Life Happens

By Tsc Stories

Published on Sep 18, 2023


************************************************* Life happens Ch 1 "Shortage of a Friend" Written by : ACJ aka Tsc Edited by :Kev A *************************************************


Football practice ended and I headed towards the locker room sometimes I wondered if maybe Football was really my thing I mean I enjoyed it , but sometimes not so much I think I enjoyed the hot showers I would take after practice more, I ran the water and stood under. It felt so good on my body and my jet-black hair, which was covering my eyes from the water . I pushed my hair to the side so I could see, I lathered my body up with soap it felt good as hell, I made sure I lathered my body with soap and in got into all my spots then I let the water rinse all the soap and dirt away I finally finished and there he was, that bastard Zander Taylor! He was my best friend, he was the best, did anything for me which included helping himself to my girl. He apologized for it but a week later I found out that they started a relationship, I naturally stop talking to the both of them, the only time we communicate was on the field. There are moments when he will look at me with sad eyes because he knows he fucked up but I look the other way. We are both equally popular and share a mutual friend, Evan James. Yeah he has two first names I know and Evan knows not to mention Zander around me, it's a rule and when he does he does it to get me going.

My name is Zach Knowles I'm 6 ft 2 in muscular shape, have jet black shinny straight hair that come just above my blue eyes and hangs over my ears , some people say they look like crystals and I have to admit I am one good looking boy. All the girls at Shore High wanted me and all the guys in new Jersey wanted to be like me, I felt like the man.

After I showered and changed close I put all my dirty stuff in my duffel bag and made my way out to the parking lot , Evan was waiting for me "hey practice was shit today, lets get some pizza" Evan said while I unlocked my door , he jumped into the passenger seat of my Range Rover and Evan and I went to the local pizza parlor. When we got there I noticed a Lexus in the parking lot no its not him , I thought. We got out and went inside and sure enough Zander was sitting in my favorite booth with Georgie, my ex girlfriend his current. When he saw me, he let go of her hand. "Did you ambush me?" I asked Evan he had a grin on his face "Come on let's just sit and talk for a little bit," I wanted to deck him, but I followed him over. "Hey you guys," Evan stated while sitting in the booth and sliding down , they both waved, "Hi" Zander smiled at me I didn't say much just sat down next to Evan, he was across from Georgie, I was looking directly at Zander. He looked down then back up at me, his hazel eyes said it all, he scratched his sandy blond cropped hair "Can't wait until Friday's game, what about you Zach?" He spoke. "Yeah can't wait," I replied Not even looking at him. I stared at the people walking by and behind the counter Evan elbowed me, "I'm not hungry anymore, I should go," I stood up "Zach stop this" Evan said "I got to go" I left out not looking back .

(Zander POV)

Zach and I use to be the best of friends and that went south, all because of me. I wanted what he had I didn't know why but I just did, I made a move on his girl and she accepted my advances. We did more than kiss but I told Zach that's all we did. Our falling out was touchy, he was my rock and I hurt him. I did this during an important devastating part if his life, his mom left his dad for her fitness trainer, she just up and left. I hurt him so bad he doesn't want anything to do with me. After that Georgia and I got in my car and drove to my house, this relationship was strained, how could I be with someone and lose the other person I loved most in this world? Did I just say loved? I mean like, its like when life hands you lemons you have the impossible task of making lemonade with no utensils or sugar. I know I'm just babbling on about stupid stuff but it hurt me to know I hurt my only best friend. Since the falling out Evan and Zach have been the best of friends and I admit I'm jealous of the closeness, but Evan is my friend so there's really nothing to do. I apologized I hope that one day Zach and I can be the two Z's again. I went to the kitchen to get us snacks then went upstairs with them, when I got to my room she was naked and ready for the taking, so I put the snacks down. I walked over to her to kiss her, she unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down, and she got on her knees then started cupping my balls. It felt so good, she pulled down my boxers to put my cock in her mouth, she started sucking me off it felt good, but all I could do is think about Zach, why have I been thinking about him? Especially when I was about to do Georgie, I blocked his face out and continued. After we had sex we laid there "You don't regret cheating on Zach with me do you?" I ask, She smiled, "No I don't" she looked away then at the ceiling the quiet began to become uncomfortable . "We'd better get dressed before my mom comes home and find us naked" I chuckled she sat up "Your right I got to get home any way to baby sit my little brother and sister while the parents go out " we got dressed and she left. I walked over to a picture of Zach, Donnie and me, I felt tears well up in my eyes, how a year could change everything, both of my friends were gone and there was nothing I could do about it.


I was beat from practice when I got home, I fell asleep right away but thoughts kept on coming in and out of my head that day me and Zander went fishing with Donnie. It was a day I just couldn't seem to get out of my head, as I slept I dreamt about that day like no other, the way the leaves fell, the reds, the greens and the orange, it was picturesque I though. The boat on the side ready to be taken out, I'm not one to go fishing but I did that day, we all did and then the part that I hated and then I felt someone tapping me. "Zach wake up" I jumped up it was my kid brother "What time is it?" I asked looking groggy. "Around five, I'm starved!" He put his hand on his stomach I smiled, " hey how about we go out for dinner tonight" I asked, "Cool, let me grab my jacket" he jumping off my bed and ran in his room.

Ever since mom left, dad has been working really hard to provide for us. I would do anything to make his life easier, like making sure my brother and I were fed, the house was clean and spotless and both of us were at school I did It all! What can I say I'm the best! HaHa! Some people say that me and my brother could be twins, if it wasn't for our age but looking at him its true we are kind of identical to one another, it's really scary, considering the fact that I'm sixteen and he is eleven!.

We left out and got into my Rang Rover I pulled out of the drive way and headed towards the same pizzeria as earlier. When we got there it was a lot quieter because most of the teens went home, it was mostly adults and a few kids hanging out together. "What do you want Mikey?" I asked he looked at the menu intently then back at me. "Two slices and a chocolate milk shake" he grinned from ear to ear. "You know what I think I'll have the same!" The waitress came over, "What can I get you two cuties?" Mikey blushed it was cute. "Four slices and two milk shakes, one chocolate and one strawberry please." The waitress smiled while writing, "Coming right up, oh before I forget!" She slipped me her number on a piece of paper, she winked then walked away. "Dude all the girls love you!" He said "Yeah I know , I'm the man" He rolled is eyes "you don't have to be cocky Zach" I Laughed "Mikey I am not Cocky , well maybe a little , but come on" he laughed "okay Mr. Perfection" I folded my arms and huffed he laughed even harder "I'm glad I amuse you" . Our Food came and we ate in the matter of minutes, I think it's a new record we broke!" I rubbed my stomach he did the same "That was the best thanks bro!" Mikey said, "You're welcome, let's get home we have homework then bed." the waiter came over and I paid for dinner leaving her a tip he grabbed my hand and held it "you have really nice big hands and beautiful eyes" I smirked "um, thanks girl, you are sexy yourself" she smiled shyly "I hope I see you around" her voice was seductive, she bit her lower lip and walked away, one of Mikey`s eyebrows was up and one was down . "wow um,Can I watch some TV when we get home?" He asked "Sure buddy after homework." with that we left.

When I got home dad was there doing his paperwork at the desk in the family room "Hey boys!" he looked up and smiled when walked through the door, we smiled back "Dad! I took Mikey to dinner." I stated as I hung my jacket in the closet, "Thanks bud." Mikey hugged dad, then told him about his day, after that he went upstairs. "again Thanks Zach, you're a life saver," He patted me on the back we walked into the kitchen "Dad This is my family too and if mom wants to leave then we don't need her!, I can help you" I said, I was angry at her for just abandoning us the way she did, like we weren't her children for some strangers on the street."Zachary sit down for a minute" I sat down at the kitchen table he sat down beside me and looked over at me "I don't want you to be upset with your mom, she loves you" he stated "Dad she only loves herself , I hate her" I stood up and went upstairs to my room as soon as I did my phone rung, my cell didn't recognize the call, I picked up :


"Zach, hhheyy" it was Zander, he sounded nervous

"Zander? what do you want?" I asked

"I just..." he stopped it went quiet "I can't not have you in my life it's been six months since we last actually spoke." He continued, I sighed

"You hurt me, you knew what I was going through and you added insult to injury!" I could hear myself trying to be calm but anger was presenting itself it went quiet again then I spoke again. "Zander I can't hate you, I want to but I can't the only thing I can do is stay away from you, with a friend like you who needs enemies!" I slammed my cell shut. "Son, give him another chance." I jumped I didn't know dad was standing behind me I turned. "I can't, he is not a true friend I won't allow him to hurt me again dad rubbed his head and looked at me with sympathetic eyes, "I understand but you are miserable without him." He replied "And I am miserable when I am with him, I have homework." he got the message "Good night son, I love you." He turn to leave "Love you too dad" I said slumping down on my bed.

********************************************************************** *Dreams are only Dreams When you do nothing about them. *********************************************************************** Hope you enjoyed this chapter E-mail me at ,

Next: Chapter 2

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