Life Changes

By Paul R

Published on Jan 7, 1999


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Chapter 4

The next morning I was awakened by Ms. S. as she was untying my feet. She then took the padlocks off my shoes and after seeing that I was awake, said, "I hope that you slept well. It's time to get up so swing over here and I will get your hands loose.

I did so, and she uncuffed my wrists. I brought my arms around me, rubbing them and trying to get some of the feeling back. She then unlocked the padlocks on the gag, and unbuckled it as well. I reached up and slowly took the dildo out of my mouth, feeling the rawness from having my rubber friend down deep into my throat. "Go ahead and get off your night clothes, and get cleaned up. I will lay some things out for you to put on after you get your shower."

I took my shoes off, and rubbed some of the feeling into them, and then took off the negligee and the hose. I slowly padded into the bathroom and relieved myself, and gave myself an enema. Then got all cleaned up and shaved, and then dried my hair.

I headed back into my room, and seen that Ms. S. had laid out some clothes, a garter belt and some smoke colored hose, and a paisley dress that had buttons up the front, a tight bodice and was very short. I slipped on the garter belt and hose, and the 6" black high heels that were by the bed, apparently what I was to wear, and then slipped the tight dress over my head, having to pull it down over my thighs and buttoned it all the way down. I then applied a little make up, and got my hair fixed. I hurried down the hall.

Ms. S. was in the kitchen, and spoke to me, "You are probably hungry. There is a 'Shredded Wheat' in the bowl, milk is in the refrigerator" then tossing the three filled condoms over towards the dish, "And some 'sugar' to sweeten it up."

I was famished, but felt a wave of nausea sweep over me at the thought of having to eat the cum out of the rubbers. "You will eat your food, or there will be a big problem young lady." Ms. S. glared at me.

I shuddered as I got the milk and sat down at the table. Picked up the condoms and slowly emptied the contents onto the cereal. I then started eating, gagging at every bite, and wincing at the pain from having the dildo in my mouth all night long. I finished my food, and then Ms. S. said, "Go ahead and get all the dishes washed, and I will be ready in a bit."

Ready for what, I thought. But got all the dishes done and then went into the living room and sat down, thumbing through a magazine and trying to get my mind off the taste in my mouth.

Ms. S. came back into the room saying, "Go ahead and get your butt plug into that cute little ass of yours, and also unbutton the bottom five buttons on that dress. We want people to be sure to see some of what you have underneath your pretty dress. Do you have all your items in your purse?"

"Yes Mamm," I answered as I unbuttoned the buttons.

I picked up my purse and went into the bathroom and put some lubricant onto the butt plug and slowly worked it into my ass. It was painful slipping pas the ring of my sphincter, but it was already getting easier to insert inside of me. I then headed back into the living room and went to the car with Ms. S., pulling the towel out of the back seat and sitting on it, then raising my dress so I could put my hand onto my pussy.

"We are heading for the mall, and I want to take you to the beauty parlor and get your hair shortened some. You seem to have problems in getting it all ready in the morning."

"But Mamm, I try to hurry, and I like my hair."

"Oh, but you will like it even better with it cut. Then all you have to do is get it dry and throw a brush through it."

"Yes Mamm," I answered meekly.

We got to the mall, and I was pretty hot and horny by this time, and went to the beauty parlor. Ms. S. talked to a lady there and I was lead back to the back of the shop, and put into one of the partitioned areas. The beautician started cutting my hair, with me seeing a whole lot falling down all around me. After about 15 minutes, she took out some mouse and spread it through my hair.

"You look a whole lot nicer, and younger with this cut," she informed me as she spun the chair around showing it to me in the mirror.

I approved of it, and said, "Thank you, it definitely does look a lot easier to care for."

I seen her put her head down next to mine and smile at me in the mirror, and then spun the chair towards her. She put both of her hands onto the arms, saying, "Samantha said that you would be in for a little fun as well."

Remembering what had happened at the last parlor I was at two days ago, I felt a rush of excitement from her words. "But aren't you still open?"

"Oh yes, but only a few of the girls come back here, and all of them like a little excitement from time to time," she answered with a smile coming out from her lips. She then bent towards my face and kissed me on the lips hard, grinding hers to mine, and started forcing her tongue into my mouth.

I felt a wave of passion shoot through my body, making my pussy start juicing up, and bringing my breasts into an erect position.

She broke the kiss and then spun me towards the mirror, and then I felt something being place around my wrist. She was tying me with a piece of material to the chair! She then did the other, so quickly that I did not have hardly any chance to protest or to get my arm up. She then came back around to my front and I started to ask, "What are you doing to meeeeeee...." As she grabbed my legs, forcing me to slide down into the chair, only stopping when my head reached the top part of the back. I was in shock, and could not do much anything. She was suddenly around to the back of the chair and I felt a piece of material being laid across my forehead and secured to the back of the chair.

I asked again, "What is going on? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Oh, just sit back and enjoy it, Samantha said that you were into about everything." She answered quickly.

She then left, but was back in just a few moments. She then said, "Samantha told me that you needed some experience at eating pussy. She also said that she would be back in a while, so we ought to have at least an hour before you have to go anywhere."

She then kicked off her shoes, and started climbing up the chair towards me. I knew that I was getting ready to taste my first pussy since I became a woman, but was still tingling with fear from being so quickly tied down. She got up onto the chair and then raised the front of her long skirt, showing me she did not have on anything except a garter belt and hose either, but had a nice triangular patch of fur covering her snatch. I wondered if she was not controlled by Ms. S. like me too.

She then started lowering her pussy towards my face, allowing her upper thighs to lean against the sides of my head as I seen her cunt come closer and closer to my face. I could already smell her fragrance, which was very similar to my own, and then I had her fur at my mouth.

"MMMMM, this is going to be very nice" she said as I let a breath out against her fur.

I then went ahead and started probing her bush with my tongue, trying to locate the honey hole that I knew would be there. I found it, and slowly started licking the soft folds of her pussy, moving her fur away from the gash with my tongue. I slid my tongue back and forth, finding her clit, and felt her jump as my tongue made contact with it.

"Ohhh, yes honey, that feels so wonderful," she moaned softly.

I continued to slowly lick all of the outer folds of her, actually enjoying her taste, and she started slowly rocking against my face.

"Well, you just couldn't wait, huh?" I heard another female voice say as I was gently tonguing the beautician's cunt.

I then felt hands take a hold of my knees, sending a rush of electricity through my loins, and start spreading my legs apart.

I let my tongue slowly enter into the hole that I was tonguing, and heard the beautician on my face let out a little gasp. Then I felt hair brush my inner thighs as I felt a warm breath onto my own bald snatch. I then felt a moist kiss right on the lips of my pussy just before I felt a warm tongue start licking the folds of my now aching pussy. I did know I was so excited until I felt that wonderful mouth against my hole.

The pussy that I was working on with my mouth started rocking back and forth as the excitement that I felt inside my loins rushed up and made me put my tongue deeper inside the sweet snatch on my face. I wanted to reach up and take her ass into my hands, but I was soon remembered that they were securely tied to the arms of the chair.

I suddenly felt a tongue go deep into my cunt, and swallowed as it entered into me, making me blow a rush of air out of my nose, and making the beautician on my face shudder lightly. I felt the juices rush into my pussy, making me wet with the anticipation of being eaten, and remembering it was daytime, and that anyone could actually come back in here.

Suddenly, the tongue in my pussy left, and I was so taken back when I felt the hair brush my thighs as she stood up, I lost my train of thought, and quit licking the snatch on my face. I had just started to get excited, and now I was left alone, and could not even get my hands down to work on my pussy myself.

I continued licking the cunt on my face, and since I had lost the mouth on my puss, I could only manage to get into it half heartedly. But then I felt hands on my hands, and felt legs brush inside my legs as someone was stepping up towards me. I tried to analyze what was going on, thinking that the one that had been licking my snatch must be now kissing on the neck of the one that I was eating.

I then felt something rub against my pussy lips. It made me gasp at the feeling, and I tried to pull my face away from the pussy on my face. I then felt it enter into me, getting excited at the thought of starting to get fucked by a dildo. I felt waves of excitement start deep inside of my throbbing box, and rush through my loins and up into my face. I sucked hard against the pussy on my mouth, and heard the beautician moan as I plunged my tongue even deeper into her steaming box. It set off an avalanche inside her, and I felt the juices running out of her snatch and into my mouth, making suck all that much harder.

As the dildo slowly worked it's way inside of me, I felt the walls of my slick pussy start to stretch, and I tried to move my hands again, only to feel the bonds that kept them on the arms of the seat. I arched my back, taking more of the invader into me, sucking harder and harder onto the pussy I had over my mouth, and feeling the beautician grind it harder onto my lips. The dildo kept entering into me, coming contact with the skin between the butt plug and it making me buck towards it, and making me even wetter as it entered. Then I felt the hands of the one starting to fuck me grasp my legs at the knees and pull up on them, bringing them up to her hips, feeling the silkiness of her thighs against mine, and she drove the invader deep inside my wanton pussy, making me lurch as it rubbed the thin membranes separating the plugs.

Then I felt balls slap against my ass cheeks. I sucked in hard at the quickly grinding pussy on my mouth, bringing the beautician to a climax, and hearing her start to moan and gasp. I was getting fucked not by a dildo, but by a real cock! I was shocked, but with the pussy covering my mouth and having my hands and head tied kept me from doing anything but suck hard against the beauticians clit in my mouth, making her come that much more.

I felt the cock inside my aching twat slowly pull back, and then ram it's full length into me again driving me almost insane with the feeling of them rubbing the other plug inside of my ass, making me shudder and making my muscles in my cunt clamp down onto it, trying to keep some of my senses as it hit near the end of my canal.

My face was drenched with the pussy juice from the beautician's monstrous climax, and she held onto the chair by my head as she shuddered from deep within herself, forcing more of her nectar into my mouth. The cock inside my box started a slow, methodical rhythm, being gentle as the tightness of my cunt clenched against it. I had my legs high up on her waist, and closed them, holding onto her. I could not believe I was getting fucked by a woman with a dick.

As the cock in my cunt started speeding up, the beautician started raising herself off my face, taking her sweet snatch away from my face. I started moaning from the cock in my cunt, and was starting to work at the bonds that held me. I was getting so excited at the aspect of getting fucked by a woman, I could hardly control myself. It was beyond my wildest dreams, and right out of my fantasies.

I felt something touch my lips, and slightly opened up my eyes as a rubber dildo was forced past my lips. I tried to scream, but that just allowed the dildo to be forced quickly inside my mouth, and against my tongue. I got my tongue out of the way right before I felt it hit the back of my throat. I arched my back up higher, and felt the cock deep inside my juicy cunt go even deeper into me, hitting the back of my fuck canal. I swallowed, and felt the dildo roughly go past my tonsils and deep into my throat. I could only breath through my nose, and still could not move. Then I felt something go over it and be tied to the back of the chair, forcing the dildo deep into my throat and further keeping me from moving my head.

It made me spread my legs, but the woman fucking me grasped them tighter and raised them up above her hips, and ground into my pussy hard making me shudder as I felt totally helpless. Then holding my legs, the woman started humping me easier, sensing that I was about to panic at the situation I was in. "That ought to keep you quiet," the beautician said, "We don't want any of our patrons hearing you, now would we."

I understood then that I was getting lost in my ecstasy and must have been moaning quite loudly. I could not blame them, and so I returned my mind towards the cock that was slowly grinding into my waiting snatch, and rotating in the joyous of manners. I started getting back into the screwing I was receiving, and felt the buttons being undone on my dress. Then I felt a hand cup one of my breasts gently, as the rest of the buttons were being undone.

The beautician's head lowered towards my tit, and started slowly kissing it, as her hand played gently with the other one. I was raised into another phase of ecstasy as the cock deep inside of me continued it's plowing of my eager pussy. She continued to kiss, and then suck on my tit, and played with the nipples. I shuddered as I felt an orgasm start building, and never wanted this to stop.

The cock in my cunt started humping faster and faster, and the beautician started chewing gently onto my nipples, as the orgasm I was getting ready to have was quickly building and I started squirming in the chair. Then the beautician raised her head from my breasts, but continued to pinch the nipples and massage them. I felt the waves of the orgasm start to the surface, and sucked hard on the dildo in my mouth just as the first part of it reached the depths of my cunt. I felt the surge of the cock deep inside my pussy as it ground as deep as she could into my pussy, stiffening and enlarging quickly.

Just as I wanted to scream and toss my head back in ecstasy, I felt the cock in my cunt start to jerk, and felt a sudden pain in my nipple. It hurt bad, but I was so caught up in the orgasm I did not know what to do, and then I felt the same pain in the other nipple. I could have screamed if the rubber dildo wasn't so deep in my mind. The cock in my pussy kept jerking as the hands on my legs gripped me tight and pulled me as hard as she could onto her cock. I could not think, and was in pain, but continued climaxing, coming harder than I had ever before, and almost to the point of passing out.

As the waves of the torrential orgasm started fading, I slowly relaxed. The lady holding my legs started easing her grip on them, and I felt the circulation return to my legs. The beautician bent down and kissed me gently on the forehead as a tear from the pain skirted down my cheek. I was spent. I had never thought that a woman could come that hard, and I felt exhausted from the ordeal.

Slowly I felt the cock that was in me start going limp, and slide out of me, allowing my own juices to flow down my thighs. My hands hurt, my tits hurt, and my neck hurt. I wanted to know why I had pain in my breasts, a pain that was 100 times more intense than the nipple clamps had been.

The beautician untied the gag that held the dildo in my mouth, and then slowly started slipping it out. I felt the pain of it leaving my now raw throat, raw because of the scream that had welled up in my throat when I felt the intense pain in my breasts. Tears still slowly flowed down my cheeks, and I heard the beautician say, "There, there,.... The pain will go away before too long."

As the dildo was pulled completely out of my mouth, I managed to voice, "But it hurt so bad. What did you do to my breasts?"

"We pierced them, and knew that you would really like the sensation when we did them as you were into you own orgasm. It was surely quite exquisite." The beautician stated.

"You almost squeezed my cock right off of me deary," said the woman that had been fucking me.

As my head was released, I looked up, "You must be a Transvestite."

"Not a transvestite, but a Transsexual. I just need to have an operation to complete my transformation."

I seen that her limp dick still sported a very full rubber. She reached down and took it off of her cock, and tied the end so it would not leak out. Then she reached over and dropped it into my purse. "Samantha told us that you were saving these. I have been there, and so you will eventually get used to the taste," she said with a silly smirk on her face.

The beautician untied my wrists, and I pulled them up, rubbing some of the feeling back into them. She then squatted down and took the Transsexual's cock in her mouth and sucked it clean. The transsexual grabbed a damp towel and tossed it to me, saying, "Use this to clean up your face. When Kimmy gets me clean, I will fix your make up for you."

Kimmy got done, and then the transsexual, whose name I found out was Crystal, fixed my make up, reaching down and flipping my new piercings with a finger a couple of times.

They got done, and I got my clothes all buttoned, and they cleaned off and dried the wet spot that was left on the back of my dress. Ms. S. showed up a little later, paid the bill, and then we took off into the mall, headed for a restaurant.

We got into the restaurant, a Chinese place, and were seated. My nipples aching badly due to being crushed into the bodice of my dress and rubbing at every step. She said to me, "Go ahead and relieve yourself, and I want you to put your Ben-Wa balls into yourself. When you come back, raise your dress before sitting so that you will keep it dry.

I thought about my abused pussy, and wondered what Ms. S. had in store for me that would require me to raise my dress when I returned. I tried to shove it out of my mind, and took off for the toilet. After relieving myself and sliding the Ben-Wa balls into myself, I wanted to see what had been done to my breasts, so I unbuttoned a few buttons, and found that I now had two stainless steel rings attached to my tits. My breasts were very sore to the touch, so I buttoned back up my dress, deciding to leave the top three unbuttoned to relieve some of the pressure on my aching nipples. I returned to the table, and pulled up my dress as I sat down. In a little while, a waiter brought me a salad without dressing and set it down in front of me.

"Get your 'dressing' out of your purse, and put it onto your salad before eating dear."

I knew what she meant, and so I looked around at the people in the place, which was packed. "Don't worry about them, they won't see you if you are careful. Just squeeze it out and put the 'container' back into your purse."

I did so, and felt like I was going to gag as I ate my salad. Soup was the next course, and I sat and ate it idly, trying to wash the cum taste out of my mouth. Then I was brought two egg rolls, and I had a good idea of what I had to do with them.

Ms. S. picked up a bottle of "Dragon Juice" and put a little in my plate. "Dip your egg roll into the sauce, and then put it into yourself. I think it is about time to 'warm you up'."

My heart started racing, "But Mamm, that will hurt me badly. Maybe even raise blisters!" I pleaded.

"Get one into that cunt of yours, or everyone here will see your breasts, and your pussy. Do you hear me." She scowled at me.

My heart was pounding like it was going to go right out of my chest, but I dipped the egg roll into the sauce, ever so lightly, and lowered it down to my crotch. I was scared to death, for I knew that the hat sauce would surely kill me. But I brushed it against my lips of my pussy, and then slowly let it slide into my cunt.

It was not too bad, and so I thought that maybe I was just panicking, and put it in quite a ways. I then raised my hand up to the table top, and then I felt a burning sensation, that rapidly intensified. I started to say something when an intense orgasm struck me, flying out of my depths and sweeping over me, making it hard to stay seated and making the Ben Wa balls suck up deep into my cunt. "ahhhHHHHHHHHHHH.... OOOHHHHH," I tried to hold it all under control, but it all happened too fast and was too intense. I felt the eyes of a thousand people on me, wondering what had just happened.

"Feeling a little flushed young lady?"

"Uh, uh, uh, uh" was all that I could mewl to her as I felt the waves of yet another intense orgasm come plunging up from my depths, and making me suck in the butt plug up my ass even farther than it was already. My face broke out in a sweat, and I could not move, let alone speak.

"Go ahead and slide it out, and slide the other into yourself, without the sauce."

I shuddered again as I came hard, almost unable to see. I slid out the egg roll, and shuddered again, and felt the fires of hell deep inside of my cunt, making the juices flow and puddle underneath my ass. I slid the other in, feeling the pain of it's coarseness on the very sensitive walls of my cunt.

I brought the other one up, unable to speak, or think, just dazed by the intense burning inside my cunt, and the intense orgasms that had wreaked through my body. The egg roll was actually dripping with my pussy juices, and I slid it into my mouth, tasting the mixture of my cum and the hat sauce. I felt waves of electricity flowing all through my body, making it tingle and making the muscles in my snatch work back and forth, making more of my juices flow out of my dripping pussy and onto the chair, and actually down my legs.

There was no way I could control my body as I felt the onrush of yet another orgasm starting to build. I knew that the Ben Wa balls were so far up me now, I may never get them out, and I would be surprised if the butt plug wasn't halfway up into my bowels. "Mamm, I,I, I, UUUhHHhHH," I stammered as I became in the throngs of another cascading orgasm. I put both my hands onto the table and tried to gather myself.

"Well, yes, go ahead and take your egg roll out and eat it too," she said with a laugh. She knew what I needed, ICE!

I reached down and got the egg roll out, and managed, "I need to go to the toilet Mamm."

She laughed and tossed her napkin to me, "You probably will need to dry off yourself before you get up. It looks like you may still be getting off."

I just knew I needed to quench the fire that was about to burn my poor pussy up, and at the moment I could care less if I had cum dripping down my legs all the way to the toilet. But, I dried off with my napkin and hers, making them both look like I had spilled a whole glass of water on me, when it struck me that I could do that. I grabbed up my glass of water and lowered it under the table, and held the lip of the glass to my cunt as I tipped it forward. "YIiiiiiiaaaa," I said with a shudder as the icy water connected with my burning twat. I held it there, and felt the cold water numb the lips of my pussy, and felt the Ben Wa balls get sucked up even farther into my cunt as the muscles contracted, which also made the butt plug pull deeper into my ass, and actually hurt my sphincter.

I sat there like that for a moment, with Ms. S. almost unable to control the laughter that she was trying so hard to hold back. My cunt was now numb from the icy water, and I put a finger into the glass and forced a couple of ice cubes into my cunt before raising it up from under the table and taking a drink of it. I was actually starting to be able to gather up my composure, but it would still be a little while before I would be able to walk.

Still snickering at the dilemma that she had put me through, Ms. S. said, "You handle such a hot affair quite well young lady. I am proud of you, for I figured that you would end up screaming as you ran into the toilet."

I finally got myself composed enough to be able to walk and talk, excused myself and tried to walk casually towards the toilet. I was still burning up inside, but it was starting to subside, and I dried myself repeatedly, and when it seemed like I would quit leaking my juices down my legs I went back to the table. I could feel the butt plug and Ben Wa balls moving around inside of me, so I knew that I was starting to relax, and that things would be okay. I just hoped that my cunt would not be too sore for the next ordeal that Ms. S. would be putting me through. I knew her sadistic mind still had quite a few tricks yet to perform onto my body.

We headed out into the mall and then exited to the car. "We need to get you fitted with some other items," she told me, still with a little laughter in her voice. "Go ahead and get in, and you might as well get your towel and raise your dress. You look like you are still quite hot. I would think it is probably passion." She added as she broke out in laughter.

I got in, and did as I was told, but tried to be very gentle on my now very sensitive cunt. I figured that I would probably burn down there forever, but it was at least bearable now, and I knew I would not ever forget it, but also that I would live through it.

We left the lot, and headed out across town. I was gentle stroking my pussy, and was wondering what I was going to be fitted for.

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