
By Namab Mas

Published on Mar 3, 2019


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are over the age of eighteen. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.


Chapter Thirty-Three

Liam pulled down his pants and sat down on the toilet. He grunted loudly as his shit began to slide down the chute, farted softly as his hole opened, and then closed his eyes and concentrated on the exquisite sensation as a thick, solid turd slid out of him. It grew into a thick brown tail hanging down from him, then snapped and plopped loudly into the water. Water splashed up onto his bottom and the turd that was still coming out of him, and his smell began to thicken the air in the bathroom. More water splashed up as he dropped another big one, then his hole pinched off the tail end of it. He began to piss, and when he was done he held his dick to one side and peered down at the golden-brown logs in the pan underneath him. He'd needed a shit for hours, and getting home to the toilet where he could finally sit and empty his bowels was blessed relief. He hadn't been horny up until then, but the feeling of taking his much-needed dump started to turn him on, and his dick stiffened a little as another turd pushed his hole open and curled slowly out. By the time he'd finished and stood up to wipe his arse he had a semi, and he scuttled back to his room with kinky fantasies racing through his mind. Lying on his bed he thought back over what had happened a few days earlier; how Aaron had cum with face covered in shit, and how he'd said afterwards that he was working up to tasting it, and fantasising constantly about eating. He wondered what would happen the next time they met.

In the event he didn't have long to wait. He woke up horny the next day, the sound and then afterwards the smell of Louis's morning dump made him hornier, and then when he went for a piss at university he found himself walking right behind a short, stocky, round-faced lad he'd always fancied a bit. He couldn't resist taking the next cubicle and stroking his dick as the lad pulled down his jeans, plonked his sturdy arse down on the toilet and farted. He sounded a bit constipated as he grunted a few times with a just a few light plip-plops and then went quiet, but then a minute or two later he let go another little fart and a couple of big, splashy turds. The toilet roll holder rattled, and leaning forward Liam could tell from the position of his feet that he was wiping standing up. He only wiped a couple of times before he pulled up his jeans and flushed the toilet. Liam went in for a sniff when he was gone, but there was no smell and he'd left no skidmarks; just a seat warm from his bottom. He was walking to his next lecture when his phone rang. It was Olly. He was full and horny, he'd just spoken with Alfie and was going over to feed him later, and Aaron was going to go and watch.

A few hours later Aaron watched, with his eyes wide and his dick massively erect, as Alfie lay down on the floor and wriggled in under the rimseat. Olly stood over him, stroking his cock and clenching his arse, and then as Alfie put the poppers bottle to one side he stepped across him and sat down.

'I've so gotta take a shit,' he said softly. 'You ready Alfie? Ooh, here it comes...'

Alfie opened wide as Olly grunted, and then a thick turd emerged from between his cheeks. It hung menacingly over Alfie's waiting lips for a second, then pulled away and dropped into his mouth, making him gag briefly, and then he closed his eyes and began to chew on it. As he ate his dick danced, and as soon as he'd swallowed he opened his mouth for Olly to fill it again. The smell rolled out round the room as Aaron and Liam watched on, marvelling at the sheer obscenity of what was happening. Twice more Alfie opened his mouth, his soft lips and white teeth now covered in shit, and Olly grunted and curled out another turd. As it crackled from his flaring hole Liam glanced at Aaron. His eyes were wide and his dick was pulsing and bobbing as Olly and Alfie acted out his deepest and most perverted fantasy before his very eyes. Then Olly's turd dropped and Alfie retched softly as he chewed on it, then swallowed manfully.

'Ugh,' he gasped. 'Big shit. Hold on ... take some poppers...'

Olly turned and looked at Liam and Aaron as Alfie sniffed below him. His dick was rock hard and his dirty hole was rippling, and he took a little sniff of the smell he'd made and grinned sexily. Then as Alfie put the poppers bottle to one side and opened wide again he turned away, bowed his head slightly and farted. Alfie whimpered as another smooth, glistening turd slid into his mouth.

'Ooh! Oh I can't hold it .. gotta let it go!' hissed Olly.

His shit was softer and smellier now, and it came more quickly. Alfie swallowed frantically, fighting to keep up with the lumpy brown stream that crammed his mouth and made him retch, piled up above his lips and slid down his cheeks. His dick began to dribble on his stomach. He sicked a little into his mouth as it ended in a long, wet fart, swallowed mightily a few times, and lay gasping for breath.

'I gotta finish now,' breathed Olly.

Alfie began to wank as Olly curled out a few slim, worm-like little turds into his shitty mouth. Liam and Aaron came in closer, cocks in hand. When Olly was done he stood up, lifted away the rimseat, and they knelt over Alfie and wanked off right into his brown mouth, he shot all over himself, and Aaron cried out aloud as he fired cum all over his shitted face.

They headed back to Olly's place after they'd cleaned up, grinning at one another on the bus and talking in hushed tones about what had just happened. Aaron shuffled in his seat, and reached down discreetly to adjust himself. Liam had a semi too, and the need to shit was starting to make itself felt. He sat back dreamily, enjoying the slowly mounting pressure inside him, until Aaron spoke.

'Guys ... I'm really starting to need a shit.'

'What, now?' asked Olly, one eyebrow raised.

'Yeah. Thought I was going to sometime 'cos I've not been since yesterday, but it's just started to come on quick. I'm so fucking horny as well.'

'I need one too,' admitted Liam.

At that moment someone came and took the seat next to them and they had to stop talking about it, but they looked at one another and smiled knowingly as the bus crawled on through the traffic, all of them imagining and anticipating what was going to happen when they got to Olly's flat.

An hour later Aaron was kneeling on the sofa with his arse sticking out. Olly had given him a cup of strong coffee, which always made him go, and challenged him to hold his shit in until he lost control. That wouldn't be long now, thought Liam, as he watched Aaron squirm and screw up his face in desperation. A little squeaky fart escaped him, and he clenched tight and wriggled his hips as the smell wafted out round the room.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Oh fuckin' hell ... oh fuck, I'm shitting!'

His arse crackled and a little lump appeared between his cheeks. He clenched up and squirmed for a second or two longer, and then as he lost control completely it grew into a fat, solid turd that pushed his pants out until they pulled his waistband down to expose the top of his crack, and then the whole lot disintegrated into a swelling bulge. He moaned and sighed over the filthy crackling sound, and the smell rolled out from him.

'Phew,' breathed Liam. 'Ooh that smells so fucking nice!'

He stepped over and pulled Aaron's waistband out, and looked down on the hefty, dark-brown pile nestling against his cheeks, and as he contemplated it Aaron bowed his head and farted into it, and another big, slightly softer turd squashed out on top of it and spread across his arse. Liam's dick bounced in his pants as the smell came up at him. He let Aaron's pants go, and they tightened back around his load as he straightened up with a great lumpy mound on his bottom, dots of brown moisture starting to seep through the fabric. He twisted round to look at them, trembling slightly.

'Oh that's so fucking big ... such a big shit ... oh I wanna sit in it!'

Before Liam knew what was happening they were tumbling through to the bathroom with Aaron whimpering in excitement. Olly got there first, slammed down the toilet lid, took Aaron by the shoulders and forced him down into his pile. Aaron moaned and yelped as Olly pulled him to and fro, made him wriggle and rock and twist about until his arse was plastered in it and he was edging like mad. He fumbled his dribbling cock out and sat with it in his hand, panting. His eyes were nearly closed and he gave a little ecstatic gasp as he moved and his mess tickled him underneath. He took a deep breath, swallowed nervously and looked at them.

'I wanna taste it. Liam ... I wanna try eat yer shit.'

Unreality descended on Liam as he turned around and half-squatted over the cupped hands that Aaron meekly held out to him. His dick was going mad with excitement, and a little pre-cum dripped onto the floor below him as his shit slid down the chute and began to curl lazily from his flaring hole. The soft sounds of his arse emptying rang in his ears along with Olly's hoarse breathing and Aaron's panting and whimpering, and his own smell thickened the air around them all. Looking down between his legs he watched as his golden-brown logs piled up in Aaron's hands. When he was done and his bowels were empty and satisfied he straightened up and turned to Aaron, whose eyes were wide, staring at what Liam had just produced. Very slowly he raised it to his face and sniffed deeply. Liam and Olly closed in on him, wanking.

'Go on,' breathed Olly. 'You can do it. Lick it. Taste his big shit.'

Aaron closed his eyes, took another deep sniff and slowly opened his mouth. More pre-cum oozed from him and trickled down his shaft and onto the seat. He began to put out his tongue, withdrew it and sniffed again.

'Eat it...'

Aaron hesitated, steeled himself as all three of them came close to cumming, then opened his mouth and pushed his face into Liam's shit. He gurgled and gagged and groaned deep in his throat, as Liam teetered on the edge and Olly's face contorted. Then it all happened. Aaron retched and jerked his head back, face all brown and a lump of it on the end of his tongue. Liam fell off the precipice and spurted all over him, next to him Olly gave a sharp cry as he came, and then as Aaron's dick fired cum across the room he buckled forward, retching, dropped what was in his hands and puked onto the floor.

Aaron tasted his own in front of them a couple of days later. He was desperate when he came round, and very submissive. Olly made him strip and bend over the table straight away and gave him six resounding strokes to warm him up. He clenched his teeth tight and took them in stoic silence, and then straightened up, squirming a bit and clutching his throbbing, red-lined cheeks.

'I need to go to the toilet,' he said meekly.

'Good,' grinned Olly. 'So do I. I wanna see you lick it; taste your own shit. Wanna do it?'

'Yeah,' said Aaron. His dick was like a ramrod, with a big bead of pre-cum on its throbbing, purple end. 'Oh I really need a shit! Can I...?'

'No, hold it in. I wanna see you desperate. Liam, you need one...?'

'Nah, I had to go earlier.'

'Shame. Wanna be the toilet? Aaron can do it on your tummy and lick it and taste it, and I'll do it on your face.'

'Fucking hell! Yeah, let's do it.'

Twenty minutes later he lay down on the floor, goggles on and mouth taped up. Aaron stepped over and straddled him, standing with his arse above his tummy, bent over and clutched his ankles. Olly picked up the cane and advanced on them, flexing it menacingly.

'Another four,' he said quietly. 'Hold it in. If you lose it and shit before it's finished I'll make you howl.'

Liam could see Aaron clenching his arse up tight. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes as Olly held the cane across his already well-beaten buttocks to establish his aim. Then he swung it back and whipped it down with full force. Aaron's tensed cheeks barely wobbled as it struck home, but he groaned softly as the pain peaked. Olly swung again.


'Ooh ... ow,' groaned Aaron, squirming a little.

Liam wondered momentarily what would happen if Aaron did lose control; how it would feel to have his big turds fall on him from a height. At the third stroke he thought he was about to find out, as Aaron yelped and squirmed, and clenched his arse up still tighter. The wait seemed to last an age before the cane cracked down for the last time, and he gave a sharp little cry of pain. He stood up straight again and massaged his sore cheeks as Olly put the cane on the table and turned back to them, licking his lips.

'Now,' he said softly. 'You can go to the toilet. Kneel down...'

Liam's heart pounded and his dick began to bounce as Aaron knelt down. The angry welts across his red, throbbing buttocks stood out starkly in the light as he stuck his bottom out, and his crack widened to show off his wrinkled little hole. Time seemed to slow down for Liam as he waited. Then Aaron gave a soft grunt, and his hole slowly puckered out and dilated, and through it peeped the head of his turd. He grunted again, with relief this time, as it started to slide out. It was thick and dark and solid, all slimy and glistening in the light, with his hole rippling around its lumps and cracks. Then it touched down, snapped and dropped onto his stomach, and more began to emerge behind it. Liam lay and watched in awe, loving the sight of Aaron's freshly caned arse shitting, the sensation as the broken end of his turd touched down on him a second time, curled around and fell across the first, and the smell that was thickening around them. It was stronger than usual; all thick and harsh and deliciously nasty. Aaron gave another strain, the ragged-ended cone jutting from him fell, and his dirty little hole closed up behind it.

'Phew, that stinks!' breathed Olly. 'Have you finished?'

'Nah,' said Aaron, his voice hoarse with excitement. 'Still loads. Ooh ... oh yeah, another one's coming...'

His hole pushed in and out a couple of times, all sticky and brown, he farted as it opened once more, and then he curled out another shining, crackling turd. The pile on Liam's tummy grew bigger and heavier as lump after lump fell from him, and his stink grew even stronger. He gave a big sigh of pleasure as the last of it fell from him.

'Oh yeah!' he grunted, pushing out a last little morsel. 'Big fucking shit ... ooh, I'm done.'

He turned around, pre-cum dribbling from his cock, and looked down wide-eyed on what he'd done. There was a few seconds' silence, broken only by the three lads' hoarse breathing. Then Olly moved in closer and stood over them.

'Ready?' he said hoarsely. 'Ready to taste your own? Go on, sniff it. Yeah, like that ... go on, fucking smell your own shit.'

Aaron whimpered as he got his face right into what he'd done, took a deep breath and inhaled his own stink. Then Olly took a step forwards and squatted, and as Liam got the toilet's view up his gorgeous arse his heart felt as if it could burst from his chest. His dick bounced and dribbled as Olly grunted, farted, and then began to push out one of his thick, sandy-brown logs. He watched, dazed and edging, as its rounded end came closer and closer, and moaned as it touched down on his nose and slid down onto his cheek, all hot and slimy. Then it then snapped off and fell heavily right across his face. The blow made him reel, and Olly's ripe, madly erotic stink filled his nostrils and hammered at his brain. Above him three or four fat, broken-ended inches hung from Olly's hole. Olly grunted, strained a little and pushed it right out, so that it touched down on top of the first, bent back on itself and then collapsed right across his eyes. The slimy crackle rang in his ears as Olly pushed out another one, and two big lumps dropped onto his mouth and nose, leaving him blinded and buried under the reeking pile, fighting to stop himself cumming. He could feel Aaron moving now, his face right into his own pile again and his breathing hot on his skin. He knew what was coming next.

'Yeah,' breathed Olly. 'Open your mouth. Now ... get your face in there ... that's right. Lick it.'

Liam felt Aaron's tongue press into the pile on his stomach, and he gagged as he tasted his own shit for the first time. He licked again, moaning in his throat and wanking, pressed his face in deeper, and then plunged right in, spreading shit all over his face and Liam's tummy. At that moment Olly farted and began to shit again, and his turds hit Liam's face like a series of blows, until his pile began to disintegrate and slide down Liam's cheeks. Aaron jerked his head back, gasping for air and crying out loud, and came all over Liam, and at the same moment he fell off the cliff and shot all over himself.

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Next: Chapter 34

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