Life Saver

By moc.loa@2424gwaDAG

Published on Jul 18, 1999


Life Saver Part 6 Written by:

Legal Disclaimer: OK if you are under 18 don't read this please! It is against the law you know. Also if you are offended by this type of writing or gayness then please goto another website. Also this story doesn't assume that any member of the BSB is gay so this story is ALL fantasy. This story doesn't have anything to do with their real sexuality. Although I wish it did. Anyway...ENJOY!

Author's Note: Wow, another BSB story. Well this is my first time writing. All of your compliments and constructive criticisms are extremely welcome. Just email me at my e- mail address and I will get back to you. I am going to try to make this different from all the other BSB stories. You may see some similarities from other stories. . . but there are so many how can I not do some of the same things? Well I hope you give me a chance with this and if you like it and I get enough response I will continue this. For now thanks for reading!!!! The next part will come out ASAP. Again please e-mail me with your thoughts.

Well, folks, here is the next part. I am so sorry for it's lateness. I look forward to the BSB awards. Although I might not get any votes. Well, hopefully I can get the next part out soon. I am REALLY REALLY busy. PLEASE email me if you are reading this and tell me what you think. And hopefully some author's will nominate me and ya'll can vote for me. Please email me and all. See you guys laterz Love ya!

I have encountered a problem as I begin to right sex scenes in the story. As you have noticed my story is in first-person and I would like to keep it that way. However, it is extremely hard to write sex in a first-person manner, sometimes it doesn't even makes sense when I read it. So, my question to you is: What do you think I should do? Do you think I should write the Sex parts in third person? ( Which is probably what I am gonna do) ...or do you have any other ideas? Please e-mail me with your thoughts on this question and other comments about my story...Thank you guys tons!!!!

ICQ# 42396480


PS: Feedback is very warmly received so please email me guys!!!

Chapter 13

Brian ran to the table that the other guys were sitting at and put his head in his arms while he cried. He brought little attention from anyone in the mall but, the guys were getting worried.

"Bri....what is wrong dude?", Nick asked.

"Nothin, I don't want to talk about it ok?", Brian whined.

" know we hate it when you are sad What's wrong cuz?", Kevin asked.

"Kevin, just forget it and get me out of here....the further away I am from Robert the better.", Brian screamed.

"Oh, What the fuck happened now?", Howie questioned.

"The bastard just went into that bathroom to fuck Brandon. He locked the door so no one would find them and when I went to check on them Brandon was screaming and moaning.....Dammit!!! This is Bullshit!", Brian screamed out.

"How could he do that to you dude? That totally doesn't sound like Robert man!", AJ explained.

"Well what's done is done. Let's go and get this concert over and then we need to find a way to get Robert fired because I can't live with this.", Brian whimpered.

"Whoa, whoa, dude. Calm down ok! What was Robert's explanation?", Howie asked.

"It was bullshit. . .he said something about Brandon holding him down and covering his mouth and just making those sounds to get to me! That is such bullshit!", Brian complained.

"Um, Brian, since when did you trust Brandon over Robbie?", Howie asked.

"Since Robert cheated on me today.", Brian said while continuing to cry.

"Ok, I know how to see who was lying. We go to security and get the tape of the survalliance camera in the bathroom and we will see what happened. Maybe you are right and Robert really is a bastard but, I really think that this is a total sham.", Kevin explained.

"Kevin, I know that Robert cheated on me. I don't want to see it.", Brian further complained.

"Brian, you need to see this. If he did cheat on you then to hell with him. If he didn't then you will feel 800x better ok?", Nick said while hugging Brian.

"Ok, but, ya'll watch it first and then tell me if I want to see it.", Brian said expecting the worst.

Kevin, Nick, AJ, Howie, and Brian walked to the security section of the mall and asked if they could see the tape of the food court men's bathroom. Not suprisingly they were granted permission easily.

"Ok Bri. You stay out here and we will get ya when we know if you want to see it.", Howie said comforting his partner.

"Yeah, well, I don't expect you to come get me with good news.", Brian said frowning.

"Bro, cheer up. Whatever the truth is at least you will be sure. If you are with someone that will cheat on you then you don't need to be with them. If someone set you and Robert up and he really didn't cheat on you then you will still have your baby.", Howie said smiling.

"I guess you are right.", Brian said with a small grin on his face.

"I know I am right. well we are goin to watch the security vid. I will come out and get ya in a minute.", Howie said while walking into the security room with the rest of the guys.

All of the guys excluding Brian walked into the security room and watched the video of me and Brandon in the restroom.

"Oh my god! I can't believe that bastard!",AJ said infuriated.

"That boy is dead! If I see him at the concert I am gonna beat him down for doin this to my cousin!", Kevin yelled.

"Guys, look at Robert crying and trying to get away from him. I can't believe all this trauma he was put through and then Brian breaking up with him not knowing that Brandon was doing this to Rob. He has got to be tore up inside! I am gonna get Brian guys", Howie stated.

Howie walked outside with tears in his eyes and looked at Brian.

"That bad huh? I told you! This is just great!", Brian said starting to cry again.

"Brian, you need to come see this. Really, you NEED to come see this.", Howie said pulling Brian into the security room.

"Could you please play back what we just saw officer?", Nick requested.

Brian took a seat in front of the monitor as the tape began. Brian began crying again but, this time his tears were tears of joy.

"I can't believe I didn't trust him!", Brian scolded himself. "Officer can I see the present bathroom cam?", Brian asked."

"Yepper", the officer answered.

Brian saw me crying in a corner of the bathroom and took off to come and get me.


Brandon walked out of the bathroom with a smile on his face, knowing that he had succeded in what he set out to do. I fell to the ground and covered my face while I bawled. I couldn't believe that Brian would believe Brandon over me. I continued to cry while people walked in and out of the mall bathroom. Eventually I felt a hand grab my shoulder.

"Go away...I don't need anyone's help!", I cried,

"Well, I just wanted to tell you that it is 1:50 and we need to get back to the arena to practice",I heard the voice say.

"I don't want to go practice. I want to go home!", I complained.

"Why do you want to go home?", The voice asked.

"Because the most important thing in my life didn't trust me and he thought I was cheating on him so he broke up with me! Wait a minute!!! How do you know we have practice.", I said as I looked up.

"Hi!", Brian said smiling.

"Wha...Wha...What are you doing here? I thought you would be gone by now.", I asked.

"Yeah well, so did I.", Brian answered while he wiped my tears away.

"So what makes you believe me now?", I asked puzzled.

"That.", Brian said while pointing to an ity bity camera.

I turned to look at the camera and then I turned back and just smiled at Brian.

"I am so sorry!", Brian said while embracing me as the tears started to drop again.

"It's ok baby. I know you didn't trust Brandon. I should have listened to you.", I said realizing my mistakes.

"Well, I hated to get all emotional but, we have got to get goin. You don't wanna be late to practice believe me!", Brian said while giving me a kiss on the lips.

"I thought I would never feel that again."

"Well, get used to it babe!", Brian said smiling.

Brian and I walked out to where the other guys were waiting and we walked as a group to the limo where we would be driven to the arena.

"You know you guys are unbelievable! I mean if you are gonna break up it needs to be longer than 15 minutes.", AJ joked.

"Shutup man. I didn't know the truth and I am stupid for not believing my baby.", Brian said while kissing me on the cheek.

"Awww....are the two love birds making up?", Nick cooed.

"Uhuh.", I replied.

"Well, we are here guyz! Brian show Robert how to get to the stage cuz he is kinda late and he needs an excuse. We will see you after practice ok Rob?", Kevin asked.

"Yepper!", I replied.

I walked towards the entrance of the arena and I felt that someone wasn't walking with me. I turned around and saw Brian standing where I had left him.

"Are you coming or what?", I said laughing.

"Yeah but, I want to hold your hand.", Brian said blushing.

"Hehehe, you are too cute. Ok come on.", I said grabbing Brian's hand and letting him lead the way.

"So are you excited about the concert?", Brian asked.

"Yeah I am excited but, I am kind of nervous about messing up. This is my first concert and I am scared.", I answered.

"Yeah, I know how it is. On our first concert we were really scared but, since we were singing to people who couldn't speak English they had no idea what we were saying so it sounded good to them.", Brian joked.

"So yall sucked that bad?", I asked.

"Naw, we never suck and you will never suck. At least on stage that is.", Brian said with a devilish grin.

"Don't even go there dudie.", I said while kissing Brian on the cheek.

"I love you Robert."

"I love you to Bri."

"Well, here is the stage. I will see you after practice ok?", Brian said looking like he needed something.

"What's wrong?", I asked.

"I don't get a kiss good-bye?", Brian said with his puppy dog frown.

"Awww....hehehe you are too cute.", I said while kissing Brian on his lips. "Be good babe.", I said.

"Oh, I will but, I will miss you tons.", Brian said starting to walk off.

"I love you Bri."

"I love you too. See you in a bit.", Brian said as he walked off into the darkness.

I turned to the stage and walked over shyly to where my trumpet was sitting and began to warm up. I hadn't played my trumpet since the plane ride and my lips were kind of tired so I began playing low notes. I continued to work my way up until I was screaming out a Super G. Before I knew it I had a crowd around.

"Oh...sorry. I didn't mean to play that loud.", I said blushing.

"Why are you apologizing? That was awesome.", Tim stated.

"Well, I didn't mean to stop you guys from practicing."

"Dude, quit apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong. Except being 10 minutes late.", Tim laughed. "Ok guys, let's practice the show.", Tim yelled.

"One, two, three, four!", the drummer yelled out.

"Wa....wa...wait!!!", I screamed to stop.

"What's wrong kid?", Tim asked.

"Um...ummm...what is the order of the songs?", I said embarrassed that I didn't know.

"Hehehe, well we try to do the same order of the cd.", Tim announced.

"Oh, ok, so 'Larger than Life' then 'I want it That Way' etc. etc.?", I asked to make sure.

"Yeah but, sometimes we throw in some of the old songs and we will tell you when we are gonna pull that trick ok?", Tim informed me.

"Cool, so for now we are playing 'Larger than Life'?", I asked making sure once again.

"Yep!", Tim exclaimed. "So shall we try this one more time? One! Two! Three! Four!", Tim yelled to start the song.

We began to play through the show and I became comfortable with every song. I had gotten every note and rhythm down and I started to improvise some throughout the show. My favorite song was "I Want it That Way' but, I didn't have much to play in it. We finished up practice around 4 and we were sent off until 630 when we would have to be back to get ready for the show. I walked off the stage in search of Brian but, he was no where to be found. I looked down the dark hall and couldn't find him anywhere.

"BRIAN!!!!", I called. Still I got no answer.

"Maybe he isn't even here.", I thought to myself. When I wasn't paying attention someone grabbed me and pulled me into a room.

"What the fuck? Who the fuck are you?", I asked infuriated.

The man turned the light on and I saw who it was.

"You are such a bastard you know that!", I said smiling.

"Yeah but, you love me.", Brian said flirting.

"Yeah, well, do you think we can go find the guys?", I asked trying to get his mind off of what he was really thinking.

"Why do you want to find the guys? They are busy anyways.", Brian said as he turned and locked the door.

"Brian, what are you doing?", I asked as I was kissed.

"What do you think I am doing?", Brian asked very sensually.

"Awww...shit. You are just to fuckin irresistable.", I said while giving in to Brian's need.

Brian unzipped my pants and massaged my cock through my jeans.

"Robbie, I want to suck your cock.",

"I want you to suck it baby."

Brian pulled my boxers down my pants and began teasing the head of my cock. Brian ran his hand up and down my shaft why he sucked on my big head. Brian took my whole cock into his mouth and began sucking it like a pro.

"Baby, it feels so good.", I moaned.

"I love your cock."

"Thankx", I said smiling.

Brian continued sucking my cock while he jacked me off. I took Brian's hand and led it to my butt as he began to finger my ass.

"Baby, I think I am gonna cum!", I screamed out. He continued to suck my cock up and down.


Brian sucked down every drop of my cum while I sat in a chair. I closed my eyes and let the orgasm fill my body. I had never had an orgasm like that. I knew that I had never been this much in love with one person and I was so lucky to have him. I opened my eyed and saw Brian still lightly sucking on my cock. Finally, he looked up and smiled.

"Did that feel good sweetie?", Brian asked.

"What do you think?", I asked back.

Brian stood up and kissed me slowly. I opened my mouth slightly to let Brian's tongue slide in slowly. He began to suck on my tongue and brought the kiss to a new level. After 15 minutes the kiss ended.

"Whoa...that was fun!", I said wiping my mouth.

"I know! Just wait til after the concert!", Brian joked.

"Hehehe, I can't wait baby.", I said while squeezing his crotch.

"Oh shit. Now look what you have done! I am gonna have a boner the entire concert now!", Brian said sarcastically disappointed.

"Well, just as long as the girls don't slobber all over my man I don't have a problem with it.", I said kissing Brian on the nose.

"Yeah, I would figure that. You always want to see my cock!", Brian joked.

"Is there a problem with that?", I asked hurt.

"Hell no!", Brian said hugging me. "Well, come on. Let's go find them crazy guys and hang with them before we have to be back!", Brian stated.

"Sounds good to me!", I agreed.

Brian and I walked to where the guys were sitting around and cuddled on the couch.

"Awwww. Isn't that so cute!", Nick cooed.

"Shutup blondie! I don't see anyone with you!", Brian insulted Nick.

"Well at least I would give my bf a chance to tell me what really happened. You ever heard the word called trust?", Nick spitted back.

"Shutup Nick! I didn't know!", Brian said with shame.

I unhooked Brian's arms from around my waste and walked out of the lounge. I couldn't take the thought of what happened and what could have happened. It was too much for me and if they were going to dwell on the past then I didn't want to be around them

"See now look what you have done!", Brian said chasing after me.

"I'm sorry about that.", Brian said solemnly.

"It's ok. I just don't want to dwell on bad things and ya'll were so I decided to step out of the room. I am not mad at you for not believing me.

I guess we aren't far enough in our relationship for you to trust me.", I comforted him.

"Funny how I trust you 100% isn't it", I thought to myself.

"Robert, I was stupid not to believe you. I guess I was jumping to conclusions after what happened in Atlanta. I didn't feel right about him being here. I should have made sure you were all right. I am so sorry for doing that to you ok?", Brian said apologizing for the 1000 time.

"Brian, it is over and done with. Me and you are still going out ok?

Period, dot, the end.", I said while hugging Brian.

"Now let's go back in there and chill for a while and forget that his ever happened ok?", I said ending the conversation.

"Ok.", Brian said while grabbing my hand.

Brian sat back down on the same couch we were sitting on before and I sat with him again with his arms wrapped around my waste.

"I'm sorry for bringing the ummm....situation up.", Nick apologized.

"It's ok. Just let it be known that I hate dwelling on the past so please try not to bring it up."

"So how was practice?", Kevin asked changing the subject.

"Confusing to say the least!", I said while laughing.

"Confusing? How is that?", AJ pondered.

"Well, I didn't know what to play cuz it was my first practice with the entire band. Then once I got the music down I started to improvise and I got a lot of looks.", I explained.

"Well, I didn't know the whole band was gay!", Howie joked.

"Your mind is totally in the gutter dude. They 'said' that they had never heard a trumpet player as good as me and they were 'amazed that I played so good.", I explained once again.

"Yeah, well, I knew that to start off with.", Brian flirted. "You are perfect babe!", Brian further flattered me.

"Yeah guys, maybe we should leave. I have seen that look in Brian's eyes before!", Nick joked.

"Naw. We need to get backstage and get makeup and wardrobe for the concert anyways. That means you too cutie.", Brian said kissing me on the lips.

"Well, let's go kiddies. I am tired of acting like one of ya'll I need to fulfill my fatherly duties.", Kevin joked.

"Yeah daddy! Can you give me a piggy back ride?", Nick joked as he jumped on Kevin's back.

"Get off of me you prick!!!", Kevin yelled as he threw his friend off him.

"Those sound like fightin words to me!", AJ joined in.

Brian and I walked hand in hand to the make-up area and got in the chair's next to each other so we could get all purty. Then we went into the wardrobe where Brian picked me out some clothes that he wore at an earlier concert.

"Now these my be a little big on you but, they will look really good on you!", Brian stated.

I tried on the outfit and looked in the mirror. I was astounded as I looked at myself. I could have never dreamed of looking this good.

"See! I told you you would look mighty fine in this outfit.", Brian said proudly.

"Yeah, you were right baby!", I said thanking him for the cool clothes.

"Yo, dudes, I don't know if you know this but, we go on in am hour. Robbie, you need to get out their and help with the sound check and everything. Brian, you need to come with me and we need to warm up", Kevin said dealing out the orders

"Ok babe, umm we have a prayer right before the show so I guess I will see you then. I love you", Brian said while kissing me on the cheek.

"I love you too babe. See you soon...Good luck!", I said kissing Brian back.

I walked out on to the stage and looked out into the seats. There were already tons of fans here. It was amazing how many people love BSB. I saw all of the girls with sign's that said "I love Brian" or "Marry me Brian"....I became very jealous but, I knew that I was the only one that had Brian and that would never change. Then I looked of into the left and saw Brandon sitting with I smile on his face and holding up a sign. It read "I love you Robert!". I turned around as fast as I could and walked over to my trumpet. I tried my best to ignore him but, I couldn't help but look up at him. He made me so mad and it got under my skin. Sound checks were over and we had 5 minutes before the show began. The band, managers, and the boys of course got into a big circle and we had a little prayer for our show led by Brian. After we prayed for a good show I pulled Brian of to the side.

"Brandon is here and he is holding up a sign that says "I Love you Robert!", I said waiting for an infuriated Brian.

"Don't worry about it. Just ignore him and we will take care of him after the concert ok? Just act like we didn't get back together or something ok?", Brian asked.

"OK, Well good luck!", I said while walking on to the stage with the rest of the band.


We started playing the opening to 'Larger than Life' while the fireworks went off. Then a figure came up out the ground and started singing his first verse. After a while all of the guys were on the stage dancing and singing to 'Larger than Life' as I played it. The guys stopped singing in the middle and I was given the signal to start improvising. I played up and down the scale and flutter tongued my way through the improv. After I had finished the song ended and the crowd went wild. The rest of the concert went in this fashion and at the end all of our names were mentioned.

"OK everybody. We have a new trumpet player in our band and this was his first concert. Every body give a big hand to Robert Jacobs!", Brian yelled out to the crowd while smiling at me.

I raised my hands and took a bow to a crowd that was going crazy for me. I guess my trumpet playing wasn't to shabby after all. After the crowd died down we all got in a line and took a big bow for the audience. My first concert with the backstreet boys had been from the seats. My second one had been from the stage and it was the most incredible experience I ever had in my life. The lights went down and we all ran off stage to a crowd screaming our names.

"Awesome huh?", Nick asked.

"Awesome doesn't describe how incredible it was!", I said still in shock.

"That was the best concert we have done on this tour. You are an awesome trumpet player dude.", AJ complimented me.

"Oh, um, I am sorry to mention this but, someone is at the backstage gate", Kevin said breaking the bad news.

We all knew who it was and we all didn't want to turn around but, we did and as a group we walked towards Brandon. And we all had the same thoughts on our minds.

"Hey Brandon! Thanks for telling us about Robert cheating on Brian. Brian doesn't need to go out with someone like that", Kevin started the conversation.

"Oh, don't mention it. I just would never want to hurt a cool guy like Brian.", Brandon lied.

"Right well, come back here and chill with us for a second dude!", AJ invited the naive Brandon back.

As soon as Brandon entered the room Kevin jumped on him.


"Oh, and this is for breaking them up!", Kevin said as he punched Brandon directly in the face. "Security? Will you take this piece of trash out of here and put a restraining order on him?", Kevin asked.

"Will do Kev.",the officer said.

"Well, now that that is taken care of. Let's go grab something to eat. I am so fuckin hungry!", Kevin said while walking past me and giving me a little hug.

"I didn't think he had to go that far.", I whispered to Brian.

"After what he did to us baby he should have gotten a lot more than what he got.", Brian disagreed.

"Anyways, let's forget about it. He is finally out of our lives and we can live happily.", I said while grabbing my trumpet and hold Brian's hand out the door.

We walked outside into the crowd where the limo was waiting for us. We all piled into the girl covered limo and sped off away from the obsessed girls.

"Those girls are so fuckin crazy man! One of them tried to grope me when I let her sit on my lap!", Nick joked.

"Yeah but, you are so tempting!", Howie played.

"Shutup D!", Nick laughed while pinching his tit.

"'ll pay for that! Howie yelled as they began to wrestle.

"Here we go again!!! When will this ever stop?", I asked annoyed.

"When they grow up to be like me!", Kevin boasted.

"Not even!", Brian played with Kevin.

We arrived at a Burger King and ordered take out. We were so hungry and tired we didn't feel like eating there. We just wanted to take it to the hotel eat and go to sleep. We got to the hotel around 1130 and emptied the limo of tired men. I carried my and Brian's food while he carried my trumpet. We all piled into the elevator and closed our eyes on the way up to get a bit of rest. Brian and I slowly walked down to our room suite and walked in. we went to the table and ate our dinner in silence. After dinner I walked over to where Brian was laying on the bed watching tv and took off my clothes and laid on the bed next to him in my boxers.

"Are you ok baby?", I asked.

"Yeah Robbie, I am just tired."

"Then why are you watching tv?", I asked grinning.

"Cuz you wouldn't come over here and sleep with me", Brian argued.

"Oh, well get under the covers and we can fall asleep.", I stated.

Brian quickly turned the TV and lights off and jumped under the covers. We were both lying on our sides and we stared staring at each other.

"What?", I asked.

"I want to kiss you.", Brian stated.

"So kiss me!", I said laughing.

"But, I don't want to make love to you.", Brian stated scared of my reaction.

"Brian, I don't want you to feel that everytime we are together and we start kissing that we need to have sex. I don't expect that and frankly I don't want that. Besides. I am so tired I don't think I could get it up!", I said carresing Brian's side.

"That's I guess"

"You guess what?", I asked cutting him off.

"I guess...", Brian said trailing off and moving towards me.

Brian's lips met mine and we began to kiss. The kiss didn't last for long but, I didn't expect it to. It was our first good night kiss. It was our first I will see you in the morning kiss. It was our first I really love you kiss. It was a kiss to remember.

To be Continued

Read Author's note!!!!

Next: Chapter 7

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