Lingerie Lust

By moc.loa@2VTevoL

Published on Feb 15, 2003


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Chapter 7

Libidina draped herself on Mike's body, and was once more the coy coquette. "Wanna fuck?" She asked, an impish smile on her face. Mike answered, "Hell yeah!" and they began their night of lingerie lust. Mike had the extra weight of the boygirl on his body, caressing his already aroused male member, heightening his sluttish passion even more. Libidina's pheremones drove him wild, as he smelled the scent of his transvestite lover, while his dick rubbed against her negligee. Libidina's hair was a curtain that allowed him to see only his boygirl lover's face, and s/he his. Passion mounted, the two lingerie lovers rolled on the bed, and soon Libidina was moaning, and cooing like a cheap whore in a fuck flick. And Mike felt so masculine next to her, he wanted her more than any person with a cock he had ever wanted in his life. Mike strove to unlock the codpiece, while Libidina was tossing her head on the red satin sheets, murmuring "fuck, yes, more , oh yesss!" Finally, her dick was free. Fully erect, it was 8" of pulsing cockclit, dripping honey for her man. Seeing it in the light of the bedlamp, Mike gasped. `God, it was as beautiful as s/he was,' Mike thought. Perfect in every detail: the blond pubic hairs framing a luscious male appendage, which smelled of Libidina so strongly, that Mike, drawn like a moth to a flame, bent closer to inhale the pungent aroma. This scent of a woman with a dick like a man, excited and thrilled Mike as no other sexual encounter in his life. Mike opened his mouth and started to eat his lover out. Cock had never tasted so good, so right, so fulfilling to his lust, as her dick did tonight. Libidina's moans grew, as s/he writhed, and craved this attention. Soon s/he craved her lover's cock in her mouth in return. Scooting his sexy body over to her, Mike's lingerie-clad stud ass and slutcock were within inches of the trannie's lipsticked lips, and s/he wasted no time in sucking him deep into her hot, moist cavern. S/he also took over where Mike had left off earlier, and, positioning a finger near his rosebud, s/he let a longnailed finger begin to explore her lover's pussy. Slipping in easily, Libidina soon was lusting after the hot manass that rose to her thrusts, wanting more than just a dainty femme finger. Mike, on the other end of this asstwiddling, loved the feeling, and he sucked her dick with greater abandon. The slut in him was taking over, and he wanted never to do anything but this, over and over again; sucking, fucking, kissing, rimming, eating, being eaten- whatever s/he demanded of him, he would do it, in every possible combination. Soon the feeling in his ass took over in his mind from the sucking, and he wanted a dick to replace his lover's finger. As Mike's submissive cock hunger took over completely, his voice rose in moans of girlish lust, his body betraying his gender. His ass, like a woman's pussy, was just begging to be fucked. Libidina sensed it, and reached over for a dildo she kept in her drawer for just such events. While still sucking him, Libidina took the lifelike replica of her cockclit, and slid it in his pussy hole with no trouble at all, since he had opened his anal love tunnel so well minutes earlier. Without a word, s/he began to work it in and out of his pussyass. Mike, feeling Libidina's change in her sucking, a more aggressive, more purposeful feeling, and the increased size and width of the digit working its way into his greased asshole, began to go with the flow of things. And what a flow!

As Mike lay onto his back in the king-sized bed, Libidina freed her small man tits from their lingerie cage and bent over his face, with a luscious leer, and said, "Looks like loverboy wants to be fucked. I'd like that a lot, would you? Would Michelle' like to suck my tits while I play with his asspussy?" "Mike was about to answer in the affirmative, but a mouthful of mantit was already at his lips, and he gave in to the sexual kink he was enjoying with every muscle and nerve in his body screaming, "yesss!" Libidina's nipples were chewy, juicy and the right thing to suck on, while your ass was being manipulated prior to a fucking,' Mike thought, as his whorish lust took over. God, yesss! The woman in him, the inner whore, was taking over and s/he wanted this ass plowing. Mike' was becoming `Michelle,' the boytoy lover of a hot trannie. He wanted this, he needed this whorish sensation, and he began to like, no, love the feel of the lingerie covering his body! Involuntarily moving, his body began to writhe in its lingerie passion, as Libidina pushed the full length of her cockclit replica into his ass. "So good, mmm, sooo fucking good, baby", Mike moaned, as Libidina leaned back, her raised nipple still covered with spit from Mike's nursing of her transvestite tit.

S/he sat back away from him, to grease her own throbbing member. She was so horny, it was all Libidina could do to position herself above her lover, stroking her member as it dripped mancum juice, while Mike, like all the others, had become a slut, a whore, a mangirl before Libidina's very eyes. And Libidina loved it more than anything in her life. She spurred his transformation on by her sexual seduction with words; "Oh my love, yesss!' Give in to it, and be a slut for Libidina.' Take my cockclit up your ass, and be my pussyboy tonight.' `Tell Mistress what you want, tell her!' " Libidina sensed that such talk was what Mike wanted, and she was right.

Screaming with passion and unbridled need, Mike, his voice softer, higher, more feminine, more girlish, less and less a man, as he gave in to his inner lusts, moaned, as Michelle took over in him completely; "God, fuck me baby. Make me your transvestite whore boy!" Oh yes, fuck fuck fuck!' Do me now, deep and hard!' That was all Libidina needed. She moved her lingerie aside, pulled the dildo from her boy's ass, and, as Mike gasped at the hole that ached for a filling, s/he plowed into him, and immediately began to thrust her love tool into her boy.

"Mmm, ahhh, mmm, ahhh, yesssssss, ooooh, god yesss!" Mike was delirious, his ass never having been fucked so well, or his mind flooded with sensation, and passion. Never had he felt so complete as he did now. His lingerie continuing to caress his submissive side, Mike the man was no more. Mike was a wanton whore, needing, begging, rising to the thrusts of the shemale fucking her. This female man before him, whose tits gently swayed as she maintained a nice tight fit between her cock and his hole, was all Mike wanted, needed, craved.

Libidina loved sex, and s/he too knew how good it felt to be fucked- indeed, later that night, s/he would be where Mike was now, if s/he had anything to say about it. But for now, Libidina's femme hips and succulent ass were the muscles driving her tool into her lover's pussy, and he was enjoying it. Oh yes, he was enjoying it very much indeed! Libidina loved the feeling of power over men s/he had, especially here, where her kinkiness and their femme need meshed as one being, a total complementarity of sluttishness. God, his ass was tight, and sooo good!

Michelle was grabbing the sheets at the side of the bed, `her' head rocking back and forth as the whore in him took over, as the cockclit of his trannie lover plunged deep into his pussy ass, and all he could think was, why had he waited for this so long? One word repeated itself in his mind, and on his lips: "More!" All Mike wanted was this. Cock in his ass, his mind a delirious mix of male and female, Mike was Michelle, a slut. His ass grabbed the shemale cock plowing into him, causing a deeper penetration, more cock up his pussy, and the clinging, soft sensuality of the lingerie was something that he would never be without again. Mike, no, Michelle, wanted to be like Libidina, a man and a woman at the same time. He, no, s/he, Michelle the whore, wished to become the slut s/he was, indulging hourly her every sexual and sensual need, with a Mistress to teach, caress, and bring to the fore the woman he was becoming. His body shook with the passion Libidina had unleashed within him, and his cock, erect and dripping all over his nice sexxy lingerie, was gently lost in the folds of the fabric on Libidina's body, a palpable extension of her womanhood meeting his male need.

We must bring Michelle to a climax, darling.' Libidina's words penetrated into the deepest recesses of Mike's consciousness, which was hard to do, since every fiber of his being was awash in hormones, lust, and bitchy need. Michelle felt a soft but firm hand grip her male member. "Michelle, I am going to make you cum now." The pain of his transvestite birthing became intense, as the combined thrusting in his asspussy, mixed with the stimulation Libidina was now giving to his cockclit, made Mike long for it never to end, yet screaming to have this stimulation be done with, and over, if only to start it again! "Oh, mistress, make me a woman!' Mistress, cum in my asspussy, and let's live like this forever!' Mike was now a slut, completely dominated by his own sexual need, his hunger, and the awakening of his feminine side. Mike' was no more. `Michelle' had become Libidina's boytoy.

Michelle, babbling in his whorish need as the slut s/he was, had become Libidina's slave. He was a goner. Libidina had suceeded in making him want nothing but her sex, and to feel as a woman feels. Libidina savagely thrust her cock in his ass, and began to the final push to make her own juice invade his love tunnel. S/he knew that her seed would be what would determine his future destiny, and s/he hoped his masculinity would win out in the end.

As s/he continued to pump, her mind drifted, as it could so often, to the men s/he had loved, since realizing her unique gift.' So often, these men would become her lovers. Lusting after Libidina's overt feminine sexuality, these men, many of them macho, would have sex with her, drink her unusual cum, loving her as a man loves a woman, fulfilling Libidina's desure to be wanted by a real man.' But soon, after drinking her cock juice, or filling their holes with her cum, she would watch as her own seed inevitably triggered a hormone change in her male lovers: first a slight imbalance, the awakening of a female side in her men would occur. It had been much the same with Libidina; as s/he had so quickly discovered upon reaching puberty, except with Libidina, the balance had equalized, and s/he was both woman and man, whore and stud. It all started, when Libidina began to grow small man breasts. It had happened at about the same time as s/he had begun to have erections, and ejaculations of sperm.

As any normal teenage male would do, Libidina began to jack off frequently, following on his first wet dream at the age of 13. But as he did so, enjoying the sticky fluid that rushed up his cock when he stroked his dick in the privacy of his bedroom, Libidina noticed that his nipples became more and more sensitive with each cum, until there was no denying that his pecs had finally became real breasts, which increased in size the more s/he indulged her own male need. Soon, the sensitivity of her `breasts' was tied to her erections, and the merest touch of her nipples would cause an erection. By the summer of his freshman year, Libidina had to have a medical excuse for not being in gym. When his uncle (his father's brother, who was gay and proud, out, and a hairy hung bastard) saw him naked on a visit to their family house one weekend in the fall of his junior year, Libidina learned that night that he was a sexual object of lust to men who wanted this mix of male and female. With the help of his uncle, and his 10" dick, Libidina also learned with joy the sexual sluttishness that comes from wearing feminine attire. Libidina soon became a master cocksucker under her uncle's tutelage, a total submissive in the assfucking department, and Libby's uncle found in Libidina, a willing and insatiable sexual partner, that fulfilled his deepest sexual need.

With a sizeable loan, Libidina's uncle, in exchange for sex sessions, sent Libidina to a special school, where he' became a s/he,' and eventually passed as a woman completely. After a two year affair with her uncle, Libidina was, to all intents and purposes, a woman. But s/he still had to shave, and the thought of losing her cock was not what Libidina wanted, even though her uncle said he would pay for it if s/he did! From the fund he had set up for her, Libidina decided her future, and went to fashion school. S/he had learned to design unisex clothes; her uncle, needing more sex than Libidina could give him while s/he was away at school, soon found a pre-op transexual to satisfy his lust, so they had parted company as friends. Libidina knew that s/he was a man, and that this `added equipment' was only a bonus.

So, as Libidina fucked her boy toy Mike, who was acting more and more like a Michelle,' Libidina reflected on the frustration of her sexual existence. No matter how butch the man, once they tasted her seed, or were fucked in the ass by her, Libidina wryly noted that these men, whom she longed to have as a lover, would often swiftly become sisters,' and not her boyfirends, let alone her macho lovers'. The men she had loved in the past, had all followed a predictable pattern: Moods would swing, the male interest in being top' would decrease, and then Libidna's lovers would slowly, but surely, become even more feminine than s/he, until they either would leave in fear and hatred, to slowly, over time, regain limited use of their masculinity. Or, more often, they would give in to the lust, which increased the more they indulged it, until they eventually lived full time as the women that they had now become. Enhancing their own female need by silicone breast injections, hormone pills, and sexual reassignment surgery, all of this was brought on by increased drinking of Libidnia's cockjuice, and dressing en femme all the time. Libidina could not make them women, but made them feel, act, and think like women, with a woman's sexual needs! One after one, all of the these men, these one-time lovers became physical women... sometimes, often within as little as six months. And then they left her, for Libidina wanted a man who would like her femininity, not their own!

Libidina had to think only of Chanteuse, the once-masculine leather man. It was his pictures that graced Libidina's closets, and it was he who had had sex with him on a lark, and how, within eight months, this macho man had become a total woman, with lovely breasts, and the sexual need of an uninhibited homosexual trannie nympho. Libidina didn't mind, really. She had loved the man Jock Chanter, who was now the whore Chanteuse. Jock had been everything Libidina had ever wanted: kinky, sexy, horny, not interested in a long-term relationship' (he already had a lover) and, oh yes, Jock was hung like a bull. But Jock did not stay that way. He had become Chanteuse, and the woman "Chanteuse" was a total bitch. The lover of Chanteuse often fucked with Libidina now. He was grateful to have had his oh-so hot leather boy' now be a raving queen, and thus of no interest to the many gay men who get turned off by such things. In fact, Dick Mann liked his lover more, as a perennially horny slut Dragqueen, than he had as a cuteass leather boi! It turned out ok for Libidina as well, because, as far as Libidina was concerned, if Jock had been insatiable, Dick Mann was a regular satyr! In gratitude for his lover's feminization, Dick and Libidina indulged in afternoon trysts on frequent occasions, just to keep Libidina's sexual need from driving her crazy. Dick had become a real friend, as well as a fantastic Top. Yet, while Libidina plowed Mike's ass, she realized that Dick, even though they had fucked on and off for over three years, had never shown any signs of the feminizing process,' which had so powerfully affected his lover Jock. So Libidina knew that certain men were immune to her transsexual seed. Libidina hoped Mike would be different too, but Mike, moaning underneath her increasingly hard ass fucking, was exhibiting all the signs of total transformation toward feminine lust, and, as Libidina began her last thrust, to fill his need with her seed, she noticed his whorish need, his total passivity, his high pitched moans, so like the other men who had been her lovers. They became, thanks to Libidina's seed, the high priced trannies living in Hollywood, so sex-crazed that the only thing to satisfy them were the multiple partners and easy money to be found from hetero johns, who drove up and down on the street, where the hookers plied their trade. Libidina knew that the moment of transformation was beginning, Pounding his ass pussy, and her hand a blur on his cock, Libidina said to Mike/Michelle, Join with me now, Darling, and be either Mike or Michelle!' Libidina thrust deeper into Mike's ass, and her cum erupted into his hole, searing its way into his soul. At the same time, Mike's cock spurted a load that was easily the largest of his life. Feelings of whorish abandon, total lust, and the sweetest warm, wet sensation ebbing from his ass he had ever known were Mike's universe at that moment. Mike cared for nothing but this, and loved his lover for what s/he was doing , and had done, to him. Wave after wave of pleasure filled Mike's mind. Libidina kept pumping into his ass, and Mike's cum just kept draining out of him, until he could come no more. Yet still Libidina was grunting, pumping, and oozing love juice in his asspussy, sounds of slurpy lust coming from his nether regions.

And then it happened. Suddenly, Mike felt a tingle begin in his ass, and spread across his whole body. Warmth like an enema spread out, to make his genitals glow, and then, surprisingly, his nipples began to send erotic signals to his mind, and a second wave of euphoria flooded through him. Gasping, Mike felt as though another orgasm was beginning! It built and built, yet Mike's cock was beginning to deflate, but the pleaure still flowed, centering itself in Mike's nipples, which he had involuntarily began to pull and caress through his lingerie, and in his ass. Libidina was above him, her pert boobs swaying as she finished her fuck, her eyes closed, a look of joy suffused on his/her lovely face. Mike came again, and again, even though no liquid escaped from his cock. He was cumming like a woman came!! - the shock of this he realized, however dimly, but the sensations were too strong to analyze, and in the end, he succumbed to his need for this lust, wishing it never to end. He finally stopped having these feminine cums,' and, sighing deeply, Michelle knew and felt loved, as a woman woman feels loved. S/he also felt fulfilled sexually as a man as well. Finally spent, Libidina rolled off and out of Mike's well fucked hole, and, as s/he lay there, Mike/Michelle came back to reality. His whole being was one. He loved Libidina for what s/he had given him, and he wanted to fuck her hot trannie ass so much! Trouble was, he was spent. Every drop of cum was gone from him, and his body felt as if he had run a marathon. Yet it felt strangely alive, encased in his lingerie prison. Touching his legs, his pecs, and his abdomen, Mike put his shriveled cock in its panty prison, and turned to Libidina who was eyeing him with a strange look on her face. They kissed gently and cuddled, all the while Mike's face aglow with the look of a well- fucked bitch. Thank you, Libidina, my love,' was all he said. And they fell asleep in each others' arms, until the need would arise again. And Mike would be surprised how soon that need would make itself known.

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