
By Namab Mas

Published on Jan 13, 2018


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Ten

Much as Liam wasn't comfortable about playing with shit in his university room, he had no problem with Toby coming by to watch him on the toilet there, and he was glad when he did so one day the following week. Toby stood in the shower cubicle with his cock out, and wanked as Liam hovered over the toilet and curled out a big load. Water splashed over the seat and up onto his bottom as his thick turds dropped into the bowl, and Toby sniffed deeply and wanked harder. Liam pushed out another one, and then settled himself down on the seat.

'I had a chat with Olly yesterday,' he said softly.

Toby's eyes widened. Liam had told him a bit more about Olly and what they'd done together once they'd cleaned up from the previous session and were chilling with a beer. He'd hinted that Olly could even be interested in a threesome, even though Olly didn't know about Toby yet, and when he saw how excited by the prospect Toby was he'd resolved to talk it over with him. He'd done just that the day before, when he'd gone over to Olly's for a beer after work, and to watch him on the toilet taking the splashy, smelly dump he'd been holding in most of the afternoon.

'You lucky bastard!' Olly had laughed as stood aside to show Liam what he'd done. 'How come you're having so much luck meeting guys?! He sounds fucking awesome. Er ... do you reckon he might be up for a threesome...?'

Toby stood open-mouthed as Liam told him this, and suggested the three of them meet up for a pint sometime soon.

'Fucking hell!' he breathed. 'Serious? I'd love to!

'Cool. Anyhow, I've finished. You wanna wipe my arse for me?'

Toby nodded silently. His hand was shaking as he wiped Liam's hole clean and he was breathing hard, like he always did when he was madly turned on. As soon as he'd finished wiping Liam he spun round and cried out loud as he spunked into the toilet.

The pint never happened. Instead they ended up going over to Olly's place the following Saturday afternoon. Olly hadn't said anything about anything other than meeting one another and seeing how he and Toby got on, but Liam suspected it might go a lot further. He fought down the urge to take a hangover dump in the morning, and he fizzed with anticipation as he walked through the streets to Olly's flat.

As he'd expected, Olly and Toby got on well. It was just a little awkward as Olly showed them through to the living room and got them all a beer, but he and Toby soon found things in common and they chatted amiably for an hour or so. Liam sat quiet, conscious of the need to shit making itself felt again. Toby was starting to flirt with Olly a bit, he realised, and Olly was responding. And was it just his imagination, or had Toby looked a bit uncomfortable a couple of times, as if he might be holding one in... He wondered if he should try and start something, or if one of the others might, and as he did so he couldn't resist letting out a little silent fart. Toby sniffed softly, looked startled and eyed him without a word, and then Olly smelled it too, and turned to him with a knowing look.

'Was that you...?'

He nodded and grinned slyly, and noticed Toby shuffling in his seat, this time with an obvious hard-on starting to show in the front of his jeans. All of a sudden Liam was the same, his stiffening dick pressing uncomfortably against the back of his flies. The three of them looked at each other in wide-eyed silence.

'I need a shit,' Liam said softly. 'You...?'

Olly shook his head.

'I had to go earlier,' he said sadly. 'Toby...?'

'Er...' Toby swallowed nervously, his voice a husky whisper. 'Yeah, I do.'

Half an hour later Liam and Toby were kneeling side by side on the sofa, naked apart from their tight white boxer briefs, squirming and moaning as they fought to hold in their shit. Olly had offered them a pair of pants each from the stash of cheap ones he kept for playing in and challenged them to see who could hold it in the longest. At first Liam had thought he was going to lose for certain, but after Olly had made them both a cup of strong coffee Toby had begun to look desperate too, and now his face was contorted as he clenched up frantically. Liam winced in sympathy as he fought down another spasm in his bowels. Olly stood behind both of them, his handsome face very intense and his big cock rock hard, its swollen purple end almost pulsating. He had had quite a dominant, even sadistic side to him, and he'd stroked it as he got off on their discomfort and humiliation, taunting them as they shuffled and winced and farted in their desperation. He'd got them to pose for him, standing in front of him to show their big erections, and then turning round so he could stroke and tickle and slap their pert arses, He'd pulled their pants down a bit to see the turtle's heads starting to show through their clenched holes, and then when they were utterly desperate he made them beg to be allowed to go to the toilet, before he ordered them to kneel on the sofa and waited to see one of them would lose control first. Liam's cock pressed painfully against his pants, and he closed his eyes for a moment and tried to ignore the pain in his arse. Next to him Toby's face contorted and he groaned softly, and then his eyes widened suddenly.

'Ooh! I can't hold it ... gonna shit!'

He fought to hold it back for another few seconds, and then gave in. Liam watched his face intently as the soft slimy noise started to come from behind him, and a little hissing fart, and then his mouth fell open and he began to moan as he relieved himself and his big solid shit started to fill his pants. The smell began to tickle Liam's nostrils, growing stronger as Toby grunted next to him, bucked his hips and farted out another turd into his pants, and then bowed his head, gasping ecstatically.

'Oh yeah!' breathed Olly close behind them. 'You really do do big fucking shits, don't you! Cor look at that! And it smells so fucking good too!'

He reached out and felt Toby's bulging pants, and as he did so Toby began to grunt again and added another one to his pile, drawing a loud moan from him, and a lustful grunt from Olly as he felt the bulge swell in his hand. His cock made a big tent in the front of his pants, a big pre-cum stain at its swollen end showing how turned on he was. Liam was the same, even though he was squirming as the need to shit peaked once more. It was painful now; his back passage ached, and even though he clenched desperately he could feel his load forcing his hole open. Now it was in his crack, and he realised he couldn't hold it any longer. He had to let it go now.

'Guys, I'm going ... I'm shitting ... oh god, here it comes!'

Like Toby he yelped aloud and moaned in relief as he relaxed and let his shit surge out, and then the filthily sexy sensation as it packed his crack and tented out his pants, and spread warm and slimy across his bottom. His own smell mingled with Toby's, hanging heavily around the three of them. The two of them looked at one another, wide-eyed and amazed, and then found they were both grinning helplessly with the pleasure of it. And then Toby closed his eyes and grunted, and Liam could just hear the filthy sound as he added another gassy turd to the pile. His own shit began to move again then, and together they strained and pushed out the last of their loads, grunting and farting as Olly stood behind them and wanked madly.

'Phew,' he breathed. 'That fucking stinks! Mm!'

He reached out and felt Toby's pile again, and Liam's too, rubbing them lightly to and fro and pressing them harder against their bottoms and balls, drawing yelps and squeaks from both of them. He pulled out the back of both of their pants to have a look at what they'd done, and got them to stand up. Toby had done another huge one, he saw, and he had a great bulky pile on his bottom, all lumpy and rounded, with a bit of moisture starting to soak through. Head whirling with arousal and the poppers he'd just taken, he couldn't resist pulling out the back of Toby's pants to see it properly, and moaned aloud as he got a big whiff of Toby's pungent smell. He wiggled his bottom a bit and squatted, and moaned again as his shit pushed around, all tacky and hot and sexy. Olly got them both to walk around and move and hump a bit, until Toby was gasping and his cock dribbling through his pants as he tried to stop himself cumming. He reached out and fondled their dirty arses again, and Liam heard himself moaning as his shit tickled the back of his balls.

'Sit in it,' Olly said softly. 'Both of you. I wanna see your arses all brown.'

He produced two hard chairs and put plastic bags over each, and motioned them nearer, holding out the poppers bottle. Liam went first, with the other two both wanking hard as they watched hovering just over the seat, his stained pants tight around his bottom and bulge. Then he sat down in his shit and gasped out loud in his pleasure, squirming and wriggling with his shit squashing everywhere. His own stink came up at him in blasts. Olly motioned Toby to stand next to him, and then he too lowered himself down. He paused and bounced lightly up and down, whimpering as his shit pressed against him, and then gave in and sat down firmly. His face contorted and he yelped loudly, and sat very still for a few seconds, eyed closed and tense as he fought to stop himself cumming. Eventually he relaxed, and settled back into his pile, shuffling back and to to mash it all over his bottom. Liam began to move too, moaning as a hot tip of his shit tickled and caressed him underneath. Together the two lads shuffled and rocked and wriggled, moaning helplessly with the sheer disgusting ecstasy of it as Olly stood over them and wanked, and then got them both to stand up and show him the mess they'd made. They stood up, bent over with bottoms sticking out, massaging their cocks and whimpering softly.

'Pull your pants down,' breathed Olly. 'Mmm, yeah, like that. Look at your messy arses ... mmm!'

Liam peeled his pants away from his sticky cheeks and hauled them down to his knees, and twisted round to watch Toby so the same. It looked as if there'd been an explosion; a brown explosion all over his bottom and smeared down his thighs, to where his ruined pants still held a great lump of glistening brown shit. He stank, and he stood there trembling and whimpering, with his cock twitching and dribbling on the floor. Olly came up behind him, wanking hard, and on impulse Liam too turned to him. He bent over and put his hands on his knees, stuck his shitty behind out to them, and cried out as both of them jerked and yelped and spurted all over his brown cheeks.

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Next: Chapter 11

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