Little Guy

By stoo man

Published on Sep 1, 2003


This story is based on real events. Some of the character names have been changed to protect various parties. If you are under age and/or are living in an area where stories involving male/male sex is illegal then leave now. The author retains all rights. I love to hear from you all, so as ever please drop me a line at It's real easy, just takes a minute and you will make me a real happy guy!

Little Guy

By Stoo

The next morning we were up bright and early. I had packed a few things away the night before and I was now fitting them into the boot. Al stood at the doorway scratching his head. He was so tired, the shower hadn't even woken him up.

"You can sleep in the car!" I laughed but he shook his head.

"I'll be fine... Just stop for coffee, ok!" He grinned and I nodded.

"Can't wait to get on the road!" I said as I moved around the car, checking all the tires. Then I popped the hood. I didn't fancy driving into the Highlands and then figuring out there was something wrong with the car. As I was bending over to check the oil, I felt Al's hands circle my waist.

"Mmm, just stay like that!" he whispered, causing me to giggle.

"Get a grip, you randy bugger!" He responded by thrusting against me.

"I've got a grip and I'm not letting go!" I shook my head sadly, closing the oil cap.

"Oh, yeah... Well I had toast and beans this morning before you got up... If you follow me!" Al released me and dived backwards allowing me to get into the car with a chuckle.

"Really?" He asked suspiciously. His eyes were so damned cute and puffy cause he was tired.

"No... But it got you off me!" He shook his head. "Would you close the bonnet for me big boy!" I grinned as he dropped the bonnet closed and climbed into the car. Quickly he adjusted the seat, until the backrest was reclined a little. Ryan had been the last person in the passenger seat and he likes the backrest forwards. It is a constant cause of minor friction between the two.

"He does it just to spite me!" Al grumbled, rubbing his hands together because of the morning chill.

"Yeah! He does!" I confirmed, "Don't worry babes, I've got the heaters on, won't be long till it heats up!" Al reached across and drew me in close, kissing my cheek.

"I'm warm now!" He said resting his head on my chest. I grinned, he always know the right thing to say to make a guy's heart melt. "Stoo..." He looked up into my eye's offering a little smile when he saw how much love I was looking upon him with.

"Yeah?" I gently played my hands over his short sideburns, which were quite jaggy because they were recently trimmed. I love the feeling of recently-cut hair.

" I love you!" He whispered causing me to chuckle.

"That's weird!" I whispered back, causing him to raise his eyebrows.

"Why?" He seemed to be taken aback.

"Cause it's exactly how I feel about you!" He giggled, his body shaking against mine.

"You're daft!" I tousled his hair and kissed his head as he settle back into his own seat.

"Yeah... True!" With the car sufficiently warm, I flipped a cd from it's case and put it on. Probably one of the Eagles cd's I have in the car (hee hee hee), more than likely the `Hell Freezes Over' one.

Driving into the Highlands is just an amazing thing. One minute you are in the city, then you pass farmland and then the next minute right in front of you are huge rolling hills as far as the eye can see. It was now late morning and the sun had made an appearance making the heaters redundant. We now had both windows and the sunroof open, moving along the fast country roads. I kept it just under the speed limit, there is no point driving fast through scenery like this. It's just too breathtaking.

"Hey buddy, look over there!" I pointed out the window with a smile, causing Al to spin round, "That's the three sisters!" I pointed to a glen where three mountains stood side by side. Even now they were shrouded with mist and snow, "Now let me see if I can get this right. They are called..."

"Beinn Fhada, Gearr Aonach and Aonach Dubh!" Al shot me a wide grin. I was shocked that he knew and it must have been apparent in my face, "Your dad let me see some of the pictures you have of them, and he explained them all to me!"

"Damn, my dad stole my thunder!" We both laughed out loud as we passed the valley by. If you ever get the chance to see the Scottish Highlands, it's well worth it. When the clouds lift and the sun smiles it can be a place of immense sparkling beauty, a place where the heart quickens at the sight of the mountains. Where the sheer and absolute harmony of nature can stop you dead in your tracks. It's that first sighting of the Buachaille Etive Mor at the very gates of Glencoe.

Driving on for another twenty or so minutes, I pulled the car onto a small dusty track to the left,. Spinning the wheel to the right, I pulled into a small parking area. Deliberately I had pulled up right next to one of the most beautiful spots by the river. To the left there is an old building which had been whitewashed and converted into a hotel, and to the right is a massive mountain. Al's jaw was practically on the floor.

"What do you think, babes?" I asked as the fans of the car could be heard over the absolute silence of the place. The engine clicked as it began to cool down after the long drive.

"God, this place is so beautiful, Stoo!" He was out the car, his wonderful blue eyes soaking up the beauty surrounding him for the very first time. It was a wonderful thing to watch, as he didn't know which part to settle his eyes on. I locked up the car and joined him on a huge rock overlooking the river.

"There is a path that leads down to the river, Al you have got to feel how cold the water is. It's ice!" Al took a huge inhalation of breath, letting the clear air fill his lungs. Then almost reluctantly he let it go. He hopped down off the rock, and I led him by the shoulders down a steep path to the river. His foot slid a little, and he fell back into my chest, I caught him easily but he didn't push himself off and upright again, instead he just snaked his arms around my waist. Once we had stepped down near the river's edge, I let him go, allowing him to move to take in the beauty of the fast-flowing water. Gingerly, he dipped his fingers in and withdrew them sharply, whooping with a mixture of joy and surprise.

"God, that's COLD!" He danced about me like a kid in a candy store. "Look, look at the size of that fish!" It seemed that to further Al's delight the big brown trout rose to the surface of the water and flopped back down into it. I remember sitting on that exact spot the very first time I had been up here, my dad's arm round me with him pointing out the fish and me leaping about as filled with energy as any eleven year old. Now seeing Al, although older than eleven (ha ha ha), leaping about gave me a little nostalgic feeling. After taking a few snap shots of Al standing by the river with the wind in his hair and that killer smile on his face, we had a picnic which I had brought with me.

I spread the tartan shawl on the ground laying out the basket. We munched quietly on what treats I had made up the night before with equally wide grins on both our faces. Al's cheeks were quite red because of the highland air and his fleece jacket was pulled up around his shoulders. Damn, he looked cute!

"Cold?" I asked him with a smile. He nodded, shrugging his shoulders.

"A little!" He confirmed and I held one arm out for him to come snuggle in. With a smile he scooted over, still munching on a slice of quiche. Nestling himself under my arm, he reached over for a roll. After munching our way through the picnic, I lay back on the shawl. Just content to be where I was. Al was sitting cross legged beside my side, just looking all around himself.

"Hey, best is yet to come, matey!" After clearing up we hit the road again. About twenty minutes later we pulled in for petrol and Al decided he needed to go to the toilet before his bladder burst. So he dived off whilst I filled the car. When he got back to the car he looked a bit relieved.

"I thought I was gonna have to pee in some bush or sumit there!" I laughed rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sure all the sheep round here would have loved that sight!" As I was speaking I had been slowly crawling the car forwards. Then, as he was about to respond, I pulled sharply out onto the road once more pushing him back into his seat.

"Bastard!" He mouthed causing me to grin.

"I should have done that when you needed the toilet!" He threw me a threatening glare and I raised one hand in surrender.

"Ok I give in!" As we cruised the twisting roads, Al seemed captivated with every part of the scenery. It was glorious to watch him awe-inspired by the Highlands, just as I had been as a boy. It had taken up the best part of the day driving around and having the picnic. The last leg of the journey took about another hour. It was growing late, and Al was getting tired. Being on the road all day can do that to you.

He was asleep by the time I pulled the car up next to Loch Leven. The sun was just setting as we arrived and I grinned. Perfect. Shutting down the engine I took a moment to marvel at the beauty of his sleeping form. Giving him a little nudge, I woke him.

"Damn, sorry, Stoo, must have dozed off... Where are we?" He looked around himself seeing we were parked up. The trees in front of us were blocking the loch, so he had no idea.

"Let's take a little stroll see If we can wake you up a little!" I suggested with a smirk, getting out the car. He looked at me curiously for a minute then followed. I pressed the small button on my key-ring locking the doors from habit. There was no one else here though, no other cars in the dusty parking area and no one around for miles. Al jogged a short distance to catch up with me, hooking his arm around my waist.

"Aww, look Stoo look at the sunset!" He snuggled into my chest.

"Yeah it's beautiful. Best is yet to come, though!"

Al shook his head. "It's all been great, but why do you keep saying that?" As we passed the trees,Al stopped dead at my side. The fiery orange globe in the sky was just settling on a mountain top in the distance. Both the mountain and the sun was reflected perfectly on the still water of the loch.

"I wanted to make it really special for you... Your first time up north... But I couldn't have asked for anything better than this!" I smiled, hugging him tightly. He just held on to me, his body trembling against me, I felt a tear wet my cheek and I held him out at arms length, "Hey, what's wrong, little guy?" I asked, concern etched in my voice.

"Nothing is wrong, everything is just... just so right!" He dragged me close to him again and there we stood. Beside the lake with the sun setting, chest to chest, I could feel his heart beating, we were so close, and I could smell the sweet scent of his aftershave, the smell of his shampoo, mingled with his own fresh scent.

"You romantic swine!"

He giggled and sniffed at the same time.

Love and Peace Stooooooooooooo.

Next: Chapter 13

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