Like father, like son, like both

By Denver Guy

Published on Apr 28, 2009



Like father, like son, like it all

I rang the doorbell and stood silently at the door. I could see my breath if I puffed a little extra out when I breathed, and did so repeated as I rocked back and forth, with one hand shoved firmly in my pocket, occasionally switching to hold the bottle of wine, so each hand had a chance to warm up. I will admit I was nervous. My professor had invited me to a TA's dinner to thank all his assistants from the fall semester and my date (aka beard) had cancelled on me at the last minute (the disadvantage of asking a married woman to join you at a company dinner? Having her husband get sick the same night you are supposed to go). So I stood and puffed, having one slight smile cross my face as I remembered holding an invisible cigarette to my lips as a kid and puffing like I thought it was so cool and funny. I quickly snapped back to the reality that in about two seconds I would be inside, the only undergrad in the room, as well as being all alone in couples' land. I clutched the bottle of wine I had brought, and wondered what was taking so long. Coming alone I could handle, I thought, and being the "baby" of the group (as one of the other TA's had once called me) I would grit my teeth and smile through, but coming in shivering and blue-lipped might be too much for me. I reached once more for the doorbell, but thought twice, not wanting to seem rude to a guy who was probably my only option for getting into a good grad school, hopefully the one I already attended. So I stood and puffed.

The door finally opened with a rush of warm air, and a burst of orange-yellow light, coming from the brilliant fire place in the huge living room right off of the foyer. I almost said hello to my professor automatically, when I realized the man standing in front of me, telling me to come in was not him. I looked him up and down, and although I knew I hadn't seen him before, I couldn't quite get the feeling I knew him out of my head. I took so long staring at him, trying to place where I knew his face, I forgot I was making him stand with the door open.

"You coming in man?" he stood about my height, possibly an inch shorter or taller. I couldn't quite tell since he was a step above me in the door.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I stepped inside and the teasing warmth immediately hit me and flushed my freezing cheeks. It was then I realized my ears and nose had almost no feeling in them.

"Can I take you coat?" I slid my jacket off my shoulders and turned around to set the wine on the table next to me, surprised when he helped me get it off and threw it over one arm, thrusting his other out for a handshake. "There we go. I'm Thomas, you must be Rob."

"Yeah, nice to meet you Rob." Whoever you are.

"I'm Professor Winston's son" I almost didn't register this as my brain was now paying more attention to the details about him. He was close to my height, but slighter in build, though not by much. He definitely had a wide enough chest and no stick legs, but his waist was not that big and his lower arms and claves were probably smaller. He has cute hair, brown, slightly shaggy and floppy, parted poorly at the side, like mine but a deeper brown, and not as curly. And his eyes were blue to my hazel. Uh-oh, how long had I been staring?

"Sorry, it's just...I have the feeling I have met you."

"You probably just saw my pictures in my dad's office. He is a big sap and keeps all my graduation pictures where ever he might happen to sit for five minutes. I have never seen such a display of sobbing from such a big man." We both laughed, and I could see the smile that was in so many pictures in that office. Maybe that was where I knew him from, even though he looked different and a few years older in person. I would have placed him around 23 to my 21. "Well come on in. Everyone is having a pre-dinner cocktail. I need one bad if I have to share a meal with the couples." His annoyed emphasis at the last word made me release a little more of the breath I was holding since I'd arrived. At least I was not the only one with out a date.

I made my way into the living room, where the other TA's and their wives, husbands, girlfriends and boyfriends all sat one the long L-shaped upholstered brown couch, looking almost black in the low lights. I was surprised when Thomas continued to converse with me as he offered and made me a drink. I am an extreme light-weight when it comes to drinking (much prefer a bring rip lol) and so I ordered a gin and tonic, knowing that I disliked it, and would be able to sip all night and still not finish it.

"Ah come on man, you don't want a g&t, you want something that will warm you up. How bout a hot rum and cider? Chuck makes a batch at every one of these torture sessions." I accepted, half out of admiration for this guy's nice attitude and way of keeping me involved, half out of shock that he'd just called his father `Chuck.' Even his fellow colleagues called him Professor Winston or Charles.

He poured two and walked with me to the couch, sitting next to me, but with enough space so we would not die of the heat, since the fire was already baking all of us a little in our sport coats and ties. Thomas (who by now was insisting I call him Tom) seemed to have gotten off a little easier, with his blue v-neck sweater and khakis. God that sweater made his eyes look amazing, especially when he would crack up at one of the stupid and inappropriate things that poured out of me under my breath. After the first few kept him interested, my slightly acerbic wit kicked in with the really easy to imbibe cider, and I was softly sliding joke after joke in, half at my own expense, and half at the expense of some of the uptight assholes who made up the other TAs. I realized after I saw the bottom of my glass that I had yet to see the professor, and asked where he was.

"Probably cooking up a storm in the kitchen, he is waaay too controlling to let a caterer cook his dinners." This didn't surprise me, as he always brought his own lunches, and often made one for me, explaining that `dorm food is not made for human consumption, so until I was off campus or married, I was screwed.' He had a weird sense of humor his son seemed to share.

"Maybe I should go see if he needs any help"

"Sounds like a plan, it is just down through the door off of the dining room. I'm gonna hit the john and I'll meet you in there. God, Chuck would kill me if he heard me call it that." We laughed and separated.

I entered the kitchen and was surprised to see that a less formal dining table already contained what looked like a completed meal on many platters. I scanned the room and saw Professor Winston standing in front of the oven, about to pull out the huge turkey. Just as he went to set the hot metal pan down a corner slipped and the bird began to slide dangerously close to falling to the floor. Before the professor could get the pan out of harm's way, I had already appeared at his side and grabbed the scalding hot bird, quickly moving it to the cutting board.

`ROB! Good catch! If you didn't decide to go to grad school for writing, you might have a future in baseball. I hope you didn't burn your hands though, this bird is hot!" I looked up at him and was surprised to see his usual suit and tie had been replaced by a charcoal sweater the style of his son's with a pair of lighter grey slacks. His slightly graying hair and sharp blue eyes, darker than his son's, had more of a smile to them than usual, and he was a very smiley man.

"Teflon hands Professor. The advantage of putting myself through school for three years as a waiter."

"We aren't in school Rob, call me Charles, or if you want to get a dutch rub like my son, call me chuck." He laughed.

"A dutch rub?" I knew as soon as I said it that asking was a bad idea, as he quickly through one arm around my neck and rubbed his fist over my hair, what I knew as a noogie. While I regretted the fact that my already unruly brown way hair was now going to look like I'd stuck my finger in a socket, his mere touch excited me and caused a tightening in my own dark grey slacks. See, I had not only picked Professor Winston as the professor to impress by senior year due to his many published works, or interesting teaching style, but also because he was a hot guy. Over twenty years my senior? Yes, but still in great shape, with a very hot brown goatee and crazy amount of charisma. I broke free as soon as I could, and laughed, flattening my hair. "I knew better than to ask that I guess. You need any help?"

"Only carrying it out there now, if you start with the sides, I will plate the poultry. Tom was supposed to help, but my delinquent son has disappeared, most likely to hit on some poor, unsuspecting-"

"Talking bad about me behind my back, eh Chuck?" Tom walked in and grappled with his dad, both trying to "dutch rub" the other. It was so strange to see my hot, amazing professor cut loose and really enjoy himself and his family in front of me with no qualms. It made him that much hotter too. As they separated Tom, put an arm over my shoulder and moved me to the table to help him carry, and I felt a bolt of electricity similar to what had happened when Profes- Charles "rubbed" me. Tom was cute...and much closer to my age range...and very nice...and touchy feely.

As soon as we began to enter with food, all the fellow TA's grabbed a plate and helped, so that it ended up with each of us only carrying one thing. Total there were now 13 people trying to fit around his large, but still crowded dining table, and somehow, (lucky me) I got stuck at the opposite end from the professor, sitting next to Tom. Through all of the next 90 minutes he kept me smiling and I kept him laughing, as my crush slowly worked from the silver fox at the end, who had 5 other TA's vying for his attention, to his hunky son, who has my full attention. Once the main course was through, and everyone was stuffed, two of the couples had to leave before dessert and dessert wine (which Tom and Charles both thanked me for) so they could relieve babysitters. Now with only 9 of us, some chairs were removed, and two couples even moved to the couch to discuss baby plans and home buying issues, while the last couple (just off of their honeymoon) began to get lovey dovey. The two ciders and twi glasses of wine after dinner had me feeling no pain, and I had began full out flirting with Tom, who now had his hand on my leg, and was whispering half of everything he said. I was definitely smitten, and had his father, my boss, not been sitting 10 feet away, I would likely be offering to meet him in his bedroom in five for a hot drunken blow job or, even better, a quickie in the powder room.

"Rob!" I jumped, as Tom's hand had been sliding higher, and I was sure the reason for his father calling my name was to kick me out. "My brat of a son has been monopolizing you! Come talk to me!" I looked at Tom with a `I wanna stay, but what cah I do?' look, and he winked at me and flipped off his father before assuring me it was alright and this would give him a chance to freshen up anyway. As we both rose to separate, I noticed the bulge in his slacks was at least as hard as mine right now, and possibly much bigger. I sighed, and moved back to my professor.

"So Rob, you and my boy Tommy seem to be getting along pretty well." I wondered if he could see my erection through the dining table.

"He's really nice sir. You raised a great son." REALLY nice ?

"Thanks Rob, you know I think you are pretty great too. You have been so much help to me this year. You really are a talented writer, but more than that, you have an eye for detail and a sharp tongue, you'd make a great professor some day, between book tours of course." He laughed and my dick twitched. My idol was telling me I had a future in my dream field, and telling me he thought I'd be a good teacher, which, as any teacher knows, is the highest compliment they can give.

"Thank you sir, I mean, Charles" That laugh again. "It means a lot that you say that, I think you are an amazing man, and I only hope I can achieve a small amount of what you have accomplished." I realize how brown nosey this sounds, but I think the sincerity in my voice made him see that I meant every word. He clasped a hand on my neck and pulled me very close to him, as I jumped slightly at his touch. Another bolt shot from my brain all the way to my toes and back to my dick.

"Son, you will achieve anything you set your mind to I'm sure. You know why I picked you to be my assistant? I could tell you had drive. Something that reminds me of me when I was your age. I know you are here on scholarship, and have had full time jobs to pay the rest while you work, but you are on time every day with new and exciting incites on what we are working on. You'd make any parent proud. You know, when Tommy's mom died, he was only six, and I worried that traveling as an author and teaching that I wouldn't be able to give him the life he deserved, but I look at him now and I am so proud, and I think about how he has had every advantage I could give him, and you are just as honorable and kind, and you've fought for everything you've achieved. Maybe you can help him learn that drive and passion." Even as my penis got miraculously harder at the thought I was so moved by what he said...not to mention turned on. Our heads were literally inches apart, and his mesmerizing eyes kept calling out to me `just kiss him and let it all out.' I pulled back though and smiled as I struggled to regain control of myself.

"You're too kind sir." He leaned in again and I thought for a moment that we might actually get to kiss, when the newlyweds announced it was time for them to hit the road, since the snow had now turned to almost a blizzard, and the other couples decided it was a good idea as well. Happy holidays and merry Christmases were bandied about, and coats were put on as one, two, three couples disappeared in the snow, and I began to look for Tom to say goodbye. He appeared (quite serendipitously) as soon as the last couple was out the door.

"You're not leaving too, are you? I wanted you to hear that band I was telling you about." I at first was stumped, since we had not talked about any band in particular all night, until I waded out of the fog of alcohol and realized he meant something much more fun.

"Of course not, if you'll excuse me Charles, I think I will go sober up a little and listen to this band."

"Have fun boys" Charles called after us, as Tom already had me halfway up the stairs to his room. Once the door was closed, he turned to me, and came wickedly close to me, but stopped just short. It was not the immediate passion that I'd expected, this was much hotter, as his hands held my arms as my side and his chest pressed against mine.

"As much fun as a quicky might be right now, I think I want to play with you for awhile, so why don't you go down and say good night to my father, and let him know that I offered to let you stay in the quest room since the roads are getting worse and you are still too inebriated to drive." He began to kiss the nape of my neck as soon as he finished speaking, and I was barely able to squeak out an affirmative response, before he turned me to the door and slapped my ass as he pushed me out, saying "don't be too long, but I am in no hurry, and Chuck will want to share a glass of wine before you hit the sack, so just knock when you are back." One more smile and a hot French kiss and I was dazedly wandering down the stairs, readjusting my clothes and cock both before his dad saw me again. This was way too good.

Chuck was not in the dining area or living room when I appeared downstairs, so I went into the kitchen and saw him depositing the last of the dishes into the dish washer.

"Charles, you should have let me help you do the dishes!"

"No dishes to do son." I ached whenever he called me that for some reason. "The advantage of an industrial size dishwasher. I hope you are not thinking of driving at this point, you look as if you might fall over with one more drink in you, and the roads are in awful condition. Why don't you stay in the guest room tonight?" I laughed.

"Sounds good Charles, I was just about to say that Tom had offered the the same thing only a few minutes ago." We both laughed this time.

"He's a smart kid." The way he said that made me think he knew what Tom's oh-so-brilliant plan might be, but I pushed it aside as he continued. "Lets have one more glass of wine and finish this bottle before we go to bed, huh?" two glasses of wine later and somehow another bottle had been opened. I was now pleasantly drunk, but not sloppy by any means, and Charles was much looser of tongue, making fun of all the couples at dinner tonight.

"...and Bianca and Eric were acting like teenagers the whole time! I almost expected her to `drop her fork' and disappear under the table just long enough for him to pop one!" I was laughing so hard I could barely stand and almost fell to the floor, as Charles suggested we move to the couch. God it was sexy watching his tight ass in front of me as we sauntered to the living room. I could see where his son got his good genes...and good jean fillers ;)

"You Rob, I was not entirely honest when I told you why I picked you to be my first undergrad TA, want to know the other reason. I nodded yes as I drank from my once again refilled glass. "I read a story you wrote about a young boy's sexual awakening with his best friend's father, powerful stuff." I froze. I had written that story for a local indie paper and it had been published anonymously, so how could he know it was my story. At least he didn't know it was me who was the boy.

"Why don't you tell em about what it was like having your first sexual experience with a man who was older than you by so much? Especially one who obviously loved you, at least if the story really is true." Oh god, he knew it was about me, and here he is asking about how I lost my virginity to an older man. I was hard and leaking, and we were so close on the couch, and with all the liquor, it all came out like the flood gates were undone.

"My friend George and I had sleepovers when I was around 13 and 14 and we'd experimented to a certain extent. You know, uh..." I couldn't get THOSE words out though.

"Sucking...Jerking?" He was close enough to whisper it now, and one hands was running up and down one of my arms, as the fire got dimmer.

"Yeah mostly...sucking, night his father caught me getting his son to uh, suck me, and uh, I saw him-" "What did he look like?" "he was very tall sir, about 6'4". Lean, but muscly, with a slight beard and a slightly longer blondish hair. He had a bit of a hippie look...but uh, as he uh, watch he... he just shushed me as his son finished blowing me and swallowing my...uh..."

"Cum?" Oh god I am gonna cream my pants if he says that again.

"Yes, that, and um, he waited till we went to sleep and then woke me quietly and had me come to the basement with him. They had a really nice finished basement with an open quest bed area and sitting room. He sat in one of the chairs and ad me, um, strip...for him. By then I was so hard-

"Like you are now?" All of a sudden I realized the professor had set down his wine and taken mine away and was feeling my hard dick while the other hand massaged my neck.

"Oh fuck yes...sorry sir, I mean Charles, yes, he also undressed and had me explore his body, showing me what, as he called it, `a real man can do.' He showed me that night how to deep throat, and eat, eat an ass, and even finger myself, with more than one finger even and...uh...he had me swallow his cum and he swallowed mine. He even let me put his dick in him and fuck him for about 30 seconds." The professor had both our pants open and had moved my hand into his pants as he unbuttoned and removed first my coat, then tie and finally shirt, leaving me in a wifebeater, open slacks, briefs and socks (my shoes never made it to the couch in the first place). His hands were all over me now, pulling me close to him but not letting me kiss him or stop my story unless he had questions.

"He let you fuck him, did he ever..." I knew he wanted me to continue my memory and his thought now, so he could claim it was my idea probably.

"Fuck me? Yes sir, one night a month or two later. He had me practice with vegetables and hairbrush handles, anything that would stretch me out before he finally held my legs back and penetrated me on their guest bed." He was all over me now, and I could barely talk as one hand slide down my back and a single finger entered my taut, slightly sweaty asshole (from the heat of the fire, and the heat of the unexpected sex). I was gasping for air as I peeled off his sweater and manhandled his pecs and privates, sheathing and unsheathing his wide uncut meat and watching his loose gigantic balls hypnotizing me with every sway. Some how he got us standing and undressed me as I undress him, all the while keeping at least one hand on or in my ass, and causing me to moan and thrust against him as we finally returned to our natural beauty.

"Did you like having that strong man show you what a man can do Robby, my son?" It was that moment I realized he had known all along that calling me son made me rock hard for him.

"Oh yes sir, I mean Charl-"

" Sir is just fine son" He had three fingers in my mouth suddenly, and I instinctively knew to cover them in saliva. God I was getting a lot of hot guys who wanted to fuck me for not having one for at least two years before this. "Do you want to have me remind you now what a strong man can do?"

"Oh yes, please sir." He spun me around so fast I gasped aloud, as the hand previously three knuckles deep in my mouth now pried open my ass cheeks and was stretching me so much wider than it had been in years. The other hand had me under the chin, pulled back so my full rear side was in contact with his strong, hairy chest and crotch. His stubble scratched my hair line as he kissed my neck and ear and whispered, "be careful what you wish for son."

Suddenly I was thrust forward at the waist, bent in half over the arm of the couch, and I could feel the bulbous head of his cock slowly force its way into my ass. Luckily being mostly drunk made me so relaxed, that as he continued his assault, slowly but surely, he never had to stop until he was balls deep inside me. I was dripping so much precum on his couch cushions it was obscene. I had never dreamed this would happen. My most erotic dream usually consisted of him kissing me during lunch, or me somehow getting to see him jerk off in a faculty bathroom somewhere. Instead, he was balls deep in me, moving in and out in slow thrusts, going from an inch at a time to long dicking me. After a about five minutes I was insane with lust, and his dick rubbing my prostate was making me leak to the point where I figured the couch would absolutely need ot be thrown out when I moaned out "Fuck me sir, show me that you really are a strong, real man, and all that you can do."

"Damn that's hot." That was the last thing I understood, as I became his playtoy. Now I am no twink. I am 6'1, close to 200 pounds, flat stomach, if not ripped, but I still have large arms and legs, due to genetics, and yet some how this 6'3", 185 pound man was able to throw me around like a doll. He had me on my back, doggy style, standing, up against the mantle, on the floor, with both legs behind my head. I probably pulled 8-10 muscle groups, but I was so into his pounding that all I felt was his dick in my ass, and my fingers clawing his hips to fill me more and more. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to millennia. Finally, back in doggy style, I was unable to hold it in any longer.

Uh...uh...uh...sir...I...oh...I'm...uh...gonna...uh...fuckin...oh god...I'm...gonna...cuuum." I shot every where, each spurt coinciding with a thrust from his big dick, until about 5 shots in he decided to join me.

"Yeah take my load son, take it, TAKE IT!" It felt like a fire house going off in my ass, as shot after shot forced its way deep inside. 20-25 humps later, he dropped on top of my back, both of us covered in sweat and my front in a huge puddle of cum, as well as the puddle slowly flowing out of me around his still bloated dick.

"So did I prove what a man can do Robby boy?"

"Oh yes sir, Charles, god yes. That was...fucking incredible." We both laughed at my use of profanity now that we were no longer headstrong in lust. He kissed my neck and bit lightly nears my ears and chin, until a few minutes later, he peeled himself off and grabbed my hand to help me up onto my shaking legs.

"Well, I would offer to show you again and keep proving it all night, but you need to shower and get some strength back before you go fuck my son." Oh my god, in all the chaos of his taking me, I forgot there was another extremely hot stud waiting upstairs to do the same thing...who needs sleep anyway? We ascended the stairs, one of his fingers plugging my asshole to keep the cum from running out, and he handed me a towel from the closet at the top before pushing me toward Tom's bedroom door. I opened it to see Tom, asleep in his bed, naked and hard as a rock. I turned to say good night to Charles, in the hope for one last kiss, but he had already disappeared into his room and I could hear the hot water being turned on in his bath. I was tempted to wake up his son with a slow blow job, or go for the less appropriate option and just sit on his dick using his dad's cum load as lube, but I didn't know if he was even in the mood to play now, so instead I snuck past his bed, into the attached bath, and began to run the hot water. As I bent over to test it, I felt a dribble of cum escape, and almost jumped out of my skin as I felt a finger, not as thick as Charles', wipe it up and shove it back in.

"Well, I see dad won the bet to see who could fuck you first, but I bet he still hasn't won the competition to see who you'd fuck first, and I still love to pound a well prepared ass." One hand was reaching around me as the other kept fingering me, eliciting sighs and moans from me. I turned and realized that up close, it looked like Tom might have his dad beat in the dick department, and the time was only 1 was going to be a loooooong night...but that's the next chapter ?

Like it? Want to hear how Tom and I spent the next six hours? Want to hear about how George's dad broke me in? Or taught me to take his son's dick? Stay tuned...

look for my other story under adult friends: one sunny afternoon

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