Lifes Unexpected Surprises

By Kuragari

Published on Jul 3, 2017


Life's Unexpected Surprises (LUS) is written and owned by me, under the pen name Kuragari129. Posting this story on another site must be done with my permission. Events in this story are fictional, and entirely made up. Any similarities to your personal experiences are coincidental. If you are not the legal age in your area to read this, I ask you to leave now. This story will contain sex between two male partners, so you've got a fair warning.

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Thank you for choosing LUS. LUS is a continuation of the Original "Life" Series. Life's Expectations (LE), Colby's Life Expectations (CLE) and Life's Little Lies (LLL). This story is a stand alone and will provide all information that is required, but it doesn't hurt to read the prequels. Links will be posted below.





LUS – Chapter 10 – Blessings In Disguise – There and Back Again



Today was the day that Taxon and I were going out on a date. So mom was telling me all about how to be a good date over Skype. "You have to listen to them from beginning to end. Even if you're not interested in the topic, listening is key to any good relationship."

"Yes, mom I know." Knowing full well I barely listened to a word she said.

Mom shook her head. "And none of that, listening to half of what people say." Why are mom's so good at reading their kids? "You have to have an actual conversation with Tax, Hunter. Treat him with absolute respect."

"You know I will." I have a track record of respect for people. Other than the few kids I got into fights with. "It's just a dinner and a show that Nick is paying for. Before you ask I have said 'thank you' to him already."

Mom gave off a smile. "Good, now I'm going to let you go. Have fun and let me know how it goes. Love you, Hunter."

"Love you too, mom." She blew a kiss to be before ending the Skype call. I let out a sigh and closed the laptop.

I stopped before going out to the living room to look at myself in the full-length mirror. The button up shirt I had on made me look a little thinner than I was. It's not like there was much there, but more than the average guy for sure. It's the best look I got, so it's this or nothing.

"You almost ready?" Nick called out before I could answer he was at my doorway. "You're very handsome looking Hunter. Taxon is very lucky to have you as a date."

"If you say so..." I could feel my face light up in red.

Nick just gave me this look that most adults give me. That look of pride parents give to their kids. "Are you ready to go?" I nodded. "Okay, lets get you two to dinner."

When we went to pick up Tax, I was speechless. I got out of the car and gone up to knock on the door, and he answered. He wasn't in a tux or anything, but he had a nice jacket over a button-up and tie. His hair was set perfectly, and his smile was magical.

"So this is the Hunter who's taking my boy on a date." Dash had told me that their mom was up, but I didn't think I'd be seeing her. "I'm Tax's mom, Mrs. Jewels."

Nick chuckled. "Hello, Jennifer."

"Hello, Nicholas." She had this slightly irritated tone to her voice. "How have you and Lucas been?"

"We've been on an experience with Hunter staying with us." Nick sounded pretty positive about me staying with them. "You ready to head out Taxon?"

"Yep!" He turned and gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. "See you later mom." Tax hopped into the back seat, and I joined him.

The ride had this awkward silence to it. Tax and I would share looks at one another and smile. Pretty sure Nick was looking in the rear view mirror at us once in a while. Once we were dropped off at the restaurant, it got a little more talkative.

I spoke to the hostess, and she brought us to our table. Tax had this nervous smile going on. "So... how's school going for you so far?"

He shrugged. "It's going alright. Teachers are cool, and I've gotten a couple of friends. How about you?"

"I've been stuck in Metalwork this semester. It's not too bad but not my type of class. Thought it would be different than it is." Tax looked completely invested in what I had to say. That made me really happy to see.

"That sucks. Can't transfer out of it anymore either." Tax took a sip of his drink. "What was your life like before moving here with your dad?"

I let out a sigh. "Well, I got expelled for fighting... which is the only reason I'm here." Tax's eyebrow rose. "I was defending my friends from bullies who were making fun of their gay parents."

"Fighting isn't the answer to something like that Hunter." Taxon was blunt with me; pretty sure I ruined the date. "But I understand why you did it. You haven't gotten into any fights here yet."

"Ya..." Not even I was fully convinced by my comment. "I also started a fight with this Vince guy. He was bullying Quinn and just like at home I came to defend him."

"A boy named Quinn, that's odd."

I giggled. "A little, but he's a cool kid."

"We're kids."

"True." We laughed as the waitress came and took our orders. This is fun so far; it's gone way better than expected. This could actually turn into something great!



"You're gonna love it!" Luke laughed as we walked together to "his" youth center. He called it "his" but it was anything but. "There's a pool table and like five TVs and one of the employees always brings his older systems."

Quinn giggled, "Coming from you, I expected all the sports activities."

"Yeah, no kidding." I agreed with him.

Luke waved us off. "I figured you guys would rather hear about the video games. But if you want to hear about the sports stuff..."

Quinn and I both interrupted him. "NO!" All three of us shared in a fit of laughter.

It wasn't long after that that we arrived at the Center. Quinn and I had to fill out a little sheet with contact information and were given little cards to scan for any future visits. It was a neat little system honestly.

Luke showed us around the small space. He introduced us to Tyler, Dominique and a few other kids who were there hanging out. Quinn and I kept together, and Luke ran off talking to someone else.

We both looked at each other and shrugged. "I guess that leaves us to have fun ourselves," I told Quinn.

Quinn shook his head. "Silly Luke. He's just way too active to keep still." I couldn't agree with him more. "What do you wanna do?"

"We could try and play pool..." Quinn laughed but agreed. We played the world's worst pool game but had fun doing it. "Hahaha! We suck!" I shook my head as I missed the black ball again.

"Speak for yourself." Quinn took his shot and missed the ball as well. "I tried, and failed."

Dominique laughed from the counter. "I mean for your first times playing; you're not terrible."

"Sure we are!" I spoke proudly of how bad I was. "We're the worst of the worst." Quinn giggled.

"Are you any good?" Quinn asked him.

Dominique shrugged. "I don't play much, usually here playing my games."

Quinn tilted his head. "Why don't you play them at home? Pretty much all games have an online mode for multiplayer."

"I like playing with friends here because not everyone has the same systems as me." The answer felt like it lacked something, it felt like there was something he wasn't telling us. "And I just like to get out of the house."

Tyler, who was flipping playing cards around, laughed. "Why is that Dom?" Tyler sounded like he knew the answer already.

Dominique rolled his eyes. "My parents like to ask me about every aspect of my life, and some things I like to keep private."

"Like him!?" Luke yelled from across the center. There was an audible sigh from Dominique as Luke made his way over to us. "I mean you two it hit off, didn't you."

"Yes, we did."

Luke gave off a huge grin. "You've got his number right, call him!"

Quinn looked just as confused as I was. "What are you talking about Luke?"

"Dominique here," Luke began to speak. "Has a little crush on..."

"That's enough Luke." Tyler interrupted him. "It's not up to you to tell people; it's Dom's business." Luke wrinkled his face before returning to whatever he was doing before.

I turned to Dominique, who looked very embarrassed about the entire situation. I thought I would try and do something to cheer him up. "I like boys too Dominique."

I don't think that was a good thing to say though. "I don't like boys." He retorted like a whip. "I just bonded with him very quickly is all. He's on a date right now so if I call him it would be very rude. I'll just have to be patient."

It was my turn to be embarrassed. Tyler and Quinn gave me sympathetic looks before I turned back and made a shot in pool. I actually hit a ball this time. Still... Something about what Dominique said didn't sit right. Like he was lying.

"How was the Center?" Quinn's dad picked us up when the Center closed. He was done with work for the night; it was a night he closed earlier. "Did you enjoy yourselves?"

Quinn nodded. "Yep! Met some new friends."

Both Quinn and his dad had big smiles on their faces. I'm sure Mr. Bayes was as happy for how happy his son appeared to be. "Well, that's good to hear. How about you Elijah, did you enjoy it?"

I was sitting in the back seat and was asked by Mr. Bayes looking through the rear view mirror at me. "It was alright; I'll probably come back."

"I'll come with you!" Quinn offered.

"Sure!" And like that, it was confirmed that we would go again. Maybe next time I'll be better at shooting pool. We'll have to find out!



We had gotten back to Tax's place, which was according to our plan. What was weird was no one was here. It was just us two boys in a large house, alone. Which wasn't a bad thing, it was just odd. I figured someone would be here.

"Tonight was fun." Tax smiled as he took off his jacket. "I enjoyed spending it with you, Hunter."

My cheeks turned crimson. "Thanks... I enjoyed it as well."

Tax looked so natural at this like it didn't bother him at all. We had just spent the night holding hands, talking and getting to know each other. It was a date, and I don't know, it just feels weird.

"No need to be all weird about it now Hunter. You were a perfect gentleman." I smiled and looked away. "Just so you know this wasn't my first date, but definitely the better of the two."

I immediately turned back. "You've been on a date before?" Tax nodded. "Mind sharing the details?"

"Sure!" He skipped towards the living room. We each had taken a seat on different chairs before he started the story. "I was like you after the date, kinda weird feeling. Like 'Did I do good?' ' Was it good for them?' and 'Did I really just go out on a date with a guy?'"

"That last one is the one that's got me," I spoke honestly.

Tax nodded. "I got a really solid piece of advice from my Uncle though that helped me get over that feeling.'Just own who you are now. You may change, but if you're true to your current self you're golden!' And that's why I'm not so weird after this date."

I looked at him confused. "What?"

"You know how you told me you got into fights at your last school?" I nodded. "Well, you also said you're working hard not to have that happen here. The you who fought was the old you, and the new you is right in the middle."

"I sorta get it... Still not sure on the whole thing."

Tax offered a smile. "You'll get there, promise." Then his face turned red. "Okay, so I'm going to be a little too honest for a second... I'm super horny right now." He was right; he's being WAY to honest, but the moment he said it I started to grow in my pants.

My face turned crimson yet again. "Oh... I am kinda too..."

"You can say no." Tax started. "But would you want to go up to my room and jack off?" At a minimum, I get off next to a sexy boy. At most I get to touch him... SURE! I nodded, and we headed up to his room.

He wasted no time and took off his shirt and pulled his pants down a bit. His cock was brilliant looking! Uncut and just peeping out of the foreskin. It was probably like 4.5-inches, which wasn't bad for his age.

When I did the same, Taxon's eyes went wide in lust. I revealed my almost 6-inch cock in its hard-on glory. "Wow..." was all he could manage.

I sat down on his bed and started to play, my eyes on Taxon's cock and body. He did the same thing. I lasted all but five minutes before I shot my load, Taxon wasn't far behind. Once toweled off we got our clothes back on and went downstairs not saying a word.

Halfway down the stairs, the front door opened. Dash came dashing in and seeing us on the stairs; she gave off 'that look'. Tax saw it too. "No." Was all he said before she rolled her eyes and went passed us.

Isaac came into the house and saw us just finish our decent. "I hope you two had a good night. Hunter, your dad is out in the car waiting for you whenever you're ready."

"Okay, thanks!" Isaac left us by the door. I turned to Tax. "Thanks for the night, all of it."

He winked. "Anytime big guy!" I could feel my face heat up again. I quickly turned and left the house with a wave.

When I got into the car, Lucas started off right away. "How was the big date?" He asked me.

"It was fun, looking forward to the next one."



It was the day after the date with Hunter, and I was currently at work. Lucky for me Regal wasn't at work today. I was happy to be inside since it was pouring out. Regal gone meant no bothering me all the time. It was just Zelda and me with Uncle Antoine working in the back.

"So how was your date last night Taxon?" We had been working for probably an hour together. I had hoped I wasn't going to be asked.

I offered a smile though and answered. "It was good, Hunter was a fine gentleman, and I look forward to possible future dates with him." And his big cock... But she didn't need to know that.

Seriously though, for a 14-year-old he was massive. He had to get it from Lucas because hot damn he is packing some serious meat.

"What about that boy you met when you went on that trip with your Uncle?" Zelda was sorting through one of the many boxes of cards the store had. She did this when she needed cards for her game. "I thought you and him were going to be a thing."

I shrugged. "He wanted to and then suddenly stopped. We made up though, and are now friends." Dominique... I would have liked to have gone on a date with you, but Hunter was just fine.

"Well, I'm glad about the entire situation for you then." Well, I'm a teenager Zelda... I'm not telling you half the information, and you should know that. "Customer, can you handle them she said still looking through the cards for another customer."

"Sure!" I turned and waited for the customer to enter the store. It was pretty clear they were heading our way though. So once they got into the store, I did my standard welcome. "Welcome to Antoine's, how can I help you?"

When they removed their hood, Dominique was revealed. "Oh, hey Taxon. How are you doing?"

"Pretty good, what brings you to the shop today?" He's a customer, gotta make sure he's helped.

Dominique looked around the store for a moment. "Where are your Magic cards?"

"Over here with Zelda." Uncle Antoine had a couple of display cases full of Magic The Gathering trading cards. It's still a popular trading card game. "Are you looking for a certain card?"

He laughed. "I have a list from my cousin to check for. There's like twenty cards on it; luckily he's not expecting them all." Dominique offered the list over to me.

I took it and looked it over once. "Well, it's a good thing we have a book of the cards we have in stock." It took almost an hour in total to find all the cards he needed. We had to find them in the book, and then go and find them in the store. We ended up getting a little more than half by the end of it. "Well then, twelve out of twenty isn't bad."

Dominique laughed. "Ya, true. Thanks Tax for all your help."

"No problem!" Service with a smile like Uncle Antoine always said. "You're looking at almost Two-Hundred dollars for the total of these cards." That was just a guess; it could very well be wrong.

Dominique was busy on his phone, probably telling his cousin. "Ya, he's going to send me the money for them. It might be a bit, so hold on to them for me?"

"Of course."

"I'm just going to take a look around." Dominique pointed towards all the board games before heading off.

Zelda came over and whispered to me. "Is he the date you had last night?" I shook my head. "Really? The chemistry between you two is unreal!" Her voice got a little louder, and I'm pretty sure Dominique heard her.

I smacked her lightly. "Quiet you!" She laughed before turning away and returning to work. I had gotten all of Dominique's cards in a safe place before going to see how his window shopping was going. He had Catan in his hands when I found him. "That game is so much fun."

I spooked Dominique, and he jumped looking up at me. "I've never played, it just caught my eyes."

He flipped it over looking at the back. "If you want we could play it together. Maybe I can bring it down to that youth center of yours."

Dominique laughed. "Isaac is overdue for a visit. Convince your Uncle to get his butt down there and come hang out with us."

"I'll do my best." Just then Dominique's phone went off. "Is that your cousin's money?"

After a quick check, he smiled. "Yep! Lets get those cards he wants." After a quick transaction, the cards were his, and his money was the stores. "Thanks again Taxon, see you around."

I watched him leave, and the moment he closed the door, Zelda looked right at me. "So he's the kid you went on a date with right?"

Shaking my head at her, I smiled. "No, he's the kid from the trip." She gave me an acknowledging nod. "You're gonna say I have a crush on him and that's true."

"No, no, no." She waved her hands. "I was going to ask how the hell did you two end up not dating? Both of you clearly like each other."

"There's something bugging him about it, and there's nothing I can do about that. So rather than be sad and push him away I am moving on." But I would love to be with him. "Hunter is a gentleman, and I am happy."

"Well, I'm glad you're happy Tax." Zelda went back to sorting through the cards, and I went to clean the glass for like the fourth time today. Maybe one day we will be a thing, but I'm not holding my breath.



"Regal we need to get going," I told him as he effortlessly pushed me back onto my bed. "Our reservation is in twenty minutes."

By the time I finished my sentence my fly was undone and unzipped. There wasn't any way that I was going to stop him. He wanted to do it probably more than I wanted him to do it.

When my cock was released, it was semi hard. Regal wasted no time and took it into his mouth, making it quickly grow to full size. From head to base, Regal swallowed my cock. I let out a moan and held his head there.

I finally let him up, and Regal smiled. "Glad you like it."

"Of course I do, you have a great mouth." I grabbed the back of his head and pushed him back down on my cock. His tongue swirled around the head of my cock. "Oh god damn!"

Regal knew exactly what to do to please me. He perfectly pleasured me until my cock exploded filling his mouth with my cum. Once I finished, he came up and kissed me, sharing some of my load with me.

Once our kiss was finished, I smiled at him. "We really need to get to our reservations."

Regal laughed. "Yes, fine. Let's go Mr. Jefferies."

We quickly made our way out of the house. Zack gave me this knowing look and laughed as we rush out. I flipped him the bird before leaving. "Get in; we're probably going to be speeding."

Regal rolled his eyes. "When don't you speed?" Fair enough.



I got home from work with Uncle Antoine, and there was Dash waiting for me. "How was your day of work?"

"It was good." Uncle smiled. "Sold lots and got some office work done."

Dash gave him a thumbs up. "Awesome! Tax come, come!" She dashed up the stairs before I could say anything.

Making my way up the stairs, it sounded like she was in my room. "Are you in my room?"


I entered my room, and there she was bouncing around while sitting on my bed. "So, what did you and Hunter get up to?" I just glared at her. "Don't try and lie to me, twinlepithy is a thing."

"We didn't get up to anything I swear." She didn't stop looking at me; she knows I'm lying. "I'm not telling you anything."

"I knew it!" She pumped her fists into the air. "Well, how does he compare to Dominique in feeling?"

I raised an eyebrow at her question. "Why do you want to know this Dash?"

"I love my little brother and just want him to be his happiest. As much as I would like your boyfriend to be someone I can get along with, your happiness is more important." I think this is the nicest she has ever been to me, which is weird.

I shrugged. "I prefer Dominique, to be honest, but there isn't that possibility right now."

She nodded. "I think you shouldn't go out with Hunter again until you figure that out. If you're not emotionally invested in him, then don't play with his feelings." She's being supersensible right now...

"What's wrong with you? You're being way to nice right now."

"I'm being selfish." Of course, she is. "I don't want you to ruin my future besties relationship with Hunter. And a hard break up will do that."

"Still way to nice... it's creepy." She rolled her eyes. "Thanks though..."

"Anytime little brother! Anytime." She smiled and quickly left the room.

I shouted after her. "Minutes Dash! Minutes!"

Hunter and Dominique... Why does this have to be so hard? Dominique and I bonded really well. Hunter is a great guy and has godly equipment. I know that's not something to put up in comparison but... I want both things to work out... but I guess I need to figure out which one is more important to me.



Addison and I walked into the restaurant together. Holding hands, we walked up to the familiar hostess. "Addison, Regal! Welcome!" Linda smiled at us. "Are you the Jefferies reservation?"

"Yes Ma'am!" I replied ecstatic. "Sorry, we're a little late."

"That's fine." She brushed us off. "Follow me to your table boys." And we did just that. Our table was set by a window that had a gorgeous view of the water.

"Wow, that's beautiful. "Addison commented.

Linda smiled. "Best seat in the house." She set our menus down in front of us. "Your server will be none other than Vega. That being said, can I get you any drinks to start?"

"Sprite or 7-up for me," I said while opening the menu.

Addison rolled his eyes. "Just water is fine."

"Coming right up." and she was off.

A quick look through the menu and I didn't see a whole lot. There were a few options but not a lot, which isn't really a bad thing. Apparently, the Chef here can cook like a god, plus on the back, they had their daily specials.

"What are you thinking of getting?" Addison asked. "The special today looks good."

"Chicken Souvlaki with rice and Greek salad. It does sound good." Damn if only it were yesterday, fresh halibut. "I think I'm feeling the In-House Burger though."

"That's my personal favorite." Vega appeared, as if out of nowhere, with our drinks on a tray. "Who's is the water?" Addison raised his hand.

Vega served us our drinks before pulling out his pad for our orders. He didn't even need to ask before we gave him food of choice. He was off like a dart once we had finished.

Between our orders and getting our food was quite boring. We just talked about how school was, and the stupid stuff. I mean it wasn't boring boring, but nothing to write home about it?

It wasn't until my phone went off that things got interesting. Addison must have seen the look on my face as I checked my phone. "Who was it?"

"My dad..."

Addison got into an awkward silence. "What did he say?"

"It doesn't matter."

"Yes it does Regal, what did he say?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to ruin our good time. Can we just ignore it for now?" Addison nodded but kept his concern face. "Whatever, he's coming to town next week."

"Food has arrived." Perfect time Vega. "Chicken Souvlaki for Addison and the In-House Burger for Regal. Is there anything else I can get you two?"

"No thank you." I tried my best to be kind, but I don't think it came across that way.

"Thanks, Vega, a refill of water would be nice." Vega smiled before walking away. Once he was far enough away, Addison turned back to me. "Do you think ignoring it would have helped your mood? I get it, it's your dad, he's a dick..."

"But don't take it out on others, I know." I took a bite of my burger so I wouldn't have to continue talking. Damn it was good!

"You're getting your check from the show soon aren't you?" Live shows, at least the one I went on, pay you for your time on the show. It's not a huge check that belongs to the winner, but it's something.

I nodded and swallowed my food before speaking. "In like a week."

"You think he's here for money?"

"The guy doesn't even pay child support; there's no way he's getting my money." I looked at my food; I needed to eat more of it. It's so good! "Can we continue this later? My food is going to kill me unless I start eating it now!"

"Yeah, but we are talking later." I gave him a thumbs up while I ate my bite of food.

All in all, dinner was great. Vega was a great server, the food was literally to die for, and dessert was just as amazing. Nothing beats a grandmother's baking. Guess the only thing that ruined my night was dad's text.

Chapter End.

So the whole story of Regal and Arroh's dad isn't told yet, but it will get told in its entirety. Tax and Hunter already on the rocks? Their first date hardly finished! Elijah's truth will be told to him soon, promise.

More LUS is on its way promise! I did skip a chapter of it to write a chapter of MLSAHS, but I will be back on track now promise!

I also have other stories that I have completed or are being worked on. For a full list of stories on Nifty just follow the link below!

You can contact me at, and I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. You can also follow my Social media pages to get regular updates and more information on my stories and their progress



Thanks for reading!

P.S. - I am SUPER busy in August, and am unsure if I will be able to release any chapters for any of my stories. Sorry but I tend not to write when I'm on Vacation, and I'm on vacation 21/31 days. So may not happen.

Thanks for your support though and I will do my best to make a chapter happen!

Next: Chapter 26

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