Life with Tim

Published on Dec 3, 2014


Life With Tim Chapter 05

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consentual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships. If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2014 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim

Chapter 05: Phase Two

I awoke with the light streaming through the bedroom window. My head was resting on Master Ed's chest and Tim was snuggled up to my back side with his hard cock poking me in the ass. I laid there quietly so as not to disturb the two naked men as I was thinking. I had really come full circle. Here I was in bed naked with the man I loved snuggling behind me and the man I had had my head resting on—the man I had dutifully served as his sex slave a few years ago.

Finally after a few minutes lost in my thoughts, I felt Master Ed's strong hand on the back of my head and he finally said, "I have to piss, boy." Master Ed pushed my head toward his hard cock.

From the years of my pervious service, I knew instinctively what Master Ed expected me to do. So, I positioned my mouth over Master Ed's cock and took it in my mouth. Soon, I felt Master Ed's stream of morning piss begin to fill my mouth. I swallowed all of it until finally his stream of yellow liquid subsided.

"Good boy!" Master Ed proclaimed.

Tim finally stirred behind me and said, "I need to piss, too, boy! Get down on my cock and take it."

I turned toward Tim and saw his half smile. I moved over Tim's cock and took it into my mouth and waited for his gift of piss to begin flowing. Again, I swallowed all of it.

"That was nice, Steven... uhm... I mean boy!" Tim said still somewhat asleep. "Now, suck my cock."

I began to massage his hard cock with my lips, finally taking all of it. I began to slowly work on Tim's cock, my lover's cock, with an enthusiasm I've never experienced. I wanted to make Tim feel good. I always enjoyed giving Tim a morning blow job. But, this morning I was eager to really please him. After last night's activities with Master Ed and Tim, I needed to make this the best morning blowjob Tim has ever had.

I took his entire 8 inch hard cock all of the way into my mouth and felt the head of his dick glide into my throat. I massaged Tim's balls as I reached up to tweak one of Tim's nipples. I knew this would bring Tim into a state of ecstasy. He loves his nipples tweaked.

I continued to work his dick with my lips, my mouth, my tongue, and my throat. His body was beginning to tense and his balls were tightening to his body. I knew Tim was close to giving me his load.

"Ah, shit, I'm cuming, boy! Take your lover's cum!" Tim said as his body began to convulse and I felt ropes of his sperm flood my mouth. "Shit that was good, boy!"

I finished swallowing my lover's cum and licked his cock clean.

Master Ed leaned in to kiss Tim on the lips. "You liked that, didn't you, Tim? Does he do this for you every morning?"

"Almost always. But, this was really hot! I think part of the excitement was pissing in his mouth first!" Tim replied as he returned Master Ed's kiss.

"Okay, boy! Go down to the kitchen and start the coffee and get things ready to make us breakfast. I'm sure you will find everything. The kitchen has gone virtually unchanged since you were let go." Master Ed ordered. "Don't start cooking until Tim and I come down. You'll find your piss bucket in the utility room. Use it if you need to piss."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I moved myself out of bed.

"Tim and I will be down in a little while. But first, we have a few things to discuss."

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I headed for the door of the bedroom.

I made my way into the kitchen and started the coffee. The kitchen was, indeed, pretty much the way it was when I was in the service of Master Ed. Once the coffee was going, I headed to the utility room to find my piss bucket. It was just inside the door where it always was. Master Ed had crafted the piss bucket so that I could piss without using his bathroom. It was a five gallon bucket with a toilet seat attached. I moved the bucket into the middle of the room, sat on the seat, and aimed by hard cock into the bucket. I let out a long, steady stream of golden piss. It was a combination of Master Ed's piss and Tim's piss that I had taken earlier in the morning. I left the piss bucket in the middle of the room so Master Ed could decide what to do with the contents later.

As I was washing my hands in the kitchen sink, a few memories came back to me of the time I was in Master Ed's service. He never allowed me to use his toilet off his master suite unless it was a dire emergency. And, a slave boy could never be allowed to piss standing up. He had to sit.

I finished washing my hands and dried them with the "Slave" towel Master Ed had hanging near the sink.

I moved around the kitchen and gathered the ingredients for Master Ed and Tim's breakfast. I settled on scrambled eggs with some fresh spinach and goat cheese that Master Ed had in his refrigerator. I knew both Master Ed and Tim would like the combination. I also pulled out the toaster and readied a couple of English muffins. With a little more searching, I found a fresh package of bacon. I assembled everything and awaited Master Ed and Tim.

About 45 minutes later, Master Ed and Tim arrived in the kitchen. "Are you ready to make us breakfast, boy?" Master Ed asked.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

Tim and Master Ed were both smiling and naked. They stood together near the island in the kitchen. Master Ed moved behind Tim and pulled him into his body with Tim's ass snuggling up to Master Ed's cock. Master Ed kissed Tim on the top of his head.

"Your lover here has one of the finest asses I've ever had," Master Ed said to me. "He really knows how to make a man very, very happy."

"Yes, SIR!" I began, "Others have said that as well."

"I haven't given up my ass to that many people, boy!" Tim defended himself.

"Our friend Ricardo really liked it," I stated.

"Yes, he did. But, you know I'm a sucker for Latin men!" Tim retorted.

"Maybe you need to get really well acquainted with my friends Miguel and Jake, Tim," Master Ed said to Tim.

"They are two very hot men!" Tim responded enthusiastically.

Master Ed moved to the other side of the island and poured two cups of coffee for himself and Tim. He turned to Tim to explain further, "Miguel and Jake are partners. They both have joined me and the boy to play several times. As I'm certain you noticed earlier, they are both all muscle. Miguel has a very thick 9" uncut Puerto Rican dick. And, Jake has at least 13" of uncut black cock! They were favorite playmates of the boy here. Right, boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

"Get our breakfast ready, boy! We're hungry! Put yours in the dog dish beside your water." Master Ed ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I started cooking their food. Within 15 minutes, I had two plates set on the island for Master Ed and Tim. "Anything else I can get for you, SIR?" I put mine in the dog dish as ordered. I lowered myself on all fours and began lapping up my breakfast. I finished mine quickly.

"This is really good, boy! Start cleaning up so we can get back to enjoying ourselves in the playroom," Master Ed ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I began the cleanup process.

Master Ed and Tim continued their conversation as I started cleaning up. Finally, both men had finished their breakfast. Master Ed said to me, "Take our plates, boy! When you are finished cleaning up in the kitchen, go downstairs and clean your body. Don't forget to clean out your ass, too. I think we both want to use that again. When you are finished, assume the position at the bottom of the stairs, boy."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

Master Ed turned to Tim, "Why don't we go upstairs to the bedroom and take a shower while the boy takes care of the dishes and his body?"

"I'd like that," Tim replies as they both stand and head toward the bedroom on the second floor. Master Ed takes Tim's hand in his and leads him upstairs.

I finished cleaning the kitchen and went downstairs to the playroom and turned on the shower. I soaped up my body and carefully washed myself. When I was done with my body and hair, I grabbed the douche tube and began cleaning my ass. When I was done, I stepped out of the shower, grabbed a towel and began to dry myself.

I moved to the bottom of the stairs as Master Ed had instructed and assumed the position—feet shoulder length apart, hands behind my back, eyes looking down.

After about 30 more minutes, I heard Master Ed and Tim moving around upstairs. As Master Ed and Tim were at the top of the stairs, Tim asked Master Ed a question, "What will happen to that?"

"The boy will drink it," Master Ed replied as they both descended to the playroom. Master Ed was carrying my piss bucket.

"Kneel, boy!" Master Ed ordered.

I dropped to my knees with my hands behind my back and my head bent so that I didn't look Master Ed or Tim in the eyes.

"Boy, your lover and I have a load of piss for you," Master Ed said. "Take Tim's first."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as Tim moved in front of my and held his cock.

"Take it, boy!" Tim ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I took Tim's cock in my mouth. Tim slowly released his load of piss and I swallowed every drop until the stream ended.

"Did you taste anything besides piss on Tim's dick, boy?" Master Ed asked.

"Yes, SIR! It tastes like lube, SIR!" I replied.

"Yes, boy! You're right. Tim took a turn with my ass after we showered," Master Ed explained. "Your lover is a mighty fine fuck! There aren't many people who've used my ass, but your lover here can have it any time he wants. So, we have both shared our asses with each other. That's something you'll never have boy. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, SIR! I understand, SIR!" I replied still looking down at the floor to avoid eye contact with Master Ed or Tim.

"Now, take my piss, boy!" Master Ed said as he moved in front of me and presented his cock.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as Master Ed shoved his cock in my mouth.

"Drink it, boy! Don't let a drop of my piss fall on the floor or there will be hell to pay!" Master Ed threatened as he released a stream of warm piss into my mouth. I swallowed.

"Good boy!" Master Ed said as he took his cock from my mouth and shook any remaining piss on my face. "What do you say, boy?"

"Thank you, SIR!" I replied.

Master Ed turned his back so his ass was in front of my face. "Eat my ass, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I began to tongue Master Ed's hairy hole.

"I'm going to give you some of your lover's cum, boy! Get ready!" Master Ed ordered as he forced Tim's cum from his ass into my awaiting mouth. "He shot a big load in me, boy! Take it all! Yea!"

After I finished swallowing copious amounts of Tim's cum and Master Ed's ass juices, Master Ed continued, "Yea! Boy! Put your tongue way up in my ass, boy! Make love to my ass with your mouth. That's as close as you'll ever get to enjoying my hole." I continued to rim Master Ed until he decided it was time to stop and he pulled his ass from my mouth.

Master Ed turned and retrieved my piss bucket and a three large plastic glasses and set them in front of me. "Fill these from the bucket and drink them, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I began filling the glasses from my piss bucket. I drank the first one down quickly, and followed with the other two somewhat more slowly.

"Good boy!" Master Ed complimented me. "I think that is enough piss for this morning, don't you agree, Tim?"

"Yes," Tim replied, "I think he's had enough for a while."

"Good," Master Ed replied. "Tim, you mentioned you were interested in seeing the bondage table used, right?"

"Yes," Tim answered, "I think it will be hot. I have experimented in tying the boy to the bed to fuck him, but I'm interested in taking things a little further."

"Go sit on the table, boy!" Master Ed ordered as he went to retrieve something from his collection of toys on the wall. Master Ed brought back what I immediately remembered as my hood.

"Let's put this on him. It will heighten his sense of pain if he can't see what is going on." Master Ed explained to Tim as he showed the hood to Tim. "I had this specially made for the boy here several years ago. It fits him like a glove."

Master Ed began to secure the hood on my head. "It has laces here so the hood is tight. And, I had a blindfold attached to it so the boy can't see what's going on," Master Ed explained as he secured the blinders over my eyes. "It also has a gag if we need to quiet him down while we play with his body. But, we'll wait on that."

"Lay on the table on your back, boy!" Master Ed ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I responded and positioned myself on my back as Master Ed had instructed.

"First, Tim," Master Ed began, "we need to shackle him to the table. We'll start with his wrists and then his ankles. Then, we'll tighten things up. Bring his wrist to the restraint like this, Tim."

As Master Ed demonstrated with my left wrist, Tim followed suit with my right wrist.

"Now, the ankles," Master Ed moved to my feet and again showed Tim how the restraints were to work. "We can tighten the restraints using this crank." Master Ed began to turn the crank to tighten the restraints until I was completely immobilized.

"Tim," Master Ed said, "why don't you get the ball parachute we used on the boy last night?"

"Okay," Tim replied as I heard him pick up the ball parachute and bring it over to Master Ed, "can I do it?"

"Absolutely!" Master Ed eagerly answered.

Tim attached the ball parachute to my balls and tugged on it to make certain it was on securely.

"Great!" Master Ed exclaimed. "I installed this pulley and rope system strategically placed here to connected with the ball parachute on this end and we can hang a weight on the other end to help stretch the boy's balls." I felt Master Ed attach the rope to the clip on the ball parachute. Then, he tugged on the rope a little and said, "I think we should start with 10 pounds."

I gasp slightly as I felt the weight pull on my balls.

"We can add more later if we like," Master Ed further instructed. "I'm glad you both shave your cock and balls. There is nothing sexier in my book than a set of hairless balls and cock! But, I think we should shave his crotch. What do you think, Tim?"

"Fuck yes!" Tim enthused. "I think that would be hot!"

"I'll get the bowl of water, shaving cream, and razor. I'll be right back." Master Ed returned and began washing my crotch with a warm, wet cloth. Then, I felt him apply the shaving cream. "Do you want to do this or do you want me to?"

"I'd love to shave him!" Tim replied.

Tim went about shaving the hair from my crotch. He rinsed the razor several times before he wiped my crotch with the cloth and ran his hands over my now smooth crotch.

"Nice work, Tim!" Master Ed said as he admired Tim's handy work. Master Ed rubbed my smooth crotch. "Very nice work. Now, I think we need to get some weight on his nipples. What do you think, Tim?"

"Yea! I love playing with his tits!"

I heard Master Ed reach above me and pull down another rope. I knew from past experience that he was going to clip the end to my nipples and add some weight to the other end beyond the pulley.

"Again, I installed this so I could use it to play with a boy's nipples," Master Ed told Tim. "These clips will stay clamped to his nipples while we put weights on the other end—like we did with his balls."

I felt Master Ed pull on my left nipple. He attached the clamp and tightened it. I gasp. He did the same to the other nipple. I again gasp.

"You like that, don't you, boy?" Master Ed asked.

"Yes, SIR! Thank you, SIR!" I replied in pain.

Master Ed added a weight to the end of the rope. I gasp again.

"That's five pounds. We can add about 15 more pounds before the clamps pull off his nipples. But, I want this to last so we will start slowly." Master Ed explained to Tim.

"This is fucking way cool, Ed!" Tim effused.

"From the look of your hard cock, you're really enjoying this, huh, Tim?" Master Ed asked.

"Yes. Very much. Kiss me, please!" Tim begged.

I heard the sounds Tim and Master Ed's tongues slurping each other's mouth. Tim was groaning. Tim love to kiss and so did Master Ed. They were both terrific kissers.

After a while—I really don't know how long—I heard Tim whisper to Master Ed, "Make love to me again. Please. Like we did this morning. With me on my back so I can kiss you and see your face as you fuck me."

"I would enjoy that, Tim!" Master Ed replied in a soft and loving voice. "I'd enjoy that very, very much! Do you want to grab the poppers from the table over there?"


I heard Tim's feet walk across the floor to get the bottle of poppers and return to where Master Ed was standing. I heard the bottle opening and heard them both take long drags on the bottle of poppers.

"I think we need to add some more weights to the boy's nipples and balls. What do you think, Tim?" Master Ed asked.

"Yea! We don't want him to get him to get too relaxed." Tim added.

With that I felt a weight being added to both my nipple restraints and my balls. Again, I groaned in pain.

Master Ed said to Tim, "That should take care of him while I make love to you. Maybe you can even make love to me, too!"

"Mmmm! I'd like that a lot! I think I could get used to this, Ed!"

"Same here, Tim. Same here!"

I heard a rustle as they laid down on the king-sized bed near the bondage table. I knew Tim would be in heaven because Master Ed always had the playroom bed made up with leather sheets.

"God! You feel good on top of me," Tim remarked to Master Ed. "Kiss me."

I heard the two of them making out on the bed a few feet away from me. Tim was groaning. Tim always groaned when he was kissing. It was a sign he was being satisfied. From time to time, I heard them take a whiff of poppers. I could smell it in the air, too!

"I want you in me, babe!" I heard Tim say. "I need you to fuck me. Fuck me hard."

"My pleasure, Tim!" Master Ed said with excitement in his voice.

"God! That feels wonderful!" Tim exclaimed.

"I'm almost in. Just a little more to go. Are you okay?" Master Ed asked Tim.

"More than okay, babe. I think I could turn into a bottom for you!" Tim almost yelled.

"There! I'm all the way in!" Master Ed said.

Then, I heard to noises of Master Ed beginning to pump Tim with his cock. I was getting hard—even with the ball parachute and weights attached to me.

I don't know how long Master Ed had been fucking Tim, but it seemed like 30 minutes at least. Then, I heard Master Ed whimper to Tim, "I think I'm getting close, Tim! Cum with me, sweet man! Cum with me! I'm so close!"

"Oh God! Babe! I'm cuming! I'm cumming!" I heard Tim yell.

"Ahhh! Oh fuck! Oh Fuck!" Master Ed yelled.

I heard Tim and Master Ed lay there as their breathing started to become more normal.

"Kiss me, babe!" I heard Tim ask Master Ed.

Tim started groaning so I knew that Master Ed was pleasing Tim with his passionate kisses.

"That has to be one of the best fucks I've ever had!" Tim moaned to Master Ed.

"Definitely! I could get used to your ass very, very easily!" Master Ed cooed to Tim. "But, I think we need to add some more weights to the boy's ball stretcher and then take a shower to clean ourselves up."

"Great idea!" Tim replied.

I heard Tim and Master Ed get up from the bed.

I heard Master Ed say to Tim, "Another 10 pounds?"

"Sure! Do you think he can handle that?" Tim asked.

"Let's ask him," Master Ed said as he removed the gag from my mouth. "Can you handle another 10 pounds on your balls, boy?"

"Yes, SIR! Please SIR!" I replied.

"Ahhhh..." I yelled as Master Ed dropped an additional 10 pound weight.

"Let's go take a shower, Tim!" Master Ed said to Tim.

"Sounds like a plan, babe!" Tim replied.

Soon, I heard Master Ed and Tim move up the stairs to Master Ed's bedroom and, I assumed, the shower.


It seemed like an hour or so that Master Ed and Tim had left to get cleaned up. By this time, my balls and nipples were in extreme pain from the weights. Finally, I heard Master Ed and Tim coming down the stairs.

"I think we probably need to get him off the bondage table before his balls turn blue," Master Ed playfully said to Tim as they came down the stairs. "You can get the weights off his balls. I'll get the nipple weights."

I felt the weights from my balls being lifted one by one. Master Ed removed the weights from my nipple restraints. It was good to be free of the stretching. However, I knew when the clamps were removed from my nipples, there would be severe pain. Master Ed removed the gag from my mouth again.

"I think we will want to hear him scream when I take the clamps off his nipples. After all, they've been there for a little more than three hours!" Master Ed said to Tim.

I hadn't realized that I was in this position for that long. Maybe Master Ed and Tim's love making session took longer than I thought.

"Ready, boy?" Master Ed asked me.

"Yes, SIR!" I said knowing that he would take off the clamps one nipple at a time. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I yelled at the pain of having the left nipple clamp removed. "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I yelled again as the right clamp came off.

"Take undo his ankles, Tim, and I'll get the ball parachute off his balls," Master Ed said to Tim.

"Ahhhhhh!" I screamed again as Master Ed unfastened the ball parachute from my aching balls.

Tim moved around to my arms after he had freed my legs. Finally, I was free to move my arms and legs for the first time in over 3 hours.

"Sit up, boy!" Master Ed ordered. "I'll take off the hood."

I sat up with the help of Master Ed who was steadying me. When the hood came off, I could see a smiling, naked Tim standing next to me.

"Did you enjoy the bondage table, Steven?" Tim asked me. This was the first time since we arrived at Master Ed's house that Tim had used my first name.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied. "It has been a long time since I've experienced something like this! I feel very sore, but I feel very exhilarated too!"

"Okay, Tim," Master Ed started, "why don't you help the boy get cleaned up and I'll take us out to lunch before I take you home."

"Sounds like a plan!" Tim responded. "Is that okay with you, Steven?"

"Yes. I'd like that a lot." I replied.

"Good!" Master Ed replied as he left to go upstairs.

Tim helped me into the playroom shower and I began to get clean again.

"I have an idea. Why don't we ask Ed to stay the night with us? He could leave from our place for work tomorrow morning with us." Tim suggested.

"Good idea, Tim!" I answered. "It might give me an opportunity to actually see Master Ed fuck you and you fuck Master Ed!"

"Great!" Tim exclaimed. "I'll go ask Ed if he wants to do that!" Tim tweaked my very sore nipples and gave me a quick peck on the lips before he ran up the stairs to invite Master Ed to our place.

I finished showering and drying off before I headed upstairs to retrieve my clothes. When I got to the top of the stairs I saw a very happy Tim coming from upstairs. "He said he'd love to stay the night with us!" Tim exclaimed as he gave me another peck on the cheek.

"Great!" I effused.

"As much as I enjoy being naked and seeing you naked, I think we need to find our cloths so we have something to wear home!" Tim said.

Master Ed was coming down the stairs wearing tight fitting jeans and a plaid flannel shirt open to show his hairy, muscular chest. He heard Tim's statement about our cloths. "Yours are in my bedroom, Tim. The boy's cloths are in the back seat of my car. Here are the keys to my car, boy. Take my suit bag out to the car and hang it in the back. Get your cloths and come back in and get dressed. I'll wait for the boy here while you get dress upstairs, Tim."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I took Master Ed's keys and went to hang up his suit bag and retrieve my clothes from the trunk.

"I'll be right down, babe," Tim said as he pecked Master Ed on the cheek and ran upstairs.

After a few moments, I returned with my clothes from Master Ed's car. They were still very, very cold! I began to dress. And, I did think the cold fabric of my tee shirt felt good on my very sore nipples and back.

Tim came back downstairs dress very much like when we left for the bar last night except he had opted to fold his chaps over his arm instead of wearing them. "I didn't think I needed to wear these today," Tim said with a smile on his face and motioning to his chaps.

"Okay, Tim, boy. Are we ready to hit the road?" Master Ed asked Tim and me. "I'm starving! How about the Melrose?"

"Terrific!" Tim replied. "It's one of our favorites for Sunday lunch."

We loaded into the car. I was in the back seat and Tim was in the front passenger seat. It didn't take us long to arrive at the restaurant. Master Ed luckily found a parking spot only a block away.

We were seated quickly, which is a miracle considering Sunday is a very, very busy day at the restaurant. All of the gay boys liked to eat there after a night on the town.

After we were served our food and began eating, Master Ed asked Tim and me, "Well guys, how did you enjoy our playtime?"

Tim was the first to reply, "Well, I, for one, had a great time. It was enlightening and stimulating to see `the boy' here be so submissive. I didn't know I would get off so much on seeing him subservient to both of us, Ed."

"Boy?" Master Ed asked turning to me.

"It was great! It brought back some fond memories that I have of serving you, SIR!" I said to Master Ed. "But, I really, really liked Tim being so dominant. I hope we can do more of this." I said to Tim. "But, I will admit, one of the biggest turn-ons for me was hearing the two of you make love. I always enjoy seeing Tim get fucked by someone else, but it was even more of a turn-on when the man who was fucking Tim, my lover, was my former Master! Does that make sense or am I rambling?"

"It makes sense to me," Tim replied. "I'll admit, too, that it was hot that I got fucked by my boyfriend's ex!"

"I'm glad you both enjoyed the experience!" Master Ed said. "I hope we can do this again sometime very soon. It was a real pleasure to show you the ropes, so to speak, Tim! And, like the boy said, the playtime we had brought back some fond memories from years ago! You still make a great slave, boy!"

"Thank you, SIR!" I replied.

"Hello, men," we heard and turned to see our playmate from a few weeks ago, Ricardo.

"Ricardo! Good to see you! How was your weekend?" Tim asked as he stood to hug Ricardo in the crowded restaurant.

"Great! And yours?" Ricardo asked as he broke the hug from Tim.

"More than great! Right guys?" Tim replied as he turned to Master Ed and me.

"Yes," Master Ed and I said in unison.

"Shit! Where are my manners," Tim said. "Ricardo, this is Ed. Ed, Ricardo."

"Good to meet you, Ricardo," Master Ed said as he extended his hand to Ricardo.

"Same here, Ed," Ricardo said as he shook Ed's outstretched hand.

"Ricardo is the hot Latin stud I was telling you about earlier, Ed." Tim explained to Ed.

"And," Tim continued as he turned toward Ricardo, "Ed is Steven's former Master."

"So," Ricardo said as he turned to me with his earth shattering grin on his face, "why do all of you bottom boys attract all of the hot studs?"

"Opposites attract?" I replied phrased as a question.

Tim, Master Ed, and I filled Ricardo in on the events of the past several hours.

"Stop!" Ricardo exclaimed. "You are making me hard just hearing about all of this! And, Ed, you have a playroom at your house?"

"Yes," Master Ed replied. "I built it up over the years. Maybe you can join Tim, the boy, and me sometime soon?"

"If that is an invitation, I'll accept!" Ricardo exclaimed.

Tim looked at me with his puppy dog look. I knew immediately what was on his mind. I nodded a subtle yes.

"Ah... Ricardo," Tim began. "Steven, Ed, and I are going to head over to our place after we are finished here. Ed is going to work in the morning from our apartment. Would you like to join us?"

"Ah... I don't want to get in the way," Ricardo replied.

"Trust me you won't be in anyone's way!" I said as I looked first at Ricardo then at Master Ed. "Right, SIR?"

"I'm sure we can arrange to play respectfully. And, from what Tim has said about you, I'd like to get to know you better! Just to see if all he said is really true?" Master Ed added. He was grinning too.

"I have an early morning, so I need to be heading home around 8 pm tonight so I can get my beauty rest," Ricardo stated.

"Then, let's get going, then," an excited Tim said to the group.


Master Ed, Ricardo, Tim, and I arrived back at our apartment about 3 pm on Sunday afternoon.

Gavin greeted us with his usual enthusiasm when we arrived home with the other two handsome men, "Hello boys! I hope you have a really, really good night." Gavin opened the front door of our building to let us into the lobby.

We rode the elevator to our floor. I led the procession to our apartment door and unlocked it. I moved to the side and let the others enter.

"Make yourselves at home. Anyone want something to drink?" Tim asked. "Beer, vodka, scotch, soda, water?"

Master Ed and Ricardo both wanted a beer.

"Why don't I get the beers, Steven? Maybe you can fix us a vodka." Tim said as he turned to the kitchen. I followed him to fix our vodkas.

When Tim and I returned to the living room with the drinks, we found Master Ed on one end of the sofa and Ricardo on the other.

"Here you go, men!" Tim said as he handed the beers to our guests. Tim and I took seats in the loveseat opposite the sofa.

"Nice place you've got here!" Master Ed said.

"Thanks," we both said almost in unison.

"Boy," Master Ed said to me, "you need to be naked!"

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I started to slip off my boots. Then, I began taking off my socks, shirt, and, finally, my jeans.

"Assume the position, boy!" Master Ed ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I move closer to where Master Ed sat and put my hands behind my back, my feet shoulder length apart, and my head down looking at the floor in front of me.

"Boy, put your hands behind your head and turn around to show Ricardo here our handy work from last night!" Master Ed instructed.

"Yes, SIR!" I said. I moved my hands to behind my back and turned round so Ricardo could see the whip and paddle marks on my back and ass.

"Nice work, men!" Ricardo exclaimed.

"Yea!" Master Ed began, "We had a great time whipping the boy, didn't we Tim?"

"Big time!" Tim replied.

"I like the shaved crotch, too! Whose handy work was that?" Ricardo asked.

"Ed suggested it and prepared the boy's crotch. I did the shaving!" Tim replied.

"So, Tim, from what you said at the Melrose, your boyfriend likes to get fisted, too." Ricardo stated.

"Yes," Tim began to reply, "I found out just how much he liked it last night. It was my first time with my fist up his ass. It won't be the last, I am certain."

"I wish I had known that the last time I was here," Ricardo explained. "I would have asked to put my fist in his ass then."

"I'm sure Tim would be willing to give you a turn at it!" Master Ed suggested to Ricardo. "He loves to be fisted, don't you boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied still with my hands behind my back facing away from Master Ed and Ricardo.

"Turn around boy and assume the position!" Master Ed ordered.

I slowly turned around to expose my rock hard cock. I put my hands behind my back, feet shoulder width apart, and looking down at the floor.

"As you can see, I think the boy is very excited about the possibility of giving you a turn with his ass," Master Ed continued. "Maybe you should go clean out, boy, while we discuss this evening's events."

"Yes, SIR! Thank you, SIR!" I replied and moved toward the master bedroom to clean out my ass.

I returned about 20 minutes later. I had carefully and completely cleaned my ass as Master Ed had instructed. I walked back into the living room and found all three men standing together with their shirts off. Master Ed's left hand was tweaking Tim's right nipple. His right hand massaging Ricardo's nipple. Ricardo was simultaneously playing with Master Ed's nipple and Tim's. Tim was making sure Master Ed's nipple and Ricardo's other nipple were getting treated. All three men were sharing kisses with each other.

Master Ed saw me enter the room through the corner of his eye and he broke briefly from the kissing session. "Assume the position, boy!"

"Yes! SIR!" I replied as I assumed the position.

After a few more minutes, Master Ed again moved out of the kissing circle, patted each of his partners on their jean clad asses, and said to the two remaining, "I'll go take care of the boy. You continue."

"Gladly," Ricardo hissed.

"More than happy to," Tim whispered.

Master Ed walked over to me and asked, "Where are your toys, boy?"

"In the bedroom, SIR!" I replied.

"Get them and bring them to me, boy!" Master Ed ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I turned to retrieve my bag of toys from the bedroom. When I returned I handed the bag to Master Ed.

Master Ed took the bag from me and dumped its contents on the floor beside me. He looked over the collection and picked up my large butt plug. "This will do nicely, boy Turn around and bend over."

"Yes! SIR!" I said as I bent over with my hands touching the floor and my legs straight and should length apart.

Master Ed applied some Crisco I had in the bag to the butt plug and aligned it with my ass. He didn't stop pushing until it was all the way in. I whimpered several times.

When Master Ed had completely inserted the butt plug in my ass, he said, "Stand up boy. Take off my boots and sox."

"Yes! SIR!" I replied as I stood up. I knelt down before Master Ed's booted feet and began untying the laces. When I had the laces sufficiently loosened, Master Ed lifted his foot and steadied himself on the doorframe. I slipped his boot off. I repeated the process for the second leg.

"Now, boy, take off my jeans!" Master Ed ordered.

I stood and unfastened his tight 501s and slid them down until his rock hard 8 inch cut cock popped out. The sight of his dick made me even harder. I slipped his jeans down to his ankles and he stepped out of them.

I did the same for Ricardo. His 9 inch uncut Latin cock was, indeed, as impressive as I had remembered.

Of course, I undressed Tim as well. And, I can never get enough of his cock!

While I was undressing Tim, Master Ed and Ricardo were talking softly a few feet away from Tim and I. When I was finished with Tim, Master Ed told me to assume the position. So, I walked over to where Master Ed and Ricardo were standing and assumed the position.

"Ricardo was telling me he hasn't showered since before he went out last night. He needs his body cleaned. And, I told him you would be more than willing to lick his body clean. Right, boy?" Master Ed explained.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

Ricardo raised his left arm and exposed his hairy arm pit. Master Ed pushed my head into Ricardo's pit. His musky smelling man scent definitely indicated a man who had not showered for 24 hours. Nevertheless, I quickly dove in and began licking Ricardo's arm pit. After Ricardo decided that one was clean he lowered his left arm and raised his right. I cleaned that one with as much enthusiasm and efficiency as the other one.

Ricardo lowered his right arm and turned his back to me and bent over to expose his ass. I took a queue from Ricardo and bent down to lick Ricardo's ass.

"What does it smell like, boy?" Master Ed asked.

"Shit, SIR!" I replied. I kept rimming and cleaning. Until Ricardo stood indicating he felt his ass was as clean as possible. He turned around and shoved my face into his cock.

"Get under the foreskin, boy!" Ricardo ordered. "I fucked a guy in the ass last night and did not get to clean my dick."

I licked Ricardo's cock from the base of his balls to the tip of his cock. Then, I stuck my tongue under his foreskin and swirled my tongue to clean under the skin and the tip of his cock head.

Ricardo pulled me up from cleaning his cock and pulled my face toward his and planted a big kiss on my lips. "Thank you, boy! Good job!"

"Thank you, SIR! It was my pleasure, SIR!" I replied.

"Okay, boys! Next phase!" Master Ed announced. "Tim wants you to fuck him first, Ricardo. Why don't you take him into the bathroom and get him clean. I'll get the boy ready."

"My pleasure!" Ricardo responded. "Lead the way, Tim!"

Tim took Ricardo by the hand and led him off to the bathroom so he could clean out his ass.

"Follow me, boy!" Master Ed ordered as he led me into the bedroom.

Once we were beside the bed, Master Ed issued his next orders, "Strip the comforter and top sheet from the bed. Get a couple of bath towels."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied. I executed Master Ed's orders.

"Get the Crisco where we left it in the living room, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied and retrieved the can of Crisco from the living room.

"Put a towel on the bed and lay on your back, boy!" Master Ed ordered.

I laid on my back. Master Ed must have noticed the shackles we kept attached to the head board. Tim loved to fuck me while I was restrained by the wrists. However, Master Ed grabbed my ankles and pushed my legs over my head and snapped on the first restrain. He repeated the task for my second restrain. I was now lying on the bed with my legs securely over my head.

Master Ed grabbed the can of Crisco and place a glob on his fingers. He began to work the white stuff near the opening of my ass. Slowly he started inserting first one finger, then two, then three. Before I knew it he had all five of his fingers just inside my ass waiting to push further.

"Here I come, boy!" Master Ed said softly. He began working his hand in and out. He slowly pushed until I felt his hand pass my sphincter. I moaned. Then, I began to smile. Master Ed is an artful fister.

He began working his way up my ass and finally had his arm into my ass about half way up his forearm.

Just then, Ricardo led Tim into the room from the bathroom.

"That is fucking hot!" Ricardo exclaimed. "He looks like he's enjoying your fist in his ass!"

"Are you enjoying my fist up your ass, boy?" Master Ed asked me.

"Yes, SIR! Thank you, SIR!" I replied as a took another whiff of poppers.

"Join your lover on the bed, Tim. On your back so that I can see your face while I pound your ass!" Ricardo instructed.

Tim scrunched into bed beside me. Ricardo moved in between Tim's legs and grabbed the lube on the night stand next to Tim. He lubed up a couple of fingers and inserted them in Tim's ass to loosen him up.

"Do you want it rough or do you want me to make love to you?" Ricardo asked Tim.

"I want it rough, SIR! I want you to pound my ass! Make me feel it!" Tim replied as he took a whiff of poppers from his own personal bottle.

"Music to my ears!" Ricardo growled. Ricardo inserted a third finger.

"Just fuck me with your Latin cock! I'm ready! I need you in me!" Tim responded.

Ricardo removed his fingers and squirted more lube onto his dick. He began to massage his already hard, massive uncut cock. He added more lube to Tim's ass and lined up his cock to Tim's opening.

"Do you want me to put my cock in your ass in slow steps or do you want it all without pausing?" Ricardo asked Tim.

"Don't stop! Just keep pushing!" Tim replied and took another hit of poppers. He held the bottle under Ricardo's nose so he, too, could take a hit.

Ricardo began the ascent of his 9" uncut cock into Tim's ass. Tim whimpered slightly as Ricardo pressed his dick into Tim. He didn't stop until his balls hit Tim's ass crack.

"I'm in. Are you okay, Tim?" Ricardo asked.

"God yes! I'm more than okay! Pound my ass, buddy! Pound me hard!" Tim almost yelled as he took another hit of poppers.

Ricardo started to drive his cock in and out of Tim's ass. Slowly at first with long deliberate strokes. Tim kept sniffing his popper bottle as Ricardo picked up the pace. Ricardo was thrusting his cock in and out of Tim in rapid succession.

"You have one hot ass, man! If I keep this pace going, I'll cum too quickly. I want this to last!" Ricardo explained. Ricardo slowed the pace of his fucking. Then, he gradually picked up the pace again.

Master Ed and I watched Ricardo pound Tim's eager ass. We were both taking hits of poppers as Master Ed worked my ass with his hand and arm. Master Ed was obviously highly aroused by the sight and sounds of the fucking going on next to us. Master Ed began fucking my ass with faster motions and began taking longer strokes—almost pulling out before pushing his arm back in.

"Would you fucking look at this, boy!" Master Ed finally yelled.

I looked down and saw that Master Ed had his arm in my ass almost up to his elbow! "Don't stop, SIR! Please don't stop!" I yelled.

Ricardo and Tim both noticed Master Ed's arm all of the way up my ass.

"God! That is so fucking hot!" Ricardo whispered to no one in particular. "I'm going to cum, buddy! I'm going to cum in your ass!"

Ricardo began fucking Tim with all of his might in long, swift strokes all the way in and then all of the way out.

"Ahhh... shit... Here it comes, buddy! Take my cum!" Ricardo screamed as his body began convulsing. He shot rope after rope of cum into Tim's waiting ass.

Ricardo collapsed on top of Tim. Both of them were sweating buckets and breathing heavily. The sweat made their skin glisten in the low light of the bedroom.

"That, buddy, was one of the best fucks I think I've ever had!" Ricardo effused as he tried to catch his breath.

"I agree!" Tim said as his breath was returning to normal. "Do it again, please!"

Ricardo leaned over to Tim and began kissing him passionately.

"I don't think I've got it in me after that workout!" Ricardo said as he glanced at the clock. "I've been fucking you for like 45 minutes!"

Ricardo's deflating cock popped out of Tim's ass. "I'll take a rain check though, buddy!" Ricardo whispered to Tim. "Besides, I think Ed here wants a turn at your ass!"

"That I do!" Master Ed replied as he began to pull his arm slowly from my ass. Finally, his hand pulled out of my ass with a loud pop! "But, I think we all need a beer break, don't you, boy?"

"That would be good, I guess!" I replied. Master Ed helped me out of bed so I could retrieve beers for Master Ed and Ricardo and vodka drinks for Tim and me.

When I returned to the bedroom, Tim was laying in the middle of the bed with Ricardo and Master Ed on either side of him. Ricardo was stroking Tim's nipple and Master Ed was nibbling on Tim's ear lobe.

Ricardo sat up on the edge of the bed and Master Ed helped Tim sit up and arranged a pillow against the headboard for Tim to recline on. I handed the two beers to our guests and one of the vodka drinks to Tim. Master Ed patted my empty spot on the side of the bed. I sat next to him.

Master Ed began to speak, "You know, boy, I want to thank you for finding his hot young man in Boston and bringing him here to Chicago."

"Thank you, SIR!" I replied as I sipped my drink.

We all sat on the bed sipping our drinks in silence. Finally, Tim handed his empty glass to Ricardo and asked, "Would you mind putting this on the night stand?"

Ricardo took the empty glass and placed it on the night stand along with his half-empty beer. "Are we ready for round two? I, for one, am eager to get my fist in the boy's fine ass!"

"Sounds like a plan, but I need to piss!" Master Ed announces.

"Me, too!" Ricardo answers looking at me with a big grin.

"Me, three!" Tim echoes. "Why don't we put the boy in the bathtub and piss on him?"

Tim looks at Master Ed and continues, "I actually like the thought of laying on my back next to his piss stained body while you make love to me!"

"I like the way you think, Tim!" Master Ed says as he leans in to give Tim a quick kiss on the lips. Master Ed turns to me and orders, "Assume the position in the bathtub, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I reply as I hop out of bed and head for the bathroom. I shut the drain in our huge whirlpool bathtub and laid down on my back. All three men moved over me and pointed with cocks at me. Finally, all three began pissing all over my body. My hair, chest hair, arms, and legs were soon flooded with warm, yellow piss. Master Ed aimed his cock over my face and made certain that some hit the inside of my mouth.

When they finished, I said, "Thank you, SIRS!"

"Stand up and dry off. Then come back to the bedroom, boy!" Master Ed ordered.

"Yes, SIR! Thank you, SIR!" I replied.

When the three men left the bathroom, I stood up so the piss could drip from my body. After a few minutes of allowing the piss to dry on my body, I stepped out of the tub and stood on the bathmat. I waited a short while longer to allow more of the piss to dry on my body. Finally, I thought I was dry enough and re-entered the bedroom. Master Ed, Tim, and Ricardo were all sitting on the edge of the bed drinking another beer.

"Okay, Ricardo, here is your play toy. Have at him!" Master Ed said to Ricardo. "Tim wants the boy to be close while I make love to him. So, you might want to tie him to the bed again and try out his ass. I think you will like it."

"Thank you. I do want my fist up his ass to begin with. Then, we'll see what happens from there." Ricardo said to Master Ed and Tim as he got up from the side of the bed and headed over to where I had been secured earlier. He patted the side of the bed. "Over here, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I said as I moved next to Ricardo.

"On your back, boy!" Ricardo ordered.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I began to lie back down on the bed.

Ricardo grabbed both of my ankles and secured them against the headboard as Master Ed had done.

Meanwhile, Tim had also laid done on his back and gently pulled a very willing Master Ed to his face for a kiss. Master Ed laid on top of Tim and began passionately kissing Tim. He occasionally stopped kissing Tim and nibbled on his ear lobes or sometimes his neck.

Ricardo and I were watching the lovemaking between Master Ed and Tim. Finally, Ricardo asked me in a whisper, "How does that make you feel, boy, watching your lover make out with another man?"

"I want whatever Tim wants if it makes him happy," I replied softly.

"It's so fucking hot! It's like they have been lovers for years!" Ricardo added.

Ricardo grabbed the can of Crisco next to the bed and began to spread a copious amount on this right hand and arm. "I am so going to enjoy this, boy! Nothing makes me hotter than fisting a guy! Especially, when his lover is right beside us."

Ricardo began to massage my already well-used ass before he began his ascent. He started with one finger, then two, then three, then all five. Finally his knuckles began to penetrate my ass. He wasn't gentle like Master Ed. Once he had his knuckles in me he forced his whole hand into me with one swift, smooth motion. I grasp and the assault.

Ricardo didn't let us once he had his whole fist in me. He kept pushing and pushing until his arm was halfway into me.

"I have big hands and arms, boy! Some men can't take it like this. You, however, are a pro. This is so fucking hot!" Ricardo stated.

"Thank you, SIR!" I replied. I realized early on when Ricardo was pushing his fist and arm up my ass that he really was larger than Master Ed. Certainly a lot bigger than Tim's almost small hand. And, Ricardo towered over Master Ed by about 4 inches, so his arm was not only longer, but more muscled. I was in some pain. But at the same time, I was in an extremely euphoric state. It turned from pain to ecstasy. I finally realized that by the time Ricardo had his arm halfway into my ass, I hadn't taken a hit of poppers even though the bottle was opened and in my hand with my thumb covering the opening. I had never taken a fist that quickly without the aid of poppers.

"Take a hit, boy, and give me one, too!" Ricardo ordered.

I lifted the bottle to my nose and inhaled once in each nostril. I held the bottle to Ricardo's nostril and then the next.

"Take another hit, boy. You may need it. This is when the real fun begins!" Ricardo added and he waited until I had done as instructed.

I placed the cap back on the bottle and put it on the bed next to me. That's when Ricardo started to slowly pull out slightly, then push back in going just a little further. He repeated the process several times always moving his arm further into my ass with every thrust. His pace also picked up. Soon, he was fucking my ass with his arm in a fairly fast-paced manner. He was in me all the way up to the elbow! But, Ricardo didn't stop fucking my ass with his fist.

"Tim, look at the boy's face," Master Ed whispered to Tim during a break in their kissing match.

Tim looked toward me.

"You can tell the boy is really enjoying this. The look of euphoria is amazing!" Master Ed stated to Tim. "Now, it's my turn to make you just as euphoric!"

Master Ed raised Tim's legs to his shoulders and retrieved the bottle of lube from the night stand. He put some on his hand and began to lube Tim's ass. Then, he put more on his hard 8 inch cock and aligned it with Tim's waiting asshole. Master Ed leaned in to kiss Tim again as he began pushing his dick inside Tim. Master Ed was soon balls deep into Tim.

"Now, Tim, I am going to make sweet love to you!" Master Ed whispered to Tim.

"That feels so fucking good, babe!" Tim replied. "Make love to me! Make love to me for a long time!"

With that, Master Ed began to very slowly and deliberately fuck Tim. They were both moaning in pleasure.

Ricardo continued fucking my ass with his arm. He looked up at the alarm clock on the night stand. "Do you realize boy that I have been fisting you for over 45 minutes?"

"No, SIR! But, thank you, SIR!" I barely replied as Ricardo was still playing with my ass.

"I think I want to fuck you now, boy?" Ricardo said. "Is that okay with you?"

"Yes, SIR! Anything you want, SIR!" I replied.

"I'll slowly begin to take my arm out of your sweet ass, boy," Ricardo assured me.

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

"When I'm out, I'm going to turn you over and fuck you like you've never been fucked before. I hope you like it rough because that is exactly what it will be like." Ricardo warmed.

"I like it rough, SIR!" I whispered as Ricardo began to take his fist slowly out of my ass.

As Ricardo's fist popped out of my ass, we heard Master Ed almost scream, "I'm cuming, Tim! I'm going to fill that ass of yours with my love juice. Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Each time Master Ed yelled fuck he had rammed his dick up Tim's ass as Master Ed shot ropes of his cum into Tim's bowels.

"You are one hot fuck, Tim!" Master Ed whispered to Tim as he laid his body on top of Tim with his cock still firmly in Tim's ass.

"You, too, babe!" Tim murmured in reply. "I think I could get used to your dick in my ass! I've only been fucked by two men while I've been in Chicago. And, they are both in bed with me now! How lucky can a guy get?"

Tim turned to me and took my hand in his, "How's your ass, boy?"

"Well used, SIR," I replied, "but I need something else in it right now."

"That is going to happen very soon, boy," Ricardo said as he began to loosen my ankles from the headboard restraints. "Like I said, boy, I'm going to flip you over and fuck you hard and rough—just like you like it!"

"Yes, SIR! Please, SIR!" I pleaded as Ricardo finished unshackling the restrains and lowed my legs.

Ricardo turned me over on my stomach and forced my legs apart so that he could get in a good position. He placed his raging hard 9 inch uncut cock on my asshole. He scooped up the bottle of poppers and took several hits. Then, he handed the bottle to me.

"Take a really good hit, boy," Ricardo said in a gravelly voice, "because I am could to fuck your sloppy, lose hole like it has never been fucked before. That is a promise, boy!"

I took the bottle of poppers from Ricardo and took several hits. As I replaced the cap, I looked over at Master Ed and Tim to see them in a passionate kiss. Master Ed was still inside Tim's ass. Then, Ricardo slipped his cock into my ass and with one fast push he was balls deep in my ass. He didn't pause but began his attack on my ass. He pulled almost all of the way out and then immediately shoved his cock all of the way back in.

With each stroke he picked up the pace until he finally found the perfect rhythm.

"Ah... ah... ah..." I groaned with each of Ricardo's pushes and retreats. I didn't think `I have ever been fucked like this,' I thought to myself. I felt Ricardo's sweat dripping from his body as his breathing became more labored and louder.

Ricardo's body began to tense as he yelled, "I'm going to cum in your sloppy boy pussy! Take my fucking cum like a man! Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Ahhhh... Ahhhh..."

I felt his cock spasm with each yelp.

"Fuck!" Ricardo finally yelled as he collapsed on top of me. He was definitely out of breath and exhausted. His rock hard 190 pound muscled sweaty body felt good after the pummeling he had just given me.

"God, I needed that, boy!" Ricardo said as he tried to get his breathing under control.

"Thank you, SIR!" I replied into the pillow as I was savoring Ricardo's body on top of me. I looked over at Master Ed and Tim. Master Ed was again fucking Tim and I knew by his pace that he, too, was getting close to releasing another load inside Tim's ass. You could see Master Ed's body tensing up. When he started groaning, I knew he was cuming!

Master Ed let his body relax on top of Tim. Finally, Master Ed said to Tim, "God, I enjoy your ass, Tim!"

Then, Master Ed looked over at Ricardo and me and said, "You two made it even hotter! How's your ass now, boy?"

"Ready for more, SIR!" I replied softly.

Master Ed kissed Tim again on the lips. "I think, Tim, you should feed the three loads of cum that's in your ass to the boy, here! Have you ever done that?"

"No," Tim replied.

"Turn over, boy!" Master Ed ordered as Ricardo lifted his body off of mine.

As Master Ed and Tim untangled their bodies, Master Ed continued his instruction to Tim, Just straddle the boy's head and put your ass over his mouth. When you feel his tongue on your ass, give a really hard push like you're taking a shit. The boy with handle the rest. Right boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

Tim moved over to me and put his ass over my mouth. I opened my mouth wide and began to lick Tim's asshole. I heard Tim grunt like he was taking a shit and my prize began filling my mouth. I swallowed the cum and then began to slowly rim Tim's ass so I could get all of my reward.

"I want a taste, boy," Tim suggested as he raised his ass from my mouth and turned and laid on top of me. He brought his mouth to mine and began to kiss me with all of his tongue. We kissed for a while and then Tim said to me, "That was fucking hot!"

"Yes, it was, SIR!" I replied to Tim.

"I hate to break up this party," Ricardo finally said, "but I have to run. I said I'd leave at 8, but now it's nearly 9. I have an early appointment tomorrow."

"You can stay here tonight if you'd like, Ricardo," Tim said without hesitating.

"Thanks, but I should go," Ricardo started to explain. "If I stayed, I have a feeling I wouldn't get much sleep. I do have to piss, though!"

"I think we all might need to piss," Master Ed said to the group. "Assume the position in the bathtub, boy!"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I began to get off the bed. I dutifully moved into the bathroom and got into the tub still full of the earlier piss session. All three men stood over me with their cocks in their hands. Soon I felt the hot yellow liquid again covering my body. Finally, all three shook their cocks to give me the last of their piss.

"Thank you, SIRS!" I said.

"You're welcome, boy!" all three said in unison.

"Why don't you dry off a little, boy?" Tim said. "Then, you can go in the living room and help Ricardo find his cloths and get him dressed. We'll be out shortly."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I stood to let the piss drip from my body before I stepped out of the tub. Once I was somewhat dry, I headed into the living room to assist Ricardo. Tim and Master Ed had already gone to the kitchen to get another beer for each of them.

Finally, Ricardo was fully dressed and ready to leave. Master Ed and Tim had come into the living room to say their goodbyes.

Ricardo walked over to where Master Ed stood and gave him a hug and a kiss on the lips. "Thank you for including me. I hope we can do this again sometime!"

"It is the boy, Tim, and I who need to thank you. I, for one, had a really great time this afternoon. And, yes, I hope we can do this again sometime.

Ricardo walked over to me and patted me on the shoulder. "Nice ass, boy! I hope to have it again real soon!"

"Thank you, SIR!" I replied.

Then, he moved to Tim and took him in a big bear hug, "Thanks, Tim. This was a terrific afternoon and evening. And, as Ed said earlier, you are one hot fuck!"

"Thanks," Tim said as he returned Ricardo's kiss. "The pleasure was ours! Get a good night's sleep. Boy, show Ricardo to the door."

"Yes, SIR!" I replied as I led Ricardo to the door and opened it for him. When he left I closed the door and locked it.

"Boy, I think you need to make us something light to eat. I for one am starving. Why don't you reheat the vegetable soup you made for us on Friday? There is some French bread in the kitchen somewhere. Meanwhile, Ed and I have something to take care of. We'll be out when we are finished." Tim told me as he took Master Ed's hand in his and led him back into the bedroom.

About 45 minutes later, Master Ed and Tim returned to the living room from the bedroom. A smiling Tim said, "Ready to eat, boy?"

"Yes, SIR!" I replied.

To be continued...

I hope you liked the direction that `Life With Master Ed and Tim' is taking. I've heard from many people and would like to hear from even more.

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This is my 5th posting of my second story on You can read my other story, `Sam and Chris' in the College section. Please click here for the link to that story.

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Next: Chapter 6

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