Levi and Noah

By Steve McQueen

Published on Feb 5, 2012


Levi and Noah (Part 2)



If yesterday at work was lousy, then today was much worse. I woke up way tired from all that happened yesterday and the pot hangover. Then I had to go to work and be professional. Or as professional as I could muster. I mostly stared at my screen during the day. I tried to concentrate, but my mind kept wandering to what had occurred. How had I let it happen to me? It's a blur. Am I really such a weak person that I could let myself fall in to something like this? Am I really that easy? I was mopey, depressed and distant at work. When I had a few minutes I looked online for another job that would let me move out of Tucson. How pathetic! Ugh. But during the day, when I kept thinking about what happened, I felt my dick kind of getting half hard.

I guess the worst part of the day was driving home after work and knowing that I was probably headed into another evening of being subjected to Levi and Noah. It was all so confusing. I kept thinking about the dynamics between the brothers and wondered what they had in mind, what their situation was, and if they had done this to other guys. It was as if Levi was Noah's pimp or something. I guess that's not the right way to think about it. It was so fucking with my brain!

I decided not to go home. That way I could avoid them altogether. So I just sort of drove around, not really heading anywhere, eating up gas and trying to get lost. The last thing I wanted was to go home and find Levi and Noah standing there with their 16-year-old smiles. How fucking pathetic that I was scared to go to my own apartment. What was I scared of anyway? I don't know, just that my life had taken a dramatic fucked up turn. Why did my dick keep getting hard? WTF!

I ended up parking at a convenience store and just sitting there in my car feeling sorry for myself, trying to figure out what to do and how to get out of this mess. But I couldn't figure it out. I felt as if I was stuck in a labyrinth, a convoluted maze with endless dead ends. How fucked was I? I went into the market and bought a bottle of vodka. I took it back to my car and took some long drinks--just enough to feel relaxed and not drunk. I felt better. I sat there for a long time trying to figure out the puzzle, drinking vodka, and eventually getting tanked. Then I fell asleep.

I woke up some time later and looked at my watch. It was 2 a.m.! Fuck. I felt OK to drive, so I started the car and headed home. I actually felt pretty good knowing it was so late and that I had avoided Levi and Noah. But was this how I was going to live my life from now on? Not going home after work? Getting drunk in parking lots? Damn.

My apartment complex was dark and quiet when I got there. I walked to my apartment being as quiet as I could. I slid the key softly into my door and went inside my gloomy apartment. When I closed my door and turned on the light I saw a folded piece of paper on the ground by the door. I picked it up and unfolded it. It was from Levi. Here's what it said: "Kale, we came by a few times but you weren't home. Maybe you had to work late or something? Noah wanted to see you. We had something cool for you. No worries. Will see you tomorrow.--Levi."

I crumpled the note and threw it in the kitchen sink. Then I stumbled to my room, fell on the bed without getting undressed, and was asleep in like two seconds.

  • ** AUGUST 11, THURSDAY *

I went to work this morning feeling better about everything. Mostly, I tried to convince myself that I'd broken the cycle of them coming over at night. That was promising. So work was better today. I even managed to put the whole thing out of my mind.

At lunch I joined a nearby gym and quickly made it through my usual rotations I did before I moved to Tucson. First the shoulder press, lat pull and chest press machines. Then the seated row machine. For lower body resistance I did quick sets on the leg press, leg extension, leg curls and calf raise. I finished off with three sets on the ab curl and back extension machines. I ran through them all in about 30 minutes, showered and headed back to work. Working out always clears my head and this time was no different. I always felt better being fit and in shape. I didn't have time for aerobic exercise, like getting on the treadmill or elliptical, but maybe I can start a routine where I go early before work from now on. Or perhaps I go after work.

Working out really made me feel better and the rest of the day was pretty good. Even driving home was cool. I felt stronger and level headed, and knew I could handle anything that Levi and Noah threw my way if they tried again. Really, I felt better than I had in a while. I parked at my complex and walked to my apartment with my head held high.

But all those positive feelings fell away when, after just about five minutes in my apartment, there was a knock on the door. My stomach felt sick. I looked through the peephole and saw Levi and Noah standing there. I didn't move. For all they knew I was I was in my bedroom and didn't hear them. Or I was asleep. So I just stood there, unmoving, frozen to the peephole trying not to make a sound. Levi seemed to be looking at the peephole from his side of the door. He didn't move. Did he know I was standing there looking at him?

He knocked again and looked at the peephole. Then he tried the door. Thank God I'd locked it! Levi and Noah stood there. Then Levi said something to Noah.

"He's in there," said Levi. "I know he is."

I put my ear slowly to the door to hear better. I could hear Levi clearly.

"Kale, listen, I know you're standing there. You're looking through the peephole right now, aren't you? You're looking at us standing here figuring that we'll just go away. We will if that's what you want. But we'll be back, and you won't like it. Don't forget we have pictures of you and your pipe. Why do I have to remind you about those things? Now just open the door and let us in, Kale. Look at me, know that I'm serious, and unlock the door."

Without making a sound I looked through the peephole again and Levi's eye was mostly blocking my vision.

"I'm serious," I heard Levi say. "Listen to me, Kale. Just open the door."

This was crazy. I figured the only thing I could do was call the police or something. But those fucking pictures! And the pipe! And, oh fuck. I felt powerless and totally unable to think of a way out of what felt like hell. So I stepped back from the door and opened it. There, standing just outside, Levi and Noah stood there looking fresh and wide-eyed.

"That wasn't so hard, was it Kale?" said Levi.

They came into the apartment and Levi shut the door, locking it. Levi was wearing shorts and a T-shirt that had a picture of a surfboard on it. Noah wore a bathing suit and, as usual, no shirt. Noah also held a paper bag and I wondered what was in it.

Levi said, "Let's sit down on the couch and have a little talk. Is that cool with you?"

I said, "OK," and felt totally subservient and sheepish, like I had no control. Opening the door made me totally give in to them. I felt week and powerless. WTF was happening? I felt hypnotized.

I sat between them on the couch.

"Now listen," said Levi. "This is the way it's going to be. Let's not have any of this defiance stuff anymore, OK? When we want to come over and chill with you, then that's the way things will go down. There's no problem with that, is there? Not at all. We're chill guys. So just play along and all with be cool. Don't lock your door from now on. Or stuff will happen. So just go with the flow, Kale."

"Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. "This is crazy."

"What are we doing to you?" asked Levi.

"You know," I said.

"We're just having fun," said Levi. "Now take off your clothes. Noah wants to see your cock again."

I looked at Levi and tried to see into his brain, to see what he was really thinking, to try to determine if he would really go through with his unstated but hinted-at threats. But all I saw was someone who looked barely 16. I mean, he looked like any kid you might see on a high school campus, as if he had just grown up. Not quite an adult. No longer a child. But somewhere in between. He looked like the neighborhood paperboy, fresh and innocent and untarnished by the world. Then I turned to Noah and tried to discover who he was. He did indeed look younger than Levi, a lot younger. I barely saw a whisker on his face. He could have passed for 12 years old. He looked even more innocent than Levi, like he just had his Apple Jacks cereal and finished playing tag on the playground. But inside his eyes I saw longing and lust.

In an instant I did the calculations in my brain about whether to follow their directions or to fight them, to resist or acquiesce, to push back or let them have their way for fear of, well, I wasn't quite sure. But they seemed to be holding all the cards. I stood up and started to peel off my clothes.

"There you go," said Levi. "See? That's no so hard."

As I stripped, Noah took each piece of my clothing and folded them neatly, putting them on the kitchen counter. Then I was standing there naked in front of them. Despite all my feelings and hatred of what was happening, my dick started to get hard. Oh fuck. Oh fucking God.

"See, Kale, this isn't so bad," said Levi. "Your dick likes it. What do you think, Noah, still jazzed by his dick?"

Noah said, "Fuck yeah. It is an amazing cock." Noah reached over and lightly touched my dick, sort of stroking it as if was a pet cat. He reached into the paper bag he'd brought along and withdrew a measuring tape.

"Good idea," said Levi. "Let's see how big he is."

Noah held my dick and started to measure me. As he held it, my dick started to really get boned and grow longer.

"Damn, look at it grow!" said Levi. "How big is it, Noah?"

"Almost ten inches."

"Fuck, Kale," said Levi. "You're a stud! Nice cock!"

I can't even begin to explain how it embarrassing it felt to have Noah handle my cock and measure it, as if he was sizing up a fish he'd just pulled out of the ocean. He was cradling my dick and pulling on it, moving my foreskin back so he could lay the measuring tape flat against my dick head. This kid was measuring me several different ways, flopping my dick around, which was now totally a boner, moving the measuring tape to the bottom, then wrapping it around my balls.

Noah looked at Levi and said, "Think it's OK to do it now?"

"Fuck yeah," said Levi. "Go for it."

Noah put the measuring tape back in the bag and then took out what I immediately recognized as clippers.

I said, "No!"

Noah looked at Levi and shrugged.

"Listen," said Levi, "let's not start this again. Relax, dude, will ya? We'll do what we want. Do I really need to say that? I'll send Noah downstairs right now to get our mom, if that's what you want."

"You won't do that," I said.

Levi looked at me with a big grin. "You seriously don't think I will?"

I looked at Levi and new immediately that he wasn't bluffing. I hung my head.

"Just go along with what we want, Kale. It'll be a lot easier for everyone."

"Please don't," I said.

Levi put his arm around my shoulder and started to move me away from the couch. He guided me through the apartment and into the bathroom, pushing me into the bathtub. Noah followed us.

"This can be easy or it can be hard, Kale," said Levi. "What's your hang up, anyway? Most guys would love fooling around with a couple of horny 16 year olds. Fuck, dude, loosen up."

"This isn't what I want," I said.

Levi pointed a finger in my chest and said, "We don't really give a fuck what you want. At least not now. What matters is what we want."

Noah plugged the clippers into the outlet and brought the clippers close to my dick. He said, "Try not to move." Then he flipped on the clippers which made a high-pitched whirling noise, and he held my dick down to push the clippers through my pubic hair as if he was mowing grass.

"Yeah," said Levi, "just like that. Good job, Noah. Fuck, Kale, you have a lot of pubes."

I looked down as Noah shaved me, my pubic hair falling away into the bathtub. He shaved off all my public hair from my belly button down, leaving just a very short stubble. He lifted my cock up and shaved my balls. I felt the vibrations echo into my stomach. Then they made me lean over and Noah shaved my ass. He spread my butt and pushed the clipper into my crack. When he was done I stood there in the bathtub feeling horrible.

Levi said, "Damn, dude, your cock really looks even bigger now!"

Noah unplugged the clippers and put them in his bag. Then he withdrew a small can of shaving gel and a razor. He proceeded to lather up my cock and pubic air and then shave me down. I didn't say a word while he was doing this, and I didn't want to. I wanted to disappear. I wanted to wake up from this nightmare, wish it was just something I was imagining in my sleep, one of those dreams where you wake up in a cold sweat and so thankful that it was just a dream that seemed so fucking real. I felt terrible about myself, letting this kid handle my body and shave me. I felt like I wanted to throw up. How had I descended so quickly into being controlled by them?!

When Noah was finished, he wiped me down with a wet cloth.

"Fuck!" said Levi. "You look pretty hot, dude!"

I don't know what "hot" was to him, but to me I looked like a skinned animal. My skin around my cock was pink with irritation. Worse, though, I had an iron boner that wouldn't stop. It was as if my dick knew what was going on.

"Lift your arms up," said Levi. I didn't. But Noah lifted my left arm in the air. I saw him looking at my armpit hair. He touched my armpit and lightly tugged at my hair.

"Please, no!" I pleaded. "Please stop!"

Noah let my hand arm down, then he went over to Levi. They put their heads together and whispered quietly. I couldn't hear them. After a about a minute, Levi said, "OK, Kale. No problem. You can keep your armpit hair. For now at least. See? We're not unreasonable. Noah's gonna jack you now. So go with it."

Noah came over and sat on the edge of bathtub. He squirted some shave gel on his hand, lubed me up with it, and then started to jack me, slowly at first, then faster, moving his hand back and forth on my cock, pushing my foreskin up and down, getting me wet and lubed. Noah looked up at me with what I detected to be joy in his eyes. With his other hand, he reached under my cock and started lightly squeezing my balls. Oh god. Oh fucking god! I felt the warmth focusing in my body. I tried to fight it, but I couldn't. The orgasm built and built and then exploded. Noah captured all my cum in his free hand and then rubbed it all over my cock and kept on jacking me, massaging the shaving gel together to form a pale creamy substance. He rubbed his hands over my body and slid a hand behind me, rubbing his hand up my crack.

After I finished pumping my cum, Noah got up and washed his hands in the sink. Levi took a picture of me with his phone.

Levi looked at me and said, "Fuck, dude, you're a pathetic mess. Take a shower. We'll see you tomorrow."

Before they left the bathroom, Noah came close to me and leaned up to kiss me. I was too stunned not to let him. Then he said, "Keep your dick shaved clean for me, OK? That's what I want. If not, I'll just shave it again."

Then they left. I heard them walk through the house and leave the apartment. I stood there in the bathtub feeling horrible but, somehow, maybe a little good because of the post-cum aura. I turned on the shower.


I was depressed at work today. Is it an overstatement to say that I was distracted? Uh, yeah! I kept squirming at my desk because my dick felt strange, being shaved as it was. And I just couldn't keep my mind on my computer coding. I tried. Fuck how I tried. But just about every other second my mind wandered to yesterday's scene and how I was now pretty much committed to doing whatever they wanted. And just where was that going? That's what I wondered. Was their "fun" with me restricted to getting me naked and shaved, to Noah blowing me and jacking me? If that was all they wanted I guess I could find a way to live with it. I would compartmentalize it into a something that just happened. It wasn't particularly gay, but it was sort of a homo thing. I don't know. This was very confusing to think about.

I have to admit that as I sat at my desk and thought about all this stuff that I pretty much had a boner all day. I tried to hide it as best I could. I pushed my boned dick down between my legs and tried to curl it beneath my thigh. Why was I so aroused by this? WTF!!!!

In the afternoon, as I was trying to concentrate on coding, although unsuccessfully, my phone rang. The number it showed was unfamiliar to me, but it was local.

"Who is this?" I said.

"It's me," came the voice. "Levi."

"How'd you get my number," I whispered, hunching over my desk so no one would hear me.

"Your phone was on the counter when we left yesterday. Easy," he said.

I said, "Oh."

"You're coming to dinner tonight," said Levi.

I said, "What?"

"Dinner. Our place downstairs. Mom's expecting you. She's looking forward to meeting you."

"Your mom?" I said.

"Yeah," said Levi. "She thinks it's nice that you befriended us and that you don't mind that we hang with you."

"Are you serious?" I said.

"Yeah," said Levi. "She knows we helped you with your groceries the other day, too."

"What do you mean by dinner?" I said.

Levi said, "Dinner is dinner. I think she's making pasta."

I said, "I don't think I can come."

Levi said, "Sure you can."

"I don't want to," I said.

"You should change your mind then," said Levi. "You can meet mom this way, or another way if that's what you want."

I said, "What do you mean?"

"You know," said Levi.

I said, "So just a regular dinner?"

"Of course," said Levi. "Dinner. Like in eating. Duh."

"I don't like it," I said.

Levi said, "We all do things we don't like. Dinner is at 6. See you then."

"Please," I said.

"It's just dinner, Kale," said Levi. "Relax."

"Like I have a choice," I said.

Levi said, "Sure, you have a choice. But you'll make the right one. You're not dumb."

"Can we make it 6:30 at least?" I said.

"I'm sure that'll be OK. See you then," said Levi.

I heard a click and the call was disconnected. I didn't know where this was going. It was just to crazy to think about. Dinner with their mom? Was this all part of their evil scheme or something? Evil scheme . . . that's a stupid thing for me to say. They're just two fucking 16 year olds. They can't be evil. Manipulative, maybe. But the time for me to fight back at them had long since past.

I left work promptly at 5 o'clock and went straight to the gym to work off my stress and depression. I really hit the machines in a big way. I spent a lot of time working on my upper body and core, doing crunches until my abdomen was sore. I pushed myself in a manic kind of way, which isn't unusual for me in the gym. I take really great pride in my body. It always seemed to make a difference with girls. So why was I working out now? For Levi and Noah? Oh fuck.

I was soaking with sweat when I finished working out, then I drove home. On the way, I stopped to pick up a bottle of wine. Then I showered and promptly knocked on the door downstairs at 6:30.

Noah answered the door. He was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt, his hair combed nicely, looking very proper. But he certainly didn't look 16. "Come on in," he said. I stepped inside. Levi was right there.

Levi whispered, "Mom's in the kitchen. Everything is cool. No worries, Kale. Just be chill. We're good."

Noah brushed my crotch with his hand, cupped my balls, and also said, "We're good."

I felt my dick start to grow, so I tucked it down. I followed them into the kitchen where Levi introduced me to his mom.

"This is Kale."

Their mom was cooking at the stove. When she turned to face us I was struck immediately by how incredibly beautiful and young she was. She had light brown hair and lips that totally looked kissable. Her breasts were big, but not too big. Really, she was an impressive figure, a total MILF in every way. I extended my arm to shake her hand but she came right up to me and gave me a big hug. Then she stepped back and smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Kale," she said. "I'm Tatum O'Roarke,"she said.

I handed her the bottle of wine and said, "Thanks for having me for dinner."

"Thank you," she said. "Lovely!" She took the wine, looked at it, then returned it to me. Then she retrieved a wine opener from a drawer and gave it to me. "Will you do the honors? Glasses are up there." She turned to look at the stove and then said, "Oh, everything is ready. Levi, show Kale to the table."

I took two wine glasses from the cabinet and followed them to the square dinner table. Levi and Noah sat on either side of me. Their mom started bring food into the room, a large bowl of bowtie pasta and a plate of green beans.

"It's not much," she said. "But you won't go away hungry."

I opened the wine and poured a glass for Mrs. O'Roarke and myself.

"Can we have a glass?" asked Levi.

Mrs. O'Roarke laughed. "Are you kidding? Nice try."

I said, "Thank you for dinner, Mrs. O'Roarke. It's awfully nice of you."

"Please call me Tatum," she said. "Makes me seem so old to be called Mrs. O'Roarke. And don't mention it. Having you over is our pleasure. The boys have been kind of rudderless this summer. It's nice that they've made friends with someone. You know, they don't have a male role model anymore, so I appreciate you making them so comfortable."

"Oh, no problem," I said.

"No, I really mean it," she said. She spooned pasta onto our plates and we started to eat. "Thank goodness Levi and Noah are good boys. They are really wonderful, and they help me a great deal. Still, they need a male role model. They said you offered that they could come over any time. That's so nice of you, Kale."

I took a sip of wine and felt Levi touch my leg with his foot. "Oh, uh, well, that's the least I could do."

"It's just good knowing where the boys are," she said. "That way I don't have to worry about them gallivanting all over town somewhere. And I think your offer to have them come upstairs after dinner is nice, too. I really don't know how to thank you."

"After dinner?" I said. Levi kicked me hard. "Oh, yeah," I said. "We'll watch a movie or something."

Levi said, "Great idea. Thanks man."

I was speechless pretty much after that exchange. I kept thinking that I was now committed to having Levi and Noah and my house tonight, and that it was totally cool with their mom. WTF!

After dinner I helped clear the table. I stayed in the kitchen with Tatum and dried the dishes. Levi and Noah hung out near us playfully punching each other.

When everything was cleaned up, Tatum said, "Boys, go get cleaned up. You can't go to Kale's until your room's are clean."

"No problem, mom," said Levi.

When they were gone, Tatum said, "I'll walk you out."

When we were outside the apartment we stood at the bottom of the stairs. Tatum looked troubled and her eyes looked watery. She looked at me in a soft kind of way and said, "Kale, thank you. I don't know what to say. It's been so hard for me. Being a single parent. They've needed a man in their lives for so long. I'm worried about them. Is it really no trouble for you having them bother you? Because if it is, I'll tell them no. But if you do have the time, oh, I can't even say what a blessing that would be. I think you would be a great influence on them. A nice young man like you on his way up in the professional world, so responsible, so solid. They need to see that. Are you sure it's OK?"

I thought for a moment that I could say no, and tell her that I was mostly busy and that it would be best if the boys kept their distance. But she looked so sad and pleading. She was indeed a lovely woman, probably no older than her mid 30s. I felt a stirring in my groin because, well, she was pretty hot.

"It's fine Mrs. O'Roarke."

"Tatum," she said.

"Tatum, sorry," I said. "It's my pleasure."

"You're wonderful," she said. She leaned in close to me and kissed me gently on the cheek. "You're a gift from heaven, I just know it. And if those boys act up, don't hesitate to discipline them or send them home early. I'll send them up in a few minutes after they've finished their chores. Are you sure you're not sick of them? It seems like such an imposition. A grown man like you must have other things to do."

Now was my chance. I could have easily said that I was tired or that I'd had too much wine at dinner. But I didn't. I said, "No problem at all, Tatum."

She said, "Just like I said. You're a gift from heaven. You know that, don't you?"

I didn't say anything. I smiled, nodded and made my way up the steps and into my apartment. Fuck.

I quickly rolled a joint and lit it up. If they were coming over I knew I needed to be stoned. They'd be getting me naked and doing things to me. Noah would be touching my cock and sucking it and, oh fuck, was this really happening to me? Just a week ago I didn't even know them. And now, my apartment and my life and my body had somehow been taken over. I felt helpless to prevent them doing whatever they wanted. To make matters worse, now they had their mother's consent to be with me. And I had given my consent, too. How could things get any worse?

I took several deep hits off the joint to get myself baked as fast as possible. I'd gotten it halfway burned when the door of the apartment opened. Levi and Noah. They hadn't even knocked.

"We're here, dude!" said Levi. "Is this cool or what?!"

Levi gave me one of his great Cheshire grins and said, "Dude, what are you doing with clothes on?"

"I don't know," I said. "I figured I'd just wait to see what you wanted me to do. Wasn't in any rush to be humiliated."

"Humiliated?" said Levi? "Don't feel that way, Kale. We're just having fun. Nothing to be humiliated about. I want you to look forward to seeing us. Now come on, bro, get your clothes off."

I didn't bother to protest. I stripped off my clothes and let them drop to my feet. Noah picked them up, folded them and set them aside.

Levi said, "Kale, gotta say man, I hope I have your body when I'm your age. You are fucking pretty ripped. And damn, dude, your cock is like huge. Wish I was uncut like you. Your dick looks so big shaved. And, fuck dude, looks like you enjoy being naked with us."

Levi was right, try as I might to stop it my dick started to get really boned. The more I tried to stop it, the harder it got. In like 20 seconds my dick was a full diving board boner.

Noah said, "Kale, can I suck it?"

I said, "If I said no, would it make a difference?"

Levi said, "Good question, Kale. No. It wouldn't make a difference. So tell Noah it's OK if he sucks your cock. In fact tell him that you want him to. Tell him there's nothing more you want than that."

I looked at Noah who seemed to waiting anxiously. He licked his lips. I still couldn't believe he was 16.

I sighed and said, "Yes, Noah. You can suck my dick. It's totally what I want."

"That wasn't very convincing," said Levi. "Come on, dude, you can do better."

I tried to sound more sincere, "Noah, please, this is what I want. Can't you see I'm boned for you? Please lick me." I know i still sounded totally unconvincing, but I guess the effort counted to Noah because his face lit up and he gave me his incredible boyish smile full sparkle, innocence and perfect white teeth.

Levi said, "Nice, Kale. That's more like it."

Noah pushed me back on the couch and immediately dropped to his knees and started to kiss my thighs and lick my legs. His ran his hands over my body and crawled his fingers up to my nipples which he lightly pinched. He kissed my pee hole and licked the mushroom of my cock, wrapping his tongue around it and then licking up and down the length of my cock. He sniffed my cock and then started tonguing my balls and sucking on them and pulling on them. Where did a young guy like this learn to suck cock like this?

Levi sat down next to me on the couch and said, "Do you mind if I kiss you while he's sucking your cock?"

I was totally baked by now, stoned silly. I was sure it didn't matter what I said anyway, I so I said, "Yeah, Levi."

Levi moved closer to me and slowly pressed his mouth against mine, touching my tongue with his, sliding his tongue way inside my mouth. I could taste his saliva. Levi pulled away a little and said, "Kiss me back, dude."

So I did. I moved my tongue out to mingle with his. I closed my eyes and pretended he was Jackie from back home, which helped. We kissed and sucked each others tongue and my brain just kind of collapsed into itself. Noah started to pump my cock and take it deep into his throat. Fuck. I felt like I was melting into oblivion with these two 16 year olds on me. I took a breath and saw that Levi had unzipped his pants and was rubbing his crotch.

"I'm gonna cum," I mumbled into Levi's mouth. "I'm gonna blow."

Levi said, "Noah, he says he's going to cum. Get the glass."

I looked down and saw that Levi has pulled a large thin glass tumbler from his pocket and put it over the head of my cock as he kept stroking me, long even strokes that primed my dick and I felt my orgasm building and building. "What are you doing?" I asked through my pre-orgasm and pot haze.

"Catching it," said Noah.

Then I started to splurt and totally gunked out a mess of cum straight into the shot glass. Noah kept stroking me with one hand while he held the glass over my cock with the other, keeping a tight seal around my cock head and letting none of the cum escape. Fuck! I kept cumming a river and my body disappeared into a warm glow that took over my body and put me on the far side of the Saturn. I closed my eyes as Noah kept stroking me. I collapsed back into the couch and basked in the cum and its warmth, pumping out rope after rope until my body was limp and I was on another plain. I chilled like that for a long time until I felt myself coming back to reality. When I opened my eyes I saw that Noah was holding my cock down, squeezing out the final drops of cum into the glass. It looked to be filled with about two inches high with my cum.

"You did good," said Levi.

"I'm hungry," I muttered. "Thirsty."

I was out of breath from the intense experience of being sucked and milked by Noah and trading saliva with Levi. The wine was swirling my brain, too. I was too exhausted to feel embarrassed. I was half aware that Noah disappeared for a moment, but then he was back with a box of Ritz crackers and a spoon.

"Here, eat this," said Noah. "This will make you feel better."

Through my squinty red pot-baked eyes and my orgasm exhaustion, I saw him take a cracker from the box, then dip a spoon into the glass of cum and spread some of my jiz on the cracker. He brought it to my lips. I closed my mouth shut instinctively.

"No," I said.

Levi reached down and took my balls into his hand and clamped down upon them severely. He started to squeeze them. At first, it felt only like a dull ache, but then Levi kept squeezing and then the pain started to rise. "Open your mouth," he said.

I writhed in the growing numb pain and said, "Please, no," but Levi kept squeezing tighter and I opened my mouth. Noah immediately slipped the cracker into my mouth and I started chewing it. It tasted like a Ritz cracker, only maybe a little more salty and bitter, perhaps a bit slimy and rich. But it mostly tasted like a regular Ritz cracker and I wolfed it down. So hungry! Noah scooped some more of my cum onto a cracker and held it front of me. I opened my mouth and he slid it in. Then another cracker topped with my cum. And another. One after the other until I'd eaten about 20 crackers and all of my cum.

"There you go," said Levi. "It's good for you, right? Lots of protein. You can't go wrong with that."

Levi and Noah helped me off the coach and they walked me back to my room where they laid me on my bed.

"Close your eyes, Kale," said Levi. "See you tomorrow." They closed the light as they left the room and flipped off the light. I drifted off into sleep.

Levi and Noah are making me post each section of my journal one part at a time. Probably one part each week. You can write me if you want. I guess.


Next: Chapter 3

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