
By Namab Mas

Published on Jan 9, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirty

Liam was in a horny sort of mood a couple of days later, and he sat in his afternoon lecture reminiscing on how he'd sat in his room that morning and listened to Louis dropping a splashy load. He'd gone out immediately afterwards and Liam had gone and had his shower amid the thick smell he'd left behind. Then when he'd got into university he'd gone for a piss, and stood at the urinal next to a cubicle where someone was wiping his bottom. When the occupant flushed the toilet and came out it was some handsome, dark-haired lad with stubble and pale skin: the smell in the cubicle when he'd gone was all harsh and nasty, and he'd left a ragged, dark turd floating in the water. After his first class he'd gone for a piss again, seen Mike going into a cubicle, and stood and listened as he emptied his bladder to Mike farting and taking a big, plop-plopping dump only a couple of feet away from him. There were too many people around for him to wait and go in when he'd finished, but he could smell it from where he was anyway. The memory gave him a semi as the lecturer droned on, and so did the sensation inside him as he too began to need a shit.

Horny, he discreetly eyed his mate sitting next to him. Jake was very handsome indeed; tall and smooth, with the most perfect oval face and blonde spiky hair; a confident, straight, middle-class lad whose cockiness Liam had always found faintly sexy. The lecture was their last of the day and they ended up drifting off to the student union bar, where another couple of lads joined them, and they had a pint and bantered for half an hour or so. The need to take a dump built up in his bowels as they sat there, and he remembered too that he needed to do a bit of preparation for a tutorial the following day. Finally he decided to go home via the toilet, picked up his bag and headed off to do his business, leaving the others still drinking. His shit was big and satisfying, and water splashed up on his bottom as his logs fell into the water as he sat, mildly excited by the thought that the guys standing at the urinals could hear him dropping his load, and wishing that there was someone in the cubicle next to him. The door banged and there was silence for a minute or so, and then it opened again and footsteps sounded; footsteps that were somehow familiar. They came into the other cubicle. Liam looked down, and started in surprise as he recognised Jake's smart new trainers. He leaned in to listen, and as he did so another small turd dropped from him and plopped into the water. Jake unbuckled his belt, and under the partition Liam saw his jeans fall around his ankles, followed by a pair of bright designer pants. He sat down, stock still and silent.


The loud sound of his log dropping echoed in the empty toilet, followed by the soft hiss of him pissing. As it tailed off he grunted audibly.

'Plomp! Plop! ... Plop, plap, plop ... plop-plop!'

Liam's dick began to stiffen. Handsome Jake was taking a monumental-sounding dump just a couple of feet away from him, and his mind raced as he imagined him sitting there, pursing his lips as big turds fell from his gorgeous arse. In that moment he could think of nothing hotter than the sight of Jake on the toilet. Next to him Jake farted softly, and another couple of plip-plops came from him. Then, as another guy came into the toilets, the toilet roll holder rattled. Clearly Jake wasn't someone who spent too long over having a shit. Liam leaned forward and watched him shuffle his feet forward, so he could lean forward and wipe sitting down. He did it slowly at first, again and again, but then came the rustle of him rubbing more vigorously at his hole. Liam began to wipe himself, so he'd be ready to go and have a sniff as soon as he'd washed his hands and left, and as he did so Jake flushed the toilet and pulled up his pants. Liam wondered what was happening when he stood for a minute or two, and then he flushed again. A minute or so later, as Liam was still spinning out his wipe, the hand dryer started up again, and then over its roar the door banged. He pulled up his pants, flushed, and opened the door. His heart sank a bit as he saw Jake using the dryer.

'Oh,' he said, looking faintly embarrassed, presumably realising that Liam had heard what he'd just done. 'Thought you'd gone home.'

'I am,' replied Liam, as casually as he could. 'Needed a shit first.'

'Yeah, me too. Sure you don't fancy another pint...?'

'Nah, sorry mate. I gotta get that reading done for tomorrow.'

'No worries. I did it earlier; s'not too difficult. See you there!'

With that he left. Two guys were pissing at the urinal, but there was no way Liam was going to miss his chance. He dried his hands quickly, sniffed conspicuously and popped into Jake's cubicle to blow his nose. The smell was to die for, all rich and pungent, and he couldn't resist a discreet, deep sniff. When he went to drop the paper into the toilet his eyes widened at the hefty, banana-shaped turd that was floating in the water. It was a gorgeous, quite light brown, like the colour of pine. One end of it was a knobbly point, the other a broken, squashed end where he'd pinched it off. Below it the bottom of the bowl was covered in skidmarks. He left quickly with his dick stiffening in his pants, and headed home for a wank.

Liam and Jake were in the same classes for a couple of courses, and just a couple of days later they got chatting in the library about an essay they were both working on. Both were a bit baffled by the question, and they took their books off for a coffee to discuss it. An hour later they were making good progress, and they ambled back to Liam's place to carry on. They were sitting in his room working their way through a particularly difficult article when Jake excused himself and went next door to the bathroom. Liam sidled up to the wall when he heard the toilet seat go down, and through it came the faint jingling sound of Jake undoing his belt. He wondered whether he dared go in when Jake returned, or whether that and the incident in the toilets it would be just too obvious.

'Plump! ... Plop!'

Jake's shit sounded very big and solid again, and Liam felt himself getting a semi as he listened to the muffled splashes. He was starting to need a piss too, he realised as another muffled 'ploop' came through the wall. That decided him: he couldn't resist the opportunity to take another sniff. Jake sat for much longer this time than he had in the student union, and he used a lot of paper again when he wiped. Finally the toilet flushed and he came back into the room.

'You've not just been for a shit, have you?!' said Liam, banteringly. 'And I need a piss!'

'Er, yeah ... best give it a few minutes. Stinks a bit!'

'Can't,' said Liam, only half-truthfully. 'I'll hold my breath...'

Jake hadn't left any floaters this time, but the bowl was covered in his lovely pine-coloured skidmarks and the toilet seat was hot from his pert, peachy arse. It really did stink too; that same pungent, rounded smell that was all the stronger in the still air of the bathroom. Liam sniffed and drank it in as he pissed, seeing in his mind's eye what Jake had done in there just a minute or two before and turning over ways in which he might be able to see it for real. He couldn't shake the vision of Jake sitting on the toilet, and he had to arrange his cock carefully back in his pants when he was done to disguise his semi.

'You could've opened the window,' he said with fake disgust when he went back into his room, where Jake was poring over another weighty textbook. 'That fucking reeked!'

Jake blushed a bit. He left for a lecture an hour or so later, leaving Liam with the house to himself. He was horny, and by then he needed a shit himself. He got his phone out and texted Olly and Toby to see if either of them was about, but neither replied, and he gave up and went to the toilet, still fantasising about Jake using it. As he shut the door the memory came back to him of what he and Charlie had done in there only a few days before. His erection bounced out of his pants as he pulled them down. Then the impulse seized him. He trod his jeans and pants right off, stood over the toilet with his face to the wall, and then sat down with his arse hanging off it. He farted, and sniffed eagerly at his own smell. He was breathing hard and his cock stuck out like a ramrod. Slowly he reached his left hand down behind him and cupped it under his arse. Then he relaxed, and gave a grunt that tailed off into a soft sigh of relief as he began to empty his bowels.

His shit was big and firm. He found himself sighing out loud as it touched down and slid across his palm, all hot and slimy, and he spread his fingers a bit to give it room. His own smell began to fill the room, and his dick bounced up and down as he curled out another fat log, making a big pile on his palm and fingers. He loved its weight and heat, and sensation and sheer naughtiness of taking a big dump in his hand like this, and pre-cum dribbled into the toilet as he farted and let go another one. When he'd finally finished he brought his hand round in front of him and lifted his big, lumpy golden pile to his face. His dick bounced uncontrollably, and visions of stuffing his face into it whirled around in his mind. All of a sudden he was breathing hard and edging, and he took one last deep sniff of his own stink, held his pile down into the toilet and wanked himself off all over it.

Liam and Jake saw quite a lot of one another over the next couple of weeks, and started socialising together a bit outside classes. He was a nice guy, Liam reflected one afternoon as he walked home, and he'd come to like him a lot more once he'd understood that his cocky attitude was something of a cover for being quite shy and insecure. He'd realised that when they were having a drink in the union bar, and Jake was bemoaning his lack of success with women, having been turned down by a girl he'd always liked and finally got around to asking out. Liam had sympathised, although he couldn't help but wonder if Jake might have a bit more luck if he didn't come across as quite so arrogant.

He'd had another encounter with Jake's shit, too, back at his house when they were working on another essay together. Once again he'd sat and listened in silence to his weighty plops, an audible grunt or two and a sharp, dry fart, and then more plop-plops. Liam was sure it hadn't occurred to Jake that someone might find the thought of him having a shit a turn-on, but even so he'd not risked going in for a sniff. He wished he could, though, because the thought of Jake and his big smelly shits was massively sexy. He wanked off fantasising about watching him do it, or better still, being his toilet and taking it in the face.

He did get to be a toilet that weekend, though, during a Sunday-afternoon session at Olly's flat. He stood to one side, naked and stroking his boner, as Aaron bent over the table with his T-shirt up and his pants around his ankles, ready to take the cane on his bare arse for the first time. He tensed up visibly as Olly stood by him and held the cane across his cheeks to establish his aim.

'You know the rules,' said Olly in the soft, menacing tone he adopted when he was about to deliver a beating. 'You keep still and take it like a man. If you straighten up you get extra strokes, and if you try and put your hands in the way you also get extra strokes. Understood?'

'Yes sir,' said Aaron. 'I ... I need to go to the toilet.'

'Tough. Hold it in. If you fart while you're being caned I'll give you an extra stroke, and if you shit on the floor I'll make you cry. Now, six strokes.'

Olly didn't hold back: he swung with full force, and the crack of the cane landing echoed around the room. Aaron clenched his teeth and gripped the edge of the table until his knuckles were white. Each vicious stroke left a raised white line across his buttocks that slowly deepened to an angry, purplish red. The first two drew nothing but a gasp and a groan from him, but at the third he yelped loudly and jerked his head up, and his tortured expression showed how much pain he was in. Liam sympathised: he knew the stinging pain of being caned on the bare bottom only too well. The fourth stroke cracked down and Aaron only just managed to bite back his yell, and he subsided back across the table moaning 'ow, ow, ow.'

'Hurts, doesn't it?' said Olly sadistically. 'Two more to go...'

Aaron gave a yelp as the fifth one cracked across his backside and lay across the table panting. The final one was the hardest yet, a diagonal that crossed all the welts from the first five and made him cry out loud. As Olly put the cane down and told him he could get up his hands flew to his red-lined buttocks and he straightened up, squirming in pain.

Twenty minutes later Liam was lying on the floor with his mouth taped and his goggles on. His heart was racing, his dick was so hard it hurt, and it began to twitch as Aaron stood over him. Then he squatted down, with a little gasp from the stab of pain in his arse.

'I really need a dump,' he said hoarsely.

'Yeah, go on, do it now,' breathed Olly. 'Feels so good taking a shit when you've just been caned...'

Aaron grunted in response, and his sore arse visibly relaxed. Liam's heart pounded all the harder as his tight hole rippled a couple of times and began to push open, and through the pink ring of muscle started to come the end of a thick turd. He fixated on it as it stopped, and then Aaron grunted and pushed. The crackle filled his ears and the smell his nostrils as the rounded bump grew into a thick, lumpy column hanging from Aaron's arse. Then it broke off and fell, and hit him with the force of a blow in the face. He moaned as it rolled off and thudded to the floor, and then another one landed right across his nose, and the harsh smell blasted into his brain and set his dick bouncing madly. He lay passively under Aaron's arse as his hole flared and farted on him, waiting for the next turd. When it came it was softer and more sinuous, and really smelly. The first fat lump from it fell across the bottom of his goggles and half-blinded him, and then the fat column hanging above him pulled slowly apart, smashed into his face and rolled back across his eyes so that he could see nothing. More landed, and still more, until he was buried under the pile. He was on the verge of cumming when the succession of blows stopped.

'I'm done,' said Aaron. 'Fuck that feels better!'

'Mm, yeah,' agreed Olly. 'Big one! Smells fucking hot too. Move over, my turn!'

Liam hadn't known this was coming. He whimpered softly as Olly took Aaron's place. He could see almost nothing, but he tensed himself up as he heard the crackle and hiss above him, and then the world fell in on him. Olly's shit was huge. His first big log dropped across the pile covering Liam's face, crushing him below its weight and setting him groaning and shaking and edging as the mess began to roll down his cheeks. Another big lump followed it, and another. Then his shit started to get softer, hitting Liam's toilet face in a quick succession of squelchy thuds. He could feel shit sliding down his chin and onto his neck, and the stink made him gag. A moment's respite from the filthy stream seemed to last forever as he lay whimpering, his dick dancing. Then Olly did a loud wet fart, and the reeking, mushy stream that followed it tipped him over the edge. He screamed into his gag as his dick fired cum all over.

The following week one of his fantasies came true, when he and Jake accompanied a group of geography students on a field trip. It wasn't any part of their courses but some mutual friends were going, they had a free day from classes and the trip was open to anyone who was interested, so they'd gone along. It had been a good day. The site – a deserted prehistoric village in remote, marshy countryside – was really interesting, and he'd met some nice people too. During the afternoon he started to need his usual shit, but there were no toilets nearby and he wasn't desperate, so he decided to hold off until they got to the pub they were planning to go to when they got back. Doubtless he wouldn't be the only one, and there might be chance to hear and smell one or more of the other young guys doing the same thing; maybe even Jake, who seemed to be an afternoon dumper like him and certainly hadn't been during the trip. They were starting to get things together to walk back to the minibus when the young lecturer in charge stood up.

'It's a good hour home,' he announced, 'and we don't think there are any toilets between here and there, so if anyone wants to go you'd best go now, before we set off.'

'Oh shit,' said Jake, looking crestfallen. 'I thought we'd be stopping on the way. I need a shit!'

'Yeah, I do too,' said Liam, heart racing a little as he spotted a chance. 'Reckon you can hold it til we get to the pub?'

'No. Can you?'

'Er... probably not,' lied Liam. 'I've got some wipes and some tissues...'

'Can't do that.' Jake looked around across the flat, treeless landscape. 'Anyway, there's nowhere to go.'

'Well we haven't got much choice, have we? Look, there's a little ridge over there. We'll just have to go and squat behind that.'

'Fuck that. I ain't havin' a shit where everyone can see.'

'They'll only be able to see our heads, and it's either that or shit yourself on the bus. I'm gonna do it. Well, once that lass who's having a piss over there's come back. If she doesn't mind squatting then I don't. Coming?'


Liam shrugged and fumbled in his bag for the tissues and wipes. He'd committed himself now, and if Jake wasn't going to there was no help for it. Besides, seeing him desperate was nice, and although Liam would feel sorry for him if he dirtied his pants on the minibus it'd be hot all the same. Glancing over he saw the girl stand up again, doing up her trousers, climb over the top of the ridge and set off back towards them. As he stood up Jake looked up, and then scrambled to his feet.

'Fuck it, I'm gonna have to. No way I can last an hour. Got plenty of tissues?'

Liam nodded, and together they walked over to the ridge, with Liam's heart racing. There'd be no privacy at all, he saw as they got to the peak and looked down into the little grassy hollow behind: the ridge was just a few yards long and near enough straight, and there were no bushes or anything to go behind. They'd have to squat right next to one another, unless...

'You go first,' he said to Jake. 'You're more desperate than me. I'll stay here and make sure no-one comes.'

'Er .. yeah, good thinking. Look the other way! Gimme the tissues.'

Liam sat down on a stone by the top of the ridge and pulled his phone out of his pocket as if to sit and read from it. What he was really doing, though, was watching the reflection in the screen as Jake scrambled down the little slope and stood facing away from him, unbuckling his belt. As he went to pull his pants down Liam quietly turned part-way around, until he had the perfect view. Jake was looking fixedly away from him, and he couldn't resist it. He turned his phone camera on and pointed it subtly in his direction.

Jake lowered his jeans and pants to his thighs. His bottom was just beautiful; pale like his face, with perfect, peachy round cheeks. He squatted down slowly, holding his jeans up above his knees, and leaned forward to support himself on his hand. He looked from side to side and Liam quickly pretended to look at his phone in case he should look round at him. But he didn't. Instead, as Liam pointed the camera back at him, he bowed his head and gave a soft grunt. His bottom relaxed visibly, and below him emerged a thick turd that grew slowly into a weighty column hanging from his arse, its rich brown colour vivid against the mossy ground. There was the faintest of breezes blowing towards Liam, and it carried with it the soft crackle as it came out and his delectable smell, and then the soft thud as it dropped. He held his dick down with his free hand and pissed like a horse, and then grunted and began curling out another thick, golden log. It came out really slowly, in fits and starts as he strained and his bottom heaved a little, and it hung from him for a long time, swaying slightly. Liam already had a semi and it stiffened rapidly as Jake pushed once more and his turd fell to the ground. He paused for a second, and then another one curled steadily out, tapered off and dropped lightly onto the ground. Liam reached down discreetly and touched his dick, fully hard now at the sight of gorgeous Jake squatting over his big brown pile. His smell was quite strong, even out here in the open: Liam sniffed eagerly at it, and watched his bottom moving as he strained. He did a couple of little rasping farts, strained a bit more, and then another lump dropped from him, and another and another. He pulled a tissue from his pocket and folded it slowly, straining as he did so, and after one last little turd had dropped from him he rocked forward and reached around behind him. He wiped slowly from front to back, showing off a big brown smear across the tissue as he pulled it away. He folded it again and wiped a second time, producing another big stain. Discarding that tissue he folded another one and wiped, slowly at first, then more vigorously back and forward. It took four or five tissues before he was clean enough, and then Liam hastily turned the camera off and pretended to read something on the screen as he got to his feet and pulled his pants back up.

'Phew, that's better,' he said as he scrambled back up the slope. 'Needed that. Your turn.'

Jake's smell hung heavy in the air as Liam scrambled down the slope, and he looked around discreetly as he stood and unbuckled his belt. Jake was sitting on the same stone with his back to him. He bared his bottom in the cool autumn air and squatted down, and grunted in satisfaction as he began to empty his bowels. His turds thudded softly onto the earth, and his smell rose up around him. As he dumped his load he studied Jake's shit next to him. It was beautiful, and so big; a really hefty pile, with the thick, cracked logs he'd dropped sticking out from under the smoother curls he'd dropped on top of them, the whole lot surrounded and part-covered by crumpled and stained tissues. He wanted to wank off over it, and he was still hard enough that he struggled to piss without spraying all over his trousers. Finally he was done, and he too wiped his arse, cleaned his hands with the wet-wipes he'd brought with them, and climbed back up to join Jake.

'Could smell that from up here,' Jake said teasingly as he stood up. 'Come on, let's get back or they'll be wondering where we've got to.'

Liam sat quietly as the minibus wound its way home, and he wasn't really in the mood for the drink they had when they got back either. He just wanted to get home and get the video he'd made onto his computer, and watch once again as his gorgeous straight mate performed that most private and erotic act; having a big, dirty shit!

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Next: Chapter 31

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