Like A Good Older Neighbor

By moc.xednay@srexobrosseforp

Published on Feb 28, 2015



Living as a bachelor in a small-ish town provides a lot of freedom, especially when you own your own home. I was lucky to find a subdivision that had a little space between lots, so I had a bit of privacy, and enough room for my dog to run freely. Molly was a mutt, about the size of a pointer, and the gentlest dog you could possibly imagine. She kept me company through the long dry spells in my dating life.

I've been told by some friends that because I'm bisexual, I should have an easier time finding someone to go out with, but they don't often remember how picky I am when it comes to who I see. Now in my late 30s, so many men and women are already married, and those that are not, often don't want any attachment. I don't feel pressed to find a wife or husband, since I don't plan on having children. I'm not so much a sex hound that I crave a constant lover. I have enough imagination to keep myself busy with my hand and a few toys on occasion.

I was a little jealous of my new neighbors, though. A newly married couple in their twenties who seem to be making sexual noises all hours of the day and night. Loud enough to travel across the grass between our houses and into my bedroom. I've even caught a glimpse of them on their deck fucking in the middle of the day. I was in my study, catching up on some work when I looked out of the window, to see the wife's bouncing tits, her head tossed back in pleasure. A very cute woman with a "girl-next-door" face. Frankly, she looked like she was out of his league. He wasn't really attractive, a pit pouchy, constantly with a scruffy beard. To each his or her own, as they say. I never got a glimpse of his cock, but I could tell by her sounds that she was being kept satisfied.

About six months after they moved in, in early summer, the sex suddenly came to a stop. I was actually surprised at how quiet their house got, until I caught a strange car in the driveway. Visitors no doubt. My guess was either set of parents, and one morning, when I had taken off for a doctor's appointment, my guess was confirmed. As I stepped out onto the back porch in just low-rise briefs, and saw a man in his fifties, very fit, with a smooth chest and short grey hair. He stood in only shorts, going through a litany of movements that seemed like a martial art. He pause to take a sip of coffee and looked in my direction. He waved in a friendly way and I returned the gesture.

"Enjoying the warm air?" I called, not shy about checking out his great physique. I wasn't typically obvious about it, but something about him had sparked my curiously, and my briefs seemed to stretch a bit.

"You bet. First time I've been away from home in years, and I plan on really relaxing. I'm Bruce, Jenna's father."

"I'm Kevin. A pleasure to meet you Bruce. Have they left you alone about a babysitter?" I figured a jest about him being young would go over well. He chuckled.

"I'm sure they hate me being here. I heard them trying to be quiet having sex last night, but I heard them anyway. Oh to be that young again." He chuckled again.

"Oh you should hear them. Every day and night. It's a wonder they actually go to work, or get anything done," I mused with a smile. He laughed heartily at that one.

"I'm not surprised, but I don't mind. I only wish I could have sex that often. At my age, I don't think I could, and..." He suddenly became thoughtful and quiet, sipping his coffee. Perhaps there was a serious reason for his visit, and I figured that talking across decks in underwear wasn't the best way to start.

"Look, Bruce, I know we've just met, but why don't you come over here and you can finish your coffee. I can even refresh it. I don't have to be out until the afternoon." He hesitated for a moment, but then stepped down from his daughter's deck and made his way over. He was barefoot, and had slender but strong legs. We shook hands as I he came up on my deck. Strong grip, but not too much. He had a scent of sleep sweat about him, along with lingering cologne or after shave. My nostrils flared. I hadn't felt such an instant attraction to a man for ages. I had to watch myself.

Bruce looked around with polite interest as I went to get the coffee pot. I refreshed his cup as he sat down on a stool at the island in the kitchen.

"You don't mind that I'm in my underwear?" I asked politely as I poured my own cup of coffee.

"Not at all. Nothing I haven't seen before. I happen to catch my son-in-law in the nude this morning. He's a bit absent minded in the morning and forgot that I was around. I laughed.

"Not much of a sight, I imagine. At least, not my type." I said, without thinking. Then I turned red. I was talking far to honestly about this man's family, and he might not be receptive to a bisexual man. You never know. I was grateful to see him smile.

"I know what you mean. Jenna loves him though. She's had a tough time with guys, and Jack is a great young man. He treats her like a Goddess. It also looks like he's well equipped, if you know what I mean." It was his turn to grow red.

"I had wondered. Good for him. Not all of us at hung like a horse."

"Amen to that. But I think we do well with what we have. At least, I'll speak for myself on that regard. If only I could..." He became thoughtful again and looked out the window.

"Something bothering you, Bruce? That's twice you've gotten that look." I felt genuine concern for the man, despite just meeting him that morning. We seemed to be hitting it off as friends, and I never shied away from finding out about friends.

"Well..." he hesitated, sipped his coffee, then shrugged with a sigh. "My wife decided that after 25 years of marriage, she was done. No real reason. Just not interested anymore. Once Jack and Jenna were married, she decided that she wanted to travel, and to do it alone. We had drifted apart slowly for years, but I still loved her, doted on her, provided for her. We hadn't had sex in two years, but I never thought of cheating." He sigh and wiped a few tears away. I handed him a tissue. "Thanks. It's not fair I unburden myself on you like this, Kevin." He managed a weak smile.

"Don't sweat it." I waved my hand. "I've often been told that I'm easy to talk to. And if you are going to stay around here for awhile, at least you have a place to go if your daughter and son-in-law need some alone time." He laughed again.

"I may take you up on that." He flashed me a bright smile and stood up. I couldn't help but lower my eyes to check out his shorts. They were obviously tented, but he then said. "Would you mind if I used your bathroom? Too much coffee."

"Sure thing." I pointed out to the living room. "Through there, turn right, first door is the powder room."

He walked past and I admired him from behind. Decent butt, actually, but with Bruce, I was for some reason thinking about being the bottom. I admit to trying and enjoying both sides in my time, and I always adjusted based on my partners. I'm not sure why Bruce struck me as a top. He might not have thought of men before in his life.

I reminded myself that it might be a bad idea to lust after the neighbor's father, so despite a quick rub over my briefs, I put the idea of sex aside for the moment. I heard the flush and Bruce returned.

"I should head back. I still have some tai chi to complete. Shall I see you again?" He seemed eager for another meeting. That was a good sign.

"I'll be working the rest of the week, but I'll be around all weekend. Stop by if you want. I'll be cutting the grass at some point. Don't bothering knocking on the front door. Just come on over." Despite what I had just told myself, I had given him a free invitation. Oh well. Sometimes the cock wants what it wants.

Saturday morning, just after breakfast, I went out back to my shed, in shorts and sneakers and covered in sunscreen. I pulled out the push mower, filled it with gas and got started. The last few days had gone quickly, but I will freely admit that I had rubbed out a few time thinking about Bruce. He hadn't stopped over in the evenings, but I could tell he was spending time with his family. I was reasonably confident that I would see him again, and after I had finished cutting the grass in the backyard, I saw him coming out on the deck. As with our first meeting, he was barechested, but this time wearing cargo shorts and sandals. Once we made eye contact, I waved him over, and used the opportunity to get a drink of water. It wasn't yet the hottest part of June, but it was close.

"You use a push mower on a yard this big?" He asked with a genial smile. I couldn't help but grin back.

"It's self-propelled, and I like the exercise. It's only a half-acre in total, so it doesn't take more than an hour."

"It seems to keep you in shape," he quipped. There was a gleam in his eye that I couldn't immediately identify. "Are you planning on a busy weekend?"

"No at all. This is about all I wanted to do. Sometime I head to the bar on Saturday nights. But these days the college students are back in town and they aren't my kind of company." I wiped my brow with a towel.

"I get that. How about dinner and drinks on me? I want to thank you for being so friendly." Whoa. It's not often I get that kind of offer after just a brief conversation. This was promising.

"I can't say no to that. I know a few places, since you might not be familiar with the area." Before I could continue, Bruce waved his hands.

"Nothing like that. Jenna and Jack are at a wedding out of town this weekend. I have the house to myself and I plan on firing up the grill. Steaks? Potatoes? Wine? Beer?" He seemed incredibly excited.

"It's a deal. I'll bring the beer. What time do you want to eat?" I could hear the excitement in my own voice.

"Five. See you then." Without another word, he turned and went back to Jenna and Jack's house with a unmistakable strut.

I had originally thought of doing a little seduction myself, but now the tables seemed to be turned. It made me wonder if Bruce had some experience from before his marriage. He had spoken like a very faithful person the first time we had talked. But as I knew, a lot of things can happen in high school and college. I finished the rest of the yard in record time, and went in for a quick lunch. I debated on exactly what to wear, but I expected Bruce to be casual, so I'd keep it to shorts and a t-shirt. I took a long shower, resisting the urge for a quick jerk. I decide to shave too. I typically kept my public hair trimmed short, but I often shaved completely when I felt like it. I knew it wasn't for everyone, but I felt the look suited me. I shaved my face after my shower, and then kept myself busy with work for a couple of hours, though I didn't accomplish much. When 4:30 came around, I dressed carefully, got some good beer from my basement fridge, and walked over, approaching the neighboring deck.

Bruce was already at the grill, in polo and shorts, whistling happily and shook my hand after putting down grill tongs. Definitely potatoes cooking, and I saw two thick steaks on the deck table. I cracked open two beers and we were soon chatting like old friends again. He was just as open before about his history, including his marriage. He worked as a sales manager in a successful firm, but took some hard- earned vacation time after the divorce became official. Jenna and Jack had gladly offered to have him visit for a few weeks to be with family. I admitted to him that despite being next door neighbors, I had never actually met them. He promised to remedy that as soon as possible.

Once we were sitting at the table eating, working on beer number two, Bruce went back into his marriage. He had wanted sex regularly since the honeymoon, but his wife's interested faded steadily over time. Since, for him, cheating was out of the question, he resorted to porn and masturbation, something I said I could relate to. I was just as free about my life, letting him no immediately that I had male and female partners, that it had been a few years since my last serious relationship. He offered not comment about my sexuality except a nod. There had been a little tension about that point on my end, but since there seemed no problem from Bruce, I relaxed.

Thought I was tempted to just let go and keep drinking, I stopped after the second beer and offered to help take in and clean the dishes. Bruce sat at the table while I washed the dishes and we kept chatting. My brain was tuning out for some reason, but snapped back into focus when I heard Bruce say, "You know, I'm glad you are a neighbor to Jenna. I haven't had a good friend to talk to in ages. Most of the friends we had came from my wife. I have a few work acquaintances, but none that I could really be open with. Thanks for that, Kevin. I owe you big for that."

I could hear the sincerity and emotion in his voice, and he raised his empty glass to me. I put down the wet dishes in the drying rack and faced Bruce. It was hard to control the lust I was feeling. A man this obviously vulnerable shouldn't be taken advantage of. I then reminded myself that a little bit of emotional connection can make sex a whole lot better. I went over and pulled Bruce up and into a hug. He hesitated at first, then relaxed into me. Like most guys, he probably wasn't used to this kind of affection from another man. I was free with both men and women, and I gave him time to get used to it. I just held him.

Before long, I noticed two things. I could feel his hand moving slightly over my back, and I could feel something pressing me from the front. Bruce was getting aroused. I was too, but I was forcefully keeping my erection in check as night to scare Bruce off. He lifted his head and pulled back a fraction, looking at me intently.

Here was the moment. I could easily kiss him and risk something fresh and new, or I could just release him and let the moment pass. He kept staring and staring, but didn't release me, so I went for it. I still moved my head forwards at a slow pace, but my intention was clear. I felt his body tense up in the moment before our lips touched, and then his whole body relaxed as the kiss began. I could tell right away that he hadn't kissed a man before. He was a little tentative, and didn't seem to want to open his lips much. That gave me the opportunity to lead, and I did, kissing him as passionately as I wanted, waiting for him to catch up.

If I had any question about his enjoyment of the kiss, it was answered by the press of his erection against mine. He turned out to be a great kisser once he relaxed a bit more. We both pulled away at the same time to get breath, and be stood back, looking a bit dazed.

"First time kissing a man?" I asked quietly, with concern in my voice. I knew at that moment that this wasn't just a simple conquest on my end. Not that I was immediately looking for a relationship, but we had become real, fast friends, and I didn't want to push him too far to fast. He nodded, and then wandered away to the couch in the living room. I followed behind, carefully watching his face and body movements. As he sat, he carefully adjusted himself. So he was still hard; a good sign.

"Well, no actually, though it's been close to forty years since the last one. A friend of mine kissed me all of a sudden, in high school. It was a different time then, and I pushed him away after a minute. I... called him some unpleasant names, mostly out of habit and shock." There was genuine shame and embarrassment on Bruce's face, and he refused to look up at me. I sat down next to him, putting my arm around his shoulders. He flinched, but didn't pull away.

"You were a boy then, and you are right, it was a different time. If you've changed your view since then, it's a good thing. It was a wonderful kiss we just had." I kept my voice soft and understanding. I had been called a lot of names too, and I learned to just brush it off. Bruce wasn't acting like a man who was homophobic. He didn't even look conflicted about enjoying the kiss. "You don't have to avoid new experiences because of a mistake forty years ago." He finally looked at me, and gave a half smile.

"New experiences? I've only had one so far. Were you planning more?" There was a little twinkle in his eye.

"Well, I had a few things in mind, but I didn't want to push you. I don't even know what you would be interested in," I said. I released his shoulder and put my hand on his thigh. He put his hand over mine.

"I've been thinking about you since seeing you doing yard work. I've... jerked off thinking about the possibilities," he whispered. I was elated.

"Good news for me. I've thought about doing the same. And we don't need to rush. We have a whole weekend it seems. How about we start with..." I said and reached for his bulge, which prompted a low groan. I leaned in for another kiss, which surprised him, be he responded right away this time, even more when I managed to unbutton and unzip his shorts. Big surprise for me: no underwear. His cock immediately pushed against my fingers and I gripped it. I didn't bother to look at that moment, but it felt like a decent size to me. Not that it mattered. My own desires got the better of me and I pulled away, quickly lifting Bruce's shirt and taking it off.

His chest was completely devoid of hair. In fact, there was only a slight silver treasure trail very low down. Moving my hands over it was a joy. I knelt down in front of it, my hands working down his shorts while I kissed his chest, breathing in his scent. Largely clean with just a hint of sweat. I managed to get his shorts off and finally looked down at my prize. An above average shaft with a nicely rounded head, not to big. He was circumcised, and there was a generous amount of gray hair around the base, and over his balls, which hung down nicely. I heard him begin to say something in protest, but I shushed him.

"Just enjoy this for now, Bruce. Don't feel like you need to reciprocate. This is my prize for the day. We can talk about other things afterwards." I cupped his balls and squeezed. His body finally relaxed, and he simply watched me enjoy myself. I grasped the based firmly in my hand and wrapped my lips around the head. Though I considered myself bisexual, I loved cock. Something about holding, stroking, sucking, swallowing, smelling every single inch of that hard flesh got in my head.

Thought I was rock hard myself, I didn't bother trying to do anything about it. This whole evening was about Bruce, at least to me. I had no idea how long it would take him to cum, so I went slowly, licking around the slit, which was nicely leaking, and then putting my lips right behind the ridge and pulling. With a nice groan, his hips lifted as I pulled back, then I release him with a pop. I always did like to tease a little bit. Seeing a rather needy look on Bruce's face, I went back down, and start to slide my lips up and down the shaft. My hand moved up and down at the same time, so every part of that exquisite cock was pleasure. Slowly, his balls began to tighten and the shaft started to pulse, so I knew his orgasm was approaching.

Bruce's hand suddenly went to my head, trying to push me back, and he uttered some barely audible protest about my mouth, not wanting to choke me, but I pushed his hand away and continued, until I felt his cream coating my tongue. He wasn't firing bullets, thankfully, but even with a more gentle leaking it was still a decent amount of cum, which I gladly swallowed. No one can convince me that cum isn't delicious. As he softened, I held him in my mouth, until he slipped out and I leaned back, wiping a dribble of cum from my lips. Bruce's eyes were closed and he was breathing as though he were sleeping. Ah, the relaxation after a good orgasm. Nothing like it.

I got off my knees and sat down beside him, and he leaned his head on my shoulder.

"Damn," he breathed.

"I agree," I responded with a chuckle. My cock was still hard and eager for action, but I wasn't about to push Bruce. This was the moment of truth, and I wasn't going to lead Bruce on. Many guys who little experience might freak out, or at least just pull away, now that they excitement is done. His curiosity over forty might finally be sated and he wouldn't want any more. Bruce surprised me again by kissing me. Knowing that the musky taste of cum was still on my lips and in my mouth, I kissed him hard, daring him to share it. He responded by kissing me back just as passionately. He was not having regrets.

When the kiss was broken, he lifted his head and stared at my aroused cock.

"So, um, what would you like me to do?" There was a hesitance and shyness in his tone that was incredibly endearing.

"Whatever you feel comfortable doing, Bruce. I'd gladly take just your hand, if that's what you feel up to doing." I rubbed his shoulder lightly while he thought about it.

"I'm not sure exactly. I've never done any of it before. I was just hoping you weren't expecting to us put that thing in me," he said with he voice tailing off in embarrassment. I laughed.

"Oh no, nothing like that. I tend not to fuck the first time around, unless I know a guy is into it. Besides, I gather from our dynamic that we would do that the other way around." He looked at me in surprise.

"Really? You do it that way?"

"Consider me flexible. I've always like to try everything, and to be honest, I prefer to be the bottom with most men. But I didn't know anything about your recovery time, so I figured tonight would just be light. No sex." I said it matter-of-factly, and he seemed a little taken aback by my honesty, and seemed slightly disappointed. "Unless you really want to. I won't say no."

"Well, I can't say I have the stamina of my teenaged days, but give me an hour, and I'll be good to go, I think. It helps when I feel comfortable and excited," he said with a smile. I beamed back at him.

"I guess I'm doing my job right," I joked, and Bruce nodded. I looked around, then got a wild idea. "Let's check upstairs in the master bedroom. If we are going to play more, we'll need some lube at least."

"You're joking. We can't invade their privacy!" I knew it was his daughter, but if he really wanted more, he'd give in. Completely naked, I wandered towards where I thought the stairs were, and headed up. After a moment, he followed. Taking a break from the action eased my excitement a little, at least physically, but I knew I would get it back soon enough. Bruce didn't utter any more objections as I went down the hall. The house was a good size, with a few extra bedrooms, and the master itself was quite big. Jack and Jenna had cleaned properly before leaving for the weekend, but there are only so many places for toys and lube. I checked under the bed while Bruce checked the walk in closet.

"So many shoes, good God," Bruce's voice came from the closet. I chuckled. I moved into the large bathroom and raided the drawers there.

"Aha!" I exclaimed, pulling out a variety of lubes, vibrators, and to my shock, a strapon harness.

"Um, Bruce? I think your son-in-law might have a particular kink." I lifted the harness and showed it to him, and his jaw dropped. I had to stifle more laughter.

"I guess each guy is different," he muttered.

"It's true. I've been on the receiving end of one of these. More than once," I said as I put the harness down and pulled out a bottle of Astroglide and a few condoms. "These should do." Bruce was giving me an odd look, but then some realization came over him. Yes, I had been pegged a few times, but I had also taken a few real dick, and Bruce was next in line.

"Their bed or yours?" I asked. He hesitated, then turned to lead be back down the hall. Using his daughter's lube seemed to be the limit for him. I would have love to try their bed, but, in the end, it was Bruce's house. His bedroom was the first at the top of the stairs. Small, but nice, with a queen sized bed. I entered, but he went back out to the hall and into the bathroom. I heard the splash of piss and ran down stairs to relive myself. Too much beer, I thought. I gave my cock a quick tug before washing up and coming back upstairs. He came in after me and closed the door.

"Afraid of being caught?"

"Something like that," he said turning a bit red. "Remember, I'm still fresh off a divorce. It's tough to change mindset that quickly." I nodded and crawled up on the bed, putting the lube on the night stand. I decided to lay down with my hands behind my head and see what Bruce would do. He moved up to my right side, kneeling on the bed, and grasped by cock, squeezing with a firm hand. He immediately looked at me for a reaction and I nodded my approval. He stroked me slowly for a few moments, apparently getting used to the feeling of another man's cock before he let go.

"Something the matter?" I asked with concern.

"Um, not, not really. It's just... we're going to have sex right? Don't you want me to wait and not get you off? I mean until we actually have sex." He confusion about this new kind of intimacy was endearing.

"You're thinking too much about women. Well, thinking about anyone else. I don't mind it. I don't need to have a hard cock to enjoy sex, especially if I'm receiving. You can just do what you like, Bruce." I gently grabbed his wrist and pulled his hand back to my cock. "But, if you want to prepare me a little, lube up your finger and slide it inside. It will make it easier later. For both of us."

He nodded and I handed him the Astroglide. He squirted some on two fingers, and while slowly jerking me, he moved his fingers to my asshole. He rubbed for a good long time, and I didn't mind at all. He finally did push his finger in slowly, as I relaxed for him. I felt my cock start to soften, as it always did, but then sensations were incredible. Bruce was invoking the gentleness of a first timer, slowly thrusting his finger, then fingers, and matching those movements as he stroked my cock. I watched for a few minutes, then I looked over Bruce, and noticed how intently he was looking at me, and that he was also quite hard again. When I could barely stand it any longer, I pulled Bruce's hand away.

"Put the condom on and lube up your cock, Bruce, then wash your hands quick. I'm ready now." The hand washing was a little quirk of mine. I had a few fingers and cock in my ass before, but when it came to sex, I didn't want a bunch of lube on the rest of my body. After struggling with the condom and lubing his cock rather clumsily, Bruce dashed to the bathroom, his cock bouncing the whole way. Nothing like a little sex to invigorate a middle-aged man, I thought to myself.

I stroked myself slowly, waiting. When Bruce returned, he had a nervous look, but without a word, I pulled my legs back, spreading them at the same time.

"Don't hesitate, Bruce. I'm ready, and I can see you are too. Just remember, go slow and gentle to start, and it's just sex."

"I know. I'm just a little nervous."

"Come here." I pulled him down over me, and kissed him, trying to remind him without words that I had already enjoyed myself a lot and that there was no pressure on him. I wondered at that moment if the years without sex, and years before with an uninterested wife had taken their toll. I felt him relax into the kiss, and then he get comfortable between my legs, pointing his thankfully still-hard cock right at my hole. I forced myself not to tense, keeping very relaxed, and his cockhead pressed at me, before he pushed slowly inside. I groaned, feeling the telltale burn for a moment or too, then I got used to it and the burning passed.

"More." I hissed, and he obliged, pushing more of his cock inside. He paused, pulled back, then went further, as though he was testing the depths. His wasn't the biggest cock I'd had, in width or length, but he was good enough and knew how to use it. I held behind my knees, focusing my attention how his cock felt, how his shaft throbbed, how his hands gripped my legs.

"Feels so good..." he grumbled, then moved his hands from my thighs to my ankles, holding my legs up. I leg go and move one hand to my softened cock. In a moment I was hard, something that didn't always happen during sex with a guy. I knew then I was really into Bruce and how he handled himself in bed. This wasn't the raw fucking I had known from other lovers. It was as if he was making love. I stroked myself as he thrust, both of our moans growing in intensity. I knew he's have a bit more stamina the second time around, but I had no such luck. One one particularly nice thrust, he hit that perfect spot, and it was enough to send me over, forcing the roped of cum out onto my belly and chest.

Bruce paused to watch, a look of awe on his face as I came for him.

"Don't... stop..." I moaned at him, and he shook his head and started to thrust again. He added more force this time, and I was sure he was getting close. Instead of pushing on to the end, Bruce slowed down, taking very deep breaths. He wanted to stretch this out. I thought then I had hit the jackpot.

"Can we try a different position?" he asked with a new confidence in his voice.

"Sure thing. Let's do this. Get up behind me." I turned to my side and pulled my knees up a bit, and lifted one leg. I felt him flop right down on the bed beside me and immediate push his cock at my hole again. He slide in easily and start to thrust. I lowered my leg and he arm shot around me, holding me close. I loved this position, with my back against his chest, held by him. The angle was different, and better, and I relaxed into his fucking, just breathing and periodically clenching my muscles as he pushed in. This was hands down the best sex I had had in years. I hoped that it would last the entire weekend.

Bruce's hand went to my chest, feeling around for my nipple and he tugged rather roughly. I was about to suggest he ease off but soon the reason for his vigor was clear. A growl behind my ear let me know a half second before his orgasm started. The growl turned into a roar as I felt the spasms in his cock. The sound of Bruce's, the way he held me was almost enough to get me going again. I reached behind me and held onto his hip as he came down, softening slowly until he slid out. As he relaxed back on the bed, I turn over, peeled the condom from him.

"I need a shower after that. I know you probably want to relax, but I insist." I walked a little gingerly towards the bathroom and Bruce quickly followed. I tossed the condom in the trash as he turned on the shower. He was still breathing heavily, and I leaned into him, my legs a little unsteady.

"It's been awhile for me. I think I might be a little sore tomorrow," I sighed.

"I wasn't too rough was I?" Bruce asked in concern.

"Oh, no. It was amazing. And I don't use that word a lot. But it would still hurt regardless of how slow and easy you went." I kiss his cheek, feeling the bristle if 5 o'clock shadow.

The shower was slow and wonderful. Bruce took great care to wash the cum from my chest and belly, and the lube from my ass. We hugged, we kissed, and made unspoken promises of spending the rest of the weekend together.

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