Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Dec 12, 1999


Life Saver Part 16 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that Brian Litrell, Nick Carter, AJ Mclean, Carson Daly, Justin Timberlake, or Joshua Chasez is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Preface: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Author's Note:

This is part 16 of my story. If you are just starting to read my story I would like to extended my warm I love ya's to you and I hope you continue to read my story. I am sorry for the lateness of this part. I have a job bow and I have NO time to write...or type as the case may be. I hope that the next part comes out timely but, there are no promises because my time is limited and I have to be in the mood to write. Since I have Christmas vacation coming I will have more time to write and the next part might be longer and out sooner so look for it!

As you can guess, I have added Justin and JC from NSYNC into the story. Please tell me what you think about his addition and if you think I should go ahead and add the rest of the guys from NSYNC....this is important information I need from you guys cuz I am re-plotting the rest of the story.

I am suffering from a major lack of motivation right now. I know everyone tells me not to right for comments but to right for myself ,but it isn't as easy as it seems. So I ask you guys if ya'll are reading this to drop me a line...good or bad. I need to know what I am doing wrong because I think it sucks!

If you haven't read these stories please do:

*Steven and Brian *BSB and Nsync *I just wanna be wit u *Lucky Me *Brian and Cody *Brian and Keith.....although he doesn't email me and hasn't updated his story! I STILL LOVE YOU KEITH!!!! :-P

I am sorry for this part being so all of my readers I love you guys and your comments are welcome! Also, I have lost all the email addresses of my readers. If you would if you are reading my story please send me an email with your email address so I can email you about upincoming news on my story!


*****I have changed my story to 3rd person because it is a ***** HECK of a lot easier to write in third person


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

The next morning found four couples sleeping together harmoniously. Brian and Robert had mended their relationship and started over. Justin and JC had just commenced their relationship ,yet it seemed destined to fail. Nick and Carson slept peacefully from the previous night of clubbing. Nick had thoughts of AJ creeping in his mind the longer he slept and the longer he stayed with Carson. Only time would tell the fate of the three men. And then there was Kevin and Jennifer; the newly formed couple. Kevin was re-establishing the love that he had for the Jennifer he thought he knew, while Brandon was in the process of ruining the lives of Brian and Kevin. All slept as the sun rose over the city bringing the beginning of a new day in the lives of each.

"Mhmmmmhmmm", Robert moaned as he cuddle closer to the already awake Brian.

"You know you are cute when you are asleep", Brian whispered as he caressed the forehead of his young boyfriend.

"You aren't to bad when you are awake either.", he added in. Robert kept his eyes closed as he slept in the arms of his friend of 2 weeks.

"You know how you are always talking about how I am your life saver. Well, I think of you as my life saver. I haven't showed it much ,but I have never loved someone as much as I love you. You are my life and if you would have left me I don't know what I would have done. I guess that is why I got hurt and I promise you I will never scare you like that again.", Brian whispered softly.

"I love you too baby.", Robert whispered back as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning cuteness.", Brian said smiling.

"Sup?", Robert giggled.

"Do you really wanna know?"

"Well, are you talking about this?", Robert asked as he grabbed Brian's dick.

"Uhuh....hehehe", Brian giggled and smiled.

"Now Bri, you know you can't do anything physical right now....that means cumming too!"

"But, you are so cute, and I am so hard!", Brian whined.

"You make this so hard for me!", Robert whined back as he gave in little by little to Brian and began to kiss him. Robert's tongue immediately entered Brian's mouth as the kissed for the first time in a while. Brian grabbed Robert's hand and guided it slowly to his crotch and left it there for Robert's disposal.

"Brian, I can't, please....I can't", Robert moaned though the kiss. Brian stopped the kiss and stated into Robert's eyes.

"I sowwy...I just got carried away forgive me?", Brian asked in a baby's voice.

"Oh my have got me wrapped around your finger are gonna kill me you know!", Robert laughed as he gave Brian a quick kiss on the nose and jumped out of the bed.

"Where are you going baby?", Brian asked disappointedly.

"I am gonna go take a shower....I feel icky in the morning...besides it helps me wake up. You aren't gonna miss me are you?"

"Well, I might get a little lonely.", Brian whimpered convincingly. Robert walked over to where Brian was laying and grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry about me leaving you Bri. I will never leave you without just cause and just cause would be because you didn't love me alright? I love you babe."

"I love you too Rob."

"Ok, now I am gonna go take a gonna be ok?", Robert asked lovingly.

"Yeah, I'll be ok."

"Cool, I'll be out in a little while. Love ya!" Brian watched on as Robert walked in to the bathroom and started his shower. Just as Robert closed the door the phone rang.

"Hello?", Brian answered.

"Um...Hi, is um...Robert there?", the voice asked.

"Yes he is. Who is calling?"

"Is this Brian?", the voice asked.

"Well, yeah this is Brian ,but who is calling?"

"Hey Brian, you might remember me from the first time you met Robert. This is Andy! Ring any bells?"

"Oh yeah, you are Rob's best friend. I remember now! How's it goin? I am sorry Rob hasn't called you or anything....we have been super busy and he really hasn't had the time. He misses his friends so much dude. He has been down for a couple of days...I really don't know what to do.", Brian confessed to Andy.

"Well, is there any way that he can come down here?", Andy asked.

"Yeah, but, he doesn't want to leave me and I can't go because of my injuries."

"Your injuries? What the hell happened?", Andy asked concerned.

"It's a long and emotional story...I don't feel like getting into it."

"That's cool, as long as you and Rob are ok I am happy.", Andy said gleefully.

"Thanks may sounds crazy but, do you have a couple of days free to do anything?", Brian asked.

"Well, actually I do.", Andy said shamefully.

"Do you wanna come here and hang out with me and Rob...I am sure it would cheer him up tons.", Brian suggested.

"That would be great ,but I can't afford a plane ticket....", Andy said sadly.

"Don't worry about it...if you can get to the airport ASAP I can get you a flight to Lexington in no time!",

"Dude, you are so awesome...I will get my things packed and head on up....I can't wait to see Rob....I have so much to talk about!", Andy said happily.

"I can't wait either man...see you soon Andy. Bye.", Brian said as he hung up the phone and smiled at his actions trying to make Rob happy.

Rob exited the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his torso and a smile on his face. Brian looked up from the bed and saw his boyfriend smiling from ear to ear. Robert walked closer to Brian and jumped on the bed next to him.

"Why are you so happy?", Brian asked.

"I get to spend all day with the guy I love not to mention Brian Litrell. There is so much stuff I don't know about you. I have only know you for two weeks and we are already boyfriends. It just seems like it is all passing by at the speed of light."

"Well, believe it or not, you can fall in love that quick. And I have fallen for you!", Brian said as he kissed Rob's neck.

"Guess what!?", Brian asked Rob.

"You are horny again right?", Rob asked sarcastically.

"NO, silly! And for that I am not going to tell you!", Brian taunted.

"Fine then....I will just sit here and sulk."

"That's cool with are cute when you are trying to be mad!", Brian giggled.

"Oh shaddup!"

"I love you.", Brian said non-chalantly.

"I know.", Robert said as he stood from the bed and walked downstairs. Brian watched as Robert left the room without any notion of being mad.

"What's wrong Robert....why don't you just tell me?", Brian asked himself.

Robert walked down the hall to Kevin's room and knocked on the door waiting for a response ,but got none. Robert knocked again and finally the door opened ,but it was not Kevin who answered it. Robert's eyes widened as he saw a girl a little older than he standing in her pajama's with a smile.

"Hi!", the girl said.

"Uhhhhh....hi?", Robert said back confused.

"Oh, I am sorry....I am Jennifer....and you are?"

".......Robert.....yeah....I am Robert.", he stuttered out.

"Nice to meet you Robert. I have heard some good things about you from Kevin! It's great that Brian has found someone that is as great as you are!", Jennifer said with a cheerleader smile plastered on her face.

"Who are you?", Robert asked ignoring the girl's comments.

"I didn't tell you? I am Jennif....", she was cut off.

"No you don't get it....WHO are YOU?", Robert asked a final time.

"I....I.....uh...I....", she stuttered on her words as Kevin lazly approached the two.

"Hey Rob, what seems to be the problem?", Kevin asked as he wrapped his strong arms around the tiny waist of Jenny.

"Oh, nothin....just wondering who this Jenny girl is....she seems to know a lot about me and Brian.", Robert said staring wholes through Kevin.

"Sorry Rob, this is an old girlfriend of mine...she already knows about Brian and all...sorry I didn't tell you sooner...we just got back together and all and we kinda talked all night long.....", Kevin said as he smiled and kissed the shoulder of Jennifer.

"Yeah, well, whatever....have fun.", Robert said as he walked back to his and Brian's room.

"What's his problem?", Jennifer asked.

"I dunno...I guess he is just really protective of Brian....", Kevin pondered.

"Yeah, well, he seems like and asshole from here and you know I can't stand assholes!", Jenny said evily remembering the plans Brandon and she had in store.

Robert continued his walk back to his room where he had left Brian a couple minutes earlier in shock. Robert found the bed empty and heard the shower water running. He knew that Brian was going to need help after he got out of the shower so he walked into the bathroom and sat down in a chair waiting for Brian to finish. As Robert was waiting for Brian to finish he noticed that Brian was singing a song. Amazingly enough it was an NSYNC song that had made Robert cry so many times before he ever met Brian....

"....God must have spent a little more time...on you....", Brian ended as he turned off the water and opened the door to see Robert with a smile and tears in his eyes. Brian had no idea that he had been listening to him sing for quite some time.

"That was nice baby....", Robert sobbed out.

"It was all for you...", Brian replied as he inched towards Robert and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you...."

"No problem....Well, I am standing here naked and I need to get some clothes on before I get too hard.", Brian said as he wrapped a towel around his waist.

"Lookin at me? I doubt you will get hard anytime soon....I am gonna let you finish and I will help you downstairs ok?"

"Ok, I guess...I am gonna miss you.", Brian whimpered.

"I am just goin to clean up our room...I ain't goin far!"

"Ok, sorry.", Brian apologized. Robert knew he had been unfair to Brian and a little mean ,but he also had to deal with one thing that had entered his life again....Brandon. Brian shut the door and let Robert be by himself as he finished getting ready for the day.

"Why do you have to show up in my life when I am just getting things back to normal? Brandon...I HATE YOU!", Robert cried out.

"JC! Wake up!!!!!!", Justin yelled as he jumped on the bed.

"Shuttup curly...I am so tired....please....", JC whined as Justin continued to jump on the bed widely.

"Justin, you are going to pay dearly if you don't're dead." JC, flew out of the bed and tackled JC on to the floor as he pinned him strongly. Justin could not contain his laughter as he saw JC red in the face from anger.

"Now, LITTLE BOY, when I say I am tired that means leave me the fuck alone....GOT IT!?", JC spitted at Justin. Justin giggled and kissed JC gently on the lips and immediately calmed his boyfriend down.

"Good Morning sexy...", Justin giggled out.

"You know....I am gonna have to kill you one of these days, because my heart can't take these mood swings....", JC finally joked.

"Well, I am sorry baby but, you have been sleeping forever and I wanted to kiss you.", Justin pleaded his case.

"Well, why didn't you just kiss me while I was asleep?"

"Because you wouldn't kiss back dummy..."

"Your point being?", JC asked sarcastically.

"I like to kiss something that kisses back...", Justin replied. JC was content on being awake now and he got off of Justin and helped him up off the floor.

"When are we gonna go back to Orlando with the guys?", Justin asked as he brushed himself off.

"Umm...I dunno....Why? Are you in a hurry or somethin?"

"No, I just miss the guys and home....I don't understand why we still have to be here anyway. I mean, Brian is ok right? It's time to go JC.", Justin said standing his ground.

"Why can't we stay a little longer though..I haven't talked to Brian for the longest time.", JC complained.

"You talked to him yesterday.", Justin reminded him.

"Ok, well I guess you are right then.", JC lightly conceded.

"Yeah, I guess I am right....", Justin repeated sarcastically. "And by the way, our plane leaves at 430....back to pack your stuff and let's get ready...", Justin squeezed in as he walked out of the bedroom.

Nick was lying in the arms of Carson as he opened his eyes to a new day. A new beginning in Nick's life and a new day in the relationship of Carson and Nick. Nick turned to directly face Carson and stared deeply at him with thought.

"Why do I love you so much Carson?", Nick asked outloud. "Our relationship is tearing my up my friendship with AJ and Howie and I have stayed with you even through it. I barely even know you!" Nick felt tears coming to his eyes because he felt guilty about hurting AJ and ruining the bond with Howie that he treasured. Yet, there was part of Nick that loved the man whose arms he lay in. Part of Nick loved Carson and nothing could change that. Nick sucked his emotions up and wiggled his way out of Carson's grip.

Nick lazily walked downstairs to find Robert sitting in the living room watching tv and Brian in the dining area eating breakfast. Nick strolled over to Brian and took a seat next to him.

"How ya doin' Rok?", Nick asked sleepily.

"I'm ok....still got a headache ,but I guess things could be worse.", Brian laughed off his pain.

"I wasn't talking about physically....Why is Robert sitting in there by himself?", Nick asked curiously.

"I don't know...something is really wrong Nick. Before I took a shower he got a bad attitude with me and we haven't spoken since he helped me down the stairs. I don't know what to do....I already have his friend Andy coming over so maybe that will help.", Brian said distressed.

"Well, if you truly want to find out what's wrong with him you need to talk to him...and not avoid him. Sounds to me that he doesn't want to approach you about it so you gotta approach him.", Nick gave his advice.

"I know that Frack ,but I don't want him to bite my head off again.", Brian whined.

"Rob is your think that he is trying to be mean to you?"

"I guess you are right....well wish me luck.", Brian said as he stood up from his seat wobbily and inched his way towards the couch at which Robert was sitting. Brian rounded the corner to the living room and drew attention from Robert.


"Ummm....Hi Rob.", Brian replied shyly.

"You wanna sit down?", Robert offered.

"Yeah....I better. I still don't have all of my strength. (long pause as Brian sits down) what's up?", Brian finally breaks the silence as Robert continues to surf through the channels.

"Uh...nothin that I can think of...I am just tired...I don't like to get up early.", Robert replied.

"Is that why you have ignored me since we have woken up and you bit my head off upstairs?"

"Look Brian...I am sorry about being rude to you upstairs...I am not in a good mood and I don't want to talk about what has happened....especially to you.", Robert explained.

"Why not? I am your boyfriend aren't I? If you can't talk to me who can you talk to?", Brian complained.

"Look Brian...I am not gonna argue with you and I am not going to tell you wouldn't help the situation with your health and I want you to get better Bri....I love you.", Robert rose his voice slightly as he calmed himself down.

"But, I want to know what's bothering you because I don't want you to be in a shity mood while I have my time off. I want to spend quality time with you and I want you to be happy.", Brian voiced his opinion.

"Brian, you can't imagine what it is that is bothering me and you can't handle it either."

"Try me!"

"Ok Brian, since you want to know so badly.....Brandon called me yesterday and he vowed that he was going to get revenge....I did caller ID for the number he called from was", Robert confessed. Brian's face turned bright red and then he exploded.

"THAT BASTARD!!!!! I swear if I get my hands on him I am going to kill that Son of a Bitch!!!!!!! Dammit Robert...I am so pissed off at the little shit wad! That little bitch is dead if he touches you or anyone that is close to me!", Brian screamed loudly as he went ballistic. Brian stopped his outrage and dizzly fell on the couch.

"Oh my god Brian! Are you all right?", Robert asked worriedly as he rubbed Brian's cheek and held his hand tightly.

"Yeah baby, I just got a little dizzy...that's all.", Brian panted out.

"I told you I shouldn't have said anything to look what I have done!", Robert sobbed out.

"You haven't done anything's my fault I blew a lid. I am sorry Robert...I just thought I could help to make you feel better. I am sorry.", Brian panted out softer as his eyes closed and he fell asleep on the couch. Robert noticed that Brian was out cold and had no reason to be awake so he picked the sleeping Brian up and carried him upstairs to his bedroom. Robert put Brian down on the bed and tucked him in tightly. Robert could feel the guilt rising as he stared at Brian. The one thing that he could have done to keep Brian calm he didn't do.

"I'm sorry Brian. I don't deserve you.", Robert whispered as he kissed Brian's cheek and left Brian alone to rest. As Robert closed the door he felt two hands on his shoulders. As he turned around he saw Nick standing in front of him with a frown.

"What's wrong with you?", Robert asked annoyed.

"Well, my best friend went ballistic and I want to know if he is ok."

"He is fine Nick..."

"No Robert, he is not fine...he isn't close to being fine. Even though you go out with Brian doesn't mean you know him like I know him. You have only known him for two weeks....that is long enough to even scratch the surface. Brian is like a bro to me and I know when he is upset. He was upset before he even talked to you Robert. Whatever you said must have pushed him over the edge.", Nick said putting Robert in his place.

"Oh really? Maybe you are the same with Carson. How long have you known him? Less than I have known Brian right? And you have destroyed the relationship you had with AJ with a boyfriend of a couple of days? Don't tell me that I don't know Brian when you are the one making the all so smart decisions in your life!", Robert yelled back at Nick as he stomped down the stairs and out the door.

Nick stood awe-struck at what he had just gone through. He would never had believe Robert to snap at him. Nick woke up from daydream and decided to check on Brian himself. Nick slowly opened the door and walked into Brian's room. It was quite dark in the room and he could see a bump in the bed, obviously the sleeping body of Brian.

Nick tiptoed to the side of the bed and saw Brian sleeping peacefully, just as Robert had said. Nick decided to take the time he had and talk to Brian alone.

"Yo Frick, I guess you heard Robert yellin' at me. I hope you aren't mad at me....I just didn't like his attitude and I knew that you weren't fine like he said you were. I hate to see you upset dude. You know you are my best friend in the world. From the day we met we have been friends and you have been by my side every step of the way. I wasn't gonna tell you this ,but when you got hurt, I told Carson that I love you more than anything in the world and that nothing can take you away from me. Not even Robert if it ever comes to that. Well, I am gonna go Brian. Get well soon dude. I love you."

As Nick finished he thought something over and then he did it without thinking. Nick moved towards Brian's mouth and planted a small and gentle kiss on his lips. Nick pulled back slowly and touched his own lips tasting Brian over and over again. Nick liked what he felt ,but there was in the other room laid.....Carson.

Robert reached the bottom floor of the Litrell house once again and began to search for something to do. Robert looked into the backyard and saw that Brian had a large swimming pool.

"What I would do to go swimming right now scare's me.", Robert said outloud.

"Well, why don't you go swimming then?", a voice was heard. Robert looked for the body of the voice and then saw Jackie Litrell walk around the corner.

"Hi Jackie. I would go swimming ,but I don't have a swim suit."

"You don't need one darlin'. Brian has plenty! I am sure he wouldn't mind you wearing one.", Jackie smiled as she went into the laundry room and brought back some Adidas swimming trunks.

"Thanks Jackie, you are the best!", Robert thanked here as he ran and changed into the suit.

Robert had been swimming for an hour when someone began to watch him. Someone that cared much for him in the little time they had known each other. Brian stood in his room looking through the window at his boyfriend swimming. Brian watched as the water went over Robert's body and how he slipped in and out of the water with ease. Nothing could be more beautiful in the eyes of Brian than what he was watching closely. Brian could feel himself getting hard as he thought about being in the pool with Robert. Brian was getting restless and could no longer settle with just being able to see the love of his life.

Brian grabbed a swimming suit and carefully walked down the stairs and outside where he took off his shirt and put his feet in the water. Robert was swimming under water and as he reached the side that Brian was sitting he came up for air and was startled by the appearance of Brian.

"Whoa, you popped out of nowhere!"

"Yeah, well I saw you down here swimming and I wanted to come join you.", Brian said as he smiled.

"Well, come in baby." Robert urged as he stood up in the shallow end and held his arms out. Brian jumped in and immediately embraced Robert.

"I am sorry for upsetting you today. I hope you aren't to mad at me. I do love you Rob."

"I love you too Brian...I will be ok... There is just a lot of shit on my mind. I am sorry for putting it on you. Will you forgive me?", Robert asked.

"Of course I will forgive you." Brian looked behind Robert and saw someone with a bathing suit on holding his finger up to his mouth telling Brian to be quiet. Brian agreed to let the man proceed with his plan. Brian positioned Robert just right and swam away so he would be vulnerable for man's attack then, he jumped.......

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!", Robert screamed.

To Be Continued

Next: Chapter 17

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