Like that

Published on May 20, 1998



It was like a volcanoe building up inside me urging me to say what I knew I needed to say. But self control is the differentiation between humans and animals, so my parent taught me long ago. So I smothered my instincts and hid under the covers at night jacking off till it hurt. The spring came and he, like us all, got more energetic. With his constant desire to keep running, jumping, throwing footballs down the hallway, yelling, climbing onto the roof of the dorm and other pranks, it was hard not to join in. So I did....ending up falling to the ground after our rooftop football game. The broken arms made me the center of attention to say the least. I even needed help taking a piss. He was there for me. Dressing, undressing, showers, pissing and yes, even taking a crap. I felt like Mom suggested I come home and she'd take care of me, but he butted in saying I was exaggerating and I could do stuff by myself. He lied of course. I went to lectures, dictated my notes for papers and used a contraption one of our friends made so I could turn the pages of my textbooks as I read them. The classes we shared, he read outloud to me..and we discussed the subjects..actually we both learned quicker and more that way. I think it surprised us as well as the effect it had on our responses to our Professors. And you probably guessed what else he did for me. "Sit still and close your eyes, think of your girl back home" he said one night. I had no girl, but I told him there was one. So as I closed my eyes I imagined him, naked in front of me doing what he was doing. Putting aloe on his hands and massaging my cock until it exploded. Of course he wasn't naked. That part I had to imagine. But it was easy, since roommates are naked around each other all the time. By the time my folks arrived at the end of the term, my arms were healed enough for me to help pack my stuff. He and I hugged and I whispered another "thanks" in his ear promising him a blowjob. He laughed and pushed me away. We made plans for his visit that summer. So there we were, tired and sun burned, sweaty from our impromptu frisbee game on the lawn sitting in my room. His button shirt was open revealing his smooth chest and his white boxers fly open enough for his dick to be recognized. I had missed him for the first month and by the time he arrived I wanted to throw my stuff in his car and take off. But he was staying for a whole month and we had all that time to explore, travel, talk, swim, go on dates, whatever we could to have fun. He would then leave and we'd reunite back in the dorm. The month had sped by and he would be leaving in just a few days. I stammered my appreciation for him helping me. But he just told me it was ok. I was determined to make him know it meant something to me..not the j/o but the unselfless acts he had performed when both arms were in a cast. He said ok ok..and I said I had to do something to make me feel good. He relented and told me ok what is it. The air was still, the late afternoon heat had even stilled the birds, my parents were gone and there was only us. I knelt in front of him and he laughed thinking I was kidding. But he grew silent when I reached into his fly and held his cock so my lips could fulfill my promise. His hands didn't push me away..they rested on my bare shoulders as I made love ot his cock..and swallowed every drop of his nector. "Wow you weren't kidding" he whispered to me as he recovered. I didnt' know if he would be angry or get in his car and leave early or what he'd do or say. He said only one thing, "How long have you wanted to do that?" I was honest "a long time". He nodded his head and put his soft dick back in his fly saying "Thanks" and nothing else changed. I was nervous when I drove my old VW back onto campus. He would have been there a week before me...and might have made arrangements for a new roommate I knew. If that happened, I would deal with it...somehow. I lugged my bags up the stairs and found the room empty. My worse fears were a reality..I could only hope he hadn't said anything to anyone as I didn't want to be known as the school least not yet. I cried a little as I began to unpack. Then his voice stopped me with a loud "What the fuck are you doing?" There he was in his white boxers, barefoot and shirtless...the image I had kept in my head since my giving him the summer blowjob I promised. "We got a better room upstairs, come on!" He grabbed the bags and helped me to up one flight to the floor reserved for upperclassmen. He had made a deal he said. We piled into a room that was twice as big as ours and even had a balcony. "Shit we can play frisbee out here" he said and started to laugh when I asked how far a fall was it. We would continue to be roommates...buddies....brothers. And the school year ahead would be even better then before. I tried not to treat things casual..but the fact that there was only one bed in the room told me we'd be more then close friends. True it was a double..but it would be a bed we would share. And we would share more then that in the years ahead, I knew.

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