Liberation to Love

By Adjani Tanya

Published on Dec 24, 2005


Disclaimer and Copyright Reserved 2005:

This story is purely a lesbian erotic fiction between two girls. Please do read "Liberation to Love" part 1 and 2 to get the main picture. If you have any comments or suggestions (good or bad) please do email me to this address:

Thanks for your comments and suggestions about my previous parts of the story. I really appreciate them. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent.

If you guys want to chat with me, simply add me and I'm sure to reply u. Enjoy then!

To Confess or not to Confess

Finally, the dreading of the exams are over. The results were released and everyone did exceptionally well. However, we still have another year more to go to graduate from college. But for now, it is time to enjoy and put aside academics. Students were discussing where to hang out and the atmosphere was fully charged with students screaming for joy and some running out of the gates with friends to the nearby malls.

I was indeed happy, very happy with my results in Math, but it was not good enough. "I have the winter holidays to buck it up." I told myself as I headed to our school gym. It was empty as usual so I played my favorite techno DJ to liven up the place. I removed my top and jeans leaving myself with my pink camisole and blue shorts.

I selected two dumbbells and started to reflex my arm muscles when my cell vibrated with a text message from Deirdre wondering where was I, and that she would see me later on. I then replied to her by telling her my current location and switched off my cell to shut out all disturbances. "Today is the day of freedom! I am free from all work, no project, no stress, no sleepless nights!" I screamed inside by head.

After a few hours of working out, I took a break and sat on the mat doing stretches easing the tension of my thigh muscles. Working out is something I have neglected due the exams. A few hours later, I lied down flat on the mat with my hands behind my head wondering what to do with the upcoming winter holidays and slowly lifted myself up and down relaxing my stomach muscles. I was quite tired by now as sweat was dripping down from my hair to the mat and a wet patch formed on the mat. The cold wind from the air conditioner was enough to cool me off and I closed my eyes for a moment.

The gym door opened and popped in two heads, which belonged to Claudia and Deirdre.

"Hey hi girls! What's up? How did you girls do?" I asked them.

"Hmm...well..." Deirdre stretched the words as she rubbed her chin thinking of what to say.

I looked at the both of them and was quite worried, as I didn't see any signs of happiness.

Deirdre inched closer and scooted down spreading herself over me. Before I could say anything, my mouth was covered by Deirdre's hand. With muffled noises, I released my hands to get rid off her hands but too late, Claudia caught hold of my hands. Deirdre bent over and her lips were now close to my ears.

"Did you tell her?" her voice had a serious tone releasing her hand from her mouth.

"Tell her what?" Tell who what?" I asked in utter puzzlement.

"You know what I am talking about? Don't play dumb!" her eyes piercing mine and an evil grin forming between her lips. Claudia started giggling at my hapless condition of being assaulted by her.

"Oh come on! Enough of the game! How did you girls fair the exams? Get up now!" I demanded as they stood up helping me to my get on my feet.

"Did you confess to Sam about your feelings? And yes, we are happy with our results. Thanks to you! Now come on tell us!" they demanded as they had me pinned to the wall.

"Oh yeah! I did good. So time for celebration!" I told trying to squirm my way out from their iron grips but to no avail.

"Don't try to change to the subject! Did you confess?" Claudia's face was a mere inches away from mine. "Oh Man...I can't believe this is happening to me." I thought to myself.

I was hoping for someone to just come in and ask us to get out from here. I was really in need to use the showers and I could feel my top glued to my skin. It was so uncomfortable wiping off my sweat and these two girls pestering me to confess my feelings of Sam, which made me all the more stressed and bothered.

"No, I didn't! I will tell you later!" I turned my head away to prevent any lip contact with Claudia as I could feel her hot breath.

"When will you do it? You mean now? Tomorrow? Next year? When you are 65?" Claudia asked in her most sarcastic tone.

"Oh please! I will tell her by her this weekend! Now release me!" I pleaded with them.

After giving in to my pleading eyes, they released their grips and stood there looking at me as I tied up my hair and straightened my top.

"Well we'll see about that! I just don't understand why is it so hard for you to confess to a girl whom already loves you?" Deirdre commented with her arms folded across her chest.

"I have liked her as a friend but I am not sure about this love." I said as I wiped the sweat of my brow and turned my gaze to the entrance.

"Then why did you masturbate at the thought of her a few nights ago?" Claudia asked as she shot a hot look at me.

"How did you know that?" I exclaimed as my cheeks started to reddened.

"Haha! Caught you! So you indeed fucked yourself by thinking of her!" Both of them giggled as they managed to draw blood from stone.

Words did not come to my mouth. My face was in total redness from the sheer embarrassment. I just hoped the floor would tear open burying me alive and I would be happy not hear such things from them.

"Look here! I am just going to wait and see when are you going to introduce Sam as your everlasting love. I am going to give you another chance, so make use of your mouth and declare your love to her!" Deirdre demanded as she picked her bags up from the floor.

I didn't know what else to say but smile at them. I shut all lights and was about to leave to hit the showers while I waited for them to come along with me. But they just stood there with their arms folded expecting an answer for their question.

"What is it now?" I asked with impatience in my voice.

"What will be your decision?" They asked me back in unison.

"I need some time but I will tell her!"

"Remember you have until this weekend! Don't delay it!" Claudia replied with a grin.

"Yes. Come let's go!" I picked up my bags and we left the gym.

We ensured all things are right and left the gym. Deirdre and Claudia wanted to go shopping and then head south to the city to visit some friends. As soon as they left, I walked down to the ladie's room only to find that the shower cubicles were all occupied and it's best to do shower at home.

Sam was there standing at the gates with a piece of envelope as I was walking out to the road. Her standing posture could clearly explain that she was waiting for someone and I knew it was me, when her gaze reflected mine and was pacing towards me. Without any form of pleasantries, she flung her arms around me and kissed my cheek. Her hold was longer than expected and I could feel her heartbeat next to mine, which only made my heart pump blood faster.

"Hey! What's up?" I looked at her as she broke the nice warm hug.

"I aced my exams. Thanks Verona!" She said euphorically merging us together with her hug again. "This is for you!" she gave a smile as she gave me the envelope.

"Oh thank you! What is this? You need not do this!" I told her but she just slipped the cover in my hands and buzzed off.

"I'll see later tonight perhaps!" she shouted as she raced down the street.

Just then, the questions Deirdre asked flashed in my head as to when I will I confess my love to Sam. But I know the time hasn't come just yet. I walked along the streets thinking from the time I first met Sam to now when we have become such close friends.

The clock showed it was dinnertime but my stomach didn't growl for food. I was not even hungry at all and I just settled on the cushion bed in my living room trying to ease off the dilemma I had in my head. I do not know if this was just pure love or just infatuation. My gaze lightly turned to the glass table next to the door where I had placed the envelope Sam gave to me.

The light wind breezed through my windows and invited me for a nice walk along the coast. I put on some light clothing and grabbed the envelope as I got out from the house. It was a mere 10 minutes walk to the coast and realized there were a couple sitting under the umbrella enjoying the beautiful sight. I walked up the creek and sat on a rock overlooking the crystal waters. Since both my legs were quite sore, I rested my left leg on the rock and left my right one in the waters.

I opened up the envelope and found a lovely "Thank You" card with a key chain, which had two cute teddies hugging one another and the words "My Special One" were imprinted on the locket. I was deeply touched by it and slipped the card and the key chain back inside the envelope, then I saw someone strolling around the coast kicking the pebbles from the shore playfully. I strained my eyes to get a good look at that person and it was none other than Sam who was approaching me.

My hand gently relieved the tension in my neck as I was admiring the way she walked up or shall I say she glides. She settled next to me on the adjacent rock enjoying the silence for a while.

"Thank you for the card and the key chain! I appreciate it but you really need not have done this!" I told her and gave an appreciative smile.

"Well I only gave this to my special friend. You are my special one!" Sam replied returning that same warm smile.

I was so flattered by those words that I almost wanted to lift her up and crush her lips with mine. But somehow, my emotions came under control and not only that, there were people walking in and out of the coast. My foot was playing with the water gently making ripples as we were talking about the activities planned for the holidays. The waves kept kissing the rocks lightly then harder caressing our feet.

"Do you come to this place often?" she asked as she looked around the area.

"I have been coming here since I was a kid. How about you?"

"This is my second time here. What makes you come here?" Sam asked again playing with the waters.

"Nothing much! My parents used to bring me here but now they are gone. So whenever I come here, I feel happy and could always feel their presence around me."

"So if I am gone out of this town, and you happen to come here will you feel my presence?" she questioned as her eyes pierced through my delicate soul trying to elicit an answer.

`What do you mean by you are gone?" I stood up with confusion in my mind and not knowing how to respond to her previous question.

Sam was still sitting on the rock allowing the water and the wind sweeping across body and soul. My heart was racing like a supersonic car and almost dying to tell but the appropriate words refused to come.

The people at the coast were leaving and then there were the only two of us. I walked up to her clearing my head off and told her it was late and that we will meet next day. We walked up to the coastal gates in dead silence. Only the sounds of the waves crashing and the crunching of the sand particles of the shore were made.

"Verona! There is something I want to tell." Sam spoke up as she leaned against the coastal gates looking at me straight.

"Oh! What is it?" I asked as my tone faded to a whisper.

"I am leaving to Visby to visit my grandaunt next weekend and would be continuing my education there. I guess this is the last time we will meet." She told and avoided my meeting my eyes.

"Why such a sudden decision?" My throat went dry in deep shock and I could feel my heart breaking into several pieces.

"I was feeling really upset and am missing her badly. It would give me some happiness if I am there and also she's getting very old." She replied as her words started to slur badly.

I was so shattered by such news and I also knew why she asked me such a question earlier when we were at the rock. This was something I couldn't imagine and the pain that I was feeling within was so excruciating. Tears started to store up in my eyes blurring my vision and Sam was standing there motionless sobbing in her heart.

"Oh okay! Well have a safe trip and take care. Good night!" I told her not knowing what else to say and could not think anymore.

I saw her walking away from me to the darkness and my appetite was gone unable to control the emotions building within me. I wanted to cry out, then move to the front of her hugging her close to me. But now darkness was engulfing my solitude. I ran straight to my house to my room and plopped down flat on my bed hugging on to my pillow as tears ran down freely onto it.

Days passed off swiftly and today's weather invited me for a date, but sadly I declined it. I was in no state to go out and have fun with my friends. John text messaged me to join him and Martin for a movie but I gave them some excuse and switched off my cell.

I went to the kitchen to get some coffee and looked at the calendar hanging by the wall. `3 more days to go and I will not be able to see Sam again.' I cried to myself pouring the coffee from the flask to a glass.

I have not loved a girl in particular or even dated one but maybe friendly dates with my friends. But lately, I have fallen for Sam and would want to live for her. Now that she is leaving, there is no point telling my love but to simply cherish her presence within my heart. It is quite impossible to forget our first love but it seems I do not have that much of a choice.

The phone rang snapping my thoughts and Deirdre's number appeared on the screen. I did not want to pick up the call and was in no mood to talk to anyone. The phone kept ringing but I was just too stubborn to pick up the receiver. I just left it ringing when the tone died and headed back to my room overlooking the coast.

I rested my head on the pillows and shut my eyes ignoring the ringing of the phone again. It had been a while when the rays of the sun reflected on my body. My tummy started to growl for some food and I realized it was already past midday.

I decided to take a light shower before heading to a cafeteria. Once everything was done, I headed down the streets and saw a newly built cafe. It seemed like it was just opened a few days ago as I saw bouquets at its doorstep. It was quite empty inside but it was indeed spacious with variety of food items.

A waiter came by and his features resembled like Martin just that he must be a few inches taller than him.

"Can I have your order please?" he asked politely getting ready his notepad and pen.

"A cup of coffee and two toasts will do." I said and gave him a warm smile.

"Double that please!" a voice from behind told the waiter and I turned to find who that was.

"Deirdre?" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! Why didn't you pick up my call?" I saw her face displeased as she took her seat opposite me.

`I'm sorry! I was asleep and didn't realize you called." I looked away from her gaze as I know she was not convinced with that answer.

"When have you started to learn to lie to me? If you have slept longer than usual, why are you eyes so red and sore?" she questioned back and I could sense anger in her tone for the first time.

There was a slight cessation between the both of us and we avoided each others' gaze and looked around the infrastructure of the place. Just then, the waiter came in and placed our orders neatly on the table and before I could pay him, Deride slipped the money on his tray.

"I should have paid him not you!" I retorted and met her gaze again.

"Never mind that! Look, I know what happened last night. Sam told me everything and I know it really disturbed you a lot." She took the toast and spread some butter on it.

"There's nothing I can do! Everything is over! She will be able to find another girl there and will be happy! I am trying erase my thoughts of her." I told that bluntly and looked away from her fiery gaze.

"Do you think she will be happy? Do you think it's that simple? Look, let me tell you something. She is holding a farewell party tomorrow. She wanted to tell you this but you simple walked off from her. She is hoping to see you there and I am expecting you to be there." she said as she emphasized her last few words strongly.

We did not talk or say anything and we ate our food in silence. This is the first time that I had seen anger in Deirdre.

But later she eased off and started to comment about the place and the facilities here. We drank the coffee and walked about the cafe. It was really splendid and the food was look very appealing. It looked like a mini casino just that there were no gambling. We played with the jukebox, played some oldies, and had a little fun there.

"So I hope I will see you in Sam's house and expect you to say it." Deirdre made it as a statement and I nodded in concurrence and exited the cafe to go on our own separate destinations.

Next: Chapter 5

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