Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on May 27, 1999


Life Saver Part 2 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e-mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! I know I had bad tense shifting and stuff but, I hope you will give me a chance. The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts. Thankyou. Oh and yes there will be sex in upincoming parts :-) Love ya

PS: So far all of the comments have been great so keep readin guys!


Part 2

Chapter 4

I slowly turned the door knob and walked in. The guys were sitting down chatting amongst themselves and didn't even notice that I had walked in.

Finally, I cleared my throat and the guys looked up. The first one to speak was Kevin.

"Hi, my name is Kevin, and you are?"

I was so shocked that I was in the prescence of the BSB that I didn't even know that Kevin was talking to me. Andy nudged me and I finally came back to reality.

" name is Robert", all of the guys laugh at my nervousness. I was beat red and I was sweating. How could I be such a dork in front of my idol. My eyes never went off of Brian. I could tell there was something bothering him because he was so quiet. He had the stupidest but cutest look on his face. I finally got the courage to speak up.

"I would just like to say that you guys are so awesome and a great inspiration for me", my eyes never left Brian,

"I know that you guys must think that I am weird being a guy that loves your music but, I think I am a genuine fan rather than all of those girls that want you for your looks."

I began to cry because I was telling how I truly felt to the BSB who I looked up to so much. I saw Brian wipe his eyes and smile. He got up and came over to hug me and comfort me in all of my emotion. Then all of the guys got up to comfort me. This was the first time I actually felt good about myself. We spent about a half hour just talking about their music and my life. It was really weird because Brian seemed to be interested in every word I said. After a while I had to go to the restroom. I excused myself and Kevin followed me to the bathroom. I felt pretty safe with Kevin and I actually felt like we had a cool friendship. This was going better than I had expected.

We got to the bathroom and I went to the urinal to relieve myself. I couldn't stop smiling. Kevin sat up on the sink table and started up a conversation.

"So, how do you like us?" Kevin said with a smile

"Well, this has been really great, a dream come true if you ask me"

"Robert, do you mind if I ask you a personal question?"

"Nah", I said reluctantly.

"I've noticed how you have kept and eye on Brian for the most part of tonight. And I don't know how to say this but, umm. . . well what I guess I am trying to say is. . . ummm are you gay?"

"WHAT???" I said trying to play is off.

"Are you gay?", Kevin asked again with even more persistence.

My mind was running in circles. What did Kevin mean? Why was he asking this? Could he be gay and want me to go out with him? This was just to much for me. I just finally said what the hell and told Kevin that I was in fact gay.

"Cool", Kevin said to me amazement. "Cuz you know Brian is really into you and yes he is gay also" Kevin said with a smile.

"WHAT!!! You are kidding me right?!? I mean Brian Litrell cannot be into me let alone REALLY into me. This must be some really sick joke right?" I said without taking one breath.

"No bro, Brian is really gay and he is REALLY into you and if you didn't notice than you are a DUMB white boy." Kevin said with a laugh. "So what do you think?", Kevin asked.

"Hold on let it sink in." I said quietly. . . . "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed so everyone in the Georgia Dome could hear me. This can't be happening to me! Kevin came over to me and calmed me down. I couldn't stop screaming but, I finally calmed down. We walked back to the dressing room and joined the group once again.

Chapter 5

I took my seat next to Kevin and it was silent for awhile. I was staring at the floor and remaining perfectly still but, smiling. Kevin finally broke the silence.

" Ok so what are we gonna do now?" Kevin asked in his fatherly tone.

" Well, Howie and I were thinking about going out to a club, do yall wanna go?" Brian said with a smile on his face.

I looked over at Andy with a puppy dog face and he knew that I was asking if we could go. I knew since I was 18 that he wouldn't let me go. Andy just looked at me and shook his head.

" Well. . . we would love to go but, Robert is only 18 and doesn't need to have that kind of excitement just yet", Andy said while looking at me.

I knew he was gonna say something just to spite me but, at least I had a friend who truly looked out for me. It looked as if my get together with the backstreet boys was going to end faster than it began. I had met my idols but, it felt like I didn't show them how I truly felt about them. Kevin got up and said good-bye to me. Then the rest of the guys stood up and gave me a hug leaving me and Brian in the room together.

"He he he he, what a coincidence that me and Brian are in the room together", I thought to myself.

"Well Robert, it was really nice meeting a fan that cares about our music instead of our bodies for a change", Brian said with a small laugh.

Brian came up to me and hugged me before he went out the door. After he left the room I felt something in my hand. I looked at the piece of paper and it had a note on it.

" Kevin told me about you. Call me 555-2324 " WHAT THE HELL!!!! What did Kevin tell him? Damn I have to get home so I can call Brian. I ran outside to Andy's car and saw him inside waiting for me.

"What took you so long cutie", Andy said while punching me.

"I was talking to the guys ok. Brian gave me his phone number so get me home! NOW!" I yelled while hitting him back.

"Andy, I was so confused by the letter. Was Brian mad at me? Kevin told me that Brian was gay but, I figured I wasn't his type. Maybe he wants to ask me out on a date. Maybe he wants to do phone sex." I said as if I was nervous.

"Uhhh. . . Robert get your head out of the gutter, I mean out of all the guys in the world you think that Brian Litrell would want to do your skinny ass?" Andy said backing away from me.

"OK, thats it you are gonna get it!" I said with a grin on my face

I started tickling Andy while he was driving down I-75. Andy was laughing so hard that he was crying and he started swerving all over the rode. I stopped for fear for my own life because Andy was starting to get out of hand.

"What did you do that for?" Andy said still laughing hard.

"Well, don't call me skinny! Got it!" I said punching him.

"OWWWW!!!! STOP!" Andy yelled.

"Ok ok ok, I am sorry. Truce?" I asked

" Truce." Andy agreed.

We got back to the hotel around midnight and I passed out on the bed. I figured that Brian had gone out with the guys to the club so I decided to wait to call him in the morning. Besides I was so tired I couldn't push the numbers. I was going to be in Atlanta the rest of the week. Well until the next Saturday. So I really didn't worry about anything at the time. I was going to make the best of it. I mean wow, I met the backstreet boys, found out that my idol was gay and I found out the he was quote "REALLY INTO ME" whatever that meant and he gave me his phone number! OK!!!!! How lucky can a gay guy get? This was going to be the best week of my life. I quickly found myself holding the pillow next to me pretending it was Brian and I fell asleep quickly as happy as I could be.

Chapter 6

I woke up the next day at 1100. It was a weekend so I always wake up late. I took a shower like I always did and I cleaned myself up to look pretty damn good for a Saturday Morning. I found the note that had Brian's number on it. While me and Andy were hanging out with the boys Brian didn't say much. I kind of figured he was tired but, I would have never guessed that he was checkin me out. Well I found the phone next to the bed and I dialed the number. Ring. . . . . . . .Ring. . . . . . . .Ring. . . . . . . .

"Pick up damnit", I yelled into the phone.

Finally as was about to give up and hang up the phone I heard a voice.

"Hello?" the voice said, obviously drowsily.

"Um, hi is uhhhh Brian there?", I said with absolute fear in my voice.

"Yeah, who is this? BRIAN, PICK UP THE DAMN PHONE!!!", the voice screamedfrom the other side.

"This is uh Robert, you know from the concert last time?", I answered again with fear.

"Oh, hey Robert! Why didn't you call last night? This is Nick by the way if you didn't know." Nick said while waking up even further.

"Well, I was going to call but, I figured that yall would be out at the club and. . ." I was cut off.

"HEY Robert! This is Brian. Get of the phone knuckle-head! Sorry about that, Nick is always talkative in the morning." Brian said with a little laugh.

"Yeah I guessed that, so what is up and what the hell did that note mean?" I asked with a little more courage.

"Robert, come on, what do you think the note meant?" Brian said obviously mocking my intelligence.

"Well I. . . I . . . I. . .", I was cut off again.

"You were scared to admit the truth that I like you to yourself?" Brian said with another one of his cute laughs.

"Yeah how did you know?" I asked amazed.

"Well I have my ways." Brian boasted.

"So, what are you up to my cute little dude", I said with even more courage.

" Awwww, that was good." Brian said.

"Really?" I asked

"Really?" Brian reassured me.

"So Robert, I was thinking about going out to the movies later tonight. Would you indulge me as to being my uhhhh.... d. . .da ..." I cut Brian off this time.

"Date? Are asking me out on a date?" I asked.

"Well. . . " I cut him off again.

"I'd love to. When?" I asked.

"Well, was thinking about 9oclock tonight. I could take you out to dinner and we could talk about stuff." Brian laughed again.

"Stuff huh?" I joked with him.

"Yeah stuff!" Brian went with it.

"Cool. So you gonna pick me up at 5?" I asked.

" Sounds good to me. If you don't have any great clothes don't worry about it. I am goin casual anyways." Brian said in his cute southern drawl.

"Ok, well I wont worry if you don't. So ill see you at 5 ok?" I asked again.

"Yepper, 5 it is. I can't wait Rob. See ya then cutie." Brian laughed out again.

"Ok Brian, bye!" I ended our conversation.

"So, Robbie what's up." Andy asked me with a smile upon my face.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Im goin out with Brian! Im goin out with Brian. HEHEHEHE YESSSSSSSSS", I was ecstatic!

"Whoa cowboy, How did you manage to rope this fine horse?" Andy asked in his cowboy accent.

"Well partner, I roped him over the telephone and we are gonna go grub and go to a motion picture at 500 oclock sharp. Alrighty then?" I said in my best mix of Cowboy and Jim Carrey.

"Cool Beans man!" Andy said while hugging me.

Since I had 5 hours to get ready for Brian me and Andy decided to go to the mall to get me some decent clothes to wear. I love Tommy so I had to get some Tommy stuff. We went to the Tommy store in the mall and we began looking around. Andy went to go find me some khaki's while I looked for the shirt. We finally met back up at the register and I bought what we had selected.

"150 dollars for a pair of khaki's and a shirt? You have GOT to be kidding me." I said out-raged.

"Rob you know as well as I do how much this shit cost. I mean hell dude you bought like the most expensive shit in this store!", Andy shouted back.

"Well. . . .I guess you have a point. Oh well." I said

I paid the desk clerk the 150 dollars and we made our way to the food court to eat. I got Chik-fil-a and Andy got McDonald's. We finished up our lunch and we headed back to the hotel to get me ready for my big date.

"Well it is 3 o'clock dude, you better go take a shower.", Andy informed me.

"Thanks dude, I don't know what I would do without you.", I thanked him.

"Probably be late to your own funeral if it wasn't for me." He said with a smile.

"Whatever!", I yelled back.

I got in the shower and washed myself and my hair. I got out the shower and looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn't believe how lucky I was. How could this be real? It had to be a dream. I slapped myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming and sure enough I wasn't. I put on my tommy boxers and then brushed my teeth, combed my hair, and shaved. I didn't want to look like a hoodlum going out with my idol. I got all ship shape and then I put on my clothes. I looked at myself in the mirror and admired how good I actually did look. When I was younger and even up til now I had never thought I looked good. I was always ridiculed as to how skinny I was or how poofy my hair was. Today, I looked pretty good, or at least I thought so. Hopefully, Brian would have the same opinion. For the first time in a long time I felt good about myself and I was extremely proud. I took one last look in the mirror and I turned around. There I saw. . . .

Chapter 7

"Brian?", I asked. "What are you doing here so early?", I asked nervously.

I had never been so nervous before. When I was with all the guys I was nervous but, this was just me and Brian and I felt really intimidated.

"You look great dude!", Brian said with a smile on his face.

"The reason I came so early is because I wanted to beat the lines at the restaurant. Besides, I am only 30 minutes early. you know I can leave and come back in a half hour if you want me to", Brian said while pointing to the door.

"No, no you don't have to go and come back. I was just getting ready to come out the bathroom. I am ready if you want to leave now. Oh and one question, we aren't riding in a limo are we?", I asked timidly.

"No, no limo but, I was thinking about it. I rented a BWM just like mine to take you out. I hope you don't mind", Brian said with a sad look on his face.

"Not at all dude, in fact I would rather take a BMW over the limo.", I comforted him.

"Great! Well, let's get goin bro we gotta get in line at Outback's!", Brian said while pulling me out the door.

"BYE ANDY!!!", I yelled as I slammed the door.

We got down to the lower level and we walked up to Brian's car. Now I was never a fan for BWM's but, this thing was without a better word, awesome.

Brian opened the door for me which I thought was cute and off we went. The majority of the ride was quiet except for a few stares at each other. Then finally, Brian broke the silence.

"So, you said you live in Savannah?"

"Yeah, the boringest city in the world!", I responded.

"Well, I am sure you have many friends to keep you entertained", Brian returned.

"Not really, I have about 2 friends that I can count on. The other "So-called" friends either back stab me or make fun of me. The others just make fun of me.", I said with a tear in my eye.

"Damn man, I am sorry. I didn't know how bad it was. I thought you just dealt with the teasing that everyone deals with at sometime.", Brian assumed again.

"Not even close dude, I guess because I am so smart people feel threatened or something so they find some way to ease their discomfort by making fun of me.

I know it sounds stupid but, it is true.", I said sniffling.

"I'm sorry Rob. I promise that as long as you are with me no one will make fun of you again.", Brian said wiping my tears away.

"So, on a happier note, we're here!", Brian said while pulling in to Outback's Steakhouse.

"I love their bloomin' onion Brian can we get it?", I asked.

"Get anything you want dude. It's the least I can do for my #1 fan!",

Brian said with his trade mark grin.

I went up to the host's desk and put the reservation for two under my name. I went back and sat down with Brian. We talked about nonsense for awhile and by the time they called our name I had tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Brian sat across from me in the booth and he ordered our drinks. Brian got a beer and I got a Pepsi. I looked at Brian in anger when he got the beer but, he explained to me that it was just to relax him since he was so nervous, which it surely didn't show.

"So, what would like to order this fine evening", the waiter asked us with the fake little smile they always have.

My gaydar went off when he talked so I made sure he was gone just as soon as he came.

"I'll have the chicken fingers and I want a bloomin' onion too, for the both of us that is.", I said looking at Brian.

"I'll have the steak Medium well please with baked potato and extra extra butter." ,Brian said in his country drawl accent. "Great, I'll be right back with that bloomin' onion and your meal should follow shortly.", the waiter said with his smile again.

Brian looked at me and smiled. He knew what I was thinking so we just kept our laughs inside and watched the guy walk around the restaurant. I think Brian could tell that I didn't like him being our waiter so he moved over to my side and sat next to me.

"What did you do that for?", I asked.

"You know why I did that.", Brian said back.

"Well, Thankyou.", I said with a smile.

"No problem, buddy.", Brian smiled back.

Our appetizer showed up about 3 min after we ordered it and it was gone about 3 min after we got our hands on it. Our main course came about 10 min after we were done with out appetizer. We chowed down in silence and again we just kept giving each other weird stares.

"So, what movie do you want to go see?", Brian asked.

"Well, I was thinking about going to see Election. I heard it was hilarious.", I answered.

"Wow, you too? I thought I was never going to get to see that because all the guys thought it looked stupid." Brian said amazed.

"Well, I don't think it is stupid and I want to go see it.", I said with a grin on my face.

"Then Election it is. I looked in the paper and it start at 9:15. It is 8:30 right now so I guess we better get the check huh? Brian asked me.

"Sure, I gotta go pee. I'll meet you at the car ok?" I asked.

"Yeah, don't jack off in there ok.", Brian said laughing the whole time.

"Whatever man!", I said whining.

I went to go pee and when I got in the bathroom I saw a familiar guy. He turned around and we met in a stare that seemed to paralyze us both.

"Rob?", the man asked.

"Brandon?", I asked back.

"Hey Rob! yeah this is me what's up? I thought we were going to never meet", he said as he embraced me in a hug.

"Hey, I didn't think we would meet either." I said back.

Brandon was one of my friends online and he had to be one of my finest friend in the world. I mean he looked great from his picture online but, he looked amazing in real life. I went to the urinal and peed while talking to him.

"Well dude, I hate to hug and run but, I am kinda on a date and I have to go. I am going to be here all weekend so I will give you a ring and we can meet sometime. ok?" I asked while shaking and zipping my pants up.

"Yeah, sure Rob. I'll see you later. Oh and uh Rob. . ." Brandon stuttered.

"yeah?", I asked.

"You look great! Well. . .uh. . . bye!" , Brandon ran out the bathroom.

"Wow, two compliments from hot guys in one night." I thought to myself.

I went outside and ran over to the car of Brian. He was waiting for me so I hopped in.

"So, what took you so long", Brian said with concern on his face.

"Oh, it was nothing. I just met up with a friend from AOL and we just talked while Ipissed.", I said back to Brian. "Cool, well off we go!", Brian said while racing to the movie theater.

We got to the movie theater about 15 minutes before the movie started.

I got in the ticket line and Brian went to buy the popcorn and stuff. I got the two tickets for "Election" and I went to find Brian. He was waiting over in the corner with a big bucket of popcorn and two drinks. I couldn't help but, smile at how cute and innocent he looked. All I could think was "boy am I lucky!"

I walked over to Brian and walked by his side to the ticket master. They took our tickets and gave me back the stubs. We followed the signs to the theater that our movie was going to be shown in and we walked in.

"Where do you want to sit?", I asked Brian.

"Anywhere is good, I just don't want to be up in the front.", He responded.

"That's cool let's sit about half way then.", I said back.

"Sure!", Brian said with a smile.

The theater wasn't that crowded but, there were a good many people there. No one was on our row except me and Brian which was good and I hoped it to stay that way. Brian and I were engaged in small talk when the lights went dim and the movie began. As always we had to sit through the dull trailers of all the movies coming out later in the year. Finally, the movie started. About ten minutes after the movie started I felt like someone was watching me. I looked over at Brian and caught him staring at me before he could turn his head.

"Are you paying any attention to the movie? You know I don't want you to waste your money on a movie you aren't going to watch.", I said sounding annoyed.

"No, I am paying attention its just that. . . its just that. . . ", Brian said stuttering.

"It's just that what?", I asked.

"It's just that I wanted to hold your hand and I didn't want to just grab it.", Brian saidblushing. I grab Brian's hand and squeezed it tight. He looked into my eyes and I could tell that he was saying Thankyou. The rest of the movie went fine. We never broke hands until the lights came on. I got up and carried our trash out while Brian followed close behind. We got out to Brian's car and just sat.

"So, what did you think of the movie?", Brian asked.

"It was so funny man. The weird thing is ,is that you know it has got to be happening somewhere but, no one wants to admit it.", I said laughing.

"Yeah your right, it is happening on the Jerry Springer show!" Brian said while giggling.

"Well it is late and I don't want Andy to think that I am not coming back", I said looking at my watch.

"Ok, let's go.", Brian said while cranking the car.

The ride back home was just as silent as the ride to the restaurant. I reflected back on everything that had happened that night. Overall the night had been perfect. Except for that little butter stain on my pants! Anyway, I couldn't believe that I actually went on a date with a guy let alone Brian from the Backstreet Boy's. This night couldn't be anymore perfect! Brian pulled up to my hotel and parked in a parking space.

"Well, I had a great time tonight", I said

"Me too.", Brian said while staring at me.

Silence fell throughout the car while we stared into each others eyes.

Brian had the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen. Finally, I woke from my daydream.

"Well, I have to go. Thanks for the great night out." I said while hugging him.

"One more thing. I have a surprise for you.", Brian said as he covered my eyes.

"What is it!?!", I asked in anticipation.

"It's this", Brian said.

Brian leaned forward and lightly kissed my lips. He uncovered my eyes and I looked into his eyes. He leaned back in and kissed me again. Only this time I kissed back. We were locked in a deep kiss that could not be broken if the world was being destroyed. Brian grab the back of my head and slid his tongue into my awaiting mouth. I tilted my head further and let him taste my tongue and further kiss me. Brian opened his mouth further allowing me to taste his tongue. I had never been in such a passionate show of affection. Brian finally pulled away and stared into my eyes. He kissed my forehead and hugged me again. I slowly exited the car a little lite-headed and wobbled back to my room. I had just kissed my idol, my friend, and now my love. As I entered my room I saw Andy asleep in his bed. I made my way to my bed in complete bliss. I threw my clothes off and got under the covers. I laid in my bed thinking about my new found love and reliving the kiss over and over in my mind. I fell asleep with one thought in my mind.

"I love you Brian".

To be continued.

That's if I get any responses I haven't got that many so if you are reading this please email me with some feedback! THANKS!

Next: Chapter 3

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