Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web

By b1223

Published on Oct 9, 1995



From agate!biosci!!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:14:12 1995 Path: agate!biosci!!!!!netnews Newsgroups:, Organization: Netcom Lines: 240 Message-ID: 45bs96$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:13:42 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy! -Lisa Blades

Author unknown ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE: Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Release from the Web

Chapter 1 - The Setup

It was night. Batman's favorite part of the day, according to the newspapers. But that was only because that was when the criminals were most active. I was slowly working my way along a rooftop as I searched for a good place to observe and wait.

A recent rash of robberies in this neighborhood all occurred within a three block area surrounding the Hart Building; that I was now standing on. A police stakeout was on the street below, but I did not have much faith in their power of observation. After all, they didn't see me enter the alley or climb up the fire escapes to the roof. From my vantage point, I could see the unmarked police car with the two undercover policemen trying to blend in with the neighborhood. Looking at the streets below, I decided that the north corner of the building would give me the best viewpoint.

As I climbed up on the north corner, I noticed that someone had spray painted "Batman Slept Here.". I grimly wished that I had been here when the vandal spray painted the building. Not because I was upset with my name being taken in vain, but because the building had been defaced. I did not tolerate any illegal actions.

As I walked across the roof to get the best view point, I felt my knee stretch a trip wire that was invisible in the dark. My reflexes propelled me backwards and into a somersault roll behind an air conditioner shaft as a small explosion sounded. I looked around the air conditioner and smelled the putrid smell of a small firecracker. A quick flick of the Batlight found the trip wire and the remains of the firecracker.

"Why would any put a trip wire here?" I mused quietly to myself.

A quick scan of the area using the Batlight showed no other surprises. As I stood, I brushed the dirt from my uniform where I had rolled on the rooftop. I felt a little tenderness on my left palm and right leg. Looking at my hand, I discovered that I had two small cuts on my palm and three small cuts on my legs. Flicking the Batlight back to the area where I had seeked cover, I discovered the area was covered with many small shards of broken glass. I opened my Bat-utility belt and got some antiseptic swabs from my first aid kit.

After I cleaned the minor cuts, I very carefully continued out to the roof edge to continue my neighborhood observation. The rest of the roof was ok.

I spent the next three hours sitting and watching. Once, I saw someone that was acting suspicious, but nothing occurred. About two thirty, I decided that nothing was going to happen in this area tonight and headed back to where I had parked the Batmobile.

I drove the Batmobile through the deserted streets making a last round before heading home. After a quick circuit, I drove to the road to the Batcave.

The road to the Batcave had a secret turnoff. Many years ago, I had installed electronics to monitor this road and to let me know when anyone was where they could see the Batmobile turning off the road. Looking at this monitor, I saw that everything was acceptable and activated the Batcave door opener. I turned off the main road and quickly entered the Batcave as the door shut automatically. I drove the Batmobile to the parking area and got out.

As I entered the Bat-dressing area, I pulled my cowl and cape off and hung it up. Then I removed my gloves and looked at my hand where I got the minor cuts earlier. I saw a little tinge of reddish infection on each of the cuts. I stripped the rest of my Caped Crusader's costume off and examined my legs; to discover similar infections there also.

I opened up the main first aid kit and re-applied antiseptics and bandages after cleansing the areas. Nothing usual about getting a small infection from a scrape. I got enough of those cuts and minor infections to not be worried about it.

After taking a shower, I went upstairs to my mansion. The home of Bruce Wayne, my alter ego. Alfred had already turned in for the night and Dick Grayson, my ward, was at college. I missed Dick's company and wished that the college that Dick had accepted, was not so far away. Dick's alter ego was Robin and I also missed having the Teen Wonder accompany me on my nightly patrols. Well, Dick will be home in another six weeks for a three week break between courses.

I laid down and went to sleep in my big bed. Being a very handsome and eligible millionaire playboy, I could have had almost anyone that I desired, waiting on me in bed. But I had decided years ago, that I must live a single life because of my commitment to be Batman. I could never share my life with anyone because I could not risk them if anyone ever discovered my secret identity.

As I drifted off to sleep, I had some very pleasant thoughts about my meeting tomorrow with Vickie Vale, the young girl reporter that I frequently escorted to functions. I quickly fell asleep.

Her thigh was pressed against mine and the smell of her recently shampooed hair was driving me up the wall. I had a very hard erection, because she had just climbed in bed with me. We were both naked and lying in my bed. She motioned me to suck on her titty and as I reached for it; I woke up. Alone in my bed. With a king-size erection. Vickie was not here. I was all alone and had a very solid erection. That was a very realistic dream.

I laid back down, but my cock remained hard and kept me awake. It wanted release and I needed it. It had been almost six weeks since I had sex with that singer that I had picked up that night.

I opened my nightstand and removed the small bottle of oil and the clean-up towels. I removed my pajamas and looked at my hard erection. I poured some oil into my hand and slowly started rubbing my belly and thighs with both hands. I continued my oily self-massage down to my scrotum.

As I got more and more excited, I would wiggle my hips, imaging that my throbbing erection was being touched and teased by Vickie's hands. As I stroked myself, I tested my memory of sweet Vickie's smell and her wonderful curves. Finally, I filled my hand with oil once again and curled my fingers around my now-purple shaft and started stroking myself, using my hand in alternating tight grips or loose grip. I would speed up, putting some very rapid strokes on myself and then slow strokes. Whenever I was close to the brink, I would stop in the nick of time because I was really enjoying this.

After about ten minutes, I knew that I had to release myself. I refilled my right hand with oil, gripped my cock and began purposeful, regular, medium-rate strokes. My mind roamed with memories of Vickie doing this to me before we broke up. Would she come over if I called her? Would she let me into her bed again? I couldn't stand it anymore, so I began rapidly thrusting my hips up and down, trying to get off.

When I ejaculated it was with a power that scared me. It was truly brain-busting and seemed to last for many minutes. I couldn't move when it was over.

When I recovered my breath, I looked at my hand that was covered with my jism. I tasted a drop of my fluid and then looked at my cock. It was still rock hard, which was unusual. By this time, it is usually a dead soldier and is shrunken.

I got up and took a shower to wash the oil and my cum off of me. All during the shower, I kept looking down at my still rock hard cock. This was very unusual. I remember a couple of times that I had prayed that it would get this hard and stay hard for hours, but my prayers had never been answered. And now it was an incredible hard cock.

I put my pajamas on and changed the bed sheets. As I cleaned up after myself, I was constantly aware of my erection. When my bed was restored to normal, I laid back down and tried to go to sleep.

But I couldn't. My hard cock was keeping me awake and aroused. I found my hands drifting back down to stroke myself. Before I knew what was occurring, I was soaking wet with sweat from the exertion of masturbating myself again.

I repeated the same actions as before and my cock was still hard while I showered. By the time that I had changed my sheets again, I knew that something was wrong with me. I could understand and wish for this condition under certain circumstances, but my cock was too familiar with my right hand to get this aroused.

I went to the Batcave and examined my cuts, which still showed a minor infection. I took a sample of my blood and tested it. I discovered a cell-like amoebae in my blood sample that I couldn't identify. I took other samples and ran the tests that my limited medical equipment could perform. I found nothing that could identify it.

I looked at the clock and saw that it was daylight outside. I changed into my Batman clothes but had problems with my tights. My hard erection was very obvious under the tights.

I looked at myself in the mirror and knew that I couldn't go out on the streets, dressed as Batman, with that banana like appendage sticking up under my tights. I could possibly get by at night, using my cape to hide it, but there was too much potential during daylight to have someone see it. All I needed was a picture of a horny Batman on page 2 of the National Inquirer.

I changed back into some of my baggy Bruce Wayne clothes and went upstairs to my normal car garage. I walked past my Corvette, my Rolls, my 300Z, and climbed into my Toyota pickup truck. I didn't want to call attention to a man with fancy cars in that neighborhood that I had to return to.

I drove to the Hart Building and parked a couple of blocks away. I still had my erection problem. I walked down the alley and made sure that no one saw me before I jumped to the Fire Escape ladder and climbed up. When I got on the roof, I stayed low and ran across the roof until I got to the area where I rolled in the broken glass last night.

The glass was gone. Someone had cleaned it up and removed it all.

I spent only a couple of minutes up there, because I did not want to have to answer any questions why wealthy Bruce Wayne was sneaking onto a roof where the Batman had been the night before.

From agate!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:14:12 1995 Path: agate!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (2/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:15:13 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 348 Message-ID: 45bsc1$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:15:13 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it!

Author unknown ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE: Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 2 - The Exam

Back at the Batcave, I took more blood samples and confirmed that something was definitely in my blood. I tried some tests with different medicine doses and discovered that none of the antibiotics had any effect on the amoebae.

As I was working on my tests, Alfred came down and said "You are up very early this morning. Is anything wrong?"

"Yes, Alfred. I appear to have some sort of infection. Symptoms at this stage of infection are increased sexual arousement and rock hard penis that won't go down." I said as I put another sample away.

Alfred paused for only a moment and then said "That sounds like a problem that most men would love to have. I will volunteer to be infected and you can test your medical solutions on me. After a couple of days of enjoying the symptoms that you described, that is."

I looked up and Alfred was keeping a straight face. I laughed at his joke and said "It's no pleasure. I was coming back this morning and was having a difficult time keeping both hands on the steering wheel. And every woman I saw, I stared at them because I wanted them to help me with my problem. I couldn't change into Batman because it is too obvious under my uniform."

"What are you going to do?" he asked.

I tilted my head back and looked at the ceiling for a moment and then down at bulging erection before I replied "I have to find a specialist and get this treated. I can't let it go for several days and hope it clears itself up."

I turned to the Batcomputer and started searching my medical database. After entering my search data, the database returned one name and phone number. I didn't know Dr A. Albertson, but my database said that this was the one person in Gotham City that was qualified to treat me.

I called the number and told the receptionist that I had come down with an infection and needed to be examined by Dr. Albertson. The receptionist asked me if I could be there at 11 am and I accepted.

I spent the next hour researching medical databases trying to find some clue as to what was causing my problem. I found nothing except that my hands kept getting drawn to my hungry cock.

I drove to Dr Albertson's office and was taken into an exam room as soon as I arrived. I explained my problem to the nurse, leaving out some details, such as that I had already examined my own blood in my private lab. She took a blood sample and let me sit for twenty minutes while they examined my blood prior to the doctor seeing me. She had me undress and put on one of those tiny hospital gowns while I waited.

I was engrossed in thought, when the door opened and a tall, attractive woman in a white lab coat entered the room. Her black hair was pulled back into a ponytail and the glasses hid her face a little. She wore no makeup and the baggy clothes didn't give any hints of what her body looked like. She was young, about twenty- eight or so, decent physical shape but her appearance was almost too sterile. Not even any lipstick or earrings.

She smiled and said "I am Dr Albertson. Alice Albertson. May I call you ....." she paused as she looked at my name on the records that she was carrying "Bruce?"

"Yes, please do. And thank you for seeing me today." I said, with my best smile, as I thought about fucking her on her exam table.

Her voice pulled me back from my daydream "I have never seen this exact result in blood work before although I think I know what is causing it. My nurse said that you have had a constant erection, since you obtained some scratches. Do you think this is where this infection came from and where did you get your scratches?"

"Yes, to the question about what is causing the erection. No to where I got the scratches. I was jogging through city streets around my club yesterday and took a little fall, getting some minor scratches which I treated. Then last night, it got hard and wouldn't go down." I said.

"Please open your gown and let me examine you." she instructed.

I lifted up the front of the gown and she looked at my swollen cock. Then she started putting on some rubber gloves as she said "Please remove the gown so that I may examine you."

I took the gown off and laid it on my chair, remaining standing. She pulled her chair in front of me and sat down so that her face was about my cock level. I tensed as I thought about what I would like for her do, with her mouth so close to my precious cock.

She took one finger and slowly pushed the head of my cock from one side to see how far it would bend. It wouldn't bend much. Then she pulled it down to see how far it would go in that direction, with much of the same result. She asked "Are you married?"

"No. I am a bachelor." I replied as I bit my lower lip to keep from shoving my cock closer to her face.

"Good. If you were married and I found a cure for you, you wife would have probable cause for suing me. I hope that you don't mind my joke. I know that this is a serious problem for you. Is it painful? Tell me how you feel! And give me honest responses. I am your doctor and I have to know." she said as she leaned back to direct her gaze from my cock to my face.

"It doesn't hurt. It feels very pleasant but I am in a constant state of arousal. I want relief badly. I can't think about anything but sex. I knew that you were looking at me with a professional eye, but I wanted you to help me relieve myself so badly." I said quietly.

She smiled and asked "Have you masturbated yourself? Did it provide any relief? Would you like me to leave while you test to see if that provides any relief, temporary or otherwise?"

"Yes. I woke up and couldn't control myself. I did it twice and neither time changed the symptoms." I said trying to keep from blushing as I looked at her luscious lips. Here I was standing naked before a fully dressed woman, whose mouth was about eighteen inches from my throbbing cock. She could be very attractive if she had on some different clothes, a different hairstyle, some makeup and threw those glasses away.

"I need a sample of your sperm to examine. Normally, I would leave you alone and return when you are finished. But you have a very unusual problem and I would like to observe and test you. I would like for you to masturbate yourself, after I hook you up to some monitoring equipment. And I would like to be present while you are obtaining the sperm. Do you mind?" she asked.

I thought for a second and nodded my head no. She stood and walked over to some equipment in the corner. She wheeled the cart over beside me and started putting the standard blood pressure monitors and EKG monitors on me.

I was still standing naked as she applied this equipment. She said "Your body is in excellent physical shape. What do you do for a living?"

"My parents left me a fortune. I monitor my investments." I replied.

She smiled as she said "That Wayne. I thought I recognized you. When I was a college student, my father drove me by your house and told me that I would own a house like that some day if I studied and worked hard. You have a very beautiful house."

"Thank you. After we get this under control, I will invite you over for a tour of it." I said, trying to keep my thoughts focused on something other than how much I wanted to fuck her at that moment.

"If we don't get it under control, you would be the life of any party that you went to." she said as she smeared some EKG jelly on my chest and attached another suction cup.

Before I could respond, she continued "I would love to see the inside of your house someday. That has been one of my personal goals. I understand that it has the best view of Gotham City and that at night, you can see all of the building lights from your hillside home. But enough of the small talk. My father was Dr Alvin Albertson and he owns the AA Research Lab. I inherited it and maintain this private practice to keep my medical skills current as compared to my research skills. My specialty is Urology and Communicable Diseases. I don't like to brag, but I am the most qualified person in Gotham City for your particular problem. By the way, how did you select me? I usually only see references from other physicians."

I thought fast and said "I called a golfing buddy and he recommended trying you."

She walked behind me and said "This will sting a little. I am going to stick a needle in you now and tape it down so that I have it in place when you start ejaculation."

I felt the slight sting as she inserted the needle into my leg and taped it to my side. When she was finished, she handed me a cup and said "Collect as much of your sperm in this cup as possible. Do you want a Playboy magazine or other sexual reference to help you?"

I nodded my head no and she continued "I am a doctor. I cannot and will not interact with you sexually. My career is worth more than a cheap thrill. If it will help you, I will start stroking you but you must do as much of this as possible. I will pretend that I am enjoying it so that you can ejaculate as soon as possible."

I nodded and she put some k-y jelly on her gloved hand. Her hand slowly wrapped around my hard cock and slid slowly up, spreading the jelly along it's turbid shaft. She quietly said "Oooh, that feels

nice". And she put one hand on my shoulder. She was standing, legs about a foot apart with her knees spread a bit more and one arm outstretched with her hand on my shoulder for support while she slowly stroked me. She was staring deep into my eyes. I reached out to put one hand around her waist but she pushed my hand away. My cock was stiffer than I think it had ever been before and I could feel it throbbing up and down against her soft hand that was covered by the rubber glove. I moaned softly, and closed my eyes. My breath was coming so fast that it burned my lungs.

I opened my eyes to meet her eyes. Our eyes locked on each other but I could only think of her hand on my crotch.

I was too far gone now to stop easily. My cock bobbed up and down with my heartbeat and her slow stroking. It seems that I saw this in slow motion but I'm sure it only took a few seconds.

With her free hand, she placed my hand on her hand wrapped tightly around my cock. My hand started picking up the stroke speed as she said "I am going to remove my hand and you must continue the motion. Keep it going. That's it. Don't that feel good?" she asked as her hand slipped out from around my cock. My hand had picked up the motion and was stroking just a little faster.

She was looking at the monitors and she smiled at me as she said "I don't mind if you pretend that you are making it with me. Why don't you pretend that it's my lips instead of your hand wrapped around your penis? Do you like the way my lips look when I do this?"

She made a licking motion of her lips and I stroked harder and faster. She smiled and said "My throat is deep. My ex-boyfriend liked for me to take his cock into my throat. Think about my tongue pushing your foreskin back as I pull you deep into my warm, wet throat. Can you pretend that I am doing that to you?"

I grunted and picked up my speed. I was stroking my cock as hard as I could and I felt great. I was rocking my hips back and forth slightly as if my cock was sliding in and out of her mouth about an inch at a time.

Then it happened. I shuddered as I started to cum. She shoved the cup in my other hand and screamed "Catch" as she started her blood work. Sperm spurted from my dick into the cup and I watched as I throbbed and filled the cup with sperm. I hadn't paid any attention this morning, but this was the most cum that I had ever seen.

When I finished, she took the cup from me and said "Have a seat and rest. Then I will do two more simple tests and you can get dressed."

I did as she instructed and looked down at myself. I was still rock hard and cum was still oozing out. She came back in the room and handed me a towel as she looked at the monitors. Then she said "It's still engorged and won't go down. Ok, lets' get this equipment off of you and then you can get dressed. By the way, was it as good for you as it was for me?"

She smiled big and I laughed. I continued this joking by saying "Doc, you know that I want to get into your bed."

She paused and said "Sex between a doctor and a patient is frowned upon. However I think that I can cure your problem and once cured, you are no longer my patient if I do not see you professionally. If things go the way that I think they will, then you should be in my clothes within two weeks. I have a weakness for strong virile men. Now get cleaned up and come down to my office after you clean up. There is a shower in the bathroom."

As she walked out of the room, my cock trobbed. It was ready for her now. I smiled as I repeated her "you should be in my clothes within two weeks" remark.

As I took a shower, I found it difficult to keep from masturbating again, but I knew that I didn't have time. Maybe, after I get home.

I dressed and entered her office. She smiled as I sat down and said "We must keep this professional. You know that I only helped you because you were having difficulty."

I nodded and echoed her words "yes, I was having difficulty."

She said "Your sperm and blood work are going through some specialized testing now. My preliminary test indicates that I have a solution but it's going to take two full days under my care. I am making a vaccine from your samples and will be finished by early tomorrow morning. I would like for you to be here at 7 am. I will inject you with the vaccine and then start a IV with strong antibiotics in it. You will have to have repeated doses of the vaccine every two hours for thirty-six hours so you will spend the night here and then you can go home the following day in time for dinner. When you come here in the morning, bring your shaving gear and cancel any meetings the rest of the week, because you will need to relax so you can recover quickly. You have a rare virus that has only been documented in South America. Have you been to South America lately or been close to any orchids lately?"

"No, I haven't been south in six months and I don't remember any orchids recently." I replied.

She leaned back and said "I can't do anything for you today. Go home and find some way to relax or relieve yourself. Then be here at 7 am sharp so I can get started before I make my hospital rounds."

"Thank you doctor. This has been the most enjoyable doctor's office visit that I have ever had." I said as I stood.

"See if you still feel that way in two weeks." she promised. Then she picked up her pen and started writing. I was dismissed.

From agate!!uunet!!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:22 1995 Path: agate!!uunet!!!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (3/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:16:56 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 185 Message-ID: 45bsf8$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:16:56 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades

Author unknown ORIGINAL AUTHOR'S NOTE: Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 3 - The Treatment

The rest of the day was rough. Very rough. I am in good shape but even my strong arms get tired after the eight masturbation's within twenty-four hours.

I couldn't do anything but masturbate because I was too horny. And I had transferred my sexual fantasy from Vickie to Alice. The beautiful and mysterious Alice. The very professional Alice. The Alice that had promised me that I would be in her panties within two weeks. Could I wait two weeks? No. I wanted her now. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to suck her. I wanted her to suck me. I wanted to fill her full of cum. I wanted to see my cum dripping down her mouth. I wanted to suck on her titties. I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to bury my hard cock in her cunt. I wanted to rub my cock across her nipples and to stroke my hard cock between her breasts and to shoot my cum up to her face. I wanted to fuck her so bad that I couldn't stand it. I had never had this strong of a sexual urge for any woman and I really didn't know how to handle it. Or if I wanted to. I was enjoying the feeling that

I was having, even if it was very unpleasant to be constantly aroused.

I mentally undressed her several times and discovered that she had a beautiful body. I imagined what she would look like in a tight sweater, a short skirt, with make-up, and her hair fixed differently. I imagined what she would look like, just walking around in her bra and panties. Lacy underwear. Black garters. I imagined what her tongue would feel like on my cock. I sniffed the air to see if I could get a trace of her cunt smell.

I tried to watch TV but I could only think about having sex with every woman that I saw on the TV. I realized that I was stroking myself as I watched Ophra discuss problem children with her audience and wondering what her pussy would taste like. I found that I wasn't looking at her face, but staring at her boobs to see if they jiggled as she walked up and down the aisle. As she turned, I pretended that she was naked and I was looking at her ass cracks. I had to turn the TV off because I was breathing hard and sweating lightly just from the image of a normal woman on TV. There was nothing sexy about what she was doing or saying, but I was so turned on by their images, that I couldn't concentrate on anything else.

I went out to get some fresh air, hoping that it would clear itself up, but I did nothing but stare at every woman's tits and their asses as they went by me. I wanted to hump every woman that I saw. For the first time in my life, I wanted to go into a peep show and masturbate as I watched fuck films. I found myself driving to the section of town where the prostitutes hang out.

I knew that I couldn't go on like this. Alice's treatment had to work. And it had to work quickly. I have to be cured. I knew that I couldn't wear my Batman costume until I got my problem under control. Although I could change the costume so it wouldn't have the tights, I couldn't trust myself if I found a woman in a helpless situation. I thought about what would happen if I saved some woman and wound up fucking her just because she was vulnerable. The newspapers would start calling me Cockman or the Horny Hero.

The Batsignal went off that night. I called Commissioner Gordon at his office and discovered that there had been a major robbery at a jewelry store. The crooks had already escaped so there was not much that I could do to help. With my current state of mind, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the robbery and focus on finding the criminals. I informed the Commissioner that I was sick and unable to come but would investigate the crime when I was feeling better. He said he understood and would not use the Batsignal for a couple of days unless it was very important.

I masturbated again as I took a shower the next morning. Every time had produced almost a small cup of cum. I canceled some meetings and lunches that I was supposed to attend. The hardest one to cancel was with Vickie Vale. I didn't talk to her on the phone but got her answering machine. Her recorded voice sounded so wonderful that I dropped my trousers and started stroking myself as I tried to keep my voice level. I left her a very brief message and finished masturbating as I stood by the phone, with my trousers down around my ankles.

I gathered my overnight case and told Alfred that I would be gone for a couple of days. He told me not to worry and to take care of myself. Good old Alfred. What would I do without friends like him that I can trust with my inner most thoughts and feelings.

When I got to Alice's office, the door was open and I went in. She was reading the newspaper. She looked up and said "That was some robbery last night. Batman was called but didn't show up. They escaped with almost half a million in diamonds. Wonder what Batman was doing that was so important that he couldn't show up. I would like to meet him someday. Oh well, are you ready to spend a couple of days being treated by me?" she asked.

I sat down and said "I couldn't control myself last night. I thought about you a lot. I used your image as the object of my attention. After I get over this, I am going to have to see if the real you is as good as the mental image of you that I was focused on for so many hours yesterday."

She laughed and said "And I thought about you. I really did. I thought about you and would like to get to know more about Bruce Wayne. I want to know the real Bruce. The man behind the mystery. The most desired man in Gotham City, excluding Batman of course. If you only knew how much I through about you yesterday. Well, after this treatment is finished, I have some things to tell you. Some things to share with you. I promise you that I will get to know you much better. Would you like that? That is, would you like to share some things with me and get to know me better?"

"Yes. And I can't wait until you have cured me. If you don't cure me, I will have to rape you. When do we start?" I asked.

She stood and said "Follow me." I followed her down the hall to a patient room. She said "Take your clothes off. You need to be completely naked. I will come back in about five minutes and expect to find you naked and lying on the bed. Ready for me. Understand."

I gave her a big smile and she walked on down the hall. I put my shaving gear away, took off my clothes and hung them up. Then I peed and laid down.

She came back and laughed when she saw the totem pole sticking up in the middle of the sheet covering my body. She pulled the sheet off of me and prepared a needle. When she had it ready, she said "This will relax you. To make sure that you don't hurt yourself while you are connected up to the needles, I will have to restrain you. Taking this medication can impair judgment and I have to make sure that you don't hurt yourself. Just relax and put yourself in my hands. I will make sure that you don't have that engorged cock problem when you wake up. As you go to sleep, think about me. Remember what I promised you. You will be in my panties within two weeks. All you have to do, is trust me and sleep. A good sleep while I take care of you. "

She injected the needle into my arm. Then she started an IV into my arm. When the IV started flowing, I was feeling very warm and relaxed from the shot. I don't know what was in it, which is unusual for me. I usually ask and know what is being injected into me. But with my concentration screwed up, I didn't care about anything, except how to satisfy my hard cock.

I didn't object as she fastened my legs to the bed. Then she restrained my arms. Then she put two straps across my body. I didn't care. I was warm. I was happy. I was relaxed. I didn't care what she did to me. As I went to sleep, I was very happy.

From agate!biosci!!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:22 1995 Path: agate!biosci!!!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (4/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:20:02 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 317 Message-ID: 45bsl2$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:20:02 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades


Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 4 - The Slow Wake-up

I feel very confused. I am still drugged and can't concentrate more than two seconds at a time. I feel weak. I can tell that my body is tied to the bed. I remember coming to the doctor. Doctor Alice. Good old fucking doctor Alice. She is going to cure me. She is going to fuck me after I get out of here.

My mouth is dry and a tube is down my throat. I don't remember a tube being placed down my throat. I try to sit up but can't because I am tied down. I feel so weak. My throat is raw. I can't talk because of that damn tube down my throat. Why did she have to do that? Did she run into problems? Where is she? Why am I still so druggy?

I hear a voice close by but I can't understand it. I am still half asleep. The voice repeats itself and sounds very familiar. Through my fog, I faintly hear "Bruce, can you hear me? I have stopped the medication but you are not ready to be untied yet. The medication that put you to sleep should wear off in the next couple of minutes and you can wake up. The treatment was a success, by the way. You no longer have a hard cock sticking up from your body."

Good. I am cured. Thank god. Now if she will only take that tube out so that I can talk. Then she can untie me. I can feel the sleeping shit wearing off and feeling some sensations returning to me. I know that I have to pee.

The familiar voice says "Keep your eyes shut while I remove this tube. Then you can open your eyes."

I know the voice is familiar but I can't place it. I know it's not Alice's voice and I wonder where she is. I almost gag as the tube is pulled out of my throat. As it leaves my mouth, I cough and then open my eyes.

At first, everything is blurred but then I began to focus. I can see the man standing beside the bed that removed the tube. As my eyes focus, I think to myself that he looks a lot like me. Then my eyes clear up and I see that it is me. The man standing beside the bed looks enough like me to be my twin brother.

I mumbled "Who are you?" but my voice sounds strange and funny. I try to move again, but can't because I am still tied to the bed.

I look hard at the man smiling at me. It is me standing there. Something is wrong. He smiles and says "Yes, Bruce. You are looking at yourself. This is your body. Or used to be your body. It is now my body. I am now Bruce Wayne, playboy millionaire. Or you can call me Batman. Yes, I know about that. You see, my trap was to catch Batman and I was very happy to see Bruce Wayne show up with the symptoms that only Batman could have. By the way, you are now Doctor Alice Albertson. How does it feel to be a cunt? I told you that you would be in my panties within two weeks and I didn't lie to you. You just didn't expect to be put into a situation where you were wearing them, did you Alice?"

My strength was slowly returning but I was still weak and I had to know what was going on "How did you do this? It's impossible."

"Your old buddy Superman is the one that you should thank for your current situation. About eight years ago, that scientist from the Phantom Zone tricked Supie into putting on an illegal Krypton body exchange helmet. The scientist called the helmet the Web, which stood for Wearers Exchange Bodies. Get it, W E B. Supie wound up in the Phantom Zone in the criminal's body and the criminal was on Earth reaping benefits from Superman's talents. Well, Supie found a way to escape and to trick the criminal into exchanging bodies again. During the fight, Supie thought the helmet was destroyed, but it wound up in South America. I found a tribe that didn't know what they had. I proved it could work on Earthlings and came looking for you. Or rather came looking for Batman. You see, I never wanted to be a girl. When I was a girl, I used to pretend that I was a male super hero. Not a weirdo like Superman or Green Lantern, but someone that was a hero because of their excellent normal physical capabilities. You were my hero. I wanted to be the Batman. I even considered taking Batgirl's place and had a costume made for me. But playing Batgirl was not the same as being the Batman. I had to be you. The more I thought about it, the more I became convinced that I had to be you. And had the technical capability to be you. If I could get you into my office and asleep. I put the broken glass up on the building. I arranged for the robberies to occur in that area, knowing that sooner or later, you would seek out the highest building for your perch. I knew that you would have to be treated by the most knowledgeable doctor. That could only be me, with your symptoms. I was expecting Batman to show up within a couple of days and I was very surprised when Bruce Wayne showed up. So I used the Web on you. You have been captured and brought under the control of the Web."

I was getting some feeling and control of my body now. Or whose ever body that I was in. I turned my head so that I could look at myself to see if what I was hearing was completely true. I couldn't see nothing but a sheet pulled over a body. All body parts were under the sheet.

The man laughed. I couldn't call him Bruce because that is me. He said "You want to see your body? Don't blame you. It is a nice body. It is much nicer than when I occupied it. Have you figured out yet why you had the tube down your throat when you woke up? Well, it is because not only do I have great plans for your body continuing the Bruce Wayne and Batman identities, but I have even better plans for you in that body. I told you that I always wanted to be a man. I wanted to be a man with a perfect wife. A sexy horny beautiful woman that only has one goal in life which is to keep me satisfied. I hated my body when I was living in it and seriously thought about going through a sexual reassignment surgery, but I knew that I would always look like a skinny queer looking guy. So when I found the helmet, I decided that I could re- sculpt my old body into what I think the perfect woman should look like. You know that I am a doctor and can do that type of plastic surgery. So after we swapped bodies, I put you to sleep and re-built the body. I enlarged the boobs, using a technique where the implants were inserted through an incision in the belly button area. The scar will never show. The boobs went from a 34B to a 38DD. A tattoo like injection was used to darken the areolas to a sexier looking nipple. I also padded the hips and ass cheeks and removed some fat from around the waist. The nose was re-built also and some silicone cheeks were implanted in the face. The lips were injected so that they will have a wonderful little pout and will look luscious, not like my old thin, cruel lips. In two weeks all scars will be healed, the bruises will have cleared up and any evidence of surgery will be difficult to find. You will be a very beautiful woman with a very sexy body."

He pulled the sheet back and I looked down at the body. The chest was taped and so where the hips. But looking at the arms and legs, I could see that I was definitely not in my body. As I was checking my body out, he held a mirror in front of me so I could see my face. It was her face, except that the nose was bandaged and the area around the eyes was blue from the surgery trauma.

I tilted my head back. I had seen enough. He put the mirror down and pulled the sheet back over me.

I said "You are not going to get away with this. I will come after you. You should have killed me when you had the chance."

He laughed and said "You don't get it yet, do you? Think for a minute. Why should I endanger my wonderful plan by leaving you in a situation where you can find me. I don't plan to hide. I will be

Bruce Wayne. I am Bruce Wayne. When I went home last night, Alfred had supper waiting for me. He was really worried about me but he knows that good old Doctor Alice had done the best that she could. After he went to bed, I poked around until I found the entrance to the Batcave. I am quite impressed. You have done a lot of work in there and have the best setup that I have ever seen. I don't know what everything does yet, but I learn quick. I will also be Batman. Only this Batman will cash in on his popularity. Batman will show the beautiful women how his Batcock works. And you. Do you think that my plans call for you to pick up the Doctor Alice identity? No, because you won't and don't have the medical skills, not that you couldn't bluff your way through at start and quickly pick up the skills. You will remain Alice Albertson but you will not practice medicine. After all, with all the money that Bruce has and that Alice has, you don't have to work. You will change your direction in life. Alice's friends will discover that she tired of being a plain jane that was dedicated to her job and never concentrated on her looks. They will discover that she had some nips and tucks here and there and changed herself into a blond sexpot. Then she found a man that she was crazy about. Which will be me. All she wants to do, is to satisfy her man. Which is me again. She will have no memories of being anyone but the blond bombshell that she is now. You see, the reason that I was in South America was because I had already discovered the little virus that I used to catch you. I was there because I had suspicions that mixing that flower with another particular flower, could produce a very strong and potent hypnotic drug. I perfected my drug and it will help you forget everything about being Bruce Wayne or Batman. You will only remember what I tell you to remember. I will help you learn the Alice identity and to build the blond sexpot personality. I will make you happy to be Alice and teach you how to make me happy. You will live with me at Wayne Manor as my mistress. I will work on Alfred's memory so that he doesn't question any lapses in my memory or changes in my personality. When Dick comes back, I will help him with his memory also. Batman and Robin together again. Oh, one question has been bugging me. I know that my version of Bruce Wayne will be bi-sexual but did you and Dick ever get it on? All of those rumors are floating around about Batman and Robin. Anyhow, Dick will become bi-sexual when he gets back from school."

"You fucking asshole" I screamed as I pulled at my bonds.

"Now, now, don't do that. Don't want to cause any un-necessary stretch marks in my perfect surgery, do we? Let me give you a mild dose of tranquilizer to calm you down." he said as he twisted a dial on the IV pole.

I was struggling against my restraints but within moments, I felt the anger ease and I wanted to relax.

He continued "You see, you are going to be the key to my success in my impersonation of you. After I hide your old memories and create your new memories, you become nothing more than a simple cunt. A fuck. A fuck with a perfect body that is willing to do whatever I desire her to do. But with this body and identity, I can get whoever I want to provide me the same sexual relief. So I don't really need you except that I want to become the perfect Bruce/Batman. To do that, I need someone to coach me, to help my memory. So I hide your memories so that when I give you a code word, they will be available for me. Only thing is that you will not have the personality that you have now. You will have the new personality that I will give you. It will be a very vivacious personality in a fucking terrific body. Think of Marilyn Monroe or Racquel Welch with Batman's memories. You will tell me what I want to know and then those memories will go back to sleep with another code word. After awhile, they can go to sleep permanently. So, don't plan on marrying me. I just want you for your body and your lack of brains. I will take care of you, but you will be happy. Remember when I promised you that you would be in my panties within two weeks? Well, you will be, but you will think that they are yours because you are wearing them. I also promised you that when you woke up, you wouldn't have that hard cock sticking out from your body. Was I right or was I right?" he laughed.

I didn't care. The new drugs were making me very placid. He took my pulse and checked my pupils. Then he said "It is time to start some of your training. What is your name?"

"Bruce Wayne." I replied.

"No, I am Bruce Wayne. You are Alice Albertson. What is your name?" he asked.

"Brrruuuccce Wayne" I replied, feeling my tongue slur the words.

"No, I am Bruce Wayne. You are Alice Albertson. What is your name?" he asked again.

I felt good. He was not going to confuse me Whatever his plan was, it was not going to work. I am in control of myself. I know who I am. I smiled as I said "Alice. I am Alice Albertson."

"Good. We both agree. I am Bruce Wayne. You are Alice Albertson. Who am I?" he asked.

I knew that answer. Whatever he was trying to do to me, was not working. I replied "Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne. No matter what you do to me, you cannot convince me otherwise. You are Bruce Wayne. I am Alice Albertson."

"What sex are you? Alice Albertson is a woman. Bruce Wayne is a man." he stated.

Another easy answer. I smiled again as I felt a warmth flow through my body. I replied "I am a woman. They wrote a song about me. I am woman. I was born a woman. I have a cunt. I am woman. I am Alice. You cannot control me. I am too strong for you. Whatever you are trying to do to me, won't work. I am woman. I am Alice. I like that name. Why don't you turn me loose Bruce and let's talk this over."

He said "We still have a long way to go. Do you remember your first period? Tell me about your puberty, when you first realized the difference between men and women's bodies."

I felt a little dizzy. It must be from lying in bed. I rolled my head around and opened my eyes to look at Bruce. He smiled at me and I smiled back. He has a nice smile. Then I remembered what he asked me "Oh, yeah. I was fourteen."

Before I could continue, he said "Twelve. Remember that girls mature two years before boys."

"Yeah. I was twelve. I remember it now. I remember being scared as I discovered that I was bleeding. You should consider yourself lucky Bruce because men don't have to go through that. Only us girls. Part of the price for being a woman, I guess. Anyhow, I was twelve when I had my first period. What was the question again?"

He patted my hand and said "You are doing good. What is your name again?"

"Alice. Don't you forget it. I am Alice Albertson. Doctor Alice Albertson, but you can call me Alice." and then I started giggling. Don't know why, but us girls giggle all the time. Must be something that our female hormones cause.

From agate!biosci!!!!!pipex!!!!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:22 1995 Path: agate!biosci!!!!!pipex!!!!!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (5/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:22:28 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 466 Message-ID: 45bspk$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:22:29 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades


Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 5 - Two weeks later

I slowly wake up and stretch. It feels good to not have to get up anymore. Deciding to retire from my medical practice and take it easy was one of the best decisions that I ever made. I only have to get up now, when I feel like it.

I sat up and a hunk of blond hair falls across my face. I push it out of my face and throw the covers off. I stand and walk across my bedroom to the bathroom. I squat and pee, then wipe myself dry.

I stand in front of the mirror and look at myself. I like what I did to my hair. I like my new blond color and the permanent. I smile and look at my cheeks as I check out my new high cheekbones. They look very natural. The blue bruises around my eyes have faded and I can start putting make-up on now and fixing myself up. I say out loud "Alice Albertson, you are some sexy woman." I like the sound of the words as I say them. I smile at myself in the mirror and say the words again, only this time, making my voice lower and sexier sounding "Alice Albertson, you are a very sexy woman. Every man in Gotham City wants to fuck me."

I pull my nightie off and look at my titties. They look so natural and real. I like the bigger shape of them. They are still a little tender and I can't have sex yet because they need to heal a little more, but they do make my figure look nicer. I wonder why I didn't have the bust enlargement years ago.

As I look at my reflection in the mirror, I try to recall the wonderful

dream that I was having when I woke up and especially remember

what we did. Bruce was in it. I have been dreaming about him a

lot and my dreams are always sexual.

I open the night-stand drawer. After the dream, the sight of the vibrator just makes me feel lonely and horny. I hold it in my hands looking at it. It was a vibrator with interchangeable rubber

cups, etc. I flicked the switch on the handle and pressed the cup

against my thigh very lightly. The immediate feeling was marvelously pleasant and I began rubbing the vibrator in light circles over my thigh.

I let it drift closer to my pubic area, letting the vibrator get

closer and closer. There was a very pleasant feeling as the device came closer to the edge of my panties. Each circular motion of the vibrator found it moving closer and closer to my crotch. I moved it from my thigh and pressed the head flat against my panty covered pussy. As I alternated applied and released pressure, I began to feel something building in my loins. The more I did this, the harder I pressed the rubber cup against me. It did not take long for my panties to get wet in the crotch.

Quickly turning the vibrator off, I sat up and pushed my hand inside my panties and felt how soaking wet I was down there. My dark pubic hair lay in damp ringlets. Exploring with my fingers, I inserted one in the top of my slit. Just touching my clit sent a very pleasant jolt through me. I began to rub myself as I turned the vibrator back on again and pressed it against my crotch as I fingered myself.

I pushed the crotch of my panties down so that the vibrator rested directly on my pussy. I adjusted the skin folds so that the little nub was exposed and put the vibrator in direct contact with that very sensitive area.

The feeling was so intense that I pulled the vibrator away for a few seconds. When I replaced it, my clitoris was once more covered by its hood, so the contact was extremely wonderful and bearable. Getting used to the vibrations, I began

to push and turn the vibrator to explore the other sensitive areas.

Then without warning, I felt my pussy begin to pulse and throb. I pressed the vibrator harder against me, intensifying the feeling, feeling the heat pass through my body. My breasts began to tingle. Lifting the other hand to one tit, I could feel the nipple standing rigidly outward. I was moaning and groaning as wave after wave of pleasure rolled over me.

I felt like I was in another world, enjoying brand new sensations. But I knew that I had done this before. This is my bedroom and my vibrator. Why does this feel so new and strange?

Then it began to fade. I removed the cup and put the six inch

dildo attachment in it's place and turned it on. I raised my left leg a little and shifted my hips, . I started going slow. It felt as if my insides were being flipped inside out. I began to pump the artificial penis in and out, slowly. As my excitement began to build, I pumped faster and faster.

The vibrations were great, but I was really enjoying the pure thrusting. I thought about turning the vibrator off, but before I could really do it, my vagina began its explosive contractions around the dildo as I experienced a very strong orgasm.

As I lay there in the warm afterglow, I smiled as I extracted my toy from the still pulsing cavity. I looked down and watched my pussy turn inside out as it clung to the soft rubber surface. My left hand traced the outline of my sexually stimulated nipples, adding to the pleasure of the moment.

I tried to remember the experience in my mind. It had been as if my whole body had begun to radiate heat from the pit of my stomach. I had felt goose bumps on my arms and legs, my face had seemed on fire. Also there had been that strange tingling sensation in my breasts as my heart pounded as if it had wanted to leap from my chest. The blood had throbbed in my temples and I could hear it rush in my ears. It was a very good feeling. It was heavenly.

After twenty minutes, I step into the shower and let the warm water stream over me. As it flows over my body, it feels so good as the warmth flows around me. I normally take relaxing baths, but I have some things that have to be done today and need to hurry. I start washing myself and feeling how sensitive my body is. I feel very soft and as I wash myself, I start getting a little turned on from my gentle washing. As my washcloth touches my vagina, I shudder from that wonderful feeling. I find it difficult to wash and keep going because I want to play with myself. But I have some things to do today.

I shave my legs quickly and then rinse myself. After I finish my shower and dry off, I parade naked back into my bedroom. I know which bra I am going to wear because I only have two bras that I can wear for the next two weeks, while I heal. I take some lotion and rub into my sensitive boobs. Then I put my support bra on and some white panties. I put panty hose on, making sure that they don't have any ruins in them. Normally I don't wear both panties and panty hose but I am due for my period and can't be too careful. I pick out a nice blouse and skirt and put them on. Both are a little tight. Bruce and I are going shopping today. He thinks that I should buy some new clothes to fit my new body and my new image. I agree. Most of my clothes are very matronly or formal. I don't know why I wore those styles. I find it difficult to remember that I used to be that uptight about my appearance. I have looked at pictures of myself over the years and I was very stuffy.

Well, that was the old me. The new me is very vivacious and alive and happy to be a woman. I feel like I just woke up after being asleep most of my life. I have so much to do. So many things to make up for. And Bruce is going to help me.

I put some highheels on and almost stumble as I walk across the room. Funny, you would think that I would have better balance in these things after wearing them all my life.

I blow-dry my hair and brush it the way the beautician showed me. I still can't do it as nice as she did, but I get better each day on making it look the way that I think it should look.

I hesitate as I start to put my make-up on. For years, I didn't wear any and now I have to learn how to apply it. But Bruce arranged for a couple of lessons and I can put the basics on.

I look at myself in the mirror. I am really fantastic looking and have some nice curves. I can't wait until the next two weeks are up so that I can have sex again.

I pick some earrings and put them on, then add a simple necklace and a ring. I pick up my purse and look at myself again. I am very beautiful and Bruce is very lucky because I want to be his woman.

I go down to the kitchen and pour a glass of juice to help me wash down my daily pill. I have a small thyroid problem and have to take this pill every day of my life.

I lock up my house and go outside to my car. I have to trade cars. This little Honda doesn't match my new image. I get in the car and start the engine. Then I remember that I will have to get a new driver's license to match my new looks. Don't want any cops giving me a hard time.

I drive slowly over to the section of town where Bruce lives. He wants me to move in with him and I think that I will. I like being with him. Sleeping with him, feeling him next to me. Sucking on his cock. Having his cock inside me. All of those wonderful feelings.

I pull into his driveway and see a strange car. I walk up to the door and press the door bell.

"Hello, Alfred, is Bruce ready?" I ask as Alfred opens the door and I enter the house. I like Alfred. He takes such good care of Bruce.

He looks a little bit hesitant. Then he says "Please come with me to the den and I shall inform Master Wayne that you are here."

As we walk to the den, I see them. Bruce is coming down the stairs and has his arms around Vickie Vale. That damn hussy is after my man. I take a deep breath as we start to walk by the staircase, but I decide to show her that I am not afraid of her.

"Hello Bruce. Vickie, imagine seeing you here. What a surprise. Are you going to join Bruce and me this afternoon?" I ask in my most honey-dripping voice.

"Hello Alice. No, I was just leaving. Thank you for the invitation and maybe we can do it someday but I have other plans for today." then she turned to Bruce and continued "I enjoyed myself. We will have to have a long discussion soon. Bye."

As she walked down the stairs, I saw that she had an overnight case in one hand. She had spent the night here. I continued my best fuck you type of smile. The fucking bitch is trying to beat my time.

Alfred showed her to the door and I waited until she was outside. Then I said "What was she doing here?"

Bruce looked at me and said "Your body hasn't healed yet. She was here to give me some very needed relief. She is a very good fuck."

"My mouth is healed. I can do everything with my mouth that she can do with her whole body. Bruce, why do you treat me this way?" I pleased.

"I thought that we agreed that I could fuck whoever I wanted to fuck." he said as he walked into the den. I followed and watched as he lit a cigarette and sat down.

I sat down beside him and said "When did you start smoking?"

He waved the cigarette around and said "I always wanted to start, but never did for some reason. Thought I would try it for awhile to see if I like it. Are you going to move in here?"

"Yes. But do I have to have a separate bedroom. Why can't I sleep with you in my.... I mean your bedroom?" I asked, puzzled as to why I already thought about his bedroom being my bedroom.

"We have visitation rights with each other and I can have other visitors if I want. I like fucking Vickie and I am trying to get the Catwoman to come over to see me. You are almost healed and are ready to move in here. We will have your new clothes delivered here and then get what we want to bring from your house." he said.

He drove me shopping and we shopped. He has very taste in women's clothes for being a man. He knew what would look good on me and what wouldn't. We bought new bras, panties, slips, panty hose, blouses, skirts, pant suits and formal dresses. Bruce likes to have a lot of parties and wants me to look very sexy on those nights. We spent almost twenty thousand dollars on new clothes for me. But as he said, I am worth it.

We shopped all day and then went back to Wayne Mansion. I wanted to sleep with Bruce but he wouldn't let me. He said something about doctor's orders

I awoke the next morning to find the sunlight gently radiating into my bedroom. I was confused for a moment and was trying to determine why I was in this bedroom and not in the master bedroom. Then I remembered our discussion last night.

Alfred had prepared coffee in my anteroom and it's wonderful smell was calling me. The warm glow from the morning sun illuminated the room and inspired me to have my morning coffee while sitting naked at my window seat. My thyroid pill is on the tray and I take that with my coffee. As I reclined against the pillows, I felt the rays

of sun bathe my naked body in a glorious warmth.

I saw Bruce working out in the backyard gym. He has a very expensive workout area and spends a lot of time at it from his overall physique. The sweat glistening from his muscles left me breathless and starved for sex. Seeing him work out made me crave the endless hours of lovemaking that I was looking forward to.

His skin was bronzed by the sun. He was built well, his arms and legs were muscular and looked very powerful. The tight shorts he wore framed a rounded, tight ass, and a bulge up front that made me stir as I watched him lift weights and work out.

I wanted him. I was very aroused. I decided to go on down to the pool and take in some sun. I dug my new bikini out of my clothes that I purchased yesterday. As I was tying the top around my back, I tried to imagine what I could do to get him to make love to me today. After I was suited up, I went to my mirror to make adjustments for the maximum benefit.

My breasts are DD-cup, and very high on my chest. The straps of the bikini pulled them even higher and made them even more full, my cleavage was exposed and looked very provocative. I turned sideways to see my flattened belly and rounded ass. They looked perfect against my strong, toned legs and thighs. I adjusted the thong that ran down the center of my ass so that it was strategically placed in the center of my vagina. The thong skillfully spread my vaginal lips exposing their pinkness. My pubic hair that was exposed was beginning to glisten with the moistness that had begun to seep from deep within me.

If I couldn't have sex with him, I would see how aroused I could get him from looking at my body. I wanted to see him get a rise in those tight little shorts. I liked dressing seductively. I enjoy wondering what men are thinking while they look at me, fantasizing about what they would do to me if they had the chance.

I walked outside to the pool. I opened the door and stepped out into the patio. The noise of the door opening prompted him to turn around.

"Good morning. I slept very good last night. How do you like my new bathing suit?" I asked.

"Don't know if it looks good on you or you make it look good." he said as he stared at my chest.

"I just want some sun. Go ahead with your workout." I said as I laid in the nearest lounge chair.

He started doing chinups. I said "Alfred spent the night with me last night. He said that I was the best fuck that he ever had. He couldn't figure out why you didn't want to touch me. I told him that I thought you were gay."

He quit doing his chinups and I decided to go all the way. I put my hands behind my back to pull loose the strings of my bikini. I looked up at him as my top slid down to my belly exposing my bare breasts. He was watching me, his eyes alive with pleasure. I let my lips form a soft smile as I returned his steady gaze.

I slipped my bikini bottoms off also. My pubic hair shimmered in the sunlight, as I felt the warmth of the rays caress my entire body. Bruce was still busily trying to keep focusing his attention on his exercise. I knew that he wanted to look at me, and I gave him every available opportunity to do exactly that.

"I think that Alfred knocked me up last night. For a little man, he has a mighty big cock. If I have his baby, will you still love me?" I said very casually.

He looked at my bare pussy and breasts. He walked over to the cabana and returned with some oil. He said "You don't want to get a sunburn yet. Your skin is still too sensitive."

As I applied the oil, I said "How would you know how sensitive my skin is? Alfred can tell you after last night. He has such wonderful hands. And his tongue. When he speaks French and runs his tongue up and down a clit, he proves what a master he is."

I let the oil drip down to coat my already hard nipple. Then he smiled and reached towards my breasts and began to rub the oil into my nipple area with moderate pressure. I let my eyes close as I felt his fingers caress the very tips of my nipple. I watched as he held the bottle above my other breast and let oil run down onto it. He watched as the droplets intersected with my skin and slid down to my chest. He then squeezed small puddles of oil onto my belly, legs, and the top of my pussy. I felt the warm oil run down the inside of my inner thighs and onto my asshole. He began to massage my breasts and belly with his slickened hands as I felt a warm feeling inside that I knew was my body releasing my fluid onto my vaginal lips. He began his decent to my lower body, slowly rubbing the oil deeper into my skin. I felt his cock getting harder as it was pressed against the side of my torso. He began moaning slightly with each stroke of his hands.

I closed my eyes as he let two fingers slide onto the center of my pussy, I watched him savor the taste of my sweet juices on his fingers after he had felt that I was very hot. I let him massage the oil onto my pussy as well as my upper thighs. I kept my eyes closed and imagined that what it would feel like if his cock were inside of me and we were making love. My body was moving gently against his hand while I sighed and moaned in pleasure. I opened my eyes to see him gazing fondly between my legs, he watched as he increased the pressure on my pussy. "You have a perfect body. I want to make love to you."

Bruce reached down and pulled at one of my nipples, I let my head fall back and arched my back to show my boobs off. Bruce pulled his shorts off, his cock was already firm with anticipation. He swung a leg over the chair and me so that his crotch was right in front of my mouth. I smiled at him and took his cock in my hand and lead it to my mouth. Starting at the top, I licked all the way to his balls, increasing the pressure as I went along. Bruce's eyes were closed as he began to push deeper into my throat. I was soaking him with my saliva as he plunged deeper into me. I knew that I have to relax when I performed fellatio. I wanted to do everything I could to please him. I curled my tongue to cover as much area of his dick as I could, and begin the suction from the deepest point of my mouth. He was pumping my mouth just as if it was my cunt. He would begin short strokes, only allowing the tip of his head to enter my mouth, then pushing deeper into my throat while I sucked him for all that he was worth.

"You like to suck dick. Your luscious lips were created with that in mind." Bruce said as he was pumping deep into my mouth, I was sucking him harder with each stroke. Bruce was fingering my pussy, I could feel the wetness inside me. I knew that I was close to orgasm but I wanted to hold it as long as possible.

He helped me off the lounge. I knew what was coming next and I couldn't wait. I felt my legs tremble as I stood to wait for Bruce's instructions. "Why don't you get down on all fours so that I can take better care of you." I bent over and rested my body on my hand and knees. My ass was arched high in the air so that Bruce could see the juices dripping down my inner thighs.

Bruce was rubbing his cock against my pussy lips as I started groaning. I felt as if I were about to explode, my legs were trembling and I didn't know how much longer I could hang on.

Bruce slid his rigid cock up into my tight cunt and began pumping only the head. He knew that I liked to be teased, and he loved to keep me on edge as to what was going to happen next. I was in total ecstasy, Bruce was pumping deeper and deeper into me. I had never experienced such a total release.

He grabbed the sides of my ass and pulled me harder and harder onto him. He was giving it to me with a force I had never experienced. I looked back at Bruce, his eyes were closed tightly as I felt his pressure increase.

I felt my pussy swell and tighten as I tried to hold off just a little longer, but it was no use. I let out a low, deep moan as I felt my cum gush and coat Bruce's cock. He followed my lead and pumped feverishly, intensifying his plunges with every stroke. Bruce's juices rushed forward into me and then began to flow back out onto the ground, while coating both our legs. I couldn't hold all of it and so it seeped out and down the sides of my legs. He slowed his motions to release all of his fluid into my pussy. My muscles contracted on Bruce so that I drained every last drop from him.

He pulled out and pulled me to my feet. My whole body was shaky from the experience, so my balance wasn't what it usually was. Bruce embraced me and held me for a moment. He broke the silence by asking "Have you ever had a better fucking?" I knew that it was the best cock that I had ever had.

From agate!!uunet!!!pipex!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:23 1995 Path: agate!!uunet!!!pipex!!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (6/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:23:54 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 264 Message-ID: 45bssa$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:23:54 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades

Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor

Now that we had started fucking again, neither one of us could get enough. We did it three more times that day.

That night, we were sitting on the patio, looking down on the bright lights of Gotham City when the Batsignal lit up the sky as it beckoned for the one and only Batman. I knew that Bruce was also Batman. Maybe that is why I was so drawn to him.

He said "Come on."

I followed him back into the manor and he tripped a switch that opened a secret panel. I followed him inside and the panel shut behind us. We walked down some stairs into the Batcave. I looked around. Everything looked so familiar but I knew that I had never been down here before.

He picked up a red phone that was labeled "Commissioner Gordon"

After a moment, he said "Batman here, what is the problem, Commissioner."

I couldn't hear what the other person was saying but after a moment Bruce continued "I have been sick and still feel weak. However, I can do what you are requesting. I will meet you there in twenty minutes."

As he hung up, he looked at me and said "It's time for Batman to get back into action. I want you to go with me. But you have to hide your identity. I have a costume that I want you to wear so that no one recognizes you."

He handed me a black and gray teddy made of a patent material blended with latex. It was long sleeved, high collared, low cleavage, and it was cut high to show off my fabulous legs. It was a female version of the Batsuit.

I put a pair of jet black pantyhose and slid them on before I put the teddy on. Then I stepped into the form fitting teddy and wiggled my way into it. Inhaling, I slowly zipped it up the back, all the way up to the nape of my neck. The teddy was so tight that it showed every detail of my ample body, yet it was stretchy enough to allow free movement. It did not have a cape. I asked Bruce why as he was dressing and he replied "The cape will get in the way and will hide some of the best features of your body. I want everyone to see what a wonderful body you have." I was finished with the teddy and he pointed to the table. On the table, was a wigstand with a beautiful shoulder length red head wig. I felt the wig and knew that it was human hair. I put it on and fastened it in place, then lightly brushed it for a moment before I put the Batcowl on.

There were two sets of boots. As I looked at them, Batman said "Wear the flat boots tonight. The heels are for when we are going places where we won't be in action."

I sat down and put the almost knee high black boots on. Then I looked in the mirror at my reflection. I looked very good, except I needed some lipstick. As I applied it, Batman finished dressing and stood behind me. He said "As you know, I have taken a couple of weeks off to relax. Sort of a mini-vacation. I discovered that while my body is in good shape, my reflexes are off. Where I would normally patrol Gotham City by myself, I need some help for awhile. The newspapers will know that you are not Batwoman or Batgirl and will give you a name. I thought that we would call this identity, the BatKat or Katrinia. After all, you are Batman's main pussy."

I stood and walked as sexy as I could over to him and put one arm around his neck, pulling his lips to mine. As we kissed, my other hand was rubbing his cock under the Batsuit. When our lips separated, I said "When we come home, I want to try out the famous Batpole. I want to see what it is like to slide up and down it."

Then I turned and walked to the Batmobile. I started to the driver's side for some reason and then remembered that Batman would want to drive. I walked around to my side and stood, waiting for him to open the door for me. After he opened the door, I sat down and waited for him to get in.

The powerful vibrations of the Batmobile felt good. I enjoyed the way that my Batsuit vibrated against my clit from the vibrations of the Batmobile. I almost wished that it was a longer ride into Gotham City. Much longer.

We pulled up in front of a building that was surrounded by policemen and reporters. Commissioner Gordon was standing on the steps waiting. As Batman got out, a smile of relief filled the police head's face. Then he saw me and tried to figure who I was. As I walked up the steps, a lot of camera flashes went off. I stopped, puffed out my chest and turned to give them the best smile and view possible. I put my hands on my utility belt, spread my legs slightly and lifted my chin. Then I hurried along behind the Batman and Commissioner Gordon.

Batman said "Robin is still unavailable. The BatKat will be helping me for awhile. Or you can call her Katrinia."

The older man smile and nodded his head as he said "You will be most welcome. Anyone that Batman trusts enough to wear the Batsuit, will be welcomed by me and my men."

We walked into a jewelry store. Several of the glass cases had been busted and the contents removed. Batman watched me as I walked around the room. Then he came over to me and whispered "What do you think?"

I whispered back "They have been robbed."

"No, what should we do?" he asked.

"I don't know. You are the Batman. What should we do?" I whispered back.

He looked at me for a moment and then whispered "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart."

I felt funny for a moment. A warm flush flowed through my body and I felt strange staring at Batman. I looked down at myself for a moment because I felt really funny.

Batman whispered "What do we do?"

My confusion and slight dizziness cleared up. I replied back in a whisper "We should find where they came in. It takes longer to get in than it does to get out. They might have left some clues."

Batman turned to Gordon and said "Please have everyone leave the room."

As they left the room, we walked around the room. A door opened into an office and everything looked normal. But I paused and said "Look at the floor in the corner. See those heavy dustballs in this clean office. That type of trash can only accumulate in false ceilings." We pushed a chair over and he stood on the chair as he lifted the tile and looked.

He had a big smile as he said "I see a busted cinder block firewall in that direction. They came through here."

We walked out of the office and out into the hall where Commissioner Gordon was waiting for us with the building janitor.

Batman pointed at an office door down the hall and commanded "Open that door."

The janitor unlocked the door and Batman and I entered by ourselves. I quickly saw the tools leaning against the wall. We entered another office and found a hole in the ceiling going to the floor above. I said to Batman "Boost me up and come on."

He held his hands and I jumped into his hand as he lifted me up to where I could pull myself to the floor above. As I examined this office, he ran up the stairs with the janitor. I was walking down the hall. This office had a busted lock and there was a wall mounted ladder going up to an unlocked roof access hatch. I climbed up and Batman followed me onto the roof.

There was nothing on this roof, but the next roof was one floor up. I jumped but for some reason, couldn't jump as high as I though I could. Batman braced me again and boosted me up. As I climbed on the roof, he loudly whispered "How do I get up there?"

I smiled and said "Use your Batmuscles. It's only one floor."

He jumped and missed the ledge on the first attempt. On the second, he caught it and pulled himself up. I had already walked around the small roof and found nothing. Except for the next building's roof. There as a two by eight plank laying on the far roof closest to the roof where we were standing. I turned and walked back about ten feet. Then I ran and took a flying leap across the alley.

I hit the wall with a thump and barely caught the roof ledge. As I pulled myself up, I was very confused. For some reason, I knew that I could easily jump that alley but my muscles didn't carry me across and barely got me to the edge. I am going to increase my workouts and get my body into shape.

Batman was whispering "You damn fool. Are you trying to kill yourself?"

I lifted the plank and placed it across the opening. Batman stood on it and slowly walked across the narrow distance. He was waving his arms and was having problems with his balance, which didn't seem right with my memories of Batman. Normally he would have just jumped that opening and his balance is so good, that he would walk a tightrope across that gap. And here he was, having problems with a eight inch wide board three stories up.

When he got over on my side he said "I am the Batman. Don't do that again if you ever want to come back out with me."

"Yes, sir." I replied, knowing that I probably wouldn't obey him.

We examined that roof and found a stairways going down to an abandoned office floor. We found signs of recent work and some blueprints of the building that had been robbed. We looked around and didn't see any other clues.

We walked out of the building and down the street to the roped off building. Commissioner Gordon was on a police radio. Batman said "I found their working area. It's the third floor of that building. Have your men fingerprint the building. I don't see where we can help you anymore tonight. Good night."

As we walked to the Batmobile, Commissioner Gordon shouted "Welcome back Batman. We missed you. Nice meeting you BatKat. I am looking forward to seeing more of you."

The crowd parted to let us enter the Batmobile. Reporters were shouting questions of us and the camera men were snapping picture after picture of me. I was the new mystery. The woman beside Batman.

After we got into the Batmobile, he looked at me and said "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart."

I felt dizzy again and had to shut my eyes for a moment to clear away the dizziness. When I opened them again, he was smiling at me "How do you feel?"

"I feel horny and want to suck your big Batcock." I replied in a very sexy, smooth voice.

We drove back to the Batcave. After he parked the Batmobile, we fucked in the Batcave. I undressed except for my red wig and Batcowl. He kept his tunic on.

After we showered and changed back into our normal clothes, we returned to the patio where we enjoyed the view of the city. And he enjoyed the blowjob I gave him. I don't like to brag but I am one of the best cocksuckers in the world.

From agate!!!!!!!!!!pipex!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:24 1995 Path: agate!!!!!!!!!!pipex!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (7/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:25:55 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 376 Message-ID: 45bt03$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:25:55 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades


Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 7 - Training

The next morning, he woke me up and gave me a butt fuck. After we showered and went down to breakfast, we read the newspapers.

There were pictures of me on the front page of every paper and on several of the inner papers. I smiled and said "That costume makes my boobs look bigger."

He replied "It is sewn to make your boobs ride higher and has the same effect as one of the push-up bras."

Alfred entered the room, carrying a breakfast tray. "Good morning, Master Bruce and Mistress Alice."

"Good morning Alfred." I replied.

Alfred said "It is good to see the Batman back in action and may I say that your Batsuit looks good on you, Miss Alice."

"Thank you, Alfred." I smiled. I like Alfred. Too bad that there is so much of an age difference between us.

Alfred handed me my thyroid pill and a glass of juice. As I swallowed it, Alfred said "I have the same problem and only recently discovered that I have to take the same medication. I will make sure that you take your medicine every day."

Bruce said "My balance was off last night. I see now that muscle tone is only part of it and that I need to develop some reflexes. After breakfast, let's go to the Batcave gym and work out."

Nothing was going right. Everything that I tried to do, wouldn't work. Nothing felt right. Bruce was getting frustrated because my limited advice was not helping. After all, what do I know about gymnastics? I am only a fucking cunt.

Finally he looked at me and said "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart."

I felt dizzy again and shut my eyes. When I opened them, the dizziness has passed. Bruce said "What am I doing wrong?"

I replied "You are not tucking your body in fast enough and releasing it at the correct moment to break your spin. Let me show you."

I climbed onto the trapeze stand, took the swing and swung out and dropped as I went into a flip. Then I opened up and missed the bar. I rolled as I fell to the safety net and bounced. I climbed back up the ladder, took the swing and swung again, this time changing my tuck time by one tenth of a second and opened to catch the swinging bar. I swung over to the other stand and caught myself.

"See." I said.

We spent the rest of the morning and he improved with my coaching. He is clumsy and timid and shouldn't try this without a safety net but he should get his reflexes back quickly.

After the training, we worked out in the gym. I had discovered that my body was too weak. Bruce said "We don't want you to look at a masculine woman, so we have to watch your bodyshaping and keep your body as feminine as possible."

After working out, we switched into some jogging clothes and went for a run. I couldn't keep up with him. Not only were my muscles not in shape for this, but my chest was bouncing all over the place, even with the sports bra holding my boobs firmly in place. Running with boobs jiggling made me feel funny.

After we showered and cleaned up Bruce said "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart". I felt dizzy again but it passed after a couple of seconds.

I put on a very sexy, low cut dress and Bruce took me to a nice restaurant. When we returned to Wayne manor, Alfred said "There is a message for Batman on the Bat answering machine."

I followed Bruce to the Batcave and watched as he pressed the button. A female voice cooed "Hello Batman. Who is the sexy woman following you around. Call me. I have some things to discuss with you."

Bruce looked at me and said "Who was that?"

"I don't know. I never heard her voice before." I answered.

He frowned and said "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart".

Again I felt dizzy and it quickly passed. Bruce said "Who was that?"

"It was Batgirl. She dropped out of action because she became pregnant. She is on travel because she doesn't want her friends to know that she is an unmarried mother." I replied. How did I know that now. I didn't know it a minute ago.

He continued "How did she get this number?"

I replied "It's a radio frequency telephone so there are no wires leading here. The phone is in the closet behind Gordon's office. She also has a similar number. It's programmed into the autodialer as item 17."

I wondered why I knew this and he didn't.

He sat down and pressed button 17. After a couple of moments, a female voice said through the speaker phone "You got my message."

Bruce said "Yes. I did. How are you doing?"

The voice said "Four months down and only five months to go. I can't get into any of my clothes now. Who is this woman in the papers with you?"

"Call her Katrinia. I can't tell you who she really is." he said. Then he looked at me and paused before he continued "Let me put you on hold for just a second."

He pressed hold and said "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart". I became dizzy again and when I opened my eyes, he was talking to the woman on the phone. He unzipped his trousers and pointed. I knew what he wanted.

So while he talked to Batgirl on the phone, I gave him a blow job.

We went on patrol several nights. One night, we found a robbery in progress. While Batman fought one of the robbers, I used judo to take care of the other three. The next morning's papers had quotes from Batman on how he captured all four crooks.

We practiced and trained every day. My coordination was a lot better and my endurance was increasing. Batman was getting better at regaining the skills that he lost somehow.

Every night we would sleep together in his large master bed. Except for the night he stay at Vickie's place. I was mad. I walked the floor all night waiting for him to come home. I cried. I smoked and I don't smoke. I walked the floor.

When he finally came home the next morning, he just wanted to go to bed and sleep. I just wanted to kill him. He went upstairs and laid down to sleep. I went down to the Batcave. For some reason, I felt very comfortable down there.

After a couple of hours, he came downstairs and found me on the Batcomputer going over his medical records. I was very interested in his recent virus with the hard cock. Although I was his physician and had treated him for that, I did not remember too much of it.

He said "I want you to stay at your place until I tell you to come back here."

I looked up and knew that my eyes were filling with tears. I whimpered "Don't make me leave. I won't fuss at you anymore. You can fuck that slut."

He said "It's not that. I have something to do and don't want you around for a couple of days..

He turned and walked out. After I finished crying, I went to the bathroom and re-applied my make-up. I went upstairs and packed some clothes to take with me. Alfred carried them out to my car and I drove back to my house. This was the first time that I had been back there in almost three weeks.

My house felt empty. It didn't feel right. I felt more at home and relaxed at the Wayne manor. After knocking around the house by myself waiting on his phone call for six days, I drove over to the lab.

I still owned the lab and had turned the management over to one of my best employees. As I walked into the lab, people nodded and smiled at me. After I walked back them, I knew that they were talking about me. Let them talk. I know that I have changed and the change is for the better. I want to be a sexy woman. I want to be a desirable cunt.

I sat down at my desk and looked at the paperwork. I read some of my notes on different projects. I looked around the office and saw a locked door. Funny, I don't remember what is on the other side of that door. The door is locked. I check my desk for the keys but don't find one. I open my purse and find a bobby pin. I carefully insert the bobby pin and feel the lock click as I jiggle the bobby pin.

I open the door and walk into another office. This one is full of equipment and file folders. I look at the bottles of medicine on the cabinet and recognize the thyroid pill that Alfred and I take daily. I

wonder why I have such a supply of it here.

I open a door and discover that it is an outside door so that the lobby can be bypassed. Funny that I don't remember this office. This is better than the office that I have.

I open a file cabinet and discover several thick files on Batman. I look at other files and discover chemical formulas that I don't recognize and test results. One of the thick folders identifies the virus that Bruce had. Why did I have so much information on this particular virus?

I find another thick folder and reading the notes, I realized that this drug is a powerful hypnotic drug. Why do I have all these notes and don't remember any of this? Something is not right.

Then I find my most recent notes. Three videos are stuffed into the folder. I put the video marked One into the VCR and sit down. I see Bruce and me entering a patient room. Bruce lies down after he undresses. I talk to him and then inject him with something. He falls asleep after I restrain him. I exit the room and return, wheeling another bed. I leave the room again and return with a cart and some strange equipment which I don't recognize. I don't remember any of this.

I watch as I put a timer on the IV going into Bruce's arm. The other bed has a similar timer on the IV hanging from it's IV pole. I undress and put the strange helmet on my head after adjusting a couple of dials. My body jerks once and then I remove the helmet and put it on Bruce. I shut the IV off going into Bruce's arm. I put the helmet on Bruce's head and re-set some of the dials. I quickly lay down on the other bed, and inject something into my arm. I see my eyes shut and I lie there for a couple of minutes. Then the helmet buzzes and a weird light fills the room. My body jerks and so does Bruce's body. After a couple of minutes, the helmet light turns off and our bodies quit jerking.

I watch the screen for several minutes and then see Bruce slowly remove the helmet. He sits up and looks at his body. Then he looks at my sleeping body. He has a big grin on his face. He gets out of bed and almost falls. He walks clumsy over to my sleeping body and hooks the IV up to me. After he has it going, he puts the restraints on me. Then he walks out of the room. That video is finished.

I remove that video and put video number Two into the VCR. It starts off with Bruce dressed in lab clothes walking around my body. I am laying on a table in a operating room. I watch as he performs the breast enlargement surgery on me. I fastforward through the video and see the other procedures that he has done on me. I don't remember Bruce doing this to me. I remember Doctor Johnson doing this to me. Where is Doctor Johnson now? That's right, he went on a six month tour and won't be back. But why do I remember someone else doing what Bruce is clearly doing to me. And where did he develop the skills necessary to perform this type of operation?

I fast forward through the rest of the tape and it is simply surgery videos. I remove the video and put Video Three into the VCR. I am back in the patient room and Bruce is talking to me. I am coming out of the sleep and I hear Bruce say "Bruce, can you hear me? I have stopped the medication but you are not ready to be untied yet. The medication that put you to sleep should wear off in the next couple of minutes and you can wake up. The treatment was a success, by the way. You no longer have a hard cock sticking up from your body."

I stop the video. My hands are shaking. I press the continue button and watch and listen as I hear Bruce explain what he has done to me. I see myself trying to break my restraints and Bruce turning on some drugs into my IV. I see my body relax as the drugs take affect. I rewind the Video to listen to the following portion:

He said "It is time to start some of your training. What is

your name?"

"Bruce Wayne." I replied.

"No, I am Bruce Wayne. You are Alice Albertson. What is

your name?" he asked.

"Brruuucce Wayne" I replied, slurring the words.

"No, I am Bruce Wayne. You are Alice Albertson. What is

your name?" he asked again.

I smiled as I said "Alice. I am Alice Albertson."

"Good. We both agree. I am Bruce Wayne. You are Alice

Albertson. Who am I?" he asked.

I replied "Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne. Bruce Wayne.

No matter what you do to me, you cannot convince me

otherwise. You are Bruce Wayne. I am Alice Albertson."

The rest of the video was similar. He would ask a question and after I responded, he would tell me what he wanted the answer to be. After I gave the correct answer, he would move on to the next concept that he wanted me to learn.

I listened as he explained that I had to take my thyroid medicine. It has to be something to keep me this way.

I listened as he helped me build my personality and sexual desires. I listed as I discovered that my real memories were hidden and he could bring them out by saying "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart." and could return me to my bimbo state by saying it again. I listened as I discovered that I had another code phrase that put me into a learning state. That phrase was "Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite."

Everything was making sense. Now I knew why I felt so comfortable at Wayne Manor, why Batman had lost his reflexes, why I felt that I could leap across building roofs. I am Batman. I am Bruce Wayne, trapped in this woman's body, with implanted memories and feelings. I have been robbed of my identity.

I look for the helmet but don't discover it anywhere. I make Xerox copies of all of the notes and copies of the video tapes. I put everything back in place and go back to my house. Rather I go back to Alice's house. I recognize that I am not her even thought I feel and look like her.

I say the phrase "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart" and nothing happens. I play the video and listen to Bruce say "Corn beef cabbage makes Batman fart" and my memories return. I make a small tape recording of him saying this phrase. Apparently I only respond when I hear his voice with those words.

I have to get my body and my memories back. I made a small video of myself giving instructions and give myself instructions using the procedures that I saw Bruce use on me. Then I injected myself with the hypnotic drug, starting my tape as I fell asleep.

When I wake up, I feel better. I have removed my block on my memories and now remember every thing. He can no longer control me. However, I gave myself instructions on how to behave so I would act as if I was still under his control.

I turn in and go to sleep because I have a lot to do in the morning.

From agate!!!!!!!!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:24 1995 Path: agate!!!!!!!!!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (8/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:27:12 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 201 Message-ID: 45bt2g$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:27:12 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades

Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 8 - Payback

I shower and dress after I wake-up. As I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, I feel comfortable with being in this body. I have adapted to being someone else and to being a woman. And I really enjoyed sex as a woman, but I have to get my body back. I have to get my life under control again.

I don't call and I go over to the manor. I use my key to open the front door and go back to the kitchen dining area. Vickie is sitting there in her robe, reading the newspaper.

She looks up as I come into the kitchen. She smiles at me and says "Good morning. I was hoping that you would come home today. Bruce told me that he thought that we should be sisters and he was right. I want to get to know you better."

Alfred entered the dinning area and said "Good morning, Miss Alice. Miss Vickie and I are getting ready to take our morning thyroid medication. Have you had your pill yet?"

So he has Vickie on the pills now. That means that he has her under his control. I smile at Alfred and say "Yes. but I will take some juice. I came by to pick up some more clothes. Is Bruce here?"

Vickie looked at Alfred and then said "He is still upstairs. Dick came home from college yesterday."

I sat down and Alfred poured me some juice. I asked Vickie "How long have you been here?"

"The day that you returned to your house to take care of your business, I moved into the guest bedroom next to your room. I have been here ever since." she said, with a shy smile.

I heard someone coming down the hall and turned to see Bruce and Dick walking down the hall. Bruce was holding Dick's hand as they walked. Both men were dressed in Speedo bathing suits. Bruce saw me and dropped Dick's hand. As he entered the kitchen, he said "What are you doing here?"

I smiled and said "I ran out of clothes and came by to pick some more up. I didn't think that you would mind."

He frowned for a moment and then the smile came back "Well, I was going to call you tomorrow and ask you to come back. I have some surprises for you. Vickie moved in with us and Dick came home from college. Dick, this is Alice."

Dick nodded at me because his mouth was wrapped around a bagel. Bruce said to me "Come back with me for a second."

He walked out of the dinning area and I followed him into the den. He shut the door and said "Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite."

I let my eyes focus on an area not within the room and my breathing get shallow. Bruce said "Why are you here?"

I slowly replied "I missed you. I used the clothes as an excuse."

He thought for a moment and said "You can come back. But your new instructions are that you think that Vickie is your best friend. She also is your lover. You will make passionate love to her when I tell you. And another thing, you will not be jealous of Dick and me. Or Vickie and me. You will accept my relationship with them as being normal. Remember that you are a cunt. A slut to fuck anyone that I want you to fuck. What are your instructions?"

I calmly said "Vickie is my lover. I enjoy sex with her. She is my best friend. I enjoy seeing you and Dick together because I know that he makes you happy. I am a cunt. I am your cunt and will fuck anyone that you want me to fuck."

"Good. Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite." he said again.

I shook my head as if to clear a fog. Then I looked at him and smiled.

He walked out of the den and said "Take Vickie up to your room."

I followed him back to the kitchen and watched as he held his hand out. Dick took his hand and they walked out to the pool. I held my hand out to Vickie and she took it. She touched my hand briefly, and when I didn't pull away, she ran her fingertips gently along the palm to my wrist. I shivered at her touch. I returned Vickie's caress with one of my own, along the back of her hand down to her fingers. She leaned closer to me, our fingertips touching, her breath light on my cheek. I looked up into her eyes and nearly melted. She let me lead her upstairs to my bedroom. That is, to my assigned bedroom.

We were barely inside my bedroom and she was already tearing off my clothes. She bent her head, and her lips brushed mine. I felt a spark begin at that touch and travel down my spine, radiating out along my arms and to our still-touching fingers and further down my back, ending in a small explosion between my quaking legs.

Vickie moaned, "did you just feel what I did?" as she unzipped and remove my skirt.

"Yes, I'm all wet inside, just thinking about you," I replied as I untied her robe and pushed it off her shoulder to the floor.

Vickie looked hungrily at me, her eyes moving downward to take look at my breasts. She said "Bruce said that you have the nicer body. He wants me to take some time off next week and see Doctor Johnson about my breast enlargements."

I let her finish, and as her eyes returned to lock on mine, I pushed her back on the bed, and began to kiss her: first, gently brushing her cheek, then lightly on her lips, and then more and more as she thrust her tongue between my lips and I through hers, our mouths joined together, tongues intertwined, fighting each other to drive even deeper... and then backing off to nibble on her lips, as she licked mine, tasting, and then thrusting once again. I broke away to continue my exploration, trailing kisses down her neck and behind her ears, and then on down to her shoulders.

I nibbled at her earlobe and then blew gently into her ear; she tensed at that, and then her pelvis lunged as I thrust my tongue in. I teased her ear a moment longer, then began kissing my way down her jaw to her throat, then across to her shoulder. I gently kissed and licked from one shoulder to the other and back, and then, trailing my lips lightly over her skin. She shivered at the touch of my lips on her smooth flesh.

I began kissing her gorgeous tits -- firm 36C tits, with large, dark aureolae, and lovely firm nipples, my lips occasionally straying down to her belly button. I knew so well what I wanted to do to turn her on, but where I had made love to her when I was Bruce. I started licking them, feeling her nipples growing, and getting firmer from my teasing.

I positioned myself straddling her with one knee between her legs, and she began grinding her mound against my thigh. I could feel her wetness leaking from her. She was totally into it by then -- writhing beneath me, her head moving from side to side, and her hips grinding in slow figure-eights. I finally tore myself away from her chest to continue downwards, across her stomach, kissing her. By the time I was at her crotch, I couldn't wait any longer; she smelled so delicious. I dived into her. She tasted heavenly.

I put my hands under her, and lifted her by her ass-cheeks, then licked her from her ass to her pubic hair. I moved back to her pussy and lapped up her juice, savoring it as I licked her. I moved up to her clit, and she went crazy, bucking up into me. I slid down a bit further so I could bring a finger up to her cunt. I slid it slowly from her mound, past her throbbing clit, and down her slit, passing between her inner and outer lips, and ending by teasing her anus. I drew it back upwards as my mouth returned to suck on her clit, and came to rest poised at her hot opening.

Vickie was wriggling her ass in an attempt to capture my finger, but I held back and slowly inserted it into her pulsating hole. She began to cum almost immediately, her pussy drawing my finger in and rippling against it. I felt her let go and thrust another finger inside, thrusting in and out as my lips and tongue worked over her engorged clit. She just continued cumming, and finally I stopped as she writhed, gasping for breath, underneath me.

I began thrashing around, pumping my pelvis against her. She settled down onto me, and our pussies ground together as we sucked each other cunts. Vickie started moaning again herself, then she began humping up and down. We must have been at it for over an hour, cumming together and alternately, before she finally collapsed on top of me, exhausted.

From agate!!!!!!!!!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:26 1995 Path: agate!!!!!!!!!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (9/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:29:01 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 528 Message-ID: 45bt5t$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:29:01 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades

Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 9 - Following them

Batman and Robin went on patrol. As soon as they left the Batcave, I went downstairs to the Batcave disguise room and put on a Wonder Woman outfit.

Wonder Woman is a friend of mine and we have worked as a team several times. During one of her trips to Gotham City, she stayed over three weeks, using my Batcave as a base for her project. All of the super heroes, except Superman, have several dozen copies of their uniforms. They get tore, dirty, and age fast. Who supports a super hero wearing a faded, dirty uniform. She left two of her uniforms here. She didn't leave her magical belt which was the embodiment of her psychic spirit and, while away from paradise island, was the only way she could draw psychic strength from the elements, giving her the incredible strength, skill and stamina of Wonder Woman. Those items never wore out so she did not have copies of those items. But I had some look-alike copies of them. They just didn't have any magical properties.

I put the red, white and blue uniform on. It was a little loose in the

hips and tight in the bust. So my boobs are bigger than Wild Woman's and her ass is bigger than mine. Interesting.

I put her boots on and then found a black, shoulder-length wig that I put on and fastened to my hair, making sure that my blond hair was hid. I put on my copies of the femimim barrette to help hold the wig in place, put the belt on, fastened the rope to the belt, and slid the bracelets around my wrist. I put some lipstick on and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked like a dark-haired Alice Albertson going to a costume party. Well, in the dark, or in a faint light, I could pass for Wonder Woman because of the costume.

I grabbed a small first aid kit and emptied it out except for two needles that I filled with the hypnotic drug. I wouldn't have the opportunity to use but one and if that failed, I was not going to survive this. I put the first aid kit on my belt. I would have preferred wearing my utility belt, but that would look very strange on Wonder Woman's waist.

I went to my Bat electronics room and found a portable voice transducer and a wrist radio. I searched through my tapes of telephone and radio calls and found a couple of samples where I had taped Wonder Woman's voice. I modified the voice transducer to convert my Alice voice to a voice that sounded like Wild Woman's voice. I knew that Bruce didn't know what Wild Woman's voice sounded like, but he does know and recognize Alice's voice.

I also picked up a small Batmobile finder. I have used it before to follow the Batmobile when the Batmobile was under the control of someone else. I hopped on a Batcycle and started it. As that nice, vibration spread between my legs, I felt like grabbing a Bat dildo and inserting into my vagina. Maybe, next time.

I found the Batmobile parked on a street. I knew that Batman and Robin were up on the rooftops on patrol. I hid the Batcycle so they wouldn't see it and climbed up to the roofs. I raced across rooftops until I saw some movement on a roof ahead. I was able to recognize the red jerkin that Robin wears. I stopped and activated the voice transducer and wrist radio.

"Calling Batman. This is Wonder Woman." I said.

I saw them stop. Then I heard Bruce's voice "Go ahead Wonder Woman."

"Hi Batman. I arrived in Gotham City about two hours ago. I trailed a spy on the train and he just checked into a hotel. I expect him to sleep for the rest of the night and then he will meet his contact for lunch. I have the rest of the night free for whatever. What are you doing tonight?" I said.

"Robin and I are on patrol. Would you like to join us?" came his voice over the radio.

"Hi Robin. I thought that you were away. I ...." I paused, clicked the radio, and then re-started the transmission as if I was having difficulty determining what to say, then I continued "I thought that you might be alone and would want some company. I am a little embarrassed because I was hoping that you would be alone Batman. You see, Steve and I broke up. On the trainride here, I developed a little scenario where you and I found a little quiet rooftop to .. to sit and talk." I said.

Batman's voice changed as he said "You and Steve broke up. Interesting. Well, Robin was just getting ready to turn back and go back to the Batcave for a research project. I suppose that I could join you. Where are you now?"

I gave an address that was several blocks away. He suggested that I meet him at a building that very close to where he was now. I counter-offered another building that would take him a couple of minutes to get to, but one that he could get to, with his current climbing skill level. I had to get there first. He agreed and we shut

down the radio communication.

I watched as he and Robin talked for a minute. Then Robin left him and climbed off of the building. As I worked my way across the rooftops, I stopped to check on the current status of the Batmobile. It was moving and headed out of the city. Robin was leaving.

I saw Batman working his way across some rooftops and almost laughed at the clumsy way that he was maneuvering across the different buildings. I had worked my way to where I was very close to the building where I wanted to face him but it was on the other side of the street.

I turned the radio back on and said "Hi, Batman. I am almost there. But I forgot to bring a pillow."

He responded "We can use my cape. We can roll it up and it makes a nice pillow."

I cooed "You know I wanted to do this when I worked with you last fall, but I was going steady with Steve at that time."

"We will make up for it tonight." he replied.

I said "Come and get me. I am getting ready to swing across the street." as I shut off the radio. I could see him from where I was standing.

I took my rope and lassoed a chimney on a building across the street. Then I swung out and across the street. I knew that he was watching and could clearly see the long black hair and the short Wonder Woman red, white, and blue leotard. I wanted him to think that it was really Wonder Woman before he got here.

I walked to the far side of the roof and took off the radio and voice transducer from my belt. I removed the first aid kit, took out the two needles and got them ready. Then I held one of the needles in my right hand so that it was hid from sight.

I stood on the roof top, with my legs spread wide and my hands on my hips. With the slight breeze blowing through my hair, and the faint light from the distant street lights, I knew that he wouldn't be able to tell that I was not Wonder Woman.

I heard his footsteps crunching on the rooftop behind me. His arms circled my chest and his hands cupped my boobs as he breathed into my ear "Hi."

I turned quickly and pulled his face to my lips, knowing that he would shut his eyes in anticipation of the kiss. As I kissed him, his tongue tried to enter my mouth and I let it. With my left hand, I reached between our bodies and started rubbing his erection. As I did this, he spread his legs slightly to give my hand better access to his cock. I rubbed it as if I wanted his cock, but I was really checking it to see if he had on a protective cup. He didn't.

I quickly brought my knee up sharply and hard into his gonads. My knee had the expected result. No man can stand or move when that occurs. As he fell, I jabbed the needle into his hip, plunging a double doze of the hypnotic drug into his body.

"Aggggggh." he screamed.

As he rolled in pain on the roof, I removed the black wig. It had served it's purpose to hide my appearance long enough. As he rolled in pain, he looked and then recognized me "YOU!!!!!!!"

He tried to get to his knees but couldn't do anything but remain doubled up with the pain. From Alice's records, I knew that the drug worked in forty-five seconds to 90 seconds on my body and was effective for three hours. I also knew that his pain and mental stage might extend that time so all I had to do, was just to stay out of his way until the drug kicked in.

He pulled himself to his knees and slowly stood, but he was bent over. He said "Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite." as he tried to take control of my mind.

I stepped backwards and said "Guess again. See how real they are." and I pulled my top down to flash him the very real boobs.

"Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite. Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite. Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite." he screamed at me.

I smiled and pulled my top back up as I said "You haven't been a man long enough to know that every man has one very sensitive spot where a well placed knee, can destroy him. I know what you did to me and how you did it. Now I am in control and I am going to take my body back."

He reached out to grab me but I easily side-stepped his slow grab. As he followed me across the rooftop I was counting the seconds and I began to get worried as a minute passed.

Then his knees collapsed as the drug started taking effect. He rolled onto the roof. I slowly approached him and removed his cowl, making sure to watch his hands for any sudden movements. After I removed the cowl, I removed the Batlight from his utility belt and shined in into his eyes. The pupils were very dilated.

I said "Bruce, where is the helmet?"

He replied "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Bruce, I am your friend. I am trying to help and to make the hurt go away. Where is the helmet?" I again asked, using the techniques that he had used on me.

He slowly replied "I don't..... don't..... What helmet?"

"The helmet that you used to swap our bodies. I need it to help you with your plans." I replied.

He slowly said "I hid it. In the lab. Above the ceiling over my desk."

I said "Stand up."

He slowly stood up.

I handed him the cowl and said "I am here to help you. You must do as I instruct you. If you do not do what I tell you, then your plan won't work."

"I will do what you want. My plan must work." he said.

"Put the cowl back on and follow me." I said as I put the black wig back on.

I opened the roof door and walked down the steps to the outer door, with him following me. We walked to the corner and I stopped a taxi.

"I am Wonder Woman and Batman has been hurt. I must borrow your taxi to take him back to the Batcave. Your taxi will be returned to you tomorrow, good citizen of Gotham." I said to the driver.

He looked at me and at Batman standing there. As he got out, he said "Batman makes the streets safe for us. I will do anything to help. Take it."

I gave the taxi driver a quick kiss on the cheek and brushed my boobs against him as payment for his willing sacrifice. I helped Batman into the backseat and drove us to the lab.

I had to pick the lock on the door and it took a couple of minutes to find the helmet. I drove us back to the Batcave. The taxi didn't have a door opener so I had to use the hidden walk-in entrance after entering the code on the hidden door lock.

I had Batman lay down on the hospital bed and started an IV into his arm, with a mild sleeping compound going into his body. Then I moved the other hospital bed beside his bed and put an IV on the bed so it would be ready.

I undressed myself and put the strange helmet on my head after adjusting a couple of dials. My body jerks once and then I remove the helmet and put it on Batman. I shut the IV off going into Batman's arm. I put the helmet on Batman's head and re-set some of the dials. I quickly lay down on the other bed, and inject a sleeping compound into my arm. My eyes shut as I fall asleep.

When I wake up, I am in my body. Bruce Wayne's body. Alice's body is in the next bed and is still asleep with the IV still flowing the sleeping compound into her body.

I stand up and feel weak but my strength is quickly returning. I put the helmet away and take off the Batsuit. I feel funny. I am in my normal body but I don't feel normal. Normal was being smaller. Normal was having boobs jiggle on my chest. I rub my hand across my face and feel the stubble on my face. I prefer the smooth face and don't like this stubble. Although I am back in my body, I have a lot of adjustment to do when I have time.

I ran my fingers up and down my large chest. I stopped my hands at my nipples to rub and play with them until they got hard. They were not as sensitive as the nipples on my Alice body. My cock was really starting to throb now. I slid my hands all over my chest a few times, lingering for a few seconds at the area around my nipples. I slid my hands down my sides and started to stroke my smooth, tight thighs

My body was tense with my arousal. My breathing started to get heavy. My hands continued to rub my body. But I didn't touch my cock yet. I wanted to prolong this. I wanted a hole to stick it in. I wanted the hole to be on me. I wanted to fuck myself with my own cock. I just stood there for a few minutes. My body shining with a light coating of sweat. My penis throbbed and stuck straight out from my muscular body. I had a patch of dark curly hair at the base of my shaft.

I walked over to the mirror, my cock bobbing up and down as I walked. It turned me on to see my 7 inch penis sticking out in front of me. I slowly brushed my hand up and down the length of my shaft, while watching myself in the mirror. My eyes traveled all over my slightly hairy chest. Going down to my flat stomach, then to my cock with its patch of brown pubic hair. Meanwhile, my hand grasped my hard dick and started to stroke it as my other hand caressed my balls, working its way back to my tight ass cheeks. Rubbing my ass in the same tempo that I stroked my dick. The pre-cum started to ooze out of the head of my cock, a small glistening trail of it traveled down my cock head, onto my shaft and stroking hand making it slippery. I stopped stroking my dick long enough to spread my jism all over the head, making it shine.

A low moan escaped me as my passion built up. I started stroking my cock harder and faster now, while my other hand feverishly roamed all over my muscled body. All I could think of was my hard cock.

With my passion building, I started to moan as my orgasm started to build. My balls got tight and pulled up. My cock oozed a think stream of pre-cum which slid down my shaft and over my tight fist, leaving a gleaming trail. I stroked my shaft faster and faster as my cum built up in my tight balls! My other hand continued stroking my chest.

A low moan escaped me as I began to feel my cum work its way up my throbbing shaft. My eyes locked onto my reflection in the mirror as I watched the head of my cock swell and shoot out a thick white stream of cum. My cock was pointed straight up as I stroked it. My cum landed in a stream from my nipple down to my stomach. I stroked my cock as I shot out 4 more big squirts of my cum.

Then I looked at myself in the mirror and realized what was happening. As Alice, my personality had been conditioned to get horny whenever I saw Bruce's naked body. Even though I was in my body, my mind had started turning on the sexual desires. Now that I knew what was happening to me, I was able to exercise enough self control so that I could put on my jeans and shirt. As I dressed, I felt the strong sexual urge subside.

I shut the sleeping compound off and hook up the hypnotic drug. I watch her body and when I start seeing signs of her waking up, I start the hypnotic drug flowing into her body. After a couple of moments, I see the new drug take affect as her body relaxes and she eases into the hypnotic state.

I said "Alice, can you hear me?"

She replies "I am no longer Alice. I am Bruce now. I am very happy being Bruce. I am Bruce Wayne."

I said "Alice, you have been dreaming. You had a dream. You dreamed that you changed bodies with Bruce Wayne and you also imagined that he was Batman."

"I did change bodies with him. I am Bruce Wayne." she replied

"No, you just dreamed it. Remember when you were a little girl and you pretended that you were a super hero and later you pretended that you were Batman." I said.

"Yes, I used to pretend and dream about being Batman." she replied.

"You just had another dream. It was not real. You are still Alice." I


She slowly replied "It was only a dream. I am Alice."

"Yes. It was a dream. You have never been anyone but Alice. You tried to change your life by having plastic surgery on your body. Do you remember that, Alice?" I asked.

"Yes, I remember the surgery. I had my boobs enlarged. I changed my nose." she replied.

After about six hours of that, I turned off the hypnotic drug and re- started the sleeping compound. She had forgot about being me, about me being Batman, about what she did to Alfred, Dick, and Vickie, and about the helmet. She also forgot about the hypnotic drug. She was going to wake up and be Alice, but not the old Alice. She was going to be the Alice that she had turned me into. She was going to be a cunt, a fucking sexpot cunt that was in love with Bruce Wayne. She would do whatever I wanted her to do. I didn't plan on keeping her that way forever. Only until such time that I was sure that she was happy being the new Alice and that she would never remember anything about what she did to me.

I looked at the clock. It was 11 pm. I had spent the night changing bodies and the day re-building memories for Alice. I was tired.

The sleeping potion that was flowing through her body would keep her asleep for the rest of the night and I could go upstairs and get some rest. Tomorrow, I can work on Dick, Alfred and Vickie.

I walked upstairs and quietly down my hallway to my master bedroom. I would sleep in the bed that I am supposed to sleep in tonight. My room was dark, but I could hear someone sleeping quietly in my bed. I smell the faint scene of Vickie's perfume and know that she has been waiting on me.

I undress and slip into bed. I slid over so that I am lying in her curl and put my arm over her to cup her breast. I find a flat muscular chest covered with smooth pecs.

Dick's voice echoes around the room as he says "I knew that you would tire of her and come back to me. We have something special between us now. I am sorry that we wasted all of those years when we could have been sharing our desires." as he turns around and starts rubbing my cock.

It only takes a second for me to recover and then I smile. After all, I still have Alice's sex drive and sexual desires in my memory. I am just a very sexy Alice in Bruce Wayne's body.

Slowly, I placed my hand on Dick's chest. I could feel the heat radiating off of his hot smooth skin. I moved my hand off to the sides of Dick's chest, slowly until I touched his nipple. Its was stiff

and a dark brown color, without any hair. I slowly touched Dick's nipple with the tip of my finger, and Dick sighed with pleasure

I began to get overcome by my lust for this smooth boy. I felt his hand begin to rub my cock. My breathing began to get heavy, as my hard, throbbing cock stood straight up. His shaft and balls were also smooth and hairless. Dick stood up on the bed, his dick standing out in front of him. He slowly rubbed his hand up down the length of his shaft, while his other hand played with his balls. He continued this until a drop of his pre-cum appeared at the slit of his penis. He then got on his knees and moved closer to me. His cock was inches away from my mouth.

With his hand firmly wrapped around his hard shaft, he brought the glistening tip of his prick to my chest, and rubbed some of the goo on his cock onto my nipple. I moaned with my desire. My cock throbbed rapidly now. Dick leaned closer and pulled me up. We were standing on our knees facing each other. Our hard cocks almost touching. Dick reached out pulled me by my shoulders, until our hard bodies were touching. He wrapped his arms around me, as I did the same to him. Our bodies pressed against each other. Our chest rubbing, nipples hard and brushing against our smooth skin. Our two cocks were also rubbing together now, juices mixing from each other. I wanted my heavy 38DD breasts so Dick could suck on them.

Dick quickly leaned forward, and I fell back, onto the bed with Dick falling on top of me. I was moaning now, mad with desire. The feeling of all that hot, smooth boy flesh pressed against my own was making me go crazy. Dick slid down the length of my straining body. He stopped at my chest and began to rub it. He licked and then sucked on each of my nipples. He then slid further down to my pulsing cock. Dick wrapped his hand around my shaft and began to very slowly pump me.

I was pulling on his body and he was rotating so that his bobbing cock was above my face. He straddled my face, with his 7 inch rod hanging in my face. He lowered himself until the tip of his cock touched my forehead. I eagerly reached up and grabbed the swollen head. I began to jack Dick's cock. Almost as soon as I began, I saw some cum leak out of the head. I brought his head to my mouth and slowly began to lick it

Dick had stopped jerking on my cock and began to slowly suck it. As soon as I felt my throbbing meat slide into Dicks mouth, I reached my hands around Dick to grab his ass and shove his cock deep into my mouth. I now had 4 inches of cock stuffed in my mouth, with two heavy balls hanging in my face. I could feel the hard, hot throbbing shaft begin to swell, as I swirled my tongue over the head and glans of this wonderful cock. I was at my peak hips began to buck, as I tried to shove my cock deeper down Dick's throat.

We were covered in a coating of sweat now. We were moaning and making noises, as we reached our peak, and began to shoot our cum into and all over each other.

I felt the cock in my mouth swell up and then begin to shoot a big load of cum, which filled my mouth and began to drip down my cheeks. I swallowed the first couple of spurts, and let the rest spray all over me.

My cock began to dump its load at the same time. Dick sucked my cock all the way down his throat, which made me cum even harder. But then he took my dick out of his mouth and rapidly stroked his fist up and down it, so my cum sprayed all over his chest.

He collapsed on top of me, as his cock continued its spurts, all over my chest and stomach. When we finally stopped shooting cum, we just laid there. Dick was lying on top of me, with his cock pressed against my stomach.

We fell asleep, exhausted with each other's cum drying on us.

From agate!!!netnews Tue Oct 10 08:15:26 1995 Path: agate!!!netnews From: (b1223 ) Newsgroups:, Subject: Lisa's TG Library: "Batman: The Web" (10/10) Date: 9 Oct 1995 19:30:35 GMT Organization: Netcom Lines: 131 Message-ID: 45bt8r$ NNTP-Posting-Host: X-NETCOM-Date: Mon Oct 09 12:30:35 PM PDT 1995 Xref: agate

Didn't write it, not responsible for it, enjoy it! -Lisa Blades

Batman, Robin, Bruce Wayne, Alfred, Commissioner Gordon, Superman, Wonder Woman, and any other characters from the Batman or Wonder Woman story line are copyrighted by DC Comics. Any similarity between names, characters and places in this story are purely coincidental. This story is written solely for entertainment purposes and cannot be used or redistributed for the purposes of making money or profit.

This story contains transgender concepts, mind control, male-male, and female-female situations as well as the more conventional male-female sexual relationships. If you are under age or those topics bother you, do not read beyond this point.

Chapter 1 - The Setup Chapter 2 - The Exam Chapter 3 - The Treatment Chapter 4 - The slow wake-up Chapter 5 - Two weeks later Chapter 6 - Life at the Manor Chapter 7 - Training Chapter 8 - Payback Chapter 9 - Following them Chapter 10 - The new family

Chapter 10 - The new family

I slowly eased out bed. Dick was sleeping soundly. I looked at his naked body lying in my bed and wanted his cock in me. Now that I was back in Bruce's body, I could only take it in my mouth or ass.

As I took a shower, I tried to think about all these strange emotions running through me. I knew that my personality was still the Alice personality and that she had these strong sexual desires built into her personality. I knew that it was the Alice personality that had sucked Dick's cock and that it was the twisted Alice's personality that had modified Dick's sexual desires to be gay.

I had to put everyone back to where they should be and then to work upon myself. I cannot go around with all of these strange desires floating around inside my head. I have a job to do. I am Batman.

As I was thinking these things, I didn't realized it but I was stroking myself. When I realized what I was doing, I quit and hurriedly dressed.

When I went downstairs, Vickie was reading the newspaper. I smiled as I sat down. She said "I have missed you. When can I spend the night with you?"

At that moment, Alfred opened the door and came in carrying a breakfast tray, with juice and everyone's pills. I said quietly "Wonder Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite."

Alfred and Vickie looked forward and both of their faces went blank. He used the same code words on them. I said "Wild Woman's falsies are made out of Kryptonite." again and watched as they returned to normal, not realizing that they had been momentarily hypnotized.

I said "I have a lot to do today and tonight. But tomorrow, we will spend all day together."

It has been a long day. I worked some more with Alice and finally felt confident in my re-building her mind. I took her back home. When she wakes up, she will be the Alice that I turned her into. She will not be the old matronly Alice, but will be the sexy young Alice that she wanted me to be. She has returned to her work and has sold her company to Wayne Industries, where she will work and report to me.

Dick has gone back to college. Although I would have liked to play with him a little more, I removed the memories of his gay experiences with me and sent him back to the little honey that he was banging at school. After a couple of licks of her pussy, he will be the old normal Dick Grayson, with no homosexual desires or memories.

Alfred was the easiest to restore. Then Vickie required more work. She had quit her job when she moved in with the phony Bruce. Although I would love to keep her in my bed, I have to go back to being Batman. I can't have a woman or anyone that keeps me from being the Batman. So I modified her memories so she remembers only that she had another affair with Bruce that didn't work out. And she forgot about the gay things that she saw Bruce and Dick do with each other. She went back home and will wake up feeling very normal tomorrow. I will arrange for the newspaper to hire her back.

But now comes the real problem. I still think as the Alice that I was. My personality is still driven by the sexual desires that were the key to her personality. I have recorded a video as Bruce where I will give instructions to myself, using the same techniques that were so successfully used on me. I will take the Alice personality and hide it away and restore the Bruce personality. I find it hard to do this, because I want to be Alice. I want to feel the boobs bouncing on my chest. I want to put on make-up, brush my long blond hair and turn someone on. I want to feel a hard cock slide into me. I find it difficult to return to the monkish, almost celibate

life that I used to live as Bruce and Batman. So I have made one small concession to my strong desires.

I will hide my Alice personality away and restore my Bruce personality with full access to Alice's memories. After all, I can't delete this learning experience. I will give myself a code phrase that can re-activate the Alice personality and de-activate the Bruce personality. And when I take a vacation, I can enjoy myself.

My video is ready and I am lying on the hospital bed. I reach up and start the IV and then the video. As the warmth flows through my body, I hear my voice on the video say "Bruce, we are going to build a wall in our memory The wall will protect you from the confusion that you are feeling. You can trust what we are doing to ourselves."

I repeat faintly "a wall" as I fall asleep.

The End

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