Life Changes

By Paul R

Published on Jan 5, 1999


Please read and enjoy. If you want to forward this, feel free to, but just do not do it for profit. This story is not to put on a Web Site that is access for profit. It can be distributed freely,


------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Chapter 1

Well, let's explain how things came about here the last few years, just so that you will know how this has all happened to me.

I was a "Dumpster Diver", which is to say that I would take off on a bicycle at night, cruising through the various Apartment Complexes and look in the Trash Dumpsters. I would find a variety of things, but was always looking for Ladies clothing. I had an infinity for wearing Ladies clothes, from the time that I was a little boy.

My infinity with Ladies clothes comes from when I was in the first grade, and found a pair of Ladies underwear in a trash can on the walk to school.

I wore them and was addicted to the silkiness of the underclothes ever since.

With that fascination came the thoughts that I wished that I was a woman, for living in a man's world is not fun for me, and like most people, I always wished that I was someone else instead of the person that I was.

I came from a family of two sisters, who were much older than me, and so I was raised as a boy, but with the feminine aspect always around me. I never felt like I was gay, even though I sometimes would wonder. I did have a gay friend once though, but he was very turned off by those who were dressed in "Drag", and so I took it that a transvestite is not one who is appreciated by the "Gay" community.

Anyway, enough about me, let's get on with the story.

One night, while I was Dumpster Diving, I came across a dumpster that had a whole lot of clothes, neatly wrapped in clean garbage bags. There was all types of woman's clothes, including shoes, make-up, and various other things that a woman much needed in their life. I wondered why all the clothes were there, but I always found a whole lot of clothes from time to time in dumpsters, so I just figured that someone had moved away and so they had thrown away the clothes that either did not fit or that were just not wanted any more.

So, as I was tearing into the sacks, I found that the clothes looked like pretty nice ones, with nicely taken cared of skirts, and blouses. I looked into the ones that I knew had shoes in them, and there were nice shoes, most with rather tall heels, 4" and above, and some sandals and a couple pair of tennis shoes.

The sack with the make-up had all types of make-up in it, along with various other goodies, like tampons, napkins, a host of soaps and cleansers, razors and blades, various hair things, and then there was 3 nice Butt Plugs of various sizes, and two Dildos, one that was very big and long, and the other that was of normal size. Also there was three different vibrators, all looking very enticing.

I continued looking through the other sacks, and found the one with lingerie in it. I thought that I was in Heaven! There was all types of garter belts, hosiery, panties (most which were thongs), bras, slips, negligees, body suits, and corsets. My heart throbbed with the anticipation! I was so excited that I almost came right then and there.

In the lingerie sack there was a box with a set of matching panties, a garter belt, a bra, a slip and a pair of black hose. These were all black with little pictures of white bats on them. They were of fine quality satin, and I knew that I had to try them on right then and there.

So I crawled into the dumpster, and looked around to see if anyone was in view, which I didn't think they would be because it was about 2:30 in the morning, but it always pays not to be humiliated and not to have to explain anything that one would not want to really know about. With no one in view, I went ahead and took off my jeans, and since I already had on panties, I went ahead and took them off too because I just had to see if the whole set would fit. That left me with just my T-shirt on in case anyone came driving into the parking lot and happened to see me in the dumpster.

So I slipped the panties over my thighs, about to come with the raging hard-on that I possessed, and felt the silkiness of the exquisite material.

They did not feel tight, and so that sort of surprised me, but as horny as I was, the thought quickly left my mind. I then decided to try the bra on, so I took a quick look and seen that no one was around, laid out the bra and the slip, and squatted down in the dumpster and took off my T-shirt. I put the bra around my stomach, and got the catch hooked, then slid the bra around my belly, and slipped my arms through the straps. I knew that I was in heaven, for the bra was a perfect fit, with nicely padded cups, and it did not even cut into my flesh. I then slipped the slip over my head, and putting my arms through the straps just could not believe that there was not any bind at all against my body. The slip was a short little chemise, and was simply marvelous. I was so excited, it was all I could do not to beat off right then and there. I put my T-shirt back on, then looked over the edge of the dumpster to see if anyone was around. Ensuring that I was still all alone, I then pulled the garter belt out, and putting it around my waist, and getting the catch on the back connected, twisted it around so it was right. I decided to put the straps down through the legs of the panties, like it should be worn, and then proceeded to dig out the stockings. I put on one, and felt a strange sensation starting to come over me, but I just sort of shook it off, and figured it was due to the excitement of the clothes that I had on, so I got the other stocking out and got it onto my leg.

It was then that the strange sensation intensified, and my head started spinning. I started feeling really strange all over my body, and then my guts started feeling like they were getting ripped out of my body. That was when everything went black.......

Slowly I woke up, feeling like some one had kicked me real hard in the head, sort of like a massive hang over. I felt really strange, and quite different. I did realize that I was still in the dumpster, and that I had on the lingerie that I had found. I laid there for a little while, and started feeling a little better. That was when I raised my hand and realized that things were very different with my body. As I reached up and grabbed the edge of the dumpster, raising myself up into the sitting position, I found that I now had some pretty long hair. It brushed against my face, and hung down to my new breasts. My hands were a lot smaller, and there was a definite shift in my upper chest. I reached up and felt my chest, and knew then that the changes were quite drastic, for there was two nice sized breasts there now. As I reached down to my crotch, I knew in the back of my mind what I was going to feel, and was not mislead, for where my dick had been earlier, with it's raging hard-on, was just smoothness.

Panic started coursing its way through my mind, and so I gradually raised up, and looked over the edge of the dumpster. No one was in sight, so I felt relieved that I would not be found out at that moment. I then realized that the watch that I was wearing was loose and sliding up my arm, so I went ahead and took it off as I gathered my thoughts.

I sat there for a few minutes, trying to analyze the situation that I was in, and looked at my body in the moonlight. I found the flashlight that I had been using, and about went blind as I turned it on, but that was short lived. I checked the watch, and apparently I had been out for about an hour. I knew that I had a couple of hours before any one would be out and around, so I decided that I needed to work out a plan as to what I was going to do next.

I dug around through the clothes and found the sack containing the lingerie, and found a white bra that was nice and lacy, and while it was a little revealing, it was also quite sensuous. I then found a white thong that had about the same lace on it as the bra, and then I started taking off the lingerie that got me into this mess.

I took off the hose, and the garter belt, and picked up a purse that had fallen out of one of the sacks. I put these into the purse, then slid the T-shirt over my head and laid it aside. I took off the slip, then reached around my back and unhooked the bra. I was pleasantly surprised when my breasts popped right out and were pert and cheery. I put the bra and slip into the purse as well. I then put on the white bra, hooking it in the front, and rotating it to where the cups were in the front, and slipped my arms through the straps. I then grabbed up the T-shirt and put it back on.

I could wear it for a dress in my present size, so it covered up everything quite well. I took of the panties, and put them into the purse, and then slid the thong up my legs. I felt really sexy in my present state, and was beginning to be quite aroused.

I reached down and rubbed my pussy with my hand, and that sent stabs of ecstasy through my veins. I gently reached up with my other hand and massaged my breast, as I was stroking my pussy through my panties. I had never been so excited in my life, for now my wildest dreams seemed to be taking place. I had always wanted to be a woman, and now it seemed that I had actually fallen into those graces!

I then decided I had better get with a plan. I looked around and decided that I would be needing the clothes that I had found, since I did not have anything that would fit me at my house. I also knew that I needed a way to get the clothes back to my house, especially since I had been digging through the dumpsters on a bicycle, and I was a couple of miles from home.

I dug through a couple of the sacks, and found a pair of shorts, the silky racing type, and then slid them up my shapely legs. I then kept digging around and found a T-shirt, one that would fit a whole lot like it should, instead of being like the dress of the one that I had on currently. I slid the old T-shirt over my head and put the one from the dumpster on. It only came down just below my breasts, and was almost skin tight. I really felt like a vixen now, and almost naked even though I was fully clothed. I now knew how women felt while they were wearing much the same clothes.

I remembered seeing the tennis shoes in another one of the sacks, so I started looking for a pair of them. I came up with several pairs of high heels, then finally found a pair of the tennis shoes. I was in luck too, for inside one of the tennis shoes there was a pair of socks, apparently clean, and so that ended the thought that I would have had about socks, not that it had even crossed my mind. I had not thought about it, but after I got the socks and shoes on, I realized that they too were quite small, and fit my feet perfectly. Nothing like being correctly proportioned.

I grabbed the edge of the dumpster, and got myself out of there without any problem. I closed the lids, and went over to the bicycle, and then it dawned on me how much larger the bike seemed than it had earlier. I lowered the seat all the way down, and put up the kick stand, and leaned the bike over so I could mount it. I realized quickly that the center bar was much too high, and so I thought about the possibility of injuring myself on it, but then sort of chuckled when I thought about that I used to be worried about hitting my nuts, but that would no longer be a problem.

Thinking about how to get the bicycle to work out for me, I decided to sort of get it rolling, and then hike myself up onto the seat. Doing so was easy, but I still missed the low point on the pedals by a good two or three inches, making my butt slide from side to side as I tried to peddle. It only took about a block of riding to realize that the seat was really exciting my pussy, and so it was going to take a lot of concentration to try to ride the bicycle home. Luckily for me there was not hardly any traffic out at that time, only a couple of police cars, which made my mind race, and a couple of people getting to work which I supposed was the really early shift. No one took notice of me as I pedaled my way down the street though, and so while it was exciting to my pussy, I kept trying to push those thoughts out of my mind so I wouldn't fall off the bicycle.

I kept noticing how excited I was though, and could feel my crotch getting moist with every stroke of the pedals. It was all I could do to keep my mind on the road and not get so turned on that I would fall off the bicycle. That was when it struck me that I did not have any identification on me. In fact, I thought, as far as everything else was, I was still a man. I did not have a driver's license, any insurance, no social security number, no job, and had no idea how to go about getting all those things set up, for I did not even have a birth certificate!

I panicked again, and about fell off the bicycle. But then I decided it was much too late to worry about all that right now, so I tried my best to get it out of my mind. I figured that things would work out some how, but just how that would be was beyond my thinking right now.

When I got home, I realized that I had left my keys in my jeans, which were still in the dumpster. I panicked again, but then realized that I had a spare set of keys in the house for the van, and that I could get into the house by using the remote for the garage door that was outside.

I got into the garage, and put the bicycle up. I then went inside, and realized that I had to pee really badly, so I headed for the toilet. I flipped on the light, and about jumped out of my skin when I seen the reflection of my new found self in the mirror. I was beautiful, even without make-up, and although I thought I looked a little mousy, I was still fascinated by the reflection.

I then remembered that I had to pee, so I slid down the shorts and the thong, and sat on the toilet. I about went into the water, cursing out loud. I suddenly realized the hazards of being a woman, and having the toilet seat up! There never were any women around for the past 8 years, so I had gotten into the habit of leaving the toilet seat up, for obvious reasons. But alas, it was a quick lesson that I hoped I would soon not forget. Always check the location of the seat when going to the toilet.

I got the seat down, and then let the water from my bladder flow. It was a whole lot different feeling peeing now, for it sort of just gushed out, without having to pressure my bladder too much with the muscles of my groin. I peed for quite a while, and then stood up and grabbed up the thong, sliding it up my legs and over my hips. Yuck. I figured out real quick that a woman has to wipe after taking a leak. Now my panties were all wet, and I just knew it was not going to be real comfortable.

I grabbed a handful of toilet paper and pulled the thong out and away from my pussy, and wiped up the dampness the best that I could. My panties were already wet from the ride on the bicycle across town, but the water from peeing just made them that much worse. I slid up my shorts next, and looked back into the mirror. I realized that I must have lost some years, for the woman looking back at me was about 20 years old, and had a body that just wouldn't quit. I pretty much excited myself, and felt my crotch get wet and moist.

Then I came back to my senses, and knew that if I was going to get the clothes out of the dumpster, then I had better get my little ass to moving.

I grabbed the spare set of keys and headed out to the garage, jumped in the van, and opened the garage door. Then I realized that I was having a whole lot of trouble reaching the pedals. I had to slide the seat up, and get all the mirrors adjusted, and get all resituated so that I could drive.

I could see that everything in this world was going to be just the opposite of the way that it used to be. I used to be 6'4", and now I was wondering if I was even 5'0"!

I headed back to the dumpster, trying to drive as carefully as I could, fearing that I might not ever be able to explain anything if I were to get pulled over by a policeman. After all, it was about 4:30 AM, and so it did make things a whole lot easier, what with little or no traffic, and the police were already at the coffee shops, or just cruising buildings to be sure that no one was breaking in to them. I set my mind at ease, and headed off to the Apartment complex that the dumpster was in.

I got to the complex, and pulled up to the dumpster. Jumped out of the van, and looked inside to see if anything had been changed. I was relieved that everything was still there, and that the clothes that I had on, the male ones, were still right on top of everything. At least I had not lost my keys or my wallet. I then grabbed the purse that I put the lingerie in that was what I figured had gotten me into all of this, and put it into the van. I decided that I needed to get the side door of the van close to the dumpster, so I turned the van around, and positioned the door so that it was about 4 to 6 inches from the dumpster. I then jumped between the seats, which is easy now that I was a whole lot smaller, and went to the side door and got it opened.

That made it a whole lot easier to get into the dumpster, not to mention that I could just throw the clothes, shoes and other articles right into the van, seeing how I had ripped open most all of the bags looking through them earlier. I had most of the stuff in the van in about 20 minutes, and there was a heap of stuff. I found four more bags that I had not checked yet, close to the bottom of the dumpster, and sort of had to shove them over the edge of the dumpster and into the van. It is funny how much strength that I had lost, and even though I was not a really strong person before, now I was down right weak.

After getting all the clothes into the van that were in the dumpster, I got out and situated them better into the van, putting the male clothes that I had started the evening with in between the front seats. I figured that if something did happen, then at least I would have a point to start explaining from, but then also knew that no matter how much explaining that I did, no one would ever believe me. I then decided to go over to the two dumpsters that were the closest to the one the clothes were in, and see if anything else of related interest to the clothes I had now were in them. A quick check showed nothing more than just trash, so I headed back to the van.

I got back into the van, and looked at the watch, which showed it to be about 5:00 AM, so I knew that I had better get going before it got too light, and before people started getting up and moving around. I knew that the streets would still be pretty empty for at least another hour, but I still did not want to take too many chances. So I started up the van, and headed back to home.

Once home, I got the van into the garage, and got the garage door back down. I felt a sigh of relief sweep over me, for I knew that it had been a very exhaustive night, and I was still confused, not to mention still in shock. It was then that I realized that I had been up for most of the 24 hour period and was quite tired. Of course, with all of the excitement I was still a bit wired, and knew that I had some things to take care of before I was ready to get a nap.

I then also thought about what to do if someone were to come around, and what to do if my folks called, or even worse, if they were to come over.

It would not be pleasant to try to explain my existence, especially since I was actually their son, and looked like no one they had ever met before now. Plus, they are old, and it would not be good to see them have a heart attack, or a stroke if they were to find out who I was.

I decided to lock all the doors, and to pull the electric plug on the garage door so it could not be opened with the door opener. I then put all the burglar catches on the doors, and decided to pull the drapes throughout the house. It would still look suspicious, but at least it would buy me some time if any one were to come around. Maybe by then I would either be gone, or would come up with a good excuse. As I thought about it though, there would not be finding any excuse, but would just have to be gone before someone decided that my old self was dead and trapped inside the house. I figured that with any lick, that would be about three days, which was not going to be enough time, but at least I could come into a little money through the ATM, and get out of the house. I wondered though if my finger prints were still my old ones, only smaller, or if they were different. All I needed was to be accused of killing my old self and spend the rest of my life in prison in my new, exciting self.

I decided to go ahead and get the clothes out of the van, and put them into the den. I did not know what to do after that, but at least I had a starting point.

I got the van door open, and so I started hauling the clothes into the house, trying not to worry about where to put them or the amount of clothes that I was bringing in. I decided that I could always go through them, and get the ones that I wanted, and then haul the others out to another dumpster in a night or two.

When it was done, I figured out that I had 14 trash bags that had been totally packed with all types of clothes, and two which had shoes in them. Then there was another two, which were not totally packed, but were about half full of cosmetics, and other goodies out of the toilet. I gleamed all over, and still felt like a kid in a candy store. Anticipation was filling me, and making it hard to think. I wanted to try on all of the clothes, and I got totally wet with the thought of being able to wear clothes like these, and be able to fulfil my wildest fantasies.

I finally realized that I needed a bath, and a nap, so I started looking through the bags with the cosmetics, for I remembered that there was a razor in them, and probably other things that I had not thought of needing yet as well. I did find the razor, and some shaving cream. I also found some "Nair" and some deodorant, and also a brush, and some bath oil. I also found the butt plugs, and the dildos, and started getting all wet with excitement.

I took all of my goodies to the toilet, and put them on the counter. I then started the water for the bath, and proceeded to take off my clothes and pile them up next to the door. I looked into the mirror and was mesmerized by the sight of my naked body. I thought of all the times that I had fantasized about being a woman, and now finally, I was a very sexy young lady.

I finally popped out of my dream, and looked at the tub, which was about full of water. I put in some bath oil, and then turned off the water. I sat down on the toilet and peed again, thinking that I would just have to learn to get used to that feeling, but figured that in time it would just become second nature.

I got up, and slowly eased myself into the tub, only to realize that I had forgotten the razor, and shaving cream. I got back out, and put them on the tub edge, and slipped back into the tub. The warm water felt so good, and so I just laid there, relaxing. I was so relaxed I almost went to sleep, and so I panicked again. That would be really bad to drown in the bath tub, and no one would even know who I was. Talk about being in between a rock and a hard place. My old self would be sought, and probably have a warrant out for his arrest, and of course they would not find me, so then it would ruin my folks and my sisters. I decided that I had better take it a little easier, and try to make things work out for the best.

I got all soaped up, and so then I got out the shaving cream and started shaving my legs. I had done that in my past, and it always excited me, but this time it was even more exciting, and I was in a totally different body.

I got both legs shaved, and so I started shaving up my thighs. I got to shaving close to my pussy, so then I decided that I would go ahead and shave it totally, and try to get used to it from the very start. I had heard that it is uncomfortable when it grows back out, so I was expecting the worse, but I still decided that it would be nice to have it shaved from the start of my new life.

I got all the hair below my waist shaved, and almost came as I shaved my pussy. I got so excited that I had to put a couple of fingers into my pussy and started to gently stroke it, and that got me all excited and I started really losing total control of myself. As my fingers plunged into my steaming gash, I flooded with more and more deep thoughts on what it would be like to be a woman. I knew it would be exciting but this was more than I had ever expected.

I had both legs up on the wall at the end of the tub, and had my back arched to the point that my head was almost under the water. The more that I plunged my fingers into myself, the higher I got on my trip of ecstasy, and I didn't realize it, but I started moaning and was getting completely lost in my adventure. I thought that I was the most excited lady in the world, and got more and more excited, just imagining a nice big cock plunging in and out of my steaming pussy.

I was plunging my fingers in and out so fast, that I had no idea what speed they were going, and then I reached a earth shattering orgasm, screaming as I came, and shaking with ecstasy. I actually came so hard that I lost control of trying to hold my head up above the water, and as it went under the sweet smelling water, I managed to inhale about a pint.

My legs came right off the wall and pushed into the far edge of the tub, forcing my head up out of the water. I was still shaking, but felt a very huge relief of the tension that I had gained since the ordeal had started.

I was washed over with a relief, and so I settled back into the tub, and rested my head against edge of the tub. If I had known what a woman's orgasm was like, I would have prayed to all the powers above to bring me into this world long ago.

I decided that it was time to finish getting through the bath, for fatigue was starting to set in after my orgasm. I got the razor back into my hand, and started shaving my under arms, noticing that there was very little hair on my arms. I was still mesmerized with this new body, and was starting to get a little worked up once again.

I finally finished with the bath, and so I got out and got all dried off.

That was exciting in itself, and I had some trouble with getting away from my pussy as I was getting it all dried off. I looked around, and decided that I needed some powder for my body, so I padded out to the den, and started digging through one of the sacks of cosmetics. I found some powder, and so I went back into the bathroom and got all powdered up with some really sweet smelling perfumed powder.

I went back into the den and started digging through the clothes, and finally found a nice negligee. It was a baby doll type, still on a hanger, and had the ruffled bottoms already with it. I slipped the bottoms over my now hairless legs, and over my hips. I then slipped the top over my head and managed to get my arms through the holes. Man, it was making me hot again, and it was starting a fire deep within my aching pussy.

I decided to go on to bed, but as I was passing the toilet where I took my bath, I remembered that I had taken the dildos in there with me when I was going to take a bath, and so I went in and grabbed up the 8" dildo that had a realistic look with it. I washed it off carefully, being sure to use soap and water, and dried it. I then decided to head for the bedroom.

I got into bed, and so I decided that it was time for this young lady to get fucked with her first dick. It may be rubber, but a girl has to use what a girl has at hand, I laughingly said to myself.

I reached down and put my hand under my panties, and touched my clit. That sent several waves of electricity through my body, and I instantly started getting wet. It only took me a second to realize that the panties were just going to get in the way, so I arched my back up and slid them down to give my roaming hand better access. I laid my hand on my now moist pussy, and allowed a finger to slowly enter into my steamy hole. Oh, it felt so nice to have a gash, and that excited me in it's own way. As my finger slid into my now wet slit, I slowly brought it right back out, and slowly circled my clit with the moist finger. Something just really was electrifying about this experience, and I really did want it to last for a long time.

The thought of having a dick in my mouth crossed my mind, and so I reached for the dildo. After fumbling around for a couple of seconds, not wanting to let go of my pussy with my other hand, I finally found the dildo, and got it up towards my mouth. Wild thoughts of a lover flowed through my mind, sending more and more electric pulses through my now overly hot pussy.

I got the dildo up to my lips, and fantasizing about a lover, slowly kissed the tip of it, allowing my tongue to just dart out a little, adding just a drop of moisture to the artificial dick. I was getting out of control with my other hand, and so I slid my finger out of my gash, and allowed it to start slowly rubbing my clit. I then let the head of the dildo slip into my wanton mouth, and got just the head in past my teeth. The dildo was larger than I had thought about, and just the head was quite a stretch for my mouth's lips. But I slowly slid it in, farther and farther, allowing it to slide over my tongue, while letting my other hand continue to rub my clit.

After there was about 3" into my mouth, I let my fingers plunge back into my awaiting pussy, and kept working the dildo farther into my mouth, allowing it to hit the back of my throat. I decided to try to concentrate on my pussy, so that maybe I could get the dildo to work pas the back of my throat, and slip it deeper into my mouth. I gagged a couple of times, making it hard to keep my thoughts on my now flaming pussy, but I finally managed to get over that part. My lips were about stretched to their limit as well, but I slowly got all 8" of the rubber cock down into my throat, working it back and forth like my mouth was getting fucked by my fantasy lover.

Finally I decided that it was time to get the rubber cock into my now more than ready pussy, so I slowly withdrew the dildo from my mouth, and gave it a gentle kiss goodbye, knowing that I would make love to it again in the near future. I then withdrew my fingers out of my pussy, and gave my clit a gentle massage as I reached up and took the dildo in both hands. Oh, I was so very excited, and it was all that I could do to not come before I ever got that wonderful looking rubber cock into my wanton pussy.

I slowly slid the head of the rubber dick down to my pussy lips, and then allowed it to touch them gently. I slid the dildo slowly up and down my steamy pussy, and slowly allowed it to rub a circle over my now very sensitive clit. I spread my legs farther a part, and started imagining my fantasy lover mounting the space between my legs. Oh, I needed that cock so bad, and was about to come before my time.

I slowly allowed the head of the big rubber dick to enter into me, feeling the sensitivity of my inner pussy walls as the rubber cock slowly moved into a rhythm controlled by my eager hands. I brought it back out, and slowly allowed it to enter my quickly moistening gash a little more. Oh, how I wanted this feeling to last for eternity, and so I tried to imagine my lover slowly kissing me, and allowing the moment to last, keeping me on the brink of ecstasy for as long as we would both last.

The more that the rubber cock entered into me though, the more pain that I felt as my virgin pussy walls started to stretch. The pain was very easily bearable though with the excitement that my clit was feeling as the dildo pushed up towards the top part of my pussy. I kept working it ever so slowly into me, trying not to damage myself, even though I wanted to plunge that beautiful item deep into myself and ravish myself thoroughly.

I kept getting it into myself, and just by chance allowed my fingers to roam up to my breasts. That almost put my right over the edge! I started moaning, and before I knew it I had taken all 8" of the rubber cock fully into myself and was starting to plunge it into my overly excited pussy faster and faster. I pinched a nipple as the cock plunged into me, and my whole ass came off the bed, and I groped one tit and then the other. I was set afire, and if the house was burning down I would have never have noticed.

The faster that I drove that beautiful rubber cock into myself, the harder I massaged my tits, and that had my back arched like I was a pretzel. I was nearing the edge very quickly, and was so caught up in my actions, I never realized that I was moaning loud enough to raise the dead. I started shaking my head back and forth as I felt an orgasm coming, and with a scream I came so hard that I thought that I was going to pass out. The rush was such that I about flooded myself with juice, and made a big wet spot in the bed.

I was panting like a dog when I finally finished climaxing, and was all aglow from the wild ride I had with the rubber cock. All I seemed to have the strength to do was lay there and let my thoughts race through my mind.

I had never came that hard in all of my life, and while I was a man, I had never even realized how hard a woman could come. And it felt so good to have that big dildo just filling my pussy, and letting my pussy muscles contract and retract against it. I never wanted to let it go, but I knew that I needed some sleep, for now I was totally exhausted after such a wild ride.

I slowly withdrew my rubber lover, and allowed my pussy to slowly shrink back. It felt lonely with out having a filling, but I told myself that it would always be there when I wanted it. One thing was for sure, I could always enjoy my newly found friend when I was in my time of need.

I allowed the dildo to fall to the floor next to the bed, and pulled up the bottoms of the Baby Doll. Then I curled up under the covers. My mind was wild with thoughts, and I doubted that I would be able to sleep, but I was very wrong, for I soon drifted off to the land with the Sandman.

Next: Chapter 2

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