Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Apr 2, 2000


Life Saver Part 17 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: Okay, if you're under the age of 18, don't read this story, please! It IS against the law, you know. If you are offended by the idea of being gay or this type of writing then please go to another website. Also, this story doesn't assume that any of Brian Littrell, Nick Carter, AJ McLean, Carson Daly, Justin Timberlake, or Joshua Chasez is gay, so it's ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway,...ENJOY!

Preface: Wow, another BSB story. Well, this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories, but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well, I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now, thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again, please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Author's Note:

This is part 17 of my story. If you are just starting to read my story, I would like to extend my warm "I love ya's" to you and I hope that you continue to read my story. I am sorry for the lateness of this part. It's been like 3 months and I only have this much written. I have a job now and I have NO time to write (or type as the case may be). I hope to get the next part out soon but there are no promises because my time is limited. Also, I have to be in the mood to write. I got a day off of school and when I went to type the entire part 17 was erased! I had to start from scratch! All my ideas were gone and then my time disappeared! I HATE COMPUTERS!!!! Anyway...

I am suffering from a major lack of motivation right now. I know everyone tells me not to write for comments but to write for myself, but it's not as easy as it seems. So I ask you guys, if ya'll are reading, this to drop me a line...good or bad. I need to know what I am doing wrong because I think it sucks!

I want to thank a very special person, Spoonroo, who so kindly took his time to edit this part of my story. He's great and if you wanna send him your thanks, his email address is THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Also, I got a new computer since the last time I posted and I have ICQ again so if you wish to contact me by ICQ, my number is 59404214.

I love all of you guys and I hope you are still loyal and reading! I am sorry for the lateness of this posting and I will post again ASAP!!! I love u!!!!

If you haven't read these stories please do:

*Steven and Brian *BSB and 'Nsync *I just wanna be wit u *The One *Lucky Me *Brian and Cody *Brian and Keith...although he doesn't email me and hasn't updated his story! I STILL LOVE YOU KEITH!!!! :-P

I am sorry for this part being so short...To all of my readers I love you guys and your comments are welcome! Also, I have lost all of the email addresses of my readers. If you are reading my story, please send me an email with your email address so I can email you about up-and-coming news on my story!


*****I have changed my story to third person because it is a ***** HECK of a lot easier to write in third person!


P.S.: Feedback is very warmly received, so please email me guys!!!

Robert was taken under the water with a huge splash as the man that pulled him in held Robert under laughing. Brian watched with little concern as his boyfriend was being manhandled. Robert came up for air and wiped the water out of his eyes as the strong man let him go.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!" Robert screamed as he turned around to look his attacker square in the eye. As Robert's eyes came into focus he immediately ran towards the man and embraced him in a hug.

"It worked!" Brian thought to himself as he grinned happily at his accomplishment.

"Andy, I have missed you so much, dude!" Robert cried as he hugged Andy with all his might.

"Don't worry about it dude, I'm here. I had some free time since I broke up with Brad and your boy, Brian, called me to see if I would like to come up here and visit you," Andy explained. Robert looked at Brian, smiling from ear to ear. Brian knew that the smile was Robert's way of saying thank you.

"Well, I know you just jumped in, but it's getting chilly and I'm not feeling so hot right now," Brian explained as he lifted himself out of the water and stood waiting for Robert. Andy followed Robert out of the pool. Robert grabbed Brian's shoulders and led him towards the house as Andy made sure nothing obstructed their path.

"So, why are you having trouble walking?" Andy asked out of the blue. Robert let go of Brian and immediately looked to the ground. Brian could feel the cold air brushing over his naked shoulders and felt the pain that the silence had caused.

"It's a long story...let's um...order some pizza and we can talk about it..." Brian stuttered softly as he walked towards the house, leaving Robert standing with his eyes towards the ground. Andy followed Brian inside, wondering what had just happened.

"Hey Andy, why don't you go order some pizzas, just say it is for the Littrell house, order about 7 pizzas since we have all of the other guys to feed. I need to take care of something", Brian said. He tossed his check card to Andy and walked towards the back yard.

Brian found Robert standing where he had left him. However, small tears were flowing out of his eyes now. Brian slowly made his way down the sidewalk and towards his sobbing boyfriend.

"Brian, I'm not in the mood to talk."

"I can't stand to see you cry Rob."

"I'm sorry, just please go away," Robert begged.

"Robert, it's not your fault that I got hurt. I promise you... don't blame yourself. If it were your fault, then don't you think that I would not be so nice to you, Don't you think that my parents wouldn't have let you in their house?"

"Brian, it IS my fault! If I had just forgiven you completely and not played games with your mind you wouldn't have gotten hurt."

"Robert, no matter what you say...I will always love you. I can't think of anyone or anything that makes me happier than you do. I don't know what to say to you to make you feel better, except...I love you." Brian whispered as he kissed Robert's cheek. Brian began to walk towards the house once more, leaving Robert to think what he had said. As Brian reached the door he felt two hands rest on his shoulders.

"I love you too, Bri."

"Yeah... I know." Brian smiled as he opened the door and walked inside hand in hand with Robert. They found their way to the living room where Andy had joined all of the other guys, watching TV. Kevin was talking to Andy, while holding Jennifer in his arms. Nick was snoozing in Carson's arms on the couch, and Howie and AJ were playing cards by the TV.

"Well, there are the two love birds now!", Andy giggled as he pointed out Brian and Robert walking in the room holding hands. "Awwwww...aren't they cute!" Kevin cooed loudly as he wrapped his arms tighter around Jennifer. "Shut up!" Brian laughed as he plopped down on the floor. Robert sat down between his legs.

"The pizza is supposed to be here in about 30 minutes."

"Ok...that will give Sleepy over there a couple more minutes to sleep." Brian said, pointing at Nick.

"Kev...I need to call home and check up on mom and the family. I'll be back in a little while, ok?", Jennifer said. She got up from Kevin's lap and went upstairs to Kevin's room.

"Boy, she's sure in a hurry!", Robert commented.

"She loves her family a lot."

"I see..."


"Hi, uh, yes, can you please give me room 435?"

"Hello?" A man's voice is heard over the phone.

"Brandon, it's Jenny. How's everything?"

"I'm doing ok. How's the plan going?"

"Well, I have Kevin wrapped around my finger so far. It's only a matter of time before it's all over for everyone!", Jennifer said happily.

"Awesome, Jen. You know that I couldn't do this with out you." Brandon thanked her.

"No problem, sweetie. I'd do anything for you Brand, you're my best friend."

"I need a couple more days to get everything set up. Then Brian and Robert will be finished." Jennifer giggled with glee. "Well, sweetie, I gotta go 'cuz Kevin is looking for me. I'll call you tomorrow, Brandon."

"Ok, cutie. I'll be waiting for your call. Bye."

"Bye..." Jennifer whispered as she hung up the phone and waltzed down the stairs happily.

"PIZZA IS HERE!" Andy yelled.

"Hey baby, you're just in time for the food!" Kevin cooed at Jennifer.

"Great!" Jennifer smiled.

Andy passed the boxes around the room while Nick grabbed some napkins and drinks from the kitchen. Robert and Brian shared their own box and ate silently as they listened to Andy telling stories of life in Savannah.

"So, tell me what happened to make Brian so wobbly?" Andy joked. The room went quiet and all eyes went to Brian as he took in a deep breath. Robert stared at the floor and stopped eating immediately.

"I had a little accident on the stage. I bumped my head and lost my eyesight. I went into a short coma, but everything's all right." Brian whispered, squeezing Rob's hand.

"Damn, dude! What the fuck happened?" Andy pried unknowingly.

"Just take it for what it is Andy, and let's leave it at that!" Nick protected the truth.

"No, it's all right...Brian and I got into a fight and he was extremely upset. Well, to get back at Brian for pissing me off, I didn't tell him that I was going to forgive him. Well, being so upset Brian wasn't fully aware of his surroundings on stage. When the fireworks went off he was standing in the wrong place and...well you know the rest now." Robert sniffed. He looked towards the ground with tears in his eyes. Brian draped his arm around Robert and pulled him close.

"It isn't your fault Rob, I am getting better everyday...I love you baby."

"I didn't mean for everyone to get upset. I didn't know," Andy apologized. Robert got up from the floor and quietly walked out of the room towards the backyard while everyone else continued their previous discussions. Brian stared into space silently, oblivious to all around him. Nothing could control his thoughts; they were centered on his boyfriend. Brian let out a long sigh and slowly got up off of the ground. He went off in the same direction that Rob had gone in a few minutes ago.

"Why am I so lucky! How can I ever forgive myself?" Robert thought out loud. "It's seems like every time something good happens to me I fuck it up, but Brian has stuck with me. God, he's so stupid!"

"Hey! I'm not THAT stupid!", Brian defended himself playfully as he joined Robert at the kitchen counter.

"Yes you are, dammit...stupid for staying with me. We haven't been together for a month yet and I have already almost killed you. Can you imagine the possibilities of another month together?"

"Well, believe or not, I love you and I am not going to leave you anytime soon- so don't try to get out of the relationship cuz I won't let you!" Brian giggled and kissed Rob's cheek. Rob turned his head towards Brian and kissed him on the lips slowly and firmly, not letting a second go by without their lips being locked together. Brian savored the moment and slowly opened his mouth giving access to his tongue.

"WOOHOOOOO!!!!!!" A familiar voice called out.

"Dammit AJ, go away!" Rob laughed as he wiped his mouth.

"Hey man, I don't care if you guys kiss! I think it is cute. Besides, ya'll go out... Remember?"

"Cool...", Brian replied, then went back to Robert's mouth. Brian pulled Robert towards a chair and sat down allowing Rob to sit on his lap much like a baby being held in the arms of its father. Brian stroked Robert's hair, putting him slowly to sleep at the feeling.

"You know, he's really cute when he's sleeping. I'm sure you've noticed that by now." Andy said from the other side of the kitchen.

"Yeah, he sure is. And all the other times of the day, as well." Brian commented as he kissed Robert on the forehead.

"Well, Brian, I'm going to get some sleep. Treat him right man, or I'll have to beat your ass!", Andy warned.

"Always!" Brian defended himself. Andy walked up the stairs to his room leaving, Brian and Robert alone. "Well, cutie...I 'm gonna have to wake you up so you can help me upstairs."

"" Robert moaned lowly.

"Come on... let's go." Brian laughed as he stood up, causing Robert to fall to the floor.

"HEY!!!!! That hurt!" Robert shrugged off the pain.

"I know, now come on and let's go to sleep!" Brian complained.

"Ok, Ok...." Robert grabbed Brian's hand and led him up the stairs slowly. A shadow watched on as they walked up the stairs and to their room. A shadow of pure evil.

"You know Brian, you're gonna need a lot more than Robert to comfort you from what's going to happen to you. Savor your happiness because in a few's over!" Jennifer snickered. She went to sleep, preparing for the next days to come.

Next: Chapter 18

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