Life in Suspension

By Jeff Burton

Published on Apr 29, 2023



The following is a work of fiction. Any similarities to anyone alive or dead are purely coincidental. This work is intended for mature audiences 18+ and may contain language, references to sex, and other objectional material that may not be allowed in certain areas. You have been warned.


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Life in Suspension Chapter 2 - The Next 2 Days

I woke up the next morning on what you could say was the `wrong side of the bed.' I just felt off, like something was wrong and it made me mad. To top it off, I woke up a full hour before my alarm which even made it worse. I was already a grouchy person when I didn't get enough sleep. Now add this off feeling and yeah, I could tell I wasn't going to have a good day.

Since I was already up I decided to just get ready for school, took a shower, dressed in a simple white tee with black jeans with a gray pair of Nike Airs. My dad was in the kitchen, dressed for work drinking a cup of coffee, scrolling through the news on his I-Pad absently when I made my appearance.

"You're up early." He commented, taking a drink from his favorite mug.

"I couldn't sleep." I mumbled as I got a glass from the dish rack on the counter.

"Any reason why?"

I dug through the fridge, till I found the container of OJ buried at the back and poured a glass. I thought about his question while getting myself a bowl of cereal before I answered.

"I'm not sure."

He raised an eyebrow and set his mug on the table, lowering the I-Pad, "Nathan if somethings wrong I want to know bud."

"I know dad, and if I knew I would tell you. Something just feels off and I can't explain it. When I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep." I tried to explain as I sat down with my bowl of cereal and juice.

My dad eyed me carefully, "you aren't feeling sick are you?"

"No, that's not it. I'm still going to school." I bounced back.

"Alright, and I'll stop with the twenty questions, but if you do feel sick later call me." He said, picking up his mug and drinking from it again.

"I will."

With that he let me eat my breakfast in peace. I pulled out my phone and did my usual reddit scroll, before heading to Instagram and looking at my messages, mainly the messages from Corey last night. I was a little mad at myself for letting my guard down for the lug-head to get as close as he had, I mean it was just a few messages but that was close enough. I didn't know him, didn't know his angle, or what he really wanted and I think that's what was really bothering me.

He was mean to me once and when this was over and he hooked back up with his fucking baboon team mates it would likely start up again and I just didn't need that shit in my life right now. Although if it did start at least I knew I could take his lug-head ass down to the ground if I needed to, and if he thought last time hurt, oh boy was he in for a surprise.

My dad gathered up his stuff, and rinsed the mug in the sink before putting it away, told me he'd be back after I got home from school and left me to my thoughts.

"Morning firecracker you're up early." Chris beamed as he came downstairs in his boxers and white shirt.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep." I said as he poured himself the rest of the coffee from the pot dad left for him.

"Couldn't stop thinking about him?" Chris asked, ribbing me one as he sat down.

That comment actually made me mad, there was no him and I didn't need Chris to imply it simply because I was forced in close proximity to the moron due to our mutual punishment.

"What do you mean, him?" I asked.

"I think you like him." Chris said smiling and generally enjoying this way more than he should.

"You wanna give me grief now too?" I asked. "I can drop you on the ground just as easily as I did him if you wanna go."

"Whoa, calm down Nate!" He said realizing he struck a nerve.

"What do you mean calm down, you're over here acting like I'm in love with that asshole, when I'm clearly not!" I spat angrily. The spoon made a clang sound in the bowl as I chucked it and held my forehead up on the table with my hand.

"Bro, I didn't mean it like that, I was just joking I seriously didn't mean to make you mad." Chris said calmly. "I'm sorry, forgive me please?"

I looked up and he was giving me those damn puppy dog eyes he had and I just couldn't stay mad at him.

"Fine, I do. But no more of this, him crap Chris. I'm serious, it bothers me." I said, looking at him intently.

One thing my brother knew about me was when I expressed my dislike for something, or said something bothers me he genuinely took it to heart to make sure he didn't do it again.

"I got you Nate, don't worry, and don't worry about him either." Chris said as he gulped down the coffee and stood up, "I'm gonna go take a shower and get ready for school. We'll leave as soon as I'm done if you're down okay?"

I nodded and he gave me a peck on the forehead before disappearing upstairs. Chris was seriously the best older brother a guy could have and I hoped one day I could bring it to myself to open up enough to let him know that before he went to college.

I finished my breakfast before it got soggy and washed the dishes before Chris was out of the shower. He decided to take a page from my book as I did the day before and grabbed a couple of granola bars and a small bottle of apple juice from the fridge before we left.

I was still bothered by what Chris said though, not him for saying it, but him. Corey Andrews. The dude bothered me in ways I couldn't explain and I really wished today and tomorrow could just be over so I didn't have to be near him anymore. I felt like my life was easier when he wasn't trying to talk to me all the time, and if he had kept his damn mouth shut during that incident in the halls days before I wouldn't even be in this situation to begin with.

Yeah I still hated him, and the thought of him putting me in this situation just made me hate him more.

So no surprise when I got to school, and checked into the ISS room, I totally ignored him just like the day before. He tried that same little wave, as he did yesterday and I swear I saw a small frown appear on his face as I sat myself down in my chair.

And just like yesterday my failure to acknowledge his presence caused him to fidget in his seat, his leg to shake and generally cause every distraction that annoyed me to no end as I got busy on today's assignments. I was midway through my math assignment when he coughed rather loudly, and it made me jump in my seat. My lips formed a thin line as I fought with every ounce of self control to not give him a look.

`I will not look.' I told myself.

The suspension monitor however did look, and he raised an eyebrow. "Is there a problem, Mister Andrews?" He said casually as he pulled off his reading glasses.

"Uh no sorry." The lug-head replied.

I shook my head and continued on with my assignment. I fought against my own will power that morning, but I could not give in, I could not, nor would not give this guy any of my attention. He was the reason I was in here, remember? Last night's little conversation on Instagram didn't mean anything. He was nothing, and despite what Chris hinted at this morning, I did not, I could not ever like him.

We repeated yesterday's lunch activities, we went to the cafeteria to retrieve lunch, and returned to the room to eat it in silence. Today's lunch was a far cry from what yesterdays had been since I didn't seem to have much of an appetite yet I ate what I could anyway knowing I'd need the energy for P.E.. And of course Coach Yates repeated his appearance to collect us from gym class and for a moment I felt like I was stuck in a bastardized version of some old movie my dad made us watch once called `Groundhog Day.'

I dressed out in silence, mulling my own thoughts and discomfort, and Corey didn't say a word as he did the same. The only difference between today and yesterday though was the fact he changed out, a short distance beside me instead of behind me like the day before. In fact he hadn't walked behind me at all in the few trips we had to make together.

"Same as yesterday and probably the same tomorrow. Start running." Yates barked as he set us loose.

I started off in a comfortable jog, not really wanting to push it like I did yesterday.

"Did I do something?" Corey finally asked as we completed a lap around the track.

"No." I replied shortly, keeping my eyes forward. I'm not going to look at him.

"You won't look at me."

"Does that matter?" I asked, keeping my voice even.

"I don't know. Maybe."

"You already apologized, I accepted it. It's done." I said flatly, trying to maintain my resolve.

"But you're still mad at me."

"I'm mad all the time. What makes you think you're so special?"

I didn't look but I could feel him frown. We rounded another curve in silence.

"I'm not." Corey finally replied.

"Then neither am I. So you can stop trying."

He stopped running, stopped dead in his tracks. Damnit, this fool was going to force me to look at him. My pace slowed to a walk then stopped.

"If Yates looks over here and sees us not moving. He's going to throw a fucking fit." I said loud enough to make sure he could hear me, but I remained facing forward.

The figure behind me remained silent, he still wasn't moving.

`Fucking prick.' I thought to myself as I slowly turned around. I looked, I had no choice. He had forced my hand. His dark brooding eyes flashed at me across the distance. I immediately felt uncomfortable. I could get lost in those eyes and that was totally unacceptable.

"Don't look at me like that." I said, my blue eyes pulsing in warning.

He nodded then started jogging back towards me, and I turned and matched pace with him again.

"You looked."

"You made me." I spat in reply.

"Are you mad?" He asked.

"I'm always mad, we've covered this already."

"At me?" He said with a definite inflection on the word `me'.

I almost wanted to hit him, I really did. This dude was pushing all the buttons that really shouldn't ever be pushed and not only was he pushing them he was mashing them all with his big strong hands.

`Big Strong Hands.' Are you fucking kidding me!? I yelled internally. This is not how this works! I was so irritated at him and myself I was almost half out of my mind wanting to scream. His question still unanswered hung in the air, like a small puff of smog polluting my mood, that wouldn't blow away.

"I need to run," I said absently as I took off, so much for not pushing myself. My feet pounded down the track, fueled by my irritation, my anger and him. Sweat formed along my forehead as I pushed my lungs into the breathing pattern I normally used when I ran. I pushed myself harder than I had the day before, into one curve, and out the other side, down the straight, and repeated until I approached Corey who was still jogging at the same sedate pace we had started out from.

I slowed on my approach, breathing hard my heart thumping in my chest as the adrenaline coursed through my veins.

"Feel better now?" Corey absently asked after a few moments, allowing me to regain control.

"No." I answered honestly. "But I'll live."

"I still think you're pretty fast for a little guy." He commented just as absently as before.

"Little?" I said, my anger rising again.

"Whoa, don't be mad! I didn't mean it like that. It was a compliment!" He said suddenly with actual emotion this time.

"I don't take compliments well." I said as my cheeks flushed.

"I noticed, just like you don't like it when people are behind you, or when they try to apologize for wronging you." He said with a hint of sadness in his voice.

That made me feel guilty, why I couldn't tell you. This dude was trying to get to me, and I knew I was pushing him away. My main problem was, I simply didn't want him to try and I really wished he would just stop. I was conflicted because I wasn't a mean person, my mom didn't raise me that way, but the anger couldn't be abated and I had used it to cocoon myself away from everything and from everyone. I just wanted him to go away, and I got the feeling he wasn't going to. Hence the anger.

"I'm sorry." I said finally, causing him to snap his eyes on me. "I don't want friends. I just want to be left alone. I don't know what you want with me and I don't want to find out. Please, just go back to making fun of me with your moron friends and leave me be."

I bit my lip to keep my emotions in check, and the tears at bay. I couldn't look at him either, not because I didn't want to, but just because I couldn't. I didn't want to see those deep brown eyes and what they thought about what I had just said.

At this point internally I was an emotional mess. Mixed with anger and sadness. That feeling I woke up with this morning was in full force and I just wanted to make it stop.

Corey didn't say anything further on the track that day. He didn't say anything in the locker room, or the shower that followed. We continued the second day of ISS in complete silence, without the fidgeting or attempts to get my attention. He also wasn't there in the pick up line after school, so I'm guessing his ride panned out this time.

Chris must have picked up on my somber mood because he was looking at me rather intently as I got in the car but he didn't say anything. It wasn't until we were halfway home before he said a word.

"What's wrong Nate." He asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

"Nothing." I lied, as I kept my eyes facing away gazing out the passenger window

"Nothing my ass. Nathan, usually when you're mad, I just chalk that up as being normal. But you're not mad, in fact you're far from it. You look like you're about to cry."

I shook my head and closed my eyes tightly as my face skewed up to keep from doing just that.

"Just leave it Chris." I said as my chest felt tight.

"No, not this time. I'm done leaving you to self destruct. I refuse to watch you go through whatever is in your head alone anymore. You're my baby brother and I just won't do it anymore Nathan." He said in a serious tone that made me flinch.

I couldn't reply, I had nothing to say. I just wanted to get out of this car, away from Chris, away from dad, and away from him. When we finally got to the house I grabbed my stuff and bolted as soon as the garage door was up. I ran into the house and up the stairs slamming my bedroom door. I dumped my bag on the floor and took off my shoes before curling into a ball on my bed facing the wall, and finally I cried.

It was late afternoon, as the sun was starting to set before I heard any real noise. I flinched as I heard my bedroom door open, then softly close before I felt a weight behind me on my bed. The tears at that point had paused as I forced myself to remain silent so maybe the intruder would just go away.

Instead it laid behind me, spooning against my form then I felt Chris's arm snake around me and hold me close as I started crying again. At that moment, the anger wasn't there, instead the flood gates opened up and I cried. It all poured out, our mom, school, being bullied, being gay, how alone I felt and Corey.

Chris held me tightly as I couldn't make the tears stop, he rubbed my chest and my and nuzzled the back of my head in the way only he could. It felt like hours had passed because it was dark now. Chris had turned on the lamp beside my bed earlier, and I shifted a little, the tears finally silent.

"Feel better now?" My brother asked finally as he sensed my shift.

I nodded silently.

"Will you tell me what's going on now?" He asked just as gently as before.

And I did to the best of my ability. This time though he didn't try to offer advice he just silently listened and squeezed me at the right moments just taking it all in. I told him about Corey and ISS, our conversations on the track, the Instagram messages, how I felt in school, being gay and how much I missed mom.

"I just want you to know how much I love you dude. I'm glad you finally let me in man, and I'm sorry you felt you couldn't talk to me before now." Chris said as he kissed the back of my head.

"I tried." I said as I admitted it to him and myself, "but after mom. I was just so angry at everything, and everyone."

"I know Nate, and I tried to give you space to figure it out. I hope this doesn't totally change you though, part of me sorta liked having the firecracker around." He said with a grin.

"No, I'm still tough as before. Maybe just not as angry all the time."

"Good. Dad's working late. Let's just order a pizza, my treat." He said, giving me one final squeeze before getting up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of bed as well.

"Okay. Thanks Chris. I love you dude."

"I love you too Nate."

The rest of the night went well, although when I went to bed I felt totally drained. I checked my phone, not interested in the normal scrolling activities I normally did, instead I just went straight to Instagram, and saw a new message.

therealCIA93_: im not going to go back to making fun of you.

I didn't reply.

The next morning was, wash, rinse and repeat. Literally, just like it says on the bottle. I woke up not feeling quite like the train wreck I had the morning before, but still different. With the routine unchanged from the last two days, I was really starting to wish this was already over, but at least it was finally the last day.

Except this day was different because a light drizzle had started, before the sun had risen and now it was an all out downpour. I rushed inside the school that morning as Chris dropped me off to park his car in the student lot, the rain peppered my navy blue tee and black jeans as I made it to the dry cool interior of the school.

I wasn't soaked, but the rain had done a number on my hair which was always messy to begin with, and it made my shirt a little more damp than I would have liked since the school's air conditioning system was still in use.

My eyes briefly caught Corey's the moment I walked into the door, I shook my own gaze away as I signed in with the suspension monitor and resumed my seat of the last two days. I would tell you how I felt in that moment, except I didn't know the answer to that myself.

I did give Corey a quick glance as I went through my work for the day, and he noticed because he was still looking at me as I had sat down. I felt something other than anger, other than sadness as I looked away. I just still didn't know what it was.

I ate less at lunch than I had eaten the day before. Which I'm sure didn't escape Corey's attention. And when P.E. came around, I pulled out a new set of shorts and school shirt, both navy blue my favorite color and headed out with Coach Yates, with Corey in tow still walking beside me instead of behind me.

"Change in plans due to the weather." Coach Yates stated as we walked towards the gym complex. "Outdoor activities are being held for normal classes inside the practice gym. Since you guys haven't given me any trouble, the last two days I'm going to put you next door in the game gym. I trust you two will continue to not cause any trouble today, correct?"

"Yes Coach." Corey said first.

"Yes sir." I agreed after.

"You have the option today to either walk or jog the gym's outer perimeter or shoot hoops with basketballs. Your choice. No fighting, no arguing."

We both nodded at the conditions, and he set us loose into the locker room.

I went to my locker and quickly changed into my new attire, after folding my street clothes, which were still slightly damp, so they wouldn't wrinkle too badly.

Corey apparently had an endless supply of black basketball shorts and white tee's because I noticed he had changed into a clean pair of those as well and this time he was wearing his trademark cap backwards on his head.

I always loved being in the gym that was used for basketball games, volleyball and other activities. The hardwood floor gleamed under the lights, and it always looked as new as the day it was laid and smelled like fresh cut wood. The walls were adorned in yellow and navy blue, our school colors and pennants hung along the walls from past championships the school had won both in basketball, and football on the field outside. I could still hear some of the activities going on next door in the practice gym but this one always seemed quiet when it was empty and it always seemed to cause anyone a sense of overwhelming calmness.

I forgot for a moment, about my internal struggles and I guess I smiled a little, because again I caught Corey silently staring at me a little ways away as he was trying to figure out what I was actually going to do in here.

I went over to the rack of basketballs the coach had laid out and walked the ball past the half court line towards the goal at the opposite end of the open doors that led to the practice gym. Absently I dribbled the ball towards the shooting guard position and launched the ball towards the goal.

It sank in the net without hitting the rim.

Corey gave me a surprised look and moved to get the ball as it hit the ground then dribbled it back as I moved to the point guard position, he passed it to me and I sank the ball again. I moved to the power forward position as again the ball was passed to me and I sank it a third time.

"And you don't do sports?" Corey asked as he retrieved the ball and held it in his hands near the net.

"I said I don't do sports, I never said I couldn't play sports." I corrected as he passed me the ball again.

He looked at me with a frown.

"My older brother Chris is on the basketball team, and has been since junior high. Who do you think helped him practice?" I said, giving in a little.

Corey nodded at me and passed me the ball again. I tried to sink from the center position but it bounced off the rim, I ran for the ball and got it this time rebounding from the small forward and it sank. I never could get it to go in from the center, no matter how hard I tried.

"One on one then?" He asked as he retrieved the ball.

I nodded and he passed me the ball and I walked back to the point guard position and dribbled it as he moved closer. I made my move and he tried to guard, but I'm shorter and faster on my feet as I duck under his arms after a fake to the right and shoot from the power forward position again and the ball sank in as it had done before.

He retrieved it with me moving to guard against him, and he tries that same fake I did but misses as I slap the ball as it leaves his hand, I duck behind him after it and dribble close to the small forward and shoot before he can block. The ball sails and sinks into the basket again.

Our little game continues for a few more minutes of back and forth, for every basket he makes I end up making two more. I'm not officially keeping score at this point. I'm just enjoying the activity in the gym I enjoy so much. Finally we pause as we fumble over each other causing him to trip on my feet, and for me to fall over because I wasn't fast enough to move out of the way as he fell.

I was so lost in the moment, I actually laughed and so did he.

"Why don't you play?" He asked after a moment of silence, and the laughter had died down. We were still laying on the floor looking up at the ceiling.

"I never wanted to." I admitted it honestly.

"I don't get it. I don't get you."

"What do you mean?"

"You can run but don't do track. You can sink this ball without even trying, but don't play basketball. You're smart, but you aren't in any of the activities. You say you're mad all the time, but you are fun to be around. I don't get you." Corey said thoughtfully.

I didn't have anything to say to that. I mean what could I say?

"Is it because you're gay?" He asked, surprising me with his boldness.

"No." I replied.

"I want to be your friend." He said simply without emotion.

"What? Why?" I asked sitting up as I made motions to get back on my feet.

He stood up and did the same, then gave me a long look.

"We can't be friends dude." I said as I moved to get the ball. "It just wouldn't work. You already have friends, remember?" I asked, dribbling the ball and took a shot at the goal, it bounced off the rim and I moved to retrieve it.

"Look, after today we have our lives to get back to, things will go back to normal. Being friends with me is just opening yourself up to be a target." I said as I tried another shot, this time the ball sank in the net. I sank a few more baskets while Corey continued to watch me, and by the expression on his face it seemed like he was a little pissed at what I had said. What I said was true though. As soon as anyone saw us hanging out together, they'd make my life worse and his too.

We silently continued shooting hoops with each other without it really being one on one anymore, really we were just taking turns making the basket. Coach Yates must have seen us because he approached us both as it was close to time to change out.

"Harris!" His voice boomed as he got closer, "why haven't you ever tried out for the school team?" He asked directly.

"I uh, didn't think I was good enough, and never wanted to play on the team I guess." I said, trying to make something up.

"I just watched you sink that ball from every position on the court. You're just as good if not better than your brother." Yates said as he appraised me carefully. "Think about it."

"Andrews, if you stop getting into trouble you could be just as good. You play well as it is, I'm just saying you could be better." Yates said, shifting his gaze to Corey.

We both nodded and he released us back to the locker room. I quickly changed out of my gym clothes and wrapped a towel around my waist as I grabbed the shower gear and headed into the shower, turning on the spray I soaked a little under the hot water and thought about what the Coach had just told me.

"He's right, you know." Corey said as he took his usual spot, and did the same as I did.

"He's right about you too." I offered.

"I know. I'm working on it."

I grabbed the body wash and went to work cleansing myself of the workout from the gym, not thinking about much for once except getting clean.

"You never looked."

"At what?" I asked, not understanding.

"You're gay. You never looked, uh in here, at me."

"Because I'm not a perv dude. Just because I'm gay doesn't mean I'm going to stare at every naked body that comes my way." I said, a little irritated at this line of conversation.

"You can if you want." He replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I've looked at you."

I was floored. He looked at me? Seriously? I felt something in my chest and in my stomach at the same time and I didn't like it. It made me a little light headed and a little queasy at the same time.

"Look at me." Corey said as I continued to stare at the wall. My heart started thumping in my chest, was this some kind of game? Was he doing this to hurt me?

"I can't." I said quickly.

"I don't want you to hurt me." I said quickly, never intending on actually saying it.

"I won't hurt you Nathan, please look at me."

I shook a little in disbelief, not understanding what the hell was going on in here right now. So far Corey had done a complete 180 on me and I just couldn't understand it, nor did I want to. I didn't want to be his friend, I didn't want him close, and I didn't want to look at him.

Or so I thought, because my head turned and saw him in all his glory.

Corey was half a foot taller than me almost at six foot to my five foot six. Athletics had done him well, his body was well proportioned, his muscles even but not bulging, and on the lean side. His chest had definition, with well defined but not overly large pectoral muscles on his chest with pink nipples a size that matched his stature, a flat stomach that showed the promise of a six pack later in life, with the most perfectly shaped legs I would probably ever see in my life. And the main event, between his legs, his flaccid penis, above a thin patch of pubic hair hung a little low, over his balls which like mine, didn't hang low from his body.

You take all of that, then just add the right amounts of baby fat to cushion him in all the right places, with a light dusting of black hair on his legs as well as his short cropped black hair on his head with those deep brooding brown eyes with a slight tan over his pale skin and you have Corey Andrews.

It was his smile that shook me out of my reverie, I quickly looked back at the wall and didn't say anything.

"I was hoping you'd look. I won't tell anyone, and besides I've looked at you too. You're lean and it suits you." He commented.

I still didn't say anything.

This was getting a little too weird for me.

"Uh, thanks." I said finally before quickly rinsing off and heading back to the lockers with my towel and shower gear. I quickly got dressed and I was pretty much done before he got out of the shower. Corey didn't seem bothered by any of this, he still had his towel wrapped around his waist as he always did doing his lug-head ritual without a care in the world.

"Thanks for earlier. Shooting hoops with me I mean. I had fun and I want to do it again." He commented as he put his shirt back on and grabbed his shoes.

He clearly was ignoring what I said before and again I wasn't sure how I felt about that. The more I tried to push this guy away the more bold he became and I still hadn't figured out his angle.

"We'll see." I said, without making a commitment.

The rest of the day went by quickly, I finished my work quickly and was reading my novel. To give you some context, I read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi stuff from Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffery and the like, so when I saw lug-head turn in his assignments and pull out Magic's Pawn, by Mercedes Lackey from his backpack the blood drained from my face. Currently I am reading the second novel in that series Magic's Promise.

`What the actual fuck.'

Seriously, I'm not going to explain the books, look it up and you'll understand me better. It looked like he was half way through it, already. Had he seen what I was reading the other day? Why was he reading it?

Wait, he can read?

I just stayed quiet for the rest of the day and read my book. I just didn't want to think about any of this anymore.

Finally the day ended, which meant on Monday things would be back to normal, and I would have two days away from Corey to get my compass pointed in the right direction again. I quickly packed up my things and left before Corey could say anything to me. And I kept that pace all the way to the pickup line where Chris was waiting for me.

"Go." I said as I got inside the car and buckled my seatbelt.

"Hello to you too!" Chris said with a chuckle.

"It's been a weird day dude, I'll tell you about it later please let's just go."

Chris rubbed the top of my head, making my hair even more of a mess, as he pulled away from the school.

"So not like yesterday?" He asked.

"Nothing like yesterday, I honestly can't explain it other than I can't wait for shit to go back to normal on Monday."


"Corey wants to be my friend." I explained with a sigh.

"Would that be so bad?"

"It would just end in disaster," I said. "Please for now drop it alright?"

"You know you have my support in anything you choose, Nate." Chris said as we continued on towards the house.

I was actually happy to be home this time. The rain cleared up at some point before school let out, it was still cloudy and a little wet but at least it wasn't raining anymore. One thing I do enjoy besides the smell of the hardwood on the gym floor, is the crisp clean smell just after a rainstorm when the ozone still wafts through the air, it has the same effect, it calms me.

I had idea why I was noticing all these little touches to my senses today, I never really paid that much attention to them. I also noticed that the flowering plants in the yard seemed to have a little more color that day. As I told Chris it had been a weird day.

A day that got even weirder not even two hours later, when Chris knocked on my door as I was reading my book.

"Uh Nate?" He asked, looking at me curiously through the partially opened door.


"You've got a visitor downstairs." Chris said, with an unsure look on his face.

Wordlessly, I put the book down and followed Chris out, when I got downstairs there he was in the flesh, one Corey Andrews. Surprised? I don't think I was either.

"I'm not grounded anymore." He said in that simple manner of his with a slight smile on his face.

"So you thought to come here?" I asked, eyeing him down a little.

"Of course. You live close." He replied, the slight smile still plastered on his lips.

I really didn't want to cause a scene with Chris in the room, so I just looked at my brother and shrugged.

"Alright, come on." I said as I started back up the stairs. What the hell was I doing? I wanted a break from this guy yet, here he is. Like the cancer that killed my mom.

'Okay that was a little dark. Forgive me mom.'

I waited until we were in the safety of my room before I closed the door and turned to him, "what are you doing here dude?"

"I wanted to hang out with you some more."

"You didn't ask!"

"You don't respond to my messages."

I checked my phone and loaded Instagram, the last thing he sent was the one I didn't reply to the other night.

"You didn't even send one!" I said looking at him incredulously

"Because you didn't respond to the one I sent." He said, his smile getting a little wider. The asshole was having fun with this.

And there he went, again mashing all my buttons at once like a monkey at a banana packaging plant.

"What?" He asked, looking at me his eyes gleaming.

"You're an asshole." I replied at a loss for words.

"I thought I was a lug-head."

"You're that too." I shot back.

He stood there proud in all his lug-head glory then glanced around my room. "You have a PS4?"

"Doesn't everybody?" I asked as I slumped down at the edge of my bed.

"Want to play Call of Duty?" He asked, holding up one of the Black Ops discs, looking hopeful at me.

"Fine, but you get the controller that sometimes works." I said getting up to turn the system on.

I'd love to say that I smoked him in the game like I did in the gym, but even with a malfunctioning controller he still managed more kills on me, and it wasnt from a lack of me trying. I pulled every dirty trick I could think of and while I got him good in some instances, no scoping with a sniper rifle he knew the maps like the back of his hand.

"You cheat." I said flatly as the screen displayed the final score of the round we just finished playing.

"I do not!" He replied laughing.

"I just finally found something I can out do you on, with a broken controller." He beamed.

I just stared at him with a flat expression on my face.

"Don't get me wrong, you're good. I was just slightly better."

I reached up and grabbed a pillow from my bed and smacked him with it.

"You're good! You're good! I swear!" Corey exclaimed, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Why are you here Corey." I finally asked.

"Because I want to be your friend." He said gently, with sincerity in his eyes.

"Why? Nobody else does." I replied, almost not wanting to hear the answer.

"Because I can see what you could be, instead of what you currently are like the others."

"And what could I possibly be dude, I don't trust you."

"I know you don't and to answer your first question, you could be my friend."

The fucking lug-head was starting to get all philosophical with me now, and it was really starting to mess me up inside again. But I didn't trust him yet. I couldn't after that incident in the hallway. This was just some sick game, it had to be.

"I gotta go dude, if I don't see you over the weekend I'll see you at school!" I said getting up and heading for the door. He paused with his hand on the doorknob and looked at me. "I had fun today Nathan, thank you."

And with that he was gone.

I heard him say something to my brother in passing and the front door opened and closed again.

"Everything okay?" Chris gently asked, peeking inside my room.

"Yeah." I said picking up the controllers and putting them back on the charger.

"You sure?"

"He wants to be my friend but I don't trust him Chris." I replied.

"Do you want to be his friend?" Chris asked as he opened the door wider and settled next to the door frame.

"That's the million dollar question bro, I just don't know."

And I honestly didn't.

Next: Chapter 3

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