Liquid Dreams

By moc.tlob@ybab_snad

Published on Apr 24, 2001


Disclaimer: I do not know any members of O-Town or anyone affiliated with them, and I am not implying anything about their personal lives, their personalities, or their sexual preferences. This is only fiction!!!

Author's Note: I want to take this time to sincerely thank all of you that e-mailed me (you know who you are), and gave me the feedback that I needed to continue with this story.

I also want to point out the fact that I'm a girl, and I don't have any personal experience with gay relationships, or gay sex. So please bear with me, and PLEASE give me your feedback after you read this section, it would be VERY greatly appreciated. Thanks!!!

Liquid Dreams - Part 2

The next morning, Ashley woke up with a huge smile on his face as the events of the night before began to flood his memory. He remembered the long conversation that he and Dan had about their newfound relationship and how their feelings for each other began. Dan had told Ashley that he had been interested in him since the group was narrowed down to 25. He told Ashley that he was so heart-broken when his name wasn't called to be in the final 8, because he knew that he would probably never see Ashley again. Then he remembered that fateful day when Lou Pearlman called him at home and told him that the remaining four members of the group wanted him to take Ikaika's place, he was more excited about seeing Ashley again than he was about being in the group. Ashley told Dan how happy he was when Dan was actually picked to be in the group because he had been interested in him since the beginning. They spent most of the night talking and laughing about everything, but then grew tired and fell asleep in each others arms.

Ashley rolled over hoping to get a glimpse of Dan's angelic sleeping face in the early morning light, but was disappointed to find that Dan wasn't lying next to him. Oh God, please don't tell me that it was another dream, I won't know what to do with myself if it was! Just then Ashley noticed something. Wait a minute, he thought to himself, this isn't my room, this is Dan's room! Just as his thought was finished, he heard the most beautiful voice coming from the bathroom.

"I know when he's been on your mind, that distant look is in your eyes, I thought with time you'd realize, it's over, over," Dan sang from the bathroom.

He's in the shower! Thank God last night wasn't a dream, I would've died if it was. Ashley smiled, laid back down, and waited for Dan to come out of the shower.

Five minutes later, Dan emerged from the bathroom wearing a thin, white, terry-cloth towel that sat low on his hips and allowed Ashley to get a good view of his toned chest and washboard stomach. Dan's body was glistening in the sunlight that peeked through the windows, and Ashley had to tear his eyes away from Dan's body so he could look into his deep blue eyes. When Ashley's eyes met Dan's, he walked over to the bed and leaned in close to Ashley.

"Good morning sexy," he said right before placing a soft kiss on Ashley's lips. "Did I wake you?" He asked, before kissing him softly again.

"No, you didn't wake me, but I wish you would have, that way I could have joined you in that shower," Ashley replied suggestively.

"Damnit Ashley, why do you have get me so worked up this early in the morning?" Dan asked as he rested his body on top of Ashley's.

"Because I like seeing you squirm," Ashley replied as he thrust himself up against Dan.

"Mmm baby, don't start something you can't finish."

"Oh believe me, I fully intend on finishing this, I ALWAYS finish what I start," Ashley said as he captured Dan's lips with his and began kissing him with a passion that he didn't know exsisted inside of him. Ashley rolled over so that he was on top and Dan was on the bottom. Ashley flicked his tongue across Dan's lips before he made his way down to his neck. He playfully nipped and sucked at the skin at the base of Dan's jawbone, then worked his way over to the sensitive skin behind his ear. As Ashley's tongue licked out and teased the skin, Dan shivered as a wave of pleasure ran through him. "Well, well, well, it looks like I found somebody's spot," Ashley teased as he continued to lap at the sensitive skin. Dan just nodded numbly in response as Ashley's tongue worked it's magic on him.

He's so good with his tongue, I can't even begin to imagine what else he can do with that tongue Dan's thought was cut short as someone knocked loudly on the door.

"Dan!!!! Get your ass up, we have to be at the dance studio in 30 minutes," Jacob screamed through the door.

"Damn, why couldn't he come 5 minutes later?" Dan sighed.

"Oh believe me baby, it would have taken MUCH longer than that," Ashley said softly while planting soft kisses along Dan's cheek.

"," Dan whispered as he captured Ashley's lips with his own again. The two began to make out passionately again until...

"Dan, I mean it, get up now before I have to come in there!!!" Jacob screamed.

"Okay, I'm up, I'm up!!!" Dan said, "In more ways than one," he added softly so only Ashley could hear him.

"Good," Jacob replied, "and if you see Ashley, tell him to hurry up too!"

Dan looked at Ashley and said, "Okay Jacob I will, you can go away now!" They heard Jacob's retreating footsteps, and Ashley disentangled himself from Dan's arms.

"We'll finish this tonight. I promise," Ashley said with a wink as he slipped into the bathroom to take a shower.


Dance rehearsal was extra grueling. Tyjuan, their choreographer, was pushing them harder than he ever had before. They were learning the new steps to "Take Me Under," and for some reason, they just weren't getting it.

"Tyjuan," Eric whined, "can we PLEASE take like a 5 minute break or something??"

"When you actually get the steps right, then you can take a break. Until then, suck it up, and concentrate!!" Tyjuan replied back. "5, 6, 7, 8!!" The guys began to move to the soulful sounds of the song, and for the first time that day, they actually got all of the steps right. "See what can happen once you concentrate?" Tyjuan asked, "Now you can take a break."

Dan grabbed a bottle of water and took a seat on the floor next to Ashley. "You know," Ashley whispered into Dan's ear, "it was really hard for me to concentrate while you were thrusting your hips like that."

Dan grinned and said, "I was doing a little extra for you, I'm glad you liked it. And believe me, there's more where that came from. I can't wait until we get out of here, so I can show you EXACTLY what I mean."

"UGH! I wish we could just leave now, because if you keep talking like that, I won't be able to do much more dancing," Ashley sighed, frustrated.

Jacob looked over at the two guys on the floor, there's something going on with those two, and I'm not sure if I want to know what it is.

Just then, Tyjuan entered the room and said, "you guys are in luck, you get to leave early today, because something just came up that I have to take care of. But don't forget that you have to be here bright and early tomorrow morning.

And you know what happens if you're late."

"We know," they all muttered.

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow, bye," Tyjuan said as he rushed out of the door.

Dan and Ashley glanced at each other with smiles evident in their eyes.


When the van pulled to the hotel, Dan and Ashley were eager to get out. Once they did, they basically ran to the elevators, and waited impatiently for the next available car to come down. Once it did, they noticed it was empty, and ran in and let the door close before anyone else could get in. Dan backed Ashley up against the mirrored wall as the elevator began to rise. He pressed his lips against Ashley's with such force, that Ashley's knees went weak.

Ashley parted his lips slighty allowing Dan's velvety tongue access to his mouth. Dan's tongue slid over Ashley's roughly at first, but then the touch became gentle, and Dan savored the taste of Ashley's mouth. Just then, the elevator came to a stop on their floor. They practically ran out of the elevator and stopped when they reached Dan's door. Ashley reached into Dan's pants pocket and pulled out the key. He slid it into the door so quickly that it didn't work.

He slowed down and tried it again. This time it worked, and the flew open, and they had to stop themselves from falling.

Once again, Dan captured Ashley's lips and led him over to the bed.

Ashley regretfully broke his lips away from Dan's so he could catch his breath. "Baby, I want to do this just as much as you do, but we're all sweaty from dancing, we need to take a shower."

"Why, we're going to get all sweaty again anyway, so why bother," Dan panted as he tried to tackle Ashley's lips again.

"Baby, I don't think you get it. I said WE need to take a shower. As in, me and you, TOGETHER."

Dan's eyes got very wide in realization as he said, "Together?"


"Well, what are we waiting for??"

TBC..... ************************************************** I am soooo sorry for ending it like that, I really wasn't planning to end it like that, but it's getting late and I have to go to school tomorrow. I PROMISE that I will have the next installment out MUCH sooner than this one was (Only if you want me to continue). I really need to hear what everyone thinks about the story so far. Feedback is so important to me, I thrive on it. So please tell me what you think.

Thanks.......Dan's Baby

Next: Chapter 3

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