Life Saga

By Charles Underwood

Published on Sep 14, 2005


Disclaimer: This story contains scenes and actions of an adult homosexual and homoerotic nature. If you are resident in a country where your age does not permit you to view such material, please leave this page immediately. This story also contains references to real people. The author makes no claim to know the sexualities of any of the characters within the story including in particular the members of the Backstreet Boys. This story is entirely fiction and does not represent the views of any of the members of the sites with which it is affiliated. Thank you.

Life Begins:

Chapter Five: A New Beginning

Five rings. Five, long, slow rings. Any more and the call would not have taken place. A third ring. He almost put the handset down. A fourth ring. What was the point of this anyway? He didn't need to...A fifth ring. He would end it. It was not worth it and he didn't want to cause any trouble. "Hello?"

"Hi, can I speak to Ryan please?"

"Hang on a sec; I'll just pull him away from the pc." Charles waited a further two minutes, all the while wondering why he had made this call. "Hello?"

"Hi bro..."

"HEY! Where the hell have you been? Man I've been so worried about you! Damn! Are you OK? I heard some crap about a cruise accident and what the fuck have you been doing??" Charles listened to the torrent of concern and smiled mildly to himself.

"I'm fine really. I just...needed to get a few things sorted and I kinda got bugged down with work and all. Sorry I didn't call earlier; I haven't been able to get online cos my laptop died and so..."

"Hmmm I guess so. But I missed you k? Don't you go pulling a stunt like that too often you hear me?"

"Yeah sure. Look I hate to cut to the chase and hell I'd love to chat but time is short and I need to ask you a favour." Charles left a small gap of silence as if to make the next sentence somewhat separate and more important. "I'm currently stuck in New York and I need a place to crash. Can I borrow your flat..."

"You're asking? Dammit bro, you know you don't have to ask! You have a set of keys anyhoo just go in and crash! Hey, we were planning on taking a trip back up there soon anyhow. We must meet up and catch up on stuff..."

"No." The word echoed harshly down the line. "I'm sorry Ryan," Charles sighed, "that came out way too harsh. I can't stick around for very long; I've got some things to take care of in Orlando and I need to find a job and locate stuff and..."

"A job? They fired you?? Why! You were their best!"

"Good question. Anyhoo, I have to love you and leave you. I'll try to get online as soon as and we can chat some more. Thanks bro. Love ya."

"Love ya. By."

The phone clicked lightly and then the line played that mono dead tone that for some reason always reminded Charles of a funeral. He placed the receiver down slowly and stepped out of the pay phone. Then, he took a deep breath and headed over the road to the mall. The building was old and a little shabby for the glittering skyline of New York, but it had several good shops that unique traders used away from the glare of the multi-billion corporations that tended to drown out their small time competitors. He headed past the collage of fast food businesses and went down a floor through the bustling crowds into a small dark warehouse type boutique.

It was a strange place yet despite the musty smell and old world look, upon the shelves, the latest graphics and memory upgrades shone underneath the dim lighting like jewels in a cave. Charles strode past the few computer geeks who hung back in the shadows, pawing over the new Radeon graphics systems and cooling appliances and passed through a door near the back marked `staff only'. Inside the small back office, a corridor extended into a large workshop. It looked like a minefield. Pieces of case and hard disk littered the floor while old monitors either stood in towering wobbly piles or sat upon mountains of cds, floppy and zip disks displaying green and white Matrix style code.

Fans whirred constantly; their perpetual noise broken only by Charles' heavy footsteps. "You're back I see. What can I do you for?" the voice spoke calmly and wearily from a face that shone with knowledge and passion. His dark hair was swept back and his hands were charred from electrical shocks and bitten by metal shards. "I need an upgrade. Max power. All accessories. No programs. The usual." The man nodded and turned walked briskly into the workshop. Charles waited by the entrance and felt his mind soothed by the mechanical whirr.

The recent mirage of events had now been sorted into their correct places and all were successfully filed away bar one. Nick. The night at the hotel still bugged him and he did not know how to think or react. What was that feeling he had woken with? A kind He couldn't place it. And why had he not called back as he had promised. It was over a week now and he had been running from hotel to hotel in an attempt to dodge the somewhat inevitable meeting. He snapped back from his thoughts as the computer giant returned carrying a small vinyl case. "Here you go then mate. Usual account?" Charles took the bag and, feelings its weight, nodded. "I'll be in touch."

He left the mall and within an hour was standing outside a large suburban house surrounded by trees and a large lawn. He took out a set of keys from his pocket and inserted one into the front lock. The bolts slid back and the door opened smoothly. Shaking his head, he reluctantly took the offer of help and closed the door behind. He almost felt a pang of guilt or perhaps unease when he remembered that he had already parked his car in the garage and had placed a large pile of papers and documents upon the dining room table. But he shrugged it off as irrelevant and sat down to crunch some numbers.

The laptop fired up with incredible speed and after three minutes and two DVDs worth of information, was powered with the latest in technical software. He accessed the virtual wireless internet and engaged the I.P. bypassing engine. A further minute and a half passed before the internet in complete capacity, including the excluded, government and militant nets lay open before him. At that time, however, he was not going to hack anything. He located his secure banking site and accessed the withdrawal function. The large nine figure display proved that they had been good to their word and his funds had been taken care of. He accepted the pending outpayment and in a trice several thousand disappeared from the account.

However, the debit was somewhat irrelevant when a moment later; another huge payment racked back more than twice what had just been taken out. The numbers rolled around electronically and the secure insurance bond paid its dividend into the account. He checked the figures and, satisfied that everything was in order, logged off the machine and left it to system check and install a number of useful programs. He went to the fridge and snapped open a can of pepsi and searched for his bottle of Smirnoff Blue. Adding a generous amount of the clear vodka to the coke, he sat down to ponder on his next move.

At that moment, his cell rang. Unknown number scrolled across the top of the screen. He waited two rings until the sophisticated PDA style device tracked the caller down and fed back the information. An office block in Orlando. He accepted and listened with surprise as the receptionist informed him of his successful job application.

"When can we expect your arrival?" she asked, after confirming his bank details.

"At present, I don't know. Although I would be happy to fly out at once if there is space available," Charles replied. Even though they were states apart, Charles knew the girl was smiling.

"We can put you on a flight tomorrow evening, first class. It departs at 18:00 and check-in closes promptly at 17:30. Is that OK?"

"No problem at all. I look forward to it. When will I be introduced to my manager?" He could not believe he had been so blind and so dismissive of the bright young girl on the end of the phone.

"Oh you've already met her. Hi, my name is Ms. Wright. Please call me Margaret." Charles didn't know what to say. He almost stammered but he quickly collected his thoughts and after the minimal of pauses, spoke in return,

"Forgive my ignorance. I am delighted to speak to you."

"Not at all, Charles. I shall discuss further arrangements of your employment with us upon your arrival. Until then, goodbye."

"Goodbye." The conversation ended smartly and with all of the finesse expected of such a high ranking global corporation. Charles sat back down and smiled to himself. At last there was some success. His mind cut into his thoughts and in a flash eradicated the slight feeling of bliss. He had work to do. Sighing, he picked up his cell and dialed a familiar number. A few moments later, it was answered by a deep heavy voice, "Hello?"

"Hey, is Emma there please?"

"Yeah, sure. One moment." Charles heard the rustle of cloth as the handset was passed from one person to the other.

"Heigh-hos," she said lightly into the receiver.

"Hey, who's Mr. Manly over there?" asked Charles, the playful interest all too obvious in his voice. Emma laughed and answered in a tone that conveyed hiding and intrigue.

"His name is Mark and we met at that club."

"Is he nice?-he sounds it!"

"God yes! He is amazing! He is soo kind and caring and fantastic in bed!" she added with a laugh.

"Well it's good to see you having some luck for once. I hope it goes well. Anyhoo, I thought I had better ring and let you know I'm leaving New York now and heading down to Orlando. I shall call you soon and meet up for lunch or something."

"OK, thanks for letting me know, I'll chat online if I'm free."

"Yeah, if you can drag yourself away from your hunk you mean!" Charles laughed.


"No worries, love you, bye!"


`It was about time something good happened to her,' Charles thought to himself. He checked the time and finding it surprisingly late, fixed a sandwich before returning to the laptop and continuing with a number of programs that he wrote totally oblivious to anything else around him. It was two a.m. before he finally closed the machine down and headed for bed. There was a lot to do in the morning and as he lay down and closed his eyes to power sleep away part of the darkness and try to rebuild his defenses that had as ever endured a mighty assault during the day; an additional comfort soothed his whirling thoughts. Unknowingly focusing on Nick's angelic face, he soon drifted off into a strange dark world that greeted him each time he closed his eyes.

This night, however, it was blissfully silent.

Nick wondered around his flat for the seventh time trying to remember anything else about that night. He could still picture it exactly as it happened; waking up and finding Charles moving to an invisible force with such peace and might on his face; the embarrassment of forgetting his nudity; the joy of talking and being near his saviour. He just could not recall Charles saying anything about where he was going or would be? What were his words? `Nowhere special.' That could mean anything! Frustration grabbed him again and he flung his body down into the sofa. The muted TV's glaring image did little to comfort him and he found himself once more standing up with restlessness.

He had already rung round the city hotels for descriptions and had used his influence to search but all routes had been in vain. Some things had turned out right that week anyway, even if not being able to locate Charles wasn't one of them. He had managed to fully reconcile with al of the other band members, well all save Brian that was, and was joining them in Orlando that evening for talks with management over the new tour and potential for a second return album. In fact the taxi was waiting outside the flat now for him to show. Exasperated at having to leave his pursuits, he picked up his keys and laptop before closing the front door.

Within the hour, he was sitting on the plane and connecting to the private wireless network. He logged in as he standard anonymous username, Nikon, and entered the virtual chat. It was not a long flight and he had enough time to scan through the forums before opting for a low user room containing five other people. Two of the five were engaged in a jargon battle or at least that what it appeared to Nick. Lance and Termial66 sent high paced chains of script running across the screen until in an instant, Terminal66 was booted from the room and vanished from the list of online users.

`Odd' thought Nick to himself as he started up a conversation. I'm looking for someone; can anyone help me? He typed. As usual with new people in what appeared to be a well established set of four people, no one replied. Sorry about that. Rogue bot. Any more strange things happening red? Lance asked another user. Nothing of importance. I'll keep you posted. Thanks, Lance. Lucia then spoke up. How do you configure Radeon with OSX? Mine isn't working right on the network... Two messages answered at once. The first was from red, detailing the protocol and scripting commands needed to run such a configuration. The second and more valuable one was directed at Nick.

You looking for someone in Orlando or New York, Nikon? Nick was surprised. How did Lance know where he was or what his destination was. Feeling more than a little uneasy, he checked his firewall settings before answering. I'm not sure. They were in New York but I lost them. I have details of the hotel they used and what they look like but nothing further. A few minutes passed before Lance replied. In the meantime, red, Lucia and now Yoda all joined in a heated discussion about the benefit of using the new Java script as oppose to C++. Lance then cut in twice to say that both were terrible and everyone of any caliber should use Terraform before answering Nick.

Send me the photo and details and I'll crack the database. Nick was surprised at how easily and calmly he appeared to word his answer. He typed out the information he had managed to weed from the hotel and then proceeded to upload a blurred pc generated image of the man he longed to catch up with. The photo was half way through transferring when the fasten-seatbelt sign illuminated seconds before the plane hit a sudden rush of turbulence. In a trice the connection was terminated and the data was lost. Nick exclaimed and hastened to fasten his belt as the craft began to jump around alarmingly.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are experiencing some unexpected turbulence and would ask you to please remain calm. We will climb to a high altitude to escape it, should the winds persist. Thank you for your attention." Nick braced himself and pushed his body firmly into the seat. He hated turbulence. Take off and landing he could just about deal with but when things started to shake, he had to be in his seat. Luckily it did not last for long and in fifteen minutes, the plane was stable. Nick, however, was not. Almost green with fright, he raced to the toilets as soon as the seatbelt light was turned off.

It was lucky that no one else needed to go that badly for it was a further half hour before he returned, very much whiter and a little shaky, he sat down. He considered using the laptop again to resume the discussion but decided against it. If one person on a random forum had the knowledge and access to find Charles, there would be someone else somewhere on the internet who could do a similar search. For the moment at least he was content with that thought.

He was ushered through customs with no problems and was just checking he had not forgotten anything when someone familiar brushed past. He looked up and stared for a whole minute while the man walked up, collected his baggage and then headed out of the terminal. Suddenly realizing who it could be, Nick ran out of the airport building, getting entangled in the revolving doors as he left. He tripped up and stumbled forward across the road, narrowly avoiding several cars and trucks before mounting the pavement unceremoniously and running headlong into a lamppost. He span around and scanned the road for the stranger. But no one was there. Cursing, he shuffled back into the terminal where he joined his waiting security personnel and was chauffeured to a nearby hotel.

He was the last to arrive. The other 4 band members were already seated upstairs on their reserved floor. He entered slowly, unsure of their reaction. Surprisingly, he was greeted with 3 grins and a mediocre smile; much better than he had been expecting. Kevin sat him down while AJ got him a drink. Once settled, Howie set the ball in motion. "OK should we do another album? I mean we love doing it and I've got a tone of new ideas and the fans would love us for it. Any thoughts?"

"I agree we should go for it," replied Kevin. "I mean we don't need money and the chance to get out and perform again is what I hope we all enjoy; hell I know I do!"

"Yeah I'm game," added AJ. "I mean I need the focus in my life and spending more time with you guys is always a plus."

The conversation was cut short by the dread atmosphere that had descended on the room. "Guys, would you excuse us for a moment please?" asked Brian, looking across at Nick. They nodded and the pair got up and headed out on the balcony to talk. "Let's get one thing straight OK?" began Brian.

"What is there to get straight exactly? I mean I'm the same person and the others accept me for that. Who I fancy is really none of your business!" Nick launched a full attack on the man he had once regarded as a brother. "It is my business. You mean a lot to me and I don't want to end up falling out over such a...trivial thing!" Brian replied hastily. He truly did not want to loose his friendship with Nick and he knew that he was the one who had been in the wrong before. "Trivial? You think this means nothing to me? Oh you can forget it! I've had it with you! You know, not everyone has the luxury of choosing to be the honorable blue-eyed perfect choir boy!" Nick screamed the words at him before running out of the room, tears streaming down his face and slammed the door behind him.

"What did you say to him?" asked Kevin angrily.

"Nothing! Honestly, I tried to tell him I was sorry but he just took it the wrong way and flipped out on me!" The water in Brian's eyes combined with his indignant tone told the group he was being truthful. "Well we have to go after him!" urged AJ. "There's no telling what he might do!" Howie nodded but Brian was already opening the door. In a trice, he was through it and chasing after Nick. "Dammit!" Kevin exclaimed. But there was nothing more they could do other than race out after the two feuding men. "I just hope we get to them before they do something stupid."

The flight was somewhat boring. First class of course and on the private jet there was access to wi-fi systems. He was a little annoyed that his data stream had been interrupted due to turbulence and on his return to the client, his contact was no longer available. However, on arrival at the airport everything went smoothly. He almost ran into someone at baggage collection but nothing was made of it and he was able to quickly pass through security and get to where his taxi was waiting. The journey had passed quickly and within the hour they reached the hotel. "Ms. Wright will meet you for diner at eight. Please do not delay." The receptionist droned on for a few minutes about standard hotel protocol and the events occurring at the hotel in the forthcoming week. It was a wonder he remembered it all but more of a amazement that he did not tire from reciting the endless charade of diners and music performances; all complete with times and seating arrangements.

When he had finally recited the last of the events and handed over the keys to room 43, Charles turned at once to the main stairwell. He never took the lift where he could avoid it and the four floor climb would do him good. He rounded the corner and then stopped dead. Standing in front of him, looking him straight in the eyes having run down stairs, was Nick. "Hey," Charles said, unable to look away from Nick's piercing eyes. "Hey," nick replied, suddenly overcome at his presence. All earlier thoughts of his discussion with Brian and the anger he felt vanished from his mind and he saw only Charles' sapphire eyes.

"I didn't expect to see you here," inquired Charles.

"Well you know, small world and all!" replied Nick nervously. "Look, there's something I want to..." he broke off.

"What?" asked Charles, "What is up? Do you need to talk again?" by this point had moved to the side and were leaning against the bar, which was at the time, thankfully closed. "No, it's not that, I just...I don't know...It's hard for me you know?"

"I know," whispered Charles, more to himself, than to Nick. For a moment he wished he could leave his past behind, that he could just find the confidence he needed to do what he wanted and to be the person he needed to be. Nick heard and caught Charles' sudden depressed shift in his gaze. Ignoring all inhibitions, he moved forward and kissed him full on the lips. They stood there for a moment, before Nick pulled away and looked back at Charles' face; the expression upon it impossible to read. I've done it now,' he thought. From here on in, only time will tell.'

OK this is a better part than the last lol; actually get some plot movement. Anyhoo, cheers for the reading and thumbs up go to Emma and Pansy-Boy Ryan for their support. Keep on reading and enjoy!! As ever:

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