Life with Tim

Published on Jul 26, 2015


Life With Tim Chapter 31

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships. If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2015 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


When we arrived at the gym, Marcus, Tim, and Callum were waiting for us.

"So, guys!" Tim said. "We were early! You are not late! If you were 1 minute later, you would be! I hope you had a terrific night!"

"We did, indeed," Master Ajmal said. "You?"

"Yup!" Marcus began. "And, we have something exciting to tell you!"

"What might that be, Marcus?" I asked.

"We have decided the five of us are going to bond," Marcus said with a smile. "Please tell them, Callum!"

"I want you to know I did not really mean to tell you, Steven, I was going to take away your Master AND your husband! I'm sorry. I got carried away in the moment! But, I was thinking, would you and your partners want a male model turned slave in one of your movies?"

"Tim can write the screen play, but YES!" I said. "Terrific idea. I get to direct!"

"Oh!" Callum said. "I didn't think about that, but sure!"

"What brought this turn of events to fruition?" I asked Callum.

"It's really very simple," Callum began his explanation. "I've done a little acting professionally in between modelling gigs. Nothing has come my way for at least a year. So, I decided if I want to act, why not become a porn star!"

"Excellent!" I said with enthusiasm as we entered the locker room. "Who do you want to be your Master?"

"You and Tim," Callum replied.

I looked at Tim. He was smiling broadly. I looked back at Callum. He too was smiling. I looked at Marcus and then Master Ajmal. They were both smiling.

"So, Tim," I said. "It looks like you and I are going to make a porn movie together!"

Chapter 31: More Ink, More Fun

We were having lunch beside the pool after the gym on Monday morning. The talk turned to business.

"Marcus," I began. "Tell me about the building David found."

"It is a five story warehouse building in Lakeview," Marcus began. "David told me it is one of the last buildings in the area available. Most have been converted into loft apartments and condos. This one survived only because the developer who bought the building is in bankruptcy. The good news is that the developer completely gutted the building before he ran out of money. So, the interior is a blank canvas ready to be painted with the designs of the artist. It has no interior supporting walls. Like most warehouse buildings, however, there are several interior supporting columns, but one expects that. Each floor is about 10,000 square feet. AND, it is still zoned commercial!"

"Excellent," I said. "How much?"

"It's listed at $750,000," Marcus said. "David just received the listing."

"That's only $15 per square foot!" I said. "Buy it! Today!"

"Don't you want to know about renovation costs?" Marcus asked.

"At the price they are asking, renovation costs are irrelevant," I told Marcus. "I originally planned on purchase price of about $1.5 million. So, this is a steal! You need to get David going on the offer. Tell him to offer the asking price. Then, call Lance Chiola. He is the architect who did eSquare's offices in Chicago. He is good. He is also easy-on-the-eyes! Magnificent body! Great mind! And, gay! He's the best in Chicago for what we are doing. Also, you need to have David show the top floor to Jake and Miguel. I am assuming they will want the top floor, but it is up to them. You offices will be on the first floor. Have Lance do the plans for your office area first. You will need space and people once we get back to Chicago. Tell Lance we want work areas on the perimeter of the space with conference rooms equipped to seat at least 10 please in the center. The walls facing the workspace needs to be glass. Lance needs to plan on a technology friendly workspace. We can work on the other floors on an as needed basis. Also, you need to contact Leon at eSquare to arrange for communication links. He will hand you over to a specialist to help plan the communication needs. Tell Lance you prefer to work with a gay or lesbian owned contractor. He will know who would be the best for this project. Any questions?"

"Only one," Marcus began. "When do you come up for air?"

"When I am finished," I said as I smiled at Marcus.

"Are you finished?" Marcus asked. At least he was smiling.

"Yes," I said. "What else is new, guys?"

"I have a comment, if you don't mind, Steven," Callum began.

"Shoot!" I said.

"For a fucking masochistic slave boy, you can certainly take charge of a situation!" Callum said.

"Thanks," I replied. "You needs to be fast, creative, and assertive if you want to make money. I want to make money. Marcus wants to make money. Tim wants to make money. Master Ajmal wants to make money. So, we need to be fast, creative, and assertive!"

"The other morale of the story, Callum," Tim joined the conversation. "Don't cross Steven! He makes an excellent friend and lover. But, you want him on your side. Otherwise, you could be missing your balls or dick!"

"Good advice!" Callum said. "I will remember your explanation, Tim. My balls hurt just from the thought."

"Oh! Marcus!" I said. "One last item. Do you want to throw your condo in Boston into the real estate trust?"

"I was going to sell it. Why?" Marcus asked.

"We could use it in case we wanted or needed to visit Boston!" I suggested. "We could pay off the mortgage if you have one. Then, you would be an equal partner in the real estate trust."

"Steven!" Marcus protested. "My condo is worth about $800 thousand. I have a $600 thousand mortgage. Why would that make me an equal partner?"

"Because we said so, right guys?" I asked the others.

"Yup!" Tim said.

"Of course!" Master Ajmal agreed.

"What can I say?" Marcus asked.

"Say `thanks,' Marcus!" Tim suggested.

"Thanks, guys!" Marcus said sheepishly.

"Who wants to watch Steven get his legs inked and, then, fucked by Jerome the tattoo guy?" Tim asked.

"I do, but I have work to do!" Marcus said. "I'll go tomorrow!"

"Would you mind if I tagged along?" Callum asked.

"Nope," I answered. "The more the merrier!"

"You know I'm going!" Master Ajmal said. "Shall we go? It's a nice day for a walk down Commercial Street.

We all pulled on gym shorts and sneakers. No one bothered with a shirt!

As we walked down Commercial Street, we drew a lot of attention. But, I decided to talk to Callum while we were on our way to Jerome's studio.

"Callum," I said as I put my hand on Callum's bare shoulder. "Tim and I were talking this morning before breakfast. What arrangements do you have with your guest house?"

"Weekly," Callum replied. "Why?"

"Tim thought you might enjoy staying with us," I explained. "We have the apartment downstairs. Or, you could have one of the guest suites upstairs near the four of us."

"Why would you want me in the way?" Callum asked.

"You won't be in the way," I said. "After all, if Tim and I are going to be your Masters in a porn film, we need to get to know you better!"

Tim put his hand on Callum's other bare shoulder. "Besides, why shell out all of that money at the guest house. We have tons of room."

"I would need to check out tomorrow morning, then," Callum said.

"We will have Harvey drive down and get your stuff tomorrow morning, then," Tim said.

"I may be pushy, but what about sex?" Callum asked.

"What about it?" Tim asked.

"Would I be able to have sex with you guys from time-to-time?" Callum asked.

"Callum!" I began. "We aren't doing this out of the goodness of our hearts. Of course, we can have sex together! Tim and I are very, very horny! Marcus is very, very horny! Master Ajmal is very, very horny! You, my dear Callum, are also very, very horny! Tim, Marcus, Master Ajmal, and I think this would be the perfect arrangement for all of us! Besides, if you hate living around us, you can move out!"

"I'll move in tomorrow morning, then!" Callum agreed.

When we arrived at Jerome's studio, he was naked sitting behind his desk. "My favorite band of gay men! Oh! Wait! Who is this cute dude?"

"This is Callum, Jerome," Tim said. "Callum and I went to college together. We reconnected here in Provincetown a few weeks ago. Callum, this bad ass is Jerome, the tattoo artist!"

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Callum!" Jerome said as he stared at Callum's muscular, tanned body.

"Likewise, Jerome!" Callum said. "I've been hearing all about you for the last few weeks. I finally get to meet the world renowned tattoo artist everyone has been talking about!"

"Are you in advertising, Callum?" Jerome asked. He was smiling as he looked Callum over.

"Nope!" Callum said.

"Okay, Steven!" Jerome turned his attention to me. "Are we ready to put some serious ink on your legs?"

"Yup!" I said as I slipped off my sneakers and dropped my gym shorts to the floor.


Jerome added three hours of outline ink on my right leg. The next phase would be color. However, so I would look symmetrical, he suggested adding the black outline ink on my left leg the next day.

"Does Jerome fuck you in public every time you see him, Steven?" Callum asked as we sat at the coffee shop.

"Yup!" I replied.

"You seemed to enjoy it!" Callum added.

"I do!" I explained. "After sitting with him for three hours getting needles poked in my skin, it is very therapeutic to get Jerome's dick in my ass!"

"He enjoyed it too, I think!" Callum added with a smile. "Of course, I've only fucked you once, so I don't have a definite feeling for how good of a fuck you really are!"

"Do you want to take Steven home now and fuck him, or do you want to wait until we all go home?" Tim asked.

"I can wait!" Callum said.

"You will be fucking him by the pool and we will all be watching," Tim continued.

"Oh!" Callum considered his options. "Yea! I'll wait! If I am going to become a porn star, I need to get used to performing in front of people!"

My phone began to ring. It was Marcus. "Marcus! Tell me some good news!"

"Well, boss, we close on the building Friday morning," Marcus said. "Lance and a contractor friend will make a visit on Friday afternoon. I have a phone meeting with Leon and another guy tomorrow morning! That's my news! What's yours?"

"Jerome added black outline ink to my right leg before he fucked me." I told Marcus. "Now, we are having coffee. We should be home shortly so Callum can fuck me during cocktail hour!"

"Fucking cool!" Marcus said. "I'll see you guys in a few!"

"Marcus has had a productive afternoon! We close on the building Friday," I explained.

"I have a question for the business people in the group," Callum said. "I have decided I need to get rid of the modeling business in order to maintain what little sanity I have left. How do I go about selling it?"

"Set a price you want, advertise it, and close on it," I said. "I know that sounds simplistic, and I am certain it is, but Marcus could probably help you determine how much the business is worth."

"What are you going to do after you sell the agency?" Tim asked.

"I have no fucking clue," Callum said. "I just know I need to get out of the business. I need to get out of San Francisco. I would like to do something meaningful for the community. Not just provide studs to sell clothes and other products."

"Have you ever thought about running a foundation?" I asked.

"I don't have a clue about running a foundation!" Callum admitted. "What foundation and what happens?"

"Tim and I have set up a foundation to help with projects in the gay and lesbian communinty. We have another group dealing with the endowment of the foundation, so the financial issues concerning the endowment are not a factor," I explained. "Mostly, it would consist of reading proposals, deciding where the money can be best utilized to serve the mission and goals of the foundation, and going before the board of directors for a vote on your recommendations. If you can run a modeling agency, you will be able to run a foundation!"

"It sounds like we are building a dynasty here, Steven!" Tim said with a smile. "You would be really good at this, Callum! You have passion about issues affecting the gay community! You have the gift of gab. You are extremely handsome. You have a big dick. And, you can live in Chicago!"

"And, we need to get going," Master Ajmal suggested. "Cocktail hour is approaching, and Callum needs to fuck the boy! We don't want to be late for that!"

As we walked home down Commercial Street, Callum became more interested in the work which the foundation might get involved. "So, tell me again what the mission of this foundation is!"

"We want to fund projects to help the gay community, especially healthcare issues, housing issues, legal issues, addiction issues, relationship issues, and child care issues," I explained. "The person who runs the foundation needs to have creativity to see how new projects might positively affect the gay community, to have vision to see how new projects can succeed, to have the empathy to listen to a proposal and offer constructive comments. The executive director will lead a small team of people, will be the public face of the foundation, and share our vision with others in the community."

"How much can this foundation afford to give away and still remain viable?" Callum asked.

"We have a $50 million dollar endowment," I explained. "And, if the endowment has a 10 percent rate of return, we could spend about $5 million a year."

"I only have one other question, Steven," Callum said.

"Ask away!" I said.

"Where did you and Tim get all of this fucking money?" Callum asked.

"I can explain that in a different conversation, Callum," I said as we went inside the house. I turned Callum around and pulled his body tight to mine. I kissed him. My dick was hard. "Right now, I want us to get naked. Then, I want to kiss you some more. Then, I want you to fuck my brains out! What do you think about the idea, Callum."

All four of us were naked in record time. Tim called out to Harvey, "Harvey! We need five double vodka on the rocks!"

Harvey called out to Tim from the kitchen, "Coming right up, Timothy!"

I led Callum out to the pool area by the hand. Harvey distributed drinks. Timothy made a toast, "Here's to a terrific day! The gym was cool. Steven has more ink on his legs. Marcus bought a building for the venture capital business. Callum has decided to sell his modeling agency. And, the most important part of the day is about to happen!"

"This ought to be fun!" Harvey said as he disappeared into the house.

"So, Callum!" Tim continued. "Remember I told you Steven sometimes cums when he gets fucked. Especially if it is a little rough. Your choice. Slow and easy. Or rough and tough. But, you will love the feeling when his ass is convulsing with your dick still in him."

"Thanks for the coaching session, Tim," Callum said with a smile.

I settled on a lounge chair on my back. I held out my arms and raised my legs to welcome Callum. As he slid between my legs and settled on top of me, he started to kiss me as I wrapped my arms and legs around Callum's muscled body. Softly, passionately. We kissed for several minutes before he raised himself on his arms and aligned his hard uncut 9 inch dick with my asshole.

We gazed into each other's eyes as he prepared to enter me. He slowly eased his big dick into my ass. I moaned in ecstasy as his trimmed pubic hairs grazed my swollen, hairless balls. Callum leaned down for another kiss before he began to work his dick in and out of my ass. Slowly and gently at first. We still maintained eye contact. He would occasionally pause to add more kisses.

His pace began to quicken with more powerful thrusts, but he was still making love to me. Callum still looking into my eyes and I was still looking into his.

I saw the fire begin to burn in Callum's eyes. His thrusts became more powerful until he reached power fuck mode.

I couldn't contain myself and began unloading from my dick. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

My cum was on my stomach, on my chest. Some of my cum landed on Callum's sweaty body. Callum began to scream as he let loose powerful jets of cum into my ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Callum's sweat laden body collapsed on top of me as he recovered. Finally, he was able to get a few words out between breaths. "That was... one of... the best... fucks... I have... ever... experienced!"

The audience applauded. Tim made his announcement, "Steven, Callum! Great show. But, you are not done yet. You both have dick to suck!"

Callum rolled off me and scurried to where Tim was sitting. He knelt between Tim's open legs. Callum began working on Tim's already hard dick with his mouth.

I positioned myself on the lounge chair where Master Ajmal sat. My ass was over the edge. I instantly took Master Ajmal's dick in my mouth and began to bob up and down on his dick. I felt Marcus's hard dick caress my asshole. In no time, he was balls deep in my ass. Somehow we synchronized our movements.

It wasn't long before Master Ajmal unloaded in my mouth. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Once Master Ajmal had shot his load, Marcus pulled me up from the lounge chair onto my feet. "Bend over, slave boy! I need to get at that ass!"

As I bent over and rested my arms on the lounge chair to steady myself, Marcus began an intense ass pounding. I heard Tim moan as he unloaded in Callum's mouth.

Marcus was not far behind, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Marcus held onto my waist to steady himself until he recovered sufficiently to stand by himself.

Once everyone gained their composure, Marcus said to the group with his dick still in my ass, "I don't know about you dudes, but I need another drink!"

The five of us rested until Harvey appeared with our next round of double vodka on the rocks. As Harvey passed the drinks to each of us, he informed us of dinner time, "I took the liberty of holding off dinner until you were finished. We should be ready to eat in about 20 minutes!"

"Perfect timing, Harvey!" Tim said as Harvey disappeared onto the kitchen.

"So, Callum," Tim began. "Did you enjoy yourself?"

"Fuck yes!" Callum exclaimed. "I don't mean to disparage any of you other dudes, but Steven provided one of the best fucks of my lifetime! You are one lucky son of a bitch, Tim!"

"I am," Tim said as he cuddled next to me. "And, he's one of the best cocksuckers around, right Ajmal?"

"Yup!" Master Ajmal said. "Among other things, the boy can definitely suck cock!


On Tuesday evening, Tim and I were awaiting our dinner guests. Marcus, Master Ajmal, and Callum had not come down from their rooms yet.

"This should be a fun evening!" Tim said to me. "Callum is excited to see Willy again. I am excited to see Tyron and Seth naked again! Do you think we could lure them into bed tonight?"

"What would we do with Marcus and Master Ajmal?" I asked.

"Six can fit into our bed, don't you think!" Tim replied.

"Maybe we should use the playroom," I suggested.

"Your idea has possibilities!" Tim said as he contemplated the idea. "Do you think we are having too much sex with other men?"

"Are you ill, Tim?" I asked with a broad smile.

"No! I am not ill!" Tim replied. "I was just thinking we should schedule some alone time with each other. Besides, I really need to visit the office in New York. Would you come with me?"

"Of course I will come with you!" I replied. "I would love to explore some of the city. When?"

"Next week?" Tim asked.

"I'm free!" I said.

"We could arrive on Tuesday night, and I could go into work on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday," Tim suggested. "Do you want to stay until Monday?"

"Sure!" I replied. "Maybe we could visit a couple of museums!"

"And, maybe we could fuck a few times!" Tim added.

"Where are you going to be fucking, Tim?" Marcus asked as he and Master Ajmal came down from our bedroom.

"New York!" Tim said excitedly. "Next week. We would leave here on Tuesday and return on Monday. I need to spend some time at our headquarters on Wednesday through Friday. We thought about staying the weekend."

"You can stay at my house on the Upper East Side," Master Ajmal offered. "I have a car there. And, I can give you the name of a driver I use in case you don't want to take the train."

"Sounds cool!" Tim said. "Steven?"

"Sure!" I replied.

"I'll call and have the house setup for you," Master Ajmal suggested. "Eli's, one of the best markets in the city, is right around the corner!"

"We can charter a plane to Boston and then catch the shuttle to the city," I suggested.

"Which city?" Callum said as he joined the group.

"New York," Tim said. "I need to see the team at work. Then, Steven and I are going to explore and play."

Harvey escorted Willy out to the patio. "Enjoy!" Harvey said as he disappeared again.

Callum hugged and kissed Willy before Willy had time to disrobe. "So, Officer!" Callum said as he led Willy to the group. "How was your day?"

"Uneventful!" Willy said. "I like uneventful days."

I took drink orders. Tim and I decided to act as bartender. It was easy. Six double vodka on the rocks.

As we handed out drinks, Harvey arrived with Seth and Tyron. They, too, wanted a double vodka on the rocks.

Once we all had our drinks in hand, Tim made a toast, "Here's to friends!"

We all clinked glasses.

"Have you told Willy about the decisions you've made, Callum?" Marcus asked.

"Not yet!" Callum replied as he turned to Willy, Seth, and Tyron. "I have decided, for my own sanity, to sell the modeling business in San Francisco. And, Tim and Steven have offered me a job running the foundation they have started. So, it looks like I will be living in Chicago!"

"Terrific!" Willy said. "I have my interview with Captain Vaughn next Wednesday! And, Steven, he mentioned your nice recommendation you sent to him. What exactly did you say to him?"

"I will e-mail you a copy," I said with a smile. "If Captain Vaughn does not hire you after my recommendation, I will need to hire someone to beat him up!"

"He used words like `when you start,' `once you meet your fellow officers,' and other terms," Willy said. "It was almost like he had decided to hire me."

"Unless you really fuck up the interview, Willy," I said. "I think you can plan on moving to Chicago!"

"How many people is he interviewing?" Willy asked. "He seemed rather vague about the competition I am facing."

"He's interviewing one person," I said.

"One other than me, of course," Willy replied.

"No!" I said "ONE person!"

"Oh!" Willy responded. He looked a little shocked.

"He had three hundred people apply for the job," I continued. "He eliminated all but 10. Now, it seems there is only one person in the running!"

"Steven?" Master Ajmal asked to get my attention.

"Yes, Master!" I replied.

"Do you by any chance know the Mayor of Chicago?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Yes, as a matter of fact!" I said. "I served on his advisory committee on LGBT affairs. Why?"

"Just curious!" Master Ajmal replied.

"We were invited to the Mayor's Christmas party last December," Tim said. "He's actually a very nice guy! Some people don't like him, but he was certainly nice to both Steven and me."

"You mean his staff party?" Tyron asked.

"No!" Tim said. "It was his and his wife's personal Christmas gathering at their house."

"I still don't get it, boss!" Marcus said. "You amaze me at some of the things you've done and the people you know! Why are you a slave boy instead of Master?"

"As I've said before, Marcus," I began to explain. "I am not wired that way. I don't let my community service and business life get in the way of my personal and sex life. I like doing good things for people who can't manage to accomplish what they need accomplish to keep their life on track. But, I like my relationship with Tim, with Master Ajmal, and with all of you! Simple!"

"And, he's a damn good fuck, too!" Seth said. The group laughed.

After we had finished eating dinner, Callum and Willy decided to go to Willy's house. I could tell Tim was hatching a plot in his mind. He pulled Marcus aside for a private discussion.

When Marcus and Tim returned to the group, Tim smiled at me before he outlined his plan. "I know there is a lot of testosterone in the air tonight. I can tell by the sight of six hard dicks on our patio. Marcus and I have worked out a strategy to release some of the testosterone in the air. We have three confirmed tops, Ajmal, Seth, and Tyron. We have one confirmed bottom, Steven. We have two confirmed versatile guys, Marcus and me. Marcus and I have decided, in order to even the playing field, we will offer our services as bottom boys tonight. With that said, does anyone want to fuck?"

"Where?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Bedroom or playroom?" Tim suggested.

"Playroom," Master Ajmal said. "Seth?"

"Playroom," Seth agreed. "Tyron?"

"Playroom," Tyron also added his agreement.

"Then let's get this show on the road and get our naked asses downstairs to the playroom!" Tim suggested.

Tyron restrained me on the saw horse. Seth restrained Tim in one of the slings. Master Ajmal restrained Marcus in the other sling.

Tyron took his place between my legs and rubbed his rock hard uncut dick against my asshole. "Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" I screamed as he shoved it into me with one quick, powerful stab.


Tim and I boarded our charter flight from Provincetown to Boston. We transferred to the Boston to New York shuttle, and landed in LaGuardia three hours after we left Provincetown. Master Ajmal's driver met us at baggage claim to ferry us to Master Ajmal's house—a five story brownstone on the Upper East Side.

We were greeted by an extremely attractive 40 year old muscle man. He was 5 foot 11 inches tall, with dark black hair. "Good afternoon, gentlemen! My name is Clarence. I am Ajmal's part-time houseboy. Ajmal has instructed me to be available to you for your stay here. Let me take your bags and help you get settled."

Clarence grabbed both of our bags and led us down the entry way to the elevator. Clarence pushed the fifth floor button. "Ajmal suggested you use his master bedroom suite."

When the doors opened, we exited into an enormous living room area. The room had huge windows which looked out onto Central Park. The 13 foot ceiling made the room look gigantic.

"This is Ajmal's sitting room," Clarence explained. "The master bedroom is this way."

Clarence led us into another huge room with the same windows and another stupendous view to the west.

"You have two bathrooms, one for each of you, over here," Clarence said as he led us into one of the bathrooms and then its identical twin. "You have the use of one walk in closet. Ajmal left his belongings in the other. Down the hallway to your right is a steam room and a sauna. There is a hot tub on the back deck. Before I let you get settled, I should show you the rest of the house! But, first, I need to explain a few things. When Ajmal is in residence here, everyone is naked on floors 2 through 5."

Tim and I shed our traveling clothes and Clarence pulled off his shorts and polo shirt. His muscular chest and six pack abs were covered in trimmed jet black hair. His limp dick was huge as was his low hanging balls. His pubic hairs were neatly trimmed and his cock and balls were hairless. He carried his sorts and polo for the rest of the house tour.

We followed Clarence to the elevator. He pushed the second floor button, "The third and fourth floor contains the guest rooms. Ajmal uses the second floor for casual entertaining and the first floor for more formal entertaining. The kitchen on this floor also serves as the prep area when he entertains formerly."

The second floor was totally open.

"How big is this place?" Tim asked.

"Each floor has approximately 4,000 square feet," Clarence explained.

"Ajmal is going to feel claustrophobic in our place in Chicago!" Tim said.

"He was there during our wedding and didn't complain!" I added.

"You're right!" Tim agreed.

"Now, will you be wanting dinner here or would you prefer to go out?" Clarence asked.

"What restaurants are around here?" I asked.

"Ajmal's favorite Italian restaurant is about two blocks from here," Clarence said as he pulled out a map with the restaurant marked. "It is not fancy, but the food is outstanding!"

"Let's go out!" Tim suggested.

"I will make reservations for you. What time will you want breakfast tomorrow morning?" Clarence asked. "I understand from Ajmal you have meetings scheduled for tomorrow!"

"Around 8:30 am would be good," Tim said. "I need to be at work by 10 am. It is only about 30 minutes away."

"Perfect!" Clarence responded. "I will be in the houseman quarters on the third floor. Just dial 44 on any phone. The liquor cabinet is in the living area on this floor. Ice is also available in the same alcove along with several types of mixers. Here are the entry cards. Just wave it in front of the black pad on the exterior doors."

"Thank you Clarence!" Tim said. "You've been a big help!"

"Drink?" I asked Tim after Clarence retired to his quarters.

"I'd love one!" Tim said. "This place is fucking fabulous! I think we should move Terrance and Aiden to one of the other properties and add the third floor to our house. Ajmal and Marcus could be on the third floor when they want time to themselves! And, we need an elevator!"

"We should also ask Master Ajmal who did the architectural planning for this house!" I said as I handed Tim his double vodka on the rocks.

"Now, lover boy!" Tim began. "What will you be doing while I am at work tomorrow?"

"Surveillance!" I said.

"Surveillance?" Tim asked.

"I will be scouting out places for us to enjoy while we are here," I explained. "Is there anything you want to see while we are here?"

"I don't care, really!" Tim told me. "I just want to spend my free time with you!


Tim arrived home at 6:30 on Wednesday afternoon. He looked extremely sexy in his slim fit suit, but I wanted him naked. I led him to the elevator and punched the button for the fifth floor.

"How was your day, Tim?" I asked as the elevator took us to the master suite.

"Terrific!" Tim said as I pulled him into a kiss. "And, it's... getting... better... every... second!"

Once I had Tim's clothes off we continued our discussion.

"You remember Tan Alameda?" Tim began. "We met him and his husband, Jeromy Batista, at the guest house when we were buying the house in Provincetown."

"Yea!" I said. "The cute Hispanic dudes."

"Yup!" Tim continued. "I had Tan moved to the digital media group in NYC after we met. He's a take charge, no nonsense person. He's become my lead person for the NYC group. He's doing a really terrific job."

"So, you are not only cute, but you are also a good judge of talent," I said to Tim as I kissed him again.

"I have learned from my husband," Tim explained. "I want to invite Tan and Jeromy over for dinner some evening. What about Friday evening?"

"Sounds good to me!" I agreed. "First or second floor living area?"

"Second!" Tim continued. "I want to see them both naked!"

"You like to plan, don't you Tim!" I said with a leer.

"Yup!" Tim replied. "What are we doing for dinner? Out or in?"

"In?" I said. "I stopped by Eli's and picked up a few things. We can talk and have a drink while I make us dinner."

"Sounds terrific!" Tim said as he began playing with my nipples. "I want something else tonight, too!"

"And, what might that be?" I asked.

"One of you famous blow jobs!" Tim hissed. "I've missed them!"

"Only if you make love to me after dinner!" I suggested.

"Deal!" Tim hissed back. "On your knees, cocksucker!"

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I knelt before Tim's hard cock. "You know, Tim, the penis exercises are working!"

"I know," Tim hissed. "Get to work!"

I began to work Tim's now almost 9 inch hard cock with a passion. I paused every few stokes of his cock to lick his shaved balls. I was now in lust mode as I took Tim's cock all of the way in my mouth and down my throat. Tim was getting excited. He held onto my head and began to face fuck me with the energy and passion of someone in lust. He continued to pound my face for several minutes before his body tensed and the intensity of his thrusts increased.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" Tim moaned as his cum filled my mouth. I didn't take my mouth off Tim's dick, but stuck my tongue in his piss slit to savor the last remaining cum.

"I need to be kissed, Steven!" Tim ordered.

I stood in front of Tim. He grabbed me and pulled me close to him. His tongue found my mouth. We passionately kissed for several more minutes.

"God! That was good!" Tim whispered as he pulled away from me. His dick was only semi hard now.

"What did I ever do to deserve you?" I asked.

"You went to Provincetown on weekend in May," Tim whispered. "The rest is history!"

We made our way down to the second floor living area and settled at the kitchen island. As I put our drinks on the island, Tim asked, "So! How was your day, sweetie?"

"Good!" I began. "After you left, I went for a run in Central Park. I've always wanted to do that. Then, I cleaned myself up, and went for a walk around the neighborhood. I literally ran into David Burtka—he actually ran into me—while I was shopping in Eli's."

"And?" Tim said as he took a sip of his drink.

"He's a nice guy! We talked for a while. We were in the produce section," I explained. "He likes fruit!"

"And, what else does David like?" Tim asked. "My husband, perhaps?"

"Not to worry!" I said to Tim as I kissed him. "I explained I was happily married to the most terrific man in the universe. He did suggest the four of us, David, Neil, you, and me, get together for coffee sometime before we leave New York. We exchanged phone numbers."

"Wait until I tell my weird sister about meeting David Burtka and Neil Patrick Harris!" Tim added. "She will go positively nuts! What else did you do?"

"I did a little shopping!" I said. "Then, I came home and thought about you!"

"Me?" Tim said.

"Yup!" I said. "I thought about how much I love you. I thought about how much I am going to enjoy the rest of my life with you. I thought about your terrific body. I thought about your magnificent dick. I thought about your magnificent ass. I have something for you."

"You bought me something?" Tim asked in a surprised voice.

"Yup!" I said as I dug the package out of the drawer in the island. "This is what I went shopping for."

"Thanks, sweetie," Tim said as he excitedly opened the package. "Shit! You went fucking shopping at Tiffany's?"

"Yup!" I said. "Have you ever had anything from Tiffany's?"

"Nope!" Tim excitedly replied. He continued to unwrap the package. When he finally opened the box, he exclaimed, "Holy shit, Steven! This is beautiful!" He gave me a peck on the cheek as he took the watch out of the package.

"It's 18k rose gold, and the strap is brown alligator. Of course, it was made in Switzerland," I explained as Tim fastened in onto his wrist.

"I am not going to ask how much, but rather, is it insured?" Tim asked.

"Yes! I called our homeowner's insurance office and added it to the policy," I explained.

"Thanks, Steven!" Tim said. "I would love to wear this to work tomorrow, but I had better not! I might lose it!"

"Tim!" I explained. "It is only a watch. I bought it for you to wear! So, wear it!"

"Do you want another vodka while I fix dinner?" I asked.

"Sure!" Tim replied. "Can I help?"

"Salad," I suggested. "I have spinach, mushrooms, and green onions. You can wash, rip, and chop!"

"We are also having sundried tomato risotto, grilled Salmon, and roasted vegies," I explained. "I bought the risotto, but the rest is from my secrete recipes I store in my head."

"In other words, you make things up as you go," Tim responded.

"Yup!" I said. "I think I could get used to this range!"

"I smell a remodeling project in our kitchen!" Tim said.

"Maybe," I replied. "We'll see what the architects come up with for the house beside us. Then, we can decide what to do with our kitchen."

"How much is a range like this one?" Tim asked.

"I don't know," I replied. "Probably between $12 thousand to $15 thousand."

"What do you want to have when Tan and Jeromy are here for dinner?" Tim asked.

"Name it," I replied.

"I like the stuff we are doing for tonight's dinner!" Tim suggested.

"Done!" I will make another trip to Eli's on Friday while you are at work," I replied. "Maybe I can run into another hot gay boy!"

"Just don't bring home a hot gay boy without me being here!" Tim said with a smile.

"I have my own hot gay boy!" I replied as I gave Tim a kiss and tweaked his nipples.

"Don't start or I will be forced to rape you," Tim hissed.

"What do you want to do over the weekend?" I asked.

"Maybe on Sunday go out to brunch somewhere," Tim suggested. "Someone at work suggested Restivo Ristorante or Matt's Grill."

"I'll look into the places," I said. "What time do you want dinner on Friday?"

"Cocktails at 7," Tim began. "Dinner at 8."

"Oh! I forgot! Marcus called me today." I exclaimed. "He has been drooling over the architect for the warehouse conversion. Lance Chiola, as I said, is pretty easy on the eyes. Lance and Marcus have had a lot of Skype conference calls. Lance also has preliminary plans he wants to review with us on Monday. He will be flying in on Monday morning. He will fly back to Chicago on Tuesday. I told Marcus to have Harvey put him in the second guest room. He is also said he has interviews with your friend Dean from your digital media group. He will be flying in to meet with Marcus and me. If things go well, Dean will be in charge of IT not only for the venture capital firm, but also for the venture capital projects that require an IT component. He will probably be in charge of the IT for the foundation. He is flying in on Wednesday and leaving on Thursday."

"Things are moving along!" Tim agreed. "Did we find an architect for the rehab of the house in Provincetown?"

"Ajmal has lined up two," I explained. "We are going to interview both of them also next week. The one who did Ajmal's compound has retired and moved to Costa Rica."

"So, we are going to be busy next week, I see!" Tim concluded. "I have one last thing to discuss with you and then I am going to drag you off to bed! I think you will like my last item of business tonight. I have talked with the dude I work for, Gregory McCaw. He and I agree the digital media project is moving forward much faster than either of us expected. And, we have assembled and excellent team who work together almost seamlessly. So, I will turn in my letter of resignation for December 31."

"Fantastic news, Tim!" I said as I reached over and pulled him close to me. "You have made me so fucking happy! I will have you all to myself! Well, Marcus, Ajmal, and I will have you all to ourselves!"

"We are also on target to generate ongoing bonuses at the rate I agreed to earlier," Tim happily announced. "So, I won't be a kept man!"

"Tim," I said. "You would never be a kept man! We've gone down this incredible journey so far. And, we've done it together. We will continue to make our journey together even more memorable. When do you start writing your first novel?"

"After Marcus, Ajmal, you, and me spend a month or two in Fort Lauderdale, Florida," Tim said with a smile.

"Why Fort Lauderdale?" I asked.

"My boss has a house down there on the Inter-coastal waterway," Tim explained. "It could be ours for January and February for $3,000 a month. It's not being used, and it comes complete with a BMW, a boat, a pool, and a houseman. The house has four bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Are you interested?"

"Sure!" I said. "I think it would be terrific!"

"Good!" Tim said with a smile. "I already gave him a check. And, if we like the house, he will consider selling it to us."

"How much?" I asked.

"He said he would accept $2 million," Tim announced. "The house would require renovation because it was last done about 20 years ago. It is a mid-century ranch. We can decide when we are there in January and February."

"Sounds like a plan, Tim!" I said as I put the last dish into the dishwasher and turned it on.

Tim grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator and pushed the button for the fifth floor. When we arrived in the fifth floor sitting room, Tim gave me his ideas, "You know the deck on the back on this floor?"

"Yes," I replied.

"Do you think we can make love out their without drawing a crowd?" Tim asked.

"Do we care?" I asked.

"Nope," Tim replied.

"What are we waiting for?" I asked.

Tim grabbed my hand and led me to the deck and beside a lounge chair.

"On your back, husband." Tim ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I positioned myself on my back. Held up my arms and spread my legs to welcome time to my body.


On Friday after Tim went to work, I did my now usual run in Central Park. Then, I came back to the house, took a shower, and headed off to Eli's to buy stuff for dinner tonight with Tan and Jeromy.

As I was pursuing the vegetable selection, I noticed Anderson Cooper looking over the produce. I decided to go for broke, "Mr. Cooper! I hope you don't mind, but I'm Steven Caldwell. I noticed you and wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your show."

"Thank you, Steven," Anderson said. "Do you live in the area? I haven't seen you in here before."

"My husband and I are staying at a friend's house off Central Park for a few days," I explained. "My husband is working in the city with some of his group this week."

"Ah! Welcome to the neighborhood!" Anderson said. "It's nice to have friends with a house off Central Park."

"The owner is staying with Tim, my husband, and me this summer in Provincetown," I said. "Ajmal suggested we stay at his house."

"Ah! Ajmal," Anderson said. "It figures. He has a reputation for associating with muscled men. And, I see he hasn't changed much."

"He, indeed, hasn't changed much!" I said with a smile. "You know Ajmal how?"

"He and I have been involved in some of the same charitable activities," Anderson explained. "He must be a really good friend to you and your husband. He usually doesn't loan out his house to people when he is not here in the city."

"Yes," I explained. "Tim and I are extremely good friends with Ajmal and his future husband, Marcus."

"Ah! Benjamin and I are invited to his wedding in October," Anderson said. "I understand he has found a perfect spot to have the wedding."

"Yes," I said. "It will be held at our house in Provincetown."

"Oh! You're the Steven Ajmal is CLOSE to?" Anderson asked.

"Yes," I said. "You could say that!"

"Now I know why he wanted you to stay in his house!" Anderson said. "Ajmal hit the jackpot this time! Anyway, I must be going! I have a show to do tonight."

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Cooper!" I said.

"You, too, Mr. Caldwell!" Anderson said as he left with his produce.

`Tim is going to fucking freak out,' I said to myself and I finished my shopping.

When I returned home, Clarence, naked of course, was cleaning the second floor entertainment area. "I thought I should spiffy the place up for your guests tonight. Is there anything else I can help you with, Steven?"

"I think I have things pretty well under control," I said. "I enjoy cooking. So, this will be fun. It clears the mind!"

"Excellent!" Clarence said. "I will be in my room if you need me for anything.

"Thank you, Clarence!" I said as I busied myself with prep work for dinner.

Tim came bounding into the house at 5:30. "Steven! Something smells terrific!"

"I made dessert," I explained. "It's an apple tort. You need to be naked, Tim!"

"Come help me get naked then, husband!" Tim said as he grabbed my hand and led me to the elevator and to the master bedroom.

I almost ripped off his clothes. Once Tim was naked, I pulled him close to me so I could kiss him.

"I like this," Tim whispered. "But do we have time for playing around?"

"Blowjob?" I asked.

"Yes, please!" Tim whispered.

I was working Tim's hard dick in my mouth before the words were even out of his mouth. I decided I wanted to make my husband happy as quickly as possible, so I reached up and started to play with Tim's nipples.

"Ah! Shit, Steven! You are going to make me blow!" Tim hissed.

"It's my goal!" I hissed back.

I must have done something right, or Tim was very horny. Maybe it was both! Tim was soon unloading in my mouth and moaning in delight, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Once Tim and I both regained our composure, Tim added, "Husband! We need a shower!"

Tim and I hit the shower. I washed Tim. Tim washed me. I dried Tim. Tim dried me. We went downstairs to get ready for our guests.

"Did you tell Tan about our naked only options for this floor of the house?" I asked.

"Yup!" Tim said with a smile. "He and Jeromy are fans of the naked lifestyle. I am really, really looking forward to ogling their bodies."

"Anything else in mind?" I asked.

"Not until I officially resign," Tim said. "It would not be appropriate to have sex with an employee!"

"Good point!" I said.

"You on the other hand could give Tan some attention!" Tim said with a smile plastered all over his face. "I could give Jeromy some attention since he doesn't work for me!"

"You lecherous person, you!" I added as we stood naked in the kitchen.

The doorbell rang and Clarence went to answer the door. He led Tan and Jeromy into the kitchen where we were standing. Clarence had on black shorts and a white polo. "If you need anything else, please let me know!"

Clarence left the four of us alone.

"Welcome," Tim announced. "You both remember my husband, Steven?

"Yes, of course," Tan said as he extended his hand. Jeromy did the same.

"It is nice to have you as our guests tonight," I said. "Tim and I have been looking forward to the evening."

"You have the option of being naked or with clothes," Tim announced.

Tan and Jeromy smiled and quickly removed their shorts, boat shoes, and polo. Tan was stunning! His muscled chest, six pack abs, and almost hairless body with an all over tan made my dick stir. His flaccid, uncut six inch dick was also amazing. Jeromy's shorter frame was equally developed. His cut seven inch dick was standing at attention.

"Nice tan, Tan!" Tim exclaimed. "You, too, Jeromy!"

"Thanks," Tan said. "We have been laying out on our roof deck naked on the weekends. Only a few other gay boys have keys to the roof. We like our privacy!"

"Speaking of privacy!" Jeromy added. "This place is absolutely fantastic!"

"Our friend Ajmal, who owns this place, uses the first floor as a formal entertainment room," Tim explained. "This is the casual entertaining area as well as the main living space. Floors three and four contain guest rooms. The fifth floor, where we are staying, is the master bedroom suite."

"You mean this is one house?" Tan exclaimed.

"Yup!" Tim replied. "We will give you a tour later. In the meantime, what can we get you to drink? We are having our usual double vodka on the rocks!"

"Same!" Tan and Jeromy said in unison.

"Great minds think alike!" I said. "How is your acting career going, Jeromy?"

"Nonexistent!" Jeromy said sadly. "I need to seriously rethink my career options."

"I still think he has a chance, but he gets depressed every time someone doesn't hire him," Tan explained. "It will be his choice! He was approached to do a porn film!"

Tim looked at me and smiled. He was plotting.

"Steven ran into David Burtka while he was at Eli's Market on Wednesday," Tim said. "We are having coffee with him and his husband Sunday late afternoon!"

"Holy shit!" Jeromy exclaimed. "He's married to Neil Patrick Harris!"

"I also ran into Anderson Cooper today while I was at Eli's shopping for tonight's dinner," I added. "He knows Ajmal very well!"

"Why does that not surprise me?" Tim said. "Ajmal is very well connected!"

"Who is Ajmal?" Tan asked.

"Ah! The guy who owns this house," Tim explained. "He and his future husband are staying with us in our house in Provincetown."

"How do you know each other?" Tan asked his next question.

"Ah... Steven?" Tim turned the question over to me.

I decided to go for it, "Ajmal is my Master."

"Master?" Jeromy queried.

"Yes," I explained. "I am Tim's husband. Ajmal's future husband, Marcus, is Tim's boyfriend. I am Ajmal's slave."

"I see!" A stunned Tan responded.

"I think your relationship is fucking awesome!" Jeromy exclaimed.

"Don't jump to conclusions, Tim," Tan began. "But, I would like to summarize so I can wrap my head around some things. The dude I work for is involved in a polygamous relationship with his husband, his boyfriend, and his husband's Master. Is this an accurate summary?"

"Yup!" Tim said with a smile. "Is this a problem?"

"Nope!" Tan said. "I just needed to clarify the situation. Jeromy and I have considered such a relationship. I love him very, very much. I can't be his Master, which he really wants. We both know a guy who wants to be Jeromy's Master. The guy who wants to be Jeromy's Master is also a guy whom I am very attracted to. I have always been afraid to move forward with this relationship because I was worried about the reactions to other people. Why does this not bother you?"

"One little thing, Tan," I began. "Neither Tim, Marcus, Ajmal, or I are concerned because we don't really need to work. We are secure in our relationship. Tim and I both love one another very much. But, just like you, Tan, Tim doesn't want to be my Master. He wants to be my lover, my husband, and the co-father of our kids we want. I know I was a little scared of this type of relationship when I was just getting started. But, Tim and I decided we needed more than our relationship with each other. Does that help?"

"Yes," Tan responded. "Jeromy?"

"Yup!" Jeromy concluded. "We are both derived from conservative Hispanic families. We don't necessarily have the option of thinking so far outside the box. It was a stretch for both Tan's and my families to accept our relationship. How do you pull this off?"

"Our families have both met Marcus and Ajmal," Tim explained. "We haven't really explained our relationship other than Steven and I are married. We don't feel we need to explain it to them."

"Our families are living within miles of us," Tan decided to explain. "They demand constant access to our lives. Sometimes it is smothering! Yours?"

"We don't let our families smother us," I said. "It is not our duty to comply with family demands. Instead, we live our lives freely. We are who we are. Fortunately, Tim's family is from New England. Mine from Southern Illinois. We live in Chicago and Provincetown. Frankly, we have decided family and friends—or fear of family and friends—cannot dictate our lifestyle."

"But you two obviously have money we don't have!" Tan continued.

"Stay in touch with Steven," Tim explained. "He has a way of making money happen! Don't ask me how. It is just a reality."

"Tim," I began. "Why don't you show the guys the rest of the house while I get dinner going?"

"Sure!" Tim agreed. "Okay, men! Let's tour. But, first, I need a freshened cocktail!"

Tim made everyone another drink before he led them on a tour of the house. When the guys returned from the tour of the house, I had the Salmon on the grill in the kitchen. Everything else was almost ready to serve.

"Fucking nice house!" Jeromy said as everyone settled around the kitchen island.

"I don't mean to pry, Tim," Tan began. "But, how did you and Steven get all of this wealth and surround yourselves with men who have similar fortunes?"

"Simple," Tim explained. He was smiling broadly. "I married money!"

"Tim!" I exclaimed. "You did very well on your own!"

"I know, but I was fortunate," Tim continued. "The guy I fell in love with was at the right place at the right time. I have a couple of questions for the two of you, Tan and Jeromy. I hope you don't mind if I am exceedingly forward."

"Shoot!" Tan said.

"First, this guy who wants to be your master, Jeromy. Where is he living and what does he do for a living?" Tim asked his first question.

"He lives in Manhattan near us in Chelsea," Jeromy explained. "He's our age, 29. He's an architect and works for a large architectural firm. He wants to set out on his own, but he doesn't have the resources to do it. Livingston is an extremely creative guy. The firm he works for is extremely conservative. He's Mexican American and about Tan's height."

I looked at Tim. I could see the wheels turning. "Tim, Livingston needs to talk to Marcus and Lance Chiola. Is you potential master willing to relocate to Chicago, Jeromy?"

"He'll go almost anywhere if there is a reason," Jeromy replied.

"Would the two of you be willing to relocate to Chicago?" I asked Tan and Jeromy.

"Sure," Tan replied. "Why?"

"Tan," Tim took over the conversation. "I could get you transferred to Chicago and turn over the digital media project to you after I resign in December."

"You are kidding, right?" Tan asked. He looked a little shocked.

"Nope!" Tim answered. "I am dead serious!"

"What about Jeromy's hopes about being in theater?" Tan asked.

"Chicago has a very vibrant theater scene," I explained. "It might be easier to break into theater in Chicago rather than New York. Many gifted actors have started their career in Chicago and moved on. I know a few people in the Chicago theater scene."

"You would be out of the instant gratification grip of your families, too!" Tim added.

"I hate to ask this, but how much could I make if I took over the digital media project?" Tan asked.

"I will need to work on the numbers with my boss, but probably about $150 thousand salary plus bonuses," Tim said.

"You're shitting me?" Tan replied.

"Nope!" Tim continued. "Plus, it is a lot less expensive to live in Chicago than in Manhattan. We also know of a couple of landlords who offer extremely reasonable rents for qualified tenants."

"How does one qualify?" Jeromy asked.

"Trust me, you qualify," Tim said with a huge smile on his face.

I began setting plates of food in front of our guests.

Tim made a toast. "Here is to new friends!"

We clinked glasses and then began eating.

"Steven," Tan said. "Tim said you were starting a new business with some friends of yours. What is the business?"

"Ah!" I began. I looked at Tim. He nodded yes. "We are developing video content which will be streamed to users on demand."

"What kind of videos?" Jeromy asked.

"Bondage and discipline scenes and Master/slave relationships," I explained.

"Who are the actors?" Tan asked.

"Me, Tim, friends, and others interested in the genera," I explained.

"Could Livingston and I try out?" Jeromy asked.

"Does Livingston have a body anything like yours?" I asked.

"Livingston is more muscular than we are!" Tan responded.

"You're hired!" I exclaimed.

"One last question," Tan began. "Who do we have to fuck to make all of this happen?"

"No one!" Tim responded.

"Damn, boss!" Tan continued. "You take all of the fun out of things!"

"I didn't say you can't fuck us," Tim added. "I just said you don't have to fuck us in order to make all of this happen. Right, Steven?"

"Right!" I answered. "How big does your dick get, Tan?"

"About 11 inches," Tan replied.

"Do you like to fuck?" I asked.

"Yup!" Tan replied with a smile

"Do you ever bottom?" I asked Tan.

"Normally not," Tan responded. He was still smiling.

"Tim, get the guys another drink while I clean up the kitchen!" I said as I began to quickly load the dishwasher. "Then we can show you the master bedroom suite!"

Once I had finished my task of cleaning the kitchen, Tan stood in front of me and pulled my body close to his. "From the second I walked through the door and saw the two of you naked, I knew I wanted you, Steven! Your body is magnificent."

"Thank you, Tan!" I said. "I've been admiring you, too! I have been fantasizing about you on top of me, kissing me, fucking me. Does any of that interest you?"

"Yea!" Tan hissed. "All of it! I hope you like long, hard, rough fucks!"

"Definitely!" I hissed back. I grabbed Tan's hand. Tim grabbed Jeromy's hand. We all headed to the elevator.

"Holy shit!" Jeromy exclaimed as we entered the master suite.

Neither Tim nor I paused to explain the suite. We led our respective playmates to the bed. I lowered myself on the bed. I was on my back. I held out my arms and spread my legs. Tan took his place on top of me.

Jeromy also positioned himself on the bed beside me. Tim was instantly on top of his playmate and began to deliver extremely passionate kissed. Jeromy responded.

"God! Tan!" I moaned. "You feel so good on top of me!"

"We fit together nicely!" Tan whispered to me. "Your muscles. Your tattoos. Your eyes. Your uncut dick. Your big hairless balls. Make Tan a very horny guy!"

Tan started to kiss me. I put my legs around Tan's waist and pulled him as close to me as I possibly could. While Tan and I shared an extremely passionate kiss, I was caressing the muscles in his biceps and sculpted back.

"I want... your ass..., Steven!" Tan hissed between kisses.

"Take it...!" I moaned. "Make me... feel it!"

Tim reached over and tossed the lube close to Tan. Tan raised his muscled body off mine and leaned back to apply the lube to his rock hard, 11 inch uncut dick. He starred into my eyes.

He leaned in and kissed me softly before he lined his dick up with my asshole. "Aaaaaahhhhhh!" I moaned as Tan pushed his dick into me. "Fuck yes!" I hissed. "Fuck me, Tan! Fuck me hard! Make me feel it!"

Tan kicked into high gear and began to deliver quick, powerful stabs into my ass. I moaned in pleasure with each inward thrust. His trimmed pubic hairs caressed my swollen, hairless balls every time he bottomed out in my ass.

As Tan picked up the pace of his attack on my ass, he began to sweat profusely. His sweat dripped onto my body. His eyes never left mine. I saw fire and lust in his eyes.

I felt my balls and dick start to react! I couldn't hold back any longer! "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!" I moaned as my cum coated my body and Tan's body.

"You do... like my... big... Hispanic... dick..., don't you..., boy?" Tan hissed between powerful jabs.

"Ahhh... Yes..., SIR...!" I hissed back. "Give it... to me..., SIR! Give me... your big... dick...!"

My hissing must have been an aphrodisiac to Tan because he ramped up his power fuck to an even more incredible pace.

"Don't... stop..., SIR...!" I screamed in ecstasy. "Please... don't... stop...!"

Tan continued to ravage my ass. We heard Tim moan with pleasure as he unloaded into Jeromy's ass, "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Finally, after several more minutes of plowing my ass, Tan's body began to tense. He soon screamed as I felt his cum explode into my ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Tan collapsed on top of me. His sweat covered body fit perfectly on top of me. I put my arms around Tan and held him until his breathing returned to normal and he was able to talk. "Awesome, Steven!" Tan whispered

"I agree!" I whispered back.

"You'd better have another one in you, Tan!" Tim hissed. "I want your big Hispanic dick in my ass! Don't you want to fuck your boss, Tan?"

"Yes, boss!" Tan said as he smiled at me. "Is he always this demanding?"

"Only when he's horny!" I said to Tan. "Which is usually most of the time!"

Tim rolled off Jeromy and Tan rolled off me. We all lay on our backs to regroup.

"Jeromy?" Tim almost whispered.

"Yes?" Jeromy softly replied.

"You are one hot fuck!" Tim responded. "Steven! You need to try his ass!"

"Tim," I added. "You need to try Tan's dick!"

"Well, then," Tim demanded. "Get your ass on top of Jeromy so I can get under Tan!"

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I rolled over Tim and onto Jeromy. I kissed Tim midway.

"Do I get a raise if I do a good job, boss?" Tan asked.

"It won't hurt!" Tim responded. "Now get to work!"

"Yes, boss!" Tan said as he took his place on top of Tim.


After another morning round of fucking, the four of us showered together. Once we were clean, we headed downstairs. We had worked up an appetite. Once we stepped off the elevator on the second floor, the smell of bacon drifted from the kitchen.

Clarence was standing naked in the kitchen finishing up scrambled eggs. "Good morning, gentlemen! I thought you might like something to eat after a good night's sleep!"

"Thank you, Clarence!" Tim replied. "We could fend for ourselves!"

"Not to worry!" Clarence replied. "Besides, I get to look at four very handsome naked men. You make my heart pitter patter! There is coffee, juice, and pastries on the sideboard. The bacon and eggs are in the warming dishes. Help yourself. I'll clean up after you are finished. Enjoy!"

As we sat at the kitchen island and enjoyed our breakfast feast, Tim was plotting aloud. "You guys should plan to visit us in Provincetown for a week or two. Tan, you and I could do some work while we are there. You wouldn't need to use up any vacation time."

"Jeromy?" Tan asked. "Can you get the time off?"

"It will be tough!" Jeromy replied. "I get bitched at every time I want a day or two off! Just think what it will be like when I ask for two weeks off!"

"Quit!" I suggested. "I could talk to Marcus and ask if he needs help with the venture capital business. We pay well!"

"What the hell would I do?" Jeromy asked. "The only thing I am good at is singing, dancing, and acting. Even my skills as a waiter are minimal!"

"Can you use a computer?" I asked.

"Yes," Jeromy answered.

"Can you talk on the phone?" I asked.

"Yes," Jeromy answered.

"Can you organize information?" I asked.

"Yes," Jeromy answered.

"I'll talk to Marcus, but consider yourself employed for the two weeks you are staying with us," I said. "Can you work for $50 an hour?"

"Shit yes!" Jeromy exclaimed.

"You will be considered a 1099 employee in the beginning," I said. "After you move to Chicago, we can consider making the position permanent if you and Marcus work well together!"

"What is Livingston doing today?" Tim asked.

"The three of us usually get together on Saturday night," Tan replied.

"Steven and I want to meet him," Tim began.

"When?" Jeromy asked.

"Now?" Tim continued.

"I can call him," Jeromy said as he found his phone in the pile with his and Tan's clothes. "SIR! It's your boy!"


"Thank you, SIR!" Jeromy continued. "SIR! Tan and I are on the Upper East Side with Tan's boss and his husband. They want to meet you. Are you free, SIR?"


Jeromy gave Livingston the address. "Can you call me when you are at the front door, SIR?"


"I'll let you in!" Jeromy said with a huge grin on his face. "Thank you, SIR! We are excited you are coming over!"

When Jeromy ended the call, he turned to us, "He will be here in an hour."

Clarence appeared and softly asked me, "Steven! Could I have a word with you privately?"

"Sure," I said as I followed Clarence to the side of the kitchen. "Is there a problem, Clarence?"

"Oh! No!" Clarence replied. "Ajmal called me this morning. I told him you had guests. Could you please follow me?"

"Sure!" I said. I was a little concerned when Clarence led me to the elevator.

When we were in the elevator, Clarence waved his id card at the black sensor and pushed a button marked `B.' When the elevator stopped, the back door opened. We stepped into a cavernous area filled with three slings, three sawhorses, several restraining devices, a bondage table, and a St. Andrews Cross.

"This is Ajmal's playroom," Clarence explained. "When I told him you had overnight guests, he suggested you might like to use this room for entertaining your guests. It is very well equipped. Ajmal also suggested a friend of his would be happy to show you where everything is located. He and Ajmal entertain in this room often. You can expect a call from Ajmal shortly!"

We went back upstairs and I rejoined the group in the kitchen. My phone began to ring. It was Master Ajmal. "Good morning, Master!"

"Good morning, boy!" Master Ajmal said. "Are you and Tim enjoying your time in the city?"

"Yes, Master!" I said. "Very much so."

"Good! I need to make this a brief conversation," Master Ajmal said. "My friend Bruce will visit you and Tim. He will be at the front door in 10 minutes. I want you to be waiting for him standing just inside the open front door. Naked. When you address him, please call him `Master Bruce,' `Master,' or `SIR'! He is available to help with Livingston's transition to a real Master. Master Bruce will use your body as a demonstration tool. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master!" I said. "I understand completely, Master!"

When I hung up the phone, I addressed our little group of four. "It seems Master Ajmal has arranged for someone to help level the playing field. A friend of his, Master Bruce, will be here at 10 minutes. We have four top guys and two slave boys."

"Nope!" Tim spoke up. "For today, I am going to be a bottom slave boy! Tan, you are assigned to be my Master for the day!"

Tim looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. Tan looked terrified.

"But, Tim!" Tan almost screamed. "You are my boss! I can't hurt you!"

"No," Tim said. "But, you can fuck me. You can fist me. You can whip me. You can torture me. You can shove your dick down my throat. This is not optional, Tan."

To be continued...

I hope you liked the direction that `Life With Tim' is taking. I've heard from many people and would like to hear from even more.

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This is my 30th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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9 Round Creek Road

Next: Chapter 32

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