Little Doe

By christina holloway

Published on Aug 3, 2023


~ 13 ~

Stroking a stray curl from Anne's forehead Faith kissed the tip of her nose. "It is time to get up little one, it's nearly eight o'clock." she whispered.

Anne's eyes flickered open and instantly wide awake she stretched provocatively. Smiling, she turned and putting her arm round Faith, pulled herself close. She groaned expressively as pushing her leg between Faiths thighs she pressed her face into the comforting softness of her breasts.

"Anne nooo ...!" Faith breathed as she felt Anne's mouth close on a nipple. "Darling please, we must get up." For a moment she let her suckle and pull with her lips but though her insides churned with renewed passion and longing she forced herself to be strong and pulled away from her. "Darling come on please, we must get up."

"Do we really have to?" Anne sighed, her bottom lip pouting provocatively and she teased "You really are a spoil sport sometimes you know!"

"I know, but we've a busy day ahead." Faith sat up and waved an arm expansively round the room "and before I do anything I must try and sort this devastation into a semblance of order!" As she prised herself from Anne's arms and moved her away her hand brushed her shoulder then grazed down to gently encircle and hold a breast. "I do want you though!" she whispered squeezing it gently but then quickly pulling her hand away she said. "Now for Gods sake go, and take those gorgeous little puppies with you, go on, go go!" She pushed her away firmly and Anne smiled as reluctantly she obediently eased herself off the bed and stood next to it.

"Do I get the feeling you want me leave?" she giggled. She leant towards Faith and kissed her quickly on the lips then stepped back and looking down at her, her face became serious.

"Faith the things I did earlier, you didn't mind did you? You know, I mean your weren't offended by, well by my boldness. My love making did rather get carried away ... I wanted you so badly I ..."

"Anne," Faith interrupted. "We have already been through that. I already told you the last few hours have been beautiful and what you did, the things we did? All I have to ask is did you enjoy doing what you did to me? and did you enjoy what we did together?"

"Oh Faith but of course of course I did!" Anne exclaimed. "You know that I did. I have been fantasising about making love with you ever since I saw your photo; and of course I enjoyed everything we did. It was all so perfect and so wonderful, I have no misgivings, none at all!"

"And neither have I so there we are. For my part I can truly say that the last eight hours or so have been the most sensual, beautiful and the most satisfying of my life. I didn't realise it at the time but your affection and your ... well the things you did, we did. They were just what I needed, both mentally and physically. " and with a grin she added "in fact now we've cleared all the barriers of propriety I can't wait to see what tonight might bring! Though I think we've covered most of the things we can do to each other!"

Anne smiled. "Oh I don't know." she chuckled. "I think I may come up with something. Especially now that as you say, the restrictions of propriety have been lifted!" and without waiting for a reply, she turned and quickly hunting round the bed gathered up her discarded wrap and crumpled pants from the floor. She looked back at Faith and then at the disrupted bed clothes.

"We did get a bit carried away didn't we. I guess I'd better mess my bed up just a bit too, just to make it looked lived in!"

"Yes, I guess we got carried away but it was beautiful and yes, you had better make your bed look lived in or the maids will gossip!" Sitting on the edge of her bed she gazed at Anne and could not resist reaching out for her once more. Quickly she pulled her close and hugged her. "It was a lovely night Anne," she whispered. "and thank you. It has been a long time since I felt that, well felt that I was really wanted by someone." She nibbled Anne's neck affectionately causing her to cringe with pleasure then continued. "But please darling for Gods sake go, go now!" She glanced again at her clock and added. "... you think we can we make breakfast before nine if we're quick?"

"I've already had my breakfast," Anne retorted with a chuckle. "and with you kissing my neck like that you might like to know you have made we wet again!"

"Stop it! You know that talking like that turns me on so go away and get dressed!" faith retorted. Anne laughed lightly as she swayed out of her reach to avoid the playful slap aimed at her bottom. "But I'll have some of that tonight please." she said then added "I'll see you in half an hour!" and she skipped across the room to the door where suddenly, she stopped and turned. Demurely clutching her clothes to her chest, her bottom half totally bared to Faiths view, she looked back at her. Her face was still radiant and elated but her expression for a moment, serious again. "Faith, I truly hope last night ... well I hope it was as wonderful and as special for you as it was for me." She paused and looking her straight in the eye said. "And Faith, just in case you have any doubts about whether you are wanted, you are wanted, you are wanted by me and wanted very very much!" and before Faith could reply she had gone.


With five minutes to spare Faith was dressed and ready to go. After hurried "house work" she had tidied the bed and generally made the room acceptably neat. Despite her earlier misgivings, after a close scrutiny of the bed she had noted gratefully that there were no incriminating marks to be found and satisfied that there was nothing for the maids to speculate on. Swiftly she showered again then quickly dressed. She wore what she termed as 'her civvies uniform'. One of the three perfectly tailored identical suits that consisted of a slightly below the knee length burgundy coloured pencil skirt and long sleeved hipster jacket. Silk bra and high leg panties, a plain white cotton shirt with a button down collar that was tied at the neck with a matching burgundy coloured gold tipped velvet "boot lace" tie, and low heeled burgundy shoes and black stockings completed the ensemble.

Hanging the jacket over the back of a chair she stood in front of the full length wall mirror and as she fitted gold cuff links into the shirt sleeves she was deep in thought. Less than two days ago I was in Russia and I'd never heard of the Williamson Hotel, let alone my little Anne Wilde and then "Wham!" In just a few hours beautiful emotional turmoil then a night of the most gorgeous blatant sexual gratification and passion I could imagine ... and now, I think I'm in love again ... Recalling the erotic details of their love making she smiled to herself. Last night I was more sexually aroused and sated than I ever dreamed possible. It was certainly a highly passionate night and yet ... and yet everything seemed to come, to just happen quite naturally. We did some things I've never done before and I have certainly never been so dominant in my love making ... yet there again at times she too was pretty dominating, at first she was anyway ... but it was all very beautiful ...

Her day-dreaming had induced a comforting warm sensual glow that pervaded her insides and, as though acknowledging the pleasurable reminiscences, her sex tingled and her nipples began to harden. "Good God she's got me wetting now!" she murmured half aloud and smiling she eyed herself critically in the mirror. Running her hands over her tummy and hips she smoothed and adjusted the fit of her skirt and blouse. It was at that moment that Anne returned.

Entering Faiths suite Anne saw the bedroom door open and walked on through. Faith was stood in front of the wardrobe mirror and Anne stopped and stared at her for a long moment in silent admiration. She looks so, so elegant she thought ... despite her height and build she is so, so ethereal ... Wistfully her eyes followed the smooth contours of the impressive figure and although the snugly fitting skirt reached well below her knees and the shirt was buttoned to the neck she recalled vividly and clearly the lithe sensuality of the superb body beneath. The body that I had such a short time ago so ardently possessed, caressed and loved she thought. She licked her lips and said quietly.

"I really do think you should put on some clothes Faith." Faith turned and Anne smiling at her added with a chuckle. "I've just mentally removed all the ones you are wearing, right now you're naked as far as I'm concerned!"

Faith made her own quick top to toe surveillance. She took in the well-groomed hair, the crisp white shirt and neatly tied navy neckerchief held by a plain gold ring. The navy blue skirt that almost but not quite reached her knees, black tights and high heeled navy shoes ... or are they stockings she wondered as her eyes slid back up. Immaculate she thought, and very very desirable ...

"I'll ignore that comment!" she said with a smile. "You're a randy little bugger aren't you!" and walking over to her she took her face between her hands and affectionately kissed her on the forehead.

"So are you!" Anne said with a grin. "Judging by the expression on your face as you gave me the once over ... I trust you approve?"

"Mmmmm, did it show that badly? We must be more careful, and yes, I approve!" As she held her she inhaled the faint but now familiar fragrances of Anne's body and the delicate scent of her hair and again realised how very attracted to her she had become.

"You are very desirable and you are as lovely with your clothes on as you are in the nuddy Anne Wilde. I want you again already ... you're, you're ... oh I don't know, for once I'm lost for words ..." her voice drifted to silence and she hugged her then finally, pushing her away she looking down into the deep blue eyes and again held her face in her hands. "How ever will I be able to concentrate on my work with you looking so devastatingly scrumptious!" she asked quietly, kissing the tip of her nose.

Anne took Faiths hands in hers. Briefly she kissed and caressed the fingers, lightly brushing her lips over them and then she looked up at her.

"Faith, you're so very beautiful and very desirable ..." and with a widening cheeky grin she said. "but you know something? I guess I am too small for you after all. The only bits I can reach right now are all covered up!" She stretched up on tip toe and steadying herself by placing her hands boldly on Faiths breasts she whispered. "I can't reach you, please come to me. Please kiss me properly ..."

"I didn't want to smudge your lipstick." Faith murmured as she leant down and enfolding her in her arms she kissed her firmly on the mouth. "Perhaps it's my fault, perhaps it's because I'm too tall" she chuckled straightening up again and went on "though, I do seem to recall someone saying they were just the right height and size earlier this morning!"

"Ahhh but you didn't have any clothes on then! That was totally different!" Anne laughed.

"I see ... Well little Wabbit, it's time to go!" She turned away and picking up her jacket from the chair she said good-naturedly "and try not to stray to close to me. It's not going to be easy for me to keep my hands off you, especially that gorgeous little butt of yours ...!"

"I'll try but I won't promise. My butt rather likes the touch of your hands, especially those beautiful long fingers!" Anne giggled and as they moved in the direction of the door she deliberately swayed her hips towards Faith who quickly reached down and stroking the subtle curves of her buttocks gave them an affectionate squeeze.

"You're a wanton little hussy Anne Wilde!" she laughed "and I love it!"

They walked together to the elevator and on the way Anne looked up at her and said. "Why do you call me Wabbit?"

"Well I ... I don't know. It's meant as an endearment ..." For a moment Faith was alarmed, concerned she may have offended but looking down she saw that Anne was smiling openly at her.

"Here, Let's take the stairs" Anne suggested and went on. "My father used to call me Wabbit when I was a child. He still does actually and I love it and I love him but then, well at school I was always smaller than the other girls of my age and because of that and also because they learnt of my Chinese ancestry I was teased unmercifully. Unfortunately I had slightly buck teeth then too which didn't help and it became my nick name and I hated it. With Dad it was fine, it was as with you as you say, an endearment but he was the only person I ever liked using it." She turned to Faith and looked back up at her. "But with you Faith, I like it even more from you. It makes me feel wanted."

"Well thank you." Faith answered and she reached out and briefly stroked Anne's hair, her eyes betraying her deep affection for her. "and of course you're wanted. I want to kiss you right now but," she murmured but quickly pulling her hand away she said "but I mustn't and I shouldn't be touching you in public at all. Someone might see us and, and think naughty things!"

They both laughed and reaching the stairs descended them together and with Anne leading the way made their way across the crowded foyer. Acknowledging Helen who was stood behind Reception they exchanged a friendly wave and continued on to the restaurant. On arrival, they were politely greeted by an immaculately turned out middle-aged man dressed in the "Hotel Management" attire of a black jacket and striped trousers.

"Good Morning Miss Anne, Madam." The man had bowed cordially to Faith who glancing at the badge on his lapel saw he was the Hotel Food and Beverage Manager and Anne introduced them.

"Faith, this is Douglas Miles our F and B Manager." Anne announced. "He is also the hotels Functions Manager. Douglas - Miss Faith Hollings who you know is our interpreter for the conference." Turning to Faith she smiled and said. "Douglas is a mine of information Faith and he has been very kind and very helpful to me. Incidentally he will insist on calling you Miss Faith, just as he calls me Miss Anne! He is one of those rare beings who are almost at the point of extinction now, a real proper gentleman!"

Douglas smiled and respectfully gave Faith another little respectful bow. Shaking her hand he said. "How do you do Miss Faith, welcome to the Williamson. Miss Anne is very kind but she does I believe exaggerate sometimes!" and turning to Anne he asked. "A table for two Miss Anne or would you like to sit with the delegates?"

"God forbid Douglas, a table for two please!" Anne exclaimed and she added quickly "and as far from the delegates as possible please Douglas!"

With a knowing smile Douglas nodded and escorted them to a table that was partly hidden behind a dumb waiter in a secluded corner of the restaurant.

"According to our guests this is the worst table in the restaurant and I have great difficulty getting anyone to sit at it. I suspect however that it fits the bill for you ladies as it will give you an element of privacy and afford you some peace and quiet before the conference. You will also be doing me a great favour if you let me reserve it for you." As he spoke he pulled the chairs out for them and signalled to a waiter.

"This is perfect thank you Douglas." Anne acknowledged as they seated themselves and nodding amicably Douglas produced a pen and a small pad.

"And so Ladies," he said addressing them both. "what would you like for your


The two glanced at each other as they picked up their menus and levelling her eyes at Anne over hers Faith queried with a smile. "And what do you like for your breakfast Anne?"

Anne warmed inwardly at the awareness of Faiths hidden inference to her earlier comment in the bedroom. "I'll settle for poached eggs on toast with bacon today please Douglas. Preferably crispy bacon if possible." And looking across at her returned the smile. "and you Faith?" she queried "how about you, what do you like for your breakfast." As she spoke she toed one of her shoes off and stretching her leg out beneath the table slid her foot up the inside of Faiths calf.

"I'll have the same please Douglas." Faith replied. Her face was expressionless and looking at Anne she raised an eyebrow inquiringly "... coffee and toast for two?"

Still holding her gaze Anne wriggled her toes between Faiths knees. They had quickly closed to trap her foot and with a small smile she nodded her agreement. "Perfect." she answered handing Douglas her menu.

"For heavens sake Anne behave!" Faith exclaimed with a low whisper as soon as Douglas had left and she bent down hurriedly to check the drop of the table cloth.

"It's okay, I already checked as we sat down!" Anne said with a grin. "Anyway the dumb waiter is in the way so no one can see."

Faith straightened up and gave her a friendly but reproachful look. "Hmmm ... well just you behave yourself anyway!" she chuckled quietly as she again pressed her knees tightly on Anne's toes.

"Of course," Anne replied dreamily as she nonchalantly gazed round the room. "but wouldn't it be nice if we were somewhere where I didn't have to behave with you. Didn't have to check to see if it was okay I mean before I showed you any affection. Where we could be our selves ..."

"Well, if you're really serious about that," Faith said quietly. "I just happen to know of somewhere we could do exactly that, and it is not too far from here either." She had been looking out of the window and turned to look at Anne. "It is a very nice club that I am a member of. It is used and run exclusively by women, lesbians in the main and it is a retreat where people like you and I are considered to be normal rather than perverted weirdoes!"

"Oh Faith I'd love to go, what a lovely thought. Please can we? I've never been anywhere that I could, well where I could be the real me in public!"

"I don't see why not." Faith smiled then she added. "But only if you promise to be faithful to me and not rush off with another woman!"

"Oh Faith!" Anne said in a hushed voice. She stared at her, concern suddenly clouding her face. "You must surely know that after last night I couldn't want anyone else other than you!" Faith smiled a comforting acknowledgement and relieved, Anne quickly slipped her shoe back on and pushing her chair back she stood up. "Come, I'm starving!"

They walked over to a self-service buffet table and collected cereal and juice and as they moved along the table Anne deliberately brushed herself against Faith arm and when Faith looked down at her she gave her a small smile. Lowering her eyes she stared meaningfully at the swell of Faiths breasts. "That's what I really want for my breakfast." she murmured then giggled quietly at Faiths admonishing look.

"You are supposed to be a 'Little Miss Prim and Proper' now we're in public Miss Wilde!" Faith said sternly. "Now just you behave!"

"Yes Ma'am!" Anne replied and looking round to ensure no one was near or within listening distance with a wide eyed stare she asked in a low whisper, "Will you smack my bottom if I don't. Even bite my bum again?"

Faith smiled. "I most certainly will." she replied quietly and suggestively running the tip of her tongue over her lips added. "But that would only be if you do behave!"

"I'll behave, oh I promise I'll behave!" Anne breathed raising her eyes to the ceiling beseechingly. Returning to their table they sat down and for a while both ate in silence with only an occasional but affectionate discrete glance passing between them. Their peace however was soon interrupted by the approach of a waiter with coffee and almost immediately following him, by the arrival of Helen.

"Good Morning you two," she said cheerfully. "I trust you are both well! Faith, did you sleep well?"

"Very well indeed thanks Helen. I must have been very weary as I don't remember a thing once I was in bed." She felt a foot softly caress hers and avoiding Anne's eyes she looked down from Helen and watched as Anne poured her coffee.

"Me too!" Anne said. She looked up and smiled openly at Faith. "Do you take milk?"

Faith glanced up and again their eyes met and held. "No thank you Anne, just straight with sugar is fine." She could not stop herself from smiling back at her and quickly she turned away and looked back to Helen. "And how is the Williamson Hotel this morning Helen?" she asked.

"Well all seems well but I think there are probably a couple of sore heads around. I trust you two are bright eyed and bushy-tailed. Ready for the fray are we?"

"Bright eyed maybe but I'm not sure about the bushy-tailed bit." Anne chuckled her eyes still on Faith.

"We're expecting the rest of the Russian delegates any time now." Helen went on. "If you could be around Faith, on call that is, it would be a great help." She looked at Faith raising her eyebrows hopefully and Faith smiled as she nodded her agreement.

"Sure Helen, of course. I must do a quick check on the sound system in the conference hall after breakfast and if I may I'll collect those photocopies if They're done, apart from that I'm available!"

"Great!" Helen said brightly. "I'll leave you two to have your breakfast in peace then but if you'd like to check with me when you've finished Faith I'll give you a pager. It is the small vibrator type but it is very efficient. I'll see you later, okay?" and with a smile she turned and walked away.

Anne, a small grin pulling at the corners of her mouth, was about to speak but as a waiter appeared with their breakfasts she instead looked out of the window. When he had left Faith asked "Why the little smile?"

Anne turned back to her and grinned openly. "Sorry about that." She said. "But I had a sudden beautifully erotic and very appealing vision!"

"Ohh ... and what may I ask was your vision of?" Faith queried her face showing amusement. "Though I don't think I want to know!"

"Well with all this talk of vibrating pagers and things," Anne said with a chuckle. "the vision was of you and me and a little vibrator and ..."

"Anne Wilde!" Faith interrupted quietly, feigning shock. She then went on. "Sorry to disappoint you but I don't think a pager would be very effective and unfortunately I don't happen to have one of the other sort to which you are inferring with me!"

"Shame, I don't have one either!" Anne replied, then after a short pause she added. "Not here at the hotel anyway!"

"Anne what a shocking thing to admit to!" Faith exclaimed, again faking shock and glancing surreptitiously round the room. "If you keep talking like this I'm going to get so turned on I'll do something drastic. Think I'm going to have to go up and change my pants already as it is!"

"No prob, I'll come up and help you!" Anne retorted and Faith laughed quietly.

"You'll do no such thing, we'd never get back to the conference and, and I'll be had up for rape!"

Anne poured them both more coffee and then looking up at Faith she said. "Just for the record Faith, you could never rape me. Rape involves an unwanted physical sexual assault and I can think of nothing nicer than being physically and sexually assaulted by you!" She smiled at her and went on. "I can't wait to be alone with you again and tonight is so far away. I think today is going to be a painfully long one."

"Ahhh ... Ma chere petite biche." Faith murmured softly as she sipped her coffee and her eyes smiled at Anne over the rim of the cup. "I think you're right. It is going to be a very long day, but for all that, a very pleasant one I think!"

"What's a dear little biche?" Anne asked. "It sounds rather rude to me!"

"On the contrary, it's quite the opposite actually." Faiths voice lowered as she continued and was so quiet that Anne had to lean forward to hear her. "It's a French term of endearment. The literal translation of the French word biche is stag, or in your case doe. So literally in your case, ma petite biche means my little doe. In parts of France I assure you it is considered to be a very affectionate endearment. A very sincere and loving ..." she paused thoughtfully then said. "My dearest love is I suppose the closest we can get in English, though that translation doesn't do the phrase justice."

"You'll have me in tears if you say things like that to me Faith." Anne answered. "Don't be a tease."

Faith looked at her "I wasn't teasing." she whispered gently.

Anne swallowed and her voice caught in her throat as she tried to reply. Unsure of how to interpret Faiths comment she felt elated yet confused. Questions raced through her mind. She obviously likes me a lot, but after that translation she gave me ... Little Doe? I wonder if she was serious, did she really did mean it to apply to me as she translated it ... a very loving my dearest love she said ... is it possible that she feels as strongly for me as I do for her ... dare I ask her? No! My God no I couldn't do that. If she didn't mean it and she doesn't have the same feelings I'd really look a fool I ...

Any further thought of conversation of a personal nature was suddenly dashed as a couple arrived and sat down at a table close to them and the two women continued their breakfast once more in silence until finally, placing her knife and fork neatly next to each other on the plate Anne leant back in her chair and smiled at Faith. "I haven't had a breakfast like that for ages, I just can't imagine what could have given me such an appetite!"

"I wonder." Faith grinned glancing briefly at the couple next to them. She gazed affectionately back at Anne and took a final sip of her coffee. "Anyway," she said putting the cup down, "it's time we made a move." and pushing her chair back they both got up and left the table. At the door they thanked Douglas and leaving the restaurant turned into the main foyer and crossed to Reception where Helen greeted and invited them to her office.

"Here are your photocopies Faith," she said picking up a folder from her desk and handing it to her. "and before I forget Anne, Mike West asked for you. I told him you were having breakfast with Faith and he said it was not urgent." She turned back to Faith and asked. "Is it still okay for you to be on call, sort of from now on I mean?"

"Definitely!" Faith replied then asked. "You mentioned a pager?"

"Sure, I kept this one for you." Helen said handing her a small white pager similar to the one Anne had produced the night before. "Some of them are a bit bulky but this is a new model, it's much slimmer. It has a bleep or vibration mode. You can select which you want." Faith noticed Anne grinning mischievously at her from behind Helen but she managed to keep her face expressionless as Helen showed her how to use it. "Your number is 966, if the pager goes off just check the dial and it will tell you the code number of the person calling and the phone extension the caller is on. Anne's number is 977 and I am on 922 ... for anyone else just call reception and they will give you the number you want."

"Thank you Helen. I must pop upstairs for a minute but I won't be long so please if you need me just call me." she answered, clipping the pager to her belt and turning to Anne she gave her shoulder an affectionate squeeze. "Same goes for you Anne, but I'll see you in the conference hall in a few minutes anyway." She smiled at them both then turned and leaving the office headed across the foyer to the stairs.

The brief touch and parting tender glance had set Anne's heart racing again, and as she watched the now familiar smooth sway of Faiths hips she recalled the same sway and walk she had studied so admiringly on the way to in the bedroom earlier that morning. Only then Faith had been naked she thought and as she watched Faith disappear from view, she smiled smugly to herself.

"And How's it going with Madam Faith?" Helens voice broke into her thoughts jolting her back from her day-dreams. "And how the hell does she do that! She doesn't walk does she, she just seems to glide, to float!"

You should see the nude version Anne thought with amusement as she turned to her. "I know, you wouldn't think that someone her height could be so graceful and feminine would you!"

"Well thank you Anne Wilde,!" Helen exclaimed pretending hurt. "you have really made my day!"

"Oh Helen, you know what I mean. You may be nearly the same height as her but you're half her size and build. She must be a good 30/35 lb. heavier than you!"

"185 lb. the photo said. I'm 150 ... yes, your not far out but let's face it I'm a bean pole. I look like a famine refugee despite the fact that I eat like a horse! Colin can be so charming at times you know, says he reckons I've got worms!" They both laughed and Helen then asked. "Seriously though Anne how is she, any problems?"

"No Helen, she's a sweetie. Definitely no airs and graces there!" She felt flustered and was inwardly embarrassed at the strength of her emotions for Faith and fearful it might show, she quickly decided to leave. "I had better go Helen." she said politely. "and I must find out what Mike wants. I'll see you later okay?"

~ 14 ~

On reaching the conference hall it was Mike West himself who let her in. Immediately he saw her he grinned broadly. "Well well! So, things worked out then after all. See, I told you you worry too much!" and seeing her looking nervously round the hall he chuckled. "It's okay no one can hear us, they are all in the office!"

"Well yes, things are fine Mike," Anne smiled shyly. "But Mike she ..."

"Come on Anne, I'm not daft! You know your secret is safe with me. I gave my word and we're friends remember. Now, tell me all about it!"

"I'll do no such thing!" she protested indignantly but she squeezed his hand in gratitude and went on. "But thanks for being there for me Mike. Now tell me, what did you want me for ... and anyway, how come you know Faith and I, well that we are okay ..." her voice faded and as she looked at him a slight glow of embarrassment crept up to lightly warm her neck and cheeks.

"I didn't want you for anything at all. I was just curious. Just wondered how things turned out last night that's all. But after one look at you I don't need to ask ... she obviously she didn't put you across her knee and smack your bottom after all." He looked at her enquiringly then grinned. "or there again, perhaps she did and that is why you are looking so pleased with yourself ..."

"I'll claim the fifth amendment on that." Anne retorted. "Let's just say we are now very good friends!"

"Well I suggest you wipe that satisfied look off your face then. You look like the cat who polished off the cream and then had seconds. Talk about radiant, God knows what you two must have got up to last night! She's obviously good for you though."

Anne chuckled quietly "Michael you do talk such rubbish!" and again squeezing his hand affectionately she went on "You're not far wrong though! Does it really show that badly?"

"It shows to me but I don't think anyone else would guess. Mind you, how you behave together in public will decide on whether the two of you get away with it!"

"I'll make a point of looking extremely bored when I'm with her!" Anne joked then said. "Faith said she would meet me here so if she turns up would you tell her I'll be back soon? There are things I must check and Mike, Mike I know I don't have to say this but, well thanks again. I know you think I'm daft for not coming out and all that but it is a lot easier said than done. You must give me time and as far as Faith is concerned, on an official basis if I'm still in the closet she is not only in it but she has the door very firmly bolted! What with her job and all ... but I meant what I said Mike. Thank you."

"Forget it my love though you are quite right, I do think you're daft. Both of you in fact. I mean who gives a toss these days and I don't think anyone in their right mind would take the piss out of Faith, or you for that matter! Anyway, I'll be in the office if you want me. I have things to do."

As she headed for her office Anne reflected on Mikes comment regarding the cat having eaten all the cream and smiled. Thoughts of the forthcoming night and the next two days flicked through her mind and she sighed happily. Well I have to admit I do feel good ... obviously you are good for me Faith Hollings, I just hope no one else notices my "satisfaction". Thoughts of the future, of what might happen after the conference also entered her mind briefly but she pushed them back. That's days away yet she told herself, I'll worry about that when the time comes ... Briefly she dwelt on the fact that Mike now knew about their relationship but quickly dismissed her concern. She reminded herself that not only was he a very good friend but that also had it not been for him, she might never have found the courage to approach Faith in the first place. Anyway she muttered quietly. "I didn't tell him ... he guessed!"

On reaching her office she sat down at her desk and opening her desk drawer removed the conference folder. Beneath it lay the photos and a twinge of sheer pleasure swept through her as she gazed at Faiths face fixedly staring back at her. "God how I love you." she murmured audibly and reaching down she ran her finger tips gently over the picture but then, with a sigh, she firmly pushed the drawer closed. "Work!" she muttered and opening the folder she began to read quickly through her check list.

It was just on eleven thirty when after completing her rounds of the various hotel departments that she finally got back to the hall. Everything had seemed to be going according to plan and everyone concerned seemed happy. On entering the theatre she looked round for Faith but apart from a couple of Security Guards there was no one else to be seen. With a pang of disappointment and mild concern she decided to see if Mike had seen her and walked up to his office. Reaching the door she was about to knock when it quickly opened and Mike stepped out, so swiftly in fact that they almost collided.

"Sorry Luv!" he chuckled boisterously and casually draping an affectionate arm round her shoulders he asked. "And what are you looking so glum about. As if I didn't know?"

"I'm not looking glum!" Anne protested. "I was just wondering where Faith had got to that's all." She glanced around the hall and turning back to him added "I expected her to be here by now, I wonder what has happened to her ..."

"Ahhh!" Mike exclaimed triumphantly and gently taking her by the shoulders he turned her round to face the back of the hall. "Try the broadcasting room. In her little cubicle. You'll find her in there I think sorting her papers out or something ..." and bending down to her ear he whispered. "She looks just as chuffed with life as you do so just you two behave yourselves in there!"

"Michael!" Anne exclaimed pretending shock but as she started to walk up the aisle she looked over her shoulder and said quietly with a smile. "But if you do come up, I suggest you knock as I'll have the door locked. For security of course!"

"Randy little bugger." Mike joked. "Anyway, I need to check on her as well so sorry, I'm coming with you ..." and together they walked up the aisle.

"I know you were joking but crazy though it is, when I'm close to her I really do feel randy" Anne confided with a coy smile. "I get so turned on just looking at her Mike!" She giggled quietly as Mike pretended to be disgusted then he laughed out loud and at that moment Faith appeared at the broadcasting room doorway.

"Okay you two, what's the joke then?" she smiled.

"Mikes dirty mind," Anne said quickly. "but we shan't go into that just now. Is everything all right with you Faith, you're my last port of call. I have ticked everyone else off my list except Mike of course and I thought we better sort him out between us!"

"Charming!" Mike laughed. "And I should be so lucky to be sorted out by two such lovely ladies!" and looking at Faith he asked with a grin. "Have you any control over this one yet by the way Faith?"

"No, not a lot!" Faith smiled and looking down at Anne she said "and in answer to your question Anne, thank you yes. Everything is just fine."

As they talked Faith, looking down at Anne, casually reached out and picked a stray hair off the arm of her shirt and their eyes met and held. Anne's heart beat quickened unmercifully and licking her lips she swallowed. Taking a deep breath to steady herself she asked. "Is there anything we can do to help you or are you all done now ... ?"

"I've distributed the speech notes" Faith replied. "and was just going to ask someone to help me do a sound and reception test although I'm sure everything is okay but ... well then I was going to scoot off to hopefully scrounge a coffee somewhere!"

"That's no problem." Mike stated cheerfully. "We'll help with both. What would you like us to do?"

"Well, if one of you could use the stage microphone and one of you take a seat in the auditorium and put a head set on we could do the sound test right now!" Faith answered.

"Fine! I'll take the stage " Mike said cheerfully. "and Anne you sit yourself down somewhere and put on the head sets."

"When you get to the stage just switch the microphone on Mike, put a set of headphones on and then say something and I'll answer." She looked at Anne and gently placing her hand on her arm she said. "and Anne, you can then come back and report on how both of us sounded to you ..."

Anne's eyes lingered affectionately on Faith until she had disappeared into the sound room. The brief touch of Faiths hand on her arm had sent shiver through her that again had churned her insides. She swallowed thickly then, knowing that her face had warmed she turned and head bowed to hide her blushes began walking back down the aisle.

Mike who had stood patiently observing her survey of Faiths retreating figure joined her. "My God," he murmured quietly. "you have got it bad haven't you Anne!"

Anne looked up at him. "Yes Mike, I'm afraid I have." and with a deep sigh she said quietly with a nervous little smile. "I guess I really have haven't I. I can't believe it Mike but I'm afraid I've fallen in love with her ..."

Mike chuckled. "I know ... I figured it was something like that last night!" and putting his arm round her shoulder he gave her an encouraging hug. "Come on, let's do as the lady asks!" They continued walking down the aisle together and half way down Anne left his side and settled herself in one of the seats and put on a set of head phones.

In the sound room, seating herself at the desk, Faith slipped her earpiece in place and switched the system on. Moments later she heard the soft Welsh drawl of Mikes voice. " ... A camel in his hours of ease is full of wisdom sand and fleas, but all his wisdom I understand, can't rid him of his fleas and sand. Boom Boom!" He roared with laughter and, as though closing a Disney cartoon, with a wave in her direction, he added. "and that's all folks, that's all!"

"I'm not going to translate that into Russian!" Faith retorted over the air. "But it was loud and clear Mike. It came through fine for me this end thanks. Anne, how did you hear him and how do I sound. Would you like to pop back here to let me know!" She turned the system off and from the doorway returned Mikes wave as he headed for his office and she watched Anne walking quickly up the aisle towards her.

When she arrived they entered the room and quickly Anne closed the door, bolted it and before Faith could speak, she had wrapped her arms round her and was hugging her tightly.

"God I've missed you." she gasped. "I just can't get you out of my mind. It's horrible being away from you!"

Faith stroked Anne's hair and kissed the top of her head. "Hey! I've missed you too little one!" she said softly.

"I'm not going to let you out of my sight again!" Anne joked looking up at her. "I can't stand the strain!" She squeezed herself even closer and the haunting thought again flashed through her mind. ... but what happens when you go, what happens in two days time ...

"We'll worry about that when we get there." Faith answered as though she had somehow miraculously read her mind and they kissed, first gently then for a moment passionately. Pulling away Faith placed her finger over Anne's lips. "Come on you, I've already got one pair if wet knickers in the laundry bag. Another minute of this and I'll have to go and change again!"

"Oh don't say things like that," Anne groaned. "I'll definitely come up and help you this time!"

"You'll definitely do no such thing Anne Wilde!" Faith laughed and she pointed an admonishing finger at her "You young lady, just you behave yourself from now on or no smacked botties for you tonight! Now come, let's find that coffee, we've got about twenty minutes before I start work for real!"

Arriving at the hall where the reception had been held the night before Anne led the way through the throng of people to the buffet table where under the watchful eye of Douglas they were served coffee. The crowded room was noisy with the hum of conversation and standing slightly away from Faith Anne watched with a mixture of admiration and awe as with an air of total confidence, she smoothly conversed with some of the delegates in languages some of which she could not even identify.

"She knows her stuff doesn't she." Mike West's voice interrupted her silent homage and she turned and grinned at him.

"Oh Mike isn't she just fantastic and you know something? I haven't the faintest idea what she's talking about and yet I could stand here listening and watching her for hours!"

"Hmmm ... a definite case of idolisation I am afraid. There is no hope for you now, you're really hooked!" He grinned and went on " ... and you be careful now, that expression on your face is definitely not one of boredom!"

"Oh Mike don't be silly!" she teased pulling a face at him then she looked at her watch. "I'd better rescue her in a minute though and pack her off to the conference hall. The delegates should be moving in for the start in a moment."

"Oh I have a message for Faith from Helen." Mike said. "A Mr Howard has arrived and was asking for her. At first she got the impression that it was urgent and she was going to bleep her but apparently he then said it wasn't important and that he would catch up with her later. Something about a change of plans".

A sudden cold shiver of foreboding slid through her and she looked at him with alarm "Oh Mike. A change of plans? She's not going to leave is she?"

"I don't know luv." he said and seeing the look of concern on her face added quickly. "Oh it's probably nothing, don't worry about it!"

"Oh Mike, I couldn't bear it!" Her face showed her concern but with a passive little sigh she again glanced at her watch and said. "Anyway, whatever. I'd better get her out of here now or we'll all be in trouble. It's past midday!"

"Sure, I'll see you later Anne. I'd better get backstage myself" and bending down to her whispered "and remember what I said earlier, keep your little hands to yourself in there. She has work to do!" and before she could reply he had swung round and walked away from her.

For a moment, before moving over to Faiths side Anne again studied her and as she gazed at her, she was again engulfed in an overpowering surge of affection for her. I love you Faith Hollings she murmured silently, I love you so much it hurts ... and I don't want you to go ... Faith was talking what she assumed to be Russian to three of the delegates and she felt a brief twinge of annoyance when, as Faith talked avidly with one of them, she noticed the other two glancing appreciatively and meaningfully down the length of Faiths figure, quite obviously mentally undressing her. Typical bloody males she thought but then she smiled to herself. I'spose I can't really blame them. I've been doing exactly the same thing myself all morning ... and moving to Faiths side she lightly touched the small of her back and said formally.

"Excuse me Miss Hollings, I am sorry to interrupt you but we must leave now ..."

Faith said something to the three men and turned to face her. Her gaze filled with warmth and affection and as always, intensely penetrating. "We should be moving on Faith." Anne said quietly. "The conference is about to start."

"Give me just a sec and I'll excuse myself." Faith smiled and turning back to the delegates she spoke briefly to them. The men bowed politely to her and then to Anne and turning back to Anne Faith said gently. "Okay Wabbit, lets go!"

As they threaded their way through the crowded room to the exit and walked along the corridor to the hall Anne remembered Mr Howard. "Oh Faith, your Mr Howard has arrived. He asked for you but then said not to bother you. He said that he would see you later? Some thing about a change of plans ..." She paused and looked at Faith apprehensively. "I hope there isn't anything wrong Faith."

"No little one, I'm sure nothing's wrong.!" Faith replied reassuringly and seeing Anne's worried look she said. "He would certainly have found me if there was a major problem. He probably just wants to run through the programme with me!"

"But I left him a copy of the agenda at reception Faith!" Anne blurted, her anxiety suddenly apparent in her voice. "Faith he's not going to send you away is he?"

"Oh don't be daft, of course he's not going to send me away! I don't see any other linguists around here do you?" Faith answered with a reassuring smile.

"No." Anne replied quietly, a little embarrassed at her outburst. "I don't but I don't want to lose you so soon." and although relieved at Faiths apparent lack of concern she was not convinced. "It was just that you mentioned he was your boss or something and ..."

"Well he is sort of. He gives me a lot of interesting work and you should thank him actually as it was he who gave me this assignment. If it wasn't for him we would never have met and anyway, you won't lose me that easily, and that's a promise!"

They had arrived at the conference hall and entering the open doors under the watchful eye of Mike, who now stood with two other security men studying the arriving delegates, Anne could not reply.

"Have a nice day you two" Mike called cheerfully as they passed him and he gave Anne a knowing grin. She grinned back and she and Faith, threading their way through the now rapidly filling auditorium, walked up the aisle together.

On entering the broadcasting room Faith removed her jacket, adjusted the chair and settled herself at the control desk. She watched Anne lock the door and smiled. "This little one I am sorry to say is where life will get rather boring for you. I'm afraid once they start I have to translate continually until they break. That's why Mark, Mark Howard, insisted on sessions lasting no more than hour at a time. Then there's supposed to be a fifteen to twenty minute break for me to rest my voice. They only allow sessions go on continuously if there are two or more interpreters."

"I don't mind. I'll just sit and watch over you." Anne said. "and I have my bleep in case I'm needed." and crossing to her side she put her arms round Faiths shoulders. "But I'm not going to wait a whole hour for a kiss and cuddle. You can jolly well give me one now to keep me going!" They kissed softly, their mouths opened and their tongues toyed and stroked as they tasted each other.

"Oh Faith." Anne groaned pulling away breathlessly and stepping back. "I know I must leave you alone but it is going to be sooo so difficult." She gave her a final lingering look, her hand brushed her cheek affectionately then she moved away and with a cheerful grin she said. "But I did promise ... I will behave. So, as Mike would say, you ferkoffee?"

"Well thank you Miss Wilde!" Faith chuckled and glancing out of the window and making final adjustments to her earpiece she said. "and you can keep it coming little one, despite Marks insistence on the maximum of hourly sessions they can go on longer or seem to do so just keep topping me up. I drink it in sips between chatting and I must warn you, once they start out there I do have to translate word for word so don't think that I'm ignoring you. I don't want you feeling offended."

"Oh Faith I understand completely and know you would never intentionally offend me." Anne replied and as she spoke a red light lit up on the wall in front of them and looking through the window Anne saw a man standing at the microphone on the stage.

"That's our Mark." Faith muttered looking at her watch. "Eyes down and look in, were are now on the air!" and she flipped the "Live" switch on and a red light lit up on the wall above. For a moment she was silent then in a soft but deliberate voice she began talking in what Anne assumed was Russian.

Quickly she made the coffee sat down opposite her and she watched. The Russian dialogue sounds quite pleasant she thought. I've never heard it spoken before and not understanding a word I'm surprised. I thought it would be a very rough sounding language, but the way she's talking it isn't at all ... maybe because it's her ... maybe it is just because it is Faith talking ...

Faiths face was calmly relaxed as she talked and sitting back Anne sipped her coffee and watched in silent homage. She wanted to move back to her side, to hold herself against her and touch her and as her eyes travelled down her body she finally had to look away as she became acutely aware of the mounting ache of her yearning for her.

It was some time later when, as she was just about to get up and make a third coffee Faith sat back in her chair and removing her earpiece flicked the switch off.

"Okay Wabbit, that's it for now. Apparently luncheon is now being served!" She looked up at the clock on the wall. "Not bad, an hour and ten minutes. That was just the introductory speech, I hope it hasn't bored the pants off you." and with a meaningful sly grin she said. "If it has we had better go up stairs quick!"

"Oh yes please!" Anne crossed over to her and hugged her. "I wish!" she chuckled. "and since when did my having my pants on stop you having me before." she giggled then she looked at her seriously. "I want you so much Faith. Just sitting here looking at you, it's driving me crazy!" She gave her a quick kiss then reluctantly pulled away. "But I guess we had better be sensible and go now, go and be sociable to the maddening crowd!"

"Yes we must. Apparently there are pre-lunch drinks in the Reception Hall where ever that is then lunch it's self. I must be back here at two forty five for the next session, that's a shade less than an hour and fifteen minutes!"

"Come then. Our public await us!" Anne said quietly, taking her hand and kissing the backs of her fingers. Leaving the control room, as they walked down the aisle to the main exit , she stayed close to Faiths side. After a brief chat with Mike at the door they walked on out of the Conference Hall and under her guidance, duly arrived at the Reception Hall.

The Reception Hall was the hotel ballroom and looking round Faith quickly counted about twenty tables laid up for lunch. Ten covers to each table, that's two hundred people she reflected. To the right was a long bar and the area was already filled with delegates.

"I didn't want a drink anyway!" Anne chuckled looking at the melee.

"Chablis Ladies? It is chilled of course!" They turned and Douglas stood behind them, accompanied by a tall curvaceous red headed waitress who was carrying a tray of glasses filled with white wine.

"You're an Angel Douglas!" Anne smiled taking a glass and as Faith took hers she noticed the waitress give Faith a bold, if not challenging smile followed by a swift but very thorough and very obvious full length appraising scan. The inspection completed, she gazed back, levelling her eyes quite openly at her. The look showed both admiration and brazen approval of what she had seen and it left Anne in no doubt as to her feelings for Faith or for that matter, her sexual leanings. With an audacious grin the waitress turned away to offer wine to other guests but before she moved on she managed a quick but meaningful over the shoulder "puppy eyes" glance at Faith. Faith glanced at Anne and gave her a small smile as their eyes met and Anne's scowled her disapproval then with a gentle shake of her head, she grinned.

"I have reserved a small table for you both Miss Anne. Table 11." Douglas informed them. "You two ladies, Mr Hilden and Miss Helen, Mr West if he has time and another gentleman, a Mr Howard. Mr Howard gave instructions that I seat him at your table Miss Faith, I trust that is in order?"

"Oh yes that's fine thank you Douglas, he's the boss man." Faith answered. "Better keep the chiefs happy!"

"But absolutement!" Douglas smiled, bowing slightly to Faith and followed by the wine bearing waitress he headed off in the direction of the crowded bar section of the hall.

"Marvellous!" Anne murmured, her eyes following the seductively undulating sway of the disappearing waitress. "Do you have any more admirers Faith, I sincerely hope my desire for you isn't as obvious as hers!"

"I really don't know what your talking about Miss Wilde." Faith chuckled and bending towards her whispered "I only have eyes for you ma petite biche, I promise!"

"Merci Mademoiselle." Anne said quietly and Faith smiled.

"Very good! Your accent is excellent!" Faith grinned at that moment they were interrupted.

"Faith my dear how was St. Petersburg? I hope they have been looking after you here!" Faith smiled at the tall dark haired man who had joined them who Anne recognised immediately as Mark Howard and she was surprised when as they shook hands he kissed Faith affectionately on the cheek. Faith turned to Anne.

"Mark, meet Anne Wilde - Anne Mark Howard." and turning back to him she said. "Anne is the conference co-ordinator here Mark and she's been looking after me superbly and as far as St. Petersburg was concerned it was freezing! Something like 20o below when I left. I can't understand why people live there, though it is in fact in parts a lovely city."

"Faith is very special Mr Howard and we would be lost without her." Anne said politely shaking hands with him. "I have tried my best to look after her!"

"Yes Anne, she is special and please call me Mark, I don't stand too much on the formalities of etiquette!" and abruptly he turned back to Faith. "I won't talk shop now Faith but we do have to talk, some thing has come up and I need your help."

Anne felt the same little chill of alarm she had felt when Mike mentioned Mark wanting to see Faith earlier and she watched with renewed apprehension as Mark took a glass of wine from Faiths admiring waitress who had returned and was now hovering close to Faith. What does he mean Anne wondered. Is she going to have to leave early ... leave before the conference finishes? Desperately she fought against the sense of foreboding that had suddenly enveloped her and forcefully reminded herself that she was an "optimist" and should behave like one. As she silently reflected on the possibilities of Faiths future they were joined by Brian Hilden and Helen and a moment later Mike West. Taking a deep breath, and hiding her concern, and though still apprehensive, she smiled cheerfully at them.

The Lunch passed uneventfully and as they all left the hall to return to the conference Anne felt decidedly better. If it had been a matter of urgency she told herself Mark would surely have brought the matter up. The opportunity had arisen several times for him to do so but as he and Faith chatted their conversation had all been about the Russian trip ... he had not once mentioned anything about her changing her schedule. But as they walked back to the hall however she became decidedly unsettled and seeing her crestfallen expression Faith asked quietly. "Are you okay little one?"

"Of course!" Anne lied, but when they entered the control room and she had quickly closed and locked the door behind her she rushed up to Faith and put her arms round her. "Faith what is happening?" she blurted unable to hold back. "Why does he want to see you? Please, I must know ..."

Faith, noticing the distress in Anne's voice and seeing the deep concern on her face pulled her in close and held her. "Hey, what's all this about little one?" she asked softly.

"Faith I just know he's going to ask you to go away! I just know it!" Anne gasped tearfully. "and I can't bear the thought of you going ... we haven't talked or anything and there is so much I want to say to you and if you go I ..."

"Hey hey! Just hold on there!" Faith interrupted raising Anne's chin with her thumb and forefinger to look down at her. "I'm not going anywhere, well not yet anyway!" She put her arms round her again and rocking her gently she kissed her hair and in a quiet soothing tone said. "Mark has already said he will see me at dinner tonight so whatever his problem is, I'm certainly going to be here tonight what ever happens."

Anne pulled back and looked at her. "I'm sorry, I know you think I'm being silly but I don't want you to just go. I need to talk to you and, and things ..."

Faith looked into the big blue eyes that gazed up at her, moist with the suspicion of tears. She reached for her and pulled her close again and held her tightly, pressing Anne's cheek into the comforting swell of her breasts. Affectionately she cuddled her and gently she stroked her hair.

"Shhh ... Come ma petite biche, we'll have plenty of time to talk and ... and plenty of time for things too, especially tonight! ... and do you honestly believe I could leave you and just go off after last night? ... with the relationship that we've now formed, do you? You've become very very special to me Anne Wilde and I wouldn't dream of letting that just fade into the past."

"Oh I do hope so Faith." Anne said pulling away. Gingerly she dabbed her eyes with a tissue and looking down at Faiths shirt she smiled coyly. "First it was your sheets and now I've messed your shirt. It's wet and, and I'm afraid there's a little lipstick smudge there too ... I'm sorry ..." She sniffed and looked up at Faith wide eyed and shyly bit her bottom lip.

Faith inspected the small damp marks and tell-tale smudge and looking back at her she smiled. "I'll wear my jacket, it will cover the evidence and how about we try your sheets tonight, that will even things up okay? Now come, I must get ready and ..." she smiled at Anne and went on light-heartedly, "and what about that coffee I was promised?"

She had been concerned at Anne's outburst but also gratified that Anne had shown the emotion she had. It was comforting to know this wasn't just a brief sexual encounter for her she thought, not a one night pull. She busied herself with the earpiece and made herself comfortable and when Anne returned as she waited for the kettle to boil, she affectionately squeezed her hand and smiled. "You okay now?"

"Of course." Anne answered. "I'm fine, I really am and I'm sorry Faith. I let myself get carried away there for a moment. It sort of built up ... "specially after seeing that waitress flirt with you. Honestly I'm all right now." She smiled and added. "and especially since I now know that your sleeping in my bed tonight!"

Faith did not have time to answer. The red light lit up and quickly with a final adjustment to her earpiece she threw the switch and giving Anne a brief lingering look and a smile that sent shivers through her she turned away. "Good afternoon fellow delegates ..." she began.

~ 15 ~

Sitting back in her chair and curling her legs beneath her Anne listened to the soft gentle sound of Faiths voice and it was quite some time later that she suddenly realised that Faith was actually speaking English and that she hadn't registered a word. Twice she made more coffee and though she tried on both occasions not to disturb her when she gave it to her she warmed when as without pausing in her dialogue Faith had reached out and affectionately and intimately caressed the cheeks of her bottom.

The minutes ticked by until suddenly with a flick of her hand, Faith finally switched the system off and leaning back in her chair removed her earpiece. Turning to Anne she smiled at her and raising her arms above her head, straightening her legs out and lifting her feet off the ground, she stretched. Then, swivelling round on her chair to face her, she said with a grin. "So, How's my baby? You've thirty minutes to tell me all your troubles!"

Anne had watched as Faith raised her arms and noted how the material of her shirt tightened against the swell of her breasts. She looked lustfully down at the long legs that pointed towards her. "Just keeping my hands off you is the only problem I've got at the moment, and if you stretch like that in front of me again I can't promise that! You've got me going all gooey just looking at you!" She stood up and crossed over to her. "I believe it's Tea and Bickies time." She said and giving her a quick hug she kissed her then moved to the door. Just as she went to slip the bolt there was a knock and she turned to Faith who quickly slipped her jacket on then nodded and with a smile Anne turned back and opened the door.

It was Mark Howard.

"Would you two ladies allow me to escort you to the tea room?" he asked politely giving them a slight, courteous bow.

"Well thank you Mark! We'd be delighted and honoured!" Faith answered laughing good-naturedly and leaving the office the three of them walked down the aisle towards the exit, Mark leading the way.

"You'll be pleased to know everyone is delighted with you performance as always Faith!" Mark called over his shoulder and smiling to Anne said. "Did you know Anne, Faith is the only interpreter that I have ever known who gets fan mail. We even have requests for recordings of her voice. People who have never even met her, they see her, hear her voice and that's it, They're hooked. And she has men and women in her fan club Anne and they couldn't care less what she's saying! And then there are the requests for photos ..."

"Mark, please you're exaggerating and your also embarrassing me." Faith exclaimed interrupting him and looking at Anne she said. "I told you he was a problem didn't I. I suspect he's after something as well and I'm normally right. Whenever he starts to flatter me he's usually warming up to ask a favour!"

Mark looked at Faith with a feigned hurt expression. "Faith! How unkind. That's not true! Well, not normally it isn't!"

They left the theatre and on reaching the Reception Hall were met at the door by Douglas who politely indicated a corner table. "Miss Anne, Miss Faith, Mr Howard sir, if you would like to go over there to the corner table Leanne will look after you."

They thanked him and crossed the room as instructed and Anne grinned at Faith as she recognised 'Leanne' as the admiring waitress from lunch time. She watched with a mixture of smouldering anger and amusement as the woman again openly flirted with Faith. She poured them their tea, politely pushing the cups across the table to herself and Mark but with Faith she not only asked if she had a preference of tea or coffee but asked if she wanted sugar and milk. Adding the sugar for her she handed Faith the cup and picking up a salver laden with biscuits and small cakes offered them to her.

"Would Miss Hollings like coffee, tea or me?" Anne quietly mimicked a short time later and seeing that Mark was out of ear shot talking to a delegate. Giving Faith a sarcastic smile she added in almost a whisper. "Perhaps Miss Hollings would like me to give her a quick blow job under the table to help relax her?"

Faith studied Anne over her coffee cup, her eyes smiling with amusement. "You really can be quite delightfully obscene when you want to can't you." she said quietly.

Anne grinned and seeing Mark was still out of earshot said "When I am with you yes ..." and then still imitating Leanne's Australian accent, she said "Tell you what Mate, I'll claw her bloody eyes out if she lays a finger on you, or anything else for that matter!"

Faith chuckled quietly as she looked at Anne and munching on her biscuit she said. "Just you behave yourself ... and for the record, your Australian accent is quite appalling!"

Anne smiled sheepishly then said. "Well honestly, just look at her! If she drools any more I'll have to wipe her chin. God knows what sort of state her knickers must be in."

"Anne!" Faith exclaimed wide eyed but grinning at the same time. "For goodness sake behave!"

Anne glared with mock anger at Leanne then turned back to Faith and smiled coyly. Faith wrinkled her nose at her with amused acknowledgement but their momentary privacy was suddenly ended by the arrival of more delegates and Mark also turned and rejoined them.

Anne watched as Faith was rapidly surrounded by delegates but in what seemed only a few minutes a bell rang and everyone began to head back to the conference hall. Anne watched as Leanne made a point of taking Faiths empty cup and plate from her, her fingers 'accidentally' just happening to brush Faiths as she did so and when Faith glanced at Anne Anne raised her eyebrows and looked to the ceiling in mock resignation.

Together they made their way to the theatre and when they entered Evania suddenly appeared and hugging Faith affectionately spoke briefly to her in Russian. Faith answered her and they then both turned and looked at Anne and Evania grinned and said something again in Russian and left. When they reached the privacy of the control room Anne turned to Faith as she bolted the door. "Do I barricade the door? ... just to make sure your not accosted by all your admirers and potential lovers during the speeches?"

"Anne shhh!" Faith said quietly as she sat at her desk. "You know your grossly exaggerating!"

"Huh! I wish." Anne retorted. "And what did the magnificent Evania want? As if I didn't know ... and why did she look at me like that?"

Faith looked at her, thoughtful for a moment then said. "You really want to know? I shouldn't tell you really as it will boost you ego unbearably. But okay I'll tell you. Firstly she joked that I was avoiding her and seeing you were with me she then asked if you and I had a thing going. I told her yes, we had. I told her yes ... and that we had become lovers and that you had slept the night with me. She said you were a very lucky girl and that she was very jealous. She also suggested that we should have a threesome which needless to say I declined saying I wanted you all to myself. Believe me now?"

Anne stared at Faith in disbelief. "Oh Faith how lovely of you! ... and yes, of course I believe you." Then she smiled and said cheerfully. "but I did need reassurance. Let's face it, both Evania and Leanne are very striking women compared to me ... I'm only little and ..."

"I told you last night Anne Wilde." Faith interrupted, keeping a vigilant eye on the stage. "You talk too much and at the moment your talking garbage! Just remember young lady, you've already shown me in the most delightful way that you're, and I quote '... just the right height and size ...' and she grinned as she slipped her earpiece in and looking out at the theatre again said "so how about some more coffee and a little less of the rabbit Wabbit?".

"Coffee coming up." Anne smiled and when, turning to put the kettle on, and with another very bad imitation of Leanne's accent, she said. "Geez sport I'll do just anything to please you Sheila!"

Faith toyed with her earpiece and looking over to her said gently. "Anne Wilde your are incorrigible and that accent, it really has to be the worst I have ever heard. It's diabolical!" and without looking at her said quietly "but I love you anyway!" and throwing the switch she began translating.


Anne lowered herself unsteadily on to her chair totally numbed by Faiths parting words. Her hands were suddenly moist and had began trembling slightly. Her temples throbbed noisily and her heart pounded in her chest and suddenly she was short of breath. Barely noticing Faiths calm pleasantly familiar voice as she sat translating, she sat motionless, staring at her dumbfounded. Faiths arms rested on the desk and she was toying with a thin gold propelling pencil and mesmerised Anne watched the long fingers sliding up and down it's length as repeatedly she turned it end to end.

She looked up at the clock on the wall ... nearly four thirty ... I can't speak to her for at least an hour. Nothing in the world she thought could I have wanted more than to hear her say those words and as she sat staring at her her mind was in a whirl. She just told me she loved me ... she said it... she did say it, she said she loved me ... but I love you anyway! ... but did she mean what she said, was she serious? ... or was she joking? ... she said ... but ... Oh God but I have a million questions Faith, and it all ends up as just one. Did you really really mean it ...

The kettle clicked loudly making her jump and getting up quickly she made coffee. Thankfully her hands were no longer shaking and her breathing was normal again but as she placed the coffee next to her, though Faiths Russian dialogue didn't falter Faith looked down and touched Anne's hand. Briefly her fingers closed affectionately on her wrist and gave her a gentle squeeze. Anne shivered at the contact and briefly she touched Faiths hand, then returning to her chair she sat down again. Her temples were throbbing again and her heart still thumped unmercifully and with amused resignation she registered the smooth warmth in her groin brought on by her touch. She's made me wet again she sighed. She just touched my hand and I am leaking like a sieve ... and curling her feet up beneath her, with a contented smile, she picked up her own coffee and adoringly watched Faith translating.

As she sat patiently watching and listening to Faiths soothing voice she sipped her coffee and she slowly tried to pull her thoughts together. Trying desperately to make sense of all that had happened since Faith had so dramatically entered her life. She tried to formulate a plan for the future. I must talk seriously to her she decided. I must find out exactly where I stand. She smiled as she recalled Faith saying how courageous she'd been in making the first move and thinking back realised that a disaster it would have been if Faith had been "straight" and had been offended by her confession.

A little shiver swept through her as she reflected briefly on what might have been and her pulse quickened even more. But no, the worst had not happened ... instead we made love. We made beautiful sensual and uninhibited love. We slept together, showered together and then, and then more passionate lovemaking ... and this morning, after the bathroom seduction, the ultimate sexual pleasure .... Soixante neuf the French call it ...her insides churned as she recalled the sexual gratification and beauty of the act .... Her scent and then the taste of her wetness as it began to flow... the touch of her body above me ... the feel of her firm thighs and buttocks and the softness of her breasts on my tummy .... and at the same time, her reciprocal caresses and her ministrations to my own eager body ....

Anne sighed as she felt the tingling of her sex responding to the erotic memories ...and then today she thought, she has said such wonderful things to me ... "ma petite biche", "my darling" and, and then finally those magic words. "but I love you anyway!" ...

Our relationship has changed. Dramatically changed in the last twenty four hours. Now we are lovers. Sexually, mentally and physically ... but is it possible she could have fallen in love with me? I fell in love with her fast enough so I guess it's quite possible ... but could I really dare hope ... Her stomach turned as suddenly her mind registered the possibility that to Faith it could be just a inconsequential "par for the course" sexual interlude. A short lived conference romance ... Oh God will it all end tomorrow when she leaves she wondered.

A change in speakers caused a brief break and Faith paused. Turning to Anne she pursed her lips and blew her a kiss and wrinkling her nose up she smiled at her.

Anne blew a kiss back just in time as Faith turned back and continued to translate. The brief visual contact and affectionate exchange had instantly pacified her. The gesture of affection and the softly blown kiss had dissolved the negative feelings of a moment ago and replaced them now with a feeling of contentment. Sighing softly she happily hugged her knees to her chest and settled back in her chair. She glanced again at the clock. Why does time always crawl so when you want it to fly she thought as her eyes strayed back to Faith. Her desire for her was overwhelming and the more she watched her the more she wanted her. I'm in love she thought happily. Anne Wilde, you're in love ...and you're in love with a woman who you have known of just twenty four hours ... Oh God I wish I could tell you I love you ... I want to tell you how much I want you and how much you mean to me ... She sat watching her for what seemed an eternity until finally Faith sat back and flicking the transmit switch off, she looked across at her.

"Nearly done little one, not long now!" she said quietly and Anne slipped off her chair and crossed over to her. Picking up the empty coffee cup and saucer she looked at her, her face serious.

"Faith, when we finish here, can we go straight up stairs to our room? I mean, well you know, not socialise in the bar and things first. It's important to me. I really do have to talk to you about ... about something ... "

Faith raising an eyebrow tilted her head and grinned and was about to joke with her but seeing her expression changed her mind. "Of course Of course little one." The red light flicked back on interrupting any further discussion and Faith turned away and switching the set back on continued to translate.

Patiently Anne again sat watching her. She ached with a desperate yearning for physical contact with her. She longed to reach out to her but even more she longed for clarification of what their relationship was going to be in the future. This beautiful woman she thought, this beautiful woman who has suddenly entered my life in such a devastating, spectacularly sensual and psychological way ... A couple of lines from a poem she had read somewhere came to mind and she recited them to herself as she gazed in silent adoration ...

... with you my love I have a love, a love that's deep and true

with you my love, I am in love, and I know not what to do ...

The smooth soft tone of Faiths voice had soothed her into a pleasurable state of enchanted oblivion and she jumped when suddenly there was a light tap on the door.

Quickly she stood up and crossed the room and glancing through the two-way window and her heart sank. Mark Howard stood outside the door.

"Damn" she muttered under her breath. "That's all I need now!" but quickly she opened the door, let him in and politely motioned him to a chair. He smiled acknowledgement and sat down, declining her silent offer of coffee with a shake of his head and Anne sat down on the remaining chair next to him, feeling decidedly uncomfortable and also feeling strangely resentful towards his arrival. She was acutely apprehensive as to his plans for Faith but at the moment her worst fear was that he might in some weird way pick up her feelings for Faith. I know it's crazy she told herself, there is no way, in fact no reason for him to even suspect but ... Desperately she wanted to present the image of a cool calm and efficient business woman but she was experiencing great difficulty in even trying to sit still and her sigh of relief some minutes later when Faith finally finished talking was almost audible.

"Hi Mark" Faith called after switching the system off. "And what do we owe the honour of such a visit may I ask?" She asked the question with a broad smile as she removed her earpiece. "I am correct in assuming that my official capacity has now ended until tomorrow am I not? I know of course that I am on call in case of an emergency but ..."

"Absolutely Faith! You are quite correct. Unless as you say, there is an emergency. Dinner tonight is strictly optional and informal. I do believe though ..." and he looking questioningly at Anne. "That in the reception hall there are free drinks this evening from seven ..."

Anne nodded agreement. "Yes!" she said quietly. "That is so."

"Good, then perhaps I may ask you two ladies to join me to accept the kind hospitality of the hotel and perhaps dine with me afterwards? It will I promise be just the three of us, well actually four as Mike West may join us but I promise," and he grinned at Faith crossing his heart in a dramatic show of sincerity. "No conference business chat!"

"Careful Anne!" Faith said feigning seriousness for a moment. "Remember what I told you earlier. When Mark is this charming he's after something. I'll double the bet to a hundred to one he's softening me up for a favour! He's also a tight fisted bugger and free drinks are a green light to him so don't be deceived by his charm!" She was smiling now and looking at Mark she raised her eyebrows questioningly and Anne realised she was teasing him.

Mark looked down at his feet with a slight show of embarrassment and cleared his throat. Looking up he glanced at Anne and grinning, shook his head. "She knows me too well Anne! Still, I know my Faith pretty well too. Obviously a bit of bribery is called for, a few vodkas and diet cokes followed by some good food and fine wine eh Faith?"

Faith laughed. "Well, that might help but I'm not committing myself to anything. We'll have the seduction first and then the chat later. Right Anne!"

"And whose side are you on Anne?" Mark asked looking at her enquiringly and smiled. "As if I didn't know."

"Oh definitely Faiths." Anne exclaimed with a chuckle but a pang of concern immediately slid through her. Had she answered to emphatically? and his comment, could he really have picked up her real feelings for Faith?

"Yeah well that figures, okay so I guess I will have to chat you both up then." He stood up and Anne looked across at Faith who was also now standing, rubbing the stiffness in the back of her neck.

"Fine Mark! We'd be delighted to join you!" she said then glanced at Anne and raised her eyebrows in question. "Anne I am sorry, I'm being very rude and presumptuous. I didn't ask if you had plans of your own and I assumed you would join us. Please, will you? I think I might need your support as he can be a real charmer and smoothie!"

Anne nodded. "I have no other arrangements and I would love to join you both, and I thank you both for the invitation." She smiled to herself as Faith looked at her. ... you gorgeous creature, you know only too well that I wouldn't dream of going anywhere without you and if I'd had any other arrangements you know very well I'd have instantly cancelled them ...

Faith moved over to her side and stood close. Casually she draped an arm round her shoulders and gave her a little hug. "Good, two against one then!"

"Fine" Mark exclaimed. "I'll be the envy of every man in the room and looking at you two, a few of the women as well I suspect. Particularly having seen some of the staff and delegates here! That Russian woman is quite something Faith don't you think?" he said with a grin.

"Not my type Mark!" Faith joked. Anne had blushed instantly at Marks comment and turned away to hide her discomfort but Faith came to her rescue. Affectionately she put her arm round her shoulder again. "Behave yourself Mark!" she said sternly, though she was smiling at him as she spoke. "It's all right Anne, Mark is one of the very few people outside my own private circle of friends who knows I'm a lesbian. I trust him implicitly Anne as he is I assure you a very good and sincere friend. Being the observant little bugger that he is I guess it didn't take him long to figure out our relationship."

Anne turned and looked first at Faith then at Mark in total disbelief. Her neck and face were on fire and she swallowed, unable to speak.

"She is quite correct Anne and knowing her as well as I do it took me a very short time to realise that she had found a ... a friend in you. Faith is a very dear friend of mine and I am truly delighted for her and for you. More actually than you will ever know and to allay your obvious concern, I assure you I would never divulge anything of a personal nature concerning her or you for that matter. I give you my word on that!"

"Oh dear me ..." Anne gasped. She looked again from Mark to Faith who smiled at her encouragingly and though she had been staggered at the sudden confirmation of her previous concerns, she gave a little sigh and put her arm round Faiths waist. "Well actually, I'm afraid someone else knows." She looked up at Faith and went on. I'm sorry Faith but Mike West is a very sincere and very close friend to me. He has known me for a long time and has also known of my ... well my gender preferences." She smiled shyly and went on "and though I actually didn't tell him, as Mark has done, he guessed about us immediately he saw us together." She then looked at Mark. "Mark, Mike is a true friend to me and I trust him implicitly as Faith does you. If Faith has such a trust in you then I of course will do so too but, but I do find the situation at this moment rather awkward and extremely embarrassing to say the least!"

"Please don't be embarrassed Anne and your trust in me will truly be honoured." Marks tone was one of genuine sincerity and Anne felt more at ease as with a broad smile he turned away from them and diplomatically changed the subject. "Okay then you two! It's settled, I'll see you both at seven in the bar!"

"Er ... can we make it seven thirty, seven thirty'ish to eight'ish Mark, it's already a quarter to six now and I'd like to shower and freshen up properly and change. I'm sure Anne does as well ..."

"Sounds fine to me!" Mark affirmed. "I feel a bit like a used rag myself!" and walking to the door he held it open to them and dutifully they filed out.

Faith waited as Anne locked the door behind them and as they walked down the isle of the now deserted theatre Faith slipped her fingers under Anne's long hair and caressed the back of her neck. Anne turned and looked up at her with a look of gratitude then turning to Mark Faith said. "I'd better check with Helen in case she has any problems then if all is well we'll go up and put our Glad Rags on Mark."

Faiths hand still lingered on her neck and Anne moved close to her side as they walked down to the exit. Only when they reached and entered the foyer did she move away.

"Excuse me Miss?" Faith jested to Helen when they arrived at the reception counter. "But may my pardner and I go to our rooms please, we've finished our work and further more, this man is harassing us!"

They all laughed and Helen nodded. "No problem, I trust we will have the pleasure of your company for drinks later?"

"Mark is going to chat us both up. Promised to wine and dine us!" Faith joked. "We are sure he is after something and what ever it is, it is going to cost him plenty!"

"Yeah yeah yeah okay, I admit I do need to talk about some future plans that I have but it will be I assure you be a light and informative discussion!" He chuckled looking at Helen and then looked at the ceiling with an expression of exasperated resignation. "I've been warned!"

"We'll see you later then Mark." Faith said smiling at him and she turned to Anne. "Come!" she said quietly. "Time that you and I went away to prepare our defences!"

As they walked together to the stairway Anne purposely kept a gap between them in case they were being watched but the closer they came to their rooms the more emotional she felt herself becoming. Marks last statement had instantly prompted a flood of concern about Faith and her possible departure and when she finally got to her door and opened it she hurriedly pulled Faith inside.

Quickly shutting it behind them she put her finger to her lips and hurried across the room to her bedroom to check they were alone. When she was satisfied they were she rushed back to Faith and flung her arms round her and hugging her tightly she gasped. "Oh Faith! Alone at last!"

Faith lent back against the door and putting her arms round her soothingly stroked her back and held her close. Anne pressed into her, nuzzling her face against the pillowing softness of her breasts, then taking a deep breath but still clinging on tightly, she began to pour out her heart.

"Faith, I know you'll think I'm stupid," she blurted. "But I have to talk to you and I know I'm going to say this all wrong Faith but, well I know you said that about me to Evania and that I was not to worry about her or Leanne but what is going to happen to us Faith? What happens when you have to leave, go away, and you will I know you will. Mark"s going to send you off somewhere I know it, I know it and what will you do about me? You won't just forget me will you Faith?" Her voice was becoming choked with emotion and though she tried desperately to fight it her eyes began to show signs of tears and in a moment she began to sob quietly. "Faith you're not going to leave me are you, please don't go away and forget about me Faith, I don't want our relationship to end like that Faith, you mean so much to me ..."

Faith pried herself from Anne's hold and placing her hands on her shoulders held her at arms length. Gently she shook her. "Anne Wilde! Will you just sush!" she said sternly but kindly. "Just for one minute will you be quiet!"

Anne looked up at her and nodded. Biting her lower lip she wiped a tear from her cheek with the back of her hand. She was about to speak again but Faith, anticipating her, quickly bent down and kissed her firmly on the mouth and at the same time, scooped her up in her arms and carrying her bodily, walked quickly through to the bedroom.

Anne put her arms round Faiths neck and breaking their kiss began to sob again and burying her face in the crook of Faiths neck she finally blurted out what she had been wanting to say for so long. "Oh Faith I feel awful, so stupid you can't understand but ... but Faith I'm sorry but, but I have fallen in love with you Faith. I'm in love with you and can't help myself. I just love you so much ..." She sniffed noisily and went on. "So now I've said it, so now you know. I just don't know what I'll do if I loose you ..." She gulped for air and before Faith could speak she raced on, "Faith I know last night was fantastic. It truly was but Faith it's not just the wonderful sex we had, Faith it's everything about you. Faith I'm so in love with you and I couldn't bear it if you went away ..."

Faith had reached the edge of Anne's bed and as Anne was holding her so tightly she leant forward and they fell on to it, landing with Anne beneath her. Reaching up she unwound Anne's arms and holding her now tear streaked face in her hands she again kissed her forcefully on the mouth. She pressed down hard, silencing the verbal outburst, and the sobs, and only when Anne began to respond to her embrace did she ease away.

"Now you listen in young lady, I have something to say, okay?" she said softly.

Anne was gasping for air and nodded but then blurted. "I know it's only been twenty four hours since we met Faith but I do, I do love you, honestly I ..."

Smiling Faith placed a hand firmly over Anne's mouth to cut her short. "Will you please just shut up for one minute?" she commanded.

Anne nodded.

"You promise? not a word till I tell you?"

Anne nodded again and slowly Faith lifted her hand away. She grinned at Anne's silence, for a moment holding her hand just inches from her mouth. Anne's eyes were full of tears but she managed a small smile and Faith sighed as Anne again nervously nibbled her bottom lip. Satisfied that her silence was now assured she went on.

"Okay then. That's better." She wiped the tears from Anne's cheek with her thumb and pushed her hair back from her face. "Now, you just listen in. I am not going to leave you Anne or forget about you either. And I do not want this relationship to end like that as you blithely describe it, okay?" She placed a finger across Anne's mouth to ensure silence and Anne nodded. Though still tearful, her eyes began to smile.

"All right then. Now, for your information you do not have a monopoly on the love situation. It frightened the hell out of me when I realised it but of course I love you Anne. I thought you realised that ages ago but obviously you've been too uptight to have detected it. Anne, I don't want our relationship to end, quite the opposite in fact. The future maybe hold difficulties for us both as for starters obviously like me you haven't generally come-out on the lesbian front ... Also, because of our jobs and I think we both feel the same way about that. I know we can cope and, well as far as my job is concerned I have to do some explaining to you on that score. Suffice to say for now that I on occasions am ..." she paused then went on "let us say covertly I am sometimes more than just an interpreter. But that can wait. Anne I grew very fond of you, almost from the moment we met, and I want to build on our relationship as much as you, not loose it. Okay?"

Anne nodded.

"Well I'm glad that's that sorted!" Faith chuckled and before Anne could answer she bent down to her and again kissed her hard on the mouth. Their embrace was passionate but finally Faith pulled away.

"Thank you." Anne whispered "I'm happy now I know you aren't leaving me and, and that you do love me after all ..." She buried her face back into the curve of Faiths neck and shoulders and hung on to her tightly and as the tears came back she gasped between sobs. "I'm so relieved, I'm so happy ..."

"Then God help us when you get miserable!" Faith murmured quietly with a chuckle and again she hugged her.

"I am sorry Faith, I'm not normally a cry baby but the thought of suddenly losing you was just all to much for me. My insides couldn't cope!" As she spoke her voice was punctuated with little sniffs and sobs but her face showed the signs of her relief and she began to smile. "So, so much has happened, and it has all been so sudden."

"Well now at least you know you're not loosing me." Faith said kindly and feeling her stir beneath her she kissed her again but she took her time and their embrace again was long deep and passionate. Finally their lips parted but as they gasped for air they began fondling each other. Their hands searched and caressed intimately until finally Faith rolled away from her and lay on her side breathing heavily. "Oh God! Come on you, for goodness sake we must stop this. I'm getting so randy again and if we continue ... well I must go and we my dear one, we must get changed."

"But Faith, you can't!" Anne exclaimed staring at her. "You can't leave now! You, you said you loved me!" She reached for a tissue and blew her nose noisily. "You can't go now!" she said again.

"So, yes I said I loved you and I meant it. I do love you." Faith looked at her with an amused but quizzical expression on her face. "But why pray should that stop me leaving so we can go and change?"

"Well you said you loved me so do it, you've got to do it!" Anne grinned.

"Do what darling?" Faith queried.

"Make love to me of course!" Anne murmured.

Faith kissed her cheek. "Darling we just don't have time! We'll make love later tonight I promise but not now, there just isn't time. Though God help me I want you so badly it hurts!"

"But Faith you must, you can't leave me like this. I'm all, well you know I'm thingy again."

Faith stared at her. "Oh God ... but Anne, the time and ..."

"Faith, I am serious, you just can not leave me like this ... I'm so wet ... just you feel, you said yourself this morning that you couldn't leave me all thingy, still applies!" She giggled mischievously and wriggled herself against Faith and added in a whisper "A quickie!"

"But Anne!" Faith looked at her then resignedly sighed. "Oh God but you'll be the death of me but ..." Their lips crushed together as Faith pressed down on her and swiftly reaching down she found and undid the zip on Anne's skirt. Hiking her shirt up she quickly slid her hand up the inside and in a moment was cupping a small breast in her palm. She caressed it, lightly squeezing the softness with her fingers, teasing and pinching the nipple and Anne moved beneath her, moaning quietly with pleasure and pushing her shirt free Faith drew the other breast into her mouth and Hungrily sucked and pulled on the nipple.

"Oh yes!" Anne gasped through clenched teeth pulling her hard into her. Reaching down Faith roughly pulled her skirt free and Anne felt the long cool fingers sliding up her thighs. She parted her legs and groaned as they swiftly dipped beneath the leg band of her pants.

"Oh my you weren't kidding were you," Faith whispered. "You really are thingey aren't you. Anne your absolutely soaking!" and without pausing, her fingers probed the smooth wetness and slid into her.

"I told you ... " Anne gasped, writhing and pushing against her. She lifted her hips and without further prompting Faith, hastily removing her fingers, slid her pants off. Quickly, she knelt between Anne's legs and reaching under her she cupped Anne's buttocks in her palms. Briefly she nuzzled and kissed the tops of her thighs then sliding her tongue into the soft wetness her mouth hungrily pressed down.

Anne lay back and groaned, surrendering to the blissful sensations but suddenly, to her dismay Faith pulled away and getting off the bed, stood up.

Anne stared up at her in disbelief. "Faith, what ..."

"Just get those clothes off!" Faith said quietly, her eyes fixed on Anne's and she began unbuttoning her shirt. "All of them, I want you naked ... and be quick about it." she ordered. Anne shivered with excitement. In an instant she had stripped and was submissively lying back on the bed naked. Her eyes had not left Faiths and she watched in eager anticipation as Faith almost as quickly removed her own clothes.

Licking her lips Anne began fondling her breasts, squeezing them gently and still holding their gaze she reached down with her other hand and slowly started to masturbate.

"You learn fast." Faith breathed huskily as she stepped out of her pants and lowered herself back on to the bed.

"I think it turns me on doing it in front of you more than it does you watching me." Anne whispered.

"Don't you believe it!" Faith murmured. "I'm leaking like a sieve!"

Anne reached for her. She ran her fingers through the soft springy hair probing between her thighs and she began stroking her. "I see what you mean, how beautiful."

"Come on you, it's you who needs the loving right now!" Faith breathed and quickly pushing her back she bent down and again took a small breast in her mouth and sliding her hand down her fingers quickly re-entered her. They moved fast and knowingly and at the same time, almost brutally she nibbled hard on Anne's nipple.

Anne arched up. "Oh God Faith, oh my God!" she blurted. She curved towards her, her leg lifting over Faiths thighs as she moved against her, trying to keep in time.

Faith continued to suckle the breast, swirling her tongue firmly over the smooth softness again, taking the tip between her teeth, she nibbled hard on it and closing her free hand over the other breast, pinched the other nipple firmly between her thumb and forefinger. The pain was instant but exquisite and Anne cried out as, with perfect precision, the probing fingers tips gently but firmly circled inside her. Anne groaned again through clenched teeth and a shuddering spasm swept through her. She gripped Faith tightly with her arms and legs. Her body convulsed and jerked uncontrollably several times then gradually, the spasm passed' and as Faiths caresses slowed down Anne finally released her grip. "Oh God." she gasped, still trembling as the aftermath of her orgasm continued to radiate through her body. "Oh Faith ...!" she panted.

"Well now Miss Wilde." Faith whispered and kissing Anne on the forehead she tasted the salty dampness of her perspiration. She had partly removed her fingers but her hand still cupped and pressed on the smooth warm wetness of Anne's sex but gently she released her hold on her and propped herself up on one elbow. "Do you think that will keep you satisfied until tonight?"

Anne's face was flushed and she was still panting. "Faith, Faith you did that, you made me come so quickly, it was barely a couple of minutes ... I don't believe it!"

Faith smiled. "No my darling, we made you come, not I! We both wanted it to happen and ... well we did it together." She looked down at Anne lying on her back, legs splayed and she watched with a lustful fascination as her fingers intimately stroked the smoothness between them. "How beautiful, so beautifully sensual and delicious." she whispered as he fingers slid in then out of the clinging softness between the glistening lips.

Anne looked at her. Panting she licked her lips. "I want to stay here Faith. Stay here all night, I want us to make love all evening and all night ... "

Faith smiled and bending down she kissed her shoulder. "I would like that too my darling, but duty calls. Later perhaps, in fact no perhaps, definitely. We will make love again later." Sliding her lips along Anne's shoulder she traced her tongue into the hollow of her collar bone then kissed her way up her neck. Their mouths met and they kissed each other hungrily. Submitting again to the temptation, Faith slid her fingers back into Anne's wetness. "... and you must put this little wet fluffy away!" she whispered, probing her with long gentle strokes. "... or I'll change my mind and stay, and then we will both be in big trouble, unexplainable trouble!".

"I couldn't care less!" Anne answered softly her hips lifting and pushing into Faiths caresses. "All I can think of is being here with you ..."

Faith smiled. "If only life was that easy!" she sighed. Then, as their eyes held, she removed her fingers and brought them up to her lips. She inhaled noisily then delicately, she licked them. "Who could would want dinner after tasting this." she whispered. "I think, ma petite biche, we need to spend some very serious time together tonight, a whole lot of time. In private ..."

"Oh Yes." Anne answered, realising the glorious implications of Faiths statement.

"And when we are alone again, then I will finish what I only started just now!" Faith murmured, "Let's just hope we can get away early." Then quickly in one swift movement she swung herself off the bed.

She swayed away gently to avoid Anne's grabbing hands and quickly she collect her shoes and discarded clothes from the floor and retreating quickly, headed for the door to her own suite.

"Spoil sport!" Anne derided then she called after her. "Faith ..."

Faith stopped and turned to face her. "Faith, I am. I am really truly in love with you, you must know that now. I was so afraid I was going to lose you ..." she got up off the bed and hastily crossed over and stood in front of her. The grey green eyes studied her seriously for a moment and then Faith smiled and abruptly she went down on one knee in front of her. Anne stood in front of her. Just like a small child Faith thought she gazed at her small breasts and the slim waist that widened to gentle hips. The small but pronounced mound of her pubis, crowned with the wispy pubic hair ... Faith slid her hands up the back of Anne's legs, caressed the cheeks of her bottom then reached up and took Anne's face in her hands and she kissed her. Wrapping her arms round her she held her next to her body and said quietly. "I need you Anne. Just as much as you need me ... " She sighed deeply then nuzzling her neck with little kisses she murmured. "I need you as my friend as well as my lover. Don't you ever forget that"

They held each other, relishing the warm sensual contact of their bodies until with a final squeeze Faith let go and taking both of Anne's hands in hers she lifted them to her lips and tenderly kissed the centre of each palm. She then closed them into little fists. "When ever you feel low or have any doubts about me," she said quietly, "those two kisses will always be there for you!"

"Thank you." Anne whispered. The lump in her throat threatened to suffocate her and hugging her again she gasped. "I am sorry about earlier, I can get very emotional I'm afraid and you have somewhat upset my orderly little world!"

"Well no more worrying okay?" Faith chuckled. "and you'd better be for real Anne Wilde as I'm not in the habit of having long-term one-sided relationships!" She paused then added "and I think that this one is going to be a very long one!" For a moment she held her gaze then briskly she said "See you in half an hour okay! Thirty minutes!" and in a flash she'd stood back up, turned and had gone.

Anne walked back to the bed and sat down on it. Pulling her knees to her chest she hugged herself, rocking gently back and forth in a state of contented bliss. Finally putting her feet back down on the floor she looked at her watch. Twenty five minutes, twenty five minutes and she'll be back ... and jumping off the bed she ran through to the bathroom. Quickly she tucked her hair into a shower cap and stepped under the spray. "Twenty-four minutes," she said aloud. "Twenty four minutes and I'm back in heaven."

Next: Chapter 6: Little Doe 16 17

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