Life Anew

Published on Nov 15, 2021


Life Anew Chapter 9

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Copyright © 2018-2021

Life Anew

Chapter 9

I'm Not Sure

Andrew really enjoyed his dinner with Cody but not so much the next day. There was something about the patients whispering behind their back and giving the doctor and the nurse some knowing glances. Still, Andrew can't help but wonder if the patients know that they are dating, how long would it be before Cody drops him. After all, it's not a good idea for an employee to date their boss, nor is it a good idea for a boss to date their employee. What would happen if someone complained about them being in a relationship? Could it lead to trouble for Cody? Their relationship could be doomed before it even starts. There is still so much doubt in Andrew's head from his relationship with Ethan. He tries hard to ignore that voice but yesterday brought them back to the surface. If Cody has to deal with the work issue and whatever might flare up from Andrew's time with Ethan. He knows eventually they will have to deal with both problems.


As Andrew thinks about what might happen between Cody and him, he carefully considers that maybe he should step back from Cody. Stepping away from Cody scares him; he's afraid of what taking a break might mean to Chase. He doesn't want to hurt Chase in any way. Chase's dad won't understand the distance between them that will come up as he steps away from the doctor. At best, it's not professional for the two men to date. Andrew doesn't want things to get messy, but he thinks stepping back is a good idea. How will Cody take it? One can imagine that he wouldn't take it very well after all the time that Andrew spent around Chase. He comes into work intent on doing his job and only doing his job. He will speak to Cody when the job requires it. Usually, Andrew talks to everyone and is cheerful.


Today, he is more reserved. Maybe, no one will notice that he's trying to distance himself. He calls his first patient back into the exam room. He gets through the first exam and then leaves the exam room, putting the charts on the shelf on the wall. He says what he needs to say to Doctor Gaines and then calls back the next patient. This time, it's a father and his little girl. She is running a fever, and the dad is worried. Andrew does his best to comfort him and her. He does the vitals, and then he does the same routine that he did the last time. Again, he only talks when he needs to. Honestly, he's starting to cheese Cody off.


Cody is the first to notice that Andrew is not himself.

`What the hell is up with him today? I can't believe he hasn't asked me how I'm doing or how the rest of my evening went. He completely ignored me unless it had to do with work. I expected him to ask about Chase, but he hasn't. I need to remember to ask him about it.'

Cody goes about his day, but he is still really upset with his nurse. He doesn't understand how he could go from one extreme to another. Last night was great, and then today, like someone has flipped a switch. If Andrew was any other guy, Cody might call it off tonight. It would be over a period, no questions asked. Andrew is worth it in the end. He'll keep romancing him and dating him, but today is an argument waiting to happen. Is Andrew doing this to everyone in the clinic, or he is just doing this to Cody? Sadly, the clinic has patients right up till lunch, so any discussion between the two will occur sometime after that last patient leaves.


She has noticed the same thing that Cody has seen, and it doesn't make her happy. Jennifer has watched how Andrew interacts with everyone and what he's saying versus what he isn't saying. She thinks something must have happened between the two men, and only they can cure whatever is going on between them. She sees a moment to grab Cody while Andrew is in with a patient.

"Cody, Are you and Andrew okay? He's been a little quiet today."

Jennifer asks her boss. Cody isn't sure what to say about Andrew.

"Honestly, I'm not sure what is going on with him. I had him over for dinner last night. We ended up having a really nice evening. I got to see more of Andrew interacting with Chase, and honestly, it felt so good. I learned a little bit about him, and I wasn't put off by it. Now, he's hardly spoken a word to me, and it's been about the patients when he has been speaking to me. Nothing about us."

Cody hopes what he said echoes his heart. Honestly, it stings a little bit to not have that everyday interaction. Things just don't feel right around the clinic. Cody hopes none of the patients pick up on this because he would rather have them know about the relationship than this awful feeling.

"Do you want me to speak with him?"

Jennifer asks Cody.

"Jennifer, you're going to talk with him even if I tell you not to. If you want to speak with him, go for it, but it stays between you and him. I'm busy till lunch, but I promise you that I will talk to you."

Jennifer nods her head. She pats Doctor Gaines on his back before walking away and grabbing her next patient. Cody is a little upset that someone else has noticed the way that Andrew is acting.


Cody has heard from several of his patients that they appreciate Andrew's politeness. He can't deny that Andrew has been doing his job. Sadly, a couple of people have commented that the nurse hasn't smiled a lot today. He wishes that he knew what has crawled up into Andrew's backside. Some of the patients rely on Andrew's smile to cheer them up inside before meeting the doctor.


Jennifer finds out there is a gap between patients, and she decides to jump Andrew right there and then.

"Andrew Brock in my office now!"

Jennifer is standing next to an empty room as she looks right into Andrew's eyes. Andrew knows that he's about to get in yelled at for something. She really doesn't want to scream at him. It's more about returning things to typical. The everyday mood in the office is Nurse Brock smiles at every patient regardless of age, and he talks openly with all the staff irrespective of their position.

Andrew enters the room and has a seat in the patient's chair, perhaps out of respect for Jennifer or Cody. Jennifer closes the door behind her to help keep the discussion out of anyone else's ears. She sits downs in the seat that is usually reserved for the doctor.

"Andrew, everyone in the office and the patients have noticed your silence and the lack of a smile on your face today. What is wrong?"

Andrew doesn't want to spread his issues around the office. He knows she'll go back to Cody with anything that he says.

"Nothing is wrong. I just didn't get much sleep."

She doesn't buy any of the words that just came out of his mouth.

"You know, I can smell lies, right? You had better speak up, bub, or we can just send all the patients home, and you and the boss can figure this out together. I mean, that is what all of this is about, right? I mean, it's about you and the boss, right?"

Andrew has no idea how this woman does this; she knows when someone is lying, and yes, she does this with the patients, though she isn't usually this forceful with them.

"Look, I told you what's up. Now drop it, okay?"

Andrew has never talked to anyone at the office like this before, and Jennifer isn't sure what to think about it, but she can't let him just walk away from Cody. She knows Chase has already accepted him and wants him to stick around, and if he stops seeing Cody, that little boy will be broken-hearted. Andrew is about to walk

"Nopes, but it sounds like you already have your mind made up?"

She doesn't want him to walk away from her.

"Look, Cody and I had a great time at his house. Everything was perfect, and then I came to work the next day. Some patients seemed to be gossipings about us and were giving us odd looks. I...I...just think maybe it's best that we stop seeing each other before one of the patients complains and one of us loses his job."

Again, Andrew walks away, but she brings him right back into the conversation.

"Andrew, I have already said this, but I'm going to repeat it. It seems like you have made up your mind to just walk away from Chase and Cody. You're not a cruel person, so why do this? You need to give Cody a chance to speak his mind, and you need to think before you break some hearts. Chase and Cody both are holding onto your heart, and you are holding their hearts. I promise you, if you step away from them, you're not going to break just one heart. You're going to break two hearts. You owe it to Cody to speak with him."

Jennifer stops talking, and Andrew just looks at her and sort of shrugs his shoulders. She wants to slap some sense into the kid. He responds to her.


Andrew simply turns his back and walks out the door. Jennifer is feeling a little angry at the moment. Andrew's shoulder shrugs really bothered her.

"Does he really care for Chase and Cody, or has this all been an act?"

I can honestly say that the shrugs were more about Jennifer stepping in where she isn't welcome. If nothing else, her stepping into the scene did reach his ears and his heart. He still has to figure all of this out for himself.


Andrew disappears into the staff bathroom and locks it. He looks into the mirror and locks eyes with himself. He refuses to believe that he really needs to give anyone a chance to be heard. Still, he has time invested in Cody, and Cody is on his heart like that little boy.

`I can't force what this is between Cody and me. If it's going to happen, then it needs to happen naturally. I don't want Ethan or his ghost to interfere with my relationship."

Andrew doesn't want to hurt Cody or Chase, but he has to be able to live his life. Living his life means he needs to balance his life. He needs to find a way to get past all the pain from his previous relationship; so far, he isn't doing a good job. Andrew knows he can't spend a lot of time dwelling on his conversation with Jennifer and his emotions.


Cody knows that he needs to speak with Andrew. He needs to do it before he leaves for the day. He also needs to get the word out that he wants to talk to everyone before they leave home. He first goes to his office manager and tells her to get the word out that he needs to speak with everyone. One extra tidbit for Susan to dig up if she can; he needs to see what is said about relationships among the staff, so now, he just needs to find Andrew. He finds him in the break room.

"Andrew, I need to speak with you in my office, please."

Andrew's first thought is that Jennifer mentioned something to Cody, and now he's going to speak his mind. He doesn't want to go through that crap with him, but now he has no choice but to face whatever Cody is going to throw at him.

"Cody, did Jennifer tell you about her conversation with me? Is that what this is about?"

Cody had no clue that she had even spoken with him, so he isn't sure where all of that came from in the end. Is Andrew still throwing some attitude?

"No, I called you in here because you have basically ignored me and been a bit towards other staff members and me, and I've had complaints from patients that you've not been your normal happy self. I don't know what I did to deserve this, but I also don't know why you are taking it out on the staff and patients. I can't stand by and watch as you affect my clinic. Do you like me? Are we still dating? Did you lie to me when I asked you if I offended you the other day? Does this have something to do with the glances and whispers from patients?"

There is silence in the room as the nurse processes what his doctor just said to me.

"We both know that we can't be together. How at how the patients responded to us. I don't want to break up with you. I love spending time with you and with Chase. think that I lied to you?"

Cody can see that Andrew is getting emotional on him, but this conversation is far from over.

"What do you mean we can't be together. You didn't hear the other patients who congratulated me on finding someone that made me happy. Yeah, some patients aren't happy with us being together, so what. I can tell you that Chase loves spending time with you, and I love spending time with you too. I don't want to think about what might be running through your mind. I hope you didn't lie to me."

Cody can't help but hug his guy. He knows Andrew has been through a lot, and he'll need time to figure things out. The doctor isn't going anywhere unless his nurse decides that they will not be a thing.

"I...I...didn't lie to you. The other day got me thinking, I don't want our relationship to get us in trouble; to get me in trouble."

Is that what's been bugging him, the fear of getting in trouble at work or the fear of both of them getting into trouble somehow? It's a part of the problem running through the nurse's mind.

"Andrew, I want us to be together. I don't care what other people think about us, and I never have. I know doubts are running through your mind. I want whatever is between us to work, and I'll fight for it. If you want to make it work, now is the time to say so? I'll do what you need me to do, but you need to do the same. Maybe, it's time to face the demons."

He makes it sound so easy. What demons does he want to face first? Ethan or Caden, he needs to calm those storms before he can feel at peace.

"You know that I want to make this work when it comes to facing demons. You know that I have baggage, and yet you insist on staying on my side, and I'm glad you're here. You're right. It's time to face those demons. If you think that this will help us out, then let's fight those demons together?"

Cody smiles at Andrew, but he knows that it won't be easy on either of them.

"If you're worried about being under my employment, we can transfer you over to Doctor Hartman's office, and then we can date without you worrying about that; however, I would like to have you on my team."

Andrew's heart sinks as he hears Cody mention the transfer. It's really not what he wants. He wants to be with Cody and the crew. He's comfortable here.

"Andrew, I am going to speak with the crew. I need to know that it isn't a problem with any of them. If you want to stay for that meeting, you are welcome to stay. I think I need to get to it."

Andrew hugs Cody and then lets him go so he can go to the meeting. Andrew doesn't want to attend the discussion. He decides to go home.

"I'm going to go home and relax. Will I see you later?"

Andrew asks his guy. Cody smiles and pats his guy on the back.


Cody gets ready to head to the meeting. He's a bit worried that Andrew will be upset about the meeting. The truth is, Andrew isn't upset about the meeting; instead, he hopes that things will get better. When Cody enters the staff breakroom for the meeting, everyone is already gathered in the room. They are all waiting for him.

"Sorry, I'm late. Serious talk time for a second or two. I took a chance and hired my newest nurse. I spoke with Susan about it and with Doctor Hartman. His resume was sound, and the initial interview was terrific. He proved quickly that I had picked the right man for the job. Now comes the tricky part of this meeting; I didn't expect to fall for Andrew, but I have, and to complicate matters, even more, Chase has also taken to Andrew. Today is the first time I've had any issues because of this crush between Andrew and me. Susan, were you able to find anything that would stop me from keeping Andrew in my clinic? By the way, he knows about the meeting.

Doctor Gaines sits down, and then he gives the floor to Susan, the office manager, who stands up to speak up.

"Doctor Gaines, I couldn't find anything that would cause an H.R. problem."

Susan sits down, and instead of Cody standing up again, Doctor Hartman stands up and takes the floor. He believes he can add to what Susan has already said.

"Doctor Gaines, when the clinic was opened, we didn't add anything about relationships into our by-laws. I would like to remind you that you hired him because he is and was a fantastic pediatric nurse. If you wish to continue seeing him, then do so. If problems persist, we can transfer him to my office though I suspect that it wouldn't be an easy transfer.

When he sits down, Cody smiles as he watches Doctor Hartman sitting down. Lisa stands up to speak up.

"I just want to say that I don't like doing this behind his back, but I don't want him transferred. Somehow, Andrew can get kids and adults who are scared of needles or who have white coat syndrome to actually relax. Kids love him."

Lisa sits down, and then Jennifer stands up to speak her mind.

"Andrew is confident in his skills. He's polite, he's easy to speak with, and if I may say it, he makes you happy just being around him.

When she is done speaking, the office manager stands back up to speak.

"Sometimes, paperwork is a chore, prescriptions can be a hassle, but Andrew has never complained to me about doing the paperwork. Maybe, it's his work ethic or his time at the hospital, but Andrew is remarkable to work with at any time. If it comes down to a vote, I want him to stay with us."

Susan sits down for the last time during the meeting. The older doctor gets ready to speak up again, but he doesn't stand up.

"Well, Doctor Gaines, I think your staff has spoken. Now can we go home?"

Doctor Hartman is ready to head home. Doctor Gaines stands up and says.

"Thanks, everyone; you can go home."

Cody is glad that everyone stayed for the meeting. Now he can call his guy before he heads out. In the quiet of his office, Cody grabs his office phone and calls his favorite adult, second only to his mom and dad.

"Cody, I didn't expect to hear from you so soon. What happened during the meeting? Am I being transferred?"

Cody wants to trick Andrew into thinking that he's being sent to work in Doctor Hartman's office, but it's just not going to happen. Andrew may not see the joke, and things would just go south from there.

"The meeting went great. As for you being transferred, it's not happening, sorry. Doctor Hartman is happy to have you, but Lisa, Susan, Jennifer, and I want you to stay with us. Will you stay with us?"

Hearing that everyone wants him working with them gives Andrew a warmth in his chest. How can he walk away if that is what they want?

"Yeah, I'll stay with you. I still have my doubts, though. I guess, maybe I always will."

Cody wishes he could do something about those doubts, but they may have to fade away on their own given time. He's willing to let time heal the wounds that are lurking in Andrew's heart.

"I have a bit of extra good news. Nothing is stopping us from dating in our clinic's bylaw. So what do you think?"

Now Andrew is really smiling, and it's a beautiful feeling. He wishes Cody was there with him right now. He wants nothing more than to kiss him and do something fun with him tonight.

"I-I think, I think we should celebrate a small victory."

For Andrew, this feels like a small victory. It's a step in the right direction.

"How do you want to celebrate?"

Andrew thinks about what they can do together.


Andrew has always wanted to do the paddle boats at Kirk Lake Park. No one he's dated has ever tried to do them. Maybe, Cody can be convinced to take a trip on the lake.

"I know this might sound silly, but how about doing the paddle boats at Kirk Lake and then maybe a meal afterward."

His "silly" idea might not sound like an ideal date, but it works for Cody. It's something new, and that is all that matters right now.

"Andrew, it sounds perfect. I just need to call around to see if I can find someone to watch Chase. Do you want to drive, or do you want me to pick you up? On second thought, I have to drop off Chase with whoever is going to watch him, so I can drive."

Cody might be driving, and Andrew has decided to pay.

"If you're driving, can I at least pay?"

Cody has no problem with him paying. If he wants to pay, then so be it.

"If you want to pay for the date, then go for it."

Andrew loves the fact that Cody is okay with him paying. The guys usually switch off who pays between dates.

"Let me get off of here, and then I'll start working to see who is free to watch my kiddo."

Andrew is anxious to have this date and figure things out. He wants to relax and enjoy the date.


Cody hangs up with Andrew and starts walking towards his car. He then calls his sister after he gets into the car and starts down the road. He's using Bluetooth, so relax.

"Hey Cody, what's going on, bro?"

He hates calling her for babysitting, but he has to have someone to watch him.

"I have a date night with Andrew. Do you think that you could watch Chase while I am out tonight? I think that it'll be three hours. We are going to do the paddle boats and then have dinner."

Mia laughs a bit at the idea of her brother being out for three hours. She loves her brother, and he's been so happy that she hates to turn him down. Plus, she loves having Chase at the house.

"I'll see when you get here, okay."

Cody is thankful to have a sister like Mia. She is the kind of person who gladly gives her time to serve others.

"Thanks, Mia! I love you bunches, but you know that already. I'll have him ready in a heartbeat, hopefully."

He needs to speak with Chase and make sure he knows he is going on and that he'll be back a little later. After he ends the call, Cody needs to call his mom, who is currently watching Chase.

"Call Mom!"

It doesn't take long for his mom to answer.

"Meeting after work today?

She asks just out of curiosity.

"Yeah! I'm headed to your house now. When I arrive at the house, can you send Chase out? How has Chase been today?"

He cares about his son and wants to know how he is doing, so he wants to reward him after picking him up.

"I will send him right out to you. Chase has been okay today. He was a little hyper after lunch, but other than that, he was an angel."

Cody sat in the car and waited for his son to come outside when he arrived at the house. He texts his mom to let her know that he is there. In a few seconds, his little boy walks out with his backpack loaded up with all the good stuff from their home. Cody opens the car door for his son, and then they head towards Mia's house.

"Hey Buddy, how was your day?"

Chase was super excited to tell his dad about his day, though more often than not, the days are pretty similar. Things are usually normal, but sometimes, Chase's grandma sees that there are trips out to different places. Trips like the zoo, parks, trips to the candy factory, or even out for popcorn.

"Grandma took me to get popcorn. Do you want some?"

Chase says to his dad as he pulls out the popcorn that Grandma bought him. It's caramel corn flavor popcorn something; it's his favorite flavor.

"Maybe later, okay?"

Chase nods his head and then takes some popcorn out of the bag. The little guy realizes that they are not headed home. As his dad moves along the road, he realizes where his dad is going.

"Daddy, where are we going?"

Cody just laughs a little.

"I'm glad that you asked, Buddy. I hate to do this to you, but you are spending some time with Aunt Mia. I'll be back in three hours. We will do something special when I get back. "

Chase doesn't like that his dad is leaving him again, but at least he will be with his Aunt Mia. She is fun and makes delicious food. Chase will have fun, but now Cody needs to tell him why he is going to Aunt Mia's.

"Chase, Daddy is having some time with Andrew. It's just for Daddy and Andrew, though. Maybe on another day, we can do something together; you, me, and Andrew. You have to be good."

Chase frowns at the thought of his father spending time with Andrew. He likes spending time with the nurse. He's a little upset that he can't go, but his father knows that his son will be fine.

"I'll be good, Daddy, but I want to go."

Cody gives his son a sympathetic look as he makes a stop at a stop sign. They arrive at Mia's house. The car stops, and everyone gets out. Cody walks with his son up to the door. Cody knocks and then waits quietly. Mia opens the door and welcomes Chase into the house.

"I have to go. I've got to pick up Andrew for our date. I love you!"

Cody tells both Mia and his son. He gives his kiddo a kiss and then heads off to pick up his guy.


Cody heads out to pick up his date for the evening. Reaching his date's house, he stops the car and heads up to knock on the door. Cody smiles when Andrew answers the door, and the urge to give his date a kiss burns in Andrew's heart. He pulls himself back and then closes and locks the house up.

"Ready to go boating?"

Cody asks his date.

"I am more than ready."

Andrew is happy to spend time with Cody away from the clinic. He wants nothing more than to spend a few hours with his guy. Cody and Andrew head out to the lake so they can ride the boats. When they arrive at the lake, Cody and Andrew head to the booth, where you pay for the paddle boats. They get into the paddle boat and head out into the lake. They talk and laugh as they ride around on the lake. After an hour on the lake, their legs are tired, so they head out for dinner.


As they drive out to have dinner, Andrew sees an ice cream shop and decides to have ice cream instead of dinner. Cody is okay with it as long as he gets to have some kind of dinner. They get their ice creams. This is an ice cream parlor that the guys have not been to. Cody enjoys his mango ice cream, and Andrew gets rose-petal ice cream. Most of their talk is just about their lives and time together. After their ice cream, Cody finds a place to eat. It's a food truck that serves comfort food. Cody gets a French dip sandwich and curly fries. Andrew gets a grilled cheese with sweet potato fries. They each got a bottle of water. Cody and Andrew start talking about work and their relationship.


Andrew was wondering how Cody might handle the whole situation at work. He knows what he told him after the call, but it still makes him feel a bit uneasy.

"Cody, is everything settled with me and you at work?"

Cody doesn't know why Andrew is worried about it because he's already told him what was discussed at work. The guy needs to relax, but that is easy for him to say. He isn't the one that could lose his job should things change at work. As he thinks about it, he realizes that Andrew has every right to have concerns.

"I know you are concerned about work and about us, but where we stand right now is that you and I are fine. Trust me when I say that Cody, the doctor, and Cody, the hopeful boyfriend, are one and the same at work. You don't have to worry about being at work. I want you to quit worrying about you and me. We are good. You have no reason to be worried. Everyone in the office wants you there. I want you there, and I care about you."

Cody wanted to say, "I love you.", but the time just didn't feel right. What Cody just said makes Andrew feel slightly better about the whole work thing.

"Do you feel better about us now?"

Andrew nods his head. He loves that Cody considers himself the same no matter the role he plays in Andrew's life. Admittedly, he wants to quit worrying about Cody and him, but honestly, he fears what might happen because of the relationship.

"I do!"

Andrew's doubt has fled his brain and his heart. He's glad that Cody is willing to stand by his side. He plans to be as professional as he can at work. Andrew and Cody decide to head to Andrew's house. On the way to his house, Andrew glances at Cody's eyes.


Andrew glances at Cody's eyes, and when he does, he is instantly mesmerized by the lights in his guy's eyes. He is very much aware of his thoughts in no time, and right now, his thoughts are filled with Cody. All his thoughts are filled with images of what Cody might look like without his clothes on, and at the same time, he's fighting an erection. He wouldn't want the guy he is with to see him with a hard-on. It would be embarrassing; super embarrassing if Cody saw it. Still, though, his thoughts aren't all about sex. He also wants Cody to be his, to be his boyfriend. Cody is everything this nurse could want in a boyfriend, and maybe someday, he might even make a great husband.


When they arrive at the house, Cody and Andrew get inside the house and relax. Andrew has to use the restroom, so he heads to his bathroom. While he is in the bathroom, Cody discovers Andrew's e-reader and begins going through it. He is amazed at the books that are on the reader. They are all gay romance stories. It's not surprising, but it makes him wonder if Andrew ever wishes he was in one of those stories. He is glad that Andrew reads. Maybe, Cody and Andrew could read some of the same books and discuss them. I mean as much as they can anyway.


When Andrew rejoins Cody in the living room. He finds Cody looking at his e-reader.

"Hey, have you read any of those ebooks?"

Andrew says as he sits down next to his date. Cody nods his head.

"Nope, I don't really have time to read. When I get home, it's time to make dinner and or spend time with Chase."

The guys are relaxing a little bit as they sit beside each other. Andrew explains the books that are on his e-reader to his guy. Cody decides to buy an e-reader and then writes down some of the books that Andrew has on his device to buy them later. Maybe he'll try reading himself to sleep at night. Especially on the nights when he dreams of being with his guy. The younger guy looks at Cody and dreams.


The guys may not always see to eye on stuff, but they are beginning to see the light in each other's eyes. They know that they disagree on stuff, and they may always disagree on stuff. The one thing that Andrew is sure of is that they will always come back together when they do have fights or disagreements. Cody has been having the same thoughts. He loves all of these thoughts. Cody is a blessing in his life. Andrew has one idea right now; he wants Cody to spend the night. Course, he also knows that Cody needs to go home to be with his son, who hasn't seen him except for the car ride to Aunt Mia's house.


Andrew looks at the clock, and It says 7:00 pm. It's late, and both men know that Cody needs to get home. Still, Andrew wants Cody to stay.

"Cody, I know that you need to head home so you can spend time with Chase. But I wish you could spend the night with me. I'm not asking for sex, just a chance to sleep with you."

A smile breaks out across Cody's face.

"Do you really mean that?"

The older man asks as he looks at the nurse. The nurse smiles and takes Cody's hands in his hands.

"Yeah, I mean that."

He wants to feel Cody's body next to him in bed. The doctor looks at him and frowns.

"I would love to stay, but I can't, Andrew. I need to pick up my son."

Cody decides that he can't wait around any longer. They say goodnight, and Cody heads out of the house to head home. He needs to head home, and it wears on his heart. Regardless of where they are at and what is going on, Cody and Andrew seem perfect together.


Andrew is sitting at home thinking about Cody. Since their first date, he's learned quite a bit about his guy. Andrew believes that Cody is different from all guys that he has ever come across in his life. Cody has yet to push for sex. Quite the opposite; in fact, Cody will wait till Andrew is ready. He is honorable in every aspect that truly matters. He is sweet. This guy loves being kind and doing nice things for the people in his life. Not to mention, Cody is hot. He's a guy that one can take to a fancy restaurant or go to the beach where he can show off his muscles. There is one other thing that Andrew likes about Cody.


There is something about Cody's smell. Under the right conditions, it can drive Andrew crazy. It might be his cologne, his deodorant, or maybe it is a combination of all two. He's also been near Cody when he's been a little sweaty, and that isn't entirely bad. It's left him craving Cody even more. He grabs the blanket that his man was sitting on the couch when Cody was sitting against it. The blanket is holding Cody's scent. It's driving Andrew slightly crazy. He decides to end the evening and snuggle up with the blanket in his bed. If he can't hold Cody, then he can at least take in his scent.


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