr and sister coming to the house. "Who is this ?" they asked. "He is a photo taking man", Pinky hurriedly said. Then the guy took a piece of paper from his pocket and gave it to Pinky. "This is the receipt, I forgot to give it to your friend", he said. Pinky got the clue, "Okay, I will give it to Alisha", she said. "I am staying over there, he showed the direction, it was on the way to Alisha's house, you come with your mom one day", he told her. "Okay", she was happier. He was inviting her with her mother. Perhaps he might be loving her. The thought about love from his side excited her. He waved goodbye and left hurriedly. Pinky went to her room and opened the folded piece of paper. It was a message, "Will you please come to my studio on Friday, we have holiday on Friday, but I will wait for you, I want to take some photos of you", she re read it and toyed with the idea of visiting the studio, then she tore the paper and burnt it. Pinky took the photos browsed them. She looked at the photos, she looked at their group photo. She remembered the night with Alisha, it made her excited, and she felt a desire again. Then she looked at her own photo. She was proud she looked more beautiful than Alisha. She kissed at her image, "Am I such beautiful", she wondered. She hummed a song and hid the photos behind cover of a book. She remembered that she had to bath .

So she went to the well and drew water from the well. She carried it to the coconut wall made shed nearby she closed the door. She began to shed her clothes. She put her blouse away, she put it on the wall. She removed her lungi and under skirt. She was standing wearing her new bra and panties. The black brassieres fit her well. She unhooked the clips behind her and yanked her bra away. She put it to her nose and inhaled her smell. If Alisha was here she would have begged to smell the rag, she thought. She could not understand why Alisha was so crazy about her smell. Have I got a fragrance, she could not feel any difference. She then yanked her panties, she looked at the stained parts where her pussy meet her panties. Why women's panties stick at that place, she saw a wet spot on her satin panties. She touched it, and inspected. She was not expecting her periods then, she was having a regular period. She put the panties away, she looked out for any stray dogs. She felt ashamed thinking about the days when she had to go to school with nothing under her skirt. The wind caressed her naked body. She felt goose bumps rising. She poured a mug of water on her head. She felt chilled for an instant. She made a little hiss. She poured again, she took the last piece of soap and began to soap her body. She sat on a small rock put for washing the dresses. She foamed a lather and applied it to her breasts. If only Alisha was here, she would have died to do like this, she thought. She thought about Alisha, she began to soap under her belly, her pubis became a foaming triangle. She inserted a finger into her opening and tried to rotate it. She did it until she got a small climax.

Friday came, she had told her mother that she was going to visit Alisha. Her mother agreed she was all praise of that girl. "They are big people, don't go there every now and then", she said. "Alisha asked me to come mama", she said. She took a book and went to the town, she used the mid roads and did not use main road as she feared someone will notice her. She reached the market and the studio was near the market, she stepped towards the studio and looked around. None was watching, she climbed quick steps and reached the studio, it was half open. She hesitated for an instant. Then he appeared from steps above. He was smoking a cigarette watching the road. He had seen her approaching and was waiting near the steps. "Come inside", he asked her and when they entered the studio he put the board "Holiday" outside.

"Thank you for coming", he said. Pinky was nervous. "I want to go soon", she said. "No problem, we will take a few snaps, and you may go", he said. He switched on the lights and arranged the camera stands, lightings etc. When he came to her she was applying mascara to her eyes. "No I will do the makeup", he offered. He was an expert in making up. Within a few minutes he took a number of bottles and applied rose powder on her face. Her expert fingers converted her like a starlet within a few seconds. He braided her hair after splitting it into two. He took some small fringes of hair from her forehead and arranged it to fall on her forehead. "This will make your forehead smaller", he said. "You know hair makeup's!", she asked. "I had done for so many stars at Bombay", he said. "Now look in the mirror, see how my princess looks", he said. She looked and she could not believe her eyes. She had changed from a country girl to a beautiful Cinderella.

"Now we take the photo", he lead her to the sofa. He lifted her chin, "Keep this position, give a smile, no not so broad, give your stylish cute smile, please ", he pleaded. Pinky was elevated for the attention she received. "Guy , do you know how much do I love you", she made a silent comment. "Your blouses, its better if you adjust the front a little bit upwards", he said. Pinky was blushed , she had clipped her bra so tight that in the photo it should not be so prominent. She tried to shrug her shoulders and make some uplift. "A bit more, why do you make it so tight?", before she could prevent, he cupped her breasts and give a pat from downside. Pinky was blushing, her cleavage was clearly seen then. She tried to cover it. "Don't make your makeup do, already you are sweating too much", he said. Before she could do anything he opened her blouse and was adjusting her brassieres. Waves of a thousand watt electricity passed through her, her nipples started to become taut. He used a powder puff and applied some powder to her cleavage and the puff sucked her sweat beads on her cleavage. "This bra, its not suited to such type of blouses, its very tight", before she could say anything he unclasped her bra from behind. "No, please don't do that", she said but her words did not come out. Her proud breasts were fast growing in his palms, he massaged them boldly. "No, please don't", she said. "Dear, look at those darlings, let us wear this blouse without the bra", he said cuddling her breasts softly. She was getting wet, she saw his piercing eyes on the mirror, they were making her damn excited. She wanted to protest but she did not. The photographer clicked a few times. "Now please lie down in the sofa, please smile at me, yes, you look like Madhuri Dixit", he said. Madhuri is darling of Indian film buffs. Pinky felt proud, she posed in the sofa smiling seductively at him. "Open your blouse a little bit", he said. He unbuttoned her quickly and efficiently. Pinky was one among hundreds of such girls he met. Quite efficiently he made her half nude. "Dear I could not help, but I want to kiss them", he began to kiss her sitting on the floor. His tongue encircled her areola. He found a small stray hair around her nipple, he bit it and pulled it out. She gave a cry and he captured her lips, the smell of cigarette she inhaled from his thick lips. It was different than Alisha's soft lips. Alisha's touches were sensual but his was more manly, he grabbed her breasts and crushed them, his teeth made marks on her shoulders. Pinky loved his brutal handling of her, she felt captured by a powerful man. He kissed downwards, the clothes were gone one by one, he spread her legs wide, she welcomed his impatient thrusts, his member entered her. She felt a sudden pain but it lasted only for a few minutes then he started moving in her. Her nails digged into the flesh of him.

When Pinky came to her senses she was completely nude. He was smoking a cigarette. It was evening she quickly dressed and washed her face. She could not go to Alisha's house that day. She grabbed her book and proceeded to leave. "I will give your photos next Friday", he said with a smile. She felt shy, "I cannot come here", she said. "No need you collect them from my house, next Friday", he said. She looked at the mirror, his lips were swollen. "You bit me", she said. "Sorry, I will kiss your marks away", he kissed her again. The smell of tobacco irritated her. She left the studio and fortunately no one noticed her. She went home via market and when she was near the paddy fields, she was afraid. Time was 6 p.m. She did not go to Alisha's house. She need an excuse to tell to her mother. Then she saw a crowd of ladies at a house nearby. "Whats the event?", she asked a granny. "The girl Lena got her first periods!", the sixty year lady replied coyly. She participated in the function of bathing the girl with turmeric and other functions. When she reached her house, her mother questioned, "Where were you, did you see Alisha?". "No, I was going there, but the ladies made me participate in the function, that Lena got her puberty!", Pinky said. "That was good, at least you went there, I was waiting for you to go there, did she emit much blood?", her mother asked. Pinky and her mother started discussing it.

Alisha was expecting Pinky or her letter. She could not sleep, her mother understood her impatience. "What's wrong with you, do you have periods?", she asked. Alisha said no. "Shall I go to Pinky's house mama?", she asked. "No, she may be having household jobs, why don't you ask her to come here?", her mother told. "She may thinking that she might disturb us", Alisha said. "You tell her to come here", her mother ignored her request. Then she noticed Alisha was crest fallen. "Okay I will send you tomorrow, now its evening, go and study", she said. Alisha went to her room she took the photo from under her pillows. "My love, my sweet Pinky", she kissed Pinky's snap. "You don't know how much I love you", she tried to remember the jasmine smell. By the time Pinky was bathing in her coconut wall made bathroom. She stood there nude, she poured one mug of water over her head. She felt her flesh bruised here and there, there were bite marks and her lips were still swollen. She thought about her time at the studio, she imagined she was handled everywhere by the photographer's fingers. She liked his rough kisses and the marks he made on her smooth back. She began to soap her thighs she washed her pubis carefully, she was afraid if she could get pregnant. When she was drying she noticed her pubis had become much hairy, suppose I cut them she thought. She had no scissors at home, she went to her house and searched her father's hold all moth eaten and dirty. She found a razor and some blades. She quickly returned to the bathroom. Her mother and kids were gone to Lena's house. Sweets are distributed to all when a girl attains her first period.

She made a lather again on her pubis. She took her father's old razor and put it around her navel. The hairs were wet and clumsy and bubbly. She applied the razor down with one move. "Ha, shit", she cried. Not only some hair but a lot of scalp also came with the razor. She cursed, she put a lot of water, blood was coming out. She went frantic. She put her lungi and run to her house. She took some spider's web from the kitchen corner. The spider's web is used as a healing for cut wounds. She put the nasty razor away. She began to dry her hair. Her mother and children came pleased with lots of sweets after some time. Pinky said she did not feel well to eat sweets. She slept like a pig. She dreamt the photographer marrying her. She murmured in her sleep.

"Wake up, girl, Alisha has come", Pinky's mother patted her. She looked at her mother in irritation for waking her up from the sweet dreams she enjoyed. Then she saw Alisha entering her room and she tried quickly to lower her skirt to hide her naked calves. Her mother went to the kitchen to make coffee. Alisha came to Pinky and hugged her, "Dear I was expecting you for past few days why didn't you come", she hugged her closely and in the process she understood that Pinky did not wear any underwears. Her big bosom was warm and the touch of her bosom to her own breasts thrilled Alisha. Alisha wished she too had not worn bra inside.

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