Life with Tim

Published on Aug 2, 2016


Life with Tim 50g

This story may occasionally include explicit depictions of sexual acts between consenting adult males.  Also included are some scenes of consensual S&M sex between consenting male adults. In addition, this story examines several Master/slave relationships.  If you are underage or it is illegal to view this for any reason, consider yourself warned.  If you find any of this material offensive, or you would not enjoy reading about S&M and Master/slave relationships please, please leave.

This story is a work of fiction, and any resemblance to people, living or dead, is entire a coincidence. As the author, I retain all rights to this story, and it cannot be reproduced or published without explicit consent from me.  This work is copyright © 2016 by Steven Wells.

I love to hear any feedback you have, be it positive or negative.  Send me an email with any comments or questions at

Life With Tim


"We are eager to take this step to place Steven into permanent slavery," Tim said to Master Marcus and Master Ajmal and to the rest of the audience. "He deserves this as do the two of you. I am proud to give my husband to you as a slave. This is his dream. This is something I could never give him. Thank you."

Tim kissed Master Marcus and Master Ajmal.

All five men quickly secured me on the saw horse. I was completely immobilized. I couldn't move any part of my body, not even my head.

"Steven," Tim began. "I place my name on your body as a commitment to your new Masters to share you, your body, and your mind. It is with great love and compassion I brand you and give you whole heartedly to your new Masters."

I heard some shuffling in the background. Then, I felt the heat of the branding iron as it neared my skin.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as the branding iron contacted my skin. I smelled the burning skin. I heard the sizzling. I felt the pain.

"Steven," Garrison said as he took his place behind me. "I place my name on your body as a commitment to your new Masters. I will also be your Master. I serve at the pleasure of Master Marcus and Master Ajmal. We will be part of each other's journey. You and me down a path as yet unknown. I brand you and give you whole heartedly to your new Masters."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as Garrison put his brand on my ass.

"Steven," David said as he rubbed my back. "I never dreamed we would be part of a relationship. This relationship is very special and important to me, to Tim, to Garrison, and to you. I promise you I will always put your husband first when you are serving your new Masters or other men. I will take care of Tim, Omar, and Kathem as if they were my husband and sons. I love you, Steven. I promise to always be available to you and Tim and Garrison. Thank you for being part of my life."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as David put his brand on my ass.

"Boy," Master Marcus began. "From this day forward, from this moment forward, you will be ours. We own you. You are valuable property for us. We give you our commitment we will do everything in our power to make you the best slave boy in the world. You are capable of great accomplishments."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as Master Marcus added his brand to my body.

"I have never been more proud in my entire life, boy," Master Ajmal said as he stood beside me. "You are finally mine. You and Marcus and me. We have the opportunity to make this world a better place. You will be front and center of the effort. You will make us even prouder of you."

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed one last time as Master Ajmal added his brand to my ass.

Chapter 50: Rent Boy Revised

Master Ajmal and Master Marcus applied a lotion to my ass to help the healing process. Afterwards, Master Ajmal, Master Marcus, and I circulated among our guests who were sipping cocktails and consuming substantial appetizers.

"Grant," Master Ajmal said to the hot black man standing next to Tim and David. "I am so happy you could join us tonight. It is an honor to have you here."

"Thank you for asking me," Grant replied as he grabbed me and pulled me close to him. "And, you made my dick twitch when you screamed every time someone put their brand on your ass, Steven! And, I am especially pleased to meet your husband."

Grant released me and turned to Master Marcus. "You and AJ are so lucky to have Steven as your slave. He is a national treasure, as far as I am concerned."

"And, Steven," Master Grant said to me as he pulled Tim close to him. "I believe I might have convinced Tim and David to spend some time with me while you are with your new Masters. I didn't think you would mind. They will be visiting me over the weekend. I plan on showing them some of my favorite spots in the city."

"I am certain Tim and David will enjoy your time together," I replied. "Did I tell you Tim and David are both experimenting with being submissive?"

"Yes," Master Grant replied with a large grin sweeping his face. "You did tell me they were interested in possibly becoming submissives. And, your husband and David gave me some ideas about how I might entertain them while they are in New York. I might even convince them to stay with me at my hotel tonight. We could get to know one another better before the weekend is here."

"Why don't you join them at our house," I suggested. "We have plenty of room. Don't we Tim?"

"Yes, Steven is correct," Tim replied as he moved in closer to Master Grant. "We have plenty of room. And, lots of useful pieces of equipment to keep us entertained. And, tomorrow, we can check you out of your hotel and have you stay with us until you need to go back to New York."

"Thank you," Master Grant said as he began to play with Tim and David's nipples. "I would be delighted to stay with you. I don't leave, though, until Tuesday around 12 noon. Will this be a problem?"

"Not at all," David said. "We like having company, don't we Tim?"

"Yup," Tim said. "We do indeed. Now, Grant, can I get you another drink?"

As Master Ajmal, Master Marcus, and I walked away from Tim, Grant, and David, Master Marcus explained his view of Grant. "I believe, Steven, you have created a monster. Tim will have his way with this man if it is the last thing he does."

"Ah!" I said as walked arm in arm with Master Marcus on one side of me and Master Ajmal on the other. "I believe you may not be absolutely correct. I believe Master Grant will put his mark on Tim and David. I know he will Tim. I see it in Tim's eyes. He is definitely ready to be marked. Don't forget, I was with Master Grant first. So, I know a little bit about Master Grant"

"Twice," Master Ajmal added. "For large sums of money each time, I might add."

"He got what he paid for," I replied.

"I've also watched Grant with boys in group settings," Master Ajmal replied. "I hope Tim and David know what they might be getting involved with. Grant does not go easy. Am I correct, Steven?"

"Yes, Master," I said. "You are very, very correct. Tim and David can handle themselves, I am certain."

I spotted three people I had not expected at our commitment ceremony. "You invited those three?" I asked Master Marcus and Master Ajmal.

"I thought it would be appropriate," Master Marcus replied. "They are here with Baron and Kendal. Want to introduce us, Steven?"

"Sure," I replied as we made our way to join the boys.

"Great ceremony, guys," Master Baron said. "I want to see your ass, Steven."

I turned around so Master Baron, Master Kendal, Master Robert, Master Connor, and Master Theo could look at my branded ass.

I finally turned to look at the guys, "Master Robert, Master Connor, Master Theo, I would like to introduce you to my Masters. Master Ajmal. Master Marcus."

"I really think your ceremony was terrific," Master Connor said. "I hope one day I will be able to claim a slave boy and a husband and a kid or two. You three are definitely someone who should go public with your lives so everyone knows what you are—great men—who love others just like the three of you—great men. I want to meet your husband, too, Steven."

"I will introduce you if I can pry him apart from his current heart throb," I replied. "You would like him and his lover, David. You would also like my slave boy Master, Garrison. He's the black stud who put his name on my ass."

"You mean the muscled black dude with the big dick?" Master Theo asked.

"Yup," I replied.

"Where are your parents tonight?" Master Marcus asked.

"Ah!" Master Connor said. "Stroke of genius. You know the dude who attacked your slave boy at the bar while he was naked, restrained, and mauled by those men... Sorry, I got carried away... The dude who attacked Steven. His wife, the one who is awaiting trial, asked my parents to join her for a family values conference in Denver. We are basically orphans until Tuesday evening."

"Outstanding," Master Marcus replied as his dick began to swell. "Have you boys ever been bottoms?"

"Theo more than me," Connor replied. "Theo has developed this massive interest in taking my dick in his ass. He's sort of addicted, aren't you, Theo?"

"Yup," Master Theo admitted. "I don't get into much, but I do like my brother's dick in me."

"Outstanding," Master Marcus replied. His dick now stood at attention. "Why don't we take you boys over to meet Steven's husband and his husband's lover and his husband's next Master?"

"Outstanding," Master Connor replied. "Isn't the dude with your husband on CNN?"

"Yup," I replied as I led the boys to where my husband and his lover stood lip locked with Grant.

"Gentlemen," I said. "Sorry to interrupt, but I have someone with us whom I believe you would like to meet."

Tim broke his kiss from Grant and looked at the two sixteen-year-old boys and Master Robert. Tim's eyes widened. David's eyes widened. Grants eyes widened.

"Tim, these are the boys I told you about earlier," I said. "Tim, David, Grant, I would like you to meet Master Robert, Master Connor, and Master Theo. Boys, this is my husband Tim, his lover David, and their friend from New York, Grant."

Tim immediately turned his attention to the boys, "It's nice to meet you. Steven talked incessantly about meeting the three of you. You, from what Steven has told us, are very, very special boys."

"Thank you, Tim," Master Robert said to my husband. "From the looks of things you three are pretty special, too. Do you ever let anyone watch?"

"Always," Master Grant replied. "Interested in watching?"

"Can I do more than watch?" Master Robert asked.

"Yup," Master Grant replied.

"I am definitely interested in watching," Master Robert replied. "Guys?"

"I think we will stick with our scumbag slave boy and his new Masters," Master Connor suggested.

"We will all be together at breakfast tomorrow morning," Master Ajmal replied. "We can compare notes."

Master Ajmal's dick was hard. Master Marcus's dick was hard. Master Conner's dick was hard. Master Theo's dick was hard. Mine strained against the plastic of the chastity device—a reminder of my status as the slave in the group.

"So, Robert," Master Grant began his interrogation of Master Robert. "What gives your dick a twitch?"

"I'm mostly an ass guy," Master Robert replied. "Dick in ass. Fist in ass. Toys in ass. I am also into serious pain. Whips, torture, hot wax, electro-shock. Anything excite you, Grant?"

"Everything," Master Grant replied. He turned his attention to Tim and David. "So, boys. I am fairly certain we have found a playmate for tonight. I am also fairly certain I understand the direction we will go tonight. Do you boys have anything to say about the playmate and direction before you have no choice in the matter?"

"Nope," Tim replied.

"Not a chance," David added. "We are definitely on the same wavelength here, MASTER GRANT!"

Master Grant's dick was hard. Master Robert's dick was hard. My husband Tim's dick was hard. My husband's lover David's dick was hard.

"I believe the four of you will have a wonderful time tonight," I said as Master Ajmal and Master Marcus led our retreat with Master Connor and Master Theo.

"We need to say hello to some others before we go," Master Marcus suggested.

"My brother and Jason for one," Master Ajmal added. "Hello, bro! Jason. I hope you are enjoying this festive evening!"

"Very much so," Master Jason replied. "You are one lucky boy, Steven, to be owned by these two fine men. I am certain you already know how lucky you are."

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Ever since I met Master Ajmal, I have felt unusually fortunate. And, Master Marcus is also someone I will always enjoy serving, Sir."

"Who are these fine boys," Master Bashir asked.

"I'm sorry," I began. "These two fine boys are Master Connor and Master Theo. Boys, this is Master Ajmal's brother Master Bashir and his husband Master Jason. They live in New York."

"You look alike," Master Theo said to Master Ajmal's brother.

"We are twins," Master Ajmal replied. "Just like you two beautiful boys."

"Thank you, Sir," Master Connor replied. The use of Sir took me somewhat by surprise. Master Ajmal also had a twinkle in his eyes.

"I hope you can find it in your heart, Ajmal, to let us rent Steven again sometime soon," Master Bashir suggested.

"He is somewhat busy for the next several weeks," Master Ajmal replied.

"But, if you could manage to visit us in Chicago again, I am certain we could arrange for you two and Steven to get together," Master Marcus added. "You can also watch Steven and his two new friends Baron and Kendal shoot their new film. It will be a live shoot. We will all be watching."

"Interesting," Master Jason added. "I've always wanted to see a porn movie being made."

"This one will definitely be interesting," Master Marcus replied. "Steven's friends are exceedingly gifted in the dick department. They are a lot to take. But, as always, Steven manages to somehow rise to the ."

"We have a few more people to see before we take off," Master Ajmal explained. "We will see you two tomorrow morning at brunch. We also have a surprise waiting for you at home. I am certain you will enjoy your surprise."

"Thank you, AJ," Master Bashir said as the two men embrace and kiss each other.

"AJ," Master Marcus said rather softly. "Have you and your brother had sex together before?"

"Of course," Master Ajmal replied. "I think every twin boy has sex with his twin brother at least once. Don't you agree, boys?"

"Yes, Sir," Master Theo replied. "Connor and I get it on at least two or three times every day. I especially like it when we are both sweaty from the gym. We've been having sex since almost four years ago. We really didn't know what it was, but we were having sex, mostly kissing and cuddling."

"Imagine the possibilities," Master Marcus replied. "Steven, didn't you mention Connor and Theo first met you after a very strenuous workout at the gym?"

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "They smell like hot studs in heat when they are sweaty. And, I believe I see sweat forming on your brow, Master Connor."

"The talk of sex makes me sweat, boy," Master Connor replied. "And, the thought of possibly putting my dick into your now branded ass makes me sweat even more."

"AJ, Marcus, Steven! Congratulations!" Willy said to us as he group hugged the three of us. "Marvelous ceremony!"

"Yea," Callum added. "It was great. You three are an amazing set of men. I almost said a couple, but you are one more than a couple. Turn around, Steven, I want to see your beautiful branded ass!"

I turned around. Willy and Callum both fondled my ass cheeks.

"Beautiful," Willy said as he stuck his finger into my asshole. "Beautiful muscular, branded ass."

"Get your fingers out of Steven's ass, Willy," Callum said to his husband. "You're not in Provincetown anymore. And, besides, who are these beautiful boys?"

"These are friends of mine, Master Connor and Master Theo," I explained. "They live in our neighborhood."

"You look familiar, boys," Willy added. "Do your parents live on Hawthorn?"

"Yup," Master Theo replied. "We live on Hawthorn. They are in Denver now. Family values conference with Mrs. Trainer."

"Mrs. Trainer?" Willy asked. "As in the wife of the asshole who almost shot Steven?"

"Yup," Master Theo replied. "That's the one. My parents would shit pork bellies if they knew we were on the other side of the fence, so to speak. We were Jewish, hence the pork bellies."

"You are in capable hands with AJ and Marcus and Steven," Callum added.

"Yea," Master Connor replied. "We just met AJ and Marcus, but Steven is definitely one of the hottest pieces of ass in town."

"He has a great mouth, too," Willy added. "Trust me I know from the alleys of Provincetown."

"Maybe it is time we take our slave boy and these two boys home," Master Ajmal explained. "We have a lot to catch up on before breakfast. Stop by tomorrow for brunch around 1pm tomorrow. We will, no doubt, have more to tell you."

Lenard met us outside the building for our ride home, "Greetings, gentlemen!" Lenard greeted us. "I just finished ferrying Tim, David, and their new friends to your house. I believe if their excitement is any indication, you will have a very active household tonight."

"I believe Tim and David have some new experiences in front of them tonight," I said to Lenard. "Lenard, these two handsome men are Master Connor and Master Theo."

"Pleased to meet you," Lenard said. "I believe, if I am not mistaken, you and your parents live on Hawthorn."

"Yup," Master Theo replied. "What gave us away?"

"I have a grandson who goes to Francis Parker with you," Lenard replied. "Joseph Milan."

"Sure," Master Connor said. "Joe is a friend of ours. He's a great guy."

"He's also gay, which I believe the two of you are also gay," Lenard suggested.

"Yup," Master Theo replied. "It's what we are. Dick loving boys. Our parents will be outraged when they find out. We are trying to keep them at bay until we control our trust funds. We only have six more years to go. So, keep your fingers crossed."

"I have another question," I spoke up. "If you are Jewish, how is it you are still uncut?"

"Excellent question," Master Connor replied. "Our parents bought the whole Evangelical Christian thing hook line and sinker before it was our time to undergo the knife. We actually converted to the Unitarian faith when we were 8. Our parents went ballistic, but they can't do anything about it because of the way our grandfather had our trust funds written. Our grandfather was way ahead of his time. He had a boyfriend who lived with him and my grandmother. She had a girlfriend. Just don't tell our parents."

"It explains a lot," I said to Master Marcus and Master Ajmal as we arrived at our house.

We walked inside and saw our housemates in the living room.

"I see you finally made it home," Tim replied. "We were waiting up for you. We wanted to congratulate the three of you. Do you always ride around town naked, Steven?"

"It will probably be the norm from now on, Tim," I replied. "I hope it doesn't embarrass you and David."

"Are you kidding me, Steven," Tim said. "You will never, ever be an embarrassment to me, Steven. You are a beautiful man, both inside and out."

"Thank you, Tim," I said as I kissed my naked, hard-dicked husband.

"We also wanted to let you know if we want to sleep in a little later than usual tomorrow morning, don't worry about us," Tim added. "I hope you don't mind, but we have decided to use the playroom downstairs tonight."

"Not a problem, Tim," Master Marcus said with a smile. "We have some plans on using some ass tonight. We won't need the playroom. We have a sling in our room anyway."

We watched as four naked men embarked on their journey downstairs.

I turned to my Master Ajmal and Master Marcus. "This is it, isn't it? Our first night me officially being your slave boy," I said. "Thank you. This makes me so happy."

"Us, too," Master Marcus replied as he pulled me toward him and kissed me. "What do you want tonight, boy? We want you to feel happy. To feel loved. To feel owned."

"Can you and Master Ajmal whip me?" I asked.

"You want to be whipped?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Yes, Master," I begged. "I want to be whipped. Please, Master. Please!"

"What about your Masters Connor and Theo?" Master Marcus asked. "Do you want them to whip you, too?"

"Yes, please," I replied.

"Guys?" Master Marcus asked. "Do you want to whip Steven?"

"Yes," Master Connor and Master Theo said in unison.

"Good," Master Ajmal replied as he led me to the corner opposite the sling. Master Marcus and Master Ajmal began putting me into restraints. "While we are getting the boy in place to whip him, why don't you two pick out a whip you would like to use on Steven?"

Master Connor and Master Theo both looked over the selection. Master Connor picked out a flogger. Master Theo selected a single stranded whip. After I was secured, Master AJmal picked out two whips. One was a flogger similar to the one Master Connor picked out. The other was a bull whip. Master Ajmal handed the bull whip to Master Marcus.

"I thought you needed to practice for the festivities during our trip," Master AJmal said to Master Marcus.

Master Ajmal stood next to me. His hard dick rubbed at the crack of my ass. His hands caressed my branded ass checks. "I will be first, boy." Master Ajmal explained. "Your Master Connor will follow me. Your Master Theo will follow his brother. You Master Marcus will finish with his new bull whip. Do you have anything to say to us before we begin, boy?"

"Thank you, Sir," I said as I relaxed into the restraints and waited for the whipping to begin.

The first blow struck my back.

"Ahhhhhh!" I moaned as my body stiffened.

"Count, boy," Master Ajmal ordered.

"One, Sir. Thank you, Sir," I said.

Master Ajmal began delivering a steady flow of lashes to my back. Each strike harder than the last one.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. "Fifty, Sir. Thank you, Sir."

"Good boy!" Master Ajmal whispered to me. "Taken like a true slave boy."

"Thank you, Sir!" I responded.

"Master Connor," Master Ajmal said. "I believe it is your turn. Any last minute instructions for the boy?"

"No need to count, boy," Master Connor said to me. "You won't have time to count."

"Yes, Sir," I said. "Thank you, Sir."

It started. Sudden, rapid fire slashes with the flogger landed on my back. Over and over and over and over and over. It stopped. Just as suddenly as it started. It stopped.

"Thank you, Sir," I whispered to Master Conner.

"My pleasure, boy," Master Connor said. "I worked up a sweat. I remember you telling me you liked my body smelling sweaty."

"Yes, Master," I whispered again as my dick strained at the plastic of the chastity device. Master Connor's big, hard dick rubbed the crack of my ass. My dick strained even more against the plastic. Master Connor walked in front of me and raised his arm so his armpit was at my nose. I took a deep breath. My dick strained even tighter into the plastic. "Beautiful, Master. When my Masters have finished whipping me, I want to lick your body and your brother's body clean. Please Master Connor!"

"Shit yes, boy," Master Connor said. "Just watching you get whipped makes me sweat. And, my brother sweats like a pig after he finishes whipping someone. Really, really smelly."

"I believe you will really enjoy this, boy," Master Theo said to me as he took his place behind me. "Like with my brother, don't bother counting. Just enjoy the pain. Lots and lots of pain."

Master Theo started with slow, regular lashes. Each one grew stronger with less time between.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned as the rapid fire strikes on my back increased in intensity. Suddenly, my dick exploded into my chastity device.


"Hello, men," Tim said as he, David, Master Grant, and Master Robert entered the dining room.

"How was your time together?" I asked.

"Excellent," Master Grant replied. "How was your time together with your new Masters, Steven?"

"Monumental," I replied. "I have discovered a new addiction. I like licking Master Connor and Master Theo's body clean after they have worked up a sweat. Three times last night and once this morning."

"Show them your back, boy," Master Ajmal suggested.

I stood and turned around slowly.

"Holy shit!" Tim exclaimed as he looked at my whip marked back.

"I believe I see some bull whip marks," Master Grant said. "Nice work."

"Thanks," Master Marcus replied. "I've been practicing. I am taking bull whipping lessons at the place we are staying at while we are away."

"Outstanding," Master Grant replied. "I used to give lessons from time-to-time. I need to find another boy who likes to be bull whipped."

"Really?" Tim asked. "Hmm. How long do you like to bull whip a boy?"

"Depends on the boy," Master Grant replied. "Would you like to apply for the position, Tim?"

"I don't know if I can take it," Tim replied. "I have been flogged twice, but I have never been bull whipped. What do you think, Steven?"

"You are asking the wrong person, Tim," I replied. "My dick gets hard at the mention of being bull whipped. Did you like the flogging? I don't remember your reaction to getting flogged."

"Yes," Tim replied. "I liked it. I believe it is probably a learned aptitude."

"Let someone like Master Grant bull whip you and not some off the shelf trick," I suggested. "Let me know how you make out."

"So, Steven, are you telling me you would trust Master Grant to bull whip your husband?" Tim asked with a smile on his face.

"Yes," I replied. "I have every reason to believe Master Grant will definitely hurt you, but he will not permanently ruin you or kill you. Other people I am not so certain of. Master Marcus said he is still learning, but after his performance last night, I am thinking he has grasp the concepts quite remarkably. So, if you don't get to experience Master Grant, wait until Master Marcus returns."

"Is the submissive role something you want to continue with, Tim?" Master Marcus asked.

"Yes," Tim replied with no hesitation. "Master Grant is an amazing teacher."

"And, you are an amazing student, Tim," Master Grant replied. "I will say, Steven, you, your husband, and your husband's lover have something in common."

"What might we have in common?" I asked.

"Some of the best ass I have ever had, right, Robert?" Master Grant asked.

"Yup," Master Robert replied.

"David has been priming Tim ever since our stopover in London after we picked up the boys," Master Marcus replied. "At first, I just thought Tim was addicted to dick. But, I was wrong. He's addicted to big dick. Any big dick. Judging from some of Tim's more recent accomplishments, I would also need to add he is addicted to big, black, uncut dicks. Right, Tim?"

"Let me put it this way, Master Marcus, I don't want Master Grant to go back to New York," Tim said. "I will miss his big, black, uncut dick in my ass and down my throat."

"I don't know what will happen to you, Tim, if you become addicted to whipping," Master Ajmal replied. "We might need to bring into the family someone like Brad."

"Master Marcus can handle Tim and I both," I replied.

"Before you leave for your trip, can you help me with something, Steven?" Tim asked.

"Sure," I replied. "What is it you need me to do?"

"Watch while Master Grant bull whips me," Tim said quietly. "I just need you with me when it happens for the first time. I don't want you to try and stop it either. I want this. I just need you with me. You've been with me for every major event in our lives. I need you with me now."

I moved in front of Tim. I pulled him out of his chair so our lips met. I kissed him. He kissed back. "I'll be with you, Tim."

"Marcus, AJ, Garrison, Connor, Theo. Will you be with me, too?" Tim asked.

"Yes," Master Marcus replied.

"Yes," Master Ajmal replied. "We will be with you."

"Thank you," Tim replied. "Connor and Theo? Will you join us?"

"Shit yes, Tim," Master Connor replied. "It will be an honor to watch."

Tim turned to his Master, "Master Grant. Are you up for some bull whipping now?"

Master Grant stood in front of Tim and pulled Tim tightly to his body. "For you, Tim, yes."

"Let's get this show on the road, men," Tim hissed.

"Why is your dick standing straight up all of a sudden, Tim?" Master Marcus asked.

"I am going to be bull whipped for the first time in front of my husband, my lover, and my husband's two Masters along with my husband's two new boy toys. How else does a slave boy react...? Hard dick." Tim replied.

Master Grant began to put Tim in restraints in the middle of the play room. Once he had Tim secured, Master Grant gave Tim some advice.

"It is very important for someone who is being bull whipped to be able to move his body with the whip. It is the only way you will survive this and enjoy it. Very quickly you will be able to instinctively move with the whip. Don't ever let anyone restrain you so you can't move if you are to be bull whipped... Now, Tim. I won't lie to you. This will hurt, Tim... I will make you hurt like hell. I am not going to be gentle because this is your first time. You can back out this one last time... After you answer this question, I will not stop until I have given you a proper bull whipping. Are you ready for this, Tim?"

"Yes, Master," Tim said. "I want this, Master. I want you to hurt me. I want to feel your power. I want you to own my body. Take me."

Master Grant positioned himself behind Tim. "Remember, Tim, move with the whip."

"Yes, Sir," Tim replied softly.

Master Grant's muscles in his back rippled as he pulled the whip back and landed the first powerful blow to Tim's back. I watch the whip in slow motion as it sailed through the air. Whizzing through the air.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tim screamed. "No! I don't think I can do this."

"Too late, Tim," Master Grant said as he sent the next blow to Tim's back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Tim screamed again.

Master Grant continued to lobby blow after blow after blow to Tim's reddening back. His screams fell to hisses as Tim lost the ability to scream. I watched Master Grant's muscular back ripple even more as he put more and more power into the blows. I watched my husband react to the whip. His body moving with the whip. He no longer screamed. He moaned with pleasure. He was one with Master Grant and the bull whip marking his back.

Thirty minutes after Master Grant began whipping my husband, he stopped. He tossed the bull whip to the floor and moved behind Tim. Master Grant put his hand on Tim's back and traced the outline of the whip marks. He pulled Tim close to him. Tim's back to Master Grant's front. They shared the first tender kiss. Silently. Kissing. Holding.

"I am so, so proud of you Tim," Master Grant said. "You are an amazing person. You might have a tendency to be a sub, but you are one of the strongest men I have known."

"Thank you, Master," Tim said.

"Do you want to talk with Steven?" Master Grant asked.

"No," Tim replied. "I want you and David to take me to bed and fuck me all night long. Then, when you think I am ready, I want you to bull whip me again. Please Master! Please!"

"Yes," Master Grant replied as he began to remove Tim from the restraints.

Master Marcus grabbed my arm and led me, Master Connor, Master Theo, and Master Ajmal out of the room. We quickly stood in our bedroom.

"How do you feel about Tim?" Master Ajmal asked.

"I am very proud of him," I replied. "I saw it in his body. He moved with the whip just as Master Grant suggested. He is on his way to becoming an excellent masochist. I remember learning to take a bull whip. One of the best journeys of my life. Now, I want to start another journey. A journey with my wonderful Masters and two beautiful boys."


Master Ajmal led me out of the plane and into the airport terminal. Naked. Dick in chastity. Everyone else had on clothing. Master Ajmal wore a tight, tight pair of faded 501's and an extra tight red tank top. His muscles bulged as did his crotch. Marcus wore an equally tight pair of severely distressed jeans. His hard dick displayed prominently through the almost thread bare crotch. His tight black tank top outlined is steadily more defined muscled chest. His biceps bulged. His close cut blond hair and blond facial scruff had my dick straining at the plastic.

"I am the only on naked here, Master!" I said to Master Ajmal. "Won't I get arrested?"

"No, boy," Master Ajmal explained. "You are a slave. You are not allowed to wear clothing in this country."

"Do you have anything to declare, Sir?" a customs agent asked Master Ajmal.

"Just our slave boy," Master Ajmal replied. "Here are his papers."

The customs agent looked over my papers and handed them back to Master Ajmal. "Very much in order. Congratulations on your recent assignment of ownership of slave 666999666."

"Thank you," Master Ajmal replied. "This is my husband Marcus. He is the other owner of the slave."

"Welcome to our country, gentlemen," the customs agent said. "Your slave can retrieve your luggage at the carrousel on the right. I see you will be staying with Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung. He is one of the best Spirit Master's around. His reputation working with slaves is second to none. Good day, gentlemen."

"We are staying with Spirit Master, Sir?" I asked.

"Yes, boy," Master Marcus replied. "We have a wonderful time planned here. You and I, especially, will be working together a great deal. Master Gerhardt's personal trainer is also joining us. You will, we are certain, leave here like a new slave boy. We are eager to see your transformation, boy."

"Yes, Master," I replied as my dick strained against the plastic of the chastity device surrounding my dick which was trying extremely hard to break through the plastic.

I picked up the 50 pound bags from the carousel and hoisted them over my back for the trek down the streets to meet Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung. Several boys were playing in the street. They were probably around 12 or 13. They were also naked.

"Are those slave boys, Master?" I asked.

"No," Master Ajmal replied. "Boys under 16 also are not permitted to wear clothing. Their parents want to show off their boys' assets. A well-hung young man is a prize for a family. It shows the community their power and their strength."

"Hey look!" one of the boys shouted to the others in the group. "Another slave boy. Let's go look."

The five boys immediately formed a circle around me. One of the boys immediately began to fondle my balls.

"Nice balls, Sir," the boy who had my balls in his hands said to Masters Ajmal and Marcus. "Are they enhanced?"

"Yes," Master Marcus replied. "The boy gets injections in his balls every month to increase the size of his balls. He just had his seventh injection last week. He will be getting several this week."

"Several injections, Master?" I asked.

"Yes, boy," Master Marcus replied with a huge smile on his face. "One every two days. You will have had five when you leave here. Think basketballs, Steven. Just what Tim wanted. Basketballs."

"Yes, Master," I said as we continued on our journey. Finally, we stopped in a house set back from the street. The grounds with lush with green vegetation. A stark contrast to the dusty, sand colored landscape which monopolized most of the city.

"Put the bags down, boy," Master Ajmal replied. "You remember how you greet your Spirit Master, correct, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I said as dropped to my knees and spread my body forward so my chest and stomach surrounded my thighs and knees. Sharp pain shot through my balls as I closed my legs tightly around them. My dick strained harder against the plastic.

Master Ajmal rang the bell. I heard the door open. "Welcome, gentlemen," I heard my Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung say to my Masters. "It is good to see you again, gentlemen. It has been way too long since our last visit. Please leave the boy here while we go inside where it is cool and have a nice cold glass of water."

I heard Master Ajmal and Master Marcus pad into the house. I heard the door shut and click as it locked. I stayed in my prone position. I waited. I sweated. I waited. I sweated.

I heard another person move beside me.

"Get up, boy," the voice said. "I will take you to your room."

I stood and gasp slightly. I saw a beautiful young man, probably 18 at most, standing beside me. His muscles bulged. His dick began to stiffen to an unusually large size. His black, black skin glistened. His shaved head and hairless body made me want to touch it.

"You may touch me, boy," the young man said. "You should pay special attention to my dick. You and I will be spending time together, boy. I am a slave, but I am a power slave. In other words, my duty is to make other subservient slaves more subservient. More powerless. More humiliated. More eviscerated. Touch my dick, boy."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I reached out and stroked the beautiful black uncut dick. It had still not reached its full size.

"Follow me, boy," the young man said as he turned and led me down an outside path to a building near the back of the grounds. I watched in awe as his muscles rippled in his ass as he walked. "These are the slave quarters. This is where you will be staying. You and I will share a bed when we sleep. That bed."

The young man pointed to a small double bed in the center of the room. "Your Masters and your Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung will be able to watch us while we are sleeping. While I am fucking you. While you are sucking on my dick. While I am fisting you. While I piss on you. While I shit on you. You will have my cum inside you and on you. You will have my piss inside you and on you. You will have my shit inside you and on you. You will lick my body clean every morning. Then, I will wash you before you are allowed inside the house to begin your journey."

"Yes, Sir," I replied.

"You will call me Sir or Master," the young man explained. "To you, I do not have a name. You are to refer to all of those inside the house as Sir or Master. Do not call either of your Masters by name. You will be instantly punished if you do. Now, boy, before I clean you to go inside the house to speak with your Spirit Master, I need to shit. On your knees and start eating."

"Yes, Sir," I said as I dropped to my knees and began eating Master's ass.


Master led me into the cool, cool area of the house and into a giant sitting room. Master Ajmal and Master Marcus were sitting on a huge black leather sofa sipping a cocktail. Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung sat across from my Masters and was also sipping a cocktail.

"It is good to see you again, boy," Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung said to me. "Your Masters and I have been discussing their goals for you during your stay with us as well as their goals for themselves. I trust Master has told you about the no names policy while you are with us, boy."

"Yes, Spirit Master," I replied."

"Good," Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung said. "Now, if you will excuse me, gentlemen, it is time I get started with the boy. Your personal servant Loc Chow will show you to your room."

A huge naked Asian man appeared beside my Masters. He bowed to my Masters and indicated they were to follow him. Once the three had left the room, Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung, put his collar over the top of Master Ajmal and Master Marcus's permanent metal collar. He snapped his leash in place and led me out of the room.

"For our time here, Steven, we will be naked," my Spirit Master, Lien Bien Chung, explained. "We will exchange few words. We will be intimate. We will become one. You will learn the meditation techniques and hypnosis techniques as we move along from one point in our journey to another. We will spend our time by ourselves. No one else will see us. No one else will hear us. Now, take off my robe so you can view my body and my mind. Look into my eyes. Look at my body. Look into my mind. I will do the same to you."

I pulled my Spirit Master's robe open and over his shoulders. He let it drop to the floor.

My naked Spirit Master stood six feet tall. His almost hairless body glistened. His huge muscular chest and arms stood out because his creamy, almost white skin, was perfect. His skin glistened from its natural faultlessness. His uncut, hairless dick and his shaved balls almost lit up the room with it's energy.

"You remember our time together in the past, boy?" Spirit Master asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I stood mesmerized by the beauty of the man standing naked in front of me.

Spirit Master moved towards me until we were standing skin to skin. He put his hands around my waist and caressed my branded ass cheeks.

"I will release you from your chastity while we are together, boy," Spirit Master explained as he reached for the key on the chest beside us. As he unlocked the plastic enclosure, he spoke, "Our dicks need to share energy with each other for it is our dicks which allow our energy to become one with one another. We will be joined. We will be joined in our life long journey. A journey of spiritual growth for both of us. I will teach you how to become one with your Spirit. To bond. You will learn the pleasures of the Spirit journey. You will teach others about the Spirit journey. But, I will always be with you from now forward. You and I will join our Spirits to form an all-encompassing bond which will guide our journey on this earth without touching. Without seeing. Without hearing. We will be one with our common spirit. Do you want this, boy?"

"Yes, Spirit Master," I whispered. "I want this like I have never wanted anything else."

"Good boy," Spirit Master said to me as he pulled me into a kiss. A kiss of passion. A kiss of power. Spirit Master's power taking over my body. As our dicks touched, I felt a burning flash of ecstasy flow from Spirit Master's dick into mine. I saw, without seeing, the peace and love he had inside him. He was my Spirit Master and we were becoming one.

"It is time to consummate our spirit journey, boy," Spirit Master explained. "You will see our bond develop every time I touch you. Every time I put my life giving dick into your body. Every time you swallow my cum. Every time I give you my energy enhanced piss in your ass or in your mouth. Every time you eat my feces. You will grow closer to me. You will begin to exude my power in all of your life pursuits. I will be with you forever, boy. Remember this important fact. You will be mine. I will be yours. We are going on a spirit journey and we well be going together."

Spirit Master lowered my almost limp body to the matt covered floor. His lips took mine. His powerful body rested atop mine. His kisses seemed to suck all of my energy out of my body. But, when his dick began to slowly make its way inside my ass, Spirit Master's energy, his power, his lust, his drive flooded into me.

"You will not be allowed to cum even though you are out of your plastic protection," Spirit Master whispered to me as he slowly continued to work his big dick in and out of my ass. "Your dick, when freed of the plastic enclosure will swell to new lengths and widths. Your dick will ache for release. But, you will never have an orgasm ever again unless the man you are with wants you to have an orgasm. And, believe me when I say I do not see many men who will want you to have an orgasm and even fewer who will actually allow it. Your Spirit will control your dick. Your Spirit, which is me, will control your dick for the rest of our lives."

Spirit Master continued to pleasure himself in my ass. His dick moved slowly and gently inside me. We were one. He was pleasuring himself. I was pleasuring my Spirit Master. I was lost in the service to this powerful, lustful, loving man.

I suddenly realized without talking to my Spirit Master. Without him saying a word. I knew I would get his powerful seed inside me.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Spirit Master lay silently on top of me. His cum gave my body new energy. I longed for more.

I felt his power again filling my body. Liquid power inside my asshole. His Spirit Master piss. The energy of life filling my body.

"I need to return you to your Masters, boy," Spirit Master said as he shifted his body on top of me. His dick still embedded in my ass. "We've been on our journey for four hours, boy. We have gone a long way, but we have much, much more distance to cover in our Spirit Journey this week. "Please share your feelings with your Masters when they ask about our time together. Mention our Spirit Journey to no one else but your Masters. No one is to know you have taken your lifelong step on your Spirit Journey until it is time to reveal it. You will know when it is time. Until then, only speak with your Masters about our Spirit Journey. Go! You will find your Masters in the next room, boy."

"Yes, Spirit Master," I said as Spirit Master untangled himself from my body and pulled his dick out of my ass and removed his collar from around my neck.

When I walked through the doorway into the next room, I saw my Masters standing beside the bed. Naked. Hard. Lust filled eyes.

"Don't speak, 666999666," Master Marcus whispered. "We only want to hear you scream in pain."

"I see you have taken another Journey with your Spirit Master," Master Ajmal replied. "Your dick—your Spirit Master's dick—is longer... Fuller... Harder... We will not need to put you back in chastity after we finish with you."

Master Marcus grabbed my hands and forced me to him. My hands held behind my back. The lust in Master's Emerald eyes grew intensely as I looked into my Master's eyes. It almost burned through my head. He pushed me backwards. Step by step we moved backwards until I felt the familiar feel of the leather of a sling. Master Marcus pushed me back and I fell into the sling. Master Ajmal grabbed my now free hands and pulled them into the arm restraints and tightened the restraints around my wrists. Master Marcus pulled each leg up and into the leg restraints and tightened the restraints around my ankles. Master Ajmal pulled a chain near him and my legs bent backward over my head.

Master Marcus stepped back and admired his property secured to the sling. The lust in his eyes deepened. He was on fire.

Master Marcus grabbed the can of Crisco on the portable table next to the chair at my asshole. His arm quickly became covered in the white sticky mess of the Crisco up to his shoulder. His evil smile broadened.

Master Marcus sat on the stool next to my ass. His fingers stroked my asshole. The lust in his eyes became brighter. The evil smile on his face grew bigger and more sinister.

"Ahhhhhhh!" I moaned as Master Marcus's fist began to push his hand through my sphincter muscle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I moaned again as Master Marcus's arm began to disappear into my ass.

"Oh! God! Oh shit! Oh God!" I moaned as Master Marccus's elbow began to push into my ass. I thought I would explode from the massive arm pushing its way deeper and deeper into my body.

"Look, boy," Master Marcus whispered to me. He looked up at the mirror above the sling.

"Oh God!" I hissed as I saw Master Marcus's bicep completely inside my ass.

"Isn't this beautiful, boy," Master Marcus hissed again. "My arm in your ass. Your ass taking my entire arm up to my bicep. Beautiful. Don't you think this is beautiful, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I whispered. "Beautiful."

"Do you want me to take out my arm, boy?" Master Marcus quietly asked.

"No, Sir!" I begged him. "Please don't take out your arm. I need you in me. I need your big, muscled arm in me, Sir!"

"Okay, boy," Master Marcus said quietly. "I won't take it out yet. But I am going to move it around in your ass for a while. You want me to move my muscled arm around in your loose, sloppy, slave boy ass, don't you, boy?"

"Yes, Sir," I begged. "Please, Sir. Let me feel your arm take my ass, Sir. Please, Sir. I want to feel your arm move around in my ass. Please, Sir! Please."

Master Marcus began to move his arm inside my ass. He slowly and gently pulled it out as far as his elbow. Back it again in one swift, powerful push.

"Ahhhhhh! Fuck!" I moaned.

He slowly and gently pulled his arm out as far as his elbow. Back it again in one swift, powerful push.

"Oh God! Oh shit! Oh fuck!" I hissed as I felt his big arm practically rip the inside of my ass with the power of his force pushing into my asshole. His whole arm beyond his bicep.

He slowly and gently pulled his arm out as far as his elbow. Back in again in one swift, powerful push.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. "Oh fuck! It hurt Master! It fucking hurts."

"Good," Master Marcus replied. "And, look how beautiful it is with my arm up your ass. Don't you think it is beautiful, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I hissed "Beautiful. Your arm in my ass. Beautiful."

He slowly and gently pulled his arm out as far as his elbow. Back in again in one swift, powerful push.

"Oh God! Shit! Fuck! Oh God!" I hissed at Master Marcus again.

"Don't you think it is beautiful having my arm in your ass all of the way up to my bicep?" Master Marcus quietly asked.

"Yes, Master," I moaned. "Beautiful. Your arm in my ass. Beautiful."

He slowly and gently pulled his arm out as far as his elbow and then out as far as the middle of his forearm. Back in again in one swift, powerful push beyond his elbow and back to his bicep.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again as I felt the inside of my ass practically explode from the pain.

"Don't you think you've done enough right now?" Master Ajmal asked.

"Not yet," Master Marcus replied. "The boy needs to learn his lesson. He needs to learn my arm inside his ass is beautiful."

He slowly and gently pulled his arm out as far as his elbow and then out as far as the middle of his forearm. Then, his hand popped through my sphincter muscle. Back in again in one swift, powerful push beyond his elbow and back to his bicep.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed. Without thinking, I added, "Beautiful, Master. Your arm in my ass. Beautiful."

"Very good, boy," Master Marcus replied as he began pulling his arm slowly out of my ass. I was bracing for the push back in, but it didn't come. Master Marcus's arm left my ass. Completely empty. I felt empty. "How often do you want me to fist you like I just did, boy?"

"Every day, Master," I whispered. "Every day. It's beautiful. Your arm in my ass. Just beautiful."

"Good boy," Master Marcus replied in a soft whisper. "Do you want your arm up the boy's ass now, husband?"

"No," Master Ajmal replied. "I want my dick in his ass. Then, you need to be sucked off, husband. The boy will suck you off after I fuck him."


"You have a very, very sloppy ass, boy," Master said to me as he shoved his big black uncut dick into my ass in one swift push. "Which one of your Masters did this to your ass?"

"Master Marcus, Sir," I replied. "His arm up to his bicep. In and out several times. Painful. Humiliating. Beautiful."

"You are... going to get... punished..., boy," Master said to me as he began to pound my ass. "You used... your Master's... name... Whip you... I get to whip you..., after I... cum in... your sloppy... ass..."

"Yes, Sir," I replied as I take the pounding Master is giving me with his huge dick. "Beautiful..., Sir. Your dick... in my ass... Beautiful...!"

"What about... the whipping... you will be getting... once I have shot... my load ... into your ass..., slave boy?" Master asked.

"Beautiful...," I respond. "Whips... against my back..., ass..., stomach..., chest..., cock..., balls... Beautiful."

"Ah shit...! I'm going to... fucking... cum," Master yelled as he began shooting rope after rope into my sloppy slave boy ass. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master's muscular black body collapsed on top of my back as he shuddered out one last rope of cum. I lay on my stomach. Master's big dick still in my ass. His sweat poured off his body. Master didn't move for several minutes as his sweat coated my body and began to drip off my back and onto the tile floor below us. The heat of the day was unbearable with Master's hot body on top of me. A whiff of wind whipped through the cottage sending a coating of sandy dust through our quarters. The dust stuck to my sweaty body and formed a wet layer of almost muddy dirt. Everywhere. Master pulled his big dick out of my ass.

"Clean it, boy!" Master hissed at me.

"Yes, Sir," I said as I dove onto Master's big dick. I shoved it down my throat and then pulled off it so I could lean under Master's foreskin. I licked every inch of Master's dick from the tip to the base. Then, I cleaned Master's huge hairless balls.

"Ass, too, boy," Master said as he turned around.

I eagerly stuck my tongue into Master's asshole. I smelled the sweat and stench of sweat.

"Arm pits, boy," Master said as he raised his left arm so I could get at his armpit with my tongue.

I licked Master's smelly, sweaty arm pit until it had nothing but a coating of my spit. I turned my attention to his other arm pit when he raised it.

"Good boy," Master said after he determined he was sufficiently clean. "Now your whipping."

Master attached a collar over Master Marcus and Master Ajmal's collar and attached a leash to it.

"We will go to the square for your whipping, boy," Master announced.

"Square?" I said uncertain of what he meant.

"The public square in the center of town, boy," Master explained. "Slaves are punished in public, boy. I need to whip you in the public square. I need to show everyone we adequately discipline the slaves who are visiting us. It is required, boy. Let's go. You are wasting valuable time."

"Yes, Sir," I said as I followed Master to the public square. "I still didn't have the chastity device over my dick, so my dick stood at attention as I was paraded naked down the street to the square. The five boys whom I met on my original trip to Spirit Master's house began following us.

"So are you going to punish the slave?" the older boy asked.

"Yes," Master replied. "He needs to be punished for breaking the rules. His punishment requires a severe whipping. Then, you will get to see the boy's balls injected. He will be on the crossbeams all night before we take him back."

"Will it hurt," the boy asked. "The injections, I mean."

"Yes," Master replied. "You can hear him scream from the whipping AND from the injections. This is an exciting day for the town."

When we reached the public square, I noticed a crowd mostly of men and teenage boys gathered at the public square. Another slave was in the gallows waiting to be whipped.

"We are in luck," Master said. "I know the slave's Master who is in charge of his punishment. He has taught me everything I know about taking care of slave boys. He is especially gifted with the whip he will use today. You can see firsthand how talented he is. And, how beautiful he is."

The slave boy's Master stepped forward. He was an incredible looking man. He stood nearly seven feet tall. His muscled body was superbly proportionate to his height. He, too, had shiny, flawless black skin. His skin stretched tightly across his muscled body so when he moved the muscles under the skin rippled with beauty and power. As the slave boy's Master readied himself to whip his slave boy, Master's dick began to swell in the excitement. When he turned to face the audience in the public square, I saw his hard cock straight on. I had never seen a dick as large. Not only long, but also fat and meaty. His foreskin stretched tightly over the head of his massive penis.

"If you do well with your punishment today, I might be able to convince your Spirit Master to give you to this man," Master said with lust in his voice. "You think your Master's arm made your ass sloppy. Wait until you experience the power and strength of this man and his dick."

The boy's Master raised the huge flogger in preparation for the whipping. As the Master brought the flogger back over his head, the muscles in the Master's body rippled with power, strength, fury, and lust.

The crash of the flogger on the slave boy's body brought me out of my trance as I heard the whip crash onto the slave boy's back, but also the blood curdling scream of the slave boy.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Ohhhhhhhh God help me!" he screamed.

The boy's Master barely let the scream subside before he began delivering blow after blow after blow of the flogger against the slave boy's body.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" the slave boy screamed before another blow landed on his back until the slave boy was too horse to scream any more. But, the blows continued. Master kept pounding and pounding and pounding the flogger against the slave boy's back.

Finally, the slave boy's Master stopped. The Master walked toward the slave boy. He moved to the slave boy's front side and lifted his head. He held it in one massive hand. The other hand slapped the slave boy across the face. Palm first. Then back handed. Palm. Backhand. The boy's back was bloody. He stood lifeless against the restraints. The Master left the slave boy hang lifelessly in the restraints as my Master tugged on my leash to encourage me to move to the center of the public square for my whipping and ball injections.

As Master began to restrain me in the crossbeams near the last slave boy, I saw Master Ajmal and Master Marcus talking with Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung. They were laughing and smiling as they watched Master secure me on the crossbeam. Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung moved to the Master who had just punish the last slave boy. He pointed to Master Marcus and Master Ajmal. The two men walked toward Master Marcus and Master Ajmal. Everyone shook hands and hugged each other. They continued talking, laughing, and pointing at me as I stood secure ready to receive my punishment.

Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung moved beside Master and addressed the crowd, "Ladies and gentlemen. We have with us special guests today. Master Ajmal Hassin and his husband Master Marcus Peabody. They own the slave boy who is about to be punished. Most of you know Master Hassin as the owner of this country. He is our generous benefactor who has provided us with seed money to establish this business venture we have created. This tourist destination has become world renowned. We are so, so grateful to Master Ajmal Hassin and his husband Master Marcus Peabody for joining us here at our resort."

The crowd applauded. `Shit,' I thought. `Master Ajmal owns a fucking country! I am so, so fucked!'

Master now stood in front of me. He held up a flogger in one hand and a bull whip in another.

"I will use this on you, slave boy." Master said as he held up the flogger. Then, he lifted the bull whip. "The Master who punished the previous slave will use this on you. Your Master Marcus asked for him to help me. You will be so happy he has agreed."

Fear must have shown in my face. Master smiled. Brushed my cheek with his fingers and took his place behind me.

I relaxed into the restraints as I waited for the flogging to begin. I heard the swish of the flogger through the air, heard the snap as the flogger hit my skin, and heard myself scream when I felt the pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed.

Master continued.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed every time the flogger landed on my back.

Master kept pelting my back with the flogger. Every blow led to a more powerful blow. Over and over and over. He delivered the flogging as though Master was on fire. I slumped lifeless onto the restraints as Master kept hitting my back with the flogger. I couldn't scream any more. The screams had been flogged out of me. Pain. Lots of pain. Over and over again the flogger landed on my back.

Suddenly the flogging stopped. Master moved behind me and traced the marks of the flogger on my extremely sore back.

"The next phase of your punishment will be worse than the one you just endured," Master whispered into my ear. "You will be lucky if you pass out from the pain. Afterward, the previous Master and I will stick the injection needles into your balls. Three in each ball we are told. Five hours of standing in the restraints with six injection needles delivering your injections to make your balls the size of basket balls."

Master moved away. The crowd turned silent.

The first slap of the bull whip hit my back.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh God! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed again without pausing as the second blow hit my back. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!"

I had to breath in order to scream against the pain. The blows kept coming.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!"


"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...!"

I realized the crowd was counting. "Fifty... Sixty... Seventy... Eighty... Ninty... One hundred..."

I came to as Master Marcus stood in front of me. He brushed my cheek with his leather gloved hand.

"Excellent, boy," Master Marcus said. "You make me proud, boy. Very, very proud. One day, I hope to do what the Master just did to your back. Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful."

As Master Marcus stepped away, I noticed Master and his friend bring a cart with sterile packages and an IV drip. They both put on sterile gloves.

My back felt as though I were on fire. The pain seemed more intense than anything I had endured before. Nothing seemed to ease the pain. If anything, the pain turned more intense after the whipping finished.

Master and his friend began to wash my balls with an antiseptic. Its coolness felt refreshing against my sweat laden balls and body.

Master and his friend each unwrapped a sterile package and removed the first needle. I almost passed out form the sight of the needless. They were twice the size previously used on my balls. Thick and long.

Master took my left ball in his hand. I felt a slight prick of the needle and then pain. Massive pain shot through my balls.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master inserted the first needle.

Master's friend took my right ball in his hand. Again, I felt a slight prick of the needle and then the massive, massive pain.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master's friend inserted his first needle.

By the time Master's friend had the needle shoved midway into my ball, Master had his second needle out of the package.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master inserted his second needle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master's friend inserted his second needle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master inserted his third needle.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed as Master's friend inserted his third needle.

Both Master and Master's friend connected the IV drips to all six needles. A man in a suit and tie opened the IV drip and let it flow into my balls. Three needles dripped the ball growing liquid into the middle of my balls. The pain of the medication going into my balls grew in intensity. Now the medication entering my swelling balls hurt more than the injections, but I couldn't scream. I thought I was in shock from all of the pain I had endured this afternoon. The naked boys from earlier crowded around me as they watched my balls increase in size.

"This is amazing!" one boy said. "His balls are growing as we watch. I wonder how big they will be?"

"After four more injections before the boy leaves here, his balls will be the size of basketballs," Master Ajmal replied. "Once the IV is stopped and the needles are removed, the boy will remain in the stockades tonight. He needs to cum at least twice an hour. He will need help. You are welcome to help him cum if you'd like. I will give you each a $100 bill if I return tomorrow morning and see you still helping him through the night. You can make him cum however you want. You can play with is dick. You can suck him off. Or, you can fuck yourself with his dick. He also likes to be fucked. It helps him cum. I'll see you tomorrow morning."

Master Ajmal left the boys surrounding me. They waited patiently for the IV to be stopped and the needles removed.


"So, boy," Spirit Master said to me before we began our session. "I trust you were adequately assisted by the local boys last night."

"Yes, Spirit Master," I replied. "Until Master Ajmal returned this morning at 10 am, they took excellent care of me. I lost track of how many times they made me cum, but it was more than sufficient, I believe. The biggest one, I don't know his name, has a fondness for fucking my ass. Every time someone stepped up to make me cum, he stuck his rather sizable dick in my ass."

"I understand each of the boys had an enjoyable time and are looking forward to helping with tomorrow's injections," Spirit Master said with a smile. "The big boy is Ramesh. He is a special boy. You Master Ajmal has also been quite taken with him. Your Master Marcus not so much."

He paused and smiled at me.

"For our time here, Steven, we will again be naked," my Spirit Master, Lien Bien Chung, explained as the consistent beginning to our time together. "Few words. Intimate. Become one. You will further visualize the meditation techniques and hypnosis techniques as we move along from one point in our journey to another. Alone. Now, take off my robe so you can view my body and my mind. Look into my eyes. Look at my body. Look into my mind. I will do the same to you."

I began to pull my Spirit Master's robe open. I let it drop to the floor.

My naked Spirit Master made my dick stand immediately at attention. I loved begin next to his amazing almost hairless body. His huge muscular chest and arms stood and his creamy, almost white skin made my dick thicken as did his glistening skin. Perfect. His uncut, hairless dick and his shaved balls almost lit up the room with it's energy flowing into the room.

Spirit Master moved towards me until we were standing skin to skin. He put his hands around my waist and caressed my branded ass cheeks.

"I see you have not needed the chastity device since our last meeting," Spirit Master said. "Our dicks need to share energy with each other for it is our dicks which allow our energy to become one with one another. We will be joined. We will be joined in our life long journey. A journey of spiritual growth for both of us. I will teach you how to become one with your Spirit. To bond. You will learn the pleasures of the Spirit journey. You will teach others about the Spirit journey. But, I will always be with you from now forward. You and I will join our Spirits to form an all-encompassing bond which will guide our journey on this earth and beyond without touching. Without seeing. Without hearing. We will be one with our common spirit. Do you want this, boy?"

"Yes, Spirit Master," I whispered. "I want us to be one with our common spirit. Take me, Spirit Master. Show me. Teach me. Give me life. Give me your energy. Give me your power. Give me your lust so I can serve other men as I am born to do. Take me. Own me."

"Do you remember the time when your Master Ajmal hypnotized you and then said these words?" Spirit Master asked.

"You will scream each time a Master attempts to hurt you. You will feel no pain. You will beg for more. You will form a bond with each slap of a whip. You will form a bond to the Masters you serve as they hurt you. You will be in control, Steven. You will make them hurt you without a word spoken from you. You will beg for more because most of the Masters you will be with want to hear you beg. You will scream in pain because most of the Masters you will be with want to hear you scream. Let's go back into your body, Steven. Let's go back into the peaceful tranquility of our minds joined as one. Back. Back. Back. Back."

"Yes, Spirit Master," I replied.

"Good," Spirit Master said. "You will hear your Master Ajmal recite these words to you every time a man puts his collar around your neck. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Spirit Master," I replied. "I understand."

"Good boy," Spirit Master said to me as he pulled me into a kiss. A kiss of passion. A kiss of power. Spirit Master's power taking over my body. As our dicks touched, I felt a burning flash of ecstasy flow from Spirit Master's dick into mine. I saw, without seeing, the peace and love he had inside him. He was my Spirit Master and we were becoming one.

"It is time to consummate this part of our spirit journey, boy," Spirit Master explained. "There is no backing out now, boy. We have become one and we will grow even stronger. We will physically meet from time to time to reinvigorate our bond. But, you just need to speak or think my name and I will be with you. I will share my energy, my power, my lust with you even though we are not physically together."

Spirit Master lowered my limp body to the matt covered floor. His lips took mine. His powerful body rested atop mine. This time, instead of his kisses sucking the energy out of my body, his kisses prepared me for the spiritual journey I was about His kisses again sucked all of my energy out of my body. But, when his dick began to slowly make its way inside my ass, Spirit Master's energy, his power, his lust, his drive flooded into me. I was awake with energy. I was alive with power. I was flooded with the feelings of my dick stirring from the lust in my Spirit Master's eyes.

"You will not be allowed to cum even though you are out of your plastic protection," Spirit Master whispered to me as he slowly continued to work his big dick in and out of my ass. "Remember what I told you during the last time we consummated our Spirit Journey. Your dick, when freed of the plastic enclosure, will swell to new lengths. Your dick will ache for release. But, you will never have an orgasm ever again unless the man you are with wants you to have an orgasm. And, I must say this again, I do not see many men who will want you to have an orgasm and even fewer who will actually allow it. Your Spirit will control your dick. Your Spirit, which is me, will control your dick for the rest of our lives here on earth and beyond. I own your dick, boy. Others may own your body for a short period of time, but I own your dick. Your dick gives you power by disuse. My dick gives you power from its life giving juices. You will do great things, Steven. I know it because I see it in here." My Spirit Master put his hand over my heart.

Spirit Master continued to pleasure himself in my ass. His dick moved slowly and gently inside me. I knew immediately he would release his life giving power and energy into my waiting ass. Without him saying a word. I knew I would get his powerful seed inside me.

"Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Spirit Master lay silently on top of me. I felt his power again filling my body. Liquid power inside my asshole. His Spirit Master piss. The energy of life filling my body. I needed his Spirit Master Piss to complete my journey.

"One last lesson, boy," Spirit Master continued after he was finished pissing in my ass. "Some of your next Spirit Journeys will entail traveling on your Spirit Journey with other men. Your training here this week has given you the power to take these Spirit Journeys and to learn from them. You may not understand you are on a Spirit Journey until you have completed the activities with other men. But, once you reflect on your time with these other men during your meditation, you will become aware of the Spirit Journey and what it means to you and to me and to your Masters. You will also become more aware of the subtle Spirit Journeys you take. Some will not affect your time spent serving other men. Some WILL affect your time spent doing good deeds for others—for the less fortunate, for the needy, for the helpless, for the downtrodden. You will have much weight on your shoulders at times, boy, but you are becoming very, very powerful in your own right. You will seize the power you need to do good deeds whenever you see the power underused."

"I need to return you to your Masters, boy," Spirit Master said as he shifted his body on top of me. His dick still embedded in my ass. "We've been on our journey for six hours this time, boy. We have gone a long way, but we have much, much more distance to cover in our Spirit Journey this week. "Please share your feelings with your Masters when they ask about our time together. Mention our Spirit Journey to no one else but your Masters. No one is to know you have taken your lifelong step on your Spirit Journey until it is time to reveal it. You will know when it is time. Until then, only speak with your Masters about our Spirit Journey. Go! You will find your Masters in the next room, boy."

"Yes, Spirit Master," I said as Spirit Master untangled himself from my body and pulled his dick out of my ass and removed his collar from around my neck.

When I walked through the doorway into the next room, I saw my Masters lounging in the bed. Naked. Hard. Lust filled eyes watched me approach them.

"Don't speak, 666999666," Master Marcus whispered. "We no longer need to put you in chastity. Your Spirit Master has taken control of your dick."

Master Marcus, from the center of the bed, grabbed me and pulled me on top of his naked, hard, muscled body. The lust in Master's eyes had gown intensely. It burned through my head, through my dick, through my ass, through my muscles, through my mind. I belonged to him now. I belonged to my Master Marcus and I belonged to my Master Ajmal. My dick belonged to my Spirit Master. My body belonged to my Masters.

"I see the wheels turning, boy," Master Ajmal whispered to me. "What are you thinking, boy? Has something happened during your Spirit Journey, boy? Has he taken control?"

"Yes, Master," I replied. "Spirit Master has taken control of my dick, Sir."

"What else have you realized, boy," Master Ajmal asked.

"You two have taken over my body," I replied. "You own me. Spirit Master owns my dick. You own me. I am yours, Masters. Spirit Master showed me many lessons today. I will learn many Spirit Journey lessons from the men I serve. I will learn many Spirit Journey lessons for the people, places and events around me. I need to take power I see underutilized and use it for the positive good of mankind. Does this make sense to you Masters?"

"Yes, boy," Master Marcus replied as he massaged my nipples. "It means you have grown as a man today, boy. You have grown into a good man. One whose duty to serve other men will be beyond reproach. One whose duty to humankind is also one of your life pursuits. We can see it in you, boy. You will make men happy. You will make the world a better place."

"I need to breed you, boy," Master Ajmal explained. "I need to deposit my seed in you so you and your Spirit Master can take the next step of your journey. The next step is an important step, boy. It is the most important step you will ever take. It will define your life forever. You cannot go back. It is too late to go back. You have gone too far in your Spirit Journey to abandon it. Let me give you my seed. Then, Marcus will give you his seed. We will watch you go to the next Journey with your Spirit Master. You will be one."

Master Ajmal turned me so I was lying flat on the bed on my back. He climbed between my legs and pushed them apart with his own. He put my feet on his muscular chest and looked at me. His eyes glowed with power and lust. His lips met mine. He slipped his tongue into my mouth. I eagerly allowed it to enter me. I felt the jolt of power pass between us. My dick stirred. My heart raced. My body relaxed with the touch of Master Ajmal. I also felt the touch of my Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung. I felt HIS power, HIS energy, HIS lust, HIS love. The three of us floated together as Master Ajmal slipped his dick into my ass. My body was on fire as I felt my Master take me. He owned me. He gave me power. He gave me his lust. I took his power. I took his lust. My Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung owned my dick. But he gave my dick to me for Master Ajmal. My dick felt as though it would explode as Master Ajmal entered me and began to massage my ass with his rock hard dick.

Suddenly, Master Ajmal's eyes widened. It was as though he was afraid of something he saw. "Ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh... ahhh...!"

Master Ajmal's body shuddered as the cum blew inside my ass. I felt the powerful ropes of cum coat the inside of my ass. It kept pulsing out of Master Ajmal's dick. Finally, he collapsed on top of me and rested. Finally, Master Ajmal was able to speak, "Fuck! I have never had this feeling before. This was... this was... this was powerful. Did you feel it, boy?"

"Yes, Master," I whispered. "Your power. Your lust. Your energy. My Spirit Master gave you control of my dick. You used my dick to give yourself an amazing orgasm, Master. Have we taken the next step on our Spirit Journey?"

"Not yet," Master Ajmal replied. "You will know it when it happens. At least I have been told you will know it when it happens. Marcus? Do you want to join us on this journey?"

Marcus wiped the sweat of his husband's brow. "If it affected you like I think it affected you, I definitely want to be along for the ride," Master Marcus said. "You need to get your dick out of our slave boy's ass. It is my turn."

Master Ajmal smiled at his husband and pulled his dick out of my ass. Marcus replaced Master Ajmal on top of me.

Master Marcus leaned down to kiss me. "I don't say this often, Steven, but I really, really, really do love you. I love you when you let me practically kill you while I fist you. I love you when I take the bull whip to your back. And, I love you when I stick my dick in your ass to make love to you. I'm about to make love to you. Do you have anything to say to me or AJ, Steven?"

"I love you both," I said. "But I want you to both know. I am taking this slave ownership serious. I want to please you. I want to make you as happy as you have made me. I will do anything to please you, Masters. Anything."

"Even limit your time with Tim?" Master Marcus asked.

"Yes, Sir," I replied. "Even if you don't let me spend time with Tim. I will abide by your decision. Tim doesn't own me, Masters. You do. And, I feel something else, Masters. Tim has found his place. His place is beside his new Master. His place is beside his new Master's future husband. "

"Thank you, boy," Master Marcus said.

"Master," I whispered to Marcus.

"Yes, boy," I Master Marcus said.

"Please stick your big dick in me, Master," I begged. "Please Master. I need your dick inside me."


When Lenard pulled in front of our house after picking us up at the airport, I followed Master Ajmal and Master Marcus into the house. Again, some of the neighbors gathered beside the car to watch me walk naked from the car into the house.

Tim was the first to greet us at the door, "Steven! It is so good to have you home again. And, Marcus, AJ you look as though you've been given a second life. You look so relaxed."

"We are, Tim," Master Marcus replied. "We definitely are relaxed."

Master Grant picked my naked body up from the ground and twirled me in circles. "Your husband missed you, Steven. Your husband's lover missed you. And, yes, I missed your sloppy slave boy ass."

Master Grant sat me down and kissed me while he fondled my dick. "Why is this not encased in plastic?"

"It is a long story, but it doesn't need to be encased in plastic anymore," I replied. "I can only cum when I am in the presence of someone who will allow me to cum. There are two Masters here right now who do not want me to cum and will not allow me to cum. So, I won't cum."

"Rent boy," Garrison said. "I am not going to touch you or say a word to or about you until I know it is safe."

"Steven!" David exclaimed as he pulled me into a hug. "You've come home to rescue me!"

"From what, David?" I asked

"Your crazy husband and this other crazy but very gifted black stud who has become a very important part of our lives," David said. He looked at me to gage my reaction.

"Is he now your and Tim's permanent Master?" I asked.

"Not exactly," David replied.

"Is he Tim's permanent Master?" I asked.

"Yes," David replied. He was smiling.

"Is this crazy black stud who is an important part of your lives your lover now?" I asked.

"Yup," David said. "I hope you aren't mad."

"Why should I be mad? Why COULD I be mad?" I said. "I have been gone for ten days with my new Masters in a foreign country, and I began the next leg of my Spirit Journey with my Spirit Master Lien Bien Chung—which involved a lot of energy transfer between our dicks. And, before I get carried away here, I need to introduce you to Ramesh. We met him in the village we were staying in. He is my new adopted son."

I thought Tim would pass out. I thought David would be on the floor laughing hysterically. And, I had absolutely no clue how Master Grant would react. But the three of them stood silently as they starred alternately at me..., Ramesh..., Master Ajmal..., Master Marcus..., and back to me. Garrison stayed in the background.

"Explain, slave boy," Tim said quietly after a very long pause in our conversation. "How can you come home from a trip to some foreign country with a new adopted son? Details, slave boy. I need details."

I put my arm around Ramesh's shoulder and pulled him toward me. "I need to tell them the whole story, Ramesh. Is it okay?"

"Of course, Dad," Ramesh replied with a smile.

Tim raised his eyebrow. David could barely resist breaking into an hysterical laugh. Master Grant still stood motionless with his mouth almost at the floor level.

"Ramesh's parents approached Master Ajmal, Master Marcus, and me a few days before we left," I began my explanation. "Ramesh is a 13 year-old-gay Persian boy. He's Muslim. His parents brought him to the country we were in because it is known to be gay friendly. They were afraid for his safety anywhere else in the Middle East. So, they asked if we would bring him to America. The only way to get him legally into this country was for me to adopt him. So, I am now his father. He is my son. My gay son. My gay Muslim son who also likes to fuck."

I waited for the firestorm named Tim.

"Tell us something more about this gay-friendly, Middle Eastern country you were visiting," Tim suggested.

"It's a long story, Tim," I began.

"We have plenty of time," Tim said. "It's only 5 pm. We have two hours before cocktails start at 7 pm. We can extend cocktail time until midnight if necessary. Tell us about this country you were visiting. Does it have a name?"

"Hassin," I said to the group.

"As in AJ Hassin?" Tim asked.

"Yes," I said. "Master Ajmal owns the country."

"He owns the FUCKING COUNTRY?" Garrison asked.

"Yes," I said as I looked for Master Ajmal for support. He smiled at me telling me I was on my own with this one. "He owns the country."

"I've never known anyone who actually owns a country," Master Grant said. "I've been in a lot of strange places over the years, but I have never been to the gay-friendly country of Hassin. Where is it and what does this revelation mean in terms of your ownership of the country? Does this mean you are a king, AJ?"

"Master Ajmal is not the king. He just owns the country. He is very well-liked in the country. He funded a business venture which has turned the country around from a dirt poor desert place into a thriving tourist destination."

"For gay men," Tim said.

"Yes, mostly for gay men," I said. "And, to let you know, they are expecting several more gay Muslim boys will be sent to Hassin in the very near future to protect them from civil rights violations."

"What are you telling us, slave boy?" Tim asked. "Are you telling us this is now another social issue you want to become involved with. And, if it is, slave boy, you will need my help. And, slave boy, I am very willing to help. David?"

"I'm in," David replied.

"Master Grant?" Tim asked.

"I'm in," Master Grant replied.

"Garrison?" Tim asked.

"Count me in, Timmy," Garrison added. "Besides, I have another important order of business here. I want to know how you like your new balls?"

"I love them," I replied. "I would also like to consider another idea I had while we were visiting Hassin. There is this really, really beautiful black man who is a slave, but he is a power slave. In other words, he is a Master to slaves like me who are visiting the country to become better in tuned with their Spirit Journey."

"And, the man knows how to use a bull whip," Master Marcus replied. "Just ask Steven how good he is."

"How good is he, Steven? And, before you answer the previous question, tell me exactly how this beautiful, black power slave fits into the picture," Tim suggested.

"We would need to talk with Baron and Kindal, but I suspect he might fit right in with their Master training program," I replied. "And as for your first question, Tim. He is an incredibly talented bull whip artist. He also helped with my ball injections. So did Ramesh."

"How did Ramesh help with your ball injections?" Tim asked.

"I fucked him twice an hour so he could cum to prevent his balls from exploding," Ramesh explained. "All five nights."

"Oh dear God!" Tim hissed.

"It was before I knew he was going to be my son," I countered.

"Technically, Dad," Ramesh objected. "I was your son the last night. Remember?"

"Oh, yea," I said as I put my arm around Ramesh's shoulders. "I guess you are right, son."

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Ali Ahmed = Marcus and Ajmal

Omar Kathem    Tim and Steven

Chad, Donald, and Jimmy.

Next: Chapter 51

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