Life Anew

Published on Feb 24, 2022


Life Anew Chapter 10

Warning: This story does not contain any sex. None of the characters are based on real people nor are they meant to resemble any living or dead people.

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Thanks to everyone who has emailed me. It means a lot hearing from you. Please continue reading! There is a lot more to come. I own all rights to this story.

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Copyright © 2018-2022

Life Anew

Chapter 10

Daddy, Can We Go See Andrew?

Chase wakes up and gets ready to have breakfast. He pulls his clothes out of his chest of drawers and then leaves his room. He wants to find his daddy. He finds Cody downstairs in the kitchen, enjoying a cup of coffee. He stands there with clothes in his hands. Looking up at his dad, Chase gets his dad's attention.

"Daddy, are these clothes okay?"

Cody sets his mug down on the counter and then reaches down to take the clothes from his son. One by one, he looks at his son's clothes in his arms. Everything is fine except for the shirt. Cody hands the shirt back and keeps everything else.

"Go get a new shirt, and then come back to me."

Cody tells his son.

"Okay, Daddy!"

Chase wastes no time in getting to his room. He puts the old shirt on his bed and then grabs another shirt. Returning to his dad, he gives his father the new shirt. This time, Cody smiles.

"Looks good, Dude!" Now go to the bathroom and change, then let's get some breakfast in you.?"

Chase vanishes before Cody could even get "You're welcome" to come out of his mouth. When chase comes out of the bathroom, he runs back to the kitchen where his father is still standing.

"What do you want for breakfast?"

Cody asks Chase.

"Can I have oatsmeal?"

Cody smiles as he turns to open the cabinet and pulls out the oatmeal. In just a few minutes, the oatmeal is ready to be eaten. Cody decides to have shredded wheat.

"Ready to eat?"

Cody asks as he grabs the milk out of the fridge. Chase nods his head. Chase watches as his father gets out 2 bowls, 2 spoons, cinnamon, and maple syrup. Cody puts the oatmeal into a bowl and then adds milk, a dash of cinnamon, and just enough maple syrup to give it a little flavor before he stirs it to release some of the heat.

"Here you go!"

Cody says with a smile on his face. Cody and Chase begin to eat. After breakfast, Cody does the dishes and then makes sure Chase brushes his teeth and then brushes his teeth as well. Cody needs to run some errands, and then it's anyone's guess as to what the day might hold.


Cody and Chase are out running errands when Chase looks at his dad.

"Daddy, can we go see Andrew?"

Cody knows that Andrew would welcome them, but it doesn't change that he has things to do before doing something fun. Those errands won't get done if Cody and Chase go see Andrew.

"Not now, Buddy, Daddy has more errands to run. Andrew will have to wait till after I get my errands finished."

Chase isn't exactly happy after hearing Cody's answer to him. It shows on Chase's face.

`I hate when he gives me the sad, puppy eyes.'

Cody won't admit it to anyone, but he sometimes gives into his son's sad, puppy dog eyes. Sometimes, it's easier to meet his wants than at other times. Chase isn't happy, and he stays quiet for a while. His father hates the silence. Chase is allowed to be angry, though. The pouting doesn't make his dad happy, but it is what it is. The last errand is done, but they need to grab something to eat before they get to see Andrew. Dad gets an omelet, and the little guy gets two pancakes and two sausage links. Chase wanted for lunch, and Cody is okay with it. It's now after lunch, and for Chase, it means trying to get what he wants out of his father.


After lunch, Cody and Chase return home to brush their teeth and get ready before Cody calls Andrew. Chase wants to see Andrew, and he looks up at his dad. What he doesn't know is that Cody wants to see Andrew too.

"Daddy, can we please go see Andrew?"

This time, Cody pulls out his phone to call.

"Okay, Chase, I'll call Andrew and see if it's okay to come over to his house."

A smile breaks out on Andrew's face. Cody calls his nurse immediately. Andrew answers the phone quickly.

"Hey Cody, what's going on?"

`It feels good to hear that man's voice.'

Cody thinks to himself as he hears Andrew's voice.

"Not a whole lot; Chase got up this morning, had breakfast, and wanted to see you. Is it okay if we stop by for a little bit?"

Andrew has no problems with Cody and Chase stopping by.

"You guys come over, and we'll figure out something to do once you get here."

Andrew hears Chase's voice and can tell that he's excited. The nurse is smiling at the excited noises he hears from Chase.

"We'll leave here in a little bit."

Cody says as he grabs his keys.

"Okay, then see you soon."

Cody and Chase head out to the car.


Andrew is dying to see Cody and Chase, so he tells Cody to visit. Cody gets ready to head out the door. Chase is more prepared to head out the door. To be honest, that boy has been prepared to see his nurse since he got up this morning. Chase and Cody get back into the car and head out for Andrew's house.

"Thanks, Daddy!" I can't wait to see Andrew."

Chase is excited to see Andrew. Cody is excited to see him too. Course, the guys want to see him for different reasons. Andrew can't wait to visit with them. When they arrive at Andrew's house, Andrew is already at the front door waiting on his guests to arrive. When the car stops, he opens the front door and stands on the steps. Cody gets out of the car and comes around to help Chase get out of the vehicle. The minute that Chase gets out of the car, he makes a run for Andrew.


The little guy hits differently than other kids do. It's mainly because he needs Chase to like him, and he needs to like Chase and Cody. When Chase's father gets out of the car, Andrew gets really excited.

"Are you happy to see me?"

Chase asks his daddy's friend.

"I'm happy to see you."

Cody smiles at his guy's response to his son's question. Chase looks at his dad and then back up at Andrew. He looks at Andrew and immediately asks another question.

"Are you happy to see my daddy?"

Andrew is happy to see his man. He misses his guy when he's not around. Andrew and Cody both miss each other. The adults exchange a hug, and Chase wants in on it also. Andrew gives Chase a hug

"Any idea what you want to do today?"

Andrew asks both Chase and Cody. Chase just wants to spend time with Andrew. He would be happy just to be at the house coloring.

"You know, I know of a park not too far away from my house."

Andrew suggests to the guys. When he does, you can see Chase's eyes light up when he hears the word "park."

"Chase, would you like to go to the park with Andrew?"

Cody asks his son.

Chase's little eyes light up, and he nods his head yes.

"I want to go."

The little kid says, so Cody heads to the car with Andrew and Chase following close behind him. Andrew stops Cody from opening the car and explains that the park is close enough that they don't need to drive there.


They decide to head to the park near Andrew's place. Andrew and Cody hold Chase's hands as they walk to the park. To start with, Chase runs to the swings so that his daddy can push him. It surprised Cody and Andrew that Chase asked his daddy to push him when Andrew is here. After swinging, Chase talked Andrew into playing tag with him. The sound of laughter makes Cody's heart warm.

"Daddy play tag with us?"

Cody wasn't sure he wanted to get in on the game, but he decided to play. He's glad he did, too, because he really did have fun. After running around and chasing his son and Andrew, Cody needed a chance to sit and chill. Apparently, he isn't the only one because he was joined by Andrew and Chase a few minutes later.

"Andrew, did you have fun running around with Chase and me?"

Andrew just stared at Cody. He would say "No!" but he didn't' want to upset Chase.

"I loved it. It was great exercise. Did you have fun, Chase?"

Chase grinned at the nurse.

"I had a lot of fun, but I'm a little tired now."

Chase answers Andrew.

"Do you want to go back to my house now?"

Andrew asked, hoping that maybe Chase might want to go back. Cody looked down at his son, sitting between his dad and Andrew.

"I am. Daddy, can you carry me?"

Cody didn't even answer his son. He just stood up and picked up his son. Andrew followed right behind him. He may not admit this to Cody or anyone else for that matter, but he was taking in Cody's butt. At the moment, Andrew is feeling kind of uncomfortable considering that Chase is looking at him over Cody's shoulders as Andrew looks at that tight ass. After the park, Andrew offers everyone a drink and a small snack, but Andrew isn't ready to just say goodbye, and neither is Cody. Still, Andrew was a little surprised when Cody asked if they would like to go hiking. Both Andrew and Chase agreed that they would like to go hiking.


Andrew grabs everyone a bottle of water, an apple, and a granola bar before they head out to go hiking. The three guys head out to Cody's car. Cody unlocks the car and opens the door first for Andrew, and then comes around to open the door for his son. Chase's dad helped him get into his booster seat and ensured that he was secure in his seat. Cody gets into the car, closes the door, puts his seatbelt on, and then starts up the car.

"I know just the place where we can go hiking."

With that, Cody starts the car, and then he heads out for the place where they are going hiking. It's sandwiched between two different steel mills. It's has a beautiful beach where you can pick up a couple pieces of beach glass. There are a couple of other trails all leading to the beach. Cody figures that they can hike one of the trails, walk the beach, and then hike the other route back to the car. It takes 15 minutes to get to the park. Once they are there, everyone gets out.

"Wow, this is different."

Andrew says as he looks at the scenery. He looks across the river and sees a steel mill. As they walk, Cody and Andrew hold Chase's hand. It doesn't take long for them to reach the point where the trail turns to the west and heads towards the beach. Cody turns to face the river in the direction they just came from and sees a couple of boats coming up the river towards the lake. He points to the river as the boats appear in their sight.

"Look at the boats!"

Chase watches as the boats come closer. He gets super excited and waves at the people on the boats, and he gets even more excited when they wave back.

"They waved at me!"

Everyone watches the boats as they pass by in front of them.

"Wow, I would love to own one of those boats."

Andrew says to Cody and Chase. Cody could afford a boat but isn't about to buy one. They stay in their spot as one more boat passes by them. They move on till they get to the beach from watching the boats.

"Andrew, this beach usually has pieces of beach glass on it, so if you want some, pick it up."

Cody told Andrew as he looked down at the sand and strolled across the beach. Andrew does the same thing while holding Chase's hand. Altogether, they find 9 pieces, 3 for each group member. They finish walking across the beach and start on the next trail. At this point, Chase looks at his dad and asks to be picked up. Cody picks him up. Cody and Andrew start walking the path back to the car. When they get to the vehicle, Cody unlocks the car, and then Cody opens up the car door for Andrew, goes to the other side of the car, and opens one of the passenger car doors in the back for Chase. Chase and Andrew get into the car. Chase receives help with the booster seat from his father. Cody closes the door, and then he heads to his driver's side front door. He gets in, closes the door, and sticks the key in so he can start the car.


He starts the car and heads off towards Andrew's house. When they get there, Andrew invites everyone in to use the bathroom and throw their stuff away. Everyone gets out of the car and heads inside once Andrew unlocks the house.

"Andrew, I need to go poop."

Andrew and Cody take the little guy to the bathroom.

"Here you go, Chase. We'll be in the living room."

Andrew goes into the master bedroom. Cody watches as his son enters the bathroom and closes the door. He waits to hear that his son is done. After several minutes, Chase walks out to find his dad and Andrew. Seeing his dad and Andrew in the living room, he wonders what they are doing. He then surprises both his dad and Andrew.

"Andrew, do you want to kiss my daddy? Because if you want to, you can."

Cody's face is red, as is Andrew's face.

"Chase, Andrew doesn't need your permission to kiss me. If he wants to kiss me, he can when he is ready."

Andrew is more than ready to kiss Cody.

`What would Cody think if I tried to kiss him in front of his son?'

Chase looks sad and a little confused.

"Don't you want to kiss my daddy?"

Cody doesn't look happy. He wants his son to just be quiet. Still, it is cute.

`I wonder what is going through Andrew's head right now.'

Cody thinks to himself.

"Andrew, I'm sorry if Chase embarrassed you."

Andrew just smiles and gets down to Chase's level.

"Don't worry, I got this."

The nurse says as he winks at Cody. There was something about that wink that was sexy. It certainly didn't go unnoticed by the good doctor.

"Chase, tell Andrew goodbye We need to go home."

By looking at Chase's face, you can tell that he doesn't want to go home, but he follows his dad's instructions anyway. Andrew gives him a hug, and in return, he gets a kiss from Chase.

"Bye Chase, be good for Daddy!"

Chase smiles at Andrew, and then the little guy joins his father by the front door.

"Daddy, give him a hug."

Cody smiled at his son's command.

"Okay, Andrew, my hands are tied. I guess I have to give you a hug."

Cody gives Andrew the kind of hug that can make the blood flow below the waist. Andrew can smell the cologne that Cody wears with a mix of Cody's own manly scent.

"Bye, Andrew!"

Cody tells Andrew.

"Bye Cody, bye Chase! Take care, guys!"

Cody and Chase head outside and head for the car. Andrew watches them leave, and he's feeling kind of sad. He always feels this way when Cody leaves. Cody drives off and heads for home.


At home, Chase lays down for a nap which he rarely does. Cody, on the other hand, calls his mom. He wanted his mom to know about the date because he was feeling crazy. Something for him changed on this date. It might have been when Andrew gave him that wicked little wink. Whatever it was, it got Cody to want to make some moves on Andrew. He gets out his phone and sits down in the living room. Cody immediately calls his mom. She answers the phone just as quickly as Cody calls her.

"Hi Cody, what's going, my son?"

Her son calls her at least twice a week when he can.

"Chase wanted to see Andrew so, I called, and Andrew was okay with us coming over so, we did. We went to a park near Andrew's house, and then we went hiking. Chase asked Andrew if he wanted to kiss me while we were at his house."

He paused his speaking to see if his mom had anything to say about it.

"Did you and Andrew blush?"

His mother asked.

"I did, and Andrew did too at first. He then got down to Chase's level and said something to Chase; he looked at me and winked at me. When he did, I felt a warmth radiate through me. After that, Chase and I went home."

It's just kind of crazy how that wink made him feel. His mom smiles, hoping that her son wants to spend time alone with his man. Maybe, it's just her wanting her son to be happy and to give her grandson another parent so that Cody has another option when it comes to child care. Mom and son say goodbye, and Cody goes and reads and relaxes.


Andrew is left with his feelings. He cannot forget what Chase said to him. It would be easy to ignore the comment, except that Andrew really did want to kiss the good doctor. He knows that the doctor treats him really well. Ethan is a louse. It bothers him that he allowed himself to be treated like crap by the guy. Ethan never said it directly, but his attitude was that no one would touch him after he was through with him. After this date, he feels much better about his chances with Cody. The man likes him, and he likes Cody too. There is also the little guy to think about, and after Chase's question, how can he not want to be with Cody.


The next day at work, Andrew is on a break, and he's stuck on the desire to kiss his doctor and be Cody's boyfriend. It all boils down to that question that Chase asked him. It's been ringing in his ears ever since he heard that question. Jennifer sees him staring blankly at the wall of the break room. This time, she keeps her thoughts to herself. Somehow, she knows that his thoughts are on Cody. A fact that makes her smile because it means there is still hope. If Lady Fate smiles on them, everything will be right in the world. Andrew turns to see Jennifer staring at him. He has no clue what the wink was, but it came with a wave of positive energy. With that, Andrew has his first patient of their break.


Cody has been giving him space so that he doesn't have to worry about being unprofessional, but it bugs him a little. All Cody wants to do is steal a hug at a quiet point in the day. Their time together yesterday really has Cody wanting more time with Andrew while also wanting to not make him feel alienated. He doesn't want to send him running away from him. He wants to steal some time away so he can be alone with him so that he can kiss him and make Chase's words come true. Something about being around him has Cody wondering if he could afford to cancel a day of appointments just to spend time with Andrew.

`No, I can't do that. I would be pissed if a doctor did that to me.'

All thoughts of canceling appointments for no other reason than to see Andrew quickly melted into nothingness.


Cody is on lunch when Chase calls.

"Daddy, did you kiss him?"

Cody knows that he's talking about Andrew.

`What is it with him asking about me wanting to kiss Andrew.'

If he kisses Andrew at work, issues could pop up that neither Andrew nor Cody want to deal with, so he'll avoid kissing him at work.

"No, Chase, I haven't kissed him. Daddy and Andrew aren't going to be kissing at work."

Cody answers his son, and Chase responds.


There is a hint of sadness in the boy's voice. Chase doesn't understand why his daddy doesn't want to kiss Andrew. If he loves him, then why won't he kiss him. He just doesn't get it.

"You being good for Grandma?"

He has been doing okay.

"Yeah, I've been good."

Hearing that from his son gave Cody a reason to smile.

"Sounds like someone earned some ice cream after I pick him up."

Chase tells his grandma that he is getting ice cream with Daddy.

"Daddy, can I talk to Andrew?"

Andrew isn't in the clinic right now. He had to run some errands.

"I'm afraid he stepped out for a bit.

His grandmother saw the little boy's heart drop. Chase isn't crying, but his heart did sink a little.

"Okay, Daddy!"

Chase said to Cody.

"I need to go, Buddy. See you later, Chase. Daddy loves you."

Cody can't wait to see his kiddo. Chase can't wait to see his Daddy.

"Bye, Daddy! Love you."

Cody ends the call and then finishes his lunch. In the end, he goes back to his lunch.


Cody still can't stop worrying over Andrew and Chase. Maybe, he'll stop worrying when Andrew is his husband. Right now, though, he is worried that with Chase's interest in Andrew, his son might get hurt if Andrew walks away. Cody is sure that it won't happen, but it is a concern. If Andrew leaves him in the dust, it will hurt him and Chase. Andrew doesn't want to break the kid, and he doesn't want to hurt Cody.


Cody is sitting in the clinic's office. He is writing in his little calendar about the thoughts he had earlier about Andrew and Chase. Lisa happens to glance at it.

"Cody, I think you should throw that page away. It's not going to happen. I promise you Andrew loves you."

All Cody can do is smile.

"Thanks, Lisa!"

Cody is happy to hear that, but he still worries.

"You're welcome, Boss."

Something is about to happen that will change everything.


Andrew is out running errands when he receives a text from someone.

"I know that you're dating someone new."

He has no clue who sent this, and he has no idea what it means. Is this a bad thing or a good thing? Andrew is worried about the text. He copies the text and then sends it to Jennifer, Cody, and Jason. Jason is the first one to text him back.

"Did Ethan send that?"

Andrew stares at the comment and wonders if maybe it's Andrew's ex. Andrew can't prove that it's from Ethan, so he'll just let it go. Jennifer simply texts back with a question mark. He doesn't know how to respond to it.

"I have no clue."

If it is from Ethan, should he anticipate trouble from him? He hopes not. Cody texts last.

"Are you thinking this is your ex?"

Now, Andrew is apprehensive about it. He doesn't know what to think.

"It could be."

Cody is worried for his guy.

"If it is, we'll deal with it."

Cody tells Andrew, and he means it. Andrew puts it aside and heads back to the clinic.


After dinner in the Gaines household, Chase seeks out his dad to ask a question.

"Daddy, can we go see Andrew?"

Cody isn't about to drive out to Andrew's house. It's a bit too late in the evening for Chase to be visiting anyone.

"How about if I see if Andrew can video chat with you?"

He hopes this will be a good compromise for his son.

"Okay, Daddy."

Cody is glad that the compromise is okay with his son.

"I need to text Andrew to see if it's okay to video chat."

Cody tells his son.

"Hurry, Daddy!"

Chase is being a little impatient. He really wants to see Andrew.

"Hey Andrew, is it okay if Chase video chats with you?"

The text is sent and received.

"That is fine; I'll put on a shirt and sit at the kitchen table. Give me 2 minutes, okay?"

Andrew's text comes through just fine. Cody hopes that Chase will be okay waiting two minutes.

"Andrew says you have to give him two minutes. Okay?"

Chase just stares at his dad for a second.


Chase says. He wants to tell Andrew all kinds of things. Cody sets up his tablet so that his son can speak with the guy that he wants to be his boyfriend. He opens the app that they'll use to communicate with each other. Someday, Cody hopes that he'll be able to speak with Cody from the comfort of his bedroom. He isn't sure when they'll be able to do this but someday soon, maybe. Cody texts his son to sit on the couch and places the tablet on the coffee table. In the blink of an eye, Andrew is on the screen, and Chase smiles.

"Hi, Andrew!"

The little boy is happy with his friend.

"Hey Chase, Hey Cody!"

Andrew assumes that his Daddy isn't too far away if Chase is on the screen.

"Hey, Andrew!"

Cody's voice can be heard, but he can't be seen.

"Your daddy said that you wanted to talk to me. What's going on?"

Andrew doesn't know what's going to come out of this kid's mouth, so he's ready for anything.

"I just miss you. I wanted to see."

That put a smile on Andrew's face, and the smile wasn't wasted on Chase's dad. No one has connected this way with his son. None of the guys Cody has ever dated has wanted to spend time with his son. There have been no special phone calls and definitely no video calls.

`I know Andrew liking Chase is a way to my heart, but he really seems to enjoy being around him, and more importantly, Chase enjoys being around him. I guess that will make things easier when we start dating or when Andrew moves in with us.'

Cody's mind dwells on Andrew and Chase for a second.

"I miss you too. Did you have fun at the park today?"

Andrew asks the little boy.

"Yeah, I liked playing tag with you and Daddy, and I liked swinging."

Chase answers the young man. Andrew would love to do a picnic at the park someday.

"Do you like my daddy?"

Cody is tempted to end the call right there. He doesn't, though, because he wants to see where this is headed. He also wants to see how Andrew handles this. Andrew isn't sure if he should answer or not, but he decides to go ahead and answer him.

"Yeah, I like your daddy."

Andrew's face isn't red because it's not really embarrassing. He doesn't need to worry either because Cody already knows Andrew likes him. Chase smiles at the nurse's response. Cody's heart melts a little bit. Cody loves to hear those words coming from Andrew. Andrew can hear whispering from the other end of the screen. Chase's face doesn't look all that happy right now.

"Daddy says that I have to go. I love you, Andrew."

Now it's Andrew's turn for his heart to melt, and it does instantly.

"Bye Chase, Bye Cody!"

Andrew's screen goes black. He's happy, though, because he didn't get a goodbye from Cody.


As Cody is winding down Chase's bedtime routine, he gets a surprise from Chase in the form of a question.

"Daddy, can Andrew come live with us?"

Chase asks his daddy with a serious face. Cody knows he has to address the question, but he doesn't know exactly what to say to him.

"Chase, I'm not sure that Andrew wants to live with us right now."

Chase looks a little sad. He throws yet another question to his daddy,

"But he said that he likes you, and he said that he loved me?"

His father is very much aware of what Andrew said. He also knows that they aren't exactly dating just yet. Cody wishes that he could call Andrew his boyfriend.

"Chase, he does like me, and I like him too, but we aren't ready to move in together."

Chase just has to accept what his dad said to him. For now, Chase is lying in bed and falling asleep as his dad watches. Cody heads off to his bedroom.


While Cody is putting his son to bed, Andrew ponders the conversation he had with Chase. He loved hearing from Cody's little boy. The fact that the kiddo missed him was incredible. He knows that he isn't Chase's stepdad, so he had to tread lightly, but he also knows that Cody knows he wouldn't hurt Chase. He'll be there any time that Chase needs him. Cody hopefully trusts him to be if Chase does need him. He's glad that Chase had fun out at the park. He did too, and it was an excellent memory to stash away for whenever a bad day comes around. Course, Cody made it all possible. When Chase tells Andrew that he missed him, Andrew's heart is about burst. Chase's last question wasn't a surprise, and yet it hit him. Did Chase know the answer to the question, or did he need reassurance? It was okay to ask, and Andrew answered as honestly as possible. If nothing else, they had a short talk, and maybe it helped to cement a relationship or friendship with the kiddo. He just wishes that Cody had spent more time in front of the camera.


Cody is in bed, wanting nothing more than to hear his guy's voice. He wrestles with calling Andrew, not sure if Andrew would be awake when he called. Cody decides to chance it, and he calls anyway. When Andrew sees the number pop up on his phone, he immediately picks up the phone.

"Hey Cody, what's going on?"

Andrew asks his favorite guy.

"I...I just wanted to hear your voice. Is that weird?"

Cody tells the guy that is currently driving crazy in a good way. He just wants to spend some time with Andrew. It's possible that he just wants to talk with someone that isn't a kid.

"No, I think it's actually a little romantic. How are you doing?"

Andrew wants to know how his guy is doing. His boss's voice is relaxing, and it does have a hint of something else in it. Cody feels the same way too about hearing Andrew's voice.

"You know, I am doing pretty good. Chase is in bed, and I was sitting in bed doing some reading, and you kept popping into my mind. Guess I was supposed to call you."

Now not only is Andrew dealing with hearing his crush's voice, but now he is imagining what Cody would look like in his underwear. In his mind, Cody wears briefs that are filled to perfection, and it's the only thing that Cody is wearing, to be honest.

"I'm glad that you called me. It was really nice having our excursion to the park with Chase, and the hiking was pretty cool. I had a blast with you guys today. I wish that we would have had spent more time together."

Cody couldn't agree more with Andrew. It did feel pretty amazing. For sure, their next date had to be spent with just the adults hanging out.

"It was nice to just be out of the house, and the fact that we spent it with you just made it perfect. Did you really have to get him playing tag? Man, I was tired by the end of that."

Cody's last comment got a chuckle from Andrew.

"Is the good doctor out of shape?"

Andrew threw that out to Cody. Cody takes the sting. He's glad that Andrew feels comfortable enough to throw a sting out at him.

"Hey, I'm in perfect shape. I'm pretty sure that I could carry you like I did with Chase."

Andrew will be the first one to agree with Cody. He is in perfect shape. Cody laughs loudly, and shortly after that, a little boy shows up in his dad's bedroom. He had a look of concern on his face.

"Daddy, you okay? Who were you laughing at?"

Cody wasn't expecting Chase to wake up. Chase was being totally serious when he asked the first question.

"Is that Chase talking to you?"

Andrew asked.

"Yeah, I think my laughing woke him up. I need to answer his questions really quick."

Cody answers his guy, and then he turns to his son to answer his questions.

"Daddy is fine, Chase. I am talking to Andrew, but you need to go back to bed. Do you want me to come to sit with you, or are you okay?"

Cody wanted to be sure that Chase was okay before continuing his conversation.

"I'm okay, Daddy. I was just worried."

Chase was worried about his daddy. Cody is hoping that his son will go to sleep and not go into the room to play.

"Okay, you need to head to bed."

Andrew can only imagine being there and hearing Chase worry over his dad just for laughing. Cody watches his son leave his room and heads back to bed. Cody is tired, and he's ready to say good night to Andrew.

"Andrew, I don't want to keep you from sleeping, so I'll let you go."

Andrew isn't ready to head off to bed. He wants to be with Cody, but he can't, so it's best to just head off to sleep after saying goodbye.

"Night, Cody!"

Cody also doesn't want to say goodbye. He knows, though, that he, too, needs to head off to bed.


Cody's mind is replaying the events that lead to tonight. His dream touches his soul and makes him want to feel in love. It feels good to just be here, to here in puppy love or whatever this is that he's experiencing with Andrew. Cody knows that something about Andrew makes him feel so good. Andrew is cute funny, and Chase loves him, so it's all good. There is also Andrew's past that makes Cody's heart feel for him. He just wants to see where this thing goes. He wants to love this man, to cherish him.


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Next: Chapter 12

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