Life of Troy

By Bryan

Published on Feb 18, 2010



Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 18 and cannot legal read sexual explicit material, or you disagree with homosexual activities leave now, do not continue. This is a story is strictly a work of fiction. The names of characters are made up. This story is also a copy right to the author who wrote it. So write your own and don't steal mine.

Okay guys this is a revised version of Troy and Ryan. Its a little better and longer. Please enjoy.

Life of Troy Henery.

Chapter One

On most days I feel hopeless just sitting by the beach, thinking maybe just maybe one day I will find love. Then the thoughts race through my head that I won't. I know it sounds pathetic doesn't it, but that's all about to change. By the way let me introduce myself. My name is Troy Henery, I'm a fifteen year old freshman at Franklin Heights High. I stand six foot even at about one hundred and sixty pounds. I have short blond hair and light blue eyes. I have an average built body cast with a medium tan. I'm different than all the other guys that go to my high school. I bet right now at this very moment you are asking yourselves how? Am I right? Well here is your answer I am gay, and you and my two best friends are the only ones that know. At least I hope, because I am just not ready for everybody to know including my parents.

Like I said I am sitting there on the beach just relaxing, watching and listening to the waves bounced off the shore, and thinking. I spent a lot of my free time down here, it is a quiet place away from reality. I'm just sitting here when out of the corner of my eye I see someone coming in my direction. Oh no it's probably mom, she was wondering where I was and she seen me sitting over here. She is probably going to want to know what's wrong and I just don't want to talk about it right now. Wait a minute it's not mom it is someone else, phew, but who is it? As they get even closer I figure out who it is, it's a guy that is a grade above me in school. His name is Ryan McCloud. He is about five eleven, one hundred and fifty five pounds. with green eyes, brown hair and a medium tanned athletic body. He is just one of the many popular kids in school. Him and I never really talked much, because well I'm not really all that popular, but he sure is a hottie.

He sat right down next to me, and when I say next to me he could have practically sat in my lap, and started talking to me.

Ryan: "Hey Troy whats up?"

Me: "Not much. You?

Ryan: "About the same, just out for a walk."

Me: "On the beach! I didn't know you live down here."

Ryan: "Oh I don't. I just like to come down here. It's kinda peaceful and quiet, don't you think?

Me : "Why do you think I come down here, because it's crowed and noise, of course I think

it's quiet!"

Ryan: " You're a smart ass you know that." he said with a laugh.

Me: " Yeah I've been told that many times." I replied with a slight smile.

Ryan: "So do you live around here?"

Me: " Yeah, my house is actually four houses down from here."

Ryan: " I see, I bet you spend most of your time down here then."

Me: "Sometimes but not all the time. Well if you don't live down here then where?"

Ryan: " About nine blocks from here."

Me: "Oh, and what street might that be?"

Ryan: "Third Street."

Me: "That must be a long walk?"

Ryan: " Na, it's not really all that bad, well I better split. My mom probably has dinner done and is wondering where the hell I am."

Me: " Ok, will see ya later Ryan." I said with a smile.

He returned the smile, got up and started to walk away, when he turned around and said;

Ryan: " You wanna hang out before school tomorrow?"

Me: " Yea sure, where do ya wanna meet?"

Ryan: " I was thinking we could meet at 'The Pier', maybe grab a bite to eat then walk to school."

Me: " That sounds like a plan. What time ya wanna meet there?

Ryan: "Like Seven thirty that should give us plenty of time, to eat and get to school.

Me: " Yea that should be, will see ya then."

Ryan " I'll be there."

He turned back around and walked away. I sat there wondering why he wanted to all of the sudden 'hang out', or even why he sat down here and talked to me. Like I said we never really spoke in or out of school. I have no idea, I will ask him tomorrow, anyway I think I better get going home. I got up and walked to my house. When I got home, I walked in the back door where the kitchen is and there stands mom as usual. In front of the stove cooking dinner.

Mom: "Where were you at?"

Me: " Down by the water just thinkin."

Mom: "About?"

Me: " Just things."

Mom: " What kind of things? Are you okay is something bothering you?

Me: " Like I said just things, yea I'm fine, I just like a quiet place to sit sometimes."

Mom: " Well I would have to agree with you there, I myself like to sit in quiet sometimes, but any way dinner should be ready within the next half hour or so."

Me: " Okay."

I left the kitchen and when I got into the living there is dad in his usual spot doing the usual. He is in the recliner with the t.v. on and he is sleeping, up to my room I go. I get up to my room and fall on my bed still wondering why Ryan wants to meet before school. Is he gay? No no that couldn't be he is one of the most popular kids in school. So that can't be it. My thoughts were interrupted by mom yelling to me from down stairs saying dinner was ready. I shuffle down stairs and to the kitchen where dad and my younger brother is already seated at the table and mom is setting plates of food in front of them. Good lord they are such lazy asses. I grab my plate and go to the stove and start filling it with the spaghetti mom has prepared.

Mom: " I can get that for you, you just go and sit down."

Me: "No ma I got it, my feet and hands are not broke like some others I know."

She smile at me, while my father and brother both sneered at me. Hey what can I say I speak my mind even when no one else wants to hear it that's how I am. We pretty much ate in silence the whole time. After dinner was done I told mom to go and relax that I would clean up. She thanked me as I started grabbing dishes from the table and placing them in the sink, and she left the room. For some reason out of the blue my brother comes over and starts drying the dishes.

Me: " Oh I was wrong your hands aren't broke." I said as I nudged him with a smile.

Jesse: " Yea I thought about what you said early, moms always cooking, cleaning, and doing other things while we just sit around, apparently I didn't notice how much she does, I think she deserves a little help.

Me: " Well I'm glad we agree on something."

We finished up the dishes, when we walked into the living room mom was sitting there watching t.v. and crocheting, I guess it helps her relax. I kissed her on the cheek and told her I was heading to bed, and that I'd see her in the morning. Jesse did the same. I headed up the stairs and into my room. I sat on my bed for a minute. Then decided to get on the Internet. I log on and started surfing a couple of my favorite porn sites. I like to watch videos. Half way through one of the movies Jesse nearly scared the shit out of me.

Jesse: " Well I thought so, a faggot aren't you, jesus christ."

I was at loss for words, he snuck in and I didn't hear him coming. I don't know what to do, I can't lie to him and tell him it just popped up. How long has he been standing there? I should just tell him, but by what he just said I don't think he will react to me say, yes, very good. Ah hell with it I will tell him.

Me: " Jesse listen...."

Jesse: " Listen what Troy!!"

Me: " Yes I'm gay!"

Jesse: "Well no shit, why?"

Me: " Because I'm attracted to guys."

Jesse: " Well good for you."

He turned around and stormed out of the room. Damn it why couldn't it go better than that. I shut the computer off and went over to my bed and laid down and started to cry. I couldn't help it I just told my brother I was gay, or he kinda found out how ever you wanna put, and it didn't go well at all. About an hour later there was a knock at my door. It was Jesse

Jesse: "Troy can I come in?"

Me: " Yeah I guess, unless your coming in to yell at me again."

Jesse: " No, I actually came to apologize, I acted like a dick, and I really didn't mean to."

Me: " Then why did you, I'm already upset as it is!"

Jesse: " I could just imagine how hard it is."

Me: "You have no idea."

Jesse walked over and closed the door and walked over and sat on the floor beside my bed.

Jesse: "Did you want to talk about it?"

Wait one minute he is yelling about the situation the next he wants to talk about it what the hell is going.

Me: " Yeah, but I have to ask why did you yell about it then now you want to talk about it, why"

Jesse: " Well I kinda thought about the way I reacted and it wasn't the way I should of. I should be more supportive."

Me: " Thank you."

Jesse: " What's it like, you know being gay?"

Me: " It's a bitch. I tell you because your afraid to tell anyone; because your not really easily accepted by people, kinda by yourself."

Jesse: " Does anybody else know that you are?"

Me: "Yeah, Byron and Chad."

Jesse: " They haven't told anyone have they?"

Me: " God I hope not, you won't tell anyone will you? Not even mom or dad!"

Jesse: " No! Will not tell a soul, it's between you and me."

Me: " Thanks Jess, I really appreciate it.

Jesse: " No problem, if you ever need to talk I'll be here."

With that he got up and left the room. I wiped away what tears that where left and got up and grabbed a pair of boxers and head to the bathroom to shower. I turned on the water and got it at just the right temp and hopped in. The water felt nice cascading down my body. When I got out of the shower I was so exhausted from everything that happen today so I decided to just go to bed. I set my alarm, and when my head hit the pillow I was out.

I woke up about six fifteen to the blaring sound of my alarm clock. I turned the damn thing off. I wake up just like every other day with morning wood, along with that came thoughts of Ryan flowing through my mind. Oh man if I could just see him with out those clothes I would be in heaven. With those thoughts my member stood at full attention. I slid my hand down and slid my boxers of and began to stroke it nice and slow, paying close attention to the head. Thoughts of Ryan's warm mouth wrapped around my tool slowly sucking. After about fifteen minutes my pace quickened, I knew I was getting close. I felt the climax hit and when I erupted the first shot of cum hit the bottom of my chin and then my chest, then stomach. After about five spurts it was over and my penis was already starting to go soft. I got outta bed and grabbed some clothes and took a shower. After I was done showering I went to my room and looked at the time holy shit it's seven

fifteen. I gotta go I am supposed to be at The Pier in fifteen minutes. I grabbed my bag and down the stairs I went. When I got downstairs mom was starting breakfast.

Mom: " Where are you going so early?"

Me: " I am meeting a friend down at The Pier, they wanted to hang out before school."

Mom: " So in other words your not eating breakfast?"

Me: " No, I will pick something up down there."

Mom: "Okay, do you need any money."

Me: " Na, I got five bucks."

Mom: " Nonsense you'll need more."

She walked over to her purse, pulled out a twenty and handed it to me.

Me: " Mom you sure."

Mom: "Yes get something good to eat, I could go all day knowing you didn't eat much for breakfast, you know it's the most important meal of the day."

Me: "Yea, I know thanks mom."

I walked over kissed her on the cheek said good bye to her and Jesse, out the door I went. When I got to the pier Ryan stood there waiting for me. I was running a little late.

Me: " How's it going?"

Ryan: " Good. You?"

Me: "Fine thanks."

We stared walking down the pier, market stands on each side of us, as we walked down farther it widened out a little, and there were tables and chairs to sit at. At the very end there was a carnival, Ferris wheel, tilt a whirl, ya know the typical things ya find at a carnival. We walked over to the edge of the pier, we were quite a ways down, and we started taking about school and such.

Ryan: " So what do you like to do in your free time?"

Me: " Well when I'm not doing homework, I like to play around on the computer and listen to music."

Ryan: "I see what kind of music you like?"

Me: " All sorts , Country, rock, some Rap. How bout you."

Ryan: "Mostly Rock and Rap, never really listen to anything else."

Me: "Oh, you play sports don't you?"

Ryan: "Yeah I play football and basket ball. Do you playing any?"

Me: "Na never really had interest in playing for some reason, I love to watch.

We walked over to a hot dog stand and the guy kinda just looked at us funny but he gave us what we wanted. We really didn't talk much while we ate. Afterwards Ryan looked at me.

Ryan: " Troy can I tell you something?"

Me: "Yeah go ahead."

Ryan: "Well um I wanted to tell you that".....and he trailed off and there was a slight pause

Me: " Tell me what?" I asked looking at him kinda puzzled.

Ryan: "That I think you are cute and that I like you."

My jaw dropped, did he just tell me that he thought I was cute. Wow I was right he is oh my word. He seen the look on my face and quickly began to talk.

Ryan: "I'm sorry if I upset you, because I don't know if you are; but I'm gay and I thought it would be best if I told you."

Me: "No I'm not upset, I have a little confession of my own"

Ryan: "Yeah."

Me: "I'm gay too."

The look of worry and fear flushed away from his face and was replaced with happiness, I told him that I thought he was hot, and his face turned three shades of red. I laughed.

Me: " Come on I think we better get going so we're not late for school"

Ryan: " Yeah my mom will kill me if I'm late."

Me: "Mine to."

Ryan: " Troy?"

Me: " Yea."

Ryan: " You think we can get to know each other better?"

Me: " Yea, I think that's possible."

We strode down the pier and made are way toward school.

There you have it. Like I have said before you all are more than welcome to email me at, because your opion, advice and constructive critisim is greatly apprecaited and accepted. I will get back to most of you.

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