Life Anew

Published on Apr 5, 2023


Life Anew Chapter 12

Life Anew

Chapter 12 -- Part 1

Cody Can't Keep

Cody knows that he has to arrive a little earlier to work today to discuss the outcome of their meeting yesterday. Cody is trying so hard to keep himself together. He wants Doctor Hartman to know the aftermath of the meeting. He must get up and ready his kiddo to head out the door. Cody and Doctor Hartman don't usually schedule meetings together unless it's super important. Cody drops his son at his mom's and hurries to the clinic. He gets into the meeting, and then things get serious. He enters the clinic and heads to the break room to meet with Doctor Hartman.

"Cody, how are you doing today?"

The older man can see that Cody is dragging a bit. It's true, too; he is a bit ragged.

"I'm fine but didn't get much sleep last night. I tried hard to sleep."

The other doctor can see that something is up with him.

"Did you speak with Andrew yesterday?"

Cody shakes his head in the affirmative. Doctor Hartman smiles.

"We did talk. I cleared up some rumors. I told him that you didn't accept his transfer and that we all agreed that he should stay with me. Which is really what I wanted all along. Andrew seems okay with it. Well, see how things go. I don't expect changes immediately, but we'll see how it goes."

Doctor Hartman agrees that Cody shouldn't expect miracles.

"Are you okay as a couple?"

Cody smiles as he looks at the doctor's face. Doctor Hartman heads off to meet his first patient of the day, and Cody prepares for his meeting.


The meeting starts right on time. Andrew looks happier this morning compared with the last few days. Cody got a cute smile and a wink from his boyfriend. It certainly lifted Cody's spirits a bit. Maybe, they are doing better than Cody thought. He's glad they 0talked yesterday but still worried about where they may be headed. There is something in the air, and it feels great. Cody reviews the patients for the day with his crew, and then it is time for their patients, so he sends everyone off.


There have been 4 patients already, and Cody wants to kiss his man so badly. It is absolutely crazy the way that sexy guy makes Cody feel. Lucky for him, Cody is focused on his job because otherwise, it wouldn't be good for either of them. One stray thought and Cody would end up with an erection, and that would be it. Cody would need to find a new career or move. He could not walk around with a stiff in his scrubs. Still, having Andrew around him is what he wanted. He'll just have to deal with this and be okay with it. Andrew is happy to be back; it will take time for him to find a way past being so focused on being professional. Though it may seem like today has been good for both guys, there have been times when they have struggled and been unhappy.


The ladies in the office have noticed that things aren't going as smoothly as they had hoped. With each patient Andrew and Cody see, their moods seem to be affected. Andrew seems to be falling back into his bad habits, and Cody is noticing that his boyfriend is regressing into his bad habit. Cody can't stop to encourage his babe, and it pains him a bit. Cody knows that the ladies are seeing this, and fretting a bit, so he tries to signal Jennifer to step up and be his mouthpiece. It works because she gets approaches Andrew, as he passes by her.

"Andrew, relax! Cody loves you and cares for you. He would kiss you, but he can't because he is with a patient."

It's nice to know that the ladies care for them.

"Thanks, Jennifer, for caring about us. I appreciate it."

Having friends is good, and her words are not wasted on him. Knowing his baby loves and cares about him also feels good. They have to get back to their patients.


Cody is on a short break in his office when his cell phone goes off.

"Hello, Doctor Gaines here."

The phone is quiet for a second.

"Hello, Cody, Caden Bishop here. How are you?"

Cody doesn't know exactly what to say or not say. He wants to tell Caden about the phone call with Ethan. He also wants to tell him about the meeting. More importantly, he wants to tell him about Andrew.

"I'm good, but things are starting to wear on me. Andrew has been super professional, doing his best to hide our love from my patients, and in the process, he's been pushing me away. By the way, I called your ex in response to a rumor about Andrew."

What Caden says surprises Cody and touches his heart as well.

"Cody, when everything happened between Ethan and me. I wanted so badly to blame Andrew, and I did for a while, but eventually, that all faded. I realized that Andrew flirted with Ethan, but Ethan could have ignored him and focused his attention on Riley and me. He chose to react to Andrew's flirting. What was the rumor, if you don't mind me asking?"

The doctor has no problem rehashing the short conversation between Ethan and him.

"So I caught wind of a rumor about Andrew and Ethan. Supposedly, Andrew was on duty and disappeared into one of the restrooms with Ethan. I took a chance and called Ethan. Ethan told me that the events in the rumor never happened; however, he also told me that it's possible someone started that rumor."

Caden knows that Ethan would start a rumor to hurt someone. He's learned that Ethan will do whatever he needs to get what he wants. He needs to let Cody know something that hopefully will make everything okay.

"Cody, I need you to listen to what I am about to say. Don't let Andrew slip away from you. Never and I mean never, let him give up on you; likewise, don't allow yourself to give up on him."

Those words hit him hard, especially that last part of the sentence. Cody knew that he didn't want to ever let go of Andrew unless they agreed to leave each other.

"I need to go, Caden, but I promise I won't let Andrew go unless we mutually agree to break up."

Caden is putting his trust in Cody's hands. The doctor has to keep his promise. Caden knows that Andrew and Cody are meant to be. He also knows that Ethan and Andrew never had a chance. Caden believes that Andrew was just a reason to get at him. Caden ends the call, and Cody heads to get back to work.


Cody leaves the office and gets ready to see his next patient. As he passes by Andrew, he receives a goofy-ass smile. It's friendly, maybe a bit too friendly from Andrew. The doctor likes the smile, but it's the only smile he'll get from his boyfriend today. Perhaps, he should just accept it and carry on; sadly, it's not even lunch. He pushes through until lunch. He's looking forward to having lunch with his boyfriend, but Andrew never joins him in his office. Andrew eats by himself in his car. He thought things would be different, but maybe Andrew wasn't honest with him. Maybe that goofy smile was a tease. Then he remembers Caden's words, and he pulls him back into Andrew's arms.


Andrew and Cody have a tension between them, and it's not helping either of them. The Andrew he first met seems a distant memory at the moment. Cody wants what; he wants something that he can't have right now. He wants Andrew. He wants him right here. He wants him in his arms. He would be happy to have him even if it means crying together. Tension is mounting, really mounting. Something has got to break. The rest of the day goes off, with Cody simultaneously upset and worried. Finally, it's the end of the day, and everyone has gone home, and Cody has to go and be a dad when all he wants is to be with his boyfriend.


Cody arrives at his mom's house.

"Hi, Mom!"

His mom can see the baggage on her son's shoulder but isn't addressing it now. It's best to let Cody contact her if he needs her.

"Hey, Mom, is Chase ready?"

She smiles at her son and then calls out to her grandson that Daddy is here.

"Hey, kiddo, are you hungry? Because I am starving, kiddo."

Chase gives his dad a smile.

"I could eat a T-Rex."

Chase has been on a dinosaur kick lately. Cody can appreciate his son's hunger, but some of his personal hunger could be just wanting to spend time with him. Hopefully, Chase won't ask him about his nurse. Cody decides they will eat out tonight, a rare treat. After an early dinner, there is still just enough time to go swing, which makes Chase happy, and tonight Cody just wants to make his son happy. So an hour at the park is no big ordeal. It's what happens at home that may become the ordeal.


Daddy and son arrive at home. Cody looks at his watch, and it's 6:00 pm. He'll have a couple hours with his kiddo and then have time to talk with his guy.

"Daddy, are you okay?"

Chase can tell that something isn't right with his dad. He just doesn't know what is wrong. Would it be fair for Cody to say to him that Andrew has been ignoring him? Cody chooses to keep things quiet and make up something. He doesn't want to tarnish Andrew in the eyes of his son.

"Daddy's just tired, Buddy."

He hates lying to his son. It would be nice if Andrew called before Chase went to sleep. The little guy would love to talk to his nurse.

"You want to go to bed?"

Chase is trying to be nice. He doesn't want his daddy to be tired, but how would he feel if he was told that Andrew isn't acting right towards the adult in the house.

"No, I want to hang out with you, Buddy."

The fact that he wants to hang out with his son makes the little guy so happy. For the next little bit, dad and son read a couple of books and then sit down and do some puzzles. The whole time, Cody thought that his boyfriend might text or call, but it's almost time to put his son to sleep, so if he does call, he'll have to leave a message. Andrew still hasn't called, and it's wearing on him badly. He needs to be a dad and put his son to sleep. So he gathers up his son and starts Chase's bedtime routine. Cody has given up on Andrew. He'll stay up till 10:00 because it's a shorter day tomorrow, and then he can do whatever needs to be done.

"Good night Chase! Daddy loves you."

Chase smiles at his dad.

"Love you too, Daddy!"

His dad smiles at the words from his son. Things are good.

Next: Chapter 15

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