Letter to a College Roommate

By su.yellaVyssarG@nallA

Published on Jun 5, 2021


This is the latest addition to the chronicles of Kevin. See the end of this Part for links to the other stories.

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Letter to a College Roommate (7 of 9) By: AllanNKnox

Part 7, the Letter continues with Cousin Joe and the unexpected guest.

When we left off - - - Joe flung the door open as if he was in some Hollywood production, saying, "Cum on in!" He might as well have added, "Da-ling!" ala Mae West. I grabbed a pillow to cover my lower body (an instinctive reaction) and gave Joe a pissed stare. Demetri came in a few steps, then noticing me on the bed, he stared as if caught off guard by my presence. Joe closed the door and said, "Isn't this a pleasant surprise?"

Demetri said, "Joe, I thought we were going to be alone."

I said, "Yes, Joe. I thought the same thing! What is going on here?"

"I have known you both for more than 20 years, heck I have had sex with you both going back that long ago. I love each of you in my own way and believe that you each feel the same way about me. You are both Bisexuals who lean more toward men lately, and you both continue to carry a burden of guilt, shame, or hurt from more than 20 years ago in high school. I thought if I could get you two together, you might be able to reconcile and both of you feel better about the past."

Seconds felt like minutes in that frozen moment in time. Demetri made the first move and walked over to the bed. He went down on his knees right in front of me where I was sitting on the edge of the bed with a pillow still on my lap.

Demetri said, "Kevin, I am SO sorry for the way I treated you back when I was a senior in high school. You have every right to be upset with me and hate me. But I want you to know that I regret it all and have wanted to apologize to you and try to make it up to you for a very long time. I will do anything to make this right between us, ANYTHING! Please forgive me."

And there it was, I was barely aware that I had been wanting this apology all these years and I suddenly felt better somehow, now that it had come. I remembered something Joe said, "...let him apologize, you may enjoy it."

So, I said to Demetri, "You said you would do anything, did you mean that?"

"Oh, yes. Anything. I will strip and lay down right here for you to rape me if you want, anything to atone for what I did. You can both rape me if you want, as many times as you want, all night long if you want."

Joe and I both chuckled at that, I said, "From what Joe told me, I bet you would love that. So, NO, it isn't punishment if you want it to happen. Your atonement will be to strip naked, sit in THAT chair and watch Joe and I have the sex you want. And you must not cum, if you cum there will be dire consequences."

Demetri said, "Sure, anything you want." And he stood up and started flinging off clothes, right and left. He stood before us stark naked, looking even better to my eyes than he did in high school. And, he still has that humongous dick hanging between his legs.

I twirled a finger in the air telling Demetri to turn around, and sure enough, he had a beautifully fuckable butt, as I had hoped. He had gained some weight and got stockier, but it was all in the right places as far as I was concerned. Joe, who had joined me on the bed for the show grinned and raised his eyebrows as if to say, "I told you so."

I told Demetri to "Have a seat, be quiet, and do not cum!" He complied. And Joe and I started making out on the bed. Joe went down on me for a while and then we changed to a 69 with Joe on the bottom. I turned around started humping my big cock on his and nuzzling and kissing his neck. While I was close to his ear, I whispered, "How does Demetri like you to fuck him?"

Joe whispered back, "He always wants me to push him down on his stomach and shove it right in. After a while like that he wants me to flip him on his back with his legs on my shoulders so he can make himself cum while I fuck him. After that, anything goes."

I whispered to Joe, "I am going to fuck you face-down and pretend to cum in you, then I want you to fuck me in that second position. If you don't cum, then act like you do and make it look good." And we played out that scenario for everything it was worth driving Demetri wild. Even though Joe told me that Demetri would normally cum about three times every time they got together, I would not let him cum. We knew that this would be torture to Demetri, and it was. His cock and balls actually seemed to turn an angry purple from the built-up pressure and stress.

Damn, Joe was a good actor! When he pretended to cum, it was so convincing that it almost sent me over the edge and drove Demetri insane. He grabbed his dick as if to take the couple of strokes it would take to push him over the edge and I had to shout at him saying, "Demetri, don't you DARE cum!"

You see, I had plans for Demetri's first cum. Joe mentioned to me once that he had never been able to take Demetri's first load in his mouth as Demetri always wanted to be fucked first and cum while Joe was in him. So, after a few minutes to "rest up" I got up and stood in front of Demetri and told him to stand up which he promptly did. I planned to get right in his face but couldn't because his big red monster dick was sticking straight out in front of him preventing me from getting that close to him. I took it in my hand, the first time I ever touched his huge dick, and bent it to the side so I could take a step closer to him.

I had to look up because he has always been a taller than me, and said, "I accept your apology and forgive you, BUT... you owe me. You have to do everything I tell you to do for the rest of tonight, and you will hold off cumming until I am fucking your ass. Agreed?" "Agreed," Demetri said, "that night in high school all I did was to please myself. Tonight, all I want is to please you. So, I will do whatever you want me to do, even if I don't like it, no limits. I am yours!"

I told Demetri to turn around and face the chair but to spread his legs and bend them at the knee, and to lean forward until he could rest his hands on the arms of the chair and hold that position. I asked Joe if he would like to start sucking Demetri and even though I had asked, Joe said, "Yes, Sir" and mock saluted me. Joe moved to the floor and positioned himself between the chair and Demetri and began his oral ministrations.

My plan was to rough-fuck Demetri similarly to the way he had used my ass all those years ago, but I did not want to damage him like he took the chance doing when he only used spit for lube on me. So, I grabbed the Lube bottle from the nightstand and put some on two of my fingers, spread some of it around the end of my still-hard dick and applied the rest to Demetri's asshole pushing it inside as much as I could. I guess I should have used more lube, but I wanted him to feel this like I did.

Without warning to either of them, I positioned my dick at Demetri's asshole and plunged it in swiftly as far as it would go. There was only a surprised moan from Joe and a surprised, "AHHH!" from Demetri. I pulled nearly all the way out and plunged all the way back in grinding my pubic hair into his butt. Demetri exclaimed, "Oh, God!" as I plunged back in for a third time. So, I said, "Bless you, my child." But they were too engrossed in what was happening to see my humor.

After several minutes of hard thrusting, I slowed down and started watching Demetri for reactions to my dick rubbing across his prostate. Once found, I started to give more and more attention to it, driving him crazy. It wasn't long until he was screaming, "I'm cumming!" By that time, I was focusing only on his prostate moving only about an inch in and out for maximum stimulation. As his ass clamped down with his first shot of cum, I shoved hard all the way in again before pulling back to continue the stimulation of his prostrate while he continued to pump his full and fresh load into Joe's mouth.

I gave Joe just enough time to drain Demetri's balls before pulling quickly out of Demetri's ass and pulling him out of Joe's mouth. They both protested, but I had other plans. I gave Demetri a slight shove downward and told him to lay on the floor face down and with his legs together, he complied. I straddled his legs on my knees and aiming my dick at his hole, I gave a powerful shove burying it in him again. He screamed out again but not in pain but in surprised rapture.

I put my right arm around his neck with his Adam's Apple protected in the crook of my arm and I pulled him up from the floor a bit to let him know that I was in control of his body, and I used that control to thrust even deeper into him. When I started pulling all the way out before plunging back in, I found that he was already so loose that it didn't feel as good as it should have. So I pulled out and slapped his butt a few times telling him to tighten his asshole for me. That worked because when I plunged back into him, it was good and tight, and stayed that way. He must have been actively clamping down on my dick. This was fast becoming the best fuck I had ever had, and Demetri was begging for more.

Soon, I felt the familiar rise to climax and then I was there, having one of the best cums of my life. It felt like I was pumping gallons of cum into Demetri's ass, and after 7 or 8 shots I collapsed on his back. After about a minute, I rose up and pulled out of his asshole. I slapped his ass and told him to hold my load inside and stay put as I stood up. Defying me, he rolled onto his side to reveal a huge pool of cum on the carpet under him. He had cum from my fucking him as I had done from his all those years ago. So, I grabbed a towel and tried to get up as much of it as I could and told him to lay again on his stomach.

Joe had been watching all this and masturbating all the while, but surprisingly had not cum yet. I asked him if he would like to dump his load in Demetri's ass, but Demetri answered my question with, "Oh, Yes! Please!" Joe smiled, got into position, and plunged his fatter and slightly longer dick right in. Demetri's hole must have had enough time to tighten up again because his reaction to Joe's dick was almost as big as it was to my dick earlier.

Joe had been edging himself for a long time at that point, so it didn't take long for him to add his load to mine. He pulled out and rolled to one side to lay on the floor beside Demetri. But Demetri begged, "Somebody PLEASE fuck me, I am SO close to cumming again." Joe said that he couldn't right then. I was still up as a result of watching the two of them fucking. So, I laid on the other side of Demetri facing him, rolled him onto his side with his back to me and plunged back into him. He reached to take ahold of his dick to jerk it to another orgasm but Joe slapped his hand away and moved into position to suck Demetri's dick into his throat. Joe had just started bobbing on it when I felt Demetri clamp down on my dick again and start gasping, "Oh, Yes! Oh, Yes! Oh, Yes"

For those keeping score, Demetri had cum three times, but Joe and I only once each... but they were good ones.

We laid there for several minutes catching our breath. Joe got up and went to the phone ordering snacks from room-service. When they came, Joe put on a robe to answer the door, but as soon as he set the tray down, off the robe flew. We lounged around for quite a while, still naked, and reminiscing about our high school days and the broad strokes about our lives since. Demetri and I did most of the talking because we both had kept up with Joe over the years.

I found out that Demetri was an only child born late in life to his parents, his father was nearly 50 when Demetri was born. He had taken a few business and accounting courses from a local community college to be able to help his father with his service station business and eventually Demetri had taken over and expanded the business when his parents retired a few years ago. But before that happened, Demetri had gotten a girl pregnant who was an Office Manager for the local school Superintendent, so they quickly got married and the marriage was good until the birth of their second girl, when his wife suddenly lost all interest in sex and began resenting his repeated requests for sex. So, the itch that had always been there in his asshole for dick became more insistent and he started looking for dick to scratch that itch.

As you might guess, his wife caught him being fucked by another man and that was all she needed. She quit her job, moved back to her parent's hometown taking the girls with her, found a sympathetic judge and won full custody of the girls and eventually a divorce opting for a big payout up front rather than alimony and child support. So, to pay her off, he converted his basement into an apartment and the rent helped him pay the huge new mortgage he had to take out on the house he bought and paid off before marrying her.

Joe and I told Demetri more than he already knew about our relationship as teens and since. And we told him about my trouble dealing with what happened when Demetri fucked me that night so long ago. He had already apologized, and I accepted that apology. But we thought he should know how it affected me afterward, but also how I got through it with the help of a loving cousin and a kind roommate. I now know that the asshole I knew in high school who was called, "Meat" no longer exists. And I am happy for the chance to get to know Demetri. And, I said exactly that to Demetri.

Demetri got up with tears in his eyes, came over to where I was sitting and lifted me up into a bear-hug, saying, "you don't know what it means to me to hear you say that." After about a minute, Joe put a hand on each of our backs and said, "Hey, don't leave me out." And we opened to include him. It didn't take long before we all started chubbing up again and began frotting each other where we stood. Demetri said, "I want you both to fuck me again." I raised my head but didn't break the group hug and said, "Wait just a minute. You don't get to call the shots tonight, you have to do whatever I say, remember?"

Demetri turned to Joe and asked, "do you think he wants me to call him Master, or Sir?"

Joe responded, "I don't think so."

Then Demetri turned to me and said, "Your wish is my command, Kevin... ...Sir."

"Drop the Sir' and lets start by taking Joe to the bed and showing him how much we appreciate him for planning tonight and making it possible for us to bury the hatchet' so to speak."

"And not bury it in his head" Demetri said.

"You are right, when you first walked in, I was furious with Joe."

"But now all is forgiven?"

"Of course."

Joe interjected, "When you guys get finished talking about it, come join me on the bed." He said this as he walked over to the bed and then jumped on it with a big smile on his face.

So, we joined him in the bed and spent more than 15 minutes licking, kissing, sucking and tongue-fucking Joe in every way we could think of that two people could do together or separately to a third. Knowing that Joe prefers to be fucked with his legs in the air or on the shoulders of the guy fucking him, with Joe on his back.

I told Demetri to offer his dick for Joe to suck on, as I raised his legs and lubed him up to fuck him. Joe was already going to town on Demetri's dick making lots of sucking and slurping noises as I pushed the large crown of my dick past his sphincters. Joe reacted favorably and reached down to grab my hips and pull me the rest of the way into him. It felt great, made all the better by Joe's positive reactions. I started fucking him with long strokes with increasing notes of pleasure coming from Joe. After only about 5 minutes, I said to Demetri, "let's tag-team him, change positions with me."

I pulled out of Joe's ass and moved to a position where he could suck my dick and Demetri moved into position at Joe's butt and lubed his huge dick. As Joe started sucking me, Demetri put his dick into position to push it into Joe but took Joe's hand and said, "because your mouth is full, pull my hand if you want more, faster, or deeper, push my hand if you want less, slower, or shorter strokes." I guess it takes a bottom to fully understand what it is to be a bottom, especially if the top has a monster dick. Demetri started fucking Joe while taking clues from him about what he wanted.

After staying in this position for quite a while, Demetri said that he was close to cumming and wanted to switch again. So, we did, but this time Demetri got into a 69 position, fucking Joe's face and sucking him while I fucked his ass. Joe was in Heaven. And after only a few more minutes, Joe started cumming into Demetri's mouth and clamping down on my dick. Just after Joe's ass stopped squeezing my dick, I lifted Demetri's head up and started deeply kissing him as we both continued to pump our dicks into Joe. And suddenly, we were both filling Joe up from both ends at the same time. Wow, what a rush!

We collapsed onto the bed with our dicks still in each end of Joe, with Demetri and I still holding each other's heads in our hands, not kissing but touching foreheads. And I fell fast asleep. I must not have stayed asleep long because we were in the same positions when I woke up. I might have passed out; I just don't know.

Again, for those keeping score, Demetri has cum 4 times, and both Joe and I have cum twice. We all stirred at about the same time and got up to use the bathroom and clean up. It was well past midnight, but no one seemed ready to end this night or even go to sleep in the room's King-size bed. We ended up lounging around again, finishing off the last of the snacks, and exchanging stories about our sexual conquests which got us thinking about what more we could do together.

Joe told us about a couple of the more memorable hot, hung, and horny college boys who he sucked or who fucked him over the years, and after committing us to absolute secrecy, he told us about the hot, young Country music star, hung like a horse, that he sucked off a couple of months back who then begged Joe to fuck his ass. But to the world, he is a clean living, straight as an arrow, Mormon boy; he will probably never come out of the closet if the paparazzi never catch him in the act.

The most surprising story was the one Demetri told. When his wife had caught him being fucked by another man, what he didn't say before was that it was her boss, the married with children Superintendent of Schools for the county. And not only that, but the reason she was really so pissed was that she had been fucking him since the birth of their second girl. Demetri did not find all this out until after the divorce was final, but decided to leave well-enough alone as the mere mention of it won him visitation rights for his girls.

I told Demetri, because Joe already knew, about my "fishing buddies," the AC/DC club at work, and the time I hooked up with a straight couple ending up with me fucking her and him fucking me at the same time. And I told them that I really enjoyed being in the middle. All these stories had the effect of getting our motors running again and speculating about what to try next.

Demetri said, "I really enjoyed it when all three of us were having sex together. Can we try that fucking while being fucked thing?" Joe was smiling ear to ear.

I responded, "You read my mind, but first I want to see if I can still take that monster dick of yours, Demetri. I want to sit on it to control how fast I take it, then we can switch to a face down position like back in high school. If everything is still good, then Joe can climb on top and fuck you while you are fucking me."

And that is exactly what we did. I took Demetri's dick much more easily than I thought I would, and I really enjoyed it with far less pain than that first time, but I was an anal virgin back then. When Joe straddled us and started fucking Demetri, things started getting wild. Demetri went wild that is, I think he was very close to sensory overload. The three of us had been joined less than five minutes when Demetri screamed in rapt extasy and thrusted really hard into me and held it there. After the initial scream he just grunted with each gush of cum he injected deep inside me, deeper than any other guy had ever seeded me before. And Joe was still humping him from behind. When Demetri stopped, we all did, trying to let our racing hearts slow down.

They both pulled out and we laid next to each other still panting. It had not lasted long enough for Joe or me to cum, especially after the other times we came that night. So, I asked, "Joe, do you want to be next in the middle?"

"SURE!" came Joe's eager reply. So, Demetri laid face-down and Joe mounted him, I straddled them both and squat-fucked Joe. Not long after, I just held my position and let Joe control the thrusting. When Joe would thrust into Demetri, he pulled nearly off my dick and when Joe withdrew his dick, my dick would sink into Joe. It wasn't long before Joe started thrusting more quickly and planted his dick deep into Demetri and I felt the familiar clamping of his sphincters, so I moved down pushing all the way into Joe while he filled Demetri's ass with his cum.

It was my turn in the middle, but it was clear that neither of them would be able to get it up again anytime soon to top me, so I told them that we could do that some other time. And I suggested that we all clean up and retire to the bed, and they agreed. Joe was still in the bathroom so Demetri and I, got into bed. I got on the far side and Demetri got into bed on the other but scooted over to lay beside of me. I was the only one who's dick was still at full attention, so Demetri turned his back to me and said, "Put it in me and cum or just leave it in there all night and cum whenever you want, as many times as you want, I just want to go to sleep and wake up with you inside me."

I thought that was sweet of him and slid my dick into him with little resistance. Because it had been quite a while since the last time I came, it didn't take me long to plant another load into him. Joe came in just about then and asked, "What did I miss?" so, we told him. He turned off the lights and we all snuggled together and fell quickly asleep, with my softening dick was still in Demetri's ass.

Part 8, Letter: Cousin Joe and the unexpected guest, The Next Morning...

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And check out the other Chronicles of Kevin stories:

Cousin Joe Loves Dick (the earliest story about Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/rural/cousin-joe-loves-dick

Porked By "Meat" (Kevin tells how his anal virginity was taken, referred to in the Cousin Joe story) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/porked-by-meat

Joe's Revenge on "Meat" (Cousin Joe tells about getting revenge on Kevin's virginity stealer) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/highschool/joes-revenge-on-meat

Allan's New College Freedom (Allan tells about rooming with Kevin) https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/allans-new-college-freedom/

------------------------------------------------------ Positive comments and suggestions are always welcome. AllanNKnox Allan@Grassyvalley.us ------------------------------------------------------

Next: Chapter 8

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