Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Aug 28, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy! Had some trouble yet again with emails, so if you sent me one and it didn't make it, sorry. You know I love you all anyway.

Little Guy

By Stoo

This chapter is dedictated to Lori, love you loads babe, chin up!

After we saw Sarah and Ryan off for the night Al and I sat quietly in the living room for a while. Ryan and Sarah had spent the night growing gradually closer and closer. It culminated in a brief kiss at the end of the night and an exchange of telephone numbers. It was unusual for Ryan to be so taken with someone. He was usually a very casual guy about relationships. Everyone changes when they meet the right kind of person, I guess.

We were pretty much silent; Al nestled in beside me, his head resting lightly on my side as I lay across the couch. All I could do was look at the ring on my finger and smile, knowing what it signified.

"Stoo..." His voice was a barely audible whisper, a little hoarse and choked with emotions.

"Mmm." I turned my head so I could see his face.

"I was so nervous tonight, I thought you would have freaked or something!" I smiled, giving him a mock look of disappointment.

"Al, you know I love you so much. But I can see how you would have been nervous!" I conceded, kissing him on the forehead, my lips lingering. I wasn't eager to lose contact, but my neck muscles were straining so I moved my head back, "Tonight was special little guy, it was perfect. You are a little romantic stud muffin!" I said, rolling over and grasping him up into a tight embrace. Gently, I kissed his neck and shivered as his hands played lightly over my back. The car door shutting outside the house signalled my mum and dad were back, though, so reluctantly we broke apart.

I quickly crossed the hall and opened the door as my dad was thanking the taxi driver and paying him. He was a little unbalanced and babbling on happily.

"Hey dad!" I smiled as I moved to the passenger door and opened it. My mum smiled; she was obviously tired. She doesn't have those longer- lasting batteries. Giving her a little peck on the cheek, I retrieved the wheelchair from the boot and insisted that I push her into the house. I was a little more sober than my dad. As I wheeled my mum inside the living room, my dad lingered behind to close the door. Gently, I stroked my mum's hair and removed her jacket for her.

"Have a good night?" I asked, placing the jacket to one side, forgetting that I was wearing a ring on my wedding finger.

"Yeah it was..." My mum let forth a little shriek off excitement, her eyes lighting up, her dead batteries suddenly getting a jolt. Al, who had been sitting on the couch, sprang to his feet in surprise. He was closely followed by my dad who stumbled into the room, scanning around for whatever had excited my mum.

"What?" He asked, "Wha'sit?" He slurred the end of the sentence a little.

"Let me see it!" My mum was bouncing around on her chair, her eyes sparkling. I finally caught on to what she was saying and smiled, obediently holding my hand out for her to inspect the ring. She let forth a little gasp as she took my hand, turning it over to examine both sides,

"It's beautiful... Oh my god Alan baby!" She held out her arms for Al to go over and hug her. As Alan was being attacked by my mother I could see the questioning look on my dad's face.

"Wha'sit?" He repeated, staggering over to me. I held my hand up for him to see and he squinted his eyes a little. Finally, he made the connection and two great arms were wrapped around me, "Bloody hell!" He murmured, hugging me tightly, "Bloody brilliant!" He patted me on the back and dragged me still in a hug over to my mum and Al. We had a kinda awkward group hug thing, my dad struggling to balance and lean in to hug us all. It was quite amusing.

I got my mum settled into bed. My dad was in no fit state to help her change so I did. Gently, I tucked the covers up to her chin and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

"Nitey nite mumsy!" I jested, stroking her hair a little. My dad was struggling to get his pyjama top on, but when he finally managed, he awkwardly slumped into bed, "Don't be thinking you are getting a kiss!" I poked him in the side and got a grumble for a response. With a smile my mum shoed me away and I closed the door behind me.

Stepping out into the landing, I made sure my mum's chair lift was swivelled round so that if anyone had to get downstairs during the night they could get past it. It was then that I heard my mobile phone. Al answered it for me as I walked into the bedroom.

"Hey... Stoo's phone?" Al was stifling a yawn at the time, "Oh, hi Scotty, uh huh... Yup, ok pal gimme two secs and I'll ask him!" Al held the phone to his shoulder. My brother had been staying at a friend's house all week, and I was a bit worried that he should be phoning at this time. "Stoo, Scott wants to know if you can pick him up... Seems like he doesn't feel too great, wants to come home!" I nodded rubbing Al's neck a little, holding him close to me.

"Tell him to call a taxi and get it to drop him off here, I'll wait up and pay the guy when he gets here. I can't drive, I've been drinking!" Al relayed the message and hung up. His eyes were a little droopy and dark as he stifled another yawn.

"I'll come down and wait with you!" He said nobly, even though he was half sleeping on his feet.

"Nuh uh, you are going to bed little guy, I need you to warm the bed up for me!" He grinned and gave me a hug before sliding under the covers, "I love you babes!" I kissed him deeply, and he moaned slightly, his hands finding their way to my back, "Sleep time mah wee angel, you look beat!" He nodded as we broke the kiss and then lay his head carefully on the pillow. His hair had fallen partially over his face. He blew it backwards and stared at me with those intense blue eyes for a moment.

"When you come to bed tonight, even if I'm sleeping, will you hold me?" He asked, his hair had flopped back down again, and he looked too cute.

"Baby, I intended too, believe me!" With that I made my way downstairs satisfied at the loving smile Al had given me before I left. Scott arrived home in the taxi after about forty minutes, looking tired. His usually spiky hair was flat to his head bar the section at the back which was sticking up. His shoulders were hunched over, a little rucksack over his back. He gave me a sad look. His face was particularly white, and I could tell he had been crying. He looked like a lost puppy standing under the street lamp as the taxi pulled away. I knew that he didn't come home because he wasn't feeling well, something different was wrong. I sorted his collar which was tucked the wrong way in and drew him into a hug.

"Hey, Scotty, wanna spill?" He just shook his head as I took his rucksack.

"Maybe in the morning, I'm tired!" Giving his hair a little tussle I locked the door behind us.

"Ok, anytime little monkey!" He gave me a sharp look as though he was ready for a fight, then realised that I was a cool big brother after all. He just shook his head sadly, his mouth closing after considering screaming at me.

"You suck!" He grinned retreating up the stairs, his pride intact knowing he had the last word. I let it slide, smiling to myself as I walked up to my room.

Al was still awake, lying with his back to me, though the only way I could tell he was awake was the fact he had just given himself a good old stretch. His back arching, the sheets rising a little revealing his naked back and tight black Kalvin boxers. I smiled, knowing that he had doggedly stayed awake just for me even though he must have been washed out. As slowly and quietly as I could, I crept into the room. I moved over to him and leaned over to his ear. "I suck!" I whispered seductively, seeing his body stiffen slightly with a fright. Then he slowly turned round offering me a smile, raising his eyebrows.

"Oh really?" He grinned madly, shaking his head, "Not very well, though, tough guy!" With a wink he rolled back over and closed his eyes. I raised both eyebrows in shock.

"Oh..." I shook my head. "That's cold!" I chuckled and slid into bed.

"Mmm!" Al moaned as I snuggled up close to him, "Yeah it was... But SO not true!" He spun around with a grin on his face and kissed me deeply.

"I'll see you in the morning tiger!" I played my hands lightly over his chest, with a smile.

"Yes you will. Just remember, you SUCK!" His brilliant white teeth could be caught even in the darkness. A full-on sexy Al smile is just irresistible, and I had to kiss him again. As he pulled back, tenderly stroking my hair, he chuckled.

"What's so funny?" I put on a mock whiney voice.

"You are a great big brother you know that?" I pulled Al into my arms, his head resting against my chest, one of his legs draped over my own.

"What makes you say that?"

"I heard you talking to Scotty when he came in. He was in a downer bout something, but you made him laugh and you let him know that you were there for him all at once. That's special man." His hair brushed against my nipple as he nuzzled into my chest, causing me to shiver.

"Well, you know what it's like man, you are a big brother too and from what he tells me a pretty damn good one too!" He shook his head.

"I don't know man. I mean he doesn't even know that we are gay yet... I don't think he'll understand even if we do tell him... What kind of big brother will I be then?" I kissed him gently on the forehead, rubbing his sides.

"Babes... You'll be the big brother who will always look out for him no matter what. Maybe he won't realise it, but you will always be that guy. That's all that matters, that you will always be there when he needs you. He'll figure that out eventually!"

"Fucking hell... When did you get so deep?" Al giggled.

"When the hell did you get a potty mouth?" I shot back tickling his sides.

"Must have been your fault, what with you being a ghetto street brawling caveman!" he countered, even though he was struggling to breathe with the tickling. I stopped tickling, pretending my feelings were hurt.

"I am not a caveman... I happen to be very intellectual... A philosopher... I am... Ok... I am a Neanderthal... So you better shut up before I bat you with my club!"

"Promises, promises!" He giggled, snuggling into me.

"G'night mah wee angel!" I pulled the covers up around us, enveloping his smaller frame with my body.

"Night Stoo... You big caveman!" Al kissed my chest, nuzzling in to make himself comfortable.

"Ug!" I responded breathing in the smell of shampoo on his hair before closing my eyes, content with life.

If you haven't already done so, read the story called "Begin Anew" in the Highschool section, it's a bit of a tearjerker in places, I loved it. Love and Peace, Stoo.

Next: Chapter 12

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